1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:	 NonDSampling
10 //- Description: Wrapper class for Fortran 90 LHS library
11 //- Owner:       Mike Eldred
12 //- Checked by:
13 //- Version:
18 #include "NonDSampling.hpp"
19 #include "DataMethod.hpp"
22 namespace Dakota {
24 /// Performs Multilevel Monte Carlo sampling for uncertainty quantification.
26 /** Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) is a variance-reduction technique
27     that utilitizes lower fidelity simulations that have response QoI
28     that are correlated with the high-fidelity response QoI. */
30 class NonDMultilevelSampling: public NonDSampling
31 {
32 public:
34   //
35   //- Heading: Constructors and destructor
36   //
38   /// standard constructor
39   NonDMultilevelSampling(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model);
40   /// destructor
41   ~NonDMultilevelSampling();
43   //
44   //- Heading: Virtual function redefinitions
45   //
47   bool resize();
49 protected:
51   //
52   //- Heading: Virtual function redefinitions
53   //
55   void pre_run();
56   void core_run();
57   void post_run(std::ostream& s);
58   void print_results(std::ostream& s, short results_state = FINAL_RESULTS);
60 private:
62   //
63   //- Heading: Helper functions
64   //
66   /// Perform multilevel Monte Carlo across the discretization levels for a
67   /// particular model form using discrepancy accumulators (sum_Y)
68   void multilevel_mc_Ysum(unsigned short model_form);
69   /// Perform multilevel Monte Carlo across the discretization levels for a
70   /// particular model form using QoI accumulators (sum_Q)
71   void multilevel_mc_Qsum(unsigned short model_form);
72   /// Perform control variate Monte Carlo across two model forms
73   void control_variate_mc(const UShortArray& active_key);
74   /// Perform multilevel Monte Carlo across levels in combination with
75   /// control variate Monte Carlo across model forms at each level; CV
76   /// computes correlations for Y (LH correlations for level discrepancies)
77   void multilevel_control_variate_mc_Ycorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,
78 					   unsigned short hf_model_form);
79   /// Perform multilevel Monte Carlo across levels in combination with
80   /// control variate Monte Carlo across model forms at each level; CV
81   /// computes correlations for Q (LH correlations for QoI)
82   void multilevel_control_variate_mc_Qcorr(unsigned short lf_model_form,
83 					   unsigned short hf_model_form);
85   /// perform a shared increment of LF and HF samples for purposes of
86   /// computing/updating the evaluation ratio and the MSE ratio
87   void shared_increment(size_t iter, size_t lev);
88   /// perform final LF sample increment as indicated by the evaluation ratio
89   bool lf_increment(Real avg_eval_ratio, const SizetArray& N_lf,
90 		    const SizetArray& N_hf, size_t iter, size_t lev);
92   /// synchronize iteratedModel and activeSet on AGGREGATED_MODELS mode
93   void aggregated_models_mode();
94   /// synchronize iteratedModel and activeSet on BYPASS_SURROGATE mode
95   void bypass_surrogate_mode();
96   /// synchronize iteratedModel and activeSet on UNCORRECTED_SURROGATE mode
97   void uncorrected_surrogate_mode();
99   /// return (aggregate) level cost
100   Real level_cost(const RealVector& cost, unsigned short step);
102   /// advance any sequence specifications
103   void assign_specification_sequence(size_t index);
104   /// extract current random seed from randomSeedSeqSpec
105   int random_seed(size_t index) const;
107   /// manage response mode and active model key from {group,form,lev} triplet.
108   /// s_index is the sequence index that defines the active dimension for a
109   /// model sequence.
110   void configure_indices(unsigned short group, unsigned short form,
111 			 unsigned short lev,   unsigned short s_index);
113   /// initialize the ML accumulators for computing means, variances, and
114   /// covariances across fidelity levels
115   void initialize_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, size_t num_lev);
116   /// initialize the ML accumulators for computing means, variances, and
117   /// covariances across fidelity levels
118   void initialize_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
119 			   IntIntPairRealMatrixMap& sum_QlQlm1, size_t num_lev);
121   /// initialize the CV accumulators for computing means, variances, and
122   /// covariances across fidelity levels
123   void initialize_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared,
124 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined,
125 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_H, IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL,
126 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH);
128   /// initialize the MLCV accumulators for computing means, variances, and
129   /// covariances across fidelity levels
130   void initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
131 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined,
132 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
133 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
134 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH, size_t num_ml_lev,
135 			    size_t num_cv_lev);
136   /// initialize the MLCV accumulators for computing means, variances, and
137   /// covariances across fidelity levels
138   void initialize_mlcv_sums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll,
139 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
140 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
141 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined,
142 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl,
143 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
144 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll,
145 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
146 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
147 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll,
148 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,
149 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
150 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
151 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl,
152 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
153 			    IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
154 			    size_t num_ml_lev, size_t num_cv_lev);
156   /// accumulate initial approximation to mean vector, for use as offsets in
157   /// subsequent accumulations
158   void accumulate_offsets(RealVector& mu);
160   /// update running QoI sums for one model (sum_Q) using set of model
161   /// evaluations within allResponses; used for level 0 from other accumulators
162   void accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Q, size_t lev,
163 			   const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q);
164   /// update accumulators for multilevel telescoping running sums
165   /// using set of model evaluations within allResponses
166   void accumulate_ml_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, RealMatrix& sum_YY,
167 			   size_t lev, const RealVector& offset,
168 			   SizetArray& num_Y);
169   /// update running QoI sums for two models (sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1) using set of
170   /// model evaluations within allResponses
171   void accumulate_ml_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
172 			   IntIntPairRealMatrixMap& sum_QlQlm1, size_t lev,
173 			   const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q);
175   /// update running sums for one model (sum_L) using set of model
176   /// evaluations within allResponses
177   void accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L, const RealVector& offset,
178 			  SizetArray& num_L);
179   /// update running sums for two models (sum_L, sum_H, and sum_LH)
180   /// from set of low/high fidelity model evaluations within allResponses
181   void accumulate_cv_sums(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared,
182 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined,
183 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_H,  IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL,
184 			  IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH, RealVector& sum_HH,
185 			  const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_L,
186 			  SizetArray& num_H);
188   /// update running QoI sums for one model at two levels (sum_Ql, sum_Qlm1)
189   /// using set of model evaluations within allResponses
190   void accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql,
191 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1, size_t lev,
192 			     const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Q);
193   /// update running discrepancy sums for one model (sum_Y) using
194   /// set of model evaluations within allResponses
195   void accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Y, size_t lev,
196 			     const RealVector& offset, SizetArray& num_Y);
197   /// update running QoI sums for two models (sum_L, sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH,
198   /// and sum_HH) from set of low/high fidelity model evaluations within
199   /// {lf,hf}_resp_map; used for level 0 from other accumulators
200   void accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
201 			     const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
202 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
203 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined,
204 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,  IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,
205 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH,
206 			     size_t lev, const RealVector& lf_offset,
207 			     const RealVector& hf_offset, SizetArray& num_L,
208 			     SizetArray& num_H);
209   /// update running two-level discrepancy sums for two models (sum_L,
