1 #include "engine/guidance/post_processing.hpp"
2 #include "guidance/constants.hpp"
3 #include "guidance/turn_instruction.hpp"
5 #include "engine/guidance/assemble_steps.hpp"
6 #include "engine/guidance/lane_processing.hpp"
8 #include "engine/guidance/collapsing_utility.hpp"
9 #include "util/bearing.hpp"
10 #include "util/group_by.hpp"
11 #include "util/guidance/name_announcements.hpp"
12 #include "util/guidance/turn_lanes.hpp"
14 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
15 #include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
16 #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
18 #include "engine/guidance/collapsing_utility.hpp"
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <cstddef>
23 #include <limits>
24 #include <utility>
26 namespace osrm
27 {
28 namespace engine
29 {
30 namespace guidance
31 {
32 using namespace osrm::guidance;
34 using RouteStepIterator = std::vector<osrm::engine::guidance::RouteStep>::iterator;
36 namespace
37 {
39 // Ensure that after we are done with the roundabout, only the roundabout instructions themselves
40 // remain
compressRange(const RouteStepIterator begin,const RouteStepIterator end)41 void compressRange(const RouteStepIterator begin, const RouteStepIterator end)
42 {
43     if (begin == end)
44         return;
46     for (auto itr = begin + 1; itr != end; ++itr)
47     {
48         // ensure not to invalidate the final arrive
49         if (!hasWaypointType(*itr))
50         {
51             begin->ElongateBy(*itr);
52             itr->Invalidate();
53         }
54     }
55 }
57 // this function handles a single roundabout between enter (which might be missing) to exit (which
58 // might be missing as well)
processRoundaboutExits(const RouteStepIterator begin,const RouteStepIterator end)59 void processRoundaboutExits(const RouteStepIterator begin, const RouteStepIterator end)
60 {
61     auto const last = end - 1;
62     // If we do not exit the roundabout, there is no exit to report. All good here
63     if (!leavesRoundabout(last->maneuver.instruction))
64     {
65         // first we do some clean-up
66         if (begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRotary ||
67             begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRotaryAtExit)
68         {
69             begin->rotary_name = begin->name;
70             begin->rotary_pronunciation = begin->pronunciation;
71         }
72         // roundabout turns don't make sense without an exit, update the type
73         else if (entersRoundabout(begin->maneuver.instruction) &&
74                  (begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersection ||
75                   begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersectionAtExit))
76         {
77             begin->maneuver.instruction.type = TurnType::EnterRoundabout;
78         }
80         // We are doing a roundtrip on the roundabout, Nothing to do here but to remove the
81         // instructions
82         compressRange(begin, end);
83         return;
84     }
86     const auto passes_exit_or_leaves_roundabout = [](auto const &step) {
87         return staysOnRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction) ||
88                leavesRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction);
89     };
91     // exit count
92     const auto exit = std::count_if(begin, end, passes_exit_or_leaves_roundabout);
94     // removes all intermediate instructions, assigns names and exit numbers
95     BOOST_ASSERT(leavesRoundabout(last->maneuver.instruction));
96     BOOST_ASSERT(std::distance(begin, end) >= 1);
97     last->maneuver.exit = exit;
99     // when we actually have an enter instruction, we can store all the information on it that we
100     // need, otherwise we only provide the exit instruciton. In case of re-routing on the
101     // roundabout, this might result in strange behaviour, but this way we are more resiliant and we
102     // do provide exit after all
103     if (entersRoundabout(begin->maneuver.instruction))
104     {
105         begin->maneuver.exit = exit;
106         // special handling for rotaries: remember the name (legacy feature, due to
107         // adapt-step-signage)
108         if (begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRotary ||
109             begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRotaryAtExit)
110         {
111             begin->rotary_name = begin->name;
112             begin->rotary_pronunciation = begin->pronunciation;
113         }
114         // compute the total direction modifier for roundabout turns
115         else if (begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersection ||
116                  begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersectionAtExit)
117         {
118             const auto entry_intersection = begin->intersections.front();
120             const auto exit_intersection = last->intersections.front();
121             const auto exit_bearing = exit_intersection.bearings[exit_intersection.out];
123             BOOST_ASSERT(!begin->intersections.empty());
124             const double angle = util::bearing::angleBetween(
125                 util::bearing::reverse(entry_intersection.bearings[entry_intersection.in]),
