1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file sygus_enumerator.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief sygus_enumerator
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include <unordered_set>
22 #include "expr/node.h"
23 #include "expr/type_node.h"
24 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/synth_conjecture.h"
25 #include "theory/quantifiers/sygus/term_database_sygus.h"
27 namespace CVC4 {
28 namespace theory {
29 namespace quantifiers {
31 class SynthConjecture;
32 class SygusPbe;
34 /** SygusEnumerator
35  *
36  * This class is used for enumerating all terms of a sygus datatype type. At
37  * a high level, it is used as an alternative approach to sygus datatypes
38  * solver as a candidate generator in a synthesis loop. It filters terms based
39  * on redundancy criteria, for instance, it does not generate two terms whose
40  * builtin terms (TermDb::sygusToBuiltin) can be shown to be equivalent via
41  * rewriting. It enumerates terms in order of sygus term size
42  * (TermDb::getSygusTermSize).
43  */
44 class SygusEnumerator : public EnumValGenerator
45 {
46  public:
47   SygusEnumerator(TermDbSygus* tds, SynthConjecture* p);
~SygusEnumerator()48   ~SygusEnumerator() {}
49   /** initialize this class with enumerator e */
50   void initialize(Node e) override;
51   /** Inform this generator that abstract value v was enumerated. */
52   void addValue(Node v) override;
53   /** increment */
54   bool increment() override;
55   /** Get the next concrete value generated by this class. */
56   Node getCurrent() override;
58  private:
59   /** pointer to term database sygus */
60   TermDbSygus* d_tds;
61   /** pointer to the synth conjecture that owns this enumerator */
62   SynthConjecture* d_parent;
63   /** Term cache
64    *
65    * This stores a list of terms for a given sygus type. The key features of
66    * this data structure are that terms are stored in order of size,
67    * indices can be recorded that indicate where terms of size n begin for each
68    * natural number n, and redundancy criteria are used for discarding terms
69    * that are not relevant. This includes discarding terms whose builtin version
70    * is the same up to T-rewriting with another, or is equivalent under
71    * examples, if the conjecture in question is in PBE form and sygusSymBreakPbe
72    * is enabled.
73    *
74    * This class also computes static information about sygus types that is
75    * relevant for enumeration. Primarily, this includes mapping constructors
76    * to "constructor classes". Two sygus constructors can be placed in the same
77    * constructor class if their constructor weight is equal, and the tuple
78    * of their argument types are the same. For example, for:
79    *   A -> A+B | A-B | A*B | A+A | A | x
80    * The first three constructors above can be placed in the same constructor
81    * class, assuming they have identical weights. Constructor classes are used
82    * as an optimization when enumerating terms, since they expect the same
83    * tuple of argument terms for constructing a term of a fixed size.
84    *
85    * Constructor classes are allocated such that the constructor weights are
86    * in ascending order. This allows us to avoid constructors whose weight
87    * is greater than n while we are trying to enumerate terms of sizes strictly
88    * less than n.
89    *
90    * Constructor class 0 is reserved for nullary operators with weight 0. This
91    * is an optimization so that such constructors can be skipped for sizes
92    * greater than 0, since we know all terms generated by these constructors
93    * have size 0.
94    */
95   class TermCache
96   {
97    public:
98     TermCache();
99     /** initialize this cache */
100     void initialize(Node e,
101                     TypeNode tn,
102                     TermDbSygus* tds,
103                     SygusPbe* pbe = nullptr);
104     /** get last constructor class index for weight
105      *
106      * This returns a minimal index n such that all constructor classes at
107      * index < n have weight at most w.
108      */
109     unsigned getLastConstructorClassIndexForWeight(unsigned w) const;
110     /** get num constructor classes */
111     unsigned getNumConstructorClasses() const;
112     /** get the constructor indices for constructor class i */
113     void getConstructorClass(unsigned i, std::vector<unsigned>& cclass) const;
114     /** get argument types for constructor class i */
115     void getTypesForConstructorClass(unsigned i,
116                                      std::vector<TypeNode>& types) const;
117     /** get constructor weight for constructor class i */
118     unsigned getWeightForConstructorClass(unsigned i) const;
120     /**
121      * Add sygus term n to this cache, return true if the term was unique based
122      * on the redundancy criteria used by this class.
123      */
124     bool addTerm(Node n);
125     /**
126      * Indicate to this cache that we are finished enumerating terms of the
127      * current size.
