2# Default user menu tutorial for  xbmbrowser  (version 5.0)
4# Dated:    9 July 1995
6# Original Programmer:  Ashly Roll         ash@cit.gu.edu.au
7# Current Programmer:   Anthony Thyssen    anthony@cit.gu.edu.au
9# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11# The purpose of this file to to define a set of default user menus to
12# perform a number of actions.  This file is an example only.  Users making
13# heavy use of the xbmbrowser program is expected to make a copy of this
14# file into a file named ".xbmbrowserrc" in thier own home directory.
16# Each line of this file consists of either :-
18#  # comment line
19#      A comment line which is completely ignored.
21#  menu "main"
22#  menu "main" "Main Menu"
23#      Add any new menu elements (see below) to this menu.
24#      The menu so defined will then popup as and when the appropriate
25#      mouse button is pressed. Currently only the following user defined
26#      menus can be used by the user. If the menu is not defined the program
27#      will `beep' the user as an indication of that fact :-
29#        "main"       The menu which pops up under the menu button when
30#                       pressed. Generally this is used a menu of directories
31#                       the user likes to visit. Warning no file is selected
32#                       by the user when using this menu so some substitutions
33#                       may be empty strings. (See Substitions below)
34#        "global"     A menu of global actions which will popup when either
35#                       the first two mouse buttons are are pressed on a
36#                       displayed icon or file symbol or any mouse button on
37#                       the background of the icon area. (See NOTE below)
38#                       If the pointer was not over a displayed icon or
39#                       symbol, no filename, basename, or suffix will be
40#                       defined. (See function `selected()' below)
41#        "bitmap"     Display this menu on any displayed X bitmap with the
42#                       right most (menu) mouse button.
43#        "pixmap"     As "bitmap", but for any X pixmap (or bad load pixmap)
44#        "directory"  Same again, but for directory symbols.
45#        "other"      Again, for any other file symbol (text, binary..)
47#      NOTE: If button 1 (leftmost or select mouse button) is pressed
48#      on a directory symbol, the browser will automaticaly decend into that
49#      directory, instead of poping up the "global" menu.
51#  line
52#      Just insert a line into the menu at this point.
54#  item "Delete"   confirm("Really delete %f?") \
55#                        exec("rm '%f'")      rescan()
56#      Insert a item into the current menu which will execute the sequence
57#      builtin functions (see below). As it is posible for a very long
58#      sequences to be required for some menu items, the menu lines can be
59#      continued onto the next line by `backslashing' or `escaping' the
60#      return character at the end of the line.
62#      Each function may or may-not require some quoted string arguments,
63#      with the quote being either single or double, allowing the other
64#      quote to be used freely with the argument.
66#      Each argument can contain any number of macro substitutions which
67#      consist of a % character followed by a single letter. A percent
68#      character can be substituted with %%.
71# The following builtin functions are currently available :-
73#     quit()            Exit xbmbrowser. Need I say more?
74#     scan()            Completely scan the current directory (Again)
75#                         NOTE: This is the only way to try to load BadXpm's
76#     rescan()          Do a fast rescan of the directory
77#     chdir("dir")      Change directory to the given directory (will scan())
78#     exec("command")   Execute the given bourne shell command(s)
79#     confirm("prompt") Ask the user to confirm action before continuing on
80#                         the next function given for this menu item.
81#     input("prompt","initial")
82#                       Ask the user for some input, with the prompt given
83#                         and a default initial string.
84#     selected()        If the user pointer was NOT over an icon or symbol
85#                        then abort the current sequence with a popup error.
86#                        This function is not usful in anything but the
87#                        "global" menu, as in the other menus an icon is
88#                        either always or never selected.
90# The folowing are substition macros you can use within the string
91# arguments.
93#        %d - The current directory of the browser (location of the file)
94#        %f - The filename of the icon (or file) the user menu in on
95#        %b - The basename (suffix removed) of the current filename
96#        %s - The suffix of the current filename  EG: ".xbm"
97#        %i - The result of the last input() query to the user.
98#        %h - The Users Home directory (do NOT use ~ in an argument for this)
99#        %D - The Initial Startup directory (Where Xbmbrowser Started)
100#        %% - Substitutes a percent character.
102# NOTES:
103#    The Full path of a selected file is   %d%f
104#    Also   %f  and  %b%s  results in the same substition.
106# WARNING: the substitution macros %f, %b and %s will be an empty string if
107# the users pointer was not over a display icon or file symbol. See the
108# function selected() above.
110# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
112menu "main"
114# The main menu appears under the menu button at the top of xbmbrowser.
115# It provides a place for general controls of the program such as
116# quiting the program, opening a new browser, and selecting directories
117# which the user likes to jump to on a regular basis.
119# NOTE: I do not supply a title to this menu as the menu button itself is
120# the title in this case (it is not a springloaded menu like the others).
