1 /* -*- mode: c; kept-new-versions: 40; kept-old-versions: 40 -*-
2  * Indentation (etc) style:  C-c . gnu */
4 /* file lmrob.c
5  * was	roblm/src/roblm.c - version 0.6	 by Matias Salibian-Barreras
7  * Includes the stable correct asymptotic variance estimators
8  * of Croux, Dhaene, Hoorelbeke
9  * Includes the fast-s algorithm
10  */
12 /* Robust MM regression estimates *
13  * ------------------------------ */
15 /* comment code *
16  *
17  * adapt other sampler <<<<<<<<<<  R's random number generator !!!!
19  * replace abort for too many singular resamples by
20  * returning the number of singular ones
21  */
23 /* MM:
24    -  Done:  fast_s[_large_n]() both had FIXED seed (= 37),
25 	     and effectively discarded the seed_rand argument below
26    -  Done:  drop 'register' : today's compilers do optimize well!
27    -  Done:  using Calloc() / Free() instead of malloc()/free()
28 */
30 /* kollerma:
31    Added alternative psi functions callable via psifun, chifun and
32    wgtfun. ipsi is used to distinguish between the different types.
33    The ipsi argument works for the S-estimator as well as for the
34    MM-estimator.
36    - Added implementation of M-S algorithm.
38    - Modified subsampling behaviour: avoiding singular resamples by using
39      customized LU decomposition.
41    - Replaced C style matrices with Fortran style matrices, with as little
42      copying as possible.
44    - Using LAPACK's DGELS instead of local lu() decomposition.
46    - Code clean up: removed all subroutines that were unused.
47 */
49 #ifndef  USE_FC_LEN_T
50 # define USE_FC_LEN_T
51 #endif
52 #include <Rconfig.h>
53 #include <R_ext/BLAS.h>
54 #include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
55 #ifndef FCONE
56 # define FCONE
57 #endif
59 #include <Rmath.h>
60 #include <R_ext/Applic.h>
63 #include "robustbase.h"
64 //-> <R.h>, <Rinternals.h>  -> XLENGTH, R_xlen_t
67 /* these  will also move to "lmrob.h" ---
68  *  but first make many of these 'static' <<< FIXME!
69  */
70 void fast_s_large_n(double *X, double *y,
71 		    int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale, double *res,
72 		    int *ggroups, int *nn_group,
73 		    int *K, int *max_k, double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, int *converged,
74 		    int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int *iipsi,
75 		    double *bbeta, double *sscale, int trace_lev, int mts, Rboolean ss);
77 void fast_s(double *X, double *y,
78 	    int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale, double *res,
79 	    int *K, int *max_k, double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, int *converged,
80 	    int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int *iipsi,
81 	    double *bbeta, double *sscale, int trace_lev, int mts, Rboolean ss);
83 Rboolean rwls(const double X[], const double y[], int n, int p,
84 	 double *estimate, double *i_estimate,
85 	 double *resid, double *loss,
86 	 double scale, double epsilon,
87 	 int *max_it, double *rho_c, const int ipsi, int trace_lev);
89 static void sample_noreplace(int *x, int n, int k, int *ind_space);
92 double norm2 (double *x, int n);
93 double norm (double *x, int n);
94 double norm1(double *x, int n);
95 double norm_diff2 (double *x, double *y, int n);
96 double norm_diff (double *x, double *y, int n);
97 double norm1_diff(double *x, double *y, int n);
99 /* moved to robustbase.h
100  *
101  * double normcnst(const double c[], int ipsi);
102  * double rho_inf (const double c[], int ipsi);
104  * double rho(double x, const double c[], int ipsi);
105  * double psi(double x, const double c[], int ipsi);
106  * double psip(double x, const double c[], int ipsi);// psi'
107  * double psi2(double x, const double c[], int ipsi);// psi''
108  * double wgt(double x, const double c[], int ipsi);
109  */
111 double rho_huber(double x, const double c[]);
112 double psi_huber(double x, const double c[]);
113 double psip_huber(double x, const double c[]);
114 double psi2_huber(double x, const double c[]);
115 double wgt_huber(double x, const double c[]);
117 double rho_biwgt(double x, const double c[]);
118 double psi_biwgt(double x, const double c[]);
119 double psip_biwgt(double x, const double c[]);
120 double psi2_biwgt(double x, const double c[]);
121 double wgt_biwgt(double x, const double c[]);
123 double rho_gwgt(double x, const double c[]);
124 double psi_gwgt(double x, const double c[]);
125 double psip_gwgt(double x, const double c[]);
126 double wgt_gwgt(double x, const double c[]);
128 double rho_opt(double x, const double c[]);
129 double psi_opt(double x, const double c[]);
130 double psip_opt(double x, const double c[]);
131 double wgt_opt(double x, const double c[]);
133 double rho_hmpl(double x, const double c[]);
134 double psi_hmpl(double x, const double c[]);
135 double psip_hmpl(double x, const double c[]);
136 double psi2_hmpl(double x, const double c[]);
137 double wgt_hmpl(double x, const double c[]);
139 double rho_ggw(double x, const double c[]);
140 void psi_ggw_vec(double *x, int n, void *k);
141 double psi_ggw(double x, const double c[]);
142 double psip_ggw(double x, const double c[]);
143 double wgt_ggw(double x, const double c[]);
145 double rho_lqq(double x, const double c[]);
146 double psi_lqq(double x, const double c[]);
147 double psip_lqq(double x, const double c[]);
148 double psi2_lqq(double x, const double c[]);
149 double wgt_lqq(double x, const double c[]);
151 double sum_rho_sc(const double r[], double scale, int n, int p,
152 		  const double c[], int ipsi);
153 void get_weights_rhop(const double r[], double s, int n, const double rrhoc[], int ipsi,
154 		      /* --> */ double *w);
155 int refine_fast_s(const double X[], double *wx, const double y[], double *wy,
156 		  double *weights, int n, int p, double *res,
157 		  double *work, int lwork,
158 		  double *beta_cand,
159 		  int kk, Rboolean *conv, int max_k, double rel_tol,
160 		  int trace_lev,
161 		  double b, double *rrhoc, int ipsi, double initial_scale,
162 		  double *beta_ref, double *scale);
164 void m_s_subsample(double *X1, double *y, int n, int p1, int p2,
165 		   int nResample, int max_it_scale,
166 		   double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, double *bb,
167 		   double *rrhoc, int ipsi, double *sscale, int trace_lev,
168 		   double *b1, double *b2, double *t1, double *t2,
169 		   double *y_tilde, double *res, double *x1, double *x2,
170 		   int *NIT, int *K, int *KODE, double *SIGMA, double *BET0,
171 		   double *SC1, double *SC2, double *SC3, double *SC4, int mts, Rboolean ss);
173 Rboolean m_s_descent(double *X1, double *X2, double *y,
174 		 int n, int p1, int p2, int K_m_s, int max_k, int max_it_scale,
175 		 double rel_tol, double scale_tol, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int ipsi,
176 		 double *sscale, int trace_lev,
177 		 double *b1, double *b2, double *t1, double *t2,
178 		 double *y_tilde, double *res, double *res2, double *x1, double *x2,
179 		 int *NIT, int *K, int *KODE, double *SIGMA,  double *BET0,
180 		 double *SC1, double *SC2, double *SC3, double *SC4);
182 int subsample(const double x[], const double y[], int n, int m,
183 	      double *beta, int *ind_space, int *idc, int *idr,
184 	      double *lu, double *v, int *p,
185 	      double *Dr, double *Dc, int rowequ, int colequ,
186 	      Rboolean sample, int mts, Rboolean ss, double tol_inv, Rboolean solve);
188 Rboolean fast_s_with_memory(double *X, double *y, double *res,
189 		       int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale, int *K, int *max_k,
190 		       double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, int trace_lev,
191 		       int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int *iipsi,
192 		       double **best_betas, double *best_scales, int mts, Rboolean ss);
194 /* for "tracing" only : */
195 void disp_mat(double **a, int n, int m);
196 void disp_vec(double *a, int n);
197 void disp_veci(int *a, int n);
199 double kthplace(double *, int, int);
201 int find_max(double *a, int n);
203 double find_scale(const double r[], double b, const double rrhoc[], int ipsi,
204 		  double initial_scale, int n, int p,
205 		  int* iter, // input: max_iter,  output: #{iterations used}
206 		  double scale_tol,
207 		  Rboolean trace);
209 double median_abs(double *, int, double *);
210 double MAD(double *a, int n, double center, double *tmp, double *tmp2);
212 void zero_mat(double **a, int n, int m);
215 #define INIT_WLS(_X_, _y_, _n_, _p_)                            \
216     /* Determine optimal block size for work array*/            \
217     F77_CALL(dgels)("N", &_n_, &_p_, &one, _X_, &_n_, _y_,      \
218 		    &_n_, &work0, &lwork, &info FCONE);         \