128      */
129     void pushEnumSizeIndex();
130     /** Get the current size of terms that we are enumerating */
131     unsigned getEnumSize() const;
132     /** get the index at which size s terms start, where s <= getEnumSize() */
133     unsigned getIndexForSize(unsigned s) const;
134     /** get the index^th term successfully added to this cache */
135     Node getTerm(unsigned index) const;
136     /** get the number of terms successfully added to this cache */
137     unsigned getNumTerms() const;
138     /** are we finished enumerating terms? */
139     bool isComplete() const;
140     /** set that we are finished enumerating terms */
141     void setComplete();
143    private:
144     /** the enumerator this cache is for */
145     Node d_enum;
146     /** the sygus type of terms in this cache */
147     TypeNode d_tn;
148     /** pointer to term database sygus */
149     TermDbSygus* d_tds;
150     /** pointer to the PBE utility (used for symmetry breaking) */
151     SygusPbe* d_pbe;
152     //-------------------------static information about type
153     /** is d_tn a sygus type? */
154     bool d_isSygusType;
155     /** number of constructor classes */
156     unsigned d_numConClasses;
157     /** Map from weights to the starting constructor class for that weight. */
158     std::map<unsigned, unsigned> d_weightToCcIndex;
159     /** constructor classes */
160     std::map<unsigned, std::vector<unsigned>> d_ccToCons;
161     /** maps constructor classes to children types */
162     std::map<unsigned, std::vector<TypeNode>> d_ccToTypes;
163     /** maps constructor classes to constructor weight */
164     std::map<unsigned, unsigned> d_ccToWeight;
165     /** constructor to indices */
166     std::map<unsigned, std::vector<unsigned>> d_cToCIndices;
167     //-------------------------end static information about type
169     /** the list of sygus terms we have enumerated */
170     std::vector<Node> d_terms;
171     /** the set of builtin terms corresponding to the above list */
172     std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> d_bterms;
173     /**
174      * The index of first term whose size is greater than or equal to that size,
175      * if it exists.
176      */
177     std::map<unsigned, unsigned> d_sizeStartIndex;
178     /** the maximum size of terms we have stored in this cache so far */
179     unsigned d_sizeEnum;
180     /** whether this term cache is complete */
181     bool d_isComplete;
182     /** sampler (for --sygus-rr-verify) */
183     quantifiers::SygusSampler d_samplerRrV;
184     /** is the above sampler initialized? */
185     bool d_sampleRrVInit;
186   };
187   /** above cache for each sygus type */
188   std::map<TypeNode, TermCache> d_tcache;
189   /** initialize term cache for type tn */
190   void initializeTermCache(TypeNode tn);
192   /** virtual class for term enumerators */
193   class TermEnum
194   {
195    public:
196     TermEnum();
~TermEnum()197     virtual ~TermEnum() {}
198     /** get the current size of terms we are enumerating */
199     unsigned getCurrentSize();
200     /** get the current term of the enumerator */
201     virtual Node getCurrent() = 0;
202     /** increment the enumerator, return false if the enumerator is finished */
203     virtual bool increment() = 0;
205    protected:
206     /** pointer to the sygus enumerator class */
207     SygusEnumerator* d_se;
208     /** the (sygus) type of terms we are enumerating */
209     TypeNode d_tn;
210     /** the current size of terms we are enumerating */
211     unsigned d_currSize;
212   };
213   class TermEnumMaster;
214   /** A "slave" enumerator
215    *
216    * A slave enumerator simply iterates over an index in a given term cache,
217    * and relies on a pointer to a "master" enumerator to generate new terms
218    * whenever necessary.
219    *
220    * This class maintains the following invariants, for tc=d_se->d_tcache[d_tn]:
221    * (1) d_index < tc.getNumTerms(),
222    * (2) d_currSize is the term size of tc.getTerm( d_index ),
223    * (3) d_hasIndexNextEnd is (d_currSize < tc.getEnumSize()),
224    * (4) If d_hasIndexNextEnd is true, then
225    *       d_indexNextEnd = tc.getIndexForSize(d_currSize+1), and
226    *       d_indexNextEnd > d_index.
227    *
228    * Intuitively, these invariants say (1) d_index is a valid index in the
229    * term cache, (2) d_currSize is the sygus term size of getCurrent(), (3)
230    * d_hasIndexNextEnd indicates whether d_indexNextEnd is valid, and (4)
231    * d_indexNextEnd is the index in the term cache where terms of the current
232    * size end, if such an index exists.