210   /// sum_H, sum_LL, sum_LH, and sum_HH) from set of low/high fidelity
211   /// model evaluations within {lf,hf}resp_map
212   void accumulate_mlcv_Ysums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
213 			     const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
214 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared,
215 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined,
216 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,  IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,
217 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_HH,
218 			     size_t lev, const RealVector& lf_offset,
219 			     const RealVector& hf_offset,
220 			     SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H);
221   /// update running QoI sums for two models and two levels from set
222   /// of low/high fidelity model evaluations within {lf,hf}_resp_map
223   void accumulate_mlcv_Qsums(const IntResponseMap& lf_resp_map,
224 			     const IntResponseMap& hf_resp_map,
225 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll,
226 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
227 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
228 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined,
229 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl,
230 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
231 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll,
232 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
233 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
234 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll,
235 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,
236 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
237 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
238 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl,
239 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
240 			     IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, size_t lev,
241 			     const RealVector& lf_offset,
242 			     const RealVector& hf_offset,
243 			     SizetArray& num_L, SizetArray& num_H);
245   /// compute the LF/HF evaluation ratio, averaged over the QoI
246   Real eval_ratio(const RealVector& sum_L_shared, const RealVector& sum_H,
247 		  const RealVector& sum_LL,	  const RealVector& sum_LH,
248 		  const RealVector& sum_HH,       Real cost_ratio,
249 		  const SizetArray& N_shared,	  RealVector& var_H,
250 		  RealVector& rho2_LH);
251   /// compute the LF/HF evaluation ratio, averaged over the QoI
252   Real eval_ratio(RealMatrix& sum_L_shared, RealMatrix& sum_H,
253 		  RealMatrix& sum_LL, RealMatrix& sum_LH, RealMatrix& sum_HH,
254 		  Real cost_ratio, size_t lev, const SizetArray& N_shared,
255 		  RealMatrix& var_H, RealMatrix& rho2_LH);
256   /// compute the LF/HF evaluation ratio, averaged over the QoI
257   Real eval_ratio(RealMatrix& sum_Ll,          RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,
258 		  RealMatrix& sum_Hl,          RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1,
259 		  RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Ll,       RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Llm1,
260 		  RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_Llm1,   RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Ll,
261 		  RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Llm1,     RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
262 		  RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,   RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hl,
263 		  RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hlm1,     RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
264 		  Real cost_ratio, size_t lev, const SizetArray& N_shared,
265 		  RealMatrix& var_YHl,         RealMatrix& rho_dot2_LH);
267   /// compute ratio of MC and CVMC mean squared errors, averaged over the QoI
268   Real MSE_ratio(Real avg_eval_ratio, const RealVector& var_H,
269 		 const RealVector& rho2_LH, size_t iter,
270 		 const SizetArray& N_hf);
272   /// compute control variate parameters for CVMC and estimate raw moments
273   void cv_raw_moments(IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_shared, IntRealVectorMap& sum_H,
274 		      IntRealVectorMap& sum_LL, IntRealVectorMap& sum_LH,
275 		      const SizetArray& N_shared,
276 		      IntRealVectorMap& sum_L_refined,
277 		      const SizetArray& N_refined, const RealVector& rho2_LH,
278 		      RealMatrix& H_raw_mom);
279   /// apply control variate parameters for MLCVMC to estimate raw
280   /// moment contributions
281   void cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_shared, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_H,
282 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LL,       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_LH,
283 		      const SizetArray& N_shared,
284 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_L_refined,
285 		      const SizetArray& N_refined, const RealMatrix& rho2_LH,
286 		      size_t lev, RealMatrix& H_raw_mom);
287   /// apply control variate parameters for MLCVMC to estimate raw
288   /// moment contributions
289   void cv_raw_moments(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1,
290 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl, IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1,
291 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Ll,
292 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_Llm1,
293 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
294 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Ll,
295 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Llm1,
296 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
297 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
298 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hl,
299 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
300 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
301 		      const SizetArray& N_shared,
302 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ll_refined,
303 		      IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Llm1_refined,
304 		      const SizetArray& N_refined,
305 		      const RealMatrix& rho_dot2_LH, size_t lev,
306 		      RealMatrix& H_raw_mom);
308   /// compute scalar control variate parameters
309   void compute_control(Real sum_L, Real sum_H, Real sum_LL, Real sum_LH,
310 		       size_t N_shared, Real& beta);
311   /// compute scalar variance and correlation parameters for control variates
312   void compute_control(Real sum_L, Real sum_H, Real sum_LL, Real sum_LH,
313 		       Real sum_HH, size_t N_shared, Real& var_H,
314 		       Real& rho2_LH);
315   /// compute scalar control variate parameters
316   void compute_control(Real sum_Ll, Real sum_Llm1, Real sum_Hl, Real sum_Hlm1,
317 		       Real sum_Ll_Ll, Real sum_Ll_Llm1, Real sum_Llm1_Llm1,
318 		       Real sum_Hl_Ll, Real sum_Hl_Llm1, Real sum_Hlm1_Ll,
319 		       Real sum_Hlm1_Llm1, Real sum_Hl_Hl, Real sum_Hl_Hlm1,
320 		       Real sum_Hlm1_Hlm1, size_t N_shared, Real& var_YH,
321 		       Real& rho_dot2_LH, Real& beta_dot, Real& gamma);
322   /// compute vector control variate parameters
323   void compute_control(const RealVector& sum_L, const RealVector& sum_H,
324 		       const RealVector& sum_LL, const RealVector& sum_LH,
325 		       const SizetArray& N_shared, RealVector& beta);
326   /// compute vector variance and correlation parameters for control variates
327   void compute_control(const RealVector& sum_L, const RealVector& sum_H,
328 		       const RealVector& sum_LL, const RealVector& sum_LH,
329 		       const RealVector& sum_HH, const SizetArray& N_shared,
330 		       RealVector& var_H, RealVector& rho2_LH);
331   /// compute matrix control variate parameters
332   void compute_control(const RealMatrix& sum_L,  const RealMatrix& sum_H,
333 		       const RealMatrix& sum_LL, const RealMatrix& sum_LH,
334 		       const SizetArray& N_shared, size_t lev,
335 		       RealVector& beta);
336   /// compute matrix control variate parameters
337   void compute_control(const RealMatrix& sum_Ll, const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,
338 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hl, const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1,
339 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Ll,
340 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Llm1,
341 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_Llm1,
342 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Ll,
343 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Llm1,
344 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
345 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Llm1,
346 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hl,
347 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hlm1,
348 		       const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
349 		       const SizetArray& N_shared, size_t lev,
350 		       RealVector& beta_dot, RealVector& gamma);
352   /// apply scalar control variate parameter (beta) to approximate HF moment
353   void apply_control(Real sum_H, Real sum_L_shared, size_t N_shared,
354 		     Real sum_L_refined, size_t N_refined, Real beta,
355 		     Real& H_raw_mom);
356   /// apply scalar control variate parameter (beta) to approximate HF moment
357   void apply_control(Real sum_Hl, Real sum_Hlm1, Real sum_Ll, Real sum_Llm1,
358 		     size_t N_shared, Real sum_Ll_refined,
359 		     Real sum_Llm1_refined, size_t N_refined, Real beta_dot,
360 		     Real gamma, Real& H_raw_mom);
361   /// apply vector control variate parameter (beta) to approximate HF moment
362   void apply_control(const RealVector& sum_H, const RealVector& sum_L_shared,
363 		     const SizetArray& N_shared,
364 		     const RealVector& sum_L_refined,
365 		     const SizetArray& N_refined, const RealVector& beta,
366 		     RealVector& H_raw_mom);
367   /// apply matrix control variate parameter (beta) to approximate HF moment