126                 exit_bearing);
128             begin->maneuver.instruction.direction_modifier = getTurnDirection(angle);
129         }
130         begin->AdaptStepSignage(*last);
131     }
133     // in case of a roundabout turn, we do not emit an exit as long as the mode remains the same
134     if ((begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersection ||
135          begin->maneuver.instruction.type == TurnType::EnterRoundaboutIntersectionAtExit) &&
136         begin->mode == last->mode)
137     {
138         compressRange(begin, end);
139     }
140     else
141     {
142         // do not remove last (the exit instruction)
143         compressRange(begin, last);
144     }
145 }
147 // roundabout groups are a sequence of roundabout instructions. This can contain enter/exit
148 // instructions in between
processRoundaboutGroups(const std::pair<RouteStepIterator,RouteStepIterator> & range)149 void processRoundaboutGroups(const std::pair<RouteStepIterator, RouteStepIterator> &range)
150 {
151     const auto leaves_roundabout = [](auto const &step) {
152         return leavesRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction);
153     };
155     auto itr = range.first;
156     while (itr != range.second)
157     {
158         auto exit = std::find_if(itr, range.second, leaves_roundabout);
159         if (exit == range.second)
160         {
161             processRoundaboutExits(itr, exit);
162             itr = exit;
163         }
164         else
165         {
166             processRoundaboutExits(itr, exit + 1);
167             itr = exit + 1;
168         }
169     }
170 }
172 } // namespace
174 // Every Step Maneuver consists of the information until the turn.
175 // This list contains a set of instructions, called silent, which should
176 // not be part of the final output.
177 // They are required for maintenance purposes. We can calculate the number
178 // of exits to pass in a roundabout and the number of intersections
179 // that we come across.
handleRoundabouts(std::vector<RouteStep> steps)180 std::vector<RouteStep> handleRoundabouts(std::vector<RouteStep> steps)
181 {
182     // check if a step has roundabout type
183     const auto has_roundabout_type = [](auto const &step) {
184         return hasRoundaboutType(step.maneuver.instruction);
185     };
186     const auto first_roundabout_type =
187         std::find_if(steps.begin(), steps.end(), has_roundabout_type);
189     // no roundabout to process?
190     if (first_roundabout_type == steps.end())
191         return steps;
193     // unless the first instruction enters the roundabout, we are currently on a roundabout. This is
194     // a special case that happens if the route starts on a roundabout. It is a border case, but
195     // could happen during re-routing. In the case of re-routing, exit counting might be confusing,
196     // but it is the best we can do
197     bool currently_on_roundabout = !entersRoundabout(first_roundabout_type->maneuver.instruction);
199     // this group by paradigm does might contain intermediate roundabout instructions, when they are
200     // directly connected. Otherwise it will be a sequence containing everything from enter to exit.
201     // If we already start on the roundabout, the first valid place will be steps.begin().
202     const auto is_on_roundabout = [&currently_on_roundabout](const auto &step) {
203         if (currently_on_roundabout)
204         {
205             if (leavesRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction))
206                 currently_on_roundabout = false;
208             return true;
209         }
210         else
211         {
212             currently_on_roundabout = entersRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction);
213             auto result = currently_on_roundabout;
214             // cases that immediately exit the roundabout
215             if (currently_on_roundabout)
216                 currently_on_roundabout = !leavesRoundabout(step.maneuver.instruction);
217             return result;
218         }
219     };
221     // for each range of instructions between begin/end of a roundabout assign
222     util::group_by(steps.begin(), steps.end(), is_on_roundabout, processRoundaboutGroups);
224     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.size() >= 1);
225     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
226     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
227     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Depart);
229     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.size() == 1);
230     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
231     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
232     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Arrive);
234     return removeNoTurnInstructions(std::move(steps));
235 }
237 // Doing this step in post-processing provides a few challenges we cannot overcome.
238 // The removal of an initial step imposes some copy overhead in the steps, moving all later
239 // steps to the front. In addition, we cannot reduce the travel time that is accumulated at a
240 // different location.
