1from __future__ import annotations
3import datetime
4import warnings
5from typing import (
7    Any,
8    Callable,
9    Dict,
10    Hashable,
11    Iterable,
12    List,
13    Mapping,
14    Optional,
15    Sequence,
16    Tuple,
17    Union,
18    cast,
21import numpy as np
22import pandas as pd
24from ..plot.plot import _PlotMethods
25from ..plot.utils import _get_units_from_attrs
26from . import (
27    computation,
28    dtypes,
29    groupby,
30    indexing,
31    ops,
32    pdcompat,
33    resample,
34    rolling,
35    utils,
36    weighted,
38from .accessor_dt import CombinedDatetimelikeAccessor
39from .accessor_str import StringAccessor
40from .alignment import (
41    _broadcast_helper,
42    _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords,
43    align,
44    reindex_like_indexers,
46from .arithmetic import DataArrayArithmetic
47from .common import AbstractArray, DataWithCoords, get_chunksizes
48from .computation import unify_chunks
49from .coordinates import (
50    DataArrayCoordinates,
51    assert_coordinate_consistent,
52    remap_label_indexers,
54from .dataset import Dataset, split_indexes
55from .formatting import format_item
56from .indexes import Index, Indexes, default_indexes, propagate_indexes
57from .indexing import is_fancy_indexer
58from .merge import PANDAS_TYPES, MergeError, _extract_indexes_from_coords
59from .options import OPTIONS, _get_keep_attrs
60from .utils import (
61    Default,
62    HybridMappingProxy,
63    ReprObject,
64    _default,
65    either_dict_or_kwargs,
67from .variable import (
68    IndexVariable,
69    Variable,
70    as_compatible_data,
71    as_variable,
72    assert_unique_multiindex_level_names,
76    try:
77        from dask.delayed import Delayed
78    except ImportError:
79        Delayed = None
80    try:
81        from cdms2 import Variable as cdms2_Variable
82    except ImportError:
83        cdms2_Variable = None
84    try:
85        from iris.cube import Cube as iris_Cube
86    except ImportError:
87        iris_Cube = None
89    from .types import T_DataArray, T_Xarray
92def _infer_coords_and_dims(
93    shape, coords, dims
94) -> "Tuple[Dict[Any, Variable], Tuple[Hashable, ...]]":
95    """All the logic for creating a new DataArray"""
97    if (
98        coords is not None
99        and not utils.is_dict_like(coords)
100        and len(coords) != len(shape)
101    ):
102        raise ValueError(
103            f"coords is not dict-like, but it has {len(coords)} items, "
104            f"which does not match the {len(shape)} dimensions of the "
105            "data"
106        )
108    if isinstance(dims, str):
109        dims = (dims,)
111    if dims is None:
112        dims = [f"dim_{n}" for n in range(len(shape))]
113        if coords is not None and len(coords) == len(shape):
114            # try to infer dimensions from coords
115            if utils.is_dict_like(coords):
116                dims = list(coords.keys())
117            else:
118                for n, (dim, coord) in enumerate(zip(dims, coords)):
119                    coord = as_variable(coord, name=dims[n]).to_index_variable()
120                    dims[n] = coord.name
121        dims = tuple(dims)
122    elif len(dims) != len(shape):
123        raise ValueError(
124            "different number of dimensions on data "
125            f"and dims: {len(shape)} vs {len(dims)}"
126        )
127    else:
128        for d in dims:
129            if not isinstance(d, str):
130                raise TypeError(f"dimension {d} is not a string")
132    new_coords: Dict[Any, Variable] = {}
134    if utils.is_dict_like(coords):
135        for k, v in coords.items():
136            new_coords[k] = as_variable(v, name=k)
137    elif coords is not None:
138        for dim, coord in zip(dims, coords):
139            var = as_variable(coord, name=dim)
140            var.dims = (dim,)
141            new_coords[dim] = var.to_index_variable()
143    sizes = dict(zip(dims, shape))
144    for k, v in new_coords.items():
145        if any(d not in dims for d in v.dims):
146            raise ValueError(
147                f"coordinate {k} has dimensions {v.dims}, but these "
148                "are not a subset of the DataArray "
149                f"dimensions {dims}"
150            )
152        for d, s in zip(v.dims, v.shape):
153            if s != sizes[d]:
154                raise ValueError(
155                    f"conflicting sizes for dimension {d!r}: "
156                    f"length {sizes[d]} on the data but length {s} on "
157                    f"coordinate {k!r}"
158                )
160        if k in sizes and v.shape != (sizes[k],):
161            raise ValueError(
162                f"coordinate {k!r} is a DataArray dimension, but "
163                f"it has shape {v.shape!r} rather than expected shape {sizes[k]!r} "
164                "matching the dimension size"
165            )
167    assert_unique_multiindex_level_names(new_coords)
169    return new_coords, dims
172def _check_data_shape(data, coords, dims):
173    if data is dtypes.NA:
174        data = np.nan
175    if coords is not None and utils.is_scalar(data, include_0d=False):
176        if utils.is_dict_like(coords):
177            if dims is None:
178                return data
179            else:
180                data_shape = tuple(
181                    as_variable(coords[k], k).size if k in coords.keys() else 1
182                    for k in dims
183                )
184        else:
185            data_shape = tuple(as_variable(coord, "foo").size for coord in coords)
186        data = np.full(data_shape, data)
187    return data
190class _LocIndexer:
191    __slots__ = ("data_array",)
193    def __init__(self, data_array: "DataArray"):
194        self.data_array = data_array
196    def __getitem__(self, key) -> "DataArray":
197        if not utils.is_dict_like(key):
198            # expand the indexer so we can handle Ellipsis
199            labels = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.data_array.ndim)
200            key = dict(zip(self.data_array.dims, labels))
201        return self.data_array.sel(key)
203    def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None:
204        if not utils.is_dict_like(key):
205            # expand the indexer so we can handle Ellipsis
206            labels = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.data_array.ndim)
207            key = dict(zip(self.data_array.dims, labels))
209        pos_indexers, _ = remap_label_indexers(self.data_array, key)
210        self.data_array[pos_indexers] = value
213# Used as the key corresponding to a DataArray's variable when converting
214# arbitrary DataArray objects to datasets
215_THIS_ARRAY = ReprObject("<this-array>")
218class DataArray(AbstractArray, DataWithCoords, DataArrayArithmetic):
219    """N-dimensional array with labeled coordinates and dimensions.
221    DataArray provides a wrapper around numpy ndarrays that uses
222    labeled dimensions and coordinates to support metadata aware
223    operations. The API is similar to that for the pandas Series or
224    DataFrame, but DataArray objects can have any number of dimensions,
225    and their contents have fixed data types.
227    Additional features over raw numpy arrays:
229    - Apply operations over dimensions by name: ``x.sum('time')``.
230    - Select or assign values by integer location (like numpy):
231      ``x[:10]`` or by label (like pandas): ``x.loc['2014-01-01']`` or
232      ``x.sel(time='2014-01-01')``.
233    - Mathematical operations (e.g., ``x - y``) vectorize across
234      multiple dimensions (known in numpy as "broadcasting") based on
235      dimension names, regardless of their original order.
236    - Keep track of arbitrary metadata in the form of a Python
237      dictionary: ``x.attrs``
238    - Convert to a pandas Series: ``x.to_series()``.
240    Getting items from or doing mathematical operations with a
241    DataArray always returns another DataArray.
243    Parameters
244    ----------
245    data : array_like
246        Values for this array. Must be an ``numpy.ndarray``, ndarray
247        like, or castable to an ``ndarray``. If a self-described xarray
248        or pandas object, attempts are made to use this array's
249        metadata to fill in other unspecified arguments. A view of the
250        array's data is used instead of a copy if possible.
251    coords : sequence or dict of array_like, optional
252        Coordinates (tick labels) to use for indexing along each
253        dimension. The following notations are accepted:
255        - mapping {dimension name: array-like}
256        - sequence of tuples that are valid arguments for
257          ``xarray.Variable()``
258          - (dims, data)
259          - (dims, data, attrs)
260          - (dims, data, attrs, encoding)
262        Additionally, it is possible to define a coord whose name
263        does not match the dimension name, or a coord based on multiple
264        dimensions, with one of the following notations:
266        - mapping {coord name: DataArray}
267        - mapping {coord name: Variable}
268        - mapping {coord name: (dimension name, array-like)}
269        - mapping {coord name: (tuple of dimension names, array-like)}
271    dims : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional
272        Name(s) of the data dimension(s). Must be either a hashable
273        (only for 1D data) or a sequence of hashables with length equal
274        to the number of dimensions. If this argument is omitted,
275        dimension names are taken from ``coords`` (if possible) and
276        otherwise default to ``['dim_0', ... 'dim_n']``.
277    name : str or None, optional
278        Name of this array.
279    attrs : dict_like or None, optional
280        Attributes to assign to the new instance. By default, an empty
281        attribute dictionary is initialized.
283    Examples
284    --------
285    Create data:
287    >>> np.random.seed(0)
288    >>> temperature = 15 + 8 * np.random.randn(2, 2, 3)
289    >>> lon = [[-99.83, -99.32], [-99.79, -99.23]]
290    >>> lat = [[42.25, 42.21], [42.63, 42.59]]
291    >>> time = pd.date_range("2014-09-06", periods=3)
292    >>> reference_time = pd.Timestamp("2014-09-05")
294    Initialize a dataarray with multiple dimensions:
296    >>> da = xr.DataArray(
297    ...     data=temperature,
298    ...     dims=["x", "y", "time"],
299    ...     coords=dict(
300    ...         lon=(["x", "y"], lon),
301    ...         lat=(["x", "y"], lat),
302    ...         time=time,
303    ...         reference_time=reference_time,
304    ...     ),
305    ...     attrs=dict(
306    ...         description="Ambient temperature.",
307    ...         units="degC",
308    ...     ),
309    ... )
310    >>> da
311    <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 2, time: 3)>
312    array([[[29.11241877, 18.20125767, 22.82990387],
313            [32.92714559, 29.94046392,  7.18177696]],
314    <BLANKLINE>
315           [[22.60070734, 13.78914233, 14.17424919],
316            [18.28478802, 16.15234857, 26.63418806]]])
317    Coordinates:
318        lon             (x, y) float64 -99.83 -99.32 -99.79 -99.23
319        lat             (x, y) float64 42.25 42.21 42.63 42.59
320      * time            (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-09-06 2014-09-07 2014-09-08
321        reference_time  datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05
322    Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
323    Attributes:
324        description:  Ambient temperature.
325        units:        degC
327    Find out where the coldest temperature was:
329    >>> da.isel(da.argmin(...))
330    <xarray.DataArray ()>
331    array(7.18177696)
332    Coordinates:
333        lon             float64 -99.32
334        lat             float64 42.21
335        time            datetime64[ns] 2014-09-08
336        reference_time  datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05
337    Attributes:
338        description:  Ambient temperature.
339        units:        degC
340    """
342    _cache: Dict[str, Any]
343    _coords: Dict[Any, Variable]
344    _close: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
345    _indexes: Optional[Dict[Hashable, Index]]
346    _name: Optional[Hashable]
347    _variable: Variable
349    __slots__ = (
350        "_cache",
351        "_coords",
352        "_close",
353        "_indexes",
354        "_name",
355        "_variable",
356        "__weakref__",
357    )
359    _groupby_cls = groupby.DataArrayGroupBy
360    _rolling_cls = rolling.DataArrayRolling
361    _coarsen_cls = rolling.DataArrayCoarsen
362    _resample_cls = resample.DataArrayResample
363    _weighted_cls = weighted.DataArrayWeighted
365    dt = utils.UncachedAccessor(CombinedDatetimelikeAccessor)
367    def __init__(
368        self,
369        data: Any = dtypes.NA,
370        coords: Union[Sequence[Tuple], Mapping[Any, Any], None] = None,
371        dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None,
372        name: Hashable = None,
373        attrs: Mapping = None,
374        # internal parameters
375        indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = None,
376        fastpath: bool = False,
377    ):
378        if fastpath:
379            variable = data
380            assert dims is None
381            assert attrs is None
382        else:
383            # try to fill in arguments from data if they weren't supplied
384            if coords is None:
386                if isinstance(data, DataArray):
387                    coords = data.coords
388                elif isinstance(data, pd.Series):
389                    coords = [data.index]
390                elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
391                    coords = [data.index, data.columns]
392                elif isinstance(data, (pd.Index, IndexVariable)):
393                    coords = [data]
394                elif isinstance(data, pdcompat.Panel):
395                    coords = [data.items, data.major_axis, data.minor_axis]
397            if dims is None:
398                dims = getattr(data, "dims", getattr(coords, "dims", None))
399            if name is None:
400                name = getattr(data, "name", None)
401            if attrs is None and not isinstance(data, PANDAS_TYPES):
402                attrs = getattr(data, "attrs", None)
404            data = _check_data_shape(data, coords, dims)
405            data = as_compatible_data(data)
406            coords, dims = _infer_coords_and_dims(data.shape, coords, dims)
407            variable = Variable(dims, data, attrs, fastpath=True)
408            indexes = dict(
409                _extract_indexes_from_coords(coords)
410            )  # needed for to_dataset
412        # These fully describe a DataArray
413        self._variable = variable
414        assert isinstance(coords, dict)
415        self._coords = coords
416        self._name = name
418        # TODO(shoyer): document this argument, once it becomes part of the
419        # public interface.
420        self._indexes = indexes
422        self._close = None
424    def _replace(
425        self: T_DataArray,
426        variable: Variable = None,
427        coords=None,
428        name: Union[Hashable, None, Default] = _default,
429        indexes=None,
430    ) -> T_DataArray:
431        if variable is None:
432            variable = self.variable
433        if coords is None:
434            coords = self._coords
435        if name is _default:
436            name = self.name
437        return type(self)(variable, coords, name=name, fastpath=True, indexes=indexes)
439    def _replace_maybe_drop_dims(
440        self, variable: Variable, name: Union[Hashable, None, Default] = _default
441    ) -> "DataArray":
442        if variable.dims == self.dims and variable.shape == self.shape:
443            coords = self._coords.copy()
444            indexes = self._indexes
445        elif variable.dims == self.dims:
446            # Shape has changed (e.g. from reduce(..., keepdims=True)
447            new_sizes = dict(zip(self.dims, variable.shape))
448            coords = {
449                k: v
450                for k, v in self._coords.items()
451                if v.shape == tuple(new_sizes[d] for d in v.dims)
452            }
453            changed_dims = [
454                k for k in variable.dims if variable.sizes[k] != self.sizes[k]
455            ]
456            indexes = propagate_indexes(self._indexes, exclude=changed_dims)
457        else:
458            allowed_dims = set(variable.dims)
459            coords = {
460                k: v for k, v in self._coords.items() if set(v.dims) <= allowed_dims
461            }
462            indexes = propagate_indexes(
463                self._indexes, exclude=(set(self.dims) - allowed_dims)
464            )
465        return self._replace(variable, coords, name, indexes=indexes)
467    def _overwrite_indexes(self, indexes: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> "DataArray":
468        if not len(indexes):
469            return self
470        coords = self._coords.copy()
471        for name, idx in indexes.items():
472            coords[name] = IndexVariable(name, idx.to_pandas_index())
473        obj = self._replace(coords=coords)
475        # switch from dimension to level names, if necessary
476        dim_names: Dict[Any, str] = {}
477        for dim, idx in indexes.items():
478            pd_idx = idx.to_pandas_index()
479            if not isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex) and pd_idx.name != dim:
480                dim_names[dim] = idx.name
481        if dim_names:
482            obj = obj.rename(dim_names)
483        return obj
485    def _to_temp_dataset(self) -> Dataset:
486        return self._to_dataset_whole(name=_THIS_ARRAY, shallow_copy=False)
488    def _from_temp_dataset(
489        self, dataset: Dataset, name: Union[Hashable, None, Default] = _default
490    ) -> "DataArray":
491        variable = dataset._variables.pop(_THIS_ARRAY)
492        coords = dataset._variables
493        indexes = dataset._indexes
494        return self._replace(variable, coords, name, indexes=indexes)
496    def _to_dataset_split(self, dim: Hashable) -> Dataset:
497        """splits dataarray along dimension 'dim'"""
499        def subset(dim, label):
500            array = self.loc[{dim: label}]
501            array.attrs = {}
502            return as_variable(array)
504        variables = {label: subset(dim, label) for label in self.get_index(dim)}
505        variables.update({k: v for k, v in self._coords.items() if k != dim})
506        indexes = propagate_indexes(self._indexes, exclude=dim)
507        coord_names = set(self._coords) - {dim}
508        dataset = Dataset._construct_direct(
509            variables, coord_names, indexes=indexes, attrs=self.attrs
510        )
511        return dataset
513    def _to_dataset_whole(
514        self, name: Hashable = None, shallow_copy: bool = True
515    ) -> Dataset:
516        if name is None:
517            name = self.name
518        if name is None:
519            raise ValueError(
520                "unable to convert unnamed DataArray to a "
521                "Dataset without providing an explicit name"
522            )
523        if name in self.coords:
524            raise ValueError(
525                "cannot create a Dataset from a DataArray with "
526                "the same name as one of its coordinates"
527            )
528        # use private APIs for speed: this is called by _to_temp_dataset(),
529        # which is used in the guts of a lot of operations (e.g., reindex)
530        variables = self._coords.copy()
531        variables[name] = self.variable
532        if shallow_copy:
533            for k in variables:
534                variables[k] = variables[k].copy(deep=False)
535        indexes = self._indexes
537        coord_names = set(self._coords)
538        return Dataset._construct_direct(variables, coord_names, indexes=indexes)
540    def to_dataset(
541        self,
542        dim: Hashable = None,
543        *,
544        name: Hashable = None,
545        promote_attrs: bool = False,
546    ) -> Dataset:
547        """Convert a DataArray to a Dataset.
549        Parameters
550        ----------
551        dim : hashable, optional
552            Name of the dimension on this array along which to split this array
553            into separate variables. If not provided, this array is converted
554            into a Dataset of one variable.
555        name : hashable, optional
556            Name to substitute for this array's name. Only valid if ``dim`` is
557            not provided.
558        promote_attrs : bool, default: False
559            Set to True to shallow copy attrs of DataArray to returned Dataset.
561        Returns
562        -------
563        dataset : Dataset
564        """
565        if dim is not None and dim not in self.dims:
566            raise TypeError(
567                f"{dim} is not a dim. If supplying a ``name``, pass as a kwarg."
568            )
570        if dim is not None:
571            if name is not None:
572                raise TypeError("cannot supply both dim and name arguments")
573            result = self._to_dataset_split(dim)
574        else:
575            result = self._to_dataset_whole(name)
577        if promote_attrs:
578            result.attrs = dict(self.attrs)
580        return result
582    @property
583    def name(self) -> Optional[Hashable]:
584        """The name of this array."""
585        return self._name
587    @name.setter
588    def name(self, value: Optional[Hashable]) -> None:
589        self._name = value
591    @property
592    def variable(self) -> Variable:
593        """Low level interface to the Variable object for this DataArray."""