368   void apply_control(const RealMatrix& sum_H, const RealMatrix& sum_L_shared,
369 		     const SizetArray& N_shared,
370 		     const RealMatrix& sum_L_refined,
371 		     const SizetArray& N_refined, size_t lev,
372 		     const RealVector& beta, RealVector& H_raw_mom);
373   /// apply matrix control variate parameter (beta) to approximate HF moment
374   void apply_control(const RealMatrix& sum_Hl, const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1,
375 		     const RealMatrix& sum_Ll, const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,
376 		     const SizetArray& N_shared,
377 		     const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_refined,
378 		     const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_refined,
379 		     const SizetArray& N_refined, size_t lev,
380 		     const RealVector& beta_dot, const RealVector& gamma,
381 		     RealVector& H_raw_mom);
383   /// export allSamples to tagged tabular file
384   void export_all_samples(String root_prepend, const Model& model,
385 			  size_t iter, size_t lev);
387   /// convert uncentered raw moments (multilevel expectations) to
388   /// standardized moments
389   void convert_moments(const RealMatrix& raw_mom, RealMatrix& final_mom);
391   /// populate finalStatErrors for MLMC based on Q sums
392   void compute_error_estimates(IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Ql,
393 			       IntRealMatrixMap& sum_Qlm1,
394 			       IntIntPairRealMatrixMap& sum_QlQlm1,
395 			       Sizet2DArray& num_Q);
397   /// compute variance from sum accumulators
398   Real variance_Ysum(Real sum_Y, Real sum_YY, size_t Nlq);
399   /// compute variance from sum accumulators
400   Real variance_Qsum(Real sum_Ql, Real sum_Qlm1, Real sum_QlQl, Real sum_QlQlm1,
401 		     Real sum_Qlm1Qlm1, size_t Nlq);
403   /// sum up variances across QoI (using sum_YY with means from sum_Y)
404   Real aggregate_variance_Ysum(const Real* sum_Y, const Real* sum_YY,
405 			       const SizetArray& N_l);
406   /// sum up variances across QoI (using sum_YY with means from sum_Y)
407   Real aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
408 			       const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
409 			       const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
410 			       const size_t& lev);
411   Real aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
412                                const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
413                                const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
414                                const size_t& lev, const size_t& qoi);
416   /// sum up Monte Carlo estimates for mean squared error (MSE) across
417   /// QoI using discrepancy variances
418   Real aggregate_mse_Yvar(const Real* var_Y, const SizetArray& N_l);
419   /// sum up Monte Carlo estimates for mean squared error (MSE) across
420   /// QoI using discrepancy sums
421   Real aggregate_mse_Ysum(const Real* sum_Y, const Real* sum_YY,
422 			  const SizetArray& N_l);
423   /// sum up Monte Carlo estimates for mean squared error (MSE) across
424   /// QoI using discrepancy sums
425   Real aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
426 			  const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
427 			  const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
428 			  const size_t& lev);
430   Real aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
431                           const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
432                           const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
433                           const size_t& lev, const size_t& qoi);
435   /// convert uncentered (raw) moments to centered moments; biased estimators
436   static void uncentered_to_centered(Real  rm1, Real  rm2, Real  rm3, Real  rm4,
437 			      Real& cm1, Real& cm2, Real& cm3, Real& cm4,
438 			      size_t Nlq);
439   /// convert uncentered (raw) moments to centered moments; unbiased estimators
440   static void uncentered_to_centered(Real  rm1, Real  rm2, Real  rm3, Real  rm4,
441 			      Real& cm1, Real& cm2, Real& cm3, Real& cm4);
442   /// convert centered moments to standardized moments
443   static void centered_to_standard(Real  cm1, Real  cm2, Real  cm3, Real  cm4,
444 			    Real& sm1, Real& sm2, Real& sm3, Real& sm4);
445   /// detect, warn, and repair a negative central moment (for even orders)
446   static void check_negative(Real& cm);
448   /// compute sum of a set of observations
449   Real sum(const Real* vec, size_t vec_len) const;
450   /// compute average of a set of observations
451   Real average(const Real* vec, size_t vec_len) const;
452   /// compute average of a set of observations
453   Real average(const RealVector& vec) const;
454   /// compute average of a set of observations
455   Real average(const SizetArray& sa) const;
457   /// compute the unbiased product of two sampling means
458   static Real unbiased_mean_product_pair(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2, const size_t& Nlq);
459   /// compute the unbiased product of three sampling means
460   static Real unbiased_mean_product_triplet(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ3,
461                                                                     const Real& sumQ1Q2, const Real& sumQ1Q3, const Real& sumQ2Q3, const Real& sumQ1Q2Q3, const size_t& Nlq);
462   /// compute the unbiased product of two pairs of products of sampling means
463   static Real unbiased_mean_product_pairpair(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2,
464                                                                      const Real& sumQ1sq, const Real& sumQ2sq,
465                                                                      const Real& sumQ1sqQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2sq, const Real& sumQ1sqQ2sq, const size_t& Nlq);
467   static Real var_of_var_ml_l0(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1, const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g);
469   static Real var_of_var_ml_lmax(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1, const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g);
471   static Real var_of_var_ml_l(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1, const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const size_t& lev, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g);
473   ///OPTPP definition
474   static void target_var_objective_eval_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector& x, double& f,
475                                         RealVector& grad_f, int& result_mode);
476   static void target_var_constraint_eval_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector& x, RealVector& g,
477                                          RealMatrix& grad_g, int& result_mode);
478   static void target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_optpp(int mode, int n, const RealVector& x, RealVector& g,
479                                                RealMatrix& grad_g, int& result_mode);
480   /// NPSOL definition (Wrapper using OPTPP implementation above under the hood)
481   static void target_var_objective_eval_npsol(int& mode, int& n, double* x, double& f, double* gradf, int& nstate);
482   static void target_var_constraint_eval_npsol(int& mode, int& m, int& n, int& ldJ, int* needc, double* x, double* g, double* grad_g, int& nstate);
483   static void target_var_constraint_eval_logscale_npsol(int& mode, int& m, int& n, int& ldJ, int* needc, double* x, double* g, double* grad_g, int& nstate);
485   void assign_static_member(Real &conv_tol, size_t &qoi, RealVector &level_cost_vec, IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Ql,
486                             IntRealMatrixMap &sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap &sum_QlQlm1,
487                             RealVector &pilot_samples) const;
489   void assign_static_member_problem18(Real &var_L_exact, Real &var_H_exact, Real &mu_four_L_exact, Real &mu_four_H_exact, Real &Ax, RealVector &level_cost_vec) const;
491   //
492   //- Heading: Data
493   //
495   /// total number of successful sample evaluations (excluding faults)
496   /// for each model form, discretization level, and QoI
497   Sizet3DArray NLev;
499   /// store the pilot_samples input specification, prior to run-time
500   /// invocation of load_pilot_sample()
501   SizetArray pilotSamples;
503   /// user specification for seed_sequence
504   SizetArray randomSeedSeqSpec;
506   /// major iteration counter
507   size_t mlmfIter;
509   /// store the allocation_target input specification, prior to run-time
510   /// Options right now:
511   ///   - Mean = First moment (Mean)
512   ///   - Variance = Second moment (Variance or standard deviation depending on moments central or standard)
513   short allocationTarget;
515   /// option to switch on numerical optimization for solution of sample alloation
516   /// of allocationTarget Variance
517   bool useTargetVarianceOptimizationFlag;
519   /// store the qoi_aggregation_norm input specification, prior to run-time
520   /// Options right now:
521   ///   - sum = aggregate the variance over all QoIs, compute samples from that
522   ///   - max = take maximum sample allocation over QoIs for each level
523   short qoiAggregation;
525   /// mean squared error of mean estimator from pilot sample MC on HF model
526   RealVector mcMSEIter0;
527   /// equivalent number of high fidelity evaluations accumulated using samples
528   /// across multiple model forms and/or discretization levels
529   Real equivHFEvals;
531   /// if defined, complete the final CV refinement when terminating MLCV based
532   /// on maxIterations (the total number of refinements beyond the pilot sample
533   /// will be one more for CV than for ML).  This approach is consistent with
534   /// normal termination based on l1_norm(delta_N_hf) = 0.