241 // As a direct implication, we have to keep the time of the initial/final turns (which adds a
242 // few seconds of inaccuracy at both ends. This is acceptable, however, since the turn should
243 // usually not be as relevant.
trimShortSegments(std::vector<RouteStep> & steps,LegGeometry & geometry)244 void trimShortSegments(std::vector<RouteStep> &steps, LegGeometry &geometry)
245 {
246     if (steps.size() < 2 || geometry.locations.size() <= 2)
247         return;
249     // if phantom node is located at the connection of two segments, either one can be selected
250     // as turn
251     //
252     // a --- b
253     //       |
254     //       c
255     //
256     // If a route from b to c is requested, both a--b and b--c could be selected as start
257     // segment.
258     // In case of a--b, we end up with an unwanted turn saying turn-right onto b-c.
259     // These cases start off with an initial segment which is of zero length.
260     // We have to be careful though, since routing that starts in a roundabout has a valid.
261     // To catch these cases correctly, we have to perform trimming prior to the post-processing
263     BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.locations.size() >= steps.size());
264     // Look for distances under 1m
265     const bool zero_length_step = steps.front().distance <= 1 && steps.size() > 2;
266     const bool duplicated_coordinate = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
267                                            geometry.locations[0], geometry.locations[1]) <= 1;
268     if (zero_length_step || duplicated_coordinate)
269     {
271         // remove the initial distance value
272         geometry.segment_distances.erase(geometry.segment_distances.begin());
274         const auto offset = zero_length_step ? geometry.segment_offsets[1] : 1;
275         if (offset > 0)
276         {
277             // fixup the coordinates/annotations/ids
278             geometry.locations.erase(geometry.locations.begin(),
279                                      geometry.locations.begin() + offset);
280             geometry.annotations.erase(geometry.annotations.begin(),
281                                        geometry.annotations.begin() + offset);
282             geometry.osm_node_ids.erase(geometry.osm_node_ids.begin(),
283                                         geometry.osm_node_ids.begin() + offset);
284         }
286         auto const first_bearing = steps.front().maneuver.bearing_after;
287         // We have to adjust the first step both for its name and the bearings
288         if (zero_length_step)
289         {
290             // since we are not only checking for epsilon but for a full meter, we can have multiple
291             // coordinates here. Move all offsets to the front and reduce by one. (This is an
292             // inplace forward one and reduce by one)
293             std::transform(geometry.segment_offsets.begin() + 1,
294                            geometry.segment_offsets.end(),
295                            geometry.segment_offsets.begin(),
296                            [offset](const std::size_t val) { return val - offset; });
298             geometry.segment_offsets.pop_back();
299             const auto &current_depart = steps.front();
300             auto &designated_depart = *(steps.begin() + 1);
302             // FIXME this is required to be consistent with the route durations. The initial
303             // turn is not actually part of the route, though
304             designated_depart.duration += current_depart.duration;
306             // update initial turn direction/bearings. Due to the duplicated first coordinate,
307             // the initial bearing is invalid
308             designated_depart.maneuver.waypoint_type = WaypointType::Depart;
309             designated_depart.maneuver.bearing_before = 0;
310             designated_depart.maneuver.instruction = TurnInstruction::NO_TURN();
311             // we need to make this conform with the intersection format for the first intersection
312             auto &first_intersection = designated_depart.intersections.front();
313             designated_depart.intersections.front().lanes = util::guidance::LaneTuple();
314             designated_depart.intersections.front().lane_description.clear();
315             first_intersection.bearings = {first_intersection.bearings[first_intersection.out]};
316             first_intersection.entry = {true};
317             first_intersection.in = IntermediateIntersection::NO_INDEX;
318             first_intersection.out = 0;
320             // finally remove the initial (now duplicated move)
321             steps.erase(steps.begin());
322         }
323         else
324         {
325             // we need to make this at least 1 because we will substract 1
326             // from all offsets at the end of the loop.