594        return self._variable
596    @property
597    def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
598        return self.variable.dtype
600    @property
601    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
602        return self.variable.shape
604    @property
605    def size(self) -> int:
606        return self.variable.size
608    @property
609    def nbytes(self) -> int:
610        return self.variable.nbytes
612    @property
613    def ndim(self) -> int:
614        return self.variable.ndim
616    def __len__(self) -> int:
617        return len(self.variable)
619    @property
620    def data(self) -> Any:
621        """
622        The DataArray's data as an array. The underlying array type
623        (e.g. dask, sparse, pint) is preserved.
625        See Also
626        --------
627        DataArray.to_numpy
628        DataArray.as_numpy
629        DataArray.values
630        """
631        return self.variable.data
633    @data.setter
634    def data(self, value: Any) -> None:
635        self.variable.data = value
637    @property
638    def values(self) -> np.ndarray:
639        """
640        The array's data as a numpy.ndarray.
642        If the array's data is not a numpy.ndarray this will attempt to convert
643        it naively using np.array(), which will raise an error if the array
644        type does not support coercion like this (e.g. cupy).
645        """
646        return self.variable.values
648    @values.setter
649    def values(self, value: Any) -> None:
650        self.variable.values = value
652    def to_numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
653        """
654        Coerces wrapped data to numpy and returns a numpy.ndarray.
656        See Also
657        --------
658        DataArray.as_numpy : Same but returns the surrounding DataArray instead.
659        Dataset.as_numpy
660        DataArray.values
661        DataArray.data
662        """
663        return self.variable.to_numpy()
665    def as_numpy(self: T_DataArray) -> T_DataArray:
666        """
667        Coerces wrapped data and coordinates into numpy arrays, returning a DataArray.
669        See Also
670        --------
671        DataArray.to_numpy : Same but returns only the data as a numpy.ndarray object.
672        Dataset.as_numpy : Converts all variables in a Dataset.
673        DataArray.values
674        DataArray.data
675        """
676        coords = {k: v.as_numpy() for k, v in self._coords.items()}
677        return self._replace(self.variable.as_numpy(), coords, indexes=self._indexes)
679    @property
680    def _in_memory(self) -> bool:
681        return self.variable._in_memory
683    def to_index(self) -> pd.Index:
684        """Convert this variable to a pandas.Index. Only possible for 1D
685        arrays.
686        """
687        return self.variable.to_index()
689    @property
690    def dims(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]:
691        """Tuple of dimension names associated with this array.
693        Note that the type of this property is inconsistent with
694        `Dataset.dims`.  See `Dataset.sizes` and `DataArray.sizes` for
695        consistently named properties.
696        """
697        return self.variable.dims
699    @dims.setter
700    def dims(self, value):
701        raise AttributeError(
702            "you cannot assign dims on a DataArray. Use "
703            ".rename() or .swap_dims() instead."
704        )
706    def _item_key_to_dict(self, key: Any) -> Mapping[Hashable, Any]:
707        if utils.is_dict_like(key):
708            return key
709        key = indexing.expanded_indexer(key, self.ndim)
710        return dict(zip(self.dims, key))
712    @property
713    def _level_coords(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Hashable]:
714        """Return a mapping of all MultiIndex levels and their corresponding
715        coordinate name.
716        """
717        level_coords: Dict[Hashable, Hashable] = {}
719        for cname, var in self._coords.items():
720            if var.ndim == 1 and isinstance(var, IndexVariable):
721                level_names = var.level_names
722                if level_names is not None:
723                    (dim,) = var.dims
724                    level_coords.update({lname: dim for lname in level_names})
725        return level_coords
727    def _getitem_coord(self, key):
728        from .dataset import _get_virtual_variable
730        try:
731            var = self._coords[key]
732        except KeyError:
733            dim_sizes = dict(zip(self.dims, self.shape))
734            _, key, var = _get_virtual_variable(
735                self._coords, key, self._level_coords, dim_sizes
736            )
738        return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(var, name=key)
740    def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> "DataArray":
741        if isinstance(key, str):
742            return self._getitem_coord(key)
743        else:
744            # xarray-style array indexing
745            return self.isel(indexers=self._item_key_to_dict(key))
747    def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None:
748        if isinstance(key, str):
749            self.coords[key] = value
750        else:
751            # Coordinates in key, value and self[key] should be consistent.
752            # TODO Coordinate consistency in key is checked here, but it
753            # causes unnecessary indexing. It should be optimized.
754            obj = self[key]
755            if isinstance(value, DataArray):
756                assert_coordinate_consistent(value, obj.coords.variables)
757            # DataArray key -> Variable key
758            key = {
759                k: v.variable if isinstance(v, DataArray) else v
760                for k, v in self._item_key_to_dict(key).items()
761            }
762            self.variable[key] = value
764    def __delitem__(self, key: Any) -> None:
765        del self.coords[key]
767    @property
768    def _attr_sources(self) -> Iterable[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:
769        """Places to look-up items for attribute-style access"""
770        yield from self._item_sources
771        yield self.attrs
773    @property
774    def _item_sources(self) -> Iterable[Mapping[Hashable, Any]]:
775        """Places to look-up items for key-completion"""
776        yield HybridMappingProxy(keys=self._coords, mapping=self.coords)
778        # virtual coordinates
779        # uses empty dict -- everything here can already be found in self.coords.
780        yield HybridMappingProxy(keys=self.dims, mapping={})
781        yield HybridMappingProxy(keys=self._level_coords, mapping={})
783    def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool:
784        return key in self.data
786    @property
787    def loc(self) -> _LocIndexer:
788        """Attribute for location based indexing like pandas."""
789        return _LocIndexer(self)
791    @property
792    # Key type needs to be `Any` because of mypy#4167
793    def attrs(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
794        """Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata with this array."""
795        return self.variable.attrs
797    @attrs.setter
798    def attrs(self, value: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> None:
799        # Disable type checking to work around mypy bug - see mypy#4167
800        self.variable.attrs = value  # type: ignore[assignment]
802    @property
803    def encoding(self) -> Dict[Hashable, Any]:
804        """Dictionary of format-specific settings for how this array should be
805        serialized."""
806        return self.variable.encoding
808    @encoding.setter
809    def encoding(self, value: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> None:
810        self.variable.encoding = value
812    @property
813    def indexes(self) -> Indexes:
814        """Mapping of pandas.Index objects used for label based indexing.
816        Raises an error if this Dataset has indexes that cannot be coerced
817        to pandas.Index objects.
819        See Also
820        --------
821        DataArray.xindexes
823        """
824        return Indexes({k: idx.to_pandas_index() for k, idx in self.xindexes.items()})
826    @property
827    def xindexes(self) -> Indexes:
828        """Mapping of xarray Index objects used for label based indexing."""
829        if self._indexes is None:
830            self._indexes = default_indexes(self._coords, self.dims)
831        return Indexes(self._indexes)
833    @property
834    def coords(self) -> DataArrayCoordinates:
835        """Dictionary-like container of coordinate arrays."""
836        return DataArrayCoordinates(self)
838    def reset_coords(
839        self,
840        names: Union[Iterable[Hashable], Hashable, None] = None,
841        drop: bool = False,
842    ) -> Union[None, "DataArray", Dataset]:
843        """Given names of coordinates, reset them to become variables.
845        Parameters
846        ----------
847        names : hashable or iterable of hashable, optional
848            Name(s) of non-index coordinates in this dataset to reset into
849            variables. By default, all non-index coordinates are reset.
850        drop : bool, optional
851            If True, remove coordinates instead of converting them into
852            variables.
854        Returns
855        -------
856        Dataset, or DataArray if ``drop == True``
857        """
858        if names is None:
859            names = set(self.coords) - set(self.dims)
860        dataset = self.coords.to_dataset().reset_coords(names, drop)
861        if drop:
862            return self._replace(coords=dataset._variables)
863        if self.name is None:
864            raise ValueError(
865                "cannot reset_coords with drop=False on an unnamed DataArrray"
866            )
867        dataset[self.name] = self.variable
868        return dataset
870    def __dask_tokenize__(self):
871        from dask.base import normalize_token
873        return normalize_token((type(self), self._variable, self._coords, self._name))
875    def __dask_graph__(self):
876        return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_graph__()
878    def __dask_keys__(self):
879        return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_keys__()
881    def __dask_layers__(self):
882        return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_layers__()
884    @property
885    def __dask_optimize__(self):
886        return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_optimize__
888    @property
889    def __dask_scheduler__(self):
890        return self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_scheduler__
892    def __dask_postcompute__(self):
893        func, args = self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_postcompute__()
894        return self._dask_finalize, (self.name, func) + args
896    def __dask_postpersist__(self):
897        func, args = self._to_temp_dataset().__dask_postpersist__()
898        return self._dask_finalize, (self.name, func) + args
900    @staticmethod
901    def _dask_finalize(results, name, func, *args, **kwargs):
902        ds = func(results, *args, **kwargs)
903        variable = ds._variables.pop(_THIS_ARRAY)
904        coords = ds._variables
905        return DataArray(variable, coords, name=name, fastpath=True)
907    def load(self, **kwargs) -> "DataArray":
908        """Manually trigger loading of this array's data from disk or a
909        remote source into memory and return this array.
911        Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,
912        because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or
913        load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when
914        working with many file objects on disk.
916        Parameters
917        ----------
918        **kwargs : dict
919            Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.compute``.
921        See Also
922        --------
923        dask.compute
924        """
925        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().load(**kwargs)
926        new = self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
927        self._variable = new._variable
928        self._coords = new._coords
929        return self
931    def compute(self, **kwargs) -> "DataArray":
932        """Manually trigger loading of this array's data from disk or a
933        remote source into memory and return a new array. The original is
934        left unaltered.
936        Normally, it should not be necessary to call this method in user code,
937        because all xarray functions should either work on deferred data or
938        load data automatically. However, this method can be necessary when
939        working with many file objects on disk.
941        Parameters
942        ----------
943        **kwargs : dict
944            Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.compute``.
946        See Also
947        --------
948        dask.compute
949        """
950        new = self.copy(deep=False)
951        return new.load(**kwargs)
953    def persist(self, **kwargs) -> "DataArray":
954        """Trigger computation in constituent dask arrays
956        This keeps them as dask arrays but encourages them to keep data in
957        memory.  This is particularly useful when on a distributed machine.
958        When on a single machine consider using ``.compute()`` instead.
960        Parameters
961        ----------
962        **kwargs : dict
963            Additional keyword arguments passed on to ``dask.persist``.
965        See Also
966        --------
967        dask.persist
968        """
969        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().persist(**kwargs)
970        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
972    def copy(self: T_DataArray, deep: bool = True, data: Any = None) -> T_DataArray:
973        """Returns a copy of this array.
975        If `deep=True`, a deep copy is made of the data array.
976        Otherwise, a shallow copy is made, and the returned data array's
977        values are a new view of this data array's values.
979        Use `data` to create a new object with the same structure as
980        original but entirely new data.
982        Parameters
983        ----------
984        deep : bool, optional
985            Whether the data array and its coordinates are loaded into memory
986            and copied onto the new object. Default is True.
987        data : array_like, optional
988            Data to use in the new object. Must have same shape as original.
989            When `data` is used, `deep` is ignored for all data variables,
990            and only used for coords.
992        Returns
993        -------
994        object : DataArray
995            New object with dimensions, attributes, coordinates, name,
996            encoding, and optionally data copied from original.
998        Examples
999        --------
1000        Shallow versus deep copy
1002        >>> array = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3], dims="x", coords={"x": ["a", "b", "c"]})
1003        >>> array.copy()
1004        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
1005        array([1, 2, 3])
1006        Coordinates:
1007          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1008        >>> array_0 = array.copy(deep=False)
1009        >>> array_0[0] = 7
1010        >>> array_0
1011        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
1012        array([7, 2, 3])
1013        Coordinates:
1014          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1015        >>> array
1016        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
1017        array([7, 2, 3])
1018        Coordinates:
1019          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1021        Changing the data using the ``data`` argument maintains the
1022        structure of the original object, but with the new data. Original
1023        object is unaffected.
1025        >>> array.copy(data=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
1026        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
1027        array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
1028        Coordinates:
1029          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1030        >>> array
1031        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
1032        array([7, 2, 3])
1033        Coordinates:
1034          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1036        See Also
1037        --------
1038        pandas.DataFrame.copy
1039        """
1040        variable = self.variable.copy(deep=deep, data=data)
1041        coords = {k: v.copy(deep=deep) for k, v in self._coords.items()}
1042        if self._indexes is None:
1043            indexes = self._indexes
1044        else:
1045            indexes = {k: v.copy(deep=deep) for k, v in self._indexes.items()}
1046        return self._replace(variable, coords, indexes=indexes)
1048    def __copy__(self) -> "DataArray":
1049        return self.copy(deep=False)
1051    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> "DataArray":
1052        # memo does nothing but is required for compatibility with
1053        # copy.deepcopy
1054        return self.copy(deep=True)
1056    # mutable objects should not be hashable
1057    # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4266
1058    __hash__ = None  # type: ignore[assignment]
1060    @property
1061    def chunks(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ...]]:
1062        """
1063        Tuple of block lengths for this dataarray's data, in order of dimensions, or None if
1064        the underlying data is not a dask array.
1066        See Also
1067        --------
1068        DataArray.chunk
1069        DataArray.chunksizes
1070        xarray.unify_chunks
1071        """
1072        return self.variable.chunks
1074    @property
1075    def chunksizes(self) -> Mapping[Any, Tuple[int, ...]]:
1076        """
1077        Mapping from dimension names to block lengths for this dataarray's data, or None if
1078        the underlying data is not a dask array.
1079        Cannot be modified directly, but can be modified by calling .chunk().
1081        Differs from DataArray.chunks because it returns a mapping of dimensions to chunk shapes
1082        instead of a tuple of chunk shapes.
1084        See Also
1085        --------
1086        DataArray.chunk
1087        DataArray.chunks
1088        xarray.unify_chunks
1089        """
1090        all_variables = [self.variable] + [c.variable for c in self.coords.values()]
1091        return get_chunksizes(all_variables)
1093    def chunk(
1094        self,
1095        chunks: Union[
1096            int,
1097            Tuple[int, ...],
1098            Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ...],
1099            Mapping[Any, Union[None, int, Tuple[int, ...]]],
1100        ] = {},  # {} even though it's technically unsafe, is being used intentionally here (#4667)
1101        name_prefix: str = "xarray-",
1102        token: str = None,
1103        lock: bool = False,
1104    ) -> "DataArray":
1105        """Coerce this array's data into a dask arrays with the given chunks.
1107        If this variable is a non-dask array, it will be converted to dask
1108        array. If it's a dask array, it will be rechunked to the given chunk
1109        sizes.
1111        If neither chunks is not provided for one or more dimensions, chunk
1112        sizes along that dimension will not be updated; non-dask arrays will be
1113        converted into dask arrays with a single block.
1115        Parameters
1116        ----------
1117        chunks : int, tuple of int or mapping of hashable to int, optional
1118            Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5``, ``(5, 5)`` or
1119            ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``.
1120        name_prefix : str, optional
1121            Prefix for the name of the new dask array.
1122        token : str, optional
1123            Token uniquely identifying this array.
1124        lock : optional
1125            Passed on to :py:func:`dask.array.from_array`, if the array is not
1126            already as dask array.
1128        Returns
1129        -------
1130        chunked : xarray.DataArray
1131        """
1132        if isinstance(chunks, (tuple, list)):
1133            chunks = dict(zip(self.dims, chunks))
1135        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().chunk(
1136            chunks, name_prefix=name_prefix, token=token, lock=lock
1137        )
1138        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1140    def isel(
1141        self,
1142        indexers: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
1143        drop: bool = False,
1144        missing_dims: str = "raise",
1145        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1146    ) -> "DataArray":
1147        """Return a new DataArray whose data is given by integer indexing
1148        along the specified dimension(s).
1150        Parameters
1151        ----------
1152        indexers : dict, optional
1153            A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given
1154            by integers, slice objects or arrays.
1155            indexer can be a integer, slice, array-like or DataArray.
1156            If DataArrays are passed as indexers, xarray-style indexing will be
1157            carried out. See :ref:`indexing` for the details.
1158            One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.
1159        drop : bool, optional
1160            If ``drop=True``, drop coordinates variables indexed by integers
1161            instead of making them scalar.
1162        missing_dims : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default: "raise"
1163            What to do if dimensions that should be selected from are not present in the
1164            DataArray:
1165            - "raise": raise an exception
1166            - "warn": raise a warning, and ignore the missing dimensions
1167            - "ignore": ignore the missing dimensions
1168        **indexers_kwargs : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional
1169            The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.
1171        See Also
1172        --------
1173        Dataset.isel
1174        DataArray.sel
1176        Examples
1177        --------
1178        >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5), dims=("x", "y"))
1179        >>> da
1180        <xarray.DataArray (x: 5, y: 5)>
1181        array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
1182               [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
1183               [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
1184               [15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
1185               [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]])
1186        Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
1188        >>> tgt_x = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, 5), dims="points")
1189        >>> tgt_y = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, 5), dims="points")
1190        >>> da = da.isel(x=tgt_x, y=tgt_y)
1191        >>> da
1192        <xarray.DataArray (points: 5)>
1193        array([ 0,  6, 12, 18, 24])
1194        Dimensions without coordinates: points
1195        """
1197        indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "isel")
1199        if any(is_fancy_indexer(idx) for idx in indexers.values()):
1200            ds = self._to_temp_dataset()._isel_fancy(
1201                indexers, drop=drop, missing_dims=missing_dims
1202            )
1203            return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1205        # Much faster algorithm for when all indexers are ints, slices, one-dimensional
1206        # lists, or zero or one-dimensional np.ndarray's
1208        variable = self._variable.isel(indexers, missing_dims=missing_dims)
1210        coords = {}
1211        for coord_name, coord_value in self._coords.items():
1212            coord_indexers = {
1213                k: v for k, v in indexers.items() if k in coord_value.dims
1214            }
1215            if coord_indexers:
1216                coord_value = coord_value.isel(coord_indexers)
1217                if drop and coord_value.ndim == 0:
1218                    continue
1219            coords[coord_name] = coord_value
1221        return self._replace(variable=variable, coords=coords)
1223    def sel(
1224        self,
1225        indexers: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
1226        method: str = None,
1227        tolerance=None,
1228        drop: bool = False,
1229        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1230    ) -> "DataArray":
1231        """Return a new DataArray whose data is given by selecting index
1232        labels along the specified dimension(s).
1234        In contrast to `DataArray.isel`, indexers for this method should use
1235        labels instead of integers.
1237        Under the hood, this method is powered by using pandas's powerful Index
1238        objects. This makes label based indexing essentially just as fast as
1239        using integer indexing.
1241        It also means this method uses pandas's (well documented) logic for
1242        indexing. This means you can use string shortcuts for datetime indexes
1243        (e.g., '2000-01' to select all values in January 2000). It also means
1244        that slices are treated as inclusive of both the start and stop values,
1245        unlike normal Python indexing.
