2 /*
3    Header for XReduce resources, to be included by any
4    module which might want to use resource values (in
5    practice, all of them.)
7    C Cannam, 1992-3.
8 */
11 #define XtNreduceHistoryMax    "reduceHistoryMax"
12 #define XtCReduceHistoryMax    "ReduceHistoryMax"
13 #define XtNreduceHistoryExcess "reduceHistoryExcess"
14 #define XtCReduceHistoryExcess "ReduceHistoryExcess"
15 #define XtNwidthInColumns      "widthInColumns"
16 #define XtCWidthInColumns      "WidthInColumns"
17 #define XtNhistoryPaneHeight   "historyPaneHeight"
18 #define XtCHistoryPaneHeight   "HistoryPaneHeight"
19 #define XtNinputPaneHeight     "inputPaneHeight"
20 #define XtCInputPaneHeight     "InputPaneHeight"
21 #define XtNfontSelectorHeight  "fontSelectorHeight"
22 #define XtCFontSelectorHeight  "FontSelectorHeight"
23 #define XtNfontSelectorWidth   "fontSelectorWidth"
24 #define XtCFontSelectorWidth   "FontSelectorWidth"
25 #define XtNreducePath          "reducePath"
26 #define XtCReducePath          "ReducePath"
27 #define XtNreduceName          "reduceName"
28 #define XtCReduceName          "ReduceName"
29 #define XtNreduceInitFile      "reduceInitFile"
30 #define XtCReduceInitFile      "ReduceInitFile"
31 #define XtNreduceImageFile     "reduceImageFile"
32 #define XtCReduceImageFile     "ReduceImageFile"
33 #define XtNreduceHelpFile      "reduceHelpFile"
34 #define XtCReduceHelpFile      "ReduceHelpFile"
35 #define XtNinputBufferSize     "inputBufferSize"
36 #define XtCInputBufferSize     "InputBufferSize"
37 #define XtNoutputBufferSize    "outputBufferSize"
38 #define XtCOutputBufferSize    "OutputBufferSize"
39 #define XtNnormalAsciiFont     "normalAsciiFont"
40 #define XtCNormalAsciiFont     "NormalAsciiFont"
41 #define XtNnormalGreekFont     "normalGreekFont"
42 #define XtCNormalGreekFont     "NormalGreekFont"
43 #define XtNnormalSymbolFont    "normalSymbolFont"
44 #define XtCNormalSymbolFont    "NormalSymbolFont"
45 #define XtNsmallAsciiFont      "smallAsciiFont"
46 #define XtCSmallAsciiFont      "SmallAsciiFont"
47 #define XtNsmallGreekFont      "smallGreekFont"
48 #define XtCSmallGreekFont      "SmallGreekFont"
49 #define XtNsmallSymbolFont     "smallSymbolFont"
50 #define XtCSmallSymbolFont     "SmallSymbolFont"
51 #define XtNinputPaneFont       "inputPaneFont"
52 #define XtCInputPaneFont       "InputPaneFont"
53 #define XtNinputHistoryFont    "inputHistoryFont"
54 #define XtCInputHistoryFont    "InputHistoryFont"
55 #define XtNoutputTextFont      "outputTextFont"
56 #define XtCOutputTextFont      "OutputTextFont"
57 #define XtNoptionButtonFont    "optionButtonFont"
58 #define XtCOptionButtonFont    "OptionButtonFont"
59 #define XtNhelpTextFont        "helpTextFont"
60 #define XtCHelpTextFont        "HelpTextFont"
61 #define XtNhelpXrefFont        "helpXrefFont"
62 #define XtCHelpXrefFont        "HelpXrefFont"
63 #define XtNverbatimFont        "verbatimFont"
64 #define XtCVerbatimFont        "VerbatimFont"
65 #define XtNhelpTitleFont       "helpTitleFont"
66 #define XtCHelpTitleFont       "HelpTitleFont"
67 #define XtNpsTextFont          "psTextFont"
68 #define XtCPsTextFont          "PsTextFont"
69 #define XtNpsSymbolFont        "psSymbolFont"
70 #define XtCPsSymbolFont        "PsSymbolFont"
71 #define XtNpsAsciiFont         "psAsciiFont"
72 #define XtCPsAsciiFont         "PsAsciiFont"
73 #define XtNreverseGraph        "reverseGraph"
74 #define XtCReverseGraph        "ReverseGraph"
75 #define XtNoutputOnDelay       "outputOnDelay"
