1 #include "pm_c_util.h"
3 #define ICONDIR_TYPE_ICO (1)
5 /*  windows icon structures  */
6 struct IconDirEntry {
7     uint16_t width;               /* image width in pixels 0 == 256 */
8     uint16_t height;              /* image height in pixels 0 == 256 */
9     uint8_t  color_count;         /* 0 if bits_per_pixel >= 8 */
10     uint8_t  zero;                /* 0 */
11     uint16_t color_planes;        /* 1 */
12     uint16_t bits_per_pixel;      /* allowed values: 1, 4, 8, 16 or 32 (1) */
13     uint32_t size;                /* size of image */
14     uint32_t offset;              /* file offset of image */
16     uint16_t index;               /* extra field (not in file) */
17 };
19 /*  (1) This is from
20  *  http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2010/10/19/10077610.aspx.
21  *
22  *  However, the bpp value in the icon directory is used as a hint for
23  *  image selection only.  It seems to be legal to set this value to
24  *  zero, and e.g. in SHELL32.DLL of Win98SE, there are many 8bpp
25  *  images described as 24 bit images in the icon directory.
26  *
27  *  The bpp value of image 1 in icon 150 in SHELL32.DLL of WinXP is 24
28  *  (in header and BMP).  This may be a bug, as the 32 x 32 x 8 image
29  *  is missing, but it shows the Windows icon rendering engine is able
30  *  to cope with 24 bit images).
31  *
32  *  16bpp icons are at least rare in the wild.
33  */
34 struct IconDir {
35     uint16_t zero;                /* 0 */
36     uint16_t type;                /* 1 */
37     uint16_t count;               /* number of images in icon */
39     unsigned int entriesAllocCt;     /* # of allocated slots in 'entries'*/
40     struct IconDirEntry * entries;   /* one entry for each image */
41 };
43 /*  BMP image structures  */
45 struct BitmapInfoHeader {
46     uint32_t header_size;         /* >= 40 */
47     int32_t  bm_width;
48     int32_t  bm_height;
49     uint16_t color_planes;
50     uint16_t bits_per_pixel;
51     uint32_t compression_method;
52     uint32_t image_size;
53     int32_t  horizontal_resolution; /* pixels per meter (!) */
54     int32_t  vertical_resolution;   /* pixels per meter (!) */
55     uint32_t colors_in_palette;
56     uint32_t important_colors;
58     bool top_down;                /* extra field (not in file) */
60 };
62 typedef enum {
63     BI_RGB       = 0,
64     BI_BITFIELDS = 3
66 } BiCompression;
68 /*  PNG image structures  */
69 #define PNG_HEADER { 0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G', '\r', '\n', 0x1A /* ^Z */, '\n' }
71 struct PngIhdr {
72     uint32_t length;              /* 13 */
73     uint32_t signature;           /* "IHDR" */
74     uint32_t width;               /* image width in pixels */
75     uint32_t height;              /* image height in pixels */
76     uint8_t  bit_depth;           /* depth per channel */
77     uint8_t  color_type;          /* recognized values: 0, 2, 3, 4 and 6 */
78     uint8_t  compression;
79     uint8_t  filter;
80     uint8_t  interlace;
81     uint32_t crc;
82 };