1247        .. warning::
1249          Do not try to assign values when using any of the indexing methods
1250          ``isel`` or ``sel``::
1252            da = xr.DataArray([0, 1, 2, 3], dims=['x'])
1253            # DO NOT do this
1254            da.isel(x=[0, 1, 2])[1] = -1
1256          Assigning values with the chained indexing using ``.sel`` or
1257          ``.isel`` fails silently.
1259        Parameters
1260        ----------
1261        indexers : dict, optional
1262            A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given
1263            by scalars, slices or arrays of tick labels. For dimensions with
1264            multi-index, the indexer may also be a dict-like object with keys
1265            matching index level names.
1266            If DataArrays are passed as indexers, xarray-style indexing will be
1267            carried out. See :ref:`indexing` for the details.
1268            One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.
1269        method : {None, "nearest", "pad", "ffill", "backfill", "bfill"}, optional
1270            Method to use for inexact matches:
1272            * None (default): only exact matches
1273            * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward
1274            * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward
1275            * nearest: use nearest valid index value
1276        tolerance : optional
1277            Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact
1278            matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must
1279            satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.
1280        drop : bool, optional
1281            If ``drop=True``, drop coordinates variables in `indexers` instead
1282            of making them scalar.
1283        **indexers_kwargs : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional
1284            The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.
1285            One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.
1287        Returns
1288        -------
1289        obj : DataArray
1290            A new DataArray with the same contents as this DataArray, except the
1291            data and each dimension is indexed by the appropriate indexers.
1292            If indexer DataArrays have coordinates that do not conflict with
1293            this object, then these coordinates will be attached.
1294            In general, each array's data will be a view of the array's data
1295            in this DataArray, unless vectorized indexing was triggered by using
1296            an array indexer, in which case the data will be a copy.
1298        See Also
1299        --------
1300        Dataset.sel
1301        DataArray.isel
1303        Examples
1304        --------
1305        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
1306        ...     np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5),
1307        ...     coords={"x": np.arange(5), "y": np.arange(5)},
1308        ...     dims=("x", "y"),
1309        ... )
1310        >>> da
1311        <xarray.DataArray (x: 5, y: 5)>
1312        array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4],
1313               [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
1314               [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
1315               [15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
1316               [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]])
1317        Coordinates:
1318          * x        (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4
1319          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2 3 4
1321        >>> tgt_x = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 4, num=5), dims="points")
1322        >>> tgt_y = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 4, num=5), dims="points")
1323        >>> da = da.sel(x=tgt_x, y=tgt_y, method="nearest")
1324        >>> da
1325        <xarray.DataArray (points: 5)>
1326        array([ 0,  6, 12, 18, 24])
1327        Coordinates:
1328            x        (points) int64 0 1 2 3 4
1329            y        (points) int64 0 1 2 3 4
1330        Dimensions without coordinates: points
1331        """
1332        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().sel(
1333            indexers=indexers,
1334            drop=drop,
1335            method=method,
1336            tolerance=tolerance,
1337            **indexers_kwargs,
1338        )
1339        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1341    def head(
1342        self,
1343        indexers: Union[Mapping[Any, int], int] = None,
1344        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1345    ) -> "DataArray":
1346        """Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the first `n`
1347        values along the specified dimension(s). Default `n` = 5
1349        See Also
1350        --------
1351        Dataset.head
1352        DataArray.tail
1353        DataArray.thin
1354        """
1355        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().head(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)
1356        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1358    def tail(
1359        self,
1360        indexers: Union[Mapping[Any, int], int] = None,
1361        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1362    ) -> "DataArray":
1363        """Return a new DataArray whose data is given by the the last `n`
1364        values along the specified dimension(s). Default `n` = 5
1366        See Also
1367        --------
1368        Dataset.tail
1369        DataArray.head
1370        DataArray.thin
1371        """
1372        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().tail(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)
1373        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1375    def thin(
1376        self,
1377        indexers: Union[Mapping[Any, int], int] = None,
1378        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1379    ) -> "DataArray":
1380        """Return a new DataArray whose data is given by each `n` value
1381        along the specified dimension(s).
1383        See Also
1384        --------
1385        Dataset.thin
1386        DataArray.head
1387        DataArray.tail
1388        """
1389        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().thin(indexers, **indexers_kwargs)
1390        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1392    def broadcast_like(
1393        self, other: Union["DataArray", Dataset], exclude: Iterable[Hashable] = None
1394    ) -> "DataArray":
1395        """Broadcast this DataArray against another Dataset or DataArray.
1397        This is equivalent to xr.broadcast(other, self)[1]
1399        xarray objects are broadcast against each other in arithmetic
1400        operations, so this method is not be necessary for most uses.
1402        If no change is needed, the input data is returned to the output
1403        without being copied.
1405        If new coords are added by the broadcast, their values are
1406        NaN filled.
1408        Parameters
1409        ----------
1410        other : Dataset or DataArray
1411            Object against which to broadcast this array.
1412        exclude : iterable of hashable, optional
1413            Dimensions that must not be broadcasted
1415        Returns
1416        -------
1417        new_da : DataArray
1418            The caller broadcasted against ``other``.
1420        Examples
1421        --------
1422        >>> arr1 = xr.DataArray(
1423        ...     np.random.randn(2, 3),
1424        ...     dims=("x", "y"),
1425        ...     coords={"x": ["a", "b"], "y": ["a", "b", "c"]},
1426        ... )
1427        >>> arr2 = xr.DataArray(
1428        ...     np.random.randn(3, 2),
1429        ...     dims=("x", "y"),
1430        ...     coords={"x": ["a", "b", "c"], "y": ["a", "b"]},
1431        ... )
1432        >>> arr1
1433        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)>
1434        array([[ 1.76405235,  0.40015721,  0.97873798],
1435               [ 2.2408932 ,  1.86755799, -0.97727788]])
1436        Coordinates:
1437          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b'
1438          * y        (y) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1439        >>> arr2
1440        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3, y: 2)>
1441        array([[ 0.95008842, -0.15135721],
1442               [-0.10321885,  0.4105985 ],
1443               [ 0.14404357,  1.45427351]])
1444        Coordinates:
1445          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1446          * y        (y) <U1 'a' 'b'
1447        >>> arr1.broadcast_like(arr2)
1448        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3, y: 3)>
1449        array([[ 1.76405235,  0.40015721,  0.97873798],
1450               [ 2.2408932 ,  1.86755799, -0.97727788],
1451               [        nan,         nan,         nan]])
1452        Coordinates:
1453          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1454          * y        (y) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c'
1455        """
1456        if exclude is None:
1457            exclude = set()
1458        else:
1459            exclude = set(exclude)
1460        args = align(other, self, join="outer", copy=False, exclude=exclude)
1462        dims_map, common_coords = _get_broadcast_dims_map_common_coords(args, exclude)
1464        return _broadcast_helper(args[1], exclude, dims_map, common_coords)
1466    def reindex_like(
1467        self,
1468        other: Union["DataArray", Dataset],
1469        method: str = None,
1470        tolerance=None,
1471        copy: bool = True,
1472        fill_value=dtypes.NA,
1473    ) -> "DataArray":
1474        """Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in
1475        missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.
1477        Parameters
1478        ----------
1479        other : Dataset or DataArray
1480            Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension
1481            names to pandas.Index objects, which provides coordinates upon
1482            which to index the variables in this dataset. The indexes on this
1483            other object need not be the same as the indexes on this
1484            dataset. Any mis-matched index values will be filled in with
1485            NaN, and any mis-matched dimension names will simply be ignored.
1486        method : {None, "nearest", "pad", "ffill", "backfill", "bfill"}, optional
1487            Method to use for filling index values from other not found on this
1488            data array:
1490            * None (default): don't fill gaps
1491            * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward
1492            * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward
1493            * nearest: use nearest valid index value
1494        tolerance : optional
1495            Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact
1496            matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must
1497            satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.
1498        copy : bool, optional
1499            If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If
1500            ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed
1501            with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with
1502            the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.
1503        fill_value : scalar or dict-like, optional
1504            Value to use for newly missing values. If a dict-like, maps
1505            variable names (including coordinates) to fill values. Use this
1506            data array's name to refer to the data array's values.
1508        Returns
1509        -------
1510        reindexed : DataArray
1511            Another dataset array, with this array's data but coordinates from
1512            the other object.
1514        See Also
1515        --------
1516        DataArray.reindex
1517        align
1518        """
1519        indexers = reindex_like_indexers(self, other)
1520        return self.reindex(
1521            indexers=indexers,
1522            method=method,
1523            tolerance=tolerance,
1524            copy=copy,
1525            fill_value=fill_value,
1526        )
1528    def reindex(
1529        self,
1530        indexers: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
1531        method: str = None,
1532        tolerance=None,
1533        copy: bool = True,
1534        fill_value=dtypes.NA,
1535        **indexers_kwargs: Any,
1536    ) -> "DataArray":
1537        """Conform this object onto the indexes of another object, filling in
1538        missing values with ``fill_value``. The default fill value is NaN.
1540        Parameters
1541        ----------
1542        indexers : dict, optional
1543            Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by
1544            arrays of coordinates tick labels. Any mis-matched coordinate
1545            values will be filled in with NaN, and any mis-matched dimension
1546            names will simply be ignored.
1547            One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.
1548        copy : bool, optional
1549            If ``copy=True``, data in the return value is always copied. If
1550            ``copy=False`` and reindexing is unnecessary, or can be performed
1551            with only slice operations, then the output may share memory with
1552            the input. In either case, a new xarray object is always returned.
1553        method : {None, 'nearest', 'pad'/'ffill', 'backfill'/'bfill'}, optional
1554            Method to use for filling index values in ``indexers`` not found on
1555            this data array:
1557            * None (default): don't fill gaps
1558            * pad / ffill: propagate last valid index value forward
1559            * backfill / bfill: propagate next valid index value backward
1560            * nearest: use nearest valid index value
1561        tolerance : optional
1562            Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact
1563            matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must
1564            satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance``.
1565        fill_value : scalar or dict-like, optional
1566            Value to use for newly missing values. If a dict-like, maps
1567            variable names (including coordinates) to fill values. Use this
1568            data array's name to refer to the data array's values.
1569        **indexers_kwargs : {dim: indexer, ...}, optional
1570            The keyword arguments form of ``indexers``.
1571            One of indexers or indexers_kwargs must be provided.
1573        Returns
1574        -------
1575        reindexed : DataArray
1576            Another dataset array, with this array's data but replaced
1577            coordinates.
1579        Examples
1580        --------
1581        Reverse latitude:
1583        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
1584        ...     np.arange(4),
1585        ...     coords=[np.array([90, 89, 88, 87])],
1586        ...     dims="lat",
1587        ... )
1588        >>> da
1589        <xarray.DataArray (lat: 4)>
1590        array([0, 1, 2, 3])
1591        Coordinates:
1592          * lat      (lat) int64 90 89 88 87
1593        >>> da.reindex(lat=da.lat[::-1])
1594        <xarray.DataArray (lat: 4)>
1595        array([3, 2, 1, 0])
1596        Coordinates:
1597          * lat      (lat) int64 87 88 89 90
1599        See Also
1600        --------
1601        DataArray.reindex_like
1602        align
1603        """
1604        indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "reindex")
1605        if isinstance(fill_value, dict):
1606            fill_value = fill_value.copy()
1607            sentinel = object()
1608            value = fill_value.pop(self.name, sentinel)
1609            if value is not sentinel:
1610                fill_value[_THIS_ARRAY] = value
1612        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().reindex(
1613            indexers=indexers,
1614            method=method,
1615            tolerance=tolerance,
1616            copy=copy,
1617            fill_value=fill_value,
1618        )
1619        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1621    def interp(
1622        self,
1623        coords: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
1624        method: str = "linear",
1625        assume_sorted: bool = False,
1626        kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
1627        **coords_kwargs: Any,
1628    ) -> "DataArray":
1629        """Multidimensional interpolation of variables.
1631        Parameters
1632        ----------
1633        coords : dict, optional
1634            Mapping from dimension names to the new coordinates.
1635            New coordinate can be an scalar, array-like or DataArray.
1636            If DataArrays are passed as new coordinates, their dimensions are
1637            used for the broadcasting. Missing values are skipped.
1638        method : str, default: "linear"
1639            The method used to interpolate. Choose from
1641            - {"linear", "nearest"} for multidimensional array,
1642            - {"linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic"} for 1-dimensional array.
1643        assume_sorted : bool, optional
1644            If False, values of x can be in any order and they are sorted
1645            first. If True, x has to be an array of monotonically increasing
1646            values.
1647        kwargs : dict
1648            Additional keyword arguments passed to scipy's interpolator. Valid
1649            options and their behavior depend on if 1-dimensional or
1650            multi-dimensional interpolation is used.
1651        **coords_kwargs : {dim: coordinate, ...}, optional
1652            The keyword arguments form of ``coords``.
1653            One of coords or coords_kwargs must be provided.
1655        Returns
1656        -------
1657        interpolated : DataArray
1658            New dataarray on the new coordinates.
1660        Notes
1661        -----
1662        scipy is required.
1664        See Also
1665        --------
1666        scipy.interpolate.interp1d
1667        scipy.interpolate.interpn
1669        Examples
1670        --------
1671        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
1672        ...     data=[[1, 4, 2, 9], [2, 7, 6, np.nan], [6, np.nan, 5, 8]],
1673        ...     dims=("x", "y"),
1674        ...     coords={"x": [0, 1, 2], "y": [10, 12, 14, 16]},
1675        ... )
1676        >>> da
1677        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3, y: 4)>
1678        array([[ 1.,  4.,  2.,  9.],
1679               [ 2.,  7.,  6., nan],
1680               [ 6., nan,  5.,  8.]])
1681        Coordinates:
1682          * x        (x) int64 0 1 2
1683          * y        (y) int64 10 12 14 16
1685        1D linear interpolation (the default):
1687        >>> da.interp(x=[0, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75])
1688        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 4)>
1689        array([[1.  , 4.  , 2.  ,  nan],
1690               [1.75, 6.25, 5.  ,  nan],
1691               [3.  ,  nan, 5.75,  nan],
1692               [5.  ,  nan, 5.25,  nan]])
1693        Coordinates:
1694          * y        (y) int64 10 12 14 16
1695          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.75 1.25 1.75
1697        1D nearest interpolation:
1699        >>> da.interp(x=[0, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75], method="nearest")
1700        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 4)>
1701        array([[ 1.,  4.,  2.,  9.],
1702               [ 2.,  7.,  6., nan],
1703               [ 2.,  7.,  6., nan],
1704               [ 6., nan,  5.,  8.]])
1705        Coordinates:
1706          * y        (y) int64 10 12 14 16
1707          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.75 1.25 1.75
1709        1D linear extrapolation:
1711        >>> da.interp(
1712        ...     x=[1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5],
1713        ...     method="linear",
1714        ...     kwargs={"fill_value": "extrapolate"},
1715        ... )
1716        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 4)>
1717        array([[ 2. ,  7. ,  6. ,  nan],
1718               [ 4. ,  nan,  5.5,  nan],
1719               [ 8. ,  nan,  4.5,  nan],
1720               [12. ,  nan,  3.5,  nan]])
1721        Coordinates:
1722          * y        (y) int64 10 12 14 16
1723          * x        (x) float64 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.5
1725        2D linear interpolation:
1727        >>> da.interp(x=[0, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75], y=[11, 13, 15], method="linear")
1728        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
1729        array([[2.5  , 3.   ,   nan],
1730               [4.   , 5.625,   nan],
1731               [  nan,   nan,   nan],
1732               [  nan,   nan,   nan]])
1733        Coordinates:
1734          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.75 1.25 1.75
1735          * y        (y) int64 11 13 15
1736        """
1737        if self.dtype.kind not in "uifc":
1738            raise TypeError(
1739                "interp only works for a numeric type array. "
1740                "Given {}.".format(self.dtype)
1741            )
1742        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().interp(
1743            coords,
1744            method=method,
1745            kwargs=kwargs,
1746            assume_sorted=assume_sorted,
1747            **coords_kwargs,
1748        )
1749        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1751    def interp_like(
1752        self,
1753        other: Union["DataArray", Dataset],
1754        method: str = "linear",
1755        assume_sorted: bool = False,
1756        kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
1757    ) -> "DataArray":
1758        """Interpolate this object onto the coordinates of another object,
1759        filling out of range values with NaN.
1761        Parameters
1762        ----------
1763        other : Dataset or DataArray
1764            Object with an 'indexes' attribute giving a mapping from dimension
1765            names to an 1d array-like, which provides coordinates upon
1766            which to index the variables in this dataset. Missing values are skipped.
1767        method : str, default: "linear"
1768            The method used to interpolate. Choose from
1770            - {"linear", "nearest"} for multidimensional array,
1771            - {"linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic"} for 1-dimensional array.
1772        assume_sorted : bool, optional
1773            If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be
1774            in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated
1775            coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing
1776            values.
1777        kwargs : dict, optional
1778            Additional keyword passed to scipy's interpolator.
1780        Returns
1781        -------
1782        interpolated : DataArray
1783            Another dataarray by interpolating this dataarray's data along the
1784            coordinates of the other object.
1786        Notes
1787        -----
1788        scipy is required.
1789        If the dataarray has object-type coordinates, reindex is used for these
1790        coordinates instead of the interpolation.
1792        See Also
1793        --------
1794        DataArray.interp
1795        DataArray.reindex_like
1796        """
1797        if self.dtype.kind not in "uifc":
1798            raise TypeError(
1799                "interp only works for a numeric type array. "
1800                "Given {}.".format(self.dtype)
1801            )
1802        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().interp_like(
1803            other, method=method, kwargs=kwargs, assume_sorted=assume_sorted
1804        )
1805        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1807    def rename(
1808        self,
1809        new_name_or_name_dict: Union[Hashable, Mapping[Any, Hashable]] = None,
1810        **names: Hashable,
1811    ) -> "DataArray":
1812        """Returns a new DataArray with renamed coordinates or a new name.
1814        Parameters
1815        ----------
1816        new_name_or_name_dict : str or dict-like, optional
1817            If the argument is dict-like, it used as a mapping from old
1818            names to new names for coordinates. Otherwise, use the argument
1819            as the new name for this array.
1820        **names : hashable, optional
1821            The keyword arguments form of a mapping from old names to
1822            new names for coordinates.
1823            One of new_name_or_name_dict or names must be provided.
1825        Returns
1826        -------
1827        renamed : DataArray
1828            Renamed array or array with renamed coordinates.
1830        See Also
1831        --------
1832        Dataset.rename
1833        DataArray.swap_dims
1834        """
1835        if names or utils.is_dict_like(new_name_or_name_dict):
1836            new_name_or_name_dict = cast(
1837                Mapping[Hashable, Hashable], new_name_or_name_dict
1838            )
1839            name_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(new_name_or_name_dict, names, "rename")
1840            dataset = self._to_temp_dataset().rename(name_dict)
1841            return self._from_temp_dataset(dataset)
1842        else:
1843            new_name_or_name_dict = cast(Hashable, new_name_or_name_dict)
1844            return self._replace(name=new_name_or_name_dict)
1846    def swap_dims(
1847        self, dims_dict: Mapping[Any, Hashable] = None, **dims_kwargs
1848    ) -> "DataArray":
1849        """Returns a new DataArray with swapped dimensions.