219     if (info) {                                                 \
220 	warning(_(" Problem determining optimal block size, using minimum")); \
221 	lwork = 2*_p_;                                          \
222     } else                                                      \
223 	lwork = (int)work0;                                     \
224                                                                 \
225     if (trace_lev >= 4)                                         \
226 	Rprintf(" Optimal block size for DGELS: %d\n", lwork); \
227                                                                 \
228     /* allocate */                                              \
229     work =    (double *) Calloc(lwork, double);                 \
230     weights = (double *) Calloc(n,     double);
232 #define CLEANUP_WLS                                             \
233     Free(work); Free(weights);
235 #define CLEANUP_EQUILIBRATION                                   \
236     Free(Dr); Free(Dc); Free(Xe);
238 #define CLEANUP_SUBSAMPLE                                       \
239     Free(ind_space); Free(idc); Free(idr); Free(pivot);         \
240     Free(lu); Free(v);                                          \
243 #define FIT_WLS(_X_, _x_, _y_, _n_, _p_)			\
244     /* add weights to _y_ and _x_ */                            \
245     for (j=0; j<_n_; j++) {                                     \
246 	wtmp = sqrt(weights[j]);				\
247 	_y_[j] *= wtmp;						\
248 	for (k=0; k<_p_; k++)					\
249 	    _x_[_n_*k+j] = _X_[_n_*k+j] * wtmp;			\
250     }                                                           \
251     /* solve weighted least squares problem */                  \
252     F77_CALL(dgels)("N", &_n_, &_p_, &one, _x_, &_n_, _y_,      \
253 		    &_n_, work, &lwork, &info FCONE);           \
254     if (info) {					                \
255 	if (info < 0) {                                         \
256 	    CLEANUP_WLS;					\
257 	    error(_("DGELS: illegal argument in %i. argument."), info); \
258 	} else {                                                \
259 	    if (trace_lev >= 4) {				\
260 		Rprintf(" Robustness weights in failing step: "); \
261 		disp_vec(weights, _n_);				\
262 	    }                                                   \
263 	    CLEANUP_WLS;					\
264 	    error(_("DGELS: weighted design matrix not of full rank (column %d).\nUse control parameter 'trace.lev = 4' to get diagnostic output."), info); \
265 	}                                                       \
266     }
268 #define SETUP_EQUILIBRATION(_n_, _p_, _X_, _large_n_)           \
269     /* equilibration of matrix _X_                          */  \
270     /* solve (Dr X Dc) b = Dr y with beta = Dc b instead of */  \
271     /*            X beta = y                                */  \
272     /* see Demmel (1997) APPLIED NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA   */  \
273     /*     Section 2.5.2 Equilibration                      */  \
274     double *Dr, *Dc, *Xe, rowcnd, colcnd, amax;			\
275     int rowequ = 0 , colequ = 0;                                \
276     Dr =        (double *) Calloc(_n_,     double);             \
277     Dc =        (double *) Calloc(_p_,     double);             \
278     Xe =        (double *) Calloc(_n_*_p_, double);             \
279     COPY(_X_, Xe, _n_*_p_);                                     \
280     F77_CALL(dgeequ)(&_n_, &_p_, Xe, &_n_, Dr, Dc, &rowcnd,	\
281     		     &colcnd, &amax, &info);                    \
282     if (info) {                                                 \
283 	if (info < 0) {                                         \
285 	    error(_("DGEEQ: illegal argument in %i. argument"), -1 * info); \
286 	} else if (info > _n_) {                                \
287 	    if (_large_n_) {                                    \
288 	        error(_("Fast S large n strategy failed. Use control parameter 'fast.s.large.n = Inf'.")); \
289 	    } else {						\
290                 error(_("DGEEQU: column %i of the design matrix is exactly zero."), info - _n_); \
291 	    }                                                   \
292 	} else {                                                \
293 	/* FIXME: replace dgeequ by our own version */          \
294 	/* that does not treat this as error */                 \
295 	    warning(_(" Skipping design matrix equilibration (DGEEQU): row %i is exactly zero."), info); \
296 	}                                                       \
297     } else {							\
298         /* scale _X_ */                                         \
299         char equed;         					\
300 	F77_CALL(dlaqge)(&_n_, &_p_, Xe, &_n_, Dr, Dc, &rowcnd,	\
301 			 &colcnd, &amax, &equed FCONE);		\
302         rowequ = equed == 'B' || equed == 'R';                  \
303 	colequ = equed == 'B' || equed == 'C';                  \
304     }
306 #define SETUP_SUBSAMPLE(_n_, _p_, _X_, _large_n_)		\
307     /* (Pointers to) Arrays - to be allocated */                \
308     int *ind_space, *idc, *idr, *pivot;				\
309     double *lu, *v;						\
310     ind_space = (int *)    Calloc(_n_,     int);                \
311     idc =       (int *)    Calloc(_n_,     int);                \
312     idr =       (int *)    Calloc(_p_,     int);                \
313     pivot =     (int *)    Calloc(_p_-1,   int);                \
314     lu =        (double *) Calloc(_p_*_p_, double);             \
315     v =         (double *) Calloc(_p_,     double);             \
316     SETUP_EQUILIBRATION(_n_, _p_, _X_, _large_n_);
318 #define COPY(from, to, len) Memcpy(to, from, len)
319 /* This assumes that 'p' is correctly defined, and 'j' can be used in caller: */
320 /* #define COPY(BETA_FROM, BETA_TO, _p_)			\ */
321 /*     for(j=0; j < _p_; j++) BETA_TO[j] = BETA_FROM[j]; */
322 /* In theory BLAS should be fast, but this seems slightly slower,
323  * particularly for non-optimized BLAS :*/
324 /* static int one = 1; */
325 /* #define COPY(BETA_FROM, BETA_TO, _p_) \ */
326 /*     F77_CALL(dcopy)(&_p_, BETA_FROM, &one, BETA_TO, &one);  */
328 #define EPS_SCALE 1e-10
329 #define INFI 1e+20
331 /* Called from R's  lmrob.S() in ../R/lmrob.MM.R,
332  * help() in ../man/lmrob.S.Rd, this function computes an S-regression estimator
333              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
334  */
R_lmrob_S(double * X,double * y,int * n,int * P,int * nRes,double * scale,double * beta_s,double * rrhoc,int * iipsi,double * bb,int * best_r,int * Groups,int * N_group,int * K_s,int * max_k,int * max_it_scale,double * rel_tol,double * inv_tol,double * scale_tol,int * converged,int * trace_lev,int * mts,int * ss,int * cutoff)335 void R_lmrob_S(double *X, double *y, int *n, int *P,
336 	       int *nRes, // = nResample ( = 500, by default)
337 	       double *scale, double *beta_s,
338 	       double *rrhoc, int *iipsi, double *bb,
339 	       int *best_r, int *Groups, int *N_group,
340 	       int *K_s, int *max_k, int *max_it_scale,
341 	       double *rel_tol, double *inv_tol,
342 	       double *scale_tol, // <- new, was hardwired to EPS_SCALE := 1e-10
343 	       int *converged, int *trace_lev, int *mts, int *ss, int *cutoff)
344 {
345     /* best_r = 't' of Salibian-Barrera_Yohai(2006),
346      *	      = no. of best candidates to be iterated further ("refined")
347      *        =  2, by default
348      */
349     if (*nRes > 0) {
350 	double *res = (double *) R_alloc(*n, sizeof(double)); // residuals
351 	if (*n > *cutoff) {
352 	    if(*trace_lev > 0)
353 		Rprintf("lmrob_S(n = %d, nRes = %d): fast_s_large_n():\n", *n, *nRes);
354 	    fast_s_large_n(X, y, n, P, nRes, max_it_scale, res,
355 			   Groups, N_group,
356 			   K_s, max_k, *rel_tol, *inv_tol, *scale_tol, converged,
357 			   best_r, bb, rrhoc, iipsi, beta_s, scale, *trace_lev, *mts, (Rboolean)*ss);
358 	} else {
359 	    if(*trace_lev > 0)
360 		Rprintf("lmrob_S(n = %d, nRes = %d): fast_s() [non-large n]:\n", *n, *nRes);
361 	    fast_s(X, y, n, P, nRes, max_it_scale, res,
362 		   K_s, max_k, *rel_tol, *inv_tol, *scale_tol, converged,
363 		   best_r, bb, rrhoc, iipsi, beta_s, scale, *trace_lev, *mts, *ss);
364 	}
365 	COPY(res, y, *n); // return the 'residuals' in 'y'
366     } else { // nRes[] <= 0   <==>   'only.scale = TRUE'
367 	if(*trace_lev > 0)
368 	    Rprintf("lmrob_S(nRes = 0, n = %d): --> find_scale(*, scale=%g) only:",
369 		    *n, *scale);
370 	*scale = find_scale(y, *bb, rrhoc, *iipsi, *scale, *n, *P,
371 			    max_it_scale, *scale_tol, *trace_lev >= 3);
372 	if(*trace_lev > 0) Rprintf(" used %d iterations\n", *max_it_scale);
373     }
374 }
376 /* Called from R, this function computes an M-S-regression estimator */
377 // not only called from ../R/lmrob.M.S.R,  but also ../inst/xtraR/m-s_fns.R
