1 /*
2  *  transformtype_operations.h
3  *
4  *  Copyright (C) Georg Martius - June 2007 - 2013
5  *
6  *  This file is part of transcode, a video stream processing tool
7  *
8  *  transcode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
11  *  any later version.
12  *
13  *  transcode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  *  along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
20  *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21  *
22  */
26 #include "transformtype.h"
27 #include "vidstabdefines.h"
28 #include "vsvector.h"
29 #include "frameinfo.h"
31 /// helper macro to access a localmotion in the VSVector
32 #define LMGet(localmotions,index) \
33     ((LocalMotion*)vs_vector_get(localmotions,index))
35 /* helper functions to create and operate with transforms.
36  * all functions are non-destructive
37  * the "_" version uses non-pointer Transforms. This is slower
38  * but useful when cascading calculations like
39  * add_transforms_(mult_transform(&t1, 5.0), &t2)
40  */
41 VSTransform null_transform(void);
42 VSTransform new_transform(double x, double y, double alpha,
43                           double zoom, double barrel, double rshutter, int extra);
44 VSTransform add_transforms(const VSTransform* t1, const VSTransform* t2);
45 VSTransform add_transforms_(const VSTransform t1, const VSTransform t2);
46 VSTransform sub_transforms(const VSTransform* t1, const VSTransform* t2);
47 VSTransform mult_transform(const VSTransform* t1, double f);
48 VSTransform mult_transform_(const VSTransform t1, double f);
50 void storeVSTransform(FILE* f, const VSTransform* t);
53 typedef struct _preparedtransform {
54   const VSTransform* t;
55   double zcos_a;
56   double zsin_a;
57   double c_x;
58   double c_y;
59 } PreparedTransform;
61 // transforms vector
62 PreparedTransform prepare_transform(const VSTransform* t, const VSFrameInfo* fi);
63 // transforms vector (attention, only integer)
64 Vec transform_vec(const PreparedTransform* t, const Vec* v);
65 void transform_vec_double(double *x, double* y, const PreparedTransform* t, const Vec* v);
67 // subtract two vectors
68 Vec sub_vec(Vec v1, Vec v2);
69 // adds two vectors
70 Vec add_vec(Vec v1, Vec v2);
71 Vec field_to_vec(Field f);
73 /* compares a transform with respect to x (for sort function) */
74 int cmp_trans_x(const void *t1, const void* t2);
75 /* compares a transform with respect to y (for sort function) */
76 int cmp_trans_y(const void *t1, const void* t2);
77 /* static int cmp_trans_alpha(const void *t1, const void* t2); */
79 /* compares two double values (for sort function)*/
80 int cmp_double(const void *t1, const void* t2);
81 /* compares two int values (for sort function)*/
82 int cmp_int(const void *t1, const void* t2);
85 /** square of a number */
86 double sqr(double x);
88 /* calculates the median of an array of transforms,
89  * considering only x and y
90  */
91 VSTransform median_xy_transform(const VSTransform* transforms, int len);
92 /* median of a double array */
93 double median(double* ds, int len);
94 /* mean of a double array */
95 double mean(const double* ds, int len);
96 /* standard deviation of a double array */
97 double stddev(const double* ds, int len, double mean);
98 /* mean with cutted upper and lower pentile
99  * (min and max are optionally returned)
100  */
101 double cleanmean(double* ds, int len, double* minimum, double* maximum);
102 /* calulcates the cleaned mean of an array of transforms,
103  * considerung only x and y
104  */
105 VSTransform cleanmean_xy_transform(const VSTransform* transforms, int len);
107 /* calculates the cleaned (cutting of x-th percentil)
108  * maximum and minimum of an array of transforms,
109  * considerung only x and y
110  */
111 void cleanmaxmin_xy_transform(const VSTransform* transforms, int len,
112                               int percentil,
113                               VSTransform* min, VSTransform* max);
115 /* calculates the required zoom value to have no borders visible
116  */
117 double transform_get_required_zoom(const VSTransform* transform, int width, int height);
119 /* helper function to work with local motions */
121 LocalMotion null_localmotion(void);
122 /// a new array of the v.x values is returned (vs_free has to be called)
123 int* localmotions_getx(const LocalMotions* localmotions);
124 /// a new array of the v.y values is returned (vs_free has to be called)
125 int* localmotions_gety(const LocalMotions* localmotions);
126 /// lm1 - lm2 only for the Vec (the remaining values are taken from lm1)
127 LocalMotion sub_localmotion(const LocalMotion* lm1, const LocalMotion* lm2);
129 /* calulcates the cleaned mean of the vector of localmotions
130  * considerung only v.x and v.y
131  */
132 LocalMotion cleanmean_localmotions(const LocalMotions* localmotions);
134 VSArray localmotionsGetMatch(const LocalMotions* localmotions);
136 /* helper functions */
138 /* optimized round function */
myround(float x)139 inline static int myround(float x) {
140     if(x>0)
141         return x + 0.5;
142     else
143         return x - 0.5;
144 }
147 /* optimized floor function
148    This does not give the correct value for negative integer values like -1.0. In this case
149    it will produce -2.0.
150 */
myfloor(float x)151 inline static int myfloor(float x) {
152     if(x<0)
153         return x - 1;
154     else
155         return x;
156 }
158 #endif
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