1 /*
2   OrangutanResources.h - Measures available RAM on the AVR
3 */
5 /*
6  * Written by Paul Grayson, 2008.
7  * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Pololu Corporation. For more information, see
8  *
9  *   http://www.pololu.com
10  *   http://forum.pololu.com
11  *   http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18
12  *
13  * You may freely modify and share this code, as long as you keep this
14  * notice intact (including the two links above).  Licensed under the
15  * Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license:
16  *
17  *   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
18  *
19  * Disclaimer: To the extent permitted by law, Pololu provides this work
20  * without any warranty.  It might be defective, in which case you agree
21  * to be responsible for all resulting costs and damages.
22  */
24 #ifndef OrangutanResources_h
25 #define OrangutanResources_h
27 #include <avr/io.h>
28 #include <avr/interrupt.h>
29 #include "../OrangutanResources/include/OrangutanModel.h"
31 #if defined(_ORANGUTAN_SVP) || defined(_ORANGUTAN_X2)
32 #define JTAG_RESET		(1 << JTRF)
33 #endif
34 #define WATCHDOG_RESET	(1 << WDRF)
35 #define BROWNOUT_RESET	(1 << BORF)
36 #define EXTERNAL_RESET	(1 << EXTRF)
37 #define POWERON_RESET	(1 << PORF)
39 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 class OrangutanResources
42 {
43   public:
45     // constructor (doesn't do anything)
46 	OrangutanResources();
48 	// Returns an estimate of the available free RAM on the AVR, in
49 	// bytes.  This is computed as the difference between the bottom
50 	// of the stack and the top of the static variable space or the
51 	// top of the space used by malloc().
52 	static int getFreeRAM();
54 	// returns the register that contains latched flags indicating
55 	// previous reset sources.  Individual flags can be accessed by
56 	// ANDing the result with the x_RESET constants defined in this
57 	// file.  For example:
58 	// if (OrangutanResources::getResetFlags() & WATCHDOG_RESET) ..
getResetFlags()59 	static inline unsigned char getResetFlags()
60 	{
61 		return MCUSR;
62 	}
64 	// clear latched reset flags
clearResetFlags()65 	static inline void clearResetFlags()
66 	{
67 		MCUSR = 0;
68 	}
69 };
71 extern "C" {
72 #endif // __cplusplus
74 int get_free_ram(void);
76 // returns the register that contains latched flags indicating
77 // previous reset sources.  Individual flags can be accessed by
78 // ANDing the result with the x_RESET constants defined in this
79 // file.  For example:
80 // if (get_reset_flags() & WATCHDOG_RESET) ..
get_reset_flags(void)81 static inline unsigned char get_reset_flags(void)
82 {
83 	return MCUSR;
84 }
86 // clear latched reset flags
clear_reset_flags(void)87 static inline void clear_reset_flags(void)
88 {
89 	MCUSR = 0;
90 }
92 #ifdef __cplusplus
93 }
94 #endif
96 #endif
98 // Local Variables: **
99 // mode: C++ **
100 // c-basic-offset: 4 **
101 // tab-width: 4 **
102 // indent-tabs-mode: t **
103 // end: **