378 //			~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~	    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
R_lmrob_M_S(double * X1,double * X2,double * y,double * res,int * nn,int * pp1,int * pp2,int * nRes,int * max_it_scale,double * scale,double * b1,double * b2,double * rho_c,int * ipsi,double * bb,int * K_m_s,int * max_k,double * rel_tol,double * inv_tol,double * scale_tol,int * converged,int * trace_lev,int * orthogonalize,int * subsample,int * descent,int * mts,int * ss)379 void R_lmrob_M_S(double *X1, double *X2, double *y, double *res,
380 		 int *nn, int *pp1, int *pp2, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale,
381 		 double *scale, double *b1, double *b2,
382 		 double *rho_c, int *ipsi, double *bb,
383 		 int *K_m_s, int *max_k,
384 		 double *rel_tol, double *inv_tol, double *scale_tol,
385 		 int *converged,
386 		 int *trace_lev,
387 		 int *orthogonalize, int *subsample, int *descent,
388 		 int *mts, int *ss)
389 {
390     /* Initialize (some of the) memory here,
391      * so that we have to do it only once */
392     int i, n = *nn, p1 = *pp1, p2 = *pp2, one = 1;
394     /* (Pointers to) Arrays - to be allocated */
395     double *t1, *t2, *y_tilde, *y_work, done = 1., dmone = -1.;
396     double *x1, *x2, *ot1, *oT2, *ptr;
398     if(*trace_lev > 0) Rprintf(
399 	"lmrob_M_S(n = %d, nRes = %d, (p1,p2)=(%d,%d), (orth,subs,desc)=(%d,%d,%d))\n",
400 	n, *nRes, p1, p2,
401 	*orthogonalize, *subsample, *descent);
403     t1 =      (double *) R_alloc(n,  sizeof(double)); /* size n needed for rllarsbi */
404     t2 =      (double *) R_alloc(p2, sizeof(double));
405     ot1 =     (double *) R_alloc(p1, sizeof(double));
406     oT2 =     (double *) R_alloc(p2*p1, sizeof(double));
407     y_work =  (double *) R_alloc(n,  sizeof(double));
408     COPY(y, y_work, n);
409     y_tilde = (double *) R_alloc(n,  sizeof(double));
410     x1 =      (double *) R_alloc(n*p1, sizeof(double));
411     x2 =      (double *) R_alloc(n*p2, sizeof(double));
412     COPY(X2, x2, n*p2);
414     /* Variables required for rllarsbi
415      *  (l1 / least absolut residuals - estimate) */
416     int NIT=0, K=0, KODE=0;
417     double SIGMA = 0.,
418 	*SC1 = (double *) R_alloc(n,  sizeof(double)),
419 	*SC2 = (double *) R_alloc(p1, sizeof(double)),
420 	*SC3 = (double *) R_alloc(p1, sizeof(double)),
421 	*SC4 = (double *) R_alloc(p1, sizeof(double));
422     double BET0 = 0.773372647623; /* = pnorm(0.75) */
424     /* STEP 1: Orthgonalize X2 and y from X1 */
425     if (*orthogonalize) {
426 	COPY(X1, x1, n*p1);
427 	F77_CALL(rllarsbi)(x1, y_work, &n, &p1, &n, &n, rel_tol,
428 			   &NIT, &K, &KODE, &SIGMA, t1, y_tilde, SC1, SC2,
429 			   SC3, SC4, &BET0);
430 	COPY(t1, ot1, p1);
431 	for (i=0; i < p2; i++) {
432 	    COPY(X1, x1, n*p1);
433 	    ptr = X2+i*n; COPY(ptr, y_work, n);
434 	    F77_CALL(rllarsbi)(x1, y_work, &n, &p1, &n, &n, rel_tol,
435 			       &NIT, &K, &KODE, &SIGMA, t1, x2+i*n, SC1, SC2,
436 			       SC3, SC4, &BET0);
437 	    ptr = oT2+i*p1; COPY(t1, ptr, p1);
438 	}
439 	COPY(y_tilde, y_work, n);
440 	/* compare with Maronna & Yohai 2000:
441 	 * y_work and y_tilde now contain \tilde y, ot1 -> t_1,
442 	 * x2 -> \tilde x2, oT2 -> T_2 */
443     }
445     /* STEP 2: Subsample */
446     if (*subsample) {
447 	m_s_subsample(X1, y_work, n, p1, p2, *nRes, *max_it_scale,
448 		      *rel_tol, *inv_tol, *scale_tol, bb,
449 		      rho_c, *ipsi, scale, *trace_lev,
450 		      b1, b2, t1, t2, y_tilde, res, x1, x2,
451 		      &NIT, &K, &KODE, &SIGMA, &BET0,
452 		      SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, *mts, *ss);
454 	if (*scale < 0)
455 	    error(_("m_s_subsample() stopped prematurely (scale < 0)."));
456     }
458     /* STEP 3: Transform back */
459     if (*orthogonalize) {
460 	/* t1 = ot1 + b1 - oT2 %*% b2 */
461 	for(int i=0; i < p1; i++) t1[i] = ot1[i] + b1[i];
462 	F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &p1, &p2, &dmone, oT2, &p1, b2, &one, &done, t1, &one FCONE);
463 	COPY(t1, b1, p1);
464 	/* restore x2 */
465 	COPY(X2, x2, n*p2);
466     }
468     /* update / calculate residuals */
469     COPY(y, res, n);
470     F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p1, &dmone, X1, &n, b1, &one, &done, res, &one FCONE);
471     F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p2, &dmone, X2, &n, b2, &one, &done, res, &one FCONE);
473     /* STEP 4: Descent procedure */
474     if (*descent) {
475 	*converged = m_s_descent(
476 	    X1, X2, y, n, p1, p2, *K_m_s, *max_k, *max_it_scale,
477 	    *rel_tol, *scale_tol, bb, rho_c, *ipsi, scale, *trace_lev,
478 	    b1, b2, t1, t2, y_tilde, res, y_work, x1, x2,
479 	    &NIT, &K, &KODE, &SIGMA, &BET0, SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4);
480     }
481 }
483 /* This function performs RWLS iterations starting from
484  * an S-regression estimator (and associated residual scale).
485  * So, in itself, this is ``just'' an M-estimator -- called from R's
486  * lmrob..M..fit()  [ ../R/lmrob.MM.R ]
487  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
488  * NOTE: rel_tol now controls the *relative* changes in beta,
489  *      instead of being hard-wired to EPS = 1e-7 and bounding the
490  *	absolute || beta_1 - beta_2 ||
491  */
R_lmrob_MM(double * X,double * y,int * n,int * P,double * beta_initial,double * scale,double * beta_m,double * resid,int * max_it,double * rho_c,int * ipsi,double * loss,double * rel_tol,int * converged,int * trace_lev,int * mts,int * ss)492 void R_lmrob_MM(double *X, double *y, int *n, int *P,
493 		double *beta_initial, double *scale,
494 		double *beta_m, double *resid,
495 		int *max_it, double *rho_c, int *ipsi, double *loss,
496 		double *rel_tol, int *converged, int *trace_lev, int *mts, int *ss)
497 {
498     /* starting from the S-estimate (beta_initial), use
499      * irwls to compute the MM-estimate (beta_m)  */
501     if(*trace_lev > 0)
502 	Rprintf("lmrob_MM(): rwls():\n");
504     *converged = (int)rwls(X,y,*n,*P,beta_m, beta_initial, resid, loss,
505 		      *scale, *rel_tol,
506 		      max_it, rho_c, *ipsi, *trace_lev);
507     if (!converged)
508 	COPY(beta_initial, beta_m, *P);
509 }
512 /* Call subsample() from R, for testing purposes only */
R_subsample(const double x[],const double y[],int * n,int * m,double * beta,int * ind_space,int * idc,int * idr,double * lu,double * v,int * p,double * _Dr,double * _Dc,int * _rowequ,int * _colequ,int * status,int * sample,int * mts,int * ss,double * tol_inv,int * solve)513 void R_subsample(const double x[], const double y[], int *n, int *m,
514 		 double *beta, int *ind_space, int *idc, int *idr,
515 		 double *lu, double *v, int *p,
516 		 double *_Dr, double *_Dc, int *_rowequ, int *_colequ,
517 		 int *status, int *sample, int *mts, int *ss, double *tol_inv,
518 		 int *solve)
519 {
520     int info;
522     /*	set the seed */
523     GetRNGstate();
525     SETUP_EQUILIBRATION(*n, *m, x, 0);
527     *status = subsample(Xe, y, *n, *m, beta, ind_space, idc, idr, lu, v, p,
528 			Dr, Dc, rowequ, colequ, (Rboolean)*sample, *mts, (Rboolean)*ss,
529 			*tol_inv, (Rboolean)*solve);
531     COPY(Dr, _Dr, *n);
532     COPY(Dc, _Dc, *m);
533     *_rowequ = rowequ;
534     *_colequ = colequ;
538     PutRNGstate();
539 }
541 //---- Psi(), Rho(), Functions-----------------------------------------------------------
R_psifun(SEXP x_,SEXP c_,SEXP ipsi_,SEXP deriv_)543 SEXP R_psifun(SEXP x_, SEXP c_, SEXP ipsi_, SEXP deriv_) {
544     /*
545      * Calculate psi for vectorized x, scaled to get  psi'(0) = 1
546      * deriv -1: rho(x)  {*not* normalized}
547      * deriv  0: psi(x)  = rho'(x)
548      * deriv  1: psi'(x) = rho''(x)   {we always have psip(0) == 1}
549      * deriv  2: psi''(x)= rho'''(x)
550      */
551     int nprot = 1, ipsi = asInteger(ipsi_), deriv = asInteger(deriv_);
552     if (isInteger(x_)) {
553 	x_ = PROTECT(coerceVector(x_, REALSXP)); nprot++;
554     }
555     if (!isReal(x_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "x");
556     if (!isReal(c_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "cc");
557     R_xlen_t i, n = XLENGTH(x_);
558     SEXP res = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n)); // the result
559     double *x = REAL(x_), *r = REAL(res), *cc = REAL(c_);
561 // put the for() loop *inside* the switch (--> speed for llength >> 1) :
562 #define for_i_n_NA  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = ISNAN(x[i]) ? x[i] :
564     switch(deriv) { // our rho() is rho~(), i.e., scaled to max = 1
565     case -1:
566 	if(is_redescender(ipsi)) {
567 	    double rho_Inf = rho_inf(cc, ipsi);
568 	    for_i_n_NA rho(x[i], cc, ipsi) * rho_Inf;
569 	} else { // huber, ..
