1 /***** tl_spin: tl_lex.c *****/
3 /*
4  * This file is part of the public release of Spin. It is subject to the
5  * terms in the LICENSE file that is included in this source directory.
6  * Tool documentation is available at http://spinroot.com
7  *
8  * Based on the translation algorithm by Gerth, Peled, Vardi, and Wolper,
9  * presented at the PSTV Conference, held in 1995, Warsaw, Poland 1995.
10  */
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <ctype.h>
14 #include "tl.h"
16 static Symbol	*symtab[Nhash+1];
17 static int	tl_lex(void);
18 extern int tl_peek(int);
20 extern YYSTYPE	tl_yylval;
21 extern char	yytext[];
23 #define Token(y)        tl_yylval = tl_nn(y,ZN,ZN); return y
25 static void
tl_getword(int first,int (* tst)(int))26 tl_getword(int first, int (*tst)(int))
27 {	int i=0; int c;
29 	yytext[i++] = (char ) first;
31 	c = tl_Getchar();
32 	while (c != -1 && tst(c))
33 	{	yytext[i++] = (char) c;
34 		c = tl_Getchar();
35 	}
37 /*	while (tst(c = tl_Getchar()))
38  *		yytext[i++] = c;
39  */
40 	yytext[i] = '\0';
41 	tl_UnGetchar();
42 }
44 static int
tl_follow(int tok,int ifyes,int ifno)45 tl_follow(int tok, int ifyes, int ifno)
46 {	int c;
47 	char buf[32];
48 	extern int tl_yychar;
50 	if ((c = tl_Getchar()) == tok)
51 		return ifyes;
52 	tl_UnGetchar();
53 	tl_yychar = c;
54 	sprintf(buf, "expected '%c'", tok);
55 	tl_yyerror(buf);	/* no return from here */
56 	return ifno;
57 }
59 int
tl_yylex(void)60 tl_yylex(void)
61 {	int c = tl_lex();
62 #if 0
63 	printf("c = %c (%d)\n", c, c);
64 #endif
65 	return c;
66 }
68 static int
is_predicate(int z)69 is_predicate(int z)
70 {	char c, c_prev = z;
71 	char want = (z == '{') ? '}' : ')';
72 	int i = 0, j, nesting = 0;
73 	char peek_buf[512];
75 	c = tl_peek(i++);	/* look ahead without changing position */
76 	while ((c != want || nesting > 0) && c != -1 && i < 2047)
77 	{	if (islower((int) c) || c == '_')
78 		{	peek_buf[0] = c;
79 			j = 1;
80 			while (j < (int) sizeof(peek_buf)
81 			&&    (isalnum((int)(c = tl_peek(i))) || c == '_'))
82 			{	peek_buf[j++] = c;
83 				i++;
84 			}
85 			c = 0;	/* make sure we don't match on z or want on the peekahead */
86 			if (j >= (int) sizeof(peek_buf))
87 			{	peek_buf[j-1] = '\0';
88 				fatal("name '%s' in ltl formula too long", peek_buf);
89 			}
90 			peek_buf[j] = '\0';
91 			if (strcmp(peek_buf, "always") == 0
92 			||  strcmp(peek_buf, "equivalent") == 0
93 			||  strcmp(peek_buf, "eventually") == 0
94 			||  strcmp(peek_buf, "until") == 0
95 			||  strcmp(peek_buf, "next") == 0
96 			||  strcmp(peek_buf, "c_expr") == 0)
97 			{	return 0;
98 			}
99 		} else
100 		{	int c_nxt = tl_peek(i);
101 			if (((c == 'U' || c == 'V' || c == 'X')
102 			&& !isalnum_(c_prev)
103 			&& (c_nxt == -1 || !isalnum_(c_nxt)))
104 			||  (c == '<' && c_nxt == '>')
105 			||  (c == '<' && c_nxt == '-')
106 			||  (c == '-' && c_nxt == '>')
107 			||  (c == '[' && c_nxt == ']'))
108 			{	return 0;
109 		}	}
111 		if (c == z)
112 		{	nesting++;
113 		}
114 		if (c == want)
115 		{	nesting--;
116 		}
117 		c_prev = c;
118 		c = tl_peek(i++);
119 	}
120 	return 1;
121 }
123 static void
read_upto_closing(int z)124 read_upto_closing(int z)
125 {	char c, want = (z == '{') ? '}' : ')';