535   bool finalCVRefinement;
537   /// if defined, export each of the sample increments in ML, CV, MLCV
538   /// using tagged tabular files
539   bool exportSampleSets;
540   /// format for exporting sample increments using tagged tabular files
541   unsigned short exportSamplesFormat;
542 };
aggregated_models_mode()545 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::aggregated_models_mode()
546 {
547   if (iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode() != AGGREGATED_MODELS) {
548     iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode(AGGREGATED_MODELS); // set HF,LF
549     // synch activeSet with iteratedModel.response_size()
550     activeSet.reshape(2*numFunctions);
551     activeSet.request_values(1);
552   }
553 }
bypass_surrogate_mode()556 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::bypass_surrogate_mode()
557 {
558   if (iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode() != BYPASS_SURROGATE) {
559     iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode(BYPASS_SURROGATE); // HF
560     activeSet.reshape(numFunctions);// synch with model.response_size()
561   }
562 }
uncorrected_surrogate_mode()565 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::uncorrected_surrogate_mode()
566 {
567   if (iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode() != UNCORRECTED_SURROGATE) {
568     iteratedModel.surrogate_response_mode(UNCORRECTED_SURROGATE); // LF
569     activeSet.reshape(numFunctions);// synch with model.response_size()
570   }
571 }
574 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
level_cost(const RealVector & cost,unsigned short step)575 level_cost(const RealVector& cost, unsigned short step)
576 {
577   // discrepancies incur two level costs
578   return (step) ?
579     cost[step] + cost[step-1] : // aggregated {HF,LF} mode
580     cost[step];                 //     uncorrected LF mode
581 }
584 /** extract an active seed from a seed sequence */
random_seed(size_t index) const585 inline int NonDMultilevelSampling::random_seed(size_t index) const
586 {
587   // return 0 for cases where seed is undefined or will not be updated
589   if (randomSeedSeqSpec.empty()) return 0; // no spec -> non-repeatable samples
590   else if (!varyPattern) // continually reset seed to specified value
591     return (index < randomSeedSeqSpec.size()) ?
592       randomSeedSeqSpec[index] : randomSeedSeqSpec.back();
593   // only set sequence of seeds for first pass, then let RNG state continue
594   else if (mlmfIter == 0 && index < randomSeedSeqSpec.size()) // pilot iter only
595     return randomSeedSeqSpec[index];
596   else return 0; // seed sequence exhausted, do not update
597 }
600 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(const RealVector & sum_L,const RealVector & sum_H,const RealVector & sum_LL,const RealVector & sum_LH,const SizetArray & N_shared,RealVector & beta)601 compute_control(const RealVector& sum_L, const RealVector& sum_H,
602 		const RealVector& sum_LL, const RealVector& sum_LH,
603 		const SizetArray& N_shared, RealVector& beta)
604 {
605   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
606     compute_control(sum_L[qoi], sum_H[qoi], sum_LL[qoi], sum_LH[qoi],
607 		    N_shared[qoi], beta[qoi]);
608 }
611 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(const RealVector & sum_L,const RealVector & sum_H,const RealVector & sum_LL,const RealVector & sum_LH,const RealVector & sum_HH,const SizetArray & N_shared,RealVector & var_H,RealVector & rho2_LH)612 compute_control(const RealVector& sum_L, const RealVector& sum_H,
613 		const RealVector& sum_LL, const RealVector& sum_LH,
614 		const RealVector& sum_HH, const SizetArray& N_shared,
615 		RealVector& var_H, RealVector& rho2_LH)
616 {
617   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
618     compute_control(sum_L[qoi], sum_H[qoi], sum_LL[qoi], sum_LH[qoi],
619 		    sum_HH[qoi], N_shared[qoi], var_H[qoi], rho2_LH[qoi]);
620 }
623 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(const RealMatrix & sum_L,const RealMatrix & sum_H,const RealMatrix & sum_LL,const RealMatrix & sum_LH,const SizetArray & N_shared,size_t lev,RealVector & beta)624 compute_control(const RealMatrix& sum_L,  const RealMatrix& sum_H,
625 		const RealMatrix& sum_LL, const RealMatrix& sum_LH,
626 		const SizetArray& N_shared, size_t lev, RealVector& beta)
627 {
628   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
629     compute_control(sum_L(qoi,lev), sum_H(qoi,lev), sum_LL(qoi,lev),
630 		    sum_LH(qoi,lev), N_shared[qoi], beta[qoi]);
631 }
634 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
compute_control(const RealMatrix & sum_Ll,const RealMatrix & sum_Llm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Hl,const RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Ll_Ll,const RealMatrix & sum_Ll_Llm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Llm1_Llm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Ll,const RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Llm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Ll,const RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Llm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Hl,const RealMatrix & sum_Hl_Hlm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,const SizetArray & N_shared,size_t lev,RealVector & beta_dot,RealVector & gamma)635 compute_control(const RealMatrix& sum_Ll,        const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,
636 		const RealMatrix& sum_Hl,        const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1,
637 		const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Ll,     const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_Llm1,
638 		const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_Llm1, const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Ll,
639 		const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Llm1,   const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Ll,
640 		const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Llm1, const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hl,
641 		const RealMatrix& sum_Hl_Hlm1, const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1_Hlm1,
642 		const SizetArray& N_shared, size_t lev, RealVector& beta_dot,
643 		RealVector& gamma)
644 {
645   Real var_YH, rho_dot2_LH; // not needed for this context
646   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
647     compute_control(sum_Ll(qoi,lev), sum_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hl(qoi,lev),
648 		    sum_Hlm1(qoi,lev), sum_Ll_Ll(qoi,lev), sum_Ll_Llm1(qoi,lev),
649 		    sum_Llm1_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hl_Ll(qoi,lev),
650 		    sum_Hl_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hlm1_Ll(qoi,lev),
651 		    sum_Hlm1_Llm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hl_Hl(qoi,lev),
652 		    sum_Hl_Hlm1(qoi,lev), sum_Hlm1_Hlm1(qoi,lev),
653 		    N_shared[qoi], var_YH, rho_dot2_LH,
654 		    beta_dot[qoi], gamma[qoi]);
655 }
658 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
