1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file sygus_unif.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief sygus_unif
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include "expr/node.h"
22 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/sygus_unif_strat.h"
23 #include "theory/quantifiers_engine.h"
25 namespace CVC4 {
26 namespace theory {
27 namespace quantifiers {
29 /** Sygus unification utility
30  *
31  * This utility implements synthesis-by-unification style approaches for a
32  * set of functions-to-synthesize. These approaches include a combination of:
33  * (1) Decision tree learning, inspired by Alur et al TACAS 2017,
34  * (2) Divide-and-conquer via string concatenation.
35  *
36  * This class maintains, for each function-to-synthesize f:
37  * (1) A "strategy tree" based on the syntactic restrictions for f that is
38  * constructed during initialize (d_strategy),
39  *
40  * Based on the above, solutions can be constructed via calls to
41  * constructSolution.
42  */
43 class SygusUnif
44 {
45  public:
46   SygusUnif();
47   virtual ~SygusUnif();
49   /** initialize candidate
50    *
51    * This initializes this class with functions-to-synthesize f. We also call
52    * this a "candidate variable". This function can be called more than once
53    * for different functions-to-synthesize in the same conjecture.
54    *
55    * This call constructs a set of enumerators for the relevant subfields of
56    * the grammar of f and adds them to enums. These enumerators are those that
57    * should be later given to calls to notifyEnumeration below.
58    *
59    * This also may result in lemmas being added to strategy_lemmas,
60    * which correspond to static symmetry breaking predicates (for example,
61    * those that exclude ITE from enumerators whose role is enum_io when the
62    * strategy is ITE_strat). The lemmas are associated with a strategy point of
63    * the respective function-to-synthesize.
64    */
65   virtual void initializeCandidate(
66       QuantifiersEngine* qe,
67       Node f,
68       std::vector<Node>& enums,
69       std::map<Node, std::vector<Node>>& strategy_lemmas);
71   /**
72    * Notify that the value v has been enumerated for enumerator e. This call
73    * will add lemmas L to lemmas such that L entails e^M != v for all future
74    * models M.
75    */
76   virtual void notifyEnumeration(Node e, Node v, std::vector<Node>& lemmas) = 0;
77   /** construct solution
78    *
79    * This attempts to construct a solution for each function-to-synthesize
80    * based on the current set of enumerated values. Returns null if it cannot
81    * for some function (for example, if the set of enumerated values is
82    * insufficient, or if a non-deterministic strategy aborts).
83    *
84    * This call may add lemmas to lemmas that should be sent out on an output
85    * channel by the caller.
86    */
87   virtual bool constructSolution(std::vector<Node>& sols,
88                                  std::vector<Node>& lemmas) = 0;
90  protected:
91   /** reference to quantifier engine */
92   QuantifiersEngine* d_qe;
93   /** sygus term database of d_qe */
94   quantifiers::TermDbSygus* d_tds;
96   //-----------------------debug printing
97   /** print ind indentations on trace c */
98   static void indent(const char* c, int ind);
99   /** print (pol ? vals : !vals) as a bit-string on trace c  */
100   static void print_val(const char* c,
101                         std::vector<Node>& vals,
102                         bool pol = true);
103   //-----------------------end debug printing
104   /** the candidates for this class */
105   std::vector<Node> d_candidates;
106   /** maps a function-to-synthesize to the above information */
107   std::map<Node, SygusUnifStrategy> d_strategy;
109   /** domain-specific enumerator exclusion techniques
110    *
111    * Returns true if the value v for e can be excluded based on a
112    * domain-specific exclusion technique like the ones below.
113    *
114    * results : the values of v under the input examples,
115    * exp : if this function returns true, then exp contains a (possibly
116    * generalize) explanation for why v can be excluded.
117    */
118   bool getExplanationForEnumeratorExclude(Node e,
119                                           Node v,
120                                           std::vector<Node>& results,
121                                           std::vector<Node>& exp);
122   /** returns true if we can exlude values of e based on negative str.contains
123    *
124    * Values v for e may be excluded if we realize that the value of v under the
125    * substitution for some input example will never be contained in some output
126    * example. For details on this technique, see NegContainsSygusInvarianceTest
127    * in sygus_invariance.h.
128    *
129    * This function depends on whether e is being used to enumerate values
130    * for any node that is conditional in the strategy graph. For example,
131    * nodes that are children of ITE strategy nodes are conditional. If any node
132    * is conditional, then this function returns false.
133    */
134   bool useStrContainsEnumeratorExclude(Node e);
135   /** cache for the above function */
136   std::map<Node, bool> d_use_str_contains_eexc;
138   //------------------------------ constructing solutions
139   /** implementation-dependent initialize construct solution
140    *
141    * Called once before each attempt to construct solutions.
142    */
143   virtual void initializeConstructSol() = 0;
144   /** implementation-dependent initialize construct solution
145    *
146    * Called once before each attempt to construct solution for a
147    * function-to-synthesize f.
148    */
149   virtual void initializeConstructSolFor(Node f) = 0;
150   /** implementation-dependent function for construct solution.
151    *
152    * Construct a solution based on enumerator e for function-to-synthesize of
153    * this class with node role nrole in context x.
154    *
155    * ind is the term depth of the context (for debugging).
156    */
157   virtual Node constructSol(
158       Node f, Node e, NodeRole nrole, int ind, std::vector<Node>& lemmas) = 0;
159   /**
160    * Heuristically choose the best solved term for enumerator e,
161    * currently return the first by default. A solved term is one that
162    * suffices to form part of the solution for the given context. For example,
163    * x is a solved term in the context "ite(x>0, _, 0)" for PBE problem
164    * with I/O pairs { 1 -> 1, 4 -> 4, -1 -> 0 }.
165    */
166   virtual Node constructBestSolvedTerm(Node e, const std::vector<Node>& solved);
167   /**
168    * Heuristically choose the best conditional term from conds for condition
169    * enumerator ce, random by default.
170    */
171   virtual Node constructBestConditional(Node ce,
172                                         const std::vector<Node>& conds);
173   /** Heuristically choose the best string to concatenate from strs to the
174   * solution in context x, currently random
175   * incr stores the vector of indices that are incremented by this solution in
176   * example outputs.
177   * total_inc[x] is the sum of incr[x] for each x in strs.
178   */
179   virtual Node constructBestStringToConcat(
180       const std::vector<Node>& strs,
181       const std::map<Node, unsigned>& total_inc,
182       const std::map<Node, std::vector<unsigned> >& incr);
183   //------------------------------ end constructing solutions
184   /** map terms to their sygus size */
185   std::map<Node, unsigned> d_termToSize;
186   /**
187    * Whether to ensure terms selected by the above methods lead to minimal
188    * solutions.
189    */
190   bool d_enableMinimality;
191   /** returns the term whose sygus size is minimal among those in terms */
192   Node getMinimalTerm(const std::vector<Node>& terms);
193 };
195 } /* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
196 } /* CVC4::theory namespace */
197 } /* CVC4 namespace */