1 // Copyright 2010 Timothy Brownawell <tbrownaw@prjek.net>
2 // You may use, copy, modify, distribute, etc, this file with no other
3 // restriction than that this notice not be removed.
5 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
6 #include <vector>
8 // This is *NOT* a normal STL-compatible container! It pretends well enough
9 // to work with parallel_iter and such, but it does not have find(),
10 // insert(), erase().
11 //
12 // Because this is copy-on-write, and the copying is per-node instead of for
13 // the whole object, the nodes can not have parent pointers (also, having
14 // parent pointers would I think make the size 2^n+4 instead of 2^n, which
15 // AIUI would waste almost equal space with common memory allocators).
16 // This lack of parent pointers means that iterators are expensive, so they're
17 // not used except for, well, iteration.
19 template<typename _Key, typename _Value, int _Bits>
20 class cow_trie
21 {
22 public:
23   typedef _Key key_type;
24   //typedef _Value value_type;
25   typedef std::pair<_Key, _Value> value_type;
26 private:
27   enum { mask = (1<<_Bits)-1 };
28   enum { levels = (sizeof(_Key) * 8 + _Bits - 1) / _Bits };
30   struct middle_node_type
31   {
32     boost::shared_ptr<void> contents[(1<<_Bits)];
33   };
34   struct leaf_node_type
35   {
36     _Value contents[1<<_Bits];
37   };
39   _Value _empty_value;
40   unsigned _count;
41   boost::shared_ptr<void> _data;
walk(boost::shared_ptr<void> & d,_Key key,int level,_Value ** ret)43   bool walk(boost::shared_ptr<void> & d, _Key key, int level, _Value **ret)
44   {
45     if (!d)
46       {
47 	if (level > 0)
48 	  d.reset(new middle_node_type());
49 	else
50 	  d.reset(new leaf_node_type());
51       }
52     if (!d.unique())
53       {
54 	if (level > 0)
55 	  d.reset(new middle_node_type(*boost::static_pointer_cast<middle_node_type>(d)));
56 	else
57 	  d.reset(new leaf_node_type(*boost::static_pointer_cast<leaf_node_type>(d)));
58       }
59     unsigned idx = (key >> (_Bits * level)) & mask;
60     if (level > 0)
61       return walk(boost::static_pointer_cast<middle_node_type>(d)->contents[idx],
62 		  key, level-1, ret);
63     else
64       {
65 	*ret = &boost::static_pointer_cast<leaf_node_type>(d)->contents[idx];
66 	return true;
67       }
68   }
walk(boost::shared_ptr<void> const & d,_Key key,int level,_Value ** ret) const70   bool walk(boost::shared_ptr<void> const & d, _Key key, int level, _Value **ret) const
71   {
72     if (!d)
73       {
74 	return false;
75       }
76     unsigned idx = (key >> (_Bits * level)) & mask;
77     if (level > 0)
78       return walk(boost::static_pointer_cast<middle_node_type>(d)->contents[idx],
79 		  key, level-1, ret);
80     else
81       {
82 	*ret = &boost::static_pointer_cast<leaf_node_type>(d)->contents[idx];
83 	return true;
84       }
85   }
86 public:
cow_trie()87   cow_trie() : _count(0) { }
size() const88   unsigned size() const { return _count; }
empty() const89   bool empty() const { return _count == 0; }
clear()90   void clear()
91   {
92     _count = 0;
93     _data.reset();
94   }
set(_Key key,_Value const & value)95   _Value const & set(_Key key, _Value const & value) {
96     _Value *p;
97     walk(_data, key, levels-1, &p);
98     bool b = (*p != _empty_value);
99     bool a = (value != _empty_value);
100     if (b && !a)
101       --_count;
102     else if (a && !b)
103       ++_count;
104     *p = value;
105     return *p;
106   }
set_if_missing(_Key key,_Value const & value)107   bool set_if_missing(_Key key, _Value const & value)
108   {
109     _Value *p;
110     walk(_data, key, levels-1, &p);
111     if (*p != _empty_value)
112       return false;
113     if (value != _empty_value)
114       {
115 	++_count;
116 	*p = value;
117       }
118     return true;
119   }
unset(_Key key)120   void unset(_Key key) {
121     set(key, _empty_value);
122   }
get_if_present(_Key key) const123   _Value const &get_if_present(_Key key) const {
124     _Value *p;
125     if (walk(_data, key, levels-1, &p))
126       return *p;
127     else
128       return _empty_value;
129   }
130   // This is actually not the same as above.
131   // It's non-const, so it calls the other walk().
get_unshared_if_present(_Key key)132   _Value const &get_unshared_if_present(_Key key)
133   {
134     _Value *p;
135     if (walk(_data, key, levels-1, &p))
136       return *p;
137     else
138       return _empty_value;
139   }
141   class const_iterator
142   {
143     struct stack_item
144     {
145       boost::shared_ptr<void> ptr;
146       unsigned idx;
operator ==cow_trie::const_iterator::stack_item147       bool operator==(stack_item const & other) const
148       {
149 	return ptr == other.ptr && idx == other.idx;
150       }
151     };
152     std::vector<stack_item> stack;
153     friend class cow_trie;
const_iterator(cow_trie const & t)154     explicit const_iterator(cow_trie const & t)
155     {
156       if (t._data)
157 	{
158 	  stack_item item;
159 	  item.ptr = t._data;
160 	  item.idx = (unsigned)-1;
161 	  stack.push_back(item);
162 	  ++(*this);
163 	}
164     }
165     _Value _empty_value;
166   private:
167     value_type _ret;
168   public:
operator ==(const_iterator const & other)169     bool operator==(const_iterator const & other)
170     {
171       return stack == other.stack;
172     }
operator !=(const_iterator const & other)173     bool operator!=(const_iterator const & other)
174     {
175       return stack != other.stack;
176     }
const_iterator()177     const_iterator() { }
operator ++()178     const_iterator const & operator++()
179     {
180       while (!stack.empty())
181 	{
182 	  stack_item & item = stack.back();
183 	  boost::shared_ptr<middle_node_type> middle
184 	    = boost::static_pointer_cast<middle_node_type>(item.ptr);
185 	  boost::shared_ptr<leaf_node_type> leaf
186 	    = boost::static_pointer_cast<leaf_node_type>(item.ptr);
187 	  for (++item.idx; item.idx < (1<<_Bits); ++item.idx)
188 	    {
189 	      if (stack.size() == levels)
190 		{
191 		  if (leaf->contents[item.idx] != _empty_value)
192 		    {
193 		      _ret.first = (_ret.first & ~mask) | item.idx;
194 		      _ret.second = leaf->contents[item.idx];
195 		      return *this;
196 		    }
197 		}
198 	      else
199 		{
200 		  if (middle->contents[item.idx])
201 		    {
202 		      int shifts = levels - stack.size();
203 		      int bits = shifts * _Bits;
204 		      _ret.first = (_ret.first & ~(mask<<bits)) | (item.idx<<bits);
205 		      stack_item i;
206 		      i.ptr = middle->contents[item.idx];
207 		      i.idx = (unsigned)-1;
208 		      stack.push_back(i);
209 		      break;
210 		    }
211 		}
212 	    }
213 	  if (item.idx == (1 << _Bits))
214 	    stack.pop_back();
215 	}
216       return *this;
217     }
operator *() const218     value_type const & operator*() const
219     {
220       return _ret;
221     }
operator ->() const222     value_type const * operator->() const
223     {
224       return &_ret;
225     }
226   };
227   friend class const_iterator;
begin() const229   const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this); }
end() const230   const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); }
231 };
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239 // End:
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