xref: /freebsd/contrib/wpa/src/wps/upnp_xml.c (revision c1d255d3)
1 /*
2  * UPnP XML helper routines
3  * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Intel Corporation
4  * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sony Corporation
5  * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Atheros Communications
6  * Copyright (c) 2009, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
7  *
8  * See wps_upnp.c for more details on licensing and code history.
9  */
11 #include "includes.h"
13 #include "common.h"
14 #include "base64.h"
15 #include "http.h"
16 #include "upnp_xml.h"
19 /*
20  * XML parsing and formatting
21  *
22  * XML is a markup language based on unicode; usually (and in our case,
23  * always!) based on utf-8. utf-8 uses a variable number of bytes per
24  * character. utf-8 has the advantage that all non-ASCII unicode characters are
25  * represented by sequences of non-ascii (high bit set) bytes, whereas ASCII
26  * characters are single ascii bytes, thus we can use typical text processing.
27  *
28  * (One other interesting thing about utf-8 is that it is possible to look at
29  * any random byte and determine if it is the first byte of a character as
30  * versus a continuation byte).
31  *
32  * The base syntax of XML uses a few ASCII punctionation characters; any
33  * characters that would appear in the payload data are rewritten using
34  * sequences, e.g., &amp; for ampersand(&) and &lt for left angle bracket (<).
35  * Five such escapes total (more can be defined but that does not apply to our
36  * case). Thus we can safely parse for angle brackets etc.
37  *
38  * XML describes tree structures of tagged data, with each element beginning
39  * with an opening tag <label> and ending with a closing tag </label> with
40  * matching label. (There is also a self-closing tag <label/> which is supposed
41  * to be equivalent to <label></label>, i.e., no payload, but we are unlikely
42  * to see it for our purpose).
43  *
44  * Actually the opening tags are a little more complicated because they can
45  * contain "attributes" after the label (delimited by ascii space or tab chars)
46  * of the form attribute_label="value" or attribute_label='value'; as it turns
47  * out we do not have to read any of these attributes, just ignore them.
48  *
49  * Labels are any sequence of chars other than space, tab, right angle bracket
50  * (and ?), but may have an inner structure of <namespace><colon><plain_label>.
51  * As it turns out, we can ignore the namespaces, in fact we can ignore the
52  * entire tree hierarchy, because the plain labels we are looking for will be
53  * unique (not in general, but for this application). We do however have to be
54  * careful to skip over the namespaces.
55  *
56  * In generating XML we have to be more careful, but that is easy because
57  * everything we do is pretty canned. The only real care to take is to escape
58  * any special chars in our payload.
59  */
61 /**
62  * xml_next_tag - Advance to next tag
63  * @in: Input
64  * @out: OUT: start of tag just after '<'
65  * @out_tagname: OUT: start of name of tag, skipping namespace
66  * @end: OUT: one after tag
67  * Returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure
68  *
69  * A tag has form:
70  *     <left angle bracket><...><right angle bracket>
71  * Within the angle brackets, there is an optional leading forward slash (which
72  * makes the tag an ending tag), then an optional leading label (followed by
73  * colon) and then the tag name itself.
74  *
75  * Note that angle brackets present in the original data must have been encoded
76  * as &lt; and &gt; so they will not trouble us.
77  */
xml_next_tag(const char * in,const char ** out,const char ** out_tagname,const char ** end)78 int xml_next_tag(const char *in, const char **out,
79 		 const char **out_tagname, const char **end)
80 {
81 	while (*in && *in != '<')
82 		in++;
83 	if (*in != '<')
84 		return 1;
85 	*out = ++in;
86 	if (*in == '/')
87 		in++;
88 	*out_tagname = in; /* maybe */
89 	while (isalnum(*in) || *in == '-')
90 		in++;
91 	if (*in == ':')
92 		*out_tagname = ++in;
93 	while (*in && *in != '>')
94 		in++;
95 	if (*in != '>')
96 		return 1;
97 	*end = ++in;
98 	return 0;
99 }
102 /* xml_data_encode -- format data for xml file, escaping special characters.
103  *
104  * Note that we assume we are using utf8 both as input and as output!
105  * In utf8, characters may be classed as follows:
106  *     0xxxxxxx(2) -- 1 byte ascii char
107  *     11xxxxxx(2) -- 1st byte of multi-byte char w/ unicode value >= 0x80
108  *         110xxxxx(2) -- 1st byte of 2 byte sequence (5 payload bits here)
109  *         1110xxxx(2) -- 1st byte of 3 byte sequence (4 payload bits here)
110  *         11110xxx(2) -- 1st byte of 4 byte sequence (3 payload bits here)
111  *      10xxxxxx(2) -- extension byte (6 payload bits per byte)
112  *      Some values implied by the above are however illegal because they
113  *      do not represent unicode chars or are not the shortest encoding.