122# WARNING: %f, %b and %s substition macros will all be empty for
123# any function sequence in this menu. Also the function selected()
124# will always abort the function sequence for the same reason.
127# A table of menu items of places the user likes to jump to.
128# Add your own directory jumps here.
129item "CD .."       chdir("..")
130item "CD Start"    chdir("%D")
131item "CD Home"     chdir("~/")
132item "CD Bitmaps"  chdir("==X_BITMAPS==")
134# Place a line accross the menu to seperate the next items
137# Execute a simple command to start a new xbmbrowser
138#    Assuming it is on your command PATH.
139#    NOTE the use of input to set the %i substitute string
140item "New Browser.."   input("New Browser","%d") exec("xbmbrowser '%i' &")
142# More Global Commands not requiring any specific file selection
143item "Text Editor.."   input("File to Edit","") \
144                         exec("xterm -g 80x40 -name Vi -T Vi -n Vi -e vi %i &")
145item "Make Dir.."      input("Make Directory","") exec("mkdir '%i'")
146item "Execute Cmd.."   input("Command to Execute","") exec('%i')
149# Provide a means for the user to exit the program.
150#    NOTE: this item may be automatically added in a future
151#    version of xbmbrowser. But not yet!
152item "Quit Browser.."  confirm("Really Quit?") quit()
155# -------------------------
156menu "global" "Global Menu"
158# The global menu can be poped up anywhere within the icon display area.
159# and is generally used for general actions common to all file types.
160# IE: general file commands such as renaming, deleting and text editing.
162# The global menu may or may not have a file selected when poped up by the
163# user.  As such the substitions %f, %b and %s could be empty strings.  The
164# selected() function prevents the user getting himself into trouble
165# because of this.
168# Rename or Move a file
169#   NOTE the appropiate quoting for the shell command)
170#   and the use of selected() here to ensure a file is pointed to.
171item "Rename"        selected() input( "Rename File", '%f') \
172                                exec("mv '%f' '%i'") rescan()
174# Copy a file elsewhere
175item "Copy"          selected() input("Copy File",'%f') \
176                                exec("cp '%f' '%i'") rescan()
178# Duplicate this file (no user input required)
179#    NOTE: use of base and suffix
180item "Duplicate"     selected() exec("cp '%f' '%b_2%s'") rescan()
182# Delete file with confirm
183item "Delete"        selected() confirm("Really Delete `%f' ?") \
184                                exec("rm '%f'") rescan()
188# General Command Execute
189#    NOTE: that selected is not needed to prevent %f being an empty string
190item "Execute"       input("Command to Execute","  %f") exec("%i")
192# Make a test editor available globally (don't wait for it either)
193#    NOTE that no quotes are used around %f so that the user can't
194#    edit a empty file in case no file is selected by the user.
195item "Text Editor"   exec("xterm -e ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} %f &")
198# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
199# popup the appropriate menu below on third mouse button
200# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
202# -------------------------
203menu "bitmap" "Bitmap Menu"
205item "Bitmap Edit"   exec("bitmap '%f' &")
206item "XV Edit"       exec("xv '%f' &")
207item "SetRoot"       exec("xsetroot -bitmap '%f'")
208item "SetRoot Inv"   exec("xsetroot -rv -bitmap '%f'")
210line    # PbmPlus Filters
212# NOTE: the next item uses multi line shell arguemnt!
213#   Don't backslash the end of line within an argument.
214#   While this is allowed do not make it too long or an error may result
215item "Invert"  \
216   exec( "xbmtopbm '%f' | pnminvert | pbmtoxbm > '%b.tmp';
217           if [ -s '%b.tmp' ]; then mv '%b.tmp' '%f'; else rm '%b.tmp'; fi" ) \
218   rescan()
220# This is better as it is unlikly to make xbmbrowser to barf on large filenames
221item "Crop"  \
222  exec( "xbmtopbm '%f' | pnmcrop 2>/dev/null | pbmtoxbm > '%b.tmp'" )  \
223  exec( "if [ -s '%b.tmp' ]; then mv '%b.tmp' '%f'; else rm '%b.tmp'; fi" )\
224  rescan()
226# the following is a `tight' shell code to do the same thing
227item "Add Margin" \
228  exec("xbmtopbm '%f'|pnmmargin 5|pbmtoxbm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
229  rescan()
230item "Flip Horz" \
231  exec("xbmtopbm '%f'|pnmflip -lr|pbmtoxbm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
232  rescan()
233item "Flip Vert" \
234  exec("xbmtopbm '%f'|pnmflip -tb|pbmtoxbm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
235  rescan()
236item "Create Mask" \
237  exec("xbmtopbm '%f' | pbmmask | pbmtoxbm > '%b_mask%s'")\
238  rescan()
239item "`' Mask Ext" \
240  exec("xbmtopbm '%f' | pbmmask -expand | pbmtoxbm > '%b_mask%s'")\
241  rescan()
243## The better technique is to use a set shell script filters.