apply_control(const RealVector & sum_H,const RealVector & sum_L_shared,const SizetArray & N_shared,const RealVector & sum_L_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,const RealVector & beta,RealVector & H_raw_mom)659 apply_control(const RealVector& sum_H, const RealVector& sum_L_shared,
660 	      const SizetArray& N_shared,  const RealVector& sum_L_refined,
661 	      const SizetArray& N_refined, const RealVector& beta,
662 	      RealVector& H_raw_mom)
663 {
664   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
665     Cout << "   QoI " << qoi+1 << ": control variate beta = "
666 	 << std::setw(9) << beta[qoi] << '\n';
667     apply_control(sum_H[qoi], sum_L_shared[qoi], N_shared[qoi],
668 		  sum_L_refined[qoi], N_refined[qoi], beta[qoi],
669 		  H_raw_mom[qoi]);
670   }
671   if (numFunctions > 1) Cout << '\n';
672 }
675 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
apply_control(const RealMatrix & sum_H,const RealMatrix & sum_L_shared,const SizetArray & N_shared,const RealMatrix & sum_L_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,size_t lev,const RealVector & beta,RealVector & H_raw_mom)676 apply_control(const RealMatrix& sum_H, const RealMatrix& sum_L_shared,
677 	      const SizetArray& N_shared,  const RealMatrix& sum_L_refined,
678 	      const SizetArray& N_refined, size_t lev, const RealVector& beta,
679 	      RealVector& H_raw_mom)
680 {
681   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
682     Cout << "   QoI " << qoi+1 << ": control variate beta = "
683 	 << std::setw(9) << beta[qoi] << '\n';
684     apply_control(sum_H(qoi,lev), sum_L_shared(qoi,lev), N_shared[qoi],
685 		  sum_L_refined(qoi,lev), N_refined[qoi], beta[qoi],
686 		  H_raw_mom[qoi]);
687   }
688   if (numFunctions > 1) Cout << '\n';
689 }
692 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
apply_control(const RealMatrix & sum_Hl,const RealMatrix & sum_Hlm1,const RealMatrix & sum_Ll,const RealMatrix & sum_Llm1,const SizetArray & N_shared,const RealMatrix & sum_Ll_refined,const RealMatrix & sum_Llm1_refined,const SizetArray & N_refined,size_t lev,const RealVector & beta_dot,const RealVector & gamma,RealVector & H_raw_mom)693 apply_control(const RealMatrix& sum_Hl, const RealMatrix& sum_Hlm1,
694 	      const RealMatrix& sum_Ll, const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1,
695 	      const SizetArray& N_shared,  const RealMatrix& sum_Ll_refined,
696 	      const RealMatrix& sum_Llm1_refined, const SizetArray& N_refined,
697 	      size_t lev, const RealVector& beta_dot, const RealVector& gamma,
698 	      RealVector& H_raw_mom)
699 {
700   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
701     Cout << "   QoI " << qoi+1 << ": control variate beta_dot = "
702 	 << std::setw(9) << beta_dot[qoi] << '\n';
703     apply_control(sum_Hl(qoi,lev), sum_Hlm1(qoi,lev), sum_Ll(qoi,lev),
704 		  sum_Llm1(qoi,lev), N_shared[qoi], sum_Ll_refined(qoi,lev),
705 		  sum_Llm1_refined(qoi,lev), N_refined[qoi], beta_dot[qoi],
706 		  gamma[qoi], H_raw_mom[qoi]);
707   }
708   if (numFunctions > 1) Cout << '\n';
709 }
712 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
variance_Ysum(Real sum_Y,Real sum_YY,size_t Nlq)713 variance_Ysum(Real sum_Y, Real sum_YY, /*Real offset,*/ size_t Nlq)
714 {
715   Real mu_Y = sum_Y / Nlq;
716   // Note: precision loss in variance is difficult to avoid without
717   // storing full sample history; must accumulate Y^2 across iterations
718   // instead of (Y-mean)^2 since mean is updated on each iteration.
719   Real var_Y = (sum_YY / Nlq - mu_Y * mu_Y)
720              * (Real)Nlq / (Real)(Nlq - 1); // Bessel's correction
721   return var_Y;
723   /*
724   Real new_mu_Y = mu_Y + offset;
725   return var_Y
726     //  + offset   * offset    // uncenter from old mu_hat
727     //  - new_mu_Y * new_mu_Y; // recenter with new_mu_Y
728     - mu_Y * mu_Y - 2. * mu_Y * offset; // cancel offset^2
729   */
730 }
733 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
variance_Qsum(Real sum_Ql,Real sum_Qlm1,Real sum_QlQl,Real sum_QlQlm1,Real sum_Qlm1Qlm1,size_t Nlq)734 variance_Qsum(Real sum_Ql, Real sum_Qlm1, Real sum_QlQl, Real sum_QlQlm1,
735 	      Real sum_Qlm1Qlm1, size_t Nlq)
736 {
737   Real mu_Ql = sum_Ql / Nlq, mu_Qlm1 = sum_Qlm1 / Nlq;
738   //var_Y = var_Ql - 2.* covar_QlQlm1 + var_Qlm1;
739   return (       sum_QlQl / Nlq - mu_Ql   * mu_Ql     // var_Ql
740     - 2. * (   sum_QlQlm1 / Nlq - mu_Ql   * mu_Qlm1 ) // covar_QlQlm1
741     +        sum_Qlm1Qlm1 / Nlq - mu_Qlm1 * mu_Qlm1 ) // var_Qlm1
742     * (Real)Nlq / (Real)(Nlq - 1); // Bessel's correction
743 }
746 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_variance_Ysum(const Real * sum_Y,const Real * sum_YY,const SizetArray & N_l)747 aggregate_variance_Ysum(const Real* sum_Y, const Real* sum_YY,
748 			const SizetArray& N_l)
749 {
750   Real agg_var_l = 0.;//, var_Y;
751   //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "[ ";
752   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) //{
753     agg_var_l += variance_Ysum(sum_Y[qoi], sum_YY[qoi], N_l[qoi]);
754     //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << var_Y << ' ';
755   //}
756   //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "]\n";
757   return agg_var_l;
758 }
761 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real * sum_Ql,const Real * sum_Qlm1,const Real * sum_QlQl,const Real * sum_QlQlm1,const Real * sum_Qlm1Qlm1,const SizetArray & N_l,const size_t & lev)762 aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
763 			const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
764 			const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
765 			const size_t& lev)
766 {
767   Real agg_var_l = 0., var_Y;
768   //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "[ ";
769   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) //{
770     agg_var_l += (lev) ?
771       variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_Qlm1[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], sum_QlQlm1[qoi],
772 		    sum_Qlm1Qlm1[qoi], N_l[qoi]) :
773       variance_Ysum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], N_l[qoi]);
774     //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << var_Y << ' ';
775   //}
776   //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "]\n";
777   return agg_var_l;
778 }
780   inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real * sum_Ql,const Real * sum_Qlm1,const Real * sum_QlQl,const Real * sum_QlQlm1,const Real * sum_Qlm1Qlm1,const SizetArray & N_l,const size_t & lev,const size_t & qoi)781   aggregate_variance_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
782                           const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
783                           const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l,
784                           const size_t& lev, const size_t& qoi)
785   {
786     Real agg_var_l = 0., var_Y;
787     //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "[ ";
788     //for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) //{
789       agg_var_l = (lev) ?