1851        Parameters
1852        ----------
1853        dims_dict : dict-like
1854            Dictionary whose keys are current dimension names and whose values
1855            are new names.
1856        **dims_kwargs : {existing_dim: new_dim, ...}, optional
1857            The keyword arguments form of ``dims_dict``.
1858            One of dims_dict or dims_kwargs must be provided.
1860        Returns
1861        -------
1862        swapped : DataArray
1863            DataArray with swapped dimensions.
1865        Examples
1866        --------
1867        >>> arr = xr.DataArray(
1868        ...     data=[0, 1],
1869        ...     dims="x",
1870        ...     coords={"x": ["a", "b"], "y": ("x", [0, 1])},
1871        ... )
1872        >>> arr
1873        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2)>
1874        array([0, 1])
1875        Coordinates:
1876          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b'
1877            y        (x) int64 0 1
1879        >>> arr.swap_dims({"x": "y"})
1880        <xarray.DataArray (y: 2)>
1881        array([0, 1])
1882        Coordinates:
1883            x        (y) <U1 'a' 'b'
1884          * y        (y) int64 0 1
1886        >>> arr.swap_dims({"x": "z"})
1887        <xarray.DataArray (z: 2)>
1888        array([0, 1])
1889        Coordinates:
1890            x        (z) <U1 'a' 'b'
1891            y        (z) int64 0 1
1892        Dimensions without coordinates: z
1894        See Also
1895        --------
1896        DataArray.rename
1897        Dataset.swap_dims
1898        """
1899        dims_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(dims_dict, dims_kwargs, "swap_dims")
1900        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().swap_dims(dims_dict)
1901        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1903    def expand_dims(
1904        self,
1905        dim: Union[None, Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], Mapping[Any, Any]] = None,
1906        axis=None,
1907        **dim_kwargs: Any,
1908    ) -> "DataArray":
1909        """Return a new object with an additional axis (or axes) inserted at
1910        the corresponding position in the array shape. The new object is a
1911        view into the underlying array, not a copy.
1913        If dim is already a scalar coordinate, it will be promoted to a 1D
1914        coordinate consisting of a single value.
1916        Parameters
1917        ----------
1918        dim : hashable, sequence of hashable, dict, or None, optional
1919            Dimensions to include on the new variable.
1920            If provided as str or sequence of str, then dimensions are inserted
1921            with length 1. If provided as a dict, then the keys are the new
1922            dimensions and the values are either integers (giving the length of
1923            the new dimensions) or sequence/ndarray (giving the coordinates of
1924            the new dimensions).
1925        axis : int, list of int or tuple of int, or None, default: None
1926            Axis position(s) where new axis is to be inserted (position(s) on
1927            the result array). If a list (or tuple) of integers is passed,
1928            multiple axes are inserted. In this case, dim arguments should be
1929            same length list. If axis=None is passed, all the axes will be
1930            inserted to the start of the result array.
1931        **dim_kwargs : int or sequence or ndarray
1932            The keywords are arbitrary dimensions being inserted and the values
1933            are either the lengths of the new dims (if int is given), or their
1934            coordinates. Note, this is an alternative to passing a dict to the
1935            dim kwarg and will only be used if dim is None.
1937        Returns
1938        -------
1939        expanded : same type as caller
1940            This object, but with an additional dimension(s).
1941        """
1942        if isinstance(dim, int):
1943            raise TypeError("dim should be hashable or sequence/mapping of hashables")
1944        elif isinstance(dim, Sequence) and not isinstance(dim, str):
1945            if len(dim) != len(set(dim)):
1946                raise ValueError("dims should not contain duplicate values.")
1947            dim = dict.fromkeys(dim, 1)
1948        elif dim is not None and not isinstance(dim, Mapping):
1949            dim = {cast(Hashable, dim): 1}
1951        dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, dim_kwargs, "expand_dims")
1952        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().expand_dims(dim, axis)
1953        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
1955    def set_index(
1956        self,
1957        indexes: Mapping[Any, Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]]] = None,
1958        append: bool = False,
1959        **indexes_kwargs: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],
1960    ) -> "DataArray":
1961        """Set DataArray (multi-)indexes using one or more existing
1962        coordinates.
1964        Parameters
1965        ----------
1966        indexes : {dim: index, ...}
1967            Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given
1968            by (lists of) the names of existing coordinates or variables to set
1969            as new (multi-)index.
1970        append : bool, optional
1971            If True, append the supplied index(es) to the existing index(es).
1972            Otherwise replace the existing index(es) (default).
1973        **indexes_kwargs : optional
1974            The keyword arguments form of ``indexes``.
1975            One of indexes or indexes_kwargs must be provided.
1977        Returns
1978        -------
1979        obj : DataArray
1980            Another DataArray, with this data but replaced coordinates.
1982        Examples
1983        --------
1984        >>> arr = xr.DataArray(
1985        ...     data=np.ones((2, 3)),
1986        ...     dims=["x", "y"],
1987        ...     coords={"x": range(2), "y": range(3), "a": ("x", [3, 4])},
1988        ... )
1989        >>> arr
1990        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)>
1991        array([[1., 1., 1.],
1992               [1., 1., 1.]])
1993        Coordinates:
1994          * x        (x) int64 0 1
1995          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2
1996            a        (x) int64 3 4
1997        >>> arr.set_index(x="a")
1998        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)>
1999        array([[1., 1., 1.],
2000               [1., 1., 1.]])
2001        Coordinates:
2002          * x        (x) int64 3 4
2003          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2
2005        See Also
2006        --------
2007        DataArray.reset_index
2008        """
2009        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().set_index(indexes, append=append, **indexes_kwargs)
2010        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2012    def reset_index(
2013        self,
2014        dims_or_levels: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]],
2015        drop: bool = False,
2016    ) -> "DataArray":
2017        """Reset the specified index(es) or multi-index level(s).
2019        Parameters
2020        ----------
2021        dims_or_levels : hashable or sequence of hashable
2022            Name(s) of the dimension(s) and/or multi-index level(s) that will
2023            be reset.
2024        drop : bool, optional
2025            If True, remove the specified indexes and/or multi-index levels
2026            instead of extracting them as new coordinates (default: False).
2028        Returns
2029        -------
2030        obj : DataArray
2031            Another dataarray, with this dataarray's data but replaced
2032            coordinates.
2034        See Also
2035        --------
2036        DataArray.set_index
2037        """
2038        coords, _ = split_indexes(
2039            dims_or_levels, self._coords, set(), self._level_coords, drop=drop
2040        )
2041        return self._replace(coords=coords)
2043    def reorder_levels(
2044        self,
2045        dim_order: Mapping[Any, Sequence[int]] = None,
2046        **dim_order_kwargs: Sequence[int],
2047    ) -> "DataArray":
2048        """Rearrange index levels using input order.
2050        Parameters
2051        ----------
2052        dim_order : optional
2053            Mapping from names matching dimensions and values given
2054            by lists representing new level orders. Every given dimension
2055            must have a multi-index.
2056        **dim_order_kwargs : optional
2057            The keyword arguments form of ``dim_order``.
2058            One of dim_order or dim_order_kwargs must be provided.
2060        Returns
2061        -------
2062        obj : DataArray
2063            Another dataarray, with this dataarray's data but replaced
2064            coordinates.
2065        """
2066        dim_order = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim_order, dim_order_kwargs, "reorder_levels")
2067        replace_coords = {}
2068        for dim, order in dim_order.items():
2069            coord = self._coords[dim]
2070            index = coord.to_index()
2071            if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex):
2072                raise ValueError(f"coordinate {dim!r} has no MultiIndex")
2073            replace_coords[dim] = IndexVariable(coord.dims, index.reorder_levels(order))
2074        coords = self._coords.copy()
2075        coords.update(replace_coords)
2076        return self._replace(coords=coords)
2078    def stack(
2079        self,
2080        dimensions: Mapping[Any, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
2081        **dimensions_kwargs: Sequence[Hashable],
2082    ) -> "DataArray":
2083        """
2084        Stack any number of existing dimensions into a single new dimension.
2086        New dimensions will be added at the end, and the corresponding
2087        coordinate variables will be combined into a MultiIndex.
2089        Parameters
2090        ----------
2091        dimensions : mapping of hashable to sequence of hashable
2092            Mapping of the form `new_name=(dim1, dim2, ...)`.
2093            Names of new dimensions, and the existing dimensions that they
2094            replace. An ellipsis (`...`) will be replaced by all unlisted dimensions.
2095            Passing a list containing an ellipsis (`stacked_dim=[...]`) will stack over
2096            all dimensions.
2097        **dimensions_kwargs
2098            The keyword arguments form of ``dimensions``.
2099            One of dimensions or dimensions_kwargs must be provided.
2101        Returns
2102        -------
2103        stacked : DataArray
2104            DataArray with stacked data.
2106        Examples
2107        --------
2108        >>> arr = xr.DataArray(
2109        ...     np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
2110        ...     coords=[("x", ["a", "b"]), ("y", [0, 1, 2])],
2111        ... )
2112        >>> arr
2113        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)>
2114        array([[0, 1, 2],
2115               [3, 4, 5]])
2116        Coordinates:
2117          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b'
2118          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2
2119        >>> stacked = arr.stack(z=("x", "y"))
2120        >>> stacked.indexes["z"]
2121        MultiIndex([('a', 0),
2122                    ('a', 1),
2123                    ('a', 2),
2124                    ('b', 0),
2125                    ('b', 1),
2126                    ('b', 2)],
2127                   names=['x', 'y'])
2129        See Also
2130        --------
2131        DataArray.unstack
2132        """
2133        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().stack(dimensions, **dimensions_kwargs)
2134        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2136    def unstack(
2137        self,
2138        dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None,
2139        fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,
2140        sparse: bool = False,
2141    ) -> "DataArray":
2142        """
2143        Unstack existing dimensions corresponding to MultiIndexes into
2144        multiple new dimensions.
2146        New dimensions will be added at the end.
2148        Parameters
2149        ----------
2150        dim : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional
2151            Dimension(s) over which to unstack. By default unstacks all
2152            MultiIndexes.
2153        fill_value : scalar or dict-like, default: nan
2154            value to be filled. If a dict-like, maps variable names to
2155            fill values. Use the data array's name to refer to its
2156            name. If not provided or if the dict-like does not contain
2157            all variables, the dtype's NA value will be used.
2158        sparse : bool, default: False
2159            use sparse-array if True
2161        Returns
2162        -------
2163        unstacked : DataArray
2164            Array with unstacked data.
2166        Examples
2167        --------
2168        >>> arr = xr.DataArray(
2169        ...     np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
2170        ...     coords=[("x", ["a", "b"]), ("y", [0, 1, 2])],
2171        ... )
2172        >>> arr
2173        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2, y: 3)>
2174        array([[0, 1, 2],
2175               [3, 4, 5]])
2176        Coordinates:
2177          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b'
2178          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2
2179        >>> stacked = arr.stack(z=("x", "y"))
2180        >>> stacked.indexes["z"]
2181        MultiIndex([('a', 0),
2182                    ('a', 1),
2183                    ('a', 2),
2184                    ('b', 0),
2185                    ('b', 1),
2186                    ('b', 2)],
2187                   names=['x', 'y'])
2188        >>> roundtripped = stacked.unstack()
2189        >>> arr.identical(roundtripped)
2190        True
2192        See Also
2193        --------
2194        DataArray.stack
2195        """
2196        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().unstack(dim, fill_value, sparse)
2197        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2199    def to_unstacked_dataset(self, dim, level=0):
2200        """Unstack DataArray expanding to Dataset along a given level of a
2201        stacked coordinate.
2203        This is the inverse operation of Dataset.to_stacked_array.
2205        Parameters
2206        ----------
2207        dim : str
2208            Name of existing dimension to unstack
2209        level : int or str
2210            The MultiIndex level to expand to a dataset along. Can either be
2211            the integer index of the level or its name.
2213        Returns
2214        -------
2215        unstacked: Dataset
2217        Examples
2218        --------
2219        >>> arr = xr.DataArray(
2220        ...     np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
2221        ...     coords=[("x", ["a", "b"]), ("y", [0, 1, 2])],
2222        ... )
2223        >>> data = xr.Dataset({"a": arr, "b": arr.isel(y=0)})
2224        >>> data
2225        <xarray.Dataset>
2226        Dimensions:  (x: 2, y: 3)
2227        Coordinates:
2228          * x        (x) <U1 'a' 'b'
2229          * y        (y) int64 0 1 2
2230        Data variables:
2231            a        (x, y) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5
2232            b        (x) int64 0 3
2233        >>> stacked = data.to_stacked_array("z", ["x"])
2234        >>> stacked.indexes["z"]
2235        MultiIndex([('a', 0.0),
2236                    ('a', 1.0),
2237                    ('a', 2.0),
2238                    ('b', nan)],
2239                   names=['variable', 'y'])
2240        >>> roundtripped = stacked.to_unstacked_dataset(dim="z")
2241        >>> data.identical(roundtripped)
2242        True
2244        See Also
2245        --------
2246        Dataset.to_stacked_array
2247        """
2249        # TODO: benbovy - flexible indexes: update when MultIndex has its own
2250        # class inheriting from xarray.Index
2251        idx = self.xindexes[dim].to_pandas_index()
2252        if not isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex):
2253            raise ValueError(f"'{dim}' is not a stacked coordinate")
2255        level_number = idx._get_level_number(level)
2256        variables = idx.levels[level_number]
2257        variable_dim = idx.names[level_number]
2259        # pull variables out of datarray
2260        data_dict = {}
2261        for k in variables:
2262            data_dict[k] = self.sel({variable_dim: k}, drop=True).squeeze(drop=True)
2264        # unstacked dataset
2265        return Dataset(data_dict)
2267    def transpose(
2268        self,
2269        *dims: Hashable,
2270        transpose_coords: bool = True,
2271        missing_dims: str = "raise",
2272    ) -> "DataArray":
2273        """Return a new DataArray object with transposed dimensions.
2275        Parameters
2276        ----------
2277        *dims : hashable, optional
2278            By default, reverse the dimensions. Otherwise, reorder the
2279            dimensions to this order.
2280        transpose_coords : bool, default: True
2281            If True, also transpose the coordinates of this DataArray.
2282        missing_dims : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default: "raise"
2283            What to do if dimensions that should be selected from are not present in the
2284            DataArray:
2285            - "raise": raise an exception
2286            - "warn": raise a warning, and ignore the missing dimensions
2287            - "ignore": ignore the missing dimensions
2289        Returns
2290        -------
2291        transposed : DataArray
2292            The returned DataArray's array is transposed.
2294        Notes
2295        -----
2296        This operation returns a view of this array's data. It is
2297        lazy for dask-backed DataArrays but not for numpy-backed DataArrays
2298        -- the data will be fully loaded.
2300        See Also
2301        --------
2302        numpy.transpose
2303        Dataset.transpose
2304        """
2305        if dims:
2306            dims = tuple(utils.infix_dims(dims, self.dims, missing_dims))
2307        variable = self.variable.transpose(*dims)
2308        if transpose_coords:
2309            coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable] = {}
2310            for name, coord in self.coords.items():
2311                coord_dims = tuple(dim for dim in dims if dim in coord.dims)
2312                coords[name] = coord.variable.transpose(*coord_dims)
2313            return self._replace(variable, coords)
2314        else:
2315            return self._replace(variable)
2317    @property
2318    def T(self) -> "DataArray":
2319        return self.transpose()
2321    def drop_vars(
2322        self, names: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = "raise"
2323    ) -> "DataArray":
2324        """Returns an array with dropped variables.
2326        Parameters
2327        ----------
2328        names : hashable or iterable of hashable
2329            Name(s) of variables to drop.
2330        errors : {"raise", "ignore"}, optional
2331            If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if any of the variable
2332            passed are not in the dataset. If 'ignore', any given names that are in the
2333            DataArray are dropped and no error is raised.
2335        Returns
2336        -------
2337        dropped : Dataset
2338            New Dataset copied from `self` with variables removed.
2339        """
2340        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().drop_vars(names, errors=errors)
2341        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2343    def drop(
2344        self,
2345        labels: Mapping = None,
2346        dim: Hashable = None,
2347        *,
2348        errors: str = "raise",
2349        **labels_kwargs,
2350    ) -> "DataArray":
2351        """Backward compatible method based on `drop_vars` and `drop_sel`
2353        Using either `drop_vars` or `drop_sel` is encouraged
2355        See Also
2356        --------
2357        DataArray.drop_vars
2358        DataArray.drop_sel
2359        """
2360        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().drop(labels, dim, errors=errors)
2361        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2363    def drop_sel(
2364        self,
2365        labels: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
2366        *,
2367        errors: str = "raise",
2368        **labels_kwargs,
2369    ) -> "DataArray":
2370        """Drop index labels from this DataArray.
2372        Parameters
2373        ----------
2374        labels : mapping of hashable to Any
2375            Index labels to drop
2376        errors : {"raise", "ignore"}, optional
2377            If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if
2378            any of the index labels passed are not
2379            in the dataset. If 'ignore', any given labels that are in the
2380            dataset are dropped and no error is raised.
2381        **labels_kwargs : {dim: label, ...}, optional
2382            The keyword arguments form of ``dim`` and ``labels``
2384        Returns
2385        -------
2386        dropped : DataArray
2387        """
2388        if labels_kwargs or isinstance(labels, dict):
2389            labels = either_dict_or_kwargs(labels, labels_kwargs, "drop")
2391        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().drop_sel(labels, errors=errors)
2392        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2394    def drop_isel(self, indexers=None, **indexers_kwargs):
2395        """Drop index positions from this DataArray.
2397        Parameters
2398        ----------
2399        indexers : mapping of hashable to Any
2400            Index locations to drop
2401        **indexers_kwargs : {dim: position, ...}, optional
2402            The keyword arguments form of ``dim`` and ``positions``
2404        Returns
2405        -------
2406        dropped : DataArray
2408        Raises
2409        ------
2410        IndexError
2411        """
2412        dataset = self._to_temp_dataset()
2413        dataset = dataset.drop_isel(indexers=indexers, **indexers_kwargs)
2414        return self._from_temp_dataset(dataset)
2416    def dropna(
2417        self, dim: Hashable, how: str = "any", thresh: int = None
2418    ) -> "DataArray":
2419        """Returns a new array with dropped labels for missing values along
2420        the provided dimension.
2422        Parameters
2423        ----------
2424        dim : hashable
2425            Dimension along which to drop missing values. Dropping along
2426            multiple dimensions simultaneously is not yet supported.
2427        how : {"any", "all"}, optional
2428            * any : if any NA values are present, drop that label
2429            * all : if all values are NA, drop that label
2430        thresh : int, default: None
2431            If supplied, require this many non-NA values.
2433        Returns
2434        -------
2435        DataArray
2436        """
2437        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().dropna(dim, how=how, thresh=thresh)
2438        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
2440    def fillna(self, value: Any) -> "DataArray":
2441        """Fill missing values in this object.