233    */
234   class TermEnumSlave : public TermEnum
235   {
236    public:
237     TermEnumSlave();
238     /**
239      * Initialize this enumerator to enumerate terms of type tn whose size is in
240      * the range [sizeMin, sizeMax], inclusive. If this function returns true,
241      * then getCurrent() will return the first term in the stream, which is
242      * non-empty. Further terms are generated by increment()/getCurrent().
243      */
244     bool initialize(SygusEnumerator* se,
245                     TypeNode tn,
246                     unsigned sizeMin,
247                     unsigned sizeMax);
248     /** get the current term of the enumerator */
249     Node getCurrent() override;
250     /** increment the enumerator */
251     bool increment() override;
253    private:
254     /** the maximum size of terms this enumerator should enumerate */
255     unsigned d_sizeLim;
256     /** the current index in the term cache we are considering */
257     unsigned d_index;
258     /** the index in the term cache where terms of the current size end */
259     unsigned d_indexNextEnd;
260     /** whether d_indexNextEnd refers to a valid index */
261     bool d_hasIndexNextEnd;
262     /** pointer to the master enumerator of type d_tn */
263     TermEnum* d_master;
264     /** validate invariants on d_index, d_indexNextEnd, d_hasIndexNextEnd */
265     bool validateIndex();
266     /** validate invariants on  d_indexNextEnd, d_hasIndexNextEnd  */
267     void validateIndexNextEnd();
268   };
269   /** Class for "master" enumerators
270    *
271    * This enumerator is used to generate new terms of a given type d_tn. It
272    * generates all terms of type d_tn that are not redundant based on the
273    * current criteria.
274    *
275    * To enumerate terms, this class performs the following steps as necessary
276    * during a call to increment():
277    * - Fix the size of terms "d_currSize" we are currently enumerating,
278    * - Set the constructor class "d_consClassNum" whose constructors are the top
279    * symbol of the current term we are constructing. All constructors from this
280    * class have the same weight, which we store in d_ccWeight,
281    * - Initialize the current children "d_children" so that the sum of their
282    * current sizes is exactly (d_currSize - d_ccWeight),
283    * - Increment the current set of children until a new tuple of terms is
284    * considered,
285    * - Set the constructor "d_consNum" from within the constructor class,
286    * - Build the current term and check whether it is not redundant according
287    * to the term cache of its type.
288    *
289    * We say this enumerator is active if initialize(...) returns true, and the
290    * last call (if any) to increment returned true.
291    *
292    * This class maintains the following invariants, for tc=d_se->d_tcache[d_tn],
293    * if it is active:
294    * (1) getCurrent() is tc.getTerm(tc.getNumTerms()-1),
295    * (2) tc.pushEnumSizeIndex() has been called by this class exactly
296    * getCurrentSize() times.
297    * In other words, (1) getCurrent() is always the last term in the term cache
298    * of the type of this enumerator tc, and (2) the size counter of tc is in
299    * sync with the current size of this enumerator, that is, the master
300    * enumerator is responsible for communicating size boundaries to its term
301    * cache.
302    */
303   class TermEnumMaster : public TermEnum
304   {
305    public:
306     TermEnumMaster();
307     /**
308      * Initialize this enumerator to enumerate (all) terms of type tn, modulo
309      * the redundancy criteria used by this class.
310      */
311     bool initialize(SygusEnumerator* se, TypeNode tn);
312     /** get the current term of the enumerator */
313     Node getCurrent() override;
314     /** increment the enumerator
315      *
316      * Returns true if there are more terms to enumerate, in which case a
317      * subsequent call to getCurrent() returns the next enumerated term. This
318      * method returns false if the last call to increment() has yet to
319      * terminate. This can happen for recursive datatypes where a slave
320      * enumerator may request that this class increment the next term. We avoid
321      * an infinite loop by guarding this with the d_isIncrementing flag and
322      * return false.
323      */
324     bool increment() override;
326    private:
327     /** are we currently inside a increment() call? */
328     bool d_isIncrementing;
329     /** cache for getCurrent() */
330     Node d_currTerm;
331     /** is d_currTerm set */
332     bool d_currTermSet;
333     //----------------------------- current constructor class information
334     /** the next constructor class we are using */
335     unsigned d_consClassNum;
336     /** the constructors in the current constructor class */
337     std::vector<unsigned> d_ccCons;
338     /** the types of the current constructor class */
339     std::vector<TypeNode> d_ccTypes;
340     /** the operator weight for the constructor class */
341     unsigned d_ccWeight;
342     //----------------------------- end current constructor class information
343     /** If >0, 1 + the index in d_ccCons we are considering */
344     unsigned d_consNum;
345     /** the child enumerators for this enumerator */
346     std::map<unsigned, TermEnumSlave> d_children;
347     /** the current sum of current sizes of the enumerators in d_children */
348     unsigned d_currChildSize;
349     /**
350      * The number of indices, starting from zero, in d_children that point to
351      * initialized slave enumerators.
