1A MOAB reader plugin for VTK/Paraview.  To build:
2- build your version of MOAB; YOU MUST ENABLE SHARED LIBS IN MOAB, since running a paraview plugin requires
3  a shared lib and some of MOAB's dependencies (e.g. hdf5) should be the same ones used by Paraview.
4  (Note, I haven't tested this, but maybe you can get away with building MOAB static but the plugin shared)
5- install MOAB (needed so the cmake-based build can file MOAB's header files and libs)
6- download and build Paraview from www.paraview.org; for my build, I turn on python (PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON),
7  point hdf5 to the same one used with MOAB (HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include, HDF5_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libhdf5.so),
8  and the rest of the settings the default ones.
9- In the <build_dir>/tools/vtkMOABReader directory, run 'ccmake .'; point MOAB_DIR to the MOAB install
10  location, and ParaView_DIR to THE PARAVIEW BUILD DIRECTORY (NOT the ParaView source directory);
11  specifically, this is the directory containing the ParaViewConfig.cmake file.  Configure, then generate.
12- run make; this should compile a 'libvtkMOABReader.so' shared library file, which serves
13  as a ParaView plugin
14- as a check, run 'ldd libvtkMOABReader.so', and check that all the dependent libraries can be found and look
15  correct
16- to read into ParaView, from the ParaView GUI, select Tools->Manage Plugins, then "Load New...",
17  pointing it at the libvtkMOABReader.so file; to read that plugin every time you start ParaView, expand
18  the '+' next to the plugin name and check the "Auto Load" box
19- you should now be able to read files using MOAB
21Note, this viewer can also view geometric models, at least from the CGM OCC engine; to use,
22build CGM/OCC as shared libraries, link to them from MOAB (with the --with-cgm= configure
23option), and build the vtk viewer as before, but pointing to the CGM-ized MOAB.