327             steps.front().geometry_begin = 1;
329             // reduce all offsets by one (inplace)
330             std::transform(geometry.segment_offsets.begin(),
331                            geometry.segment_offsets.end(),
332                            geometry.segment_offsets.begin(),
333                            [](const std::size_t val) { return val - 1; });
334         }
336         // and update the leg geometry indices for the removed entry
337         std::for_each(steps.begin(), steps.end(), [offset](RouteStep &step) {
338             step.geometry_begin -= offset;
339             step.geometry_end -= offset;
340         });
342         auto &first_step = steps.front();
343         auto bearing = first_bearing;
344         // we changed the geometry, we need to recalculate the bearing
345         if (geometry.locations[first_step.geometry_begin] !=
346             geometry.locations[first_step.geometry_begin + 1])
347         {
348             bearing = std::round(util::coordinate_calculation::bearing(
349                 geometry.locations[first_step.geometry_begin],
350                 geometry.locations[first_step.geometry_begin + 1]));
351         }
352         first_step.maneuver.bearing_after = bearing;
353         first_step.intersections.front().bearings.front() = bearing;
354     }
356     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.size() >= 1);
357     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
358     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
359     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Depart);
361     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.size() == 1);
362     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
363     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
364     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Arrive);
366     // make sure we still have enough segments
367     if (steps.size() < 2 || geometry.locations.size() == 2)
368         return;
370     BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.locations.size() >= steps.size());
371     auto &next_to_last_step = *(steps.end() - 2);
372     // in the end, the situation with the roundabout cannot occur. As a result, we can remove
373     // all zero-length instructions
374     if (next_to_last_step.distance <= 1 && steps.size() > 2)
375     {
376         geometry.segment_offsets.pop_back();
377         // remove all the last coordinates from the geometry
378         geometry.locations.resize(geometry.segment_offsets.back() + 1);
379         geometry.annotations.resize(geometry.segment_offsets.back());
380         geometry.osm_node_ids.resize(geometry.segment_offsets.back() + 1);
382         BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.segment_distances.back() <= 1);
383         geometry.segment_distances.pop_back();
385         next_to_last_step.maneuver.waypoint_type = WaypointType::Arrive;
386         next_to_last_step.maneuver.instruction = TurnInstruction::NO_TURN();
387         next_to_last_step.maneuver.bearing_after = 0;
388         next_to_last_step.intersections.front().lanes = util::guidance::LaneTuple();
389         next_to_last_step.intersections.front().lane_description.clear();
390         next_to_last_step.geometry_end = next_to_last_step.geometry_begin + 1;
391         BOOST_ASSERT(next_to_last_step.intersections.size() == 1);
392         auto &last_intersection = next_to_last_step.intersections.back();
393         last_intersection.bearings = {last_intersection.bearings[last_intersection.in]};
394         last_intersection.entry = {true};
395         last_intersection.out = IntermediateIntersection::NO_INDEX;
396         last_intersection.in = 0;
397         steps.pop_back();
399         // Because we eliminated a really short segment, it was probably
400         // near an intersection.  The convention is *not* to make the
401         // turn, so the `arrive` instruction should be on the same road
402         // as the segment before it.  Thus, we have to copy the names
403         // and travel modes from the new next_to_last step.
404         auto &new_next_to_last = *(steps.end() - 2);
405         next_to_last_step.AdaptStepSignage(new_next_to_last);
406         next_to_last_step.mode = new_next_to_last.mode;
407         // the geometry indices of the last step are already correct;
408     }
409     else if (util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
410                  geometry.locations[geometry.locations.size() - 2],
411                  geometry.locations[geometry.locations.size() - 1]) <= 1)
412     {
413         // correct steps but duplicated coordinate in the end.