790                    variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_Qlm1[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], sum_QlQlm1[qoi],
791                                  sum_Qlm1Qlm1[qoi], N_l[qoi]) :
792                    variance_Ysum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], N_l[qoi]);
793     //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT) Cout << var_Y << ' ';
794     //}
795     //if (outputLevel >= DEBUG_OUTPUT)   Cout << "]\n";
796     return agg_var_l;
797   }
800 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_mse_Yvar(const Real * var_Y,const SizetArray & N_l)801 aggregate_mse_Yvar(const Real* var_Y, const SizetArray& N_l)
802 {
803   Real agg_mse = 0.;
804   // aggregate MC estimator variance for each QoI
805   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
806     agg_mse += var_Y[qoi] / N_l[qoi];
807   return agg_mse;
808 }
811 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_mse_Ysum(const Real * sum_Y,const Real * sum_YY,const SizetArray & N_l)812 aggregate_mse_Ysum(const Real* sum_Y, const Real* sum_YY, const SizetArray& N_l)
813 {
814   Real agg_mse = 0.;//, var_Y;
815   // aggregate MC estimator variance for each QoI
816   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi)
817     agg_mse += variance_Ysum(sum_Y[qoi], sum_YY[qoi], N_l[qoi]) / N_l[qoi];
818   return agg_mse;
819 }
822 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real * sum_Ql,const Real * sum_Qlm1,const Real * sum_QlQl,const Real * sum_QlQlm1,const Real * sum_Qlm1Qlm1,const SizetArray & N_l,const size_t & lev)823 aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
824 		   const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
825 		   const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l, const size_t& lev)
826 {
827   Real agg_mse = 0., mu_Ql, mu_Qlm1, var_Y; size_t Nlq;
828   for (size_t qoi=0; qoi<numFunctions; ++qoi) {
829     Nlq = N_l[qoi];
830     var_Y = (lev) ?
831       variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_Qlm1[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], sum_QlQlm1[qoi],
832 		    sum_Qlm1Qlm1[qoi], Nlq) :
833       variance_Ysum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], Nlq);
834     agg_mse += var_Y / Nlq; // aggregate MC estimator variance for each QoI
835   }
836   return agg_mse;
837 }
839   inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real * sum_Ql,const Real * sum_Qlm1,const Real * sum_QlQl,const Real * sum_QlQlm1,const Real * sum_Qlm1Qlm1,const SizetArray & N_l,const size_t & lev,const size_t & qoi)840   aggregate_mse_Qsum(const Real* sum_Ql,       const Real* sum_Qlm1,
841                      const Real* sum_QlQl,     const Real* sum_QlQlm1,
842                      const Real* sum_Qlm1Qlm1, const SizetArray& N_l, const size_t& lev, const size_t& qoi)
843   {
844     Real agg_mse = 0., mu_Ql, mu_Qlm1, var_Y; size_t Nlq;
845     Nlq = N_l[qoi];
846     var_Y = (lev) ?
847             variance_Qsum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_Qlm1[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], sum_QlQlm1[qoi],
848                           sum_Qlm1Qlm1[qoi], Nlq) :
849             variance_Ysum(sum_Ql[qoi], sum_QlQl[qoi], Nlq);
850     agg_mse += var_Y / Nlq; // aggregate MC estimator variance for each QoI
852     return agg_mse;
853   }
accumulate_offsets(RealVector & mu)856 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::accumulate_offsets(RealVector& mu)
857 {
858   IntRespMCIter r_it = allResponses.begin();
859   size_t qoi, num_samp, num_fns = r_it->second.num_functions();
860   mu.sizeUninitialized(num_fns);
861   Real q_l, sum;
862   for (qoi=0; qoi<num_fns; ++qoi) {
863     num_samp = 0; sum = 0.;
864     for (r_it=allResponses.begin(); r_it!=allResponses.end(); ++r_it) {
865       q_l = r_it->second.function_value(qoi);
866       if (std::isfinite(q_l)) // neither NaN nor +/-Inf
867 	{ sum += q_l; ++num_samp; }
868     }
869     mu[qoi] = sum / num_samp;
870   }
871 }
874 /** For single-level moment calculations with a scalar Nlq. */
875 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
uncentered_to_centered(Real rm1,Real rm2,Real rm3,Real rm4,Real & cm1,Real & cm2,Real & cm3,Real & cm4)876 uncentered_to_centered(Real  rm1, Real  rm2, Real  rm3, Real  rm4,
877 		       Real& cm1, Real& cm2, Real& cm3, Real& cm4)
878 {
879   // convert from uncentered ("raw") to centered moments for a single level
881   // For moments from sampling:
882   // > Raw moments are unbiased. Central moments are unbiased for an exact mean
883   //   (i.e., the samples represent the full population).
884   // > For sampling a portion of the population, central moments {2,3,4} are
885   //   biased estimators since the mean is approximated.  The conversion to
886   //   unbiased requires a correction based on the number of samples, as
887   //   implemented in the subsequent function.
889   cm1 = rm1;             // mean
890   cm2 = rm2 - cm1 * cm1; // variance
892   cm3 = rm3 - cm1 * (3. * cm2 + cm1 * cm1);                         // using cm
893   //  = rm3 - cm1 * (3. * rm2 - 2. * cm1 * cm1);                    // using rm
895   // the 4th moment is the central moment (non-excess, not cumulant)
896   cm4 = rm4 - cm1 * (4. * cm3 + cm1 * (6. * cm2 + cm1 * cm1));      // using cm
897   //  = rm4 - cm1 * (4. * rm3 - cm1 * (6. * rm2 - 3. * cm1 * cm1)); // using rm
898 }
901 /** For single-level moment calculations with a scalar Nlq. */
902 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
uncentered_to_centered(Real rm1,Real rm2,Real rm3,Real rm4,Real & cm1,Real & cm2,Real & cm3,Real & cm4,size_t Nlq)903 uncentered_to_centered(Real  rm1, Real  rm2, Real  rm3, Real  rm4, Real& cm1,
904 		       Real& cm2, Real& cm3, Real& cm4, size_t Nlq)
905 {
906   // convert from uncentered ("raw") to centered moments for a single level
908   // Biased central moment estimators:
909   uncentered_to_centered(rm1, rm2, rm3, rm4, cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4);
911   // Bias corrections for population-based estimators w/ estimated means:
912   if (Nlq > 3) {
913     Real cm1_sq = cm1 * cm1;
914     Real nm1 = Nlq - 1., nm2 = Nlq - 2., n_sq = Nlq * Nlq;
915     cm2 *= Nlq / nm1; // unbiased population variance from Bessel's correction
916     cm3 *= n_sq / (nm1 * nm2);
917     // From "Modeling with Data," Klemens 2009 (Appendix M).