114  * Actually, we can almost entirely ignore the above and just do
115  * text processing same as for ascii text.
116  *
117  * XML is written with arbitrary unicode characters, except that five
118  * characters have special meaning and so must be escaped where they
119  * appear in payload data... which we do here.
120  */
xml_data_encode(struct wpabuf * buf,const char * data,int len)121 void xml_data_encode(struct wpabuf *buf, const char *data, int len)
122 {
123 	int i;
124 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
125 		u8 c = ((u8 *) data)[i];
126 		if (c == '<') {
127 			wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&lt;");
128 			continue;
129 		}
130 		if (c == '>') {
131 			wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&gt;");
132 			continue;
133 		}
134 		if (c == '&') {
135 			wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&amp;");
136 			continue;
137 		}
138 		if (c == '\'') {
139 			wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&apos;");
140 			continue;
141 		}
142 		if (c == '"') {
143 			wpabuf_put_str(buf, "&quot;");
144 			continue;
145 		}
146 		/*
147 		 * We could try to represent control characters using the
148 		 * sequence: &#x; where x is replaced by a hex numeral, but not
149 		 * clear why we would do this.
150 		 */
151 		wpabuf_put_u8(buf, c);
152 	}
153 }
156 /* xml_add_tagged_data -- format tagged data as a new xml line.
157  *
158  * tag must not have any special chars.
159  * data may have special chars, which are escaped.
160  */
xml_add_tagged_data(struct wpabuf * buf,const char * tag,const char * data)161 void xml_add_tagged_data(struct wpabuf *buf, const char *tag, const char *data)
162 {
163 	wpabuf_printf(buf, "<%s>", tag);
164 	xml_data_encode(buf, data, os_strlen(data));
165 	wpabuf_printf(buf, "</%s>\n", tag);
166 }
169 /* A POST body looks something like (per upnp spec):
170  * <?xml version="1.0"?>
171  * <s:Envelope
172  *     xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
173  *     s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
174  *   <s:Body>
175  *     <u:actionName xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v">
176  *       <argumentName>in arg value</argumentName>
177  *       other in args and their values go here, if any
178  *     </u:actionName>
179  *   </s:Body>
180  * </s:Envelope>
181  *
182  * where :
183  *      s: might be some other namespace name followed by colon
184  *      u: might be some other namespace name followed by colon
185  *      actionName will be replaced according to action requested
186  *      schema following actionName will be WFA scheme instead
187  *      argumentName will be actual argument name
188  *      (in arg value) will be actual argument value
189  */
xml_get_first_item(const char * doc,const char * item)190 char * xml_get_first_item(const char *doc, const char *item)
191 {
192 	const char *match = item;
193 	int match_len = os_strlen(item);
194 	const char *tag, *tagname, *end;
195 	char *value;
197 	/*
198 	 * This is crude: ignore any possible tag name conflicts and go right
199 	 * to the first tag of this name. This should be ok for the limited
200 	 * domain of UPnP messages.
201 	 */
202 	for (;;) {
203 		if (xml_next_tag(doc, &tag, &tagname, &end))
204 			return NULL;
205 		doc = end;
206 		if (!os_strncasecmp(tagname, match, match_len) &&
207 		    *tag != '/' &&
208 		    (tagname[match_len] == '>' ||
209 		     !isgraph(tagname[match_len]))) {
210 			break;
211 		}
212 	}
213 	end = doc;
214 	while (*end && *end != '<')
215 		end++;
216 	value = os_zalloc(1 + (end - doc));
217 	if (value == NULL)
218 		return NULL;
219 	os_memcpy(value, doc, end - doc);
220 	return value;
221 }
xml_get_base64_item(const char * data,const char * name,enum http_reply_code * ret)224 struct wpabuf * xml_get_base64_item(const char *data, const char *name,
225 				    enum http_reply_code *ret)
226 {
227 	char *msg;
228 	struct wpabuf *buf;
229 	unsigned char *decoded;
230 	size_t len;
232 	msg = xml_get_first_item(data, name);
233 	if (msg == NULL) {
235 		return NULL;
236 	}
238 	decoded = base64_decode(msg, os_strlen(msg), &len);
239 	os_free(msg);
240 	if (decoded == NULL) {
241 		*ret = UPNP_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
242 		return NULL;
243 	}
245 	buf = wpabuf_alloc_ext_data(decoded, len);
246 	if (buf == NULL) {
247 		os_free(decoded);
248 		*ret = UPNP_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
249 		return NULL;
250 	}
251 	return buf;
252 }