570 	    for_i_n_NA rho(x[i], cc, ipsi);
571 	}
572 	break;
574     case  0: for_i_n_NA psi (x[i], cc, ipsi); break;
575     case  1: for_i_n_NA psip(x[i], cc, ipsi); break;
576     case  2: for_i_n_NA psi2(x[i], cc, ipsi); break;
577     default: error(_("'deriv'=%d is invalid"), deriv);
578     }
579     UNPROTECT(nprot);
580     return res;
581 }
R_chifun(SEXP x_,SEXP c_,SEXP ipsi_,SEXP deriv_)583 SEXP R_chifun(SEXP x_, SEXP c_, SEXP ipsi_, SEXP deriv_) {
584     /*
585      * Calculate chi for vectorized x, i.e. rho~(.) with rho~(inf) = 1:
586      * deriv 0: chi (x)  = \rho(x) / \rho(Inf) =: \rho(x) * nc  == our rho() C-function
587      * deriv 1: chi'(x)  = psi(x)  * nc
588      * deriv 2: chi''(x) = psi'(x) * nc
589      */
590     int nprot = 1, ipsi = asInteger(ipsi_), deriv = asInteger(deriv_);
591     if (isInteger(x_)) {
592 	x_ = PROTECT(coerceVector(x_, REALSXP)); nprot++;
593     }
594     if (!isReal(x_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "x");
595     if (!isReal(c_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "cc");
596     R_xlen_t i, n = XLENGTH(x_);
597     SEXP res = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n)); // the result
598     double *x = REAL(x_), *r = REAL(res), *cc = REAL(c_);
600     // our rho() is rho~() == chi(), i.e., scaled to max = 1
601     double rI = (deriv > 0) ? rho_inf(cc, ipsi) : 0./* -Wall */;
603     switch(deriv) {
604     case 0: for_i_n_NA rho(x[i], cc, ipsi); break;
605     case 1: for_i_n_NA psi (x[i], cc, ipsi) / rI; break;
606     case 2: for_i_n_NA psip(x[i], cc, ipsi) / rI; break;
607     case 3: for_i_n_NA psi2(x[i], cc, ipsi) / rI; break;
608     default: error(_("'deriv'=%d is invalid"), deriv);
609     }
610     UNPROTECT(nprot);
611     return res;
612 }
R_wgtfun(SEXP x_,SEXP c_,SEXP ipsi_)614 SEXP R_wgtfun(SEXP x_, SEXP c_, SEXP ipsi_) {
615     /*
616      * Calculate wgt(x) = psi(x)/x for vectorized x
617      */
618     int nprot = 1, ipsi = asInteger(ipsi_);
619     if (isInteger(x_)) {
620 	x_ = PROTECT(coerceVector(x_, REALSXP)); nprot++;
621     }
622     if (!isReal(x_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "x");
623     if (!isReal(c_)) error(_("Argument '%s' must be numeric or integer"), "cc");
624     R_xlen_t i, n = XLENGTH(x_);
625     SEXP res = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n)); // the result
626     double *x = REAL(x_), *r = REAL(res), *cc = REAL(c_);
628     for_i_n_NA wgt(x[i], cc, ipsi);
630     UNPROTECT(nprot);
631     return res;
632 }
634 #undef for_i_n_NA
R_rho_inf(SEXP cc,SEXP ipsi)636 SEXP R_rho_inf(SEXP cc, SEXP ipsi) {
637     if (!isReal(cc)) error(_("Argument 'cc' must be numeric"));
638     if (!isInteger(ipsi)) error(_("Argument 'ipsi' must be integer"));
639     return ScalarReal(rho_inf(REAL(cc), INTEGER(ipsi)[0]));
640 }
rho_inf(const double k[],int ipsi)642 double rho_inf(const double k[], int ipsi) {
643     /*
644      * Compute  \rho(\infty) for psi functions
645      * (Note that our C function rho() is "rho~" and has rho(Inf) = 1)
646      */
647     double c = k[0];
649     switch(ipsi) {
650     default: error(_("rho_inf(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
651     case 0: return(R_PosInf); // huber
652     case 1: return(c*c/6.); // biweight
653     case 2: return(c*c); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
654     case 3: return(3.25*c*c); // Optimal
655     case 4: return(0.5*k[0]*(k[1]+k[2]-k[0])); // Hampel
656     case 5: // GGW (Generalized Gauss Weight)
657 	switch((int)c) {
658 	default:
659 	case 0: return(k[4]); break; // k[4] == cc[5] in R -- must be correct!
660 	case 1: return(5.309853); break;
661 	case 2: return(2.804693); break;
662 	case 3: return(0.3748076); break;
663 	case 4: return(4.779906); break;
664 	case 5: return(2.446574); break;
665 	case 6: return(0.4007054); break;
666 	};
667     case 6: // LQQ aka 'lin psip'
668 	return (k[2]*k[1]*(3*k[1]+2*k[0]) + (k[0]+k[1])*(k[0]+k[1])) / (6.*(k[2]-1.));
669     }
670 } // rho_inf()
normcnst(const double k[],int ipsi)672 double normcnst(const double k[], int ipsi) {
673     /*
674      * return normalizing constant for psi functions :=  1 / \rho(\infty)
675      */
677     double c = k[0];
679     switch(ipsi) {
680     default: error(_("normcnst(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
681     case 0: return(0.); // huber {normcnst() should never be used for that!}
682     case 1: return(6./(c*c)); // biweight
683     case 2: return(1./(c*c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
684     case 3: return(1./3.25/(c*c)); // Optimal
685     case 4: return(2./(k[0]*(k[1]+k[2]-k[0]))); // Hampel
686     case 5: // GGW
687 	switch((int)c) {
688 	default:
689 	case 0: return(1./ k[4]); break; // k[4] == cc[5] in R -- must be correct!