918     // Notes:
919     // (1) this is 4th central moment (non-excess, unnormalized),
920     //     which differs from the fourth cumulant (excess, unnormalized)
921     // (2) cm2 is now unbiased within following conversion:
923     //cm4 = ( n_sq * Nlq * cm4 / nm1 - (6. * Nlq - 9.) * cm2 * cm2 )
924     //    / (n_sq - 3. * Nlq + 3.);
925     //[fm] account for bias correction due to cm2^2 term
926     cm4 = ( n_sq * Nlq * cm4 / nm1 - (6. * Nlq - 9.) * (n_sq - Nlq) / (n_sq - 2. * Nlq + 3) * cm2 * cm2 )
927         / ( (n_sq - 3. * Nlq + 3.) - (6. * Nlq - 9.) * (n_sq - Nlq) / (Nlq * (n_sq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) );
928   }
929   else
930     Cerr << "Warning: due to small sample size, resorting to biased estimator "
931 	 << "conversion in NonDMultilevelSampling::uncentered_to_centered().\n";
932 }
935 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::
centered_to_standard(Real cm1,Real cm2,Real cm3,Real cm4,Real & sm1,Real & sm2,Real & sm3,Real & sm4)936 centered_to_standard(Real  cm1, Real  cm2, Real  cm3, Real  cm4,
937 		     Real& sm1, Real& sm2, Real& sm3, Real& sm4)
938 {
939   // convert from centered to standardized moments
940   sm1 = cm1;                    // mean
941   if (cm2 > 0.) {
942     sm2 = std::sqrt(cm2);         // std deviation
943     sm3 = cm3 / (cm2 * sm2);      // skewness
944     sm4 = cm4 / (cm2 * cm2) - 3.; // excess kurtosis
945   }
946   else {
947     Cerr << "\nWarning: central to standard conversion failed due to "
948 	 << "non-positive\n         variance.  Retaining central moments.\n";
949     sm2 = 0.; sm3 = cm3; sm4 = cm4; // or assign NaN to sm{3,4}
950   }
951 }
check_negative(Real & cm)954 inline void NonDMultilevelSampling::check_negative(Real& cm)
955 {
956   if (cm < 0.) {
957     Cerr << "\nWarning: central moment less than zero (" << cm << ").  "
958 	 << "Repairing to zero.\n";
959     cm = 0.;
960     // TO DO:  consider hard error if COV < -tol (pass in mean and cm order)
961   }
962 }
sum(const Real * vec,size_t vec_len) const965 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::sum(const Real* vec, size_t vec_len) const
966 {
967   Real sum = 0.;
968   for (size_t i=0; i<vec_len; ++i)
969     sum += vec[i];
970   return sum;
971 }
974 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::
average(const Real * vec,size_t vec_len) const975 average(const Real* vec, size_t vec_len) const
976 { return sum(vec, vec_len) / (Real)vec_len; }
average(const RealVector & vec) const979 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::average(const RealVector& vec) const
980 { return average(vec.values(), vec.length()); }
average(const SizetArray & sa) const983 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::average(const SizetArray& sa) const
984 {
985   size_t i, len = sa.size(), sum = 0;
986   for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
987     sum += sa[i];
988   return (Real)sum / (Real)len;
989 }
var_of_var_ml_l0(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,const size_t & Nlq_pilot,const Real & Nlq,const size_t & qoi,const bool & compute_gradient,Real & grad_g)991 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::var_of_var_ml_l0(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,
992                                                       const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g){
993   Real cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, cm2l_sq, var_of_var;
995   IntIntPair pr11(1, 1), pr12(1, 2), pr21(2, 1), pr22(2, 2);
996   RealMatrix &sum_Q1l = sum_Ql[1], &sum_Q1lm1 = sum_Qlm1[1],
997       &sum_Q2l = sum_Ql[2], &sum_Q2lm1 = sum_Qlm1[2],
998       &sum_Q3l = sum_Ql[3], &sum_Q3lm1 = sum_Qlm1[3],
999       &sum_Q4l = sum_Ql[4], &sum_Q4lm1 = sum_Qlm1[4],
1000       &sum_Q1lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr11], &sum_Q1lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr12],
1001       &sum_Q2lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr21], &sum_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr22];
1003   uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, 0) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q2l(qoi, 0) / Nlq_pilot,
1004                          sum_Q3l(qoi, 0) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q4l(qoi, 0) / Nlq_pilot,
1005                          cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq_pilot);
1007   cm2l_sq = cm2l * cm2l;
1008   var_of_var = (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4l - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2l_sq);
1010   if(compute_gradient) {
1011     grad_g = ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 1.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1012              ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm4l
1013              - ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 3.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1014                ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm2l_sq;
1015   }
1016   //[fm] bias correction for var_P2l
1017   return var_of_var;
1018 }
var_of_var_ml_lmax(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,const size_t & Nlq_pilot,const Real & Nlq,const size_t & qoi,const bool & compute_gradient,Real & grad_g)1021 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::var_of_var_ml_lmax(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,
1022                                                      const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g){
1023   Real cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, cm2l_sq, var_of_var;
1025   IntIntPair pr11(1, 1), pr12(1, 2), pr21(2, 1), pr22(2, 2);
1026   RealMatrix &sum_Q1l = sum_Ql[1], &sum_Q1lm1 = sum_Qlm1[1],
1027       &sum_Q2l = sum_Ql[2], &sum_Q2lm1 = sum_Qlm1[2],
1028       &sum_Q3l = sum_Ql[3], &sum_Q3lm1 = sum_Qlm1[3],
1029       &sum_Q4l = sum_Ql[4], &sum_Q4lm1 = sum_Qlm1[4],
1030       &sum_Q1lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr11], &sum_Q1lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr12],
1031       &sum_Q2lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr21], &sum_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr22];
1033   uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, 1) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q2l(qoi, 1) / Nlq_pilot,
1034                          sum_Q3l(qoi, 1) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q4l(qoi, 1) / Nlq_pilot,
1035                          cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq_pilot);
1037   cm2l_sq = cm2l * cm2l;
1038   var_of_var = (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4l - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2l_sq);
1040   if(compute_gradient) {
1041     grad_g = ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 1.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1042              ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm4l
1043              - ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 3.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1044                ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm2l_sq;
1045   }
1046   //[fm] bias correction for var_P2l
1047   return var_of_var;
1048 }
var_of_var_ml_l(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql,IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1,IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,const size_t & Nlq_pilot,const Real & Nlq,const size_t & qoi,const size_t & lev,const bool & compute_gradient,Real & grad_g)1050 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::var_of_var_ml_l(IntRealMatrixMap sum_Ql, IntRealMatrixMap sum_Qlm1, IntIntPairRealMatrixMap sum_QlQlm1,
1051                                                     const size_t& Nlq_pilot, const Real& Nlq, const size_t& qoi, const size_t& lev, const bool& compute_gradient, Real& grad_g){
1052   Real cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, cm1lm1, cm2lm1,
1053       cm3lm1, cm4lm1, cm1l_sq, cm2l_sq, cm2lm1_sq,
1054       mu_Q2l, mu_Q2lm1, mu_Q2lQ2lm1,
1055       mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1, mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1,
1056       mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1, mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1, mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1, mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1,
1057       mu_P2lP2lm1, var_P2l, var_P2lm1, covar_P2lP2lm1, term, var_of_var;
1059   IntIntPair pr11(1, 1), pr12(1, 2), pr21(2, 1), pr22(2, 2);
1060   const RealMatrix &sum_Q1l = sum_Ql[1], &sum_Q1lm1 = sum_Qlm1[1],
1061       &sum_Q2l = sum_Ql[2], &sum_Q2lm1 = sum_Qlm1[2],
1062       &sum_Q3l = sum_Ql[3], &sum_Q3lm1 = sum_Qlm1[3],
1063       &sum_Q4l = sum_Ql[4], &sum_Q4lm1 = sum_Qlm1[4],
1064       &sum_Q1lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr11], &sum_Q1lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr12],
1065       &sum_Q2lQ1lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr21], &sum_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_QlQlm1[pr22];
1067   mu_Q2l = sum_Q2l(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot;
1068   uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot, mu_Q2l,
1069                          sum_Q3l(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q4l(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot,
1070                          cm1l, cm2l, cm3l, cm4l, Nlq_pilot);
1071   mu_Q2lm1 = sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot;
1072   uncentered_to_centered(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot, mu_Q2lm1,
1073                          sum_Q3lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot, sum_Q4lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot,