414         // This can happen if the last coordinate snaps to a node in the unpacked geometry
415         geometry.locations.pop_back();
416         geometry.annotations.pop_back();
417         geometry.osm_node_ids.pop_back();
418         geometry.segment_offsets.back()--;
419         // since the last geometry includes the location of arrival, the arrival instruction
420         // geometry overlaps with the previous segment
421         BOOST_ASSERT(next_to_last_step.geometry_end == steps.back().geometry_begin + 1);
422         BOOST_ASSERT(next_to_last_step.geometry_begin < next_to_last_step.geometry_end);
423         next_to_last_step.geometry_end--;
424         auto &last_step = steps.back();
425         last_step.geometry_begin--;
426         last_step.geometry_end--;
427         BOOST_ASSERT(next_to_last_step.geometry_end == last_step.geometry_begin + 1);
428         BOOST_ASSERT(last_step.geometry_begin == last_step.geometry_end - 1);
429         BOOST_ASSERT(next_to_last_step.geometry_end >= 2);
430         // we changed the geometry, we need to recalculate the bearing
431         auto bearing = std::round(util::coordinate_calculation::bearing(
432             geometry.locations[next_to_last_step.geometry_end - 2],
433             geometry.locations[last_step.geometry_begin]));
434         last_step.maneuver.bearing_before = bearing;
435         last_step.intersections.front().bearings.front() = util::bearing::reverse(bearing);
436     }
438     BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.segment_offsets.back() + 1 == geometry.locations.size());
439     BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.segment_offsets.back() + 1 == geometry.osm_node_ids.size());
440     BOOST_ASSERT(geometry.segment_offsets.back() == geometry.annotations.size());
442     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().geometry_end == geometry.locations.size());
444     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.size() >= 1);
445     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
446     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
447     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Depart);
449     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.size() == 1);
450     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
451     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
452     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Arrive);
453 }
455 // assign relative locations to depart/arrive instructions
assignRelativeLocations(std::vector<RouteStep> steps,const LegGeometry & leg_geometry,const PhantomNode & source_node,const PhantomNode & target_node)456 std::vector<RouteStep> assignRelativeLocations(std::vector<RouteStep> steps,
457                                                const LegGeometry &leg_geometry,
458                                                const PhantomNode &source_node,
459                                                const PhantomNode &target_node)
460 {
461     // We report the relative position of source/target to the road only within a range that is
462     // sufficiently different but not full of the path
463     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.size() >= 2);
464     BOOST_ASSERT(leg_geometry.locations.size() >= 2);
465     const constexpr double MINIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE = 5., MAXIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE = 300.;
466     const auto distance_to_start = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
467         source_node.input_location, leg_geometry.locations[0]);
468     const auto initial_modifier =
469         distance_to_start >= MINIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE &&
470                 distance_to_start <= MAXIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE
471             ? bearingToDirectionModifier(util::coordinate_calculation::computeAngle(
472                   source_node.input_location, leg_geometry.locations[0], leg_geometry.locations[1]))
473             : DirectionModifier::UTurn;
475     steps.front().maneuver.instruction.direction_modifier = initial_modifier;
477     const auto distance_from_end = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
478         target_node.input_location, leg_geometry.locations.back());
479     const auto final_modifier =
480         distance_from_end >= MINIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE &&
481                 distance_from_end <= MAXIMAL_RELATIVE_DISTANCE
482             ? bearingToDirectionModifier(util::coordinate_calculation::computeAngle(
483                   leg_geometry.locations[leg_geometry.locations.size() - 2],
484                   leg_geometry.locations[leg_geometry.locations.size() - 1],
485                   target_node.input_location))
486             : DirectionModifier::UTurn;
488     steps.back().maneuver.instruction.direction_modifier = final_modifier;
490     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.size() >= 1);
491     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
492     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
493     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.front().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Depart);
495     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.size() == 1);
496     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().bearings.size() == 1);
497     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().intersections.front().entry.size() == 1);
498     BOOST_ASSERT(steps.back().maneuver.waypoint_type == WaypointType::Arrive);
499     return steps;
500 }
resyncGeometry(LegGeometry leg_geometry,const std::vector<RouteStep> & steps)502 LegGeometry resyncGeometry(LegGeometry leg_geometry, const std::vector<RouteStep> &steps)
503 {
504     // The geometry uses an adjacency array-like structure for representation.
505     // To sync it back up with the steps, we cann add a segment for every step.
506     leg_geometry.segment_offsets.clear();
507     leg_geometry.segment_distances.clear();
508     leg_geometry.segment_offsets.push_back(0);
510     for (const auto &step : steps)
511     {
512         leg_geometry.segment_distances.push_back(step.distance);
513         // the leg geometry does not follow the begin/end-convetion. So we have to subtract one
514         // to get the back-index.