352      */
353     unsigned d_childrenValid;
354     /** initialize children
355      *
356      * Initialize all the uninitialized children of this enumerator. If this
357      * method returns true, then all children d_children are successfully
358      * initialized to be slave enumerators of the argument types indicated by
359      * d_ccTypes, and the sum of their current sizes (d_currChildSize) is
360      * exactly (d_currSize - d_ccWeight). If this method returns false, then
361      * it was not possible to initialize the children such that they meet the
362      * size requirements, and such that the assignments from children to size
363      * has not already been considered. In this case, d_children is cleared
364      * and d_currChildSize and d_childrenValid are reset.
365      */
366     bool initializeChildren();
367     /** initialize child
368      *
369      * Initialize child i to enumerate terms whose size is at least sizeMin,
370      * and whose maximum size is the largest size such that we can still
371      * construct terms for the given constructor class and the current children
372      * whose size is not more than the current size d_currSize. Additionally,
373      * if i is the last child, we modify sizeMin such that it is exactly the
374      * size of terms needed for the children to sum up to size d_currSize.
375      */
376     bool initializeChild(unsigned i, unsigned sizeMin);
377     /** increment internal, helper for increment() */
378     bool incrementInternal();
379   };
380   /** an interpreted value enumerator
381    *
382    * This enumerator uses the builtin type enumerator for a given type. It
383    * is used to fill in concrete holes into "any constant" constructors
384    * when sygus-repair-const is not enabled. The number of terms of size n
385    * is m^n, where m is configurable via --sygus-active-gen-enum-cfactor=m.
386    */
387   class TermEnumMasterInterp : public TermEnum
388   {
389    public:
390     TermEnumMasterInterp(TypeNode tn);
391     /** initialize this enumerator */
392     bool initialize(SygusEnumerator* se, TypeNode tn);
393     /** get the current term of the enumerator */
394     Node getCurrent() override;
395     /** increment the enumerator */
396     bool increment() override;
398    private:
399     /** the type enumerator */
400     TypeEnumerator d_te;
401     /** the current number of terms we are enumerating for the given size */
402     unsigned d_currNumConsts;
403     /** the next end threshold */
404     unsigned d_nextIndexEnd;
405   };
406   /** a free variable enumerator
407    *
408    * This enumerator enumerates canonical free variables for a given type.
409    * The n^th variable in this stream is assigned size n. This enumerator is
410    * used in conjunction with sygus-repair-const to generate solutions with
411    * constant holes. In this approach, free variables are arguments to
412    * any-constant constructors. This is required so that terms with holes are
413    * unique up to rewriting when appropriate.
414    */
415   class TermEnumMasterFv : public TermEnum
416   {
417    public:
418     TermEnumMasterFv();
419     /** initialize this enumerator */
420     bool initialize(SygusEnumerator* se, TypeNode tn);
421     /** get the current term of the enumerator */
422     Node getCurrent() override;
423     /** increment the enumerator */
424     bool increment() override;
425   };
426   /** the master enumerator for each sygus type */
427   std::map<TypeNode, TermEnumMaster> d_masterEnum;
428   /** the master enumerator for each non-sygus type */
429   std::map<TypeNode, TermEnumMasterFv> d_masterEnumFv;
430   /** the master enumerator for each non-sygus type */
431   std::map<TypeNode, std::unique_ptr<TermEnumMasterInterp>> d_masterEnumInt;
432   /** the sygus enumerator this class is for */
433   Node d_enum;
434   /** the type of d_enum */
435   TypeNode d_etype;
436   /** pointer to the master enumerator of type d_etype */
437   TermEnum* d_tlEnum;
438   /** the abort size, caches the value of --sygus-abort-size */
439   int d_abortSize;
440   /** get master enumerator for type tn */
441   TermEnum* getMasterEnumForType(TypeNode tn);
442   //-------------------------------- externally specified symmetry breaking
443   /** set of constructors we disallow at top level
444    *
445    * A constructor C is disallowed at the top level if a symmetry breaking
446    * lemma that entails ~is-C( d_enum ) was registered to
447    * TermDbSygus::registerSymBreakLemma.
448    */
449   std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> d_sbExcTlCons;
450   //-------------------------------- end externally specified symmetry breaking
451 };
453 }  // namespace quantifiers
454 }  // namespace theory
455 }  // namespace CVC4