2443        This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules that
2444        xarray uses for binary arithmetic, except the result is aligned to this
2445        object (``join='left'``) instead of aligned to the intersection of
2446        index coordinates (``join='inner'``).
2448        Parameters
2449        ----------
2450        value : scalar, ndarray or DataArray
2451            Used to fill all matching missing values in this array. If the
2452            argument is a DataArray, it is first aligned with (reindexed to)
2453            this array.
2455        Returns
2456        -------
2457        DataArray
2458        """
2459        if utils.is_dict_like(value):
2460            raise TypeError(
2461                "cannot provide fill value as a dictionary with "
2462                "fillna on a DataArray"
2463            )
2464        out = ops.fillna(self, value)
2465        return out
2467    def interpolate_na(
2468        self,
2469        dim: Hashable = None,
2470        method: str = "linear",
2471        limit: int = None,
2472        use_coordinate: Union[bool, str] = True,
2473        max_gap: Union[
2474            int, float, str, pd.Timedelta, np.timedelta64, datetime.timedelta
2475        ] = None,
2476        keep_attrs: bool = None,
2477        **kwargs: Any,
2478    ) -> "DataArray":
2479        """Fill in NaNs by interpolating according to different methods.
2481        Parameters
2482        ----------
2483        dim : str
2484            Specifies the dimension along which to interpolate.
2485        method : str, optional
2486            String indicating which method to use for interpolation:
2488            - 'linear': linear interpolation (Default). Additional keyword
2489              arguments are passed to :py:func:`numpy.interp`
2490            - 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'polynomial':
2491              are passed to :py:func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`. If
2492              ``method='polynomial'``, the ``order`` keyword argument must also be
2493              provided.
2494            - 'barycentric', 'krog', 'pchip', 'spline', 'akima': use their
2495              respective :py:class:`scipy.interpolate` classes.
2496        use_coordinate : bool or str, default: True
2497            Specifies which index to use as the x values in the interpolation
2498            formulated as `y = f(x)`. If False, values are treated as if
2499            eqaully-spaced along ``dim``. If True, the IndexVariable `dim` is
2500            used. If ``use_coordinate`` is a string, it specifies the name of a
2501            coordinate variariable to use as the index.
2502        limit : int, default: None
2503            Maximum number of consecutive NaNs to fill. Must be greater than 0
2504            or None for no limit. This filling is done regardless of the size of
2505            the gap in the data. To only interpolate over gaps less than a given length,
2506            see ``max_gap``.
2507        max_gap : int, float, str, pandas.Timedelta, numpy.timedelta64, datetime.timedelta, default: None
2508            Maximum size of gap, a continuous sequence of NaNs, that will be filled.
2509            Use None for no limit. When interpolating along a datetime64 dimension
2510            and ``use_coordinate=True``, ``max_gap`` can be one of the following:
2512            - a string that is valid input for pandas.to_timedelta
2513            - a :py:class:`numpy.timedelta64` object
2514            - a :py:class:`pandas.Timedelta` object
2515            - a :py:class:`datetime.timedelta` object
2517            Otherwise, ``max_gap`` must be an int or a float. Use of ``max_gap`` with unlabeled
2518            dimensions has not been implemented yet. Gap length is defined as the difference
2519            between coordinate values at the first data point after a gap and the last value
2520            before a gap. For gaps at the beginning (end), gap length is defined as the difference
2521            between coordinate values at the first (last) valid data point and the first (last) NaN.
2522            For example, consider::
2524                <xarray.DataArray (x: 9)>
2525                array([nan, nan, nan,  1., nan, nan,  4., nan, nan])
2526                Coordinates:
2527                  * x        (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2529            The gap lengths are 3-0 = 3; 6-3 = 3; and 8-6 = 2 respectively
2530        keep_attrs : bool, default: True
2531            If True, the dataarray's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from
2532            the original object to the new one.  If False, the new
2533            object will be returned without attributes.
2534        **kwargs : dict, optional
2535            parameters passed verbatim to the underlying interpolation function
2537        Returns
2538        -------
2539        interpolated: DataArray
2540            Filled in DataArray.
2542        See Also
2543        --------
2544        numpy.interp
2545        scipy.interpolate
2547        Examples
2548        --------
2549        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
2550        ...     [np.nan, 2, 3, np.nan, 0], dims="x", coords={"x": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
2551        ... )
2552        >>> da
2553        <xarray.DataArray (x: 5)>
2554        array([nan,  2.,  3., nan,  0.])
2555        Coordinates:
2556          * x        (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4
2558        >>> da.interpolate_na(dim="x", method="linear")
2559        <xarray.DataArray (x: 5)>
2560        array([nan, 2. , 3. , 1.5, 0. ])
2561        Coordinates:
2562          * x        (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4
2564        >>> da.interpolate_na(dim="x", method="linear", fill_value="extrapolate")
2565        <xarray.DataArray (x: 5)>
2566        array([1. , 2. , 3. , 1.5, 0. ])
2567        Coordinates:
2568          * x        (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4
2569        """
2570        from .missing import interp_na
2572        return interp_na(
2573            self,
2574            dim=dim,
2575            method=method,
2576            limit=limit,
2577            use_coordinate=use_coordinate,
2578            max_gap=max_gap,
2579            keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
2580            **kwargs,
2581        )
2583    def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> "DataArray":
2584        """Fill NaN values by propogating values forward
2586        *Requires bottleneck.*
2588        Parameters
2589        ----------
2590        dim : hashable
2591            Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when
2592            filling.
2593        limit : int, default: None
2594            The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to forward fill. In
2595            other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of
2596            consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater
2597            than 0 or None for no limit. Must be None or greater than or equal
2598            to axis length if filling along chunked axes (dimensions).
2600        Returns
2601        -------
2602        DataArray
2603        """
2604        from .missing import ffill
2606        return ffill(self, dim, limit=limit)
2608    def bfill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None) -> "DataArray":
2609        """Fill NaN values by propogating values backward
2611        *Requires bottleneck.*
2613        Parameters
2614        ----------
2615        dim : str
2616            Specifies the dimension along which to propagate values when
2617            filling.
2618        limit : int, default: None
2619            The maximum number of consecutive NaN values to backward fill. In
2620            other words, if there is a gap with more than this number of
2621            consecutive NaNs, it will only be partially filled. Must be greater
2622            than 0 or None for no limit. Must be None or greater than or equal
2623            to axis length if filling along chunked axes (dimensions).
2625        Returns
2626        -------
2627        DataArray
2628        """
2629        from .missing import bfill
2631        return bfill(self, dim, limit=limit)
2633    def combine_first(self, other: "DataArray") -> "DataArray":
2634        """Combine two DataArray objects, with union of coordinates.
2636        This operation follows the normal broadcasting and alignment rules of
2637        ``join='outer'``.  Default to non-null values of array calling the
2638        method.  Use np.nan to fill in vacant cells after alignment.
2640        Parameters
2641        ----------
2642        other : DataArray
2643            Used to fill all matching missing values in this array.
2645        Returns
2646        -------
2647        DataArray
2648        """
2649        return ops.fillna(self, other, join="outer")
2651    def reduce(
2652        self,
2653        func: Callable[..., Any],
2654        dim: Union[None, Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
2655        axis: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = None,
2656        keep_attrs: bool = None,
2657        keepdims: bool = False,
2658        **kwargs: Any,
2659    ) -> "DataArray":
2660        """Reduce this array by applying `func` along some dimension(s).
2662        Parameters
2663        ----------
2664        func : callable
2665            Function which can be called in the form
2666            `f(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of reducing an
2667            np.ndarray over an integer valued axis.
2668        dim : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional
2669            Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`.
2670        axis : int or sequence of int, optional
2671            Axis(es) over which to repeatedly apply `func`. Only one of the
2672            'dim' and 'axis' arguments can be supplied. If neither are
2673            supplied, then the reduction is calculated over the flattened array
2674            (by calling `f(x)` without an axis argument).
2675        keep_attrs : bool, optional
2676            If True, the variable's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from
2677            the original object to the new one.  If False (default), the new
2678            object will be returned without attributes.
2679        keepdims : bool, default: False
2680            If True, the dimensions which are reduced are left in the result
2681            as dimensions of size one. Coordinates that use these dimensions
2682            are removed.
2683        **kwargs : dict
2684            Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`.
2686        Returns
2687        -------
2688        reduced : DataArray
2689            DataArray with this object's array replaced with an array with
2690            summarized data and the indicated dimension(s) removed.
2691        """
2693        var = self.variable.reduce(func, dim, axis, keep_attrs, keepdims, **kwargs)
2694        return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(var)
2696    def to_pandas(self) -> Union["DataArray", pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]:
2697        """Convert this array into a pandas object with the same shape.
2699        The type of the returned object depends on the number of DataArray
2700        dimensions:
2702        * 0D -> `xarray.DataArray`
2703        * 1D -> `pandas.Series`
2704        * 2D -> `pandas.DataFrame`
2706        Only works for arrays with 2 or fewer dimensions.
2708        The DataArray constructor performs the inverse transformation.
2709        """
2710        # TODO: consolidate the info about pandas constructors and the
2711        # attributes that correspond to their indexes into a separate module?
2712        constructors = {0: lambda x: x, 1: pd.Series, 2: pd.DataFrame}
2713        try:
2714            constructor = constructors[self.ndim]
2715        except KeyError:
2716            raise ValueError(
2717                f"cannot convert arrays with {self.ndim} dimensions into "
2718                "pandas objects"
2719            )
2720        indexes = [self.get_index(dim) for dim in self.dims]
2721        return constructor(self.values, *indexes)
2723    def to_dataframe(
2724        self, name: Hashable = None, dim_order: List[Hashable] = None
2725    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
2726        """Convert this array and its coordinates into a tidy pandas.DataFrame.
2728        The DataFrame is indexed by the Cartesian product of index coordinates
2729        (in the form of a :py:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`).
2731        Other coordinates are included as columns in the DataFrame.
2733        Parameters
2734        ----------
2735        name
2736            Name to give to this array (required if unnamed).
2737        dim_order
2738            Hierarchical dimension order for the resulting dataframe.
2739            Array content is transposed to this order and then written out as flat
2740            vectors in contiguous order, so the last dimension in this list
2741            will be contiguous in the resulting DataFrame. This has a major
2742            influence on which operations are efficient on the resulting
2743            dataframe.
2745            If provided, must include all dimensions of this DataArray. By default,
2746            dimensions are sorted according to the DataArray dimensions order.
2748        Returns
2749        -------
2750        result
2751            DataArray as a pandas DataFrame.
2753        """
2754        if name is None:
2755            name = self.name
2756        if name is None:
2757            raise ValueError(
2758                "cannot convert an unnamed DataArray to a "
2759                "DataFrame: use the ``name`` parameter"
2760            )
2761        if self.ndim == 0:
2762            raise ValueError("cannot convert a scalar to a DataFrame")
2764        # By using a unique name, we can convert a DataArray into a DataFrame
2765        # even if it shares a name with one of its coordinates.
2766        # I would normally use unique_name = object() but that results in a
2767        # dataframe with columns in the wrong order, for reasons I have not
2768        # been able to debug (possibly a pandas bug?).
2769        unique_name = "__unique_name_identifier_z98xfz98xugfg73ho__"
2770        ds = self._to_dataset_whole(name=unique_name)
2772        if dim_order is None:
2773            ordered_dims = dict(zip(self.dims, self.shape))
2774        else:
2775            ordered_dims = ds._normalize_dim_order(dim_order=dim_order)
2777        df = ds._to_dataframe(ordered_dims)
2778        df.columns = [name if c == unique_name else c for c in df.columns]
2779        return df
2781    def to_series(self) -> pd.Series:
2782        """Convert this array into a pandas.Series.
2784        The Series is indexed by the Cartesian product of index coordinates
2785        (in the form of a :py:class:`pandas.MultiIndex`).
2786        """
2787        index = self.coords.to_index()
2788        return pd.Series(self.values.reshape(-1), index=index, name=self.name)
2790    def to_masked_array(self, copy: bool = True) -> np.ma.MaskedArray:
2791        """Convert this array into a numpy.ma.MaskedArray
2793        Parameters
2794        ----------
2795        copy : bool, default: True
2796            If True make a copy of the array in the result. If False,
2797            a MaskedArray view of DataArray.values is returned.
2799        Returns
2800        -------
2801        result : MaskedArray
2802            Masked where invalid values (nan or inf) occur.
2803        """
2804        values = self.to_numpy()  # only compute lazy arrays once
2805        isnull = pd.isnull(values)
2806        return np.ma.MaskedArray(data=values, mask=isnull, copy=copy)
2808    def to_netcdf(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[bytes, "Delayed", None]:
2809        """Write DataArray contents to a netCDF file.
2811        All parameters are passed directly to :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`.
2813        Notes
2814        -----
2815        Only xarray.Dataset objects can be written to netCDF files, so
2816        the xarray.DataArray is converted to a xarray.Dataset object
2817        containing a single variable. If the DataArray has no name, or if the
2818        name is the same as a coordinate name, then it is given the name
2819        ``"__xarray_dataarray_variable__"``.
2821        See Also
2822        --------
2823        Dataset.to_netcdf
2824        """
2825        from ..backends.api import DATAARRAY_NAME, DATAARRAY_VARIABLE
2827        if self.name is None:
2828            # If no name is set then use a generic xarray name
2829            dataset = self.to_dataset(name=DATAARRAY_VARIABLE)
2830        elif self.name in self.coords or self.name in self.dims:
2831            # The name is the same as one of the coords names, which netCDF
2832            # doesn't support, so rename it but keep track of the old name
2833            dataset = self.to_dataset(name=DATAARRAY_VARIABLE)
2834            dataset.attrs[DATAARRAY_NAME] = self.name
2835        else:
2836            # No problems with the name - so we're fine!
2837            dataset = self.to_dataset()
2839        return dataset.to_netcdf(*args, **kwargs)
2841    def to_dict(self, data: bool = True) -> dict:
2842        """
2843        Convert this xarray.DataArray into a dictionary following xarray
2844        naming conventions.
2846        Converts all variables and attributes to native Python objects.
2847        Useful for converting to json. To avoid datetime incompatibility
2848        use decode_times=False kwarg in xarray.open_dataset.
2850        Parameters
2851        ----------
2852        data : bool, optional
2853            Whether to include the actual data in the dictionary. When set to
2854            False, returns just the schema.
2856        See Also
2857        --------
2858        DataArray.from_dict
2859        """
2860        d = self.variable.to_dict(data=data)
2861        d.update({"coords": {}, "name": self.name})
2862        for k in self.coords:
2863            d["coords"][k] = self.coords[k].variable.to_dict(data=data)
2864        return d
2866    @classmethod
2867    def from_dict(cls, d: dict) -> "DataArray":
2868        """
2869        Convert a dictionary into an xarray.DataArray
2871        Input dict can take several forms:
2873        .. code:: python
2875            d = {"dims": ("t"), "data": x}
2877            d = {
2878                "coords": {"t": {"dims": "t", "data": t, "attrs": {"units": "s"}}},
2879                "attrs": {"title": "air temperature"},
2880                "dims": "t",
2881                "data": x,
2882                "name": "a",
2883            }
2885        where "t" is the name of the dimesion, "a" is the name of the array,
2886        and x and t are lists, numpy.arrays, or pandas objects.
2888        Parameters
2889        ----------
2890        d : dict
2891            Mapping with a minimum structure of {"dims": [...], "data": [...]}
2893        Returns
2894        -------
2895        obj : xarray.DataArray
2897        See Also
2898        --------
2899        DataArray.to_dict
2900        Dataset.from_dict
2901        """
2902        coords = None
2903        if "coords" in d:
2904            try:
2905                coords = {
2906                    k: (v["dims"], v["data"], v.get("attrs"))
2907                    for k, v in d["coords"].items()
2908                }
2909            except KeyError as e:
2910                raise ValueError(
2911                    "cannot convert dict when coords are missing the key "
2912                    "'{dims_data}'".format(dims_data=str(e.args[0]))
2913                )
2914        try:
2915            data = d["data"]
2916        except KeyError:
2917            raise ValueError("cannot convert dict without the key 'data''")
2918        else:
2919            obj = cls(data, coords, d.get("dims"), d.get("name"), d.get("attrs"))
2920        return obj
2922    @classmethod
2923    def from_series(cls, series: pd.Series, sparse: bool = False) -> "DataArray":
2924        """Convert a pandas.Series into an xarray.DataArray.
2926        If the series's index is a MultiIndex, it will be expanded into a
2927        tensor product of one-dimensional coordinates (filling in missing
2928        values with NaN). Thus this operation should be the inverse of the
2929        `to_series` method.
2931        If sparse=True, creates a sparse array instead of a dense NumPy array.
2932        Requires the pydata/sparse package.
2934        See Also
2935        --------
2936        xarray.Dataset.from_dataframe
2937        """
2938        temp_name = "__temporary_name"
2939        df = pd.DataFrame({temp_name: series})
2940        ds = Dataset.from_dataframe(df, sparse=sparse)
2941        result = cast(DataArray, ds[temp_name])
2942        result.name = series.name
2943        return result
2945    def to_cdms2(self) -> "cdms2_Variable":
2946        """Convert this array into a cdms2.Variable"""
2947        from ..convert import to_cdms2
2949        return to_cdms2(self)
2951    @classmethod
2952    def from_cdms2(cls, variable: "cdms2_Variable") -> "DataArray":
2953        """Convert a cdms2.Variable into an xarray.DataArray"""
2954        from ..convert import from_cdms2
2956        return from_cdms2(variable)
2958    def to_iris(self) -> "iris_Cube":
2959        """Convert this array into a iris.cube.Cube"""
2960        from ..convert import to_iris
2962        return to_iris(self)
2964    @classmethod
2965    def from_iris(cls, cube: "iris_Cube") -> "DataArray":
2966        """Convert a iris.cube.Cube into an xarray.DataArray"""
2967        from ..convert import from_iris
2969        return from_iris(cube)
2971    def _all_compat(self, other: "DataArray", compat_str: str) -> bool:
2972        """Helper function for equals, broadcast_equals, and identical"""
2974        def compat(x, y):
2975            return getattr(x.variable, compat_str)(y.variable)
2977        return utils.dict_equiv(self.coords, other.coords, compat=compat) and compat(
2978            self, other
2979        )
2981    def broadcast_equals(self, other: "DataArray") -> bool:
2982        """Two DataArrays are broadcast equal if they are equal after
2983        broadcasting them against each other such that they have the same
2984        dimensions.
2986        See Also
2987        --------
2988        DataArray.equals
2989        DataArray.identical
2990        """
2991        try:
2992            return self._all_compat(other, "broadcast_equals")
2993        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
2994            return False
2996    def equals(self, other: "DataArray") -> bool:
2997        """True if two DataArrays have the same dimensions, coordinates and
2998        values; otherwise False.