690 	case 1: return(1./5.309853); break;
691 	case 2: return(1./2.804693); break;
692 	case 3: return(1./0.3748076); break;
693 	case 4: return(1./4.779906); break;
694 	case 5: return(1./2.446574); break;
695 	case 6: return(1./0.4007054); break;
696 	};
697     case 6: // LQQ aka 'lin psip'
698 	return((6*(k[2]-1))/(k[2]*k[1]*(3*k[1]+2*k[0])+(k[0]+k[1])*(k[0]+k[1])));
699     }
700 } // normcnst()
rho(double x,const double c[],int ipsi)703 double rho(double x, const double c[], int ipsi)
704 {
705     /*
706      * return the correct rho according to ipsi
707      * This rho() is normalized to 1, called rho~() or chi() in other contexts
708      */
709     switch(ipsi) {
710     default: error(_("rho(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
711     case 0: return(rho_huber(x, c)); // huber
712     case 1: return(rho_biwgt(x, c)); // biweight
713     case 2: return(rho_gwgt(x, c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
714     case 3: return(rho_opt(x, c)); // Optimal
715     case 4: return(rho_hmpl(x, c)); // Hampel
716     case 5: return(rho_ggw(x, c)); // GGW (Generalized Gauss Weight)
717     case 6: return(rho_lqq(x, c)); // LQQ := Linear-Quadratic-Quadratic
718 	// was LGW := "lin psip" := piecewise linear psi'()
719     }
720 }
psi(double x,const double c[],int ipsi)722 double psi(double x, const double c[], int ipsi)
723 {
724     /*
725      * return the correct psi according to ipsi
726      * this is actually rho' and not psi
727      */
728     switch(ipsi) {
729     default: error(_("psi(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
730     case 0: return(psi_huber(x, c)); // huber
731     case 1: return(psi_biwgt(x, c)); // biweight
732     case 2: return(psi_gwgt(x, c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
733     case 3: return(psi_opt(x, c)); // Optimal
734     case 4: return(psi_hmpl(x, c)); // Hampel
735     case 5: return(psi_ggw(x, c)); // GGW
736     case 6: return(psi_lqq(x, c)); // LQQ (piecewise linear psi')
737     }
738 }
psip(double x,const double c[],int ipsi)740 double psip(double x, const double c[], int ipsi)
741 {
742     /*
743      * return the correct ppsi according to ipsi
744      * this is actually rho'' and not psip
745      */
746     switch(ipsi) {
747     default: error(_("psip(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
748     case 0: return(psip_huber(x, c)); // huber
749     case 1: return(psip_biwgt(x, c)); // biweight
750     case 2: return(psip_gwgt(x, c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
751     case 3: return(psip_opt(x, c)); // Optimal
752     case 4: return(psip_hmpl(x, c)); // Hampel
753     case 5: return(psip_ggw(x, c)); // GGW
754     case 6: return(psip_lqq(x, c)); // LQQ (piecewise linear psi')
755     }
756 }
psi2(double x,const double c[],int ipsi)758 double psi2(double x, const double c[], int ipsi)
759 {
760     /* Compute   psi''(x) == rho'''(x)
761      */
762     switch(ipsi) {
763     // default: error(_("psi2: ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
764     case 0: return(psi2_huber(x, c)); // huber
765     case 1: return(psi2_biwgt(x, c)); // biweight
766     case 4: return(psi2_hmpl(x, c)); // Hampel
767     case 6: return(psi2_lqq(x, c)); // LQQ (piecewise linear psi')
769     default: error(_("psi2(): ipsi=%d not implemented."), ipsi);
770 /*
771     case 2: return(psi2_gwgt(x, c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
772     case 3: return(psi2_opt(x, c)); // Optimal
773     case 5: return(psi2_ggw(x, c)); // GGW
774 */
775     }
776 }
wgt(double x,const double c[],int ipsi)778 double wgt(double x, const double c[], int ipsi)
779 {
780     /*
781      * return the correct wgt according to ipsi
782      * wgt: rho'(x) / x
783      */
784     switch(ipsi) {
785     default:
786     case 0: return(wgt_huber(x, c)); // huber
787     case 1: return(wgt_biwgt(x, c)); // biweight
788     case 2: return(wgt_gwgt(x, c)); // GaussWeight / "Welsh"
789     case 3: return(wgt_opt(x, c)); // Optimal
790     case 4: return(wgt_hmpl(x, c)); // Hampel
791     case 5: return(wgt_ggw(x, c)); // GGW
792     case 6: return(wgt_lqq(x, c)); // LQQ (piecewise linear psi')
793     }
794 }
796 //---  Huber's rho / psi / ...
797 //---  -------
799 /* Huber's rho():  contrary to all the redescenders below,
800    this can NOT be scaled to rho(Inf)=1 : */
rho_huber(double x,const double c[])801 double rho_huber(double x, const double c[])
802 {
803     return (fabs(x) <= c[0]) ? x*x*0.5 : c[0]*(fabs(x) - c[0]/2);
804 }
psi_huber(double x,const double c[])806 double psi_huber(double x, const double c[])
807 {
808 // Huber's psi = rho'()
809     return (x <= -c[0]) ? -c[0] : ((x < c[0]) ? x : c[0]);
810 }
psip_huber(double x,const double c[])812 double psip_huber(double x, const double c[])
813 {
814 // psi' = rho'' : Second derivative of Huber's loss function
815     return (fabs(x) >= c[0]) ? 0. : 1.;
816 }
psi2_huber(double x,const double c[])818 double psi2_huber(double x, const double c[])
819 {
820 // psi'' = rho''' : Third derivative of Huber's loss function
821     return 0;
822 // FIXME? return NaN when  |x| == c ?? -- then also for psi2_hmpl()
823 }
wgt_huber(double x,const double c[])825 double wgt_huber(double x, const double c[])
826 {
827 /*
828  * Weights for Huber's loss function w(x) = psi(x)/x
829  */
830     return (fabs(x) >= c[0]) ? c[0]/fabs(x) : 1.;
831 }
833 //--- Biweight = Bisquare = Tukey's Biweight ...
834 //--- --------------------------------------
rho_biwgt(double x,const double c[])836 double rho_biwgt(double x, const double c[])
837 {
838 /*
839  * Tukey's bisquare loss function  == R's  tukeyChi()
840  */
841     if (fabs(x) > (*c))
842 	return(1.);
843     else {
844 	double t = x / (*c);
845 	t *= t; /* = t^2 */
846 	return( t*(3. + t*(-3. + t)) );
847     }
848 }
psi_biwgt(double x,const double c[])850 double psi_biwgt(double x, const double c[])
851 {
852 /*
853  * First derivative of Tukey's bisquare loss function
854  */
855     if (fabs(x) > (*c))
856 	return(0.);
857     else {
858 	double a = x / (*c),
859 	    u = 1. - a*a;
860 	return( x * u * u );
861     }
862 }
psip_biwgt(double x,const double c[])864 double psip_biwgt(double x, const double c[])
865 {
866 /*
867  * Second derivative of Tukey's bisquare loss function
868  */
869     if (fabs(x) > (*c))
870 	return(0.);
871     else {
872 	x /= *c;
873 	double x2 = x*x;
874 	return( (1. - x2) * (1 - 5 * x2));
875     }
876 }
psi2_biwgt(double x,const double c[])878 double psi2_biwgt(double x, const double c[])
879 {
880 /** 3rd derivative of Tukey's bisquare loss function rho()
881  *= 2nd derivative of psi() :
882  */
883     if (fabs(x) >= c[0]) // psi''()  *is* discontinuous at x = c[0]: use "middle" value there:
884 	return (fabs(x) == c[0]) ? 4*x/c[0] : 0.;
885     else {
886 	x /= c[0];
887 	double x2 = x*x;
888 	return 4*x/c[0] * (5 * x2 - 3.);
889     }
890 }
wgt_biwgt(double x,const double c[])892 double wgt_biwgt(double x, const double c[])
893 {
894 /*
895  * Weights for Tukey's bisquare loss function
896  */
897     if( fabs(x) > *c )
898 	return(0.);
899     else {
900 	double a = x / (*c);
901 	a = (1. - a)*(1. + a);
902 	return( a * a );
903     }
904 }
906 //---------- gwgt == Gauss Weight Loss function =: "Welsh" --------------------
rho_gwgt(double x,const double c[])908 double rho_gwgt(double x, const double c[])
909 {
910     /*
911      * Gauss Weight Loss function
912      */
913     double ac = x / (*c);
914     return(-expm1(-(ac*ac)/2));
915 }
917 // Largest x  such that  exp(-x) does not underflow :
918 static double MIN_Exp = -708.4; // ~ = M_LN2 * DBL_MIN_EXP = -log(2) * 1022 = -708.3964 */
920 // Largest x  such that  exp(-x^2/2) does not underflow :
921 static double MAX_Ex2 = 37.7; // ~ = sqrt(- 2. * M_LN2 * DBL_MIN_EXP);
922 /* max {x | exp(-x^2/2) < .Machine$double.xmin } =
923  * min {x |  x^2 > -2*log(2)* .Machine$double.min.exp } =
924  *  = sqrt(-2*log(2)* .Machine$double.min.exp) = {IEEE double}
925  *  = sqrt(log(2) * 2044) = 37.64031 */
psi_gwgt(double x,const double c[])927 double psi_gwgt(double x, const double c[])
928 {
929     /*
930      * Gauss Weight Psi()
931      */
932     double a = x / (*c);
933     if(fabs(a) > MAX_Ex2)
934 	return 0.;
935     else
936 	return x*exp(-(a*a)/2);
937 }
psip_gwgt(double x,const double c[])939 double psip_gwgt(double x, const double c[])
940 {
941     /*
942      * Gauss Weight Psi'()
943      */
944     x /= (*c);
945     if(fabs(x) > MAX_Ex2)
946 	return 0.;
947     else {
948 	double ac = x*x;
949 	return exp(-ac/2) * (1. - ac);
950     }
951 }
wgt_gwgt(double x,const double c[])953 double wgt_gwgt(double x, const double c[])
954 {
955     /*
956      * Gauss Weight Loss function
957      */
958     double a = x / (*c);
959     return(exp(-(a*a)/2));
960 }
rho_opt(double x,const double c[])962 double rho_opt(double x, const double c[])
963 {
964     /*
965      * Optimal psi Function, thank you robust package
966      */
967     double ac = x / (*c), // AX=S/XK
968 	ax = fabs(ac); // AX=ABST/XK
969     if (ax > 3) // IF (AX .GT. 3.D0) THEN
970 	return(1); // rlRHOm2=3.25D0*XK*XK
971     else if (ax > 2.) {
972 	const double R1 = -1.944/2., R2 = 1.728/4., R3 = -0.312/6., R4 = 0.016/8.;
973 	ax *= ax; // = |x/c| ^ 2
974 	return (ax*(R1+ ax*(R2+ ax*(R3+ ax*R4))) +1.792)/3.25;
975 	// rlRHOm2=XK*XK*(R1*AX**2+R2*AX**4+R3*AX**6+R4*AX**8+1.792D0)
976     }
977     else
978 	return(ac*ac/6.5); // rlRHOm2=S2/2.D0
979 }
psi_opt(double x,const double c[])981 double psi_opt(double x, const double c[])
982 {
983     /*
984      * Optimal psi Function, thank you robust package
985      */
986     double R1 = -1.944, R2 = 1.728, R3 = -0.312, R4 = 0.016;
987     double ax, ac;
988     ac = x / (*c); // AX=S/XK
989     ax = fabs(ac); // AX=ABST/XK
990     if (ax > 3.) //    IF (AX .GT. 3.D0) THEN
991 	return(0); // rlPSIm2=0.D0
992     else if (ax > 2.) { //  ELSE IF(AX .GT. 2.D0) THEN
993 	double a2 = ac*ac;
994 	if (ac > 0.) //     IF (AX .GT. 0.D0) THEN
995 	    return fmax2(0., (*c)*((((R4*a2 +R3)*a2 +R2)*a2 +R1)*ac));
996 	// rlPSIm2=DMAX1(0.D0,XK*(R4*AX**7+R3*AX**5+R2*AX**3+R1*AX))
997 	else
998 	    return -fabs((*c)*((((R4*a2 +R3)*a2 +R2)*a2 +R1)*ac));
999 	//  rlPSIm2=-DABS(XK*(R4*AX**7+R3*AX**5+R2*AX**3+R1*AX))
1000     }
1001     else
1002 	return x;
1003 }
psip_opt(double x,const double c[])1005 double psip_opt(double x, const double c[])
1006 {
1007     /*
1008      * psi'() for Optimal psi Function, thank you robust package
1009      */
1010     double ac = x / (*c),
1011 	ax = fabs(ac);
1012     if (ax > 3.)