245## Some example filters   xbm-cmd  and  xbm-resize  is provided as
246## an example of what you can do in a shell script.  These filters
247## are cutdown versions of various programs provided with release 1.6
248## of  ``Anthony's Icon Library''  from ftp.x.org:/contrib/icons/AIcons.
250## These filters works with both X bitmaps and X pixmaps without change.
251## Using scripts like these result in very simple and easy menu setups
252##                                                      -- Anthony Thyssen
254#item "Invert"      exec("xbm-cmd '%f' pnminvert")    rescan()
255#item "Flip Horz"   exec("xbm-cmd '%f' pnmflip -lr")  rescan()
256#item "Flip Vert"   exec("xbm-cmd '%f' pnmflip -tb")  rescan()
257#item "Mask"        input("Mask Name", '%f') \
258#                   exec("cp '%f' '%i'; xbm-cmd '%i' pbmmask") rescan()
259#item "Mask Ext"    input("Mask Name", '%f') \
260#                   exec("cp '%f' '%i'; xbm-cmd '%i' pbmmask -expand") rescan()
262#item "Resize crop"  exec("xbm-cmd '%f' pnmcrop 2>/dev/null")   rescan()
263#item "Resize expd"  exec("xbm-cmd '%f' pnmmargin 5")           rescan()
264#item "Resize std"   exec("xbm-resize '%f' >/dev/null")         rescan()
265#item "Resize 16"    exec("xbm-resize -16 '%f' >/dev/null")     rescan()
266#item "Resize 32"    exec("xbm-resize -32 '%f' >/dev/null")     rescan()
267#item "Resize 48"    exec("xbm-resize -48 '%f' >/dev/null")     rescan()
268#item "Resize 64"    exec("xbm-resize -64 '%f' >/dev/null")     rescan()
269#item "Resize 64x38" exec("xbm-resize -64x38 '%f' >/dev/null")  rescan()
270#item "Resize input" input("Resize to","") \
271#                    exec("xbm-resize -%i '%f' >/dev/null")     rescan()
273line  # PbmPlus Converters
275item ">Pixmap"      exec("xbmtopbm '%f' | ppmtoxpm > '%b.xpm'" )  rescan()
277# -------------------------
278menu "pixmap" "Pixmap Menu"
280item "Pixmap Edit" exec("pixmap -f '%f' &")
281item "XPaint Edit" exec("xpaint '%f' &")
282item "SetRoot"     exec("xloadimage -quiet -onroot '%f' &")
283item "SetRoot xv"  exec("xv -root -noresetroot '%f' -quit &")
284# Use this version if xv does not understand X pixmaps (v3.01 and up)
285#item "SetRoot xv"  exec("xpmtoppm '%f' | xv -root -noresetroot - -quit &")
287line  # PbmPlus Filters
289item "Crop" \
290  exec("xpmtoppm '%f'| pnmcrop |ppmtoxpm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
291  rescan()
292item "Add Margin" \
293  exec("xpmtoppm '%f'|pnmmargin 5|ppmtoxpm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
294  rescan()
295item "Flip Horz" \
296  exec("xpmtoppm '%f'|pnmflip -lr|ppmtoxpm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
297  rescan()
298item "Flip Vert" \
299  exec("xpmtoppm '%f'|pnmflip -tb|ppmtoxpm>'%b.t'&&mv '%b.t' '%f'||rm '%b.t'")\
300  rescan()
302line # PbmPlus Converters
304item ">Xbm Thr" exec("xpmtoppm '%f' | ppmtopgm |
305                pgmtopbm -threshold | pbmtoxbm > '%b.xbm'" )  rescan()
306item ">Xbm Dth" exec("xpmtoppm '%f' | ppmtopgm | pgmnorm 2>/dev/null |
307                pgmtopbm -fs | pbmtoxbm > '%b.xbm'" )         rescan()
308item ">Gif"     exec("xpmtoppm '%f' | ppmtogif > '%b.gif'" )  rescan()
310# -------------------------
311menu "directory" "Dir Menu"
313item "Goto.."      chdir('%f')
314item "New Browser" exec("xbmbrowser '%f' &")
316item "Delete"      exec("rmdir '%f'")   # this is fairly safe
317#item "Delete Dir"  confirm("DANGER -- Really Delete ALL of `%f' -- DANGER")\
318#                   exec("rm -fr '%f'")   # this is very dangerous!
320# -----------------------
321menu "other" "Other Menu"
323item "Text Edit"  exec("xterm -e ${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} '%f' &")
324item "XV Image"   exec("xv '%f' &")
326line  # PbmPlus Convertors
328item "Icon -> Xbm" \
329  exec("icontopbm '%f' | pbmtoxbm > '%b.xbm' ")     rescan()
330item "Gif -> Xpm" \
331  exec("giftopnm '%f' | ppmquant 256 2>/dev/null |
332        ppmtoxpm 2>/dev/null > '%b.xpm' ")  rescan()
334# -----------------------