1074                          cm1lm1, cm2lm1, cm3lm1, cm4lm1, Nlq_pilot);
1075   cm2l_sq = cm2l * cm2l;
1076   cm2lm1_sq = cm2lm1 * cm2lm1;
1078   // [fm] bias correction for var_P2l and var_P2lm1
1079   var_P2l = Nlq * (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4l - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2l_sq);
1080   var_P2lm1 =
1081       Nlq * (Nlq - 1.) / (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (cm4lm1 - (Nlq - 3.) / (Nlq - 1.) * cm2lm1_sq);
1083   //[fm] unbiased products of mean
1084   mu_Q2lQ2lm1 = sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev) / Nlq_pilot;
1085   mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1086                                                     sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1087   mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
1088                                                           sum_Q2l(qoi, lev),
1089                                                           sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1090                                                           sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1091                                                           sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1092   mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
1093                                                   Nlq_pilot);
1094   mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev),
1095                                                          sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
1096                                                          sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
1097                                                          sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1098   mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
1099                                                              sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1100                                                              sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1101                                                              sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
1102                                                              sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1103   mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pairpair(sum_Q1l(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lm1(qoi, lev),
1104                                                                   sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1105                                                                   sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev),
1106                                                                   sum_Q2lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ2lm1(qoi, lev),
1107                                                                   sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1108   mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q2l(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1109   mu_P2lP2lm1 = mu_Q2lQ2lm1 //E[QL2 Ql2]
1110                 - 2. * mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q2lQ1lm1 //E[Ql] E[QL2Ql]
1111                 + 2. * mu_Q1lm1_mu_Q1lm1_muQ2l //E[Ql]2 E[QL2]
1112                 - 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lQ2lm1 //E[QL] E[QLQl2]
1113                 + 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q2lm1 //E[QL]2 E[Ql2]
1114                 + 4. * mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 //E[QL] E[Ql] E[QLQl]
1115                 - 4. * mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1 //E[QL]2 E[Ql]2
1116                 - mu_Q2l_muQ2lm1; //E[QL2] E[Ql2]
1118   // [fm] unbiased by opening up the square and compute three different term
1119   mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev), sum_Q1lQ1lm1(qoi, lev),
1120                                                        sum_Q2lQ2lm1(qoi, lev), Nlq_pilot);
1121   term = mu_Q1lQ1lm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 - 2. * mu_Q1l_mu_Qlm1_mu_Q1lQ1lm1 + mu_Q1l_mu_Q1l_mu_Q1lm1_muQ1lm1;
1123   //[fm] Using only unbiased estimators the sum is also unbiased
1124   covar_P2lP2lm1
1125       = mu_P2lP2lm1 + term / (Nlq - 1.);
1127   var_of_var = (var_P2l + var_P2lm1 - 2. * covar_P2lP2lm1) / Nlq;
1129   if(compute_gradient) {
1130     grad_g = ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 1.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1131                      ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm4l
1132                      - ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 3.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1133                        ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm2l_sq
1134                      + ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 1.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1135                        ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm4lm1
1136                      - ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) - (Nlq - 3.) * (2. * Nlq - 2.)) /
1137                        ((Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.) * (Nlq * Nlq - 2. * Nlq + 3.)) * cm2lm1_sq
1138                      - 2. * (-1. / (Nlq * Nlq) * mu_P2lP2lm1 +
1139                              (-2. * Nlq + 1.) / ((Nlq * Nlq - Nlq) * (Nlq * Nlq - Nlq)) * term);
1140     }
1142   return var_of_var;
1143 }
unbiased_mean_product_pair(const Real & sumQ1,const Real & sumQ2,const Real & sumQ1Q2,const size_t & Nlq)1145 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::unbiased_mean_product_pair(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2, const size_t& Nlq)
1146 {
1147   Real mean1, mean2, bessel_corr1, bessel_corr2 = 0.;
1149   mean1 = 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * sumQ1 * sumQ2;
1150   mean2 = 1./Nlq * sumQ1Q2;
1151   bessel_corr1 = (Real)Nlq / ((Real)Nlq - 1.);
1152   bessel_corr2 = 1. / ((Real)Nlq - 1.);
1154   return bessel_corr1*mean1 - bessel_corr2*mean2;
1155 }
unbiased_mean_product_triplet(const Real & sumQ1,const Real & sumQ2,const Real & sumQ3,const Real & sumQ1Q2,const Real & sumQ1Q3,const Real & sumQ2Q3,const Real & sumQ1Q2Q3,const size_t & Nlq)1157 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::unbiased_mean_product_triplet(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ3,
1158                                                                   const Real& sumQ1Q2, const Real& sumQ1Q3, const Real& sumQ2Q3, const Real& sumQ1Q2Q3, const size_t& Nlq)
1159 {
1160   Real mean1, mean2, mean3, bessel_corr1, bessel_corr2, bessel_corr3 = 0.;
1162   mean1 = 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * sumQ1 * sumQ2 * sumQ3;
1163   mean2 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1Q2, sumQ3, sumQ1Q2Q3, Nlq);
1164   mean2 += unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ2Q3, sumQ1, sumQ1Q2Q3, Nlq);
1165   mean2 += unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1Q3, sumQ2, sumQ1Q2Q3, Nlq);
1166   mean3 = 1./((Real)Nlq) * sumQ1Q2Q3;
1167   bessel_corr1 = (Nlq * Nlq)/((Nlq - 1.)*(Nlq - 2.));
1168   bessel_corr2 = 1./(Nlq - 2.);
1169   bessel_corr3 = 1./((Nlq - 1.)*(Nlq - 2.));
1171   return bessel_corr1 * mean1 - bessel_corr2 * mean2 - bessel_corr3 * mean3;
1172 }
unbiased_mean_product_pairpair(const Real & sumQ1,const Real & sumQ2,const Real & sumQ1Q2,const Real & sumQ1sq,const Real & sumQ2sq,const Real & sumQ1sqQ2,const Real & sumQ1Q2sq,const Real & sumQ1sqQ2sq,const size_t & Nlq)1174 inline Real NonDMultilevelSampling::unbiased_mean_product_pairpair(const Real& sumQ1, const Real& sumQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2,
1175                                                                    const Real& sumQ1sq, const Real& sumQ2sq,
1176                                                                    const Real& sumQ1sqQ2, const Real& sumQ1Q2sq, const Real& sumQ1sqQ2sq, const size_t& Nlq)
1177 {
1178   Real mean1, mean2, mean3, mean4, bessel_corr1, bessel_corr2, bessel_corr3, bessel_corr4 = 0.;
1180   mean1 = 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * 1./Nlq * sumQ1 * sumQ1 * sumQ2 * sumQ2;
1182   mean2 = unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sumQ1sq, sumQ2, sumQ2, sumQ1sqQ2, sumQ1sqQ2, sumQ2sq, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1183   mean2 += 4. * unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sumQ1Q2, sumQ1, sumQ2, sumQ1sqQ2, sumQ1Q2sq, sumQ1Q2, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1184   mean2 += unbiased_mean_product_triplet(sumQ1, sumQ1, sumQ2sq, sumQ1sq, sumQ1Q2sq, sumQ1Q2sq, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1186   mean3 = unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1sq, sumQ2sq, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1187   mean3 += 2. * unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1Q2, sumQ1Q2, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1188   mean3 += 2. * unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1sqQ2, sumQ2, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1189   mean3 += 2. * unbiased_mean_product_pair(sumQ1, sumQ1Q2sq, sumQ1sqQ2sq, Nlq);
1191   mean4 = 1./Nlq * sumQ1sqQ2sq;
1193   bessel_corr1 = (Nlq * Nlq * Nlq)/((Nlq - 1.)*(Nlq - 2.)*(Nlq - 3.));
1194   bessel_corr2 = 1./(Nlq - 3.);
1195   bessel_corr3 = 1./((Nlq - 2.)*(Nlq - 3.));
1196   bessel_corr4 = 1./((Nlq - 1.)*(Nlq - 2.)*(Nlq - 3.));
1198   return bessel_corr1 * mean1 - bessel_corr2 * mean2 - bessel_corr3 * mean3 - bessel_corr4 * mean4;
1199 }
1201 } // namespace Dakota
1203 #endif