1013 	return 0;
1014     else if (ax > 2.) {
1015 	const double R1 = -1.944, R2 = 1.728, R3 = -0.312, R4 = 0.016;
1016 	ax *= ax; // = |x/c| ^ 2
1017 	return R1 + ax*(3*R2 + ax*(5*R3 + ax * 7*R4));
1018     } else
1019 	return 1;
1020 }
wgt_opt(double x,const double c[])1022 double wgt_opt(double x, const double c[])
1023 {
1024     /*
1025      * w(.) for optimal psi Function, thank you robust package
1026      */
1027     double ac = x / (*c),
1028 	ax = fabs(ac);
1029     if (ax > 3.)
1030 	return 0.;
1031     else if (ax > 2.) {
1032 	const double R1 = -1.944, R2 = 1.728, R3 = -0.312, R4 = 0.016;
1033 	ax *= ax; // = |x/c| ^ 2
1034 	return fmax2(0., R1+ ax*(R2 + ax*(R3 + ax*R4)));
1035     }
1036     else
1037 	return 1.;
1038 }
rho_hmpl(double x,const double k[])1041 double rho_hmpl(double x, const double k[])
1042 {
1043     /*
1044      * rho()  for Hampel's redescending psi function
1045      * constants  (a, b, r) == k[0:2]   s.t. slope of psi is 1 in the center
1046      *
1047      * This function is normalized s.t. rho(inf) = 1
1048      */
1049     double u = fabs(x),
1050 	nc = k[0]*(k[1]+k[2]-k[0])/2;
1052     if (u <= k[0])
1053 	return( x*x/2 / nc );
1054     else if (u <= k[1])
1055 	return( ( u - k[0]/2 ) * k[0] / nc );
1056     else if (u <= k[2])
1057 	return( ( k[1] - k[0]/2 + (u - k[1]) * (1 - ( u - k[1] ) / ( k[2] - k[1] ) / 2 )) * k[0] / nc);
1058     else
1059 	return( 1 );
1060 }
psi_hmpl(double x,const double k[])1062 double psi_hmpl(double x, const double k[])
1063 {
1064     /*
1065      * psi()  for Hampel's redescending psi function
1066      * constants  (a, b, r) == k[0:2]   s.t. slope of psi is 1 in the center
1067      */
1068     // double sx = sign(x), u = fabs(x); :
1069     double sx, u;
1070     if (x < 0) { sx = -1; u = -x; } else { sx = +1; u = x; }
1072     if (u <= k[0])
1073 	return( x );
1074     else if (u <= k[1])
1075 	return sx * k[0];
1076     else if (u <= k[2])
1077 	return sx * k[0] * (k[2] - u) / (k[2] - k[1]);
1078     else
1079 	return 0.;
1080 }
psip_hmpl(double x,const double k[])1082 double psip_hmpl(double x, const double k[])
1083 {
1084     /*
1085      * psi'()  for Hampel's redescending psi function
1086      * constants  (a, b, r) == k[0:2]   s.t. slope of psi is 1 in the center
1087      */
1088     double u = fabs(x);
1090     if (u <= k[0])
1091 	return( 1 );
1092     else if (u <= k[1])
1093 	return( 0 );
1094     else if (u <= k[2])
1095 	return( k[0] / ( k[1] - k[2] ) );
1096     else
1097 	return( 0 );
1098 }
psi2_hmpl(double x,const double k[])1100 double psi2_hmpl(double x, const double k[])
1101 {
1102     /*
1103      * psi''()  for Hampel's redescending psi function
1104      * constants  (a, b, r) == k[0:2]   s.t. slope of psi is 1 in the center
1105      */
1106     return 0.; // even though psi'() is already discontinuous at k[j]
1107 }
wgt_hmpl(double x,const double k[])1109 double wgt_hmpl(double x, const double k[])
1110 {
1111     /*
1112      * w(x) = psi(x)/x  for Hampel's redescending psi function
1113      * Hampel redescending psi function
1114      * constants  (a, b, r) == k[0:2]   s.t. slope of psi is 1 in the center
1115      */
1116     double u = fabs(x);
1118     if (u <= k[0])
1119 	return( 1 );
1120     else if (u <= k[1])
1121 	return( k[0] / u );
1122     else if (u <= k[2])
1123 	return( k[0] * ( k[2] - u ) / ( k[2] - k[1] ) / u );
1124     else
1125 	return( 0 );
1126 }
1129 //--- GGW := Generalized Gauss-Weight    Koller and Stahel (2011)
1130 //--- ---
1131 // rho() & chi()  need to be calculated by numerical integration -- apart from 6 pre-stored cases
rho_ggw(double x,const double k[])1132 double rho_ggw(double x, const double k[])
1133 {
1134     /*
1135      * Gauss Weight with constant center
1136      */
1137     if (k[0] > 0) { // for hard-coded constants --- use a *polynomial* approximation
1138 	const double C[6][20] = { // 0: b = 1, 95% efficiency
1139 	    {0.094164571656733, -0.168937372816728, 0.00427612218326869,
1140 	     0.336876420549802, -0.166472338873754, 0.0436904383670537,
1141 	     -0.00732077121233756, 0.000792550423837942, -5.08385693557726e-05,
1142 	     1.46908724988936e-06, -0.837547853001024, 0.876392734183528,
1143 	     -0.184600387321924, 0.0219985685280105, -0.00156403138825785,
1144 	     6.16243137719362e-05, -7.478979895101e-07, -3.99563057938975e-08,
1145 	     1.78125589532002e-09, -2.22317669250326e-11},
1146 	    // 1: b = 1, 85% efficiency
1147 	    {0.174505224068561, -0.168853188892986, 0.00579250806463694,
1148 	     0.624193375180937, -0.419882092234336, 0.150011303015251,
1149 	     -0.0342185249354937, 0.00504325944243195, -0.0004404209084091,
1150 	     1.73268448820236e-05, -0.842160072154898, 1.19912623576069,
1151 	     -0.345595777445623, 0.0566407000764478, -0.00560501531439071,
1152 	     0.000319084704541442, -7.4279004383686e-06, -2.02063746721802e-07,
1153 	     1.65716101809839e-08, -2.97536178313245e-10},
1154 	    // 2: b = 1, bp 0.5
1155 	    {1.41117142330711, -0.168853741371095, 0.0164713906344165,
1156 	     5.04767833986545, -9.65574752971554, 9.80999125035463,
1157 	     -6.36344090274658, 2.667031271863, -0.662324374141645,
1158 	     0.0740982983873332, -0.84794906554363, 3.4315790970352,
1159 	     -2.82958670601597, 1.33442885893807, -0.384812004961396,
1160 	     0.0661359078129487, -0.00557221619221031, -5.42574872792348e-05,
1161 	     4.92564168111658e-05, -2.80432020951381e-06},
1162 	    // 3: b = 1.5, 95% efficiency
1163 	    {0.104604570079252, 0.0626649856211545, -0.220058184826331,
1164 	     0.403388189975896, -0.213020713708997, 0.102623342948069,
1165 	     -0.0392618698058543, 0.00937878752829234, -0.00122303709506374,
1166 	     6.70669880352453e-05, 0.632651530179424, -1.14744323908043,
1167 	     0.981941598165897, -0.341211275272191, 0.0671272892644464,
1168 	     -0.00826237596187364, 0.0006529134641922, -3.23468516804340e-05,
1169 	     9.17904701930209e-07, -1.14119059405971e-08},
1170 	    // 4: b = 1.5, 85% efficiency
1171 	    {0.205026436642222, 0.0627464477520301, -0.308483319391091,
1172 	     0.791480474953874, -0.585521414631968, 0.394979618040607,
1173 	     -0.211512515412973, 0.0707208739858416, -0.0129092527174621,
1174 	     0.000990938134086886, 0.629919019245325, -1.60049136444912,