3000        DataArrays can still be equal (like pandas objects) if they have NaN
3001        values in the same locations.
3003        This method is necessary because `v1 == v2` for ``DataArray``
3004        does element-wise comparisons (like numpy.ndarrays).
3006        See Also
3007        --------
3008        DataArray.broadcast_equals
3009        DataArray.identical
3010        """
3011        try:
3012            return self._all_compat(other, "equals")
3013        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
3014            return False
3016    def identical(self, other: "DataArray") -> bool:
3017        """Like equals, but also checks the array name and attributes, and
3018        attributes on all coordinates.
3020        See Also
3021        --------
3022        DataArray.broadcast_equals
3023        DataArray.equals
3024        """
3025        try:
3026            return self.name == other.name and self._all_compat(other, "identical")
3027        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
3028            return False
3030    def _result_name(self, other: Any = None) -> Optional[Hashable]:
3031        # use the same naming heuristics as pandas:
3032        # https://github.com/ContinuumIO/blaze/issues/458#issuecomment-51936356
3033        other_name = getattr(other, "name", _default)
3034        if other_name is _default or other_name == self.name:
3035            return self.name
3036        else:
3037            return None
3039    def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None) -> "DataArray":
3040        new_var = self.variable.__array_wrap__(obj, context)
3041        return self._replace(new_var)
3043    def __matmul__(self, obj):
3044        return self.dot(obj)
3046    def __rmatmul__(self, other):
3047        # currently somewhat duplicative, as only other DataArrays are
3048        # compatible with matmul
3049        return computation.dot(other, self)
3051    def _unary_op(self, f: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
3052        keep_attrs = kwargs.pop("keep_attrs", None)
3053        if keep_attrs is None:
3054            keep_attrs = _get_keep_attrs(default=True)
3055        with warnings.catch_warnings():
3056            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", r"All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered")
3057            warnings.filterwarnings(
3058                "ignore", r"Mean of empty slice", category=RuntimeWarning
3059            )
3060            with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
3061                da = self.__array_wrap__(f(self.variable.data, *args, **kwargs))
3062            if keep_attrs:
3063                da.attrs = self.attrs
3064            return da
3066    def _binary_op(
3067        self,
3068        other,
3069        f: Callable,
3070        reflexive: bool = False,
3071    ):
3072        if isinstance(other, (Dataset, groupby.GroupBy)):
3073            return NotImplemented
3074        if isinstance(other, DataArray):
3075            align_type = OPTIONS["arithmetic_join"]
3076            self, other = align(self, other, join=align_type, copy=False)
3077        other_variable = getattr(other, "variable", other)
3078        other_coords = getattr(other, "coords", None)
3080        variable = (
3081            f(self.variable, other_variable)
3082            if not reflexive
3083            else f(other_variable, self.variable)
3084        )
3085        coords, indexes = self.coords._merge_raw(other_coords, reflexive)
3086        name = self._result_name(other)
3088        return self._replace(variable, coords, name, indexes=indexes)
3090    def _inplace_binary_op(self, other, f: Callable):
3091        if isinstance(other, groupby.GroupBy):
3092            raise TypeError(
3093                "in-place operations between a DataArray and "
3094                "a grouped object are not permitted"
3095            )
3096        # n.b. we can't align other to self (with other.reindex_like(self))
3097        # because `other` may be converted into floats, which would cause
3098        # in-place arithmetic to fail unpredictably. Instead, we simply
3099        # don't support automatic alignment with in-place arithmetic.
3100        other_coords = getattr(other, "coords", None)
3101        other_variable = getattr(other, "variable", other)
3102        try:
3103            with self.coords._merge_inplace(other_coords):
3104                f(self.variable, other_variable)
3105        except MergeError as exc:
3106            raise MergeError(
3107                "Automatic alignment is not supported for in-place operations.\n"
3108                "Consider aligning the indices manually or using a not-in-place operation.\n"
3109                "See https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/3910 for more explanations."
3110            ) from exc
3111        return self
3113    def _copy_attrs_from(self, other: Union["DataArray", Dataset, Variable]) -> None:
3114        self.attrs = other.attrs
3116    plot = utils.UncachedAccessor(_PlotMethods)
3118    def _title_for_slice(self, truncate: int = 50) -> str:
3119        """
3120        If the dataarray has 1 dimensional coordinates or comes from a slice
3121        we can show that info in the title
3123        Parameters
3124        ----------
3125        truncate : int, default: 50
3126            maximum number of characters for title
3128        Returns
3129        -------
3130        title : string
3131            Can be used for plot titles
3133        """
3134        one_dims = []
3135        for dim, coord in self.coords.items():
3136            if coord.size == 1:
3137                one_dims.append(
3138                    "{dim} = {v}{unit}".format(
3139                        dim=dim,
3140                        v=format_item(coord.values),
3141                        unit=_get_units_from_attrs(coord),
3142                    )
3143                )
3145        title = ", ".join(one_dims)
3146        if len(title) > truncate:
3147            title = title[: (truncate - 3)] + "..."
3149        return title
3151    def diff(self, dim: Hashable, n: int = 1, label: Hashable = "upper") -> "DataArray":
3152        """Calculate the n-th order discrete difference along given axis.
3154        Parameters
3155        ----------
3156        dim : hashable
3157            Dimension over which to calculate the finite difference.
3158        n : int, optional
3159            The number of times values are differenced.
3160        label : hashable, optional
3161            The new coordinate in dimension ``dim`` will have the
3162            values of either the minuend's or subtrahend's coordinate
3163            for values 'upper' and 'lower', respectively.  Other
3164            values are not supported.
3166        Returns
3167        -------
3168        difference : same type as caller
3169            The n-th order finite difference of this object.
3171        Notes
3172        -----
3173        `n` matches numpy's behavior and is different from pandas' first argument named
3174        `periods`.
3176        Examples
3177        --------
3178        >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 5, 6, 6], [[1, 2, 3, 4]], ["x"])
3179        >>> arr.diff("x")
3180        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
3181        array([0, 1, 0])
3182        Coordinates:
3183          * x        (x) int64 2 3 4
3184        >>> arr.diff("x", 2)
3185        <xarray.DataArray (x: 2)>
3186        array([ 1, -1])
3187        Coordinates:
3188          * x        (x) int64 3 4
3190        See Also
3191        --------
3192        DataArray.differentiate
3193        """
3194        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().diff(n=n, dim=dim, label=label)
3195        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3197    def shift(
3198        self,
3199        shifts: Mapping[Any, int] = None,
3200        fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,
3201        **shifts_kwargs: int,
3202    ) -> "DataArray":
3203        """Shift this DataArray by an offset along one or more dimensions.
3205        Only the data is moved; coordinates stay in place. This is consistent
3206        with the behavior of ``shift`` in pandas.
3208        Values shifted from beyond array bounds will appear at one end of
3209        each dimension, which are filled according to `fill_value`. For periodic
3210        offsets instead see `roll`.
3212        Parameters
3213        ----------
3214        shifts : mapping of hashable to int, optional
3215            Integer offset to shift along each of the given dimensions.
3216            Positive offsets shift to the right; negative offsets shift to the
3217            left.
3218        fill_value : scalar, optional
3219            Value to use for newly missing values
3220        **shifts_kwargs
3221            The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.
3222            One of shifts or shifts_kwargs must be provided.
3224        Returns
3225        -------
3226        shifted : DataArray
3227            DataArray with the same coordinates and attributes but shifted
3228            data.
3230        See Also
3231        --------
3232        roll
3234        Examples
3235        --------
3236        >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims="x")
3237        >>> arr.shift(x=1)
3238        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
3239        array([nan,  5.,  6.])
3240        Dimensions without coordinates: x
3241        """
3242        variable = self.variable.shift(
3243            shifts=shifts, fill_value=fill_value, **shifts_kwargs
3244        )
3245        return self._replace(variable=variable)
3247    def roll(
3248        self,
3249        shifts: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None,
3250        roll_coords: bool = False,
3251        **shifts_kwargs: int,
3252    ) -> "DataArray":
3253        """Roll this array by an offset along one or more dimensions.
3255        Unlike shift, roll treats the given dimensions as periodic, so will not
3256        create any missing values to be filled.
3258        Unlike shift, roll may rotate all variables, including coordinates
3259        if specified. The direction of rotation is consistent with
3260        :py:func:`numpy.roll`.
3262        Parameters
3263        ----------
3264        shifts : mapping of hashable to int, optional
3265            Integer offset to rotate each of the given dimensions.
3266            Positive offsets roll to the right; negative offsets roll to the
3267            left.
3268        roll_coords : bool, default: False
3269            Indicates whether to roll the coordinates by the offset too.
3270        **shifts_kwargs : {dim: offset, ...}, optional
3271            The keyword arguments form of ``shifts``.
3272            One of shifts or shifts_kwargs must be provided.
3274        Returns
3275        -------
3276        rolled : DataArray
3277            DataArray with the same attributes but rolled data and coordinates.
3279        See Also
3280        --------
3281        shift
3283        Examples
3284        --------
3285        >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims="x")
3286        >>> arr.roll(x=1)
3287        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
3288        array([7, 5, 6])
3289        Dimensions without coordinates: x
3290        """
3291        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().roll(
3292            shifts=shifts, roll_coords=roll_coords, **shifts_kwargs
3293        )
3294        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3296    @property
3297    def real(self) -> "DataArray":
3298        return self._replace(self.variable.real)
3300    @property
3301    def imag(self) -> "DataArray":
3302        return self._replace(self.variable.imag)
3304    def dot(
3305        self, other: "DataArray", dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None
3306    ) -> "DataArray":
3307        """Perform dot product of two DataArrays along their shared dims.
3309        Equivalent to taking taking tensordot over all shared dims.
3311        Parameters
3312        ----------
3313        other : DataArray
3314            The other array with which the dot product is performed.
3315        dims : ..., hashable or sequence of hashable, optional
3316            Which dimensions to sum over. Ellipsis (`...`) sums over all dimensions.
3317            If not specified, then all the common dimensions are summed over.
3319        Returns
3320        -------
3321        result : DataArray
3322            Array resulting from the dot product over all shared dimensions.
3324        See Also
3325        --------
3326        dot
3327        numpy.tensordot
3329        Examples
3330        --------
3331        >>> da_vals = np.arange(6 * 5 * 4).reshape((6, 5, 4))
3332        >>> da = xr.DataArray(da_vals, dims=["x", "y", "z"])
3333        >>> dm_vals = np.arange(4)
3334        >>> dm = xr.DataArray(dm_vals, dims=["z"])
3336        >>> dm.dims
3337        ('z',)
3339        >>> da.dims
3340        ('x', 'y', 'z')
3342        >>> dot_result = da.dot(dm)
3343        >>> dot_result.dims
3344        ('x', 'y')
3346        """
3347        if isinstance(other, Dataset):
3348            raise NotImplementedError(
3349                "dot products are not yet supported with Dataset objects."
3350            )
3351        if not isinstance(other, DataArray):
3352            raise TypeError("dot only operates on DataArrays.")
3354        return computation.dot(self, other, dims=dims)
3356    def sortby(
3357        self,
3358        variables: Union[Hashable, "DataArray", Sequence[Union[Hashable, "DataArray"]]],
3359        ascending: bool = True,
3360    ) -> "DataArray":
3361        """Sort object by labels or values (along an axis).
3363        Sorts the dataarray, either along specified dimensions,
3364        or according to values of 1-D dataarrays that share dimension
3365        with calling object.
3367        If the input variables are dataarrays, then the dataarrays are aligned
3368        (via left-join) to the calling object prior to sorting by cell values.
3369        NaNs are sorted to the end, following Numpy convention.
3371        If multiple sorts along the same dimension is
3372        given, numpy's lexsort is performed along that dimension:
3373        https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.lexsort.html
3374        and the FIRST key in the sequence is used as the primary sort key,
3375        followed by the 2nd key, etc.
3377        Parameters
3378        ----------
3379        variables : hashable, DataArray, or sequence of hashable or DataArray
3380            1D DataArray objects or name(s) of 1D variable(s) in
3381            coords whose values are used to sort this array.
3382        ascending : bool, optional
3383            Whether to sort by ascending or descending order.
3385        Returns
3386        -------
3387        sorted : DataArray
3388            A new dataarray where all the specified dims are sorted by dim
3389            labels.
3391        See Also
3392        --------
3393        Dataset.sortby
3394        numpy.sort
3395        pandas.sort_values
3396        pandas.sort_index
3398        Examples
3399        --------
3400        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
3401        ...     np.random.rand(5),
3402        ...     coords=[pd.date_range("1/1/2000", periods=5)],
3403        ...     dims="time",
3404        ... )
3405        >>> da
3406        <xarray.DataArray (time: 5)>
3407        array([0.5488135 , 0.71518937, 0.60276338, 0.54488318, 0.4236548 ])
3408        Coordinates:
3409          * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 ... 2000-01-05
3411        >>> da.sortby(da)
3412        <xarray.DataArray (time: 5)>
3413        array([0.4236548 , 0.54488318, 0.5488135 , 0.60276338, 0.71518937])
3414        Coordinates:
3415          * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-05 2000-01-04 ... 2000-01-02
3416        """
3417        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().sortby(variables, ascending=ascending)
3418        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3420    def quantile(
3421        self,
3422        q: Any,
3423        dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None,
3424        interpolation: str = "linear",
3425        keep_attrs: bool = None,
3426        skipna: bool = True,
3427    ) -> "DataArray":
3428        """Compute the qth quantile of the data along the specified dimension.
3430        Returns the qth quantiles(s) of the array elements.
3432        Parameters
3433        ----------
3434        q : float or array-like of float
3435            Quantile to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
3436        dim : hashable or sequence of hashable, optional
3437            Dimension(s) over which to apply quantile.
3438        interpolation : {"linear", "lower", "higher", "midpoint", "nearest"}, default: "linear"
3439            This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to
3440            use when the desired quantile lies between two data points
3441            ``i < j``:
3443                - linear: ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is
3444                  the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and
3445                  ``j``.
3446                - lower: ``i``.
3447                - higher: ``j``.
3448                - nearest: ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest.
3449                - midpoint: ``(i + j) / 2``.
3450        keep_attrs : bool, optional
3451            If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from
3452            the original object to the new one.  If False (default), the new
3453            object will be returned without attributes.
3454        skipna : bool, optional
3455            Whether to skip missing values when aggregating.
3457        Returns
3458        -------
3459        quantiles : DataArray
3460            If `q` is a single quantile, then the result
3461            is a scalar. If multiple percentiles are given, first axis of
3462            the result corresponds to the quantile and a quantile dimension
3463            is added to the return array. The other dimensions are the
3464            dimensions that remain after the reduction of the array.
3466        See Also
3467        --------
3468        numpy.nanquantile, numpy.quantile, pandas.Series.quantile, Dataset.quantile
3470        Examples
3471        --------
3472        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
3473        ...     data=[[0.7, 4.2, 9.4, 1.5], [6.5, 7.3, 2.6, 1.9]],
3474        ...     coords={"x": [7, 9], "y": [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5]},
3475        ...     dims=("x", "y"),
3476        ... )
3477        >>> da.quantile(0)  # or da.quantile(0, dim=...)
3478        <xarray.DataArray ()>
3479        array(0.7)
3480        Coordinates:
3481            quantile  float64 0.0
3482        >>> da.quantile(0, dim="x")
3483        <xarray.DataArray (y: 4)>
3484        array([0.7, 4.2, 2.6, 1.5])
3485        Coordinates:
3486          * y         (y) float64 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
3487            quantile  float64 0.0
3488        >>> da.quantile([0, 0.5, 1])
3489        <xarray.DataArray (quantile: 3)>
3490        array([0.7, 3.4, 9.4])
3491        Coordinates:
3492          * quantile  (quantile) float64 0.0 0.5 1.0
3493        >>> da.quantile([0, 0.5, 1], dim="x")
3494        <xarray.DataArray (quantile: 3, y: 4)>
3495        array([[0.7 , 4.2 , 2.6 , 1.5 ],
3496               [3.6 , 5.75, 6.  , 1.7 ],
3497               [6.5 , 7.3 , 9.4 , 1.9 ]])
3498        Coordinates:
3499          * y         (y) float64 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
3500          * quantile  (quantile) float64 0.0 0.5 1.0
3501        """
3503        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().quantile(
3504            q,
3505            dim=dim,
3506            keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
3507            interpolation=interpolation,
3508            skipna=skipna,
3509        )
3510        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3512    def rank(
3513        self, dim: Hashable, pct: bool = False, keep_attrs: bool = None
3514    ) -> "DataArray":
3515        """Ranks the data.
3517        Equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks that
3518        would have been otherwise assigned to all of the values within that
3519        set.  Ranks begin at 1, not 0. If pct, computes percentage ranks.
3521        NaNs in the input array are returned as NaNs.
3523        The `bottleneck` library is required.
3525        Parameters
3526        ----------
3527        dim : hashable
3528            Dimension over which to compute rank.
3529        pct : bool, optional
3530            If True, compute percentage ranks, otherwise compute integer ranks.
3531        keep_attrs : bool, optional
3532            If True, the dataset's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from
3533            the original object to the new one.  If False (default), the new
3534            object will be returned without attributes.
3536        Returns
3537        -------
3538        ranked : DataArray
3539            DataArray with the same coordinates and dtype 'float64'.
3541        Examples
3542        --------
3543        >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], dims="x")
3544        >>> arr.rank("x")
3545        <xarray.DataArray (x: 3)>
3546        array([1., 2., 3.])
3547        Dimensions without coordinates: x
3548        """
3550        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().rank(dim, pct=pct, keep_attrs=keep_attrs)
3551        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3553    def differentiate(
3554        self, coord: Hashable, edge_order: int = 1, datetime_unit: str = None
3555    ) -> "DataArray":
3556        """ Differentiate the array with the second order accurate central
3557        differences.
3559        .. note::
3560            This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord
3561            must be one dimensional.
3563        Parameters
3564        ----------
3565        coord : hashable
3566            The coordinate to be used to compute the gradient.
3567        edge_order : {1, 2}, default: 1
3568            N-th order accurate differences at the boundaries.
3569        datetime_unit : {"Y", "M", "W", "D", "h", "m", "s", "ms", \
3570                         "us", "ns", "ps", "fs", "as"} or None, optional
3571            Unit to compute gradient. Only valid for datetime coordinate.
3573        Returns
3574        -------
3575        differentiated: DataArray
3577        See also
3578        --------
3579        numpy.gradient: corresponding numpy function
3581        Examples
3582        --------
3584        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
3585        ...     np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3),
3586        ...     dims=["x", "y"],
3587        ...     coords={"x": [0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2]},
3588        ... )
3589        >>> da
3590        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
3591        array([[ 0,  1,  2],
3592               [ 3,  4,  5],
3593               [ 6,  7,  8],
3594               [ 9, 10, 11]])
3595        Coordinates:
3596          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2
3597        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3598        >>>
3599        >>> da.differentiate("x")
3600        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
3601        array([[30.        , 30.        , 30.        ],
3602               [27.54545455, 27.54545455, 27.54545455],
3603               [27.54545455, 27.54545455, 27.54545455],
3604               [30.        , 30.        , 30.        ]])
3605        Coordinates:
3606          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2
3607        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3608        """
3609        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().differentiate(coord, edge_order, datetime_unit)
3610        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3612    def integrate(
3613        self,
3614        coord: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
3615        datetime_unit: str = None,
3616    ) -> "DataArray":
3617        """Integrate along the given coordinate using the trapezoidal rule.
