1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file theory_uf.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Dejan Jovanovic, Morgan Deters
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief This is the interface to TheoryUF implementations
13  **
14  ** This is the interface to TheoryUF implementations.  All
15  ** implementations of TheoryUF should inherit from this class.
16  **/
18 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #ifndef __CVC4__THEORY__UF__THEORY_UF_H
21 #define __CVC4__THEORY__UF__THEORY_UF_H
23 #include "context/cdhashset.h"
24 #include "context/cdo.h"
25 #include "expr/node.h"
26 #include "expr/node_trie.h"
27 #include "theory/theory.h"
28 #include "theory/uf/equality_engine.h"
29 #include "theory/uf/symmetry_breaker.h"
31 namespace CVC4 {
32 namespace theory {
33 namespace uf {
35 class UfTermDb;
36 class StrongSolverTheoryUF;
38 class TheoryUF : public Theory {
40   friend class StrongSolverTheoryUF;
41   typedef context::CDHashSet<Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeSet;
42   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> NodeNodeMap;
43 public:
45   class NotifyClass : public eq::EqualityEngineNotify {
46     TheoryUF& d_uf;
47   public:
NotifyClass(TheoryUF & uf)48     NotifyClass(TheoryUF& uf): d_uf(uf) {}
eqNotifyTriggerEquality(TNode equality,bool value)50     bool eqNotifyTriggerEquality(TNode equality, bool value) override
51     {
52       Debug("uf") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerEquality(" << equality << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false" )<< ")" << std::endl;
53       if (value) {
54         return d_uf.propagate(equality);
55       } else {
56         // We use only literal triggers so taking not is safe
57         return d_uf.propagate(equality.notNode());
58       }
59     }
eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate,bool value)61     bool eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(TNode predicate, bool value) override
62     {
63       Debug("uf") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerPredicate(" << predicate << ", " << (value ? "true" : "false") << ")" << std::endl;
64       if (value) {
65         return d_uf.propagate(predicate);
66       } else {
67        return d_uf.propagate(predicate.notNode());
68       }
69     }
eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag,TNode t1,TNode t2,bool value)71     bool eqNotifyTriggerTermEquality(TheoryId tag,
72                                      TNode t1,
73                                      TNode t2,
74                                      bool value) override
75     {
76       Debug("uf") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyTriggerTermMerge(" << tag << ", " << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
77       if (value) {
78         return d_uf.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2));
79       } else {
80         return d_uf.propagate(t1.eqNode(t2).notNode());
81       }
82     }
eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)84     void eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
85     {
86       Debug("uf-notify") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyConstantTermMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
87       d_uf.conflict(t1, t2);
88     }
eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t)90     void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t) override
91     {
92       Debug("uf-notify") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyNewClass(" << t << ")" << std::endl;
93       d_uf.eqNotifyNewClass(t);
94     }
eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)96     void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
97     {
98       Debug("uf-notify") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPreMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
99       d_uf.eqNotifyPreMerge(t1, t2);
100     }
eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1,TNode t2)102     void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2) override
103     {
104       Debug("uf-notify") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyPostMerge(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ")" << std::endl;
105       d_uf.eqNotifyPostMerge(t1, t2);
106     }
eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1,TNode t2,TNode reason)108     void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason) override
109     {
110       Debug("uf-notify") << "NotifyClass::eqNotifyDisequal(" << t1 << ", " << t2 << ", " << reason << ")" << std::endl;
111       d_uf.eqNotifyDisequal(t1, t2, reason);
112     }
114   };/* class TheoryUF::NotifyClass */
116 private:
118   /** The notify class */
119   NotifyClass d_notify;
121   /** The associated theory strong solver (or NULL if none) */
122   StrongSolverTheoryUF* d_thss;
124   /** Equaltity engine */
125   eq::EqualityEngine d_equalityEngine;
127   /** Are we in conflict */
128   context::CDO<bool> d_conflict;
130   /** The conflict node */
131   Node d_conflictNode;
133   /** extensionality has been applied to these disequalities */
134   NodeSet d_extensionality;
136   /** cache of getExtensionalityDeq below */
137   std::map<Node, Node> d_extensionality_deq;
139   /** map from non-standard operators to their skolems */
140   NodeNodeMap d_uf_std_skolem;
142   /** node for true */
143   Node d_true;
145   /**
146    * Should be called to propagate the literal. We use a node here
147    * since some of the propagated literals are not kept anywhere.
148    */
149   bool propagate(TNode literal);
151   /**
152    * Explain why this literal is true by adding assumptions
153    * with proof (if "pf" is non-NULL).
154    */
155   void explain(TNode literal, std::vector<TNode>& assumptions, eq::EqProof* pf);
157   /**
158    * Explain a literal, with proof (if "pf" is non-NULL).
159    */
160   Node explain(TNode literal, eq::EqProof* pf);
162   /** All the function terms that the theory has seen */
163   context::CDList<TNode> d_functionsTerms;
165   /** Symmetry analyzer */
166   SymmetryBreaker d_symb;
168   /** Conflict when merging two constants */
169   void conflict(TNode a, TNode b);
171   /** called when a new equivalance class is created */
172   void eqNotifyNewClass(TNode t);
174   /** called when two equivalance classes will merge */
175   void eqNotifyPreMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
177   /** called when two equivalance classes have merged */
178   void eqNotifyPostMerge(TNode t1, TNode t2);
180   /** called when two equivalence classes are made disequal */
181   void eqNotifyDisequal(TNode t1, TNode t2, TNode reason);
183  private:  // for higher-order
184   /** get extensionality disequality
185    *
186    * Given disequality deq f != g, this returns the disequality:
187    *   (f k) != (g k) for fresh constant(s) k.
