1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include "nrutil.h"
3 #include "com_hack.h"
4 #include "nr_hack.h"
6 #ifndef TRUE
7 #define TRUE 1
8 #endif
10 #ifndef FALSE
11 #define FALSE 0
12 #endif
14 #define LIN 0
15 #define LOG 1
17 #define MAX_LINE  100  /* Maximum characters on one line of input file */
19 #define DRIVEN_LENGTH      1 /* What to move - see randomis.c */
20 #define DRIVEN_POSITION    2
21 #define REFLECTOR_LENGTH   4
22 #define DIRECTOR_LENGTH    8
25 #define LINEAR_TAPER                  64
26 #define RESONATE_DRIVEN              128
28 /* better criteria, see optimise and better.c */
30 #define GAIN                  1
31 #define FB                    2
32 #define RESISTANCE            4
33 #define REACTANCE             8
34 #define VSWR                 16
35 #define SIDE_LOBE_LEVEL      32
36 #define REASONABLE        32768
38 #define REASONABLE_G
39 #define REASONABLE_FB       27
40 #define REASONABLE_R         5
41 #define REASONABLE_X         5
42 #define REASONABLE_SWR       1.1
45 #ifndef Z0
46 #define Z0                             50
47 #endif
48 #define E_MAX 179.0
49 #define H_MAX 60.0
51 #define RRANGE_MIN -50.0
52 #define RRANGE_MAX  20.0
54 #define EULER 0.57721566
56 #define MAX_DRIVEN                 6 /* There are 6 bits info on a driven ele */
57 #define MAX_PARASITIC              4 /* But only 4 on a parasitic */
59 #define  X 			                 1/* index into driven and parasitic arrays */
60 #define  Y 			                 2
61 #define  LENGTH	                 3
62 #define	DIAMETER	                 4
63 #define	VOLTAGE_R                 5/* Volt and phase not on parasistic ele */
64 #define	VOLTAGE_I                 6
65 #define 	REAL			              0
66 #define 	IMAGINARY	              1
67 #define  HEADER_SIZE             100/* size of header in .out files in bytes */
69 typedef struct element_data {double x,y,length;} fred;
71 typedef struct performance_data {double r,x,gain,fb,swr,sidelobe;} f4;
73 typedef struct flags {int aflg, bflg, cflg, dflg, eflg, errflg,fflg;
74 		int gflg, hflg, iflg, jflg, kflg, lflg, mflg, nflg, oflg, pflg;
75 		int qflg, rflg, sflg, tflg, uflg, vflg, wflg, xflg, yflg, zflg;
76 		int Aflg, Bflg, Cflg, Dflg, Eflg, Fflg, Gflg, Hflg, Iflg, Jflg;
77 		int Kflg, Lflg, Mflg, Nflg, Oflg, Pflg, Qflg, Rflg, Sflg, Tflg;
78 		int Uflg, Vflg, Wflg, Xflg, Yflg, Zoflg;} f2;
80 typedef struct pattern {
81 			double three_dB_E, three_dB_H;
82 			double first_null_E, first_null_level_E;
83 			double first_null_H, first_null_level_H;
84 			double first_sidelobe_E, first_sidelobe_level_E;
85 			double first_sidelobe_H, first_sidelobe_level_H;
86 								}f3;
87 int main(int argc, char **argv);
88 int linear_current_optimisation_test(struct FCOMPLEX *cur, double *old_sd, int elements, int parasites, struct flags flag);
89 void display_currents( struct FCOMPLEX *currents, int elements);
90 void dynamic_changing_of_weights(int i, int div, struct performance_data *weight);
91 double Cin(double x);
92 double ci(double x);
93 double new_length(double oldl,double old_dia, double lambda, double new_dia);
94 void end_if_stop_exists(int *i, int iterations,int divisor);
95 struct performance_data subtract_structures(struct performance_data a, struct performance_data b);
96 void print_relavent_performance_data(FILE *fp, char *s, int i, struct flags flag, struct performance_data data,double fitness, int Z_Q, int fitness_Q);
97 /* char *s, int i, structure flags flag, \
98 structure performance_data data); */
99 void set_mean_structure(struct FCOMPLEX input_impedance,double E_fwd, double E_back,struct flags flag, double pin,struct element_data *coordinates, struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements, double f, double design_f, struct performance_data *mean);
100 void test_for_stop_file(void);
101 void set_performance_structures(struct performance_data *weight, struct performance_data *max, struct performance_data *best, struct performance_data *worst);
102 void optimising_for(struct flags flag);
103 double dB_down_from_peak(double x, double pin, struct  element_data *coordinates, struct FCOMPLEX *current,int elements, double f,double design_f);