3619        .. note::
3620            This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord
3621            must be one dimensional.
3623        Parameters
3624        ----------
3625        coord : hashable, or sequence of hashable
3626            Coordinate(s) used for the integration.
3627        datetime_unit : {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', \
3628                        'ps', 'fs', 'as'}, optional
3629            Specify the unit if a datetime coordinate is used.
3631        Returns
3632        -------
3633        integrated : DataArray
3635        See also
3636        --------
3637        Dataset.integrate
3638        numpy.trapz : corresponding numpy function
3640        Examples
3641        --------
3643        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
3644        ...     np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3),
3645        ...     dims=["x", "y"],
3646        ...     coords={"x": [0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2]},
3647        ... )
3648        >>> da
3649        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
3650        array([[ 0,  1,  2],
3651               [ 3,  4,  5],
3652               [ 6,  7,  8],
3653               [ 9, 10, 11]])
3654        Coordinates:
3655          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2
3656        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3657        >>>
3658        >>> da.integrate("x")
3659        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
3660        array([5.4, 6.6, 7.8])
3661        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3662        """
3663        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().integrate(coord, datetime_unit)
3664        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3666    def cumulative_integrate(
3667        self,
3668        coord: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
3669        datetime_unit: str = None,
3670    ) -> "DataArray":
3671        """Integrate cumulatively along the given coordinate using the trapezoidal rule.
3673        .. note::
3674            This feature is limited to simple cartesian geometry, i.e. coord
3675            must be one dimensional.
3677            The first entry of the cumulative integral is always 0, in order to keep the
3678            length of the dimension unchanged between input and output.
3680        Parameters
3681        ----------
3682        coord : hashable, or sequence of hashable
3683            Coordinate(s) used for the integration.
3684        datetime_unit : {'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns', \
3685                        'ps', 'fs', 'as'}, optional
3686            Specify the unit if a datetime coordinate is used.
3688        Returns
3689        -------
3690        integrated : DataArray
3692        See also
3693        --------
3694        Dataset.cumulative_integrate
3695        scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid : corresponding scipy function
3697        Examples
3698        --------
3700        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
3701        ...     np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3),
3702        ...     dims=["x", "y"],
3703        ...     coords={"x": [0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2]},
3704        ... )
3705        >>> da
3706        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
3707        array([[ 0,  1,  2],
3708               [ 3,  4,  5],
3709               [ 6,  7,  8],
3710               [ 9, 10, 11]])
3711        Coordinates:
3712          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2
3713        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3714        >>>
3715        >>> da.cumulative_integrate("x")
3716        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 3)>
3717        array([[0.  , 0.  , 0.  ],
3718               [0.15, 0.25, 0.35],
3719               [4.65, 5.75, 6.85],
3720               [5.4 , 6.6 , 7.8 ]])
3721        Coordinates:
3722          * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.1 1.1 1.2
3723        Dimensions without coordinates: y
3724        """
3725        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().cumulative_integrate(coord, datetime_unit)
3726        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
3728    def unify_chunks(self) -> "DataArray":
3729        """Unify chunk size along all chunked dimensions of this DataArray.
3731        Returns
3732        -------
3733        DataArray with consistent chunk sizes for all dask-array variables
3735        See Also
3736        --------
3737        dask.array.core.unify_chunks
3738        """
3740        return unify_chunks(self)[0]
3742    def map_blocks(
3743        self,
3744        func: Callable[..., T_Xarray],
3745        args: Sequence[Any] = (),
3746        kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
3747        template: Union["DataArray", "Dataset"] = None,
3748    ) -> T_Xarray:
3749        """
3750        Apply a function to each block of this DataArray.
3752        .. warning::
3753            This method is experimental and its signature may change.
3755        Parameters
3756        ----------
3757        func : callable
3758            User-provided function that accepts a DataArray as its first
3759            parameter. The function will receive a subset or 'block' of this DataArray (see below),
3760            corresponding to one chunk along each chunked dimension. ``func`` will be
3761            executed as ``func(subset_dataarray, *subset_args, **kwargs)``.
3763            This function must return either a single DataArray or a single Dataset.
3765            This function cannot add a new chunked dimension.
3766        args : sequence
3767            Passed to func after unpacking and subsetting any xarray objects by blocks.
3768            xarray objects in args must be aligned with this object, otherwise an error is raised.
3769        kwargs : mapping
3770            Passed verbatim to func after unpacking. xarray objects, if any, will not be
3771            subset to blocks. Passing dask collections in kwargs is not allowed.
3772        template : DataArray or Dataset, optional
3773            xarray object representing the final result after compute is called. If not provided,
3774            the function will be first run on mocked-up data, that looks like this object but
3775            has sizes 0, to determine properties of the returned object such as dtype,
3776            variable names, attributes, new dimensions and new indexes (if any).
3777            ``template`` must be provided if the function changes the size of existing dimensions.
3778            When provided, ``attrs`` on variables in `template` are copied over to the result. Any
3779            ``attrs`` set by ``func`` will be ignored.
3781        Returns
3782        -------
3783        A single DataArray or Dataset with dask backend, reassembled from the outputs of the
3784        function.
3786        Notes
3787        -----
3788        This function is designed for when ``func`` needs to manipulate a whole xarray object
3789        subset to each block. Each block is loaded into memory. In the more common case where
3790        ``func`` can work on numpy arrays, it is recommended to use ``apply_ufunc``.
3792        If none of the variables in this object is backed by dask arrays, calling this function is
3793        equivalent to calling ``func(obj, *args, **kwargs)``.
3795        See Also
3796        --------
3797        dask.array.map_blocks, xarray.apply_ufunc, xarray.Dataset.map_blocks
3798        xarray.DataArray.map_blocks
3800        Examples
3801        --------
3802        Calculate an anomaly from climatology using ``.groupby()``. Using
3803        ``xr.map_blocks()`` allows for parallel operations with knowledge of ``xarray``,
3804        its indices, and its methods like ``.groupby()``.
3806        >>> def calculate_anomaly(da, groupby_type="time.month"):
3807        ...     gb = da.groupby(groupby_type)
3808        ...     clim = gb.mean(dim="time")
3809        ...     return gb - clim
3810        ...
3811        >>> time = xr.cftime_range("1990-01", "1992-01", freq="M")
3812        >>> month = xr.DataArray(time.month, coords={"time": time}, dims=["time"])
3813        >>> np.random.seed(123)
3814        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
3815        ...     np.random.rand(len(time)),
3816        ...     dims=["time"],
3817        ...     coords={"time": time, "month": month},
3818        ... ).chunk()
3819        >>> array.map_blocks(calculate_anomaly, template=array).compute()
3820        <xarray.DataArray (time: 24)>
3821        array([ 0.12894847,  0.11323072, -0.0855964 , -0.09334032,  0.26848862,
3822                0.12382735,  0.22460641,  0.07650108, -0.07673453, -0.22865714,
3823               -0.19063865,  0.0590131 , -0.12894847, -0.11323072,  0.0855964 ,
3824                0.09334032, -0.26848862, -0.12382735, -0.22460641, -0.07650108,
3825                0.07673453,  0.22865714,  0.19063865, -0.0590131 ])
3826        Coordinates:
3827          * time     (time) object 1990-01-31 00:00:00 ... 1991-12-31 00:00:00
3828            month    (time) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3830        Note that one must explicitly use ``args=[]`` and ``kwargs={}`` to pass arguments
3831        to the function being applied in ``xr.map_blocks()``:
3833        >>> array.map_blocks(
3834        ...     calculate_anomaly, kwargs={"groupby_type": "time.year"}, template=array
3835        ... )  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
3836        <xarray.DataArray (time: 24)>
3837        dask.array<<this-array>-calculate_anomaly, shape=(24,), dtype=float64, chunksize=(24,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
3838        Coordinates:
3839          * time     (time) object 1990-01-31 00:00:00 ... 1991-12-31 00:00:00
3840            month    (time) int64 dask.array<chunksize=(24,), meta=np.ndarray>
3841        """
3842        from .parallel import map_blocks
3844        return map_blocks(func, self, args, kwargs, template)
3846    def polyfit(
3847        self,
3848        dim: Hashable,
3849        deg: int,
3850        skipna: bool = None,
3851        rcond: float = None,
3852        w: Union[Hashable, Any] = None,
3853        full: bool = False,
3854        cov: bool = False,
3855    ):
3856        """
3857        Least squares polynomial fit.
3859        This replicates the behaviour of `numpy.polyfit` but differs by skipping
3860        invalid values when `skipna = True`.
3862        Parameters
3863        ----------
3864        dim : hashable
3865            Coordinate along which to fit the polynomials.
3866        deg : int
3867            Degree of the fitting polynomial.
3868        skipna : bool, optional
3869            If True, removes all invalid values before fitting each 1D slices of the array.
3870            Default is True if data is stored in a dask.array or if there is any
3871            invalid values, False otherwise.
3872        rcond : float, optional
3873            Relative condition number to the fit.
3874        w : hashable or array-like, optional
3875            Weights to apply to the y-coordinate of the sample points.
3876            Can be an array-like object or the name of a coordinate in the dataset.
3877        full : bool, optional
3878            Whether to return the residuals, matrix rank and singular values in addition
3879            to the coefficients.
3880        cov : bool or str, optional
3881            Whether to return to the covariance matrix in addition to the coefficients.
3882            The matrix is not scaled if `cov='unscaled'`.
3884        Returns
3885        -------
3886        polyfit_results : Dataset
3887            A single dataset which contains:
3889            polyfit_coefficients
3890                The coefficients of the best fit.
3891            polyfit_residuals
3892                The residuals of the least-square computation (only included if `full=True`).
3893                When the matrix rank is deficient, np.nan is returned.
3894            [dim]_matrix_rank
3895                The effective rank of the scaled Vandermonde coefficient matrix (only included if `full=True`)
3896            [dim]_singular_value
3897                The singular values of the scaled Vandermonde coefficient matrix (only included if `full=True`)
3898            polyfit_covariance
3899                The covariance matrix of the polynomial coefficient estimates (only included if `full=False` and `cov=True`)
3901        See Also
3902        --------
3903        numpy.polyfit
3904        numpy.polyval
3905        xarray.polyval
3906        """
3907        return self._to_temp_dataset().polyfit(
3908            dim, deg, skipna=skipna, rcond=rcond, w=w, full=full, cov=cov
3909        )
3911    def pad(
3912        self,
3913        pad_width: Mapping[Any, Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
3914        mode: str = "constant",
3915        stat_length: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], Mapping[Any, Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
3916        constant_values: Union[
3917            int, Tuple[int, int], Mapping[Any, Tuple[int, int]]
3918        ] = None,
3919        end_values: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], Mapping[Any, Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
3920        reflect_type: str = None,
3921        **pad_width_kwargs: Any,
3922    ) -> "DataArray":
3923        """Pad this array along one or more dimensions.
3925        .. warning::
3926            This function is experimental and its behaviour is likely to change
3927            especially regarding padding of dimension coordinates (or IndexVariables).
3929        When using one of the modes ("edge", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap"),
3930        coordinates will be padded with the same mode, otherwise coordinates
3931        are padded using the "constant" mode with fill_value dtypes.NA.
3933        Parameters
3934        ----------
3935        pad_width : mapping of hashable to tuple of int
3936            Mapping with the form of {dim: (pad_before, pad_after)}
3937            describing the number of values padded along each dimension.
3938            {dim: pad} is a shortcut for pad_before = pad_after = pad
3939        mode : str, default: "constant"
3940            One of the following string values (taken from numpy docs)
3942            'constant' (default)
3943                Pads with a constant value.
3944            'edge'
3945                Pads with the edge values of array.
3946            'linear_ramp'
3947                Pads with the linear ramp between end_value and the
3948                array edge value.
3949            'maximum'
3950                Pads with the maximum value of all or part of the
3951                vector along each axis.
3952            'mean'
3953                Pads with the mean value of all or part of the
3954                vector along each axis.
3955            'median'
3956                Pads with the median value of all or part of the
3957                vector along each axis.
3958            'minimum'
3959                Pads with the minimum value of all or part of the
3960                vector along each axis.
3961            'reflect'
3962                Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored on
3963                the first and last values of the vector along each
3964                axis.
3965            'symmetric'
3966                Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored
3967                along the edge of the array.
3968            'wrap'
3969                Pads with the wrap of the vector along the axis.
3970                The first values are used to pad the end and the
3971                end values are used to pad the beginning.
3972        stat_length : int, tuple or mapping of hashable to tuple, default: None
3973            Used in 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', and 'minimum'.  Number of
3974            values at edge of each axis used to calculate the statistic value.
3975            {dim_1: (before_1, after_1), ... dim_N: (before_N, after_N)} unique
3976            statistic lengths along each dimension.
3977            ((before, after),) yields same before and after statistic lengths
3978            for each dimension.
3979            (stat_length,) or int is a shortcut for before = after = statistic
3980            length for all axes.
3981            Default is ``None``, to use the entire axis.
3982        constant_values : scalar, tuple or mapping of hashable to tuple, default: 0
3983            Used in 'constant'.  The values to set the padded values for each
3984            axis.
3985            ``{dim_1: (before_1, after_1), ... dim_N: (before_N, after_N)}`` unique
3986            pad constants along each dimension.
3987            ``((before, after),)`` yields same before and after constants for each
3988            dimension.
3989            ``(constant,)`` or ``constant`` is a shortcut for ``before = after = constant`` for
3990            all dimensions.
3991            Default is 0.
3992        end_values : scalar, tuple or mapping of hashable to tuple, default: 0
3993            Used in 'linear_ramp'.  The values used for the ending value of the
3994            linear_ramp and that will form the edge of the padded array.
3995            ``{dim_1: (before_1, after_1), ... dim_N: (before_N, after_N)}`` unique
3996            end values along each dimension.
3997            ``((before, after),)`` yields same before and after end values for each
3998            axis.
3999            ``(constant,)`` or ``constant`` is a shortcut for ``before = after = constant`` for
4000            all axes.
4001            Default is 0.
4002        reflect_type : {"even", "odd"}, optional
4003            Used in "reflect", and "symmetric".  The "even" style is the
4004            default with an unaltered reflection around the edge value.  For
4005            the "odd" style, the extended part of the array is created by
4006            subtracting the reflected values from two times the edge value.
4007        **pad_width_kwargs
4008            The keyword arguments form of ``pad_width``.
4009            One of ``pad_width`` or ``pad_width_kwargs`` must be provided.
4011        Returns
4012        -------
4013        padded : DataArray
4014            DataArray with the padded coordinates and data.
4016        See Also
4017        --------
4018        DataArray.shift, DataArray.roll, DataArray.bfill, DataArray.ffill, numpy.pad, dask.array.pad
4020        Notes
4021        -----
4022        For ``mode="constant"`` and ``constant_values=None``, integer types will be
4023        promoted to ``float`` and padded with ``np.nan``.
4025        Examples
4026        --------
4027        >>> arr = xr.DataArray([5, 6, 7], coords=[("x", [0, 1, 2])])
4028        >>> arr.pad(x=(1, 2), constant_values=0)
4029        <xarray.DataArray (x: 6)>
4030        array([0, 5, 6, 7, 0, 0])
4031        Coordinates:
4032          * x        (x) float64 nan 0.0 1.0 2.0 nan nan
4034        >>> da = xr.DataArray(
4035        ...     [[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12, 13]],
4036        ...     dims=["x", "y"],
4037        ...     coords={"x": [0, 1], "y": [10, 20, 30, 40], "z": ("x", [100, 200])},
4038        ... )
4039        >>> da.pad(x=1)
4040        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 4)>
4041        array([[nan, nan, nan, nan],
4042               [ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.],
4043               [10., 11., 12., 13.],
4044               [nan, nan, nan, nan]])
4045        Coordinates:
4046          * x        (x) float64 nan 0.0 1.0 nan
4047          * y        (y) int64 10 20 30 40
4048            z        (x) float64 nan 100.0 200.0 nan
4050        Careful, ``constant_values`` are coerced to the data type of the array which may
4051        lead to a loss of precision:
4053        >>> da.pad(x=1, constant_values=1.23456789)
4054        <xarray.DataArray (x: 4, y: 4)>
4055        array([[ 1,  1,  1,  1],
4056               [ 0,  1,  2,  3],
4057               [10, 11, 12, 13],
4058               [ 1,  1,  1,  1]])
4059        Coordinates:
4060          * x        (x) float64 nan 0.0 1.0 nan
4061          * y        (y) int64 10 20 30 40
4062            z        (x) float64 nan 100.0 200.0 nan
4063        """
4064        ds = self._to_temp_dataset().pad(
4065            pad_width=pad_width,
4066            mode=mode,
4067            stat_length=stat_length,
4068            constant_values=constant_values,
4069            end_values=end_values,
4070            reflect_type=reflect_type,
4071            **pad_width_kwargs,
4072        )
4073        return self._from_temp_dataset(ds)
4075    def idxmin(
4076        self,
4077        dim: Hashable = None,
4078        skipna: bool = None,
4079        fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,
4080        keep_attrs: bool = None,
4081    ) -> "DataArray":
4082        """Return the coordinate label of the minimum value along a dimension.
4084        Returns a new `DataArray` named after the dimension with the values of
4085        the coordinate labels along that dimension corresponding to minimum
4086        values along that dimension.
4088        In comparison to :py:meth:`~DataArray.argmin`, this returns the
4089        coordinate label while :py:meth:`~DataArray.argmin` returns the index.
4091        Parameters
4092        ----------
4093        dim : str, optional
4094            Dimension over which to apply `idxmin`.  This is optional for 1D
4095            arrays, but required for arrays with 2 or more dimensions.
4096        skipna : bool or None, default: None
4097            If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only
4098            skips missing values for ``float``, ``complex``, and ``object``
4099            dtypes; other dtypes either do not have a sentinel missing value
4100            (``int``) or ``skipna=True`` has not been implemented
4101            (``datetime64`` or ``timedelta64``).
4102        fill_value : Any, default: NaN
4103            Value to be filled in case all of the values along a dimension are
4104            null.  By default this is NaN.  The fill value and result are
4105            automatically converted to a compatible dtype if possible.
4106            Ignored if ``skipna`` is False.
4107        keep_attrs : bool, default: False
4108            If True, the attributes (``attrs``) will be copied from the
4109            original object to the new one.  If False (default), the new object
4110            will be returned without attributes.
4112        Returns
4113        -------
4114        reduced : DataArray
4115            New `DataArray` object with `idxmin` applied to its data and the
4116            indicated dimension removed.
