1 // This is core/vgui/vgui_dialog_extensions.h
2 #ifndef vgui_dialog_extensions_h_
3 #define vgui_dialog_extensions_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \author Gamze Tunali, LEMS, Brown University
7 // \date   16 Nov 2007
8 // \brief  an extension to the vgui_dialog class.
9 //
10 //  vgui_dialog_extensions has two new elements: directory browser and line break.
11 //
12 // \verbatim
13 //  Modifications
14 // \endverbatim
16 #include <string>
17 #ifdef _MSC_VER
18 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
19 #endif
20 #include "vgui_dialog.h"
22 class vgui_dialog_extensions_impl;
24 //: Abstract dialog class
25 //
26 // vgui_dialog_extension allows the user to build a dialog from a collection
27 // of fields. It differs from vgui_dialog by two elements, directory browser
28 // to be able to choose folders in addition to the files, and line breaks.
29 // The tableau will be designed so that elements are placed on the same line
30 // until a line break element is inserted. This allows to create more versatile
31 // dialogs, by grouping elements on one line.
32 //
33 // A field in this context consists of a std::string label and a variable.
34 // The dialog is then posted using the ask() method. If ask returns true then
35 // any changes to the fields in the dialog are used to update the variables.
36 // Each vgui_dialog contains an instance of a concrete subclass of
37 // vgui_dialog_impl. The type of the subclass will be determined by the GUI
38 // being used.
39 //
40 // \par Example
41 // \code
42 //   vgui_dialog_extensions params("My params");
43 //   params.field("Table number", the_table);
44 //   params.line_break();
45 //   params.choice("Dressing", "French", "Thousand Island", the_dressing);
46 //   params.checkbox("Mayo?", has_mayo);
47 //   params.line_break();
48 //   params.message("No smoking is allowed in the restaurant!");
49 //   if (!params.ask())
50 //     return; // cancelled
51 //   send_order(the_table, the_dressing, has_mayo);
52 // \endcode
54 class vgui_dialog_extensions: public vgui_dialog
55 {
56  public:
58   //: Constructor - takes the title of the dialog box.
59   vgui_dialog_extensions(const char* name);
60  virtual ~vgui_dialog_extensions();
62   //: directory browsers
63   void dir (const char* label, std::string& regexp, std::string& dirpath);
65   bool ask();
67   void line_break();
69  protected:
71   //vgui_dialog_extensions_impl* impl;
72 };
74 #endif // vgui_dialog_extensions_h_