126 	int i = 0, nesting = 0;
128 	c = tl_Getchar();
129 	while ((c != want || nesting > 0) && c != -1 && i < 2047) /* yytext is 2048 */
130 	{	yytext[i++] = c;
131 		if (c == z)
132 		{	nesting++;
133 		}
134 		if (c == want)
135 		{	nesting--;
136 		}
137 		c = tl_Getchar();
138 	}
139 	yytext[i] = '\0';
140 }
142 static int
tl_lex(void)143 tl_lex(void)
144 {	int c;
146 	do {
147 		c = tl_Getchar();
148 		yytext[0] = (char ) c;
149 		yytext[1] = '\0';
151 		if (c <= 0)
152 		{	Token(';');
153 		}
155 	} while (c == ' ');	/* '\t' is removed in tl_main.c */
157 	if (c == '{' || c == '(')	/* new 6.0.0 */
158 	{	if (is_predicate(c))
159 		{	read_upto_closing(c);
160 			tl_yylval = tl_nn(PREDICATE,ZN,ZN);
161 			if (!tl_yylval)
162 			{	fatal("unexpected error 4", (char *) 0);
163 			}
164 			tl_yylval->sym = tl_lookup(yytext);
165 			return PREDICATE;
166 	}	}
168 	if (c == '}')
169 	{	tl_yyerror("unexpected '}'");
170 	}
171 	if (islower(c))
172 	{	tl_getword(c, isalnum_);
173 		if (strcmp("true", yytext) == 0)
174 		{	Token(TRUE);
175 		}
176 		if (strcmp("false", yytext) == 0)
177 		{	Token(FALSE);
178 		}
179 		if (strcmp("always", yytext) == 0)
180 		{	Token(ALWAYS);
181 		}
182 		if (strcmp("eventually", yytext) == 0)
183 		{	Token(EVENTUALLY);
184 		}
185 		if (strcmp("until", yytext) == 0)
186 		{	Token(U_OPER);
187 		}
188 #ifdef NXT
189 		if (strcmp("next", yytext) == 0)
190 		{	Token(NEXT);
191 		}
192 #endif
193 		if (strcmp("c_expr", yytext) == 0)
194 		{	Token(CEXPR);
195 		}
196 		if (strcmp("not", yytext) == 0)
197 		{	Token(NOT);
198 		}
199 		tl_yylval = tl_nn(PREDICATE,ZN,ZN);
200 		if (!tl_yylval)
201 		{	fatal("unexpected error 5", (char *) 0);
202 		}
203 		tl_yylval->sym = tl_lookup(yytext);
204 		return PREDICATE;
205 	}
207 	if (c == '<')
208 	{	c = tl_Getchar();
209 		if (c == '>')
210 		{	Token(EVENTUALLY);
211 		}
212 		if (c != '-')
213 		{	tl_UnGetchar();
214 			tl_yyerror("expected '<>' or '<->'");
215 		}
216 		c = tl_Getchar();
217 		if (c == '>')
218 		{	Token(EQUIV);
219 		}
220 		tl_UnGetchar();
221 		tl_yyerror("expected '<->'");
222 	}
224 	switch (c) {
225 	case '/' : c = tl_follow('\\', AND, '/'); break;
226 	case '\\': c = tl_follow('/', OR, '\\'); break;
227 	case '&' : c = tl_follow('&', AND, '&'); break;
228 	case '|' : c = tl_follow('|', OR, '|'); break;
229 	case '[' : c = tl_follow(']', ALWAYS, '['); break;
230 	case '-' : c = tl_follow('>', IMPLIES, '-'); break;
231 	case '!' : c = NOT; break;
232 	case 'U' : c = U_OPER; break;
233 	case 'V' : c = V_OPER; break;
234 #ifdef NXT
235 	case 'X' : c = NEXT; break;
236 #endif
237 	default  : break;
238 	}
239 	Token(c);
240 }
242 Symbol *
tl_lookup(char * s)243 tl_lookup(char *s)
244 {	Symbol *sp;
245 	unsigned int h = hash(s);
247 	for (sp = symtab[h]; sp; sp = sp->next)
248 		if (strcmp(sp->name, s) == 0)
249 			return sp;
251 	sp = (Symbol *) tl_emalloc(sizeof(Symbol));
252 	sp->name = (char *) tl_emalloc((int) strlen(s) + 1);
253 	strcpy(sp->name, s);
254 	sp->next = symtab[h];
255 	symtab[h] = sp;
257 	return sp;
258 }
260 Symbol *
getsym(Symbol * s)261 getsym(Symbol *s)
262 {	Symbol *n = (Symbol *) tl_emalloc(sizeof(Symbol));
264 	n->name = s->name;
265 	return n;
266 }