76 #define XtCOutputOnDelay       "OutputOnDelay"
77 #define XtNoutputOffDelay      "outputOffDelay"
78 #define XtCOutputOffDelay      "OutputOffDelay"
79 #define XtNmatchBrackets       "matchBrackets"
80 #define XtCMatchBrackets       "MatchBrackets"
81 #define XtNforceBracketMatch   "forceBracketMatch"
82 #define XtCForceBracketMatch   "ForceBracketMatch"
83 #define XtNgraphicalLineSpace  "graphicalLineSpace"
84 #define XtCGraphicalLineSpace  "GraphicalLineSpace"
85 #define XtNlogToFile           "logToFile"
86 #define XtCLogToFile           "LogToFile"
87 #define XtNlogFile             "logFile"
88 #define XtCLogFile             "LogFile"
89 #define XtNignoreTeXFonts      "ignoreTeXFonts"
90 #define XtCIgnoreTeXFonts      "IgnoreTeXFonts"
91 #define XtNfoundDefaults       "foundDefaults"
92 #define XtCFoundDefaults       "FoundDefaults"
93 #define XtNbracketFlashTime    "bracketFlashTime"
94 #define XtCBracketFlashTime    "BracketFlashTime"
95 #define XtNpageMode            "pageMode"
96 #define XtCPageMode            "PageMode"
97 #define XtNpointerJump         "pointerJump"
98 #define XtCPointerJump         "PointerJump"
99 #define XtNmultiClickTime      "multiClickTime"
100 #define XtCMultiClickTime      "MultiClickTime"
101 #define XtNkludgeTitleHeight   "kludgeTitleHeight"
102 #define XtCKludgeTitleHeight   "KludgeTitleHeight"
103 #define XtNuseGreekFont        "useGreekFont"
104 #define XtCUseGreekFont        "UseGreekFont"
105 #define XtNuseSymbolFont       "useSymbolFont"
106 #define XtCUseSymbolFont       "UseSymbolFont"
107 #define XtNuseGraphics         "useGraphics"
108 #define XtCUseGraphics         "UseGraphics"
109 #define XtNreduceOptions       "reduceOptions"
110 #define XtCReduceOptions       "ReduceOptions"
111 #define XtNscaleFonts          "scaleFonts"
112 #define XtCScaleFonts          "ScaleFonts"
115 typedef struct {
116   int       reduceHistoryMax;
117   int       reduceHistoryExcess;
118   int       widthInColumns;
119   int       graphicalLineSpace;
120   int       inputBufferSize;
121   int       outputBufferSize;
122   int       outputOnDelay;
123   int       outputOffDelay;
124   int       bracketFlashTime;
125   int       multiClickTime;
126   Dimension historyPaneHeight;
127   Dimension inputPaneHeight;
128   Dimension fontSelectorHeight;
129   Dimension fontSelectorWidth;
130   Dimension kludgeTitleHeight;
131   String    reducePath;
132   String    reduceName;
133   String    reduceInitFile;
134   String    reduceImageFile;
135   String    reduceHelpFile;
136   String    normalAsciiFont;
137   String    normalGreekFont;
138   String    normalSymbolFont;
139   String    smallAsciiFont;
140   String    smallGreekFont;
141   String    smallSymbolFont;
142   String    inputPaneFont;
143   String    inputHistoryFont;
144   String    outputTextFont;
145   String    optionButtonFont;
146   String    helpTextFont;
147   String    helpXrefFont;
148   String    verbatimFont;
149   String    helpTitleFont;
150   String    psTextFont;
151   String    psSymbolFont;
152   String    psAsciiFont;
153   String    logFile;
154   String    reduceOptions;
155   Boolean   useGraphics;
156   Boolean   reverseGraph;
157   Boolean   matchBrackets;
158   Boolean   forceBracketMatch;
159   Boolean   logToFile;
160   Boolean   ignoreTeXFonts;
161   Boolean   pageMode;
162   Boolean   pointerJump;
163   Boolean   useGreekFont;
164   Boolean   useSymbolFont;
165   Boolean   scaleFonts;
166   Boolean   foundDefaults;
167 } AppData, *AppDataPtr;