104 double find_max_sidelobe_fast(double gain, double pin,struct element_data *coordinates, struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements, double frequency,double design_f);
105 double find_max_sidelobe_slow(double gain, double pin,struct element_data *coordinates, struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements, double frequency,double design_f);
106 void copy_matrix(int length, int width, double **to, double **from);
107 char *get_data_filenames(int argc, char **argv, char *input);
108 char *string(long lower, long upper);
109 void free_string(char *string, long lower, long upper);
110 int get_number_of_elements(char *datafile, int *driven, int *parasitic);
111 void read_yagi_data(char *line, char *file, double *frequency, double *min_frequency, double*max_frequency, double *step_frequency, int dr, double **dr_data, int parasitic, double **para_data, double *angular_step);
112 void   self_impedance(int i, double frequency, int driven, int parasitic, double **data, double **impedance);
113 void self2(double r, double l, double wavel, double *rin, double *xin);
114 void   mutual_impedance(int i, int j, double frequency, int driven, int parasitic, double **d, double **p, double **impedance);
115 void   fill_z_matrix(double frequency, int driven, int parasitic, double **d, double **p, double **impedance);
116 void z21(double lamda, double d, double mean_length, double *r21, double *x21);
117 double ci(double);
118 void fill_v_vector(int driven, int parasitic, double **d, double *v_vector);
119 void write_header_to_disk(FILE *ofp, int elements, int driven,
120 int parasitic, double min_frequency, double max_frequency, double frequency,
121 double step_frequency, double angular_step);
122 void write_vector(double *v, int elements, FILE *ofp);
123 int  read_header(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp, double *min_f, double *max_f, double *step_f, double *f, double *angular_step);
124 void z_input(struct FCOMPLEX v, struct FCOMPLEX i, struct FCOMPLEX *z);
125 void reflection_coefficient(struct FCOMPLEX z_input, double *mag, double *phase);
126 double calculate_vswr(double magnitude);
127 double calculate_power_input(double real_z, struct FCOMPLEX current);
128 void   write_coordinates_of_elements_to_disk(FILE *ofp, int driven,
129 int parasitic, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data);
130 void gain(double theta, double phi, double  pin, double normallised_f, struct
131 element_data *cordinates,struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements, double *E, double *H, double actual_frequency, double design_frequency);
132 struct FCOMPLEX E_to_complex_power(struct FCOMPLEX x);
133 struct FCOMPLEX **FCOMPLEXmatrix(long a, long b, long c, long d);
134 void free_FCOMPLEXmatrix(struct FCOMPLEX **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
135 void free_FCOMPLEXvector(struct FCOMPLEX *v, long nrl, long nrh);
136 void free_element_data_vector( struct element_data *v, long nl, long nh);
137 double change_max_percentage_changes(int i, int iterations, double orig_pc);
138 struct FCOMPLEX *FCOMPLEXvector(long a, long b);
139 struct element_data *element_data_vector(long low, long high);
140 void print_z_matrix(double f, int elements, double **z_matrix);
141 void write_gain_at_various_angles(FILE *gain_fp, double angular_step, double pin, double normalised_f, double f, struct element_data *coordinates, struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements, double design_f);
143 void write_input_data_to_disk(FILE *fp, char *notes, double frequency, double min_f, double max_f, double step_f, int elements ,int driven,int parasitic, double angular_step,double **d, double **p, double scale_factor);
144 void randomise(int randomisation_method, double frequency, double percent, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data, int driven, int parasitic);
145 void automatic_enhancement(struct flags flag, double frequency, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data, int driven, int parasitic, struct FCOMPLEX *voltage, struct FCOMPLEX *current, struct FCOMPLEX *input_Z, double *v, double **z, double **A, double *b, int *indx, struct element_data *coordinates);