1175 	     1.91903069049618, -0.933285960363159, 0.256861783311473,
1176 	     -0.0442133943831343, 0.00488402902512139, -0.000338084604725483,
1177 	     1.33974565571893e-05, -2.32450916247553e-07},
1178 	    // 5: b = 1.5, bp 0.5
1179 	    {1.35010856132000, 0.0627465630782482, -0.791613168488525,
1180 	     5.21196700244212, -9.89433796586115, 17.1277266427962,
1181 	     -23.5364159883776, 20.1943966645350, -9.4593988142692,
1182 	     1.86332355622445, 0.62986381140768, -4.10676399816156,
1183 	     12.6361433997327, -15.7697199271455, 11.1373468568838,
1184 	     -4.91933095295458, 1.39443093325178, -0.247689078940725,
1185 	     0.0251861553415515, -0.00112130382664914}};
1187 	double end[6] = {18.5527638190955, 13.7587939698492, 4.89447236180905,
1188 			 11.4974874371859, 8.15075376884422, 3.17587939698492};
1189 	int j = ((int)k[0]) - 1;
1190 	double c;
1191 	switch(j) {
1192 	    // c : identical numbers to those in SET_ABC_GGW  below
1193 	case 0: c = 1.694;     break;
1194 	case 1: c = 1.2442567; break;
1195 	case 2: c = 0.4375470; break;
1196 	case 3: c = 1.063;     break;
1197 	case 4: c = 0.7593544; break;
1198 	case 5: c = 0.2959132; break;
1199 	default: error(_("rho_ggw(): case (%i) not implemented."), j+1);
1200 	}
1201 	x = fabs(x);
1202 	if (x <= c)
1203 	    return(C[j][0]*x*x);
1204 	else if (x <= 3*c)
1205 	    return(C[j][1] +
1206 		   x*(C[j][2] +
1207 		      x*(C[j][3] +
1208 			 x*(C[j][4] +
1209 			    x*(C[j][5] +
1210 			       x*(C[j][6] +
1211 				  x*(C[j][7] +
1212 				     x*(C[j][8] +
1213 					x*(C[j][9])))))))));
1214 	else if (x <= end[j])
1215 	    return(C[j][10] +
1216 		   x*(C[j][11] +
1217 		      x*(C[j][12] +
1218 			 x*(C[j][13] +
1219 			    x*(C[j][14] +
1220 			       x*(C[j][15] +
1221 				  x*(C[j][16] +
1222 				     x*(C[j][17] +
1223 					x*(C[j][18]+
1224 					   x*(C[j][19]))))))))));
1225 	else return(1.);
1226     }
1227     else { // k[0] == 0; k[1:4] = (a, b, c, rho(Inf)) =  "general parameters"
1228 	x = fabs(x);
1229 	double a = 0., epsabs = R_pow(DOUBLE_EPS, 0.25), result, abserr;
1230 	int neval, ier, last, limit = 100, lenw = 4 * limit;
1231 	int   *iwork =    (int *) R_alloc(limit, sizeof(int));
1232 	double *work = (double *) R_alloc(lenw,  sizeof(double));
1234 	// --> calculate integral of psi(.);  Rdqags() is from R's official API ("Writing R Extensions")
1235 	Rdqags(psi_ggw_vec, (void *)k, &a, &x, &epsabs, &epsabs,
1236 	       &result, &abserr, &neval, &ier,
1237 	       &limit, &lenw, &last,
1238 	       iwork, work);
1239 	if (ier >= 1)
1240 	    error(_("Error from Rdqags(psi_ggw*, k, ...): ier = %i"), ier);
1241 	return(result/k[4]);
1242     }
1243 }
psi_ggw_vec(double * x,int n,void * k)1245 void psi_ggw_vec(double *x, int n, void *k)
1246 {
1247     for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) x[i] = psi_ggw(x[i], k);
1248 }
psi_ggw(double x,const double k[])1250 double psi_ggw(double x, const double k[])
1251 {
1252     /*
1253      * Gauss Weight with constant center
1254      */
1255 #define SET_ABC_GGW(NAME)					\
1256     /* set a,b,c */						\
1257 	double a, b, c;						\
1258 	switch((int)k[0]) {					\
1259 	    /* user specified: */				\
1260 	case 0: a = k[1];      b = k[2]; c = k[3]; break;	\
1261 	    /* Set of predefined cases: */			\
1262 	case 1: a = 0.648;     b = 1.;   c = 1.694; break;	\
1263 	case 2: a = 0.4760508; b = 1.;   c = 1.2442567; break;	\
1264 	case 3: a = 0.1674046; b = 1.;   c = 0.4375470; break;	\
1265 	case 4: a = 1.387;     b = 1.5;  c = 1.063; break;	\
1266 	case 5: a = 0.8372485; b = 1.5;  c = 0.7593544; break;	\
1267 	case 6: a = 0.2036741; b = 1.5;  c = 0.2959132; break;	\
1268 	default: error(#NAME "_ggw: Case not implemented.");	\
1269 	}							\
1270 	double ax = fabs(x);
1272     SET_ABC_GGW(psi);
1273     if (ax < c) return x;
1274     else {
1275 	a = -R_pow(ax-c,b)/2/a;
1276 	return (a < MIN_Exp) ? 0. : x*exp(a);
1277     }
1278 }
psip_ggw(double x,const double k[])1280 double psip_ggw(double x, const double k[])
1281 {
1282     /*
1283      * Gauss Weight with constant center
1284      */
1285     SET_ABC_GGW(psip);
1286     if (ax < c) return 1.;
1287     else {
1288 	double ea;
1289 	a *= 2.;
1290 	ea = -R_pow(ax-c,b)/a;
1291 	return (ea < MIN_Exp) ? 0. : exp(ea) * (1 - b/a*ax*R_pow(ax-c,b-1));
1292     }
1293 }
wgt_ggw(double x,const double k[])1295 double wgt_ggw(double x, const double k[])
1296 {
1297     /*
1298      * Gauss Weight with constant center
1299      */
1300     SET_ABC_GGW(wgt);
1301     return (ax < c) ? 1. : exp(-R_pow(ax-c,b)/2/a);
1302 }
1303 #undef SET_ABC_GGW
1306 //--- LQQ := Linear-Quadratic-Quadratic ("lqq") --------------------------------
1307 //--- ---    was LGW := "lin psip" := piecewise linear psi'() ------------------
1309 // k[0:2] == (b, c, s) :
1310 // k[0]= b = bend adjustment
1311 // k[1]= c = cutoff of central linear part
1312 // k[2]= s : "slope of descending": 1 - s = min_x psi'(x) =: ms
1314 // "lin psip" := piecewise linear psi'() :
psip_lqq(double x,const double k[])1315 double psip_lqq (double x, const double k[])
1316 {
1317     double ax = fabs(x);
1318     if (ax <= k[1])
1319 	return(1.);
1320     else {
1321 	double k01 = k[0] + k[1];// = b+c
1322 	if (/*k[1] < ax && */ ax <= k01)
1323 	    return 1. - k[2]/k[0] * (ax - k[1]);
1324 	else {
1325 	    double
1326 		s5 = 1. - k[2], // = (1-s)
1327  		a = (k[0] * k[2] - 2 * k01)/ s5;
1328 	    if (/* k01 < ax && */ ax < k01 + a)
1329 		return -s5*((ax - k01)/a -1.);
1330 	    else
1331 		return 0.;
1332 	}
1333     }
1334 }
1336 // piecewise linear psi'()  ==> piecewise constant  psi''():
psi2_lqq(double x,const double k[])1337 double psi2_lqq (double x, const double k[])
1338 {
1339     // double sx = sign(x), ax = fabs(x); :
1340     double sx, ax;
1341     if (x < 0) { sx = -1; ax = -x; } else { sx = +1; ax = x; }
1343     // k[0:2] == (b, c, s) :
1344     if (ax <= k[1])
1345 	return 0.;
1346     else {
1347 	double k01 = k[0] + k[1];
1348 	if (/*k[1] < ax && */ ax <= k01)
1349 	    return sx * (- k[2]/k[0]);
1350 	else {
1351 	    double
1352 		s5 = 1. - k[2], // = (1-s)
1353  		a = (k[0] * k[2] - 2 * k01)/ s5;
1354 	    if (/* k01 < ax && */ ax < k01 + a)
1355 		return sx * (- s5 / a);
1356 	    else
1357 		return 0.;
1358 	}
1359     }