188    */
189   Node getExtensionalityDeq(TNode deq);
191   /** applyExtensionality
192    *
193    * Given disequality deq f != g, if not already cached, this sends a lemma of
194    * the form:
195    *   f = g V (f k) != (g k) for fresh constant k.
196    * on the output channel. This is an "extensionality lemma".
197    * Return value is the number of lemmas of this form sent on the output
198    * channel.
199    */
200   unsigned applyExtensionality(TNode deq);
202   /**
203    * Check whether extensionality should be applied for any pair of terms in the
204    * equality engine.
205    *
206    * If we pass a null model m to this function, then we add extensionality
207    * lemmas to the output channel and return the total number of lemmas added.
208    * We only add lemmas for functions whose type is finite, since pairs of
209    * functions whose types are infinite can be made disequal in a model by
210    * witnessing a point they are disequal.
211    *
212    * If we pass a non-null model m to this function, then we add disequalities
213    * that correspond to the conclusion of extensionality lemmas to the model's
214    * equality engine. We return 0 if the equality engine of m is consistent
215    * after this call, and 1 otherwise. We only add disequalities for functions
216    * whose type is infinite, since our decision procedure guarantees that
217    * extensionality lemmas are added for all pairs of functions whose types are
218    * finite.
219    */
220   unsigned checkExtensionality(TheoryModel* m = nullptr);
222   /** applyAppCompletion
223    * This infers a correspondence between APPLY_UF and HO_APPLY
224    * versions of terms for higher-order.
225    * Given APPLY_UF node e.g. (f a b c), this adds the equality to its
226    * HO_APPLY equivalent:
227    *   (f a b c) == (@ (@ (@ f a) b) c)
228    * to equality engine, if not already equal.
229    * Return value is the number of equalities added.
230    */
231   unsigned applyAppCompletion(TNode n);
233   /** check whether app-completion should be applied for any
234    * pair of terms in the equality engine.
235    */
236   unsigned checkAppCompletion();
238   /** check higher order
239    * This is called at full effort and infers facts and sends lemmas
240    * based on higher-order reasoning (specifically, extentionality and
241    * app completion above). It returns the number of lemmas plus facts
242    * added to the equality engine.
243   */
244   unsigned checkHigherOrder();
246   /** collect model info for higher-order term
247    *
248    * This adds required constraints to m for term n. In particular, if n is
249    * an APPLY_UF term, we add its HO_APPLY equivalent in this call. We return
250    * true if the model m is consistent after this call.
251    */
252   bool collectModelInfoHoTerm(Node n, TheoryModel* m);
254   /** get apply uf for ho apply
255    * This returns the APPLY_UF equivalent for the HO_APPLY term node, where
256    * node has non-functional return type (that is, it corresponds to a fully
257    * applied function term).
258    * This call may introduce a skolem for the head operator and send out a lemma
259    * specifying the definition.
260   */
261   Node getApplyUfForHoApply(Node node);
262   /** get the operator for this node (node should be either APPLY_UF or
263    * HO_APPLY)
264    */
265   Node getOperatorForApplyTerm(TNode node);
266   /** get the starting index of the arguments for node (node should be either
267    * APPLY_UF or HO_APPLY) */
268   unsigned getArgumentStartIndexForApplyTerm(TNode node);
270  public:
272   /** Constructs a new instance of TheoryUF w.r.t. the provided context.*/
273   TheoryUF(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, OutputChannel& out,
274            Valuation valuation, const LogicInfo& logicInfo,
275            std::string instanceName = "");
277   ~TheoryUF();
279   void setMasterEqualityEngine(eq::EqualityEngine* eq) override;
280   void finishInit() override;
282   void check(Effort) override;
283   Node expandDefinition(LogicRequest& logicRequest, Node node) override;
284   void preRegisterTerm(TNode term) override;
285   Node explain(TNode n) override;
287   bool collectModelInfo(TheoryModel* m) override;
289   void ppStaticLearn(TNode in, NodeBuilder<>& learned) override;
290   void presolve() override;
292   void addSharedTerm(TNode n) override;
293   void computeCareGraph() override;
295   void propagate(Effort effort) override;
297   EqualityStatus getEqualityStatus(TNode a, TNode b) override;
identify()299   std::string identify() const override { return "THEORY_UF"; }
getEqualityEngine()301   eq::EqualityEngine* getEqualityEngine() override { return &d_equalityEngine; }
getStrongSolver()303   StrongSolverTheoryUF* getStrongSolver() {
304     return d_thss;
305   }
306 private:
307   bool areCareDisequal(TNode x, TNode y);
308   void addCarePairs(TNodeTrie* t1,
309                     TNodeTrie* t2,
310                     unsigned arity,
311                     unsigned depth);
312 };/* class TheoryUF */
314 }/* CVC4::theory::uf namespace */
315 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
316 }/* CVC4 namespace */
318 #endif /* __CVC4__THEORY__UF__THEORY_UF_H */