147 /* int is_it_better(int criteria,struct performance_data new,struct performance_data best);  */
148 int is_it_better(int criteria, struct performance_data n, struct performance_data b);
149 double version(void);
150 void get_command_line_options(int argc, char **argv, struct flags *f);
151 void write_data_for_gnuplot(FILE *fp1,FILE  *fp2,FILE *fp3,FILE *fp4,FILE *fp5,FILE *fp6, double f,double normalised_f,double input_impedance_r, double input_impedance_i, double vswr, double gain_E_plane,double  fb_ratio);
152 void usage_first(char *str);
153 void usage_input(char *str);
154 void usage_yagi(char *str);
155 void usage_output(char *str);
156 void usage_optimise(char *str);
157 void write_file_for_gnuplot_to_load(FILE *fp, char *filename);
159 double performance(struct flags flag, struct performance_data data,struct performance_data weights, struct performance_data max, struct performance_data start);
160 int getoptions(int argc, char **argv, char *opts);
162 void copy_complex_data_to_real_matrix(int elements, double **from, double **to);
163 void show_all_first_parameters(char *exefile);
164 void show_all_optimise_parameters(char *exefile,struct flags flag);
165 double randreal(void);
166 int    randint(void);
167 void solve_equations(double frequency, int driven, int parasitic, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data, double *v, double **z, double *pin, struct FCOMPLEX *voltage, struct FCOMPLEX *current, struct FCOMPLEX *input_impedance, struct element_data *coordinates, double **A, double *b, int *indx);
168 void genetic_algorithm(char *output_filename, char *update_filename, struct flags flag, double frequency, double minf, double maxf, double stepf, double angular_step, int driven ,int  parasitic, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data, double *v, double **zz, double
169 *pin, struct FCOMPLEX *voltage, struct FCOMPLEX *current, struct FCOMPLEX
170 *input_impedance, struct element_data *coordinates, double **A, double *b, int
171 *indx,struct performance_data *mean_performance);
173 double get_genetic_algorithm_fitness(struct flags flag, double frequency, int driven, int parasitic, double **driven_data, double **parasitic_data, double *v, double **z, double *pin, struct FCOMPLEX *voltage, struct FCOMPLEX *current, struct FCOMPLEX *input_impedance, struct element_data *coordinates, double **A, double  *b, int *indx, struct performance_data *data2);
175 void check_flags(struct flags flag, int argc, int optind, char *exefilename);
176 void error_message(char *str);
177 double determine_maximum_gain(double f, double  l);
178 double determine_maximum_gain2(int elements);
181 void do_since_better(int i, char *output_filename, char *update_filename, struct FCOMPLEX input_impedance, struct performance_data n,struct flags flag,char * notes,double frequency, double min_frequency,double max_frequency,double  step_frequency,int elements, int driven,int parasitic,double angular_step,double **driven_data,double **parasitic_data,double scale_factor,double new_performance);
182 double gaussian();
183 void sensitivity(double boom_sd, double length_sd, double **driven_data, double**parasitic_data, int driven, int parasites);
184 double log2(double x);
185 void mprove(double **a ,double **LU_of_a,int n, int *indx, double *b, double *x);
186 void seedRNG(void);
187 double error_3dB_E(double x);
188 double error_3dB_H(double x);
189 double zbrent(double (*func)(), double x1, double x2, double tol);
190 double Objective(char *gene);
191 int GA_Free(void);
192 int GA_Error(char *error_mesg);
193 void SetPrint(int a);
194 int Initialise(int popsise, int genesize);
195 int Selection(FILE *fd, int gene);
196 double ss2r(char *string, int pos, int len);
197 void write_gnuplot_header(FILE *fp, double f, char *filename, int step, int lin_or_log);
198 void self(double r, double length, double lambda, double *Rin, double *Xin);
199 void display_antenna_currents(struct FCOMPLEX *current, int elements);