1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3	<plugin name="vpswitch" useBcop="true">
4		<_short>Viewport Switcher</_short>
5		<_long>Initiate viewport changes through several events</_long>
6		<category>Desktop</category>
7		<display>
8			<group>
9				<_short>Number-Based Viewport Switching</_short>
10				<option name="begin_key" type="key">
11					<_short>Begin Viewport Switch</_short>
12					<_long>Begin entering viewport number</_long>
13				</option>
14			</group>
15			<group>
16				<_short>Go to specific viewport</_short>
17				<option name="switch_to_1_key" type="key">
18					<_short>Switch to Viewport 1</_short>
19					<_long>Switch to viewport 1</_long>
20				</option>
21				<option name="switch_to_2_key" type="key">
22					<_short>Switch to Viewport 2</_short>
23					<_long>Switch to viewport 2</_long>
24				</option>
25				<option name="switch_to_3_key" type="key">
26					<_short>Switch to Viewport 3</_short>
27					<_long>Switch to viewport 3</_long>
28				</option>
29				<option name="switch_to_4_key" type="key">
30					<_short>Switch to Viewport 4</_short>
31					<_long>Switch to viewport 4</_long>
32				</option>
33				<option name="switch_to_5_key" type="key">
34					<_short>Switch to Viewport 5</_short>
35					<_long>Switch to viewport 5</_long>
36				</option>
37				<option name="switch_to_6_key" type="key">
38					<_short>Switch to Viewport 6</_short>
39					<_long>Switch to viewport 6</_long>
40				</option>
41				<option name="switch_to_7_key" type="key">
42					<_short>Switch to Viewport 7</_short>
43					<_long>Switch to viewport 7</_long>
44				</option>
45				<option name="switch_to_8_key" type="key">
46					<_short>Switch to Viewport 8</_short>
47					<_long>Switch to viewport 8</_long>
48				</option>
49				<option name="switch_to_9_key" type="key">
50					<_short>Switch to Viewport 9</_short>
51					<_long>Switch to viewport 9</_long>
52				</option>
53				<option name="switch_to_10_key" type="key">
54					<_short>Switch to Viewport 10</_short>
55					<_long>Switch to viewport 10</_long>
56				</option>
57				<option name="switch_to_11_key" type="key">
58					<_short>Switch to Viewport 11</_short>
59					<_long>Switch to viewport 11</_long>
60				</option>
61				<option name="switch_to_12_key" type="key">
62					<_short>Switch to Viewport 12</_short>
63					<_long>Switch to viewport 12</_long>
64				</option>
65			</group>
66			<group>
67				<_short>Desktop-based Viewport Switching</_short>
68				<option name="left_button" type="button">
69					<_short>Move Left</_short>
70					<_long>Move to the left</_long>
71					<internal/>
72				</option>
73				<option name="right_button" type="button">
74					<_short>Move Right</_short>
75					<_long>Move to the right</_long>
76					<internal/>
77				</option>
78				<option name="up_button" type="button">
79					<_short>Move Up</_short>
80					<_long>Move up</_long>
81					<internal/>
82				</option>
83				<option name="down_button" type="button">
84					<_short>Move Down</_short>
85					<_long>Move down</_long>
86					<internal/>
87				</option>
88				<option name="next_button" type="button">
89					<_short>Move Next</_short>
90					<_long>Move to the next viewport</_long>
91					<default>Button5</default>
92					<internal/>
93				</option>
94				<option name="prev_button" type="button">
95					<_short>Move Prev</_short>
96					<_long>Move to the previous viewport</_long>
97					<default>Button4</default>
98					<internal/>
99				</option>
100				<option name="initiate_button" type="button">
101					<_short>Initiate plugin action</_short>
102					<_long>Initiate/Terminate the selected plugin action</_long>
103					<default>Button2</default>
104					<internal/>
105				</option>
106				<option name="init_plugin" type="string">
107					<_short>Plugin for initiate action</_short>
108					<_long>Plugin for initiate/action action</_long>
109					<default>rotate</default>
110				</option>
111				<option name="init_action" type="string">
112					<_short>Action name for initiate</_short>
113					<_long>Action name for initiate/terminate</_long>
114					<default>initiate_button</default>
115				</option>
116			</group>
117		</display>
118	</plugin>