515         leg_geometry.segment_offsets.push_back(step.geometry_end - 1);
516     }
518     // remove the data from the reached-target step again
519     leg_geometry.segment_offsets.pop_back();
520     leg_geometry.segment_distances.pop_back();
522     return leg_geometry;
523 }
buildIntersections(std::vector<RouteStep> steps)525 std::vector<RouteStep> buildIntersections(std::vector<RouteStep> steps)
526 {
527     std::size_t last_valid_instruction = 0;
528     for (std::size_t step_index = 0; step_index < steps.size(); ++step_index)
529     {
530         auto &step = steps[step_index];
531         const auto instruction = step.maneuver.instruction;
532         if (instruction.type == TurnType::Suppressed)
533         {
534             BOOST_ASSERT(steps[last_valid_instruction].mode == step.mode);
535             // count intersections. We cannot use exit, since intersections can follow directly
536             // after a roundabout
537             steps[last_valid_instruction].ElongateBy(step);
538             steps[step_index].Invalidate();
539         }
540         else if (!isSilent(instruction))
541         {
543             // End of road is a turn that helps to identify the location of a turn. If the turn does
544             // not pass by any oter intersections, the end-of-road characteristic does not improve
545             // the instructions.
546             // Here we reduce the verbosity of our output by reducing end-of-road emissions in cases
547             // where no intersections have been passed in between.
548             // Since the instruction is located at the beginning of a step, we need to check the
549             // previous instruction.
550             if (instruction.type == TurnType::EndOfRoad)
551             {
552                 BOOST_ASSERT(step_index > 0);
553                 const auto &previous_step = steps[last_valid_instruction];
554                 if (previous_step.intersections.size() < MIN_END_OF_ROAD_INTERSECTIONS)
555                 {
556                     bool same_name =
557                         !(step.name.empty() && step.ref.empty()) &&
558                         !util::guidance::requiresNameAnnounced(previous_step.name,
559                                                                previous_step.ref,
560                                                                previous_step.pronunciation,
561                                                                previous_step.exits,
562                                                                step.name,
563                                                                step.ref,
564                                                                step.pronunciation,
565                                                                step.exits);
567                     step.maneuver.instruction.type =
568                         same_name ? TurnType::Continue : TurnType::Turn;
569                 }
570             }
572             // Remember the last non silent instruction
573             last_valid_instruction = step_index;
574         }
575     }
576     return removeNoTurnInstructions(std::move(steps));
577 }
applyOverrides(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade & facade,std::vector<RouteStep> & steps,const LegGeometry & leg_geometry)579 void applyOverrides(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade &facade,
580                     std::vector<RouteStep> &steps,
581                     const LegGeometry &leg_geometry)
582 {
583     // Find overrides that match, and apply them
584     // The +/-1 here are to remove the depart and arrive steps, which
585     // we don't allow updates to
586     for (auto current_step_it = steps.begin(); current_step_it != steps.end(); ++current_step_it)
587     {
588         util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Searching for " << current_step_it->from_id << std::endl;
589         const auto overrides = facade.GetOverridesThatStartAt(current_step_it->from_id);
590         if (overrides.empty())
591             continue;
592         util::Log(logDEBUG) << "~~~~ GOT A HIT, checking the rest ~~~" << std::endl;
593         for (const extractor::ManeuverOverride &maneuver_relation : overrides)
594         {
595             util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Override sequence is ";
596             for (auto &n : maneuver_relation.node_sequence)
597             {
598                 util::Log(logDEBUG) << n << " ";
599             }
600             util::Log(logDEBUG) << std::endl;
601             util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Override type is "
602                                 << osrm::guidance::internalInstructionTypeToString(
603                                        maneuver_relation.override_type)
604                                 << std::endl;
605             util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Override direction is "
606                                 << osrm::guidance::instructionModifierToString(
607                                        maneuver_relation.direction)
608                                 << std::endl;
610             util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Route sequence is ";
611             for (auto it = current_step_it; it != steps.end(); ++it)
612             {
613                 util::Log(logDEBUG) << it->from_id << " ";
614             }
615             util::Log(logDEBUG) << std::endl;
617             auto search_iter = maneuver_relation.node_sequence.begin();
618             auto route_iter = current_step_it;
619             while (search_iter != maneuver_relation.node_sequence.end())
620             {
621                 if (route_iter == steps.end())
622                     break;
624                 if (*search_iter == route_iter->from_id)
625                 {
626                     ++search_iter;
627                     ++route_iter;
628                     continue;
629                 }
630                 // Skip over duplicated EBNs in the step array
631                 // EBNs are sometime duplicated because guidance code inserts
632                 // "fake" steps that it later removes.  This hasn't happened yet
633                 // at this point, but we can safely just skip past the dupes.
