1 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-20 Bradley M. Bell
4 CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
5              Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.
7 This Source Code may also be made available under the following
8 Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
9 in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
10       GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13 /*
14 $begin subgraph_jac_rev.cpp$$
15 $spell
16     Cpp
17     Jacobian
18 $$
20 $section Computing Sparse Jacobian Using Reverse Mode: Example and Test$$
22 $srcthisfile%0%// BEGIN C++%// END C++%1%$$
24 $end
25 */
26 // BEGIN C++
27 # include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
subgraph_jac_rev(void)28 bool subgraph_jac_rev(void)
29 {   bool ok = true;
30     //
31     using CppAD::AD;
32     using CppAD::NearEqual;
33     using CppAD::sparse_rc;
34     using CppAD::sparse_rcv;
35     //
36     typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(AD<double>) a_vector;
37     typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double)     d_vector;
38     typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t)     s_vector;
39     typedef CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(bool)       b_vector;
40     //
41     // domain space vector
42     size_t n = 4;
43     a_vector  a_x(n);
44     for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
45         a_x[j] = AD<double> (0);
46     //
47     // declare independent variables and starting recording
48     CppAD::Independent(a_x);
49     //
50     size_t m = 3;
51     a_vector  a_y(m);
52     a_y[0] = a_x[0] + a_x[1];
53     a_y[1] = a_x[2] + a_x[3];
54     a_y[2] = a_x[0] + a_x[1] + a_x[2] + a_x[3] * a_x[3] / 2.;
55     //
56     // create f: x -> y and stop tape recording
57     CppAD::ADFun<double> f(a_x, a_y);
58     ok &= f.size_random() == 0;
59     //
60     // new value for the independent variable vector
61     d_vector x(n);
62     for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
63         x[j] = double(j);
64     /*
65            [ 1 1 0 0  ]
66     J(x) = [ 0 0 1 1  ]
67            [ 1 1 1 x_3]
68     */
69     //
70     // row-major order values of J(x)
71     size_t nnz = 8;
72     s_vector check_row(nnz), check_col(nnz);
73     d_vector check_val(nnz);
74     for(size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++)
75     {   // check_val
76         if( k < 7 )
77             check_val[k] = 1.0;
78         else
79             check_val[k] = x[3];
80         //
81         // check_row and check_col
82         check_col[k] = k;
83         if( k < 2 )
84             check_row[k] = 0;
85         else if( k < 4 )
86             check_row[k] = 1;
87         else
88         {   check_row[k] = 2;
89             check_col[k] = k - 4;
90         }
91     }
92     //
93     // select all range components of domain and range
94     b_vector select_domain(n), select_range(m);
95     for(size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
96         select_domain[j] = true;
97     for(size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i)
98         select_range[i] = true;
99     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
100     // Compute Jacobian using f.subgraph_jac_rev(x, subset)
101     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
102     //
103     // get sparsity pattern
104     bool transpose     = false;
105     sparse_rc<s_vector> pattern_jac;
106     f.subgraph_sparsity(
107         select_domain, select_range, transpose, pattern_jac
108     );
109     // f.subgraph_jac_rev(x, subset)
110     sparse_rcv<s_vector, d_vector> subset( pattern_jac );
111     f.subgraph_jac_rev(x, subset);
112     //
113     // check result
114     ok  &= subset.nnz() == nnz;
115     s_vector row_major = subset.row_major();
116     for(size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++)
117     {   ok &= subset.row()[ row_major[k] ] == check_row[k];
118         ok &= subset.col()[ row_major[k] ] == check_col[k];
119         ok &= subset.val()[ row_major[k] ] == check_val[k];
120     }
121     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
122     // f.subgraph_jac_rev(select_domain, select_range, x, matrix_out)
123     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
124     sparse_rcv<s_vector, d_vector>  matrix_out;
125     f.subgraph_jac_rev(select_domain, select_range, x, matrix_out);
126     //
127     // check result
128     ok  &= matrix_out.nnz() == nnz;
129     row_major = matrix_out.row_major();
130     for(size_t k = 0; k < nnz; k++)
131     {   ok &= matrix_out.row()[ row_major[k] ] == check_row[k];
132         ok &= matrix_out.col()[ row_major[k] ] == check_col[k];
133         ok &= matrix_out.val()[ row_major[k] ] == check_val[k];
134     }
135     //
136     ok &= f.size_random() > 0;
137     f.clear_subgraph();
138     ok &= f.size_random() == 0;
139     return ok;
140 }
141 // END C++