4118        See Also
4119        --------
4120        Dataset.idxmin, DataArray.idxmax, DataArray.min, DataArray.argmin
4122        Examples
4123        --------
4124        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4125        ...     [0, 2, 1, 0, -2], dims="x", coords={"x": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]}
4126        ... )
4127        >>> array.min()
4128        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4129        array(-2)
4130        >>> array.argmin()
4131        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4132        array(4)
4133        >>> array.idxmin()
4134        <xarray.DataArray 'x' ()>
4135        array('e', dtype='<U1')
4137        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4138        ...     [
4139        ...         [2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -2.0],
4140        ...         [-4.0, np.NaN, 2.0, np.NaN, -2.0],
4141        ...         [np.NaN, np.NaN, 1.0, np.NaN, np.NaN],
4142        ...     ],
4143        ...     dims=["y", "x"],
4144        ...     coords={"y": [-1, 0, 1], "x": np.arange(5.0) ** 2},
4145        ... )
4146        >>> array.min(dim="x")
4147        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4148        array([-2., -4.,  1.])
4149        Coordinates:
4150          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4151        >>> array.argmin(dim="x")
4152        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4153        array([4, 0, 2])
4154        Coordinates:
4155          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4156        >>> array.idxmin(dim="x")
4157        <xarray.DataArray 'x' (y: 3)>
4158        array([16.,  0.,  4.])
4159        Coordinates:
4160          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4161        """
4162        return computation._calc_idxminmax(
4163            array=self,
4164            func=lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x.argmin(*args, **kwargs),
4165            dim=dim,
4166            skipna=skipna,
4167            fill_value=fill_value,
4168            keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
4169        )
4171    def idxmax(
4172        self,
4173        dim: Hashable = None,
4174        skipna: bool = None,
4175        fill_value: Any = dtypes.NA,
4176        keep_attrs: bool = None,
4177    ) -> "DataArray":
4178        """Return the coordinate label of the maximum value along a dimension.
4180        Returns a new `DataArray` named after the dimension with the values of
4181        the coordinate labels along that dimension corresponding to maximum
4182        values along that dimension.
4184        In comparison to :py:meth:`~DataArray.argmax`, this returns the
4185        coordinate label while :py:meth:`~DataArray.argmax` returns the index.
4187        Parameters
4188        ----------
4189        dim : hashable, optional
4190            Dimension over which to apply `idxmax`.  This is optional for 1D
4191            arrays, but required for arrays with 2 or more dimensions.
4192        skipna : bool or None, default: None
4193            If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only
4194            skips missing values for ``float``, ``complex``, and ``object``
4195            dtypes; other dtypes either do not have a sentinel missing value
4196            (``int``) or ``skipna=True`` has not been implemented
4197            (``datetime64`` or ``timedelta64``).
4198        fill_value : Any, default: NaN
4199            Value to be filled in case all of the values along a dimension are
4200            null.  By default this is NaN.  The fill value and result are
4201            automatically converted to a compatible dtype if possible.
4202            Ignored if ``skipna`` is False.
4203        keep_attrs : bool, default: False
4204            If True, the attributes (``attrs``) will be copied from the
4205            original object to the new one.  If False (default), the new object
4206            will be returned without attributes.
4208        Returns
4209        -------
4210        reduced : DataArray
4211            New `DataArray` object with `idxmax` applied to its data and the
4212            indicated dimension removed.
4214        See Also
4215        --------
4216        Dataset.idxmax, DataArray.idxmin, DataArray.max, DataArray.argmax
4218        Examples
4219        --------
4220        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4221        ...     [0, 2, 1, 0, -2], dims="x", coords={"x": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]}
4222        ... )
4223        >>> array.max()
4224        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4225        array(2)
4226        >>> array.argmax()
4227        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4228        array(1)
4229        >>> array.idxmax()
4230        <xarray.DataArray 'x' ()>
4231        array('b', dtype='<U1')
4233        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4234        ...     [
4235        ...         [2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, -2.0],
4236        ...         [-4.0, np.NaN, 2.0, np.NaN, -2.0],
4237        ...         [np.NaN, np.NaN, 1.0, np.NaN, np.NaN],
4238        ...     ],
4239        ...     dims=["y", "x"],
4240        ...     coords={"y": [-1, 0, 1], "x": np.arange(5.0) ** 2},
4241        ... )
4242        >>> array.max(dim="x")
4243        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4244        array([2., 2., 1.])
4245        Coordinates:
4246          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4247        >>> array.argmax(dim="x")
4248        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4249        array([0, 2, 2])
4250        Coordinates:
4251          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4252        >>> array.idxmax(dim="x")
4253        <xarray.DataArray 'x' (y: 3)>
4254        array([0., 4., 4.])
4255        Coordinates:
4256          * y        (y) int64 -1 0 1
4257        """
4258        return computation._calc_idxminmax(
4259            array=self,
4260            func=lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x.argmax(*args, **kwargs),
4261            dim=dim,
4262            skipna=skipna,
4263            fill_value=fill_value,
4264            keep_attrs=keep_attrs,
4265        )
4267    def argmin(
4268        self,
4269        dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
4270        axis: int = None,
4271        keep_attrs: bool = None,
4272        skipna: bool = None,
4273    ) -> Union["DataArray", Dict[Hashable, "DataArray"]]:
4274        """Index or indices of the minimum of the DataArray over one or more dimensions.
4276        If a sequence is passed to 'dim', then result returned as dict of DataArrays,
4277        which can be passed directly to isel(). If a single str is passed to 'dim' then
4278        returns a DataArray with dtype int.
4280        If there are multiple minima, the indices of the first one found will be
4281        returned.
4283        Parameters
4284        ----------
4285        dim : hashable, sequence of hashable or ..., optional
4286            The dimensions over which to find the minimum. By default, finds minimum over
4287            all dimensions - for now returning an int for backward compatibility, but
4288            this is deprecated, in future will return a dict with indices for all
4289            dimensions; to return a dict with all dimensions now, pass '...'.
4290        axis : int, optional
4291            Axis over which to apply `argmin`. Only one of the 'dim' and 'axis' arguments
4292            can be supplied.
4293        keep_attrs : bool, optional
4294            If True, the attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original
4295            object to the new one.  If False (default), the new object will be
4296            returned without attributes.
4297        skipna : bool, optional
4298            If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only
4299            skips missing values for float dtypes; other dtypes either do not
4300            have a sentinel missing value (int) or skipna=True has not been
4301            implemented (object, datetime64 or timedelta64).
4303        Returns
4304        -------
4305        result : DataArray or dict of DataArray
4307        See Also
4308        --------
4309        Variable.argmin, DataArray.idxmin
4311        Examples
4312        --------
4313        >>> array = xr.DataArray([0, 2, -1, 3], dims="x")
4314        >>> array.min()
4315        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4316        array(-1)
4317        >>> array.argmin()
4318        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4319        array(2)
4320        >>> array.argmin(...)
4321        {'x': <xarray.DataArray ()>
4322        array(2)}
4323        >>> array.isel(array.argmin(...))
4324        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4325        array(-1)
4327        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4328        ...     [[[3, 2, 1], [3, 1, 2], [2, 1, 3]], [[1, 3, 2], [2, -5, 1], [2, 3, 1]]],
4329        ...     dims=("x", "y", "z"),
4330        ... )
4331        >>> array.min(dim="x")
4332        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4333        array([[ 1,  2,  1],
4334               [ 2, -5,  1],
4335               [ 2,  1,  1]])
4336        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z
4337        >>> array.argmin(dim="x")
4338        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4339        array([[1, 0, 0],
4340               [1, 1, 1],
4341               [0, 0, 1]])
4342        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z
4343        >>> array.argmin(dim=["x"])
4344        {'x': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4345        array([[1, 0, 0],
4346               [1, 1, 1],
4347               [0, 0, 1]])
4348        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z}
4349        >>> array.min(dim=("x", "z"))
4350        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4351        array([ 1, -5,  1])
4352        Dimensions without coordinates: y
4353        >>> array.argmin(dim=["x", "z"])
4354        {'x': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4355        array([0, 1, 0])
4356        Dimensions without coordinates: y, 'z': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4357        array([2, 1, 1])
4358        Dimensions without coordinates: y}
4359        >>> array.isel(array.argmin(dim=["x", "z"]))
4360        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4361        array([ 1, -5,  1])
4362        Dimensions without coordinates: y
4363        """
4364        result = self.variable.argmin(dim, axis, keep_attrs, skipna)
4365        if isinstance(result, dict):
4366            return {k: self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(v) for k, v in result.items()}
4367        else:
4368            return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(result)
4370    def argmax(
4371        self,
4372        dim: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
4373        axis: int = None,
4374        keep_attrs: bool = None,
4375        skipna: bool = None,
4376    ) -> Union["DataArray", Dict[Hashable, "DataArray"]]:
4377        """Index or indices of the maximum of the DataArray over one or more dimensions.
4379        If a sequence is passed to 'dim', then result returned as dict of DataArrays,
4380        which can be passed directly to isel(). If a single str is passed to 'dim' then
4381        returns a DataArray with dtype int.
4383        If there are multiple maxima, the indices of the first one found will be
4384        returned.
4386        Parameters
4387        ----------
4388        dim : hashable, sequence of hashable or ..., optional
4389            The dimensions over which to find the maximum. By default, finds maximum over
4390            all dimensions - for now returning an int for backward compatibility, but
4391            this is deprecated, in future will return a dict with indices for all
4392            dimensions; to return a dict with all dimensions now, pass '...'.
4393        axis : int, optional
4394            Axis over which to apply `argmax`. Only one of the 'dim' and 'axis' arguments
4395            can be supplied.
4396        keep_attrs : bool, optional
4397            If True, the attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original
4398            object to the new one.  If False (default), the new object will be
4399            returned without attributes.
4400        skipna : bool, optional
4401            If True, skip missing values (as marked by NaN). By default, only
4402            skips missing values for float dtypes; other dtypes either do not
4403            have a sentinel missing value (int) or skipna=True has not been
4404            implemented (object, datetime64 or timedelta64).
4406        Returns
4407        -------
4408        result : DataArray or dict of DataArray
4410        See Also
4411        --------
4412        Variable.argmax, DataArray.idxmax
4414        Examples
4415        --------
4416        >>> array = xr.DataArray([0, 2, -1, 3], dims="x")
4417        >>> array.max()
4418        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4419        array(3)
4420        >>> array.argmax()
4421        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4422        array(3)
4423        >>> array.argmax(...)
4424        {'x': <xarray.DataArray ()>
4425        array(3)}
4426        >>> array.isel(array.argmax(...))
4427        <xarray.DataArray ()>
4428        array(3)
4430        >>> array = xr.DataArray(
4431        ...     [[[3, 2, 1], [3, 1, 2], [2, 1, 3]], [[1, 3, 2], [2, 5, 1], [2, 3, 1]]],
4432        ...     dims=("x", "y", "z"),
4433        ... )
4434        >>> array.max(dim="x")
4435        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4436        array([[3, 3, 2],
4437               [3, 5, 2],
4438               [2, 3, 3]])
4439        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z
4440        >>> array.argmax(dim="x")
4441        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4442        array([[0, 1, 1],
4443               [0, 1, 0],
4444               [0, 1, 0]])
4445        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z
4446        >>> array.argmax(dim=["x"])
4447        {'x': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3, z: 3)>
4448        array([[0, 1, 1],
4449               [0, 1, 0],
4450               [0, 1, 0]])
4451        Dimensions without coordinates: y, z}
4452        >>> array.max(dim=("x", "z"))
4453        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4454        array([3, 5, 3])
4455        Dimensions without coordinates: y
4456        >>> array.argmax(dim=["x", "z"])
4457        {'x': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4458        array([0, 1, 0])
4459        Dimensions without coordinates: y, 'z': <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4460        array([0, 1, 2])
4461        Dimensions without coordinates: y}
4462        >>> array.isel(array.argmax(dim=["x", "z"]))
4463        <xarray.DataArray (y: 3)>
4464        array([3, 5, 3])
4465        Dimensions without coordinates: y
4466        """
4467        result = self.variable.argmax(dim, axis, keep_attrs, skipna)
4468        if isinstance(result, dict):
4469            return {k: self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(v) for k, v in result.items()}
4470        else:
4471            return self._replace_maybe_drop_dims(result)
4473    def query(
4474        self,
4475        queries: Mapping[Any, Any] = None,
4476        parser: str = "pandas",
4477        engine: str = None,
4478        missing_dims: str = "raise",
4479        **queries_kwargs: Any,
4480    ) -> "DataArray":
4481        """Return a new data array indexed along the specified
4482        dimension(s), where the indexers are given as strings containing
4483        Python expressions to be evaluated against the values in the array.
4485        Parameters
4486        ----------
4487        queries : dict, optional
4488            A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given by strings
4489            containing Python expressions to be evaluated against the data variables
4490            in the dataset. The expressions will be evaluated using the pandas
4491            eval() function, and can contain any valid Python expressions but cannot
4492            contain any Python statements.
4493        parser : {"pandas", "python"}, default: "pandas"
4494            The parser to use to construct the syntax tree from the expression.
4495            The default of 'pandas' parses code slightly different than standard
4496            Python. Alternatively, you can parse an expression using the 'python'
4497            parser to retain strict Python semantics.
4498        engine : {"python", "numexpr", None}, default: None
4499            The engine used to evaluate the expression. Supported engines are:
4500            - None: tries to use numexpr, falls back to python
4501            - "numexpr": evaluates expressions using numexpr
4502            - "python": performs operations as if you had eval’d in top level python
4503        missing_dims : {"raise", "warn", "ignore"}, default: "raise"
4504            What to do if dimensions that should be selected from are not present in the
4505            Dataset:
4506            - "raise": raise an exception
4507            - "warn": raise a warning, and ignore the missing dimensions
4508            - "ignore": ignore the missing dimensions
4509        **queries_kwargs : {dim: query, ...}, optional
4510            The keyword arguments form of ``queries``.
4511            One of queries or queries_kwargs must be provided.
4513        Returns
4514        -------
4515        obj : DataArray
4516            A new DataArray with the same contents as this dataset, indexed by
4517            the results of the appropriate queries.
4519        See Also
4520        --------
4521        DataArray.isel
4522        Dataset.query
4523        pandas.eval
4525        Examples
4526        --------
4527        >>> da = xr.DataArray(np.arange(0, 5, 1), dims="x", name="a")
4528        >>> da
4529        <xarray.DataArray 'a' (x: 5)>
4530        array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
4531        Dimensions without coordinates: x
4532        >>> da.query(x="a > 2")
4533        <xarray.DataArray 'a' (x: 2)>
4534        array([3, 4])
4535        Dimensions without coordinates: x
4536        """
4538        ds = self._to_dataset_whole(shallow_copy=True)
4539        ds = ds.query(
4540            queries=queries,
4541            parser=parser,
4542            engine=engine,
4543            missing_dims=missing_dims,
4544            **queries_kwargs,
4545        )
4546        return ds[self.name]
4548    def curvefit(
4549        self,
4550        coords: Union[Union[str, "DataArray"], Iterable[Union[str, "DataArray"]]],
4551        func: Callable[..., Any],
4552        reduce_dims: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]] = None,
4553        skipna: bool = True,
4554        p0: Dict[str, Any] = None,
4555        bounds: Dict[str, Any] = None,
4556        param_names: Sequence[str] = None,
4557        kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None,
4558    ):
4559        """
4560        Curve fitting optimization for arbitrary functions.
4562        Wraps `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` with `apply_ufunc`.
4564        Parameters
4565        ----------
4566        coords : hashable, DataArray, or sequence of DataArray or hashable
4567            Independent coordinate(s) over which to perform the curve fitting. Must share
4568            at least one dimension with the calling object. When fitting multi-dimensional
4569            functions, supply `coords` as a sequence in the same order as arguments in
4570            `func`. To fit along existing dimensions of the calling object, `coords` can
4571            also be specified as a str or sequence of strs.
4572        func : callable
4573            User specified function in the form `f(x, *params)` which returns a numpy
4574            array of length `len(x)`. `params` are the fittable parameters which are optimized
4575            by scipy curve_fit. `x` can also be specified as a sequence containing multiple
4576            coordinates, e.g. `f((x0, x1), *params)`.
4577        reduce_dims : hashable or sequence of hashable
4578            Additional dimension(s) over which to aggregate while fitting. For example,
4579            calling `ds.curvefit(coords='time', reduce_dims=['lat', 'lon'], ...)` will
4580            aggregate all lat and lon points and fit the specified function along the
4581            time dimension.
4582        skipna : bool, optional
4583            Whether to skip missing values when fitting. Default is True.
4584        p0 : dict-like, optional
4585            Optional dictionary of parameter names to initial guesses passed to the
4586            `curve_fit` `p0` arg. If none or only some parameters are passed, the rest will
4587            be assigned initial values following the default scipy behavior.
4588        bounds : dict-like, optional
4589            Optional dictionary of parameter names to bounding values passed to the
4590            `curve_fit` `bounds` arg. If none or only some parameters are passed, the rest
4591            will be unbounded following the default scipy behavior.
4592        param_names : sequence of hashable, optional
4593            Sequence of names for the fittable parameters of `func`. If not supplied,
4594            this will be automatically determined by arguments of `func`. `param_names`
4595            should be manually supplied when fitting a function that takes a variable
4596            number of parameters.
4597        **kwargs : optional
4598            Additional keyword arguments to passed to scipy curve_fit.
4600        Returns
4601        -------
4602        curvefit_results : Dataset
4603            A single dataset which contains:
4605            [var]_curvefit_coefficients
4606                The coefficients of the best fit.
4607            [var]_curvefit_covariance
4608                The covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates.
4610        See Also
4611        --------
4612        DataArray.polyfit
4613        scipy.optimize.curve_fit
4614        """
4615        return self._to_temp_dataset().curvefit(
4616            coords,
4617            func,
4618            reduce_dims=reduce_dims,
4619            skipna=skipna,
4620            p0=p0,
4621            bounds=bounds,
4622            param_names=param_names,
4623            kwargs=kwargs,
4624        )
4626    def drop_duplicates(
4627        self,
4628        dim: Hashable,
4629        keep: Union[
4630            str,
4631            bool,
4632        ] = "first",
4633    ):
4634        """Returns a new DataArray with duplicate dimension values removed.
4636        Parameters
4637        ----------
4638        dim : dimension label, optional
4639        keep : {"first", "last", False}, default: "first"
4640            Determines which duplicates (if any) to keep.
4641            - ``"first"`` : Drop duplicates except for the first occurrence.
4642            - ``"last"`` : Drop duplicates except for the last occurrence.
4643            - False : Drop all duplicates.
4645        Returns
4646        -------
4647        DataArray
4648        """
4649        if dim not in self.dims:
4650            raise ValueError(f"'{dim}' not found in dimensions")
4651        indexes = {dim: ~self.get_index(dim).duplicated(keep=keep)}
4652        return self.isel(indexes)
4654    # this needs to be at the end, or mypy will confuse with `str`
4655    # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common_issues.html#dealing-with-conflicting-names
4656    str = utils.UncachedAccessor(StringAccessor)