634                 if ((route_iter - 1)->from_id == route_iter->from_id)
635                 {
636                     ++route_iter;
637                     continue;
638                 }
639                 // If we get here, the values got out of sync so it's not
640                 // a match.
641                 break;
642             }
644             // We got a match, update using the instruction_node
645             if (search_iter == maneuver_relation.node_sequence.end())
646             {
647                 util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Node sequence matched, looking for the step "
648                                     << "that has the via node" << std::endl;
649                 const auto via_node_coords =
650                     facade.GetCoordinateOfNode(maneuver_relation.instruction_node);
651                 // Find the step that has the instruction_node at the intersection point
652                 auto step_to_update = std::find_if(
653                     current_step_it,
654                     route_iter,
655                     [&leg_geometry, &via_node_coords](const auto &step) {
656                         util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Leg geom from " << step.geometry_begin << " to  "
657                                             << step.geometry_end << std::endl;
659                         // iterators over geometry of current step
660                         auto begin = leg_geometry.locations.begin() + step.geometry_begin;
661                         auto end = leg_geometry.locations.begin() + step.geometry_end;
662                         auto via_match = std::find_if(begin, end, [&](const auto &location) {
663                             return location == via_node_coords;
664                         });
665                         if (via_match != end)
666                         {
667                             util::Log(logDEBUG)
668                                 << "Found geometry match at "
669                                 << (std::distance(begin, end) - std::distance(via_match, end))
670                                 << std::endl;
671                         }
672                         util::Log(logDEBUG)
673                             << ((*(leg_geometry.locations.begin() + step.geometry_begin) ==
674                                  via_node_coords)
675                                     ? "true"
676                                     : "false")
677                             << std::endl;
678                         return *(leg_geometry.locations.begin() + step.geometry_begin) ==
679                                via_node_coords;
680                         // return via_match != end;
681                     });
682                 // We found a step that had the intersection_node coordinate
683                 // in its geometry
684                 if (step_to_update != route_iter)
685                 {
686                     // Don't update the last step (it's an arrive instruction)
687                     util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Updating step "
688                                         << std::distance(steps.begin(), steps.end()) -
689                                                std::distance(step_to_update, steps.end())
690                                         << std::endl;
691                     if (maneuver_relation.override_type != osrm::guidance::TurnType::MaxTurnType)
692                     {
693                         util::Log(logDEBUG) << "    instruction was "
694                                             << osrm::guidance::internalInstructionTypeToString(
695                                                    step_to_update->maneuver.instruction.type)
696                                             << " now "
697                                             << osrm::guidance::internalInstructionTypeToString(
698                                                    maneuver_relation.override_type)
699                                             << std::endl;
700                         step_to_update->maneuver.instruction.type = maneuver_relation.override_type;
701                     }
702                     if (maneuver_relation.direction !=
703                         osrm::guidance::DirectionModifier::MaxDirectionModifier)
704                     {
705                         util::Log(logDEBUG)
706                             << "    direction was "
707                             << osrm::guidance::instructionModifierToString(
708                                    step_to_update->maneuver.instruction.direction_modifier)
709                             << " now "
710                             << osrm::guidance::instructionModifierToString(
711                                    maneuver_relation.direction)
712                             << std::endl;
713                         step_to_update->maneuver.instruction.direction_modifier =
714                             maneuver_relation.direction;
715                     }
716                     // step_to_update->is_overridden = true;
717                 }
718             }
719         }
720         util::Log(logDEBUG) << "Done tweaking steps" << std::endl;
721     }
722 }
724 } // namespace guidance
725 } // namespace engine
726 } // namespace osrm