1360 }
psi_lqq(double x,const double k[])1362 double psi_lqq (double x, const double k[])
1363 {
1364     double ax = fabs(x);
1365     if (ax <= k[1])
1366 	return(x);
1367     else {
1368 	// k[0:2] == (b, c, s) :
1369 	double k01 = k[0] + k[1];
1370 	if (ax <= k01)
1371 	    return((double) (x>0 ? 1 : (x<0 ? -1 : 0)) *
1372 		   (ax - k[2] * pow(ax - k[1], 2.) / k[0] / 2.));
1373 	else {
1374 	    double
1375 		s5 = k[2] - 1., // s - 1
1376 		s6 = -2 * k01 + k[0] * k[2]; // numerator( -a ) ==> s6/s5 = -a
1377 	    if (/* k01 < ax && */ ax < k01 - s6 / s5)
1378 		return((double) (x>0 ? 1 : -1) *
1379 		       (-s6/2. - pow(s5, 2.) / s6 * (pow(ax - k01, 2.) / 2. + s6 / s5 * (ax - k01))));
1380 	    else
1381 		return 0.;
1382 	}
1383     }
1384 }
rho_lqq(double x,const double k[])1386 double rho_lqq (double x, const double k[])
1387 {
1388     double ax = fabs(x), k01 = k[0] + k[1];
1389     if (ax <= k[1])
1390 	return((3. * k[2] - 3.) /
1391 	       (k[2] * k[1] * (3. * k[1] + 2. * k[0]) +
1392 		pow(k01, 2.)) * x * x);
1393     else if (/* k[1] < ax && */ ax <= k01) {
1394 	double s0 = ax - k[1];
1395 	return((6. * k[2] - 6.) /
1396 	       (k[2] * k[1] * (3. * k[1] + 2. * k[0]) + pow(k01, 2.)) *
1397 	       (x * x / 2. - k[2] / k[0] * pow(s0, 3.) / 6.));
1398     }
1399     else {
1400 	double
1401 	    s5 = k[2] - 1.,
1402 	    s6 = -2 * k01 + k[0] * k[2];
1403 	if (/* k01 < ax && */ ax < k01 - s6 / s5) {
1404 	    double s7 = ax - k01, k01_2 = pow(k01, 2.);
1405 	    return((6. * s5) /
1406 		   (k[2] * k[1] * (3. * k[1] + 2. * k[0]) + k01_2) *
1407 		   (k01_2 / 2. - k[2] * k[0] * k[0] / 6. -
1408 		    s7/2. * (s6 + s7 * (s5 + s7 * s5 * s5 / 3. / s6))));
1409 	}
1410 	else
1411 	    return 1.;
1412     }
1413 }
wgt_lqq(double x,const double k[])1415 double wgt_lqq (double x, const double k[])
1416 {
1417     double ax = fabs(x);
1418     if (ax <= k[1])
1419 	return(1.);
1420     else {
1421 	double k01 = k[0] + k[1];
1422 	if (ax <= k01) {
1423 	    double s0 = ax - k[1];
1424 	    return(1. - k[2] * s0 * s0 / (2 * ax * k[0]));
1425 	}
1426 	else {
1427 	    double
1428 		s5 = k[2] - 1.,
1429 		s6 = -2 * k01 + k[0] * k[2];
1430 	    if (ax < k01 - s6 / s5) {
1431 		double s7 = ax - k01;
1432 		return(-(s6/2. + s5 * s5 / s6 * s7 * (s7/2. + s6 / s5)) / ax);
1433 	    }
1434 	    else
1435 		return(0.);
1436 	}
1437     }
1438 }
1439 /*============================================================================*/
1442 /* this function finds the k-th place in the
1443  * vector a, in the process it permutes the
1444  * elements of a
1445  */
kthplace(double * a,int n,int k)1446 double kthplace(double *a, int n, int k)
1447 {
1448     int jnc,j;
1449     int l,lr;
1450     double ax,w;
1451     k--;
1452     l=0;
1453     lr=n-1;
1454     while (l < lr) {
1455 	ax=a[k];
1456 	jnc=l;
1457 	j=lr;
1458 	while (jnc <= j) {
1459 	    while (a[jnc] < ax) jnc++;
1460 	    while (a[j] > ax) j--;
1461 	    if (jnc <= j) {
1462 		w=a[jnc];
1463 		a[jnc]=a[j];
1464 		a[j]=w;
1465 		jnc++;
1466 		j--;
1467 	    }
1468 	}
1469 	if (j < k) l=jnc;
1470 	if (k < jnc) lr=j;
1471     }
1472     return(a[k]);
1473 }
1475 /* This is from VR's bundle, MASS package  VR/MASS/src/lqs.c : */
1476 /*
1477    Sampling k from 0:n-1 without replacement.
1478  */
sample_noreplace(int * x,int n,int k,int * ind_space)1479 static void sample_noreplace(int *x, int n, int k, int *ind_space)
1480 {
1481     int i, j, nn=n;
1482 #define II ind_space
1484     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) II[i] = i;
1485     for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
1486 	j = nn * unif_rand();
1487 	x[i] = II[j];
1488 	II[j] = II[--nn];
1489     }
1490 #undef II
1491 }
1493 /* RWLS iterations starting from i_estimate,
1494  * ---- the workhorse of the "lmrob_MM" algorithm, called only from R_lmrob_MM(),
1495  * which itself is called only from R's  lmrob..M..fit().
1496  * In itself,  ``just'' an M-estimator :
1497  */
rwls(const double X[],const double y[],int n,int p,double * estimate,double * i_estimate,double * resid,double * loss,double scale,double epsilon,int * max_it,double * rho_c,const int ipsi,int trace_lev)1498 Rboolean rwls(const double X[], const double y[], int n, int p,
1499 	 double *estimate, double *i_estimate,
1500 	 double *resid, double* loss,
1501 	 double scale, double epsilon,
1502 	 int *max_it, /* on Input:  maximal number of iterations;
1503 			 on Output: number of iterations */
1504 	 double *rho_c, const int ipsi, int trace_lev)
1505 {
1506     int lwork = -1, one = 1, info = 1;
1507     double work0, *work, wtmp, *weights;
1508     double done = 1., dmone = -1., d_beta = 0.;
1509     int j, k, iterations = 0;
1510     Rboolean converged = FALSE;
1512     double
1513 	*wx     = (double *) R_alloc(n*p, sizeof(double)),
1514 	*wy     = (double *) R_alloc(n,   sizeof(double)),
1515 	*beta0  = (double *) R_alloc(p,   sizeof(double));
1517     INIT_WLS(wx, wy, n, p);
1519     COPY(i_estimate, beta0, p);
1520     /* calculate residuals */
1521     COPY(y, resid, n);
1522     F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p, &dmone, X, &n, beta0, &one, &done, resid, &one FCONE);
1524     /* main loop */
1525     while(!converged &&	 ++iterations < *max_it) {
1526 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
1527         /* compute weights */
1528 	get_weights_rhop(resid, scale, n, rho_c, ipsi, weights);
1529 	/* solve weighted least squares problem */
1530 	COPY(y, wy, n);
1531 	FIT_WLS(X, wx, wy, n, p);
1532 	COPY(wy, estimate, p);
1533 	/* calculate residuals */
1534 	COPY(y, resid, n);
1535 	F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p, &dmone, X, &n, estimate, &one, &done, resid, &one FCONE);
1536 	d_beta = norm1_diff(beta0,estimate, p);
1537 	if(trace_lev >= 3) {
1538 	    /* get the loss for the new estimate */
1539 	    *loss = sum_rho_sc(resid,scale,n,0,rho_c,ipsi);
1540 	    Rprintf("  it %4d: L(b1) = %#.12g ", iterations, *loss);
1541 	    if(trace_lev >= 4) {
1542 		Rprintf("\n  b1 = (");
1543 		for(j=0; j < p; j++)
1544 		    Rprintf("%s%.11g", (j > 0)? ", " : "", estimate[j]);
1545 		Rprintf(");");
1546 	    }
1547 	    Rprintf(" ||b0 - b1||_1 = %g\n", d_beta);
1548 	}
1549 	/* check for convergence */
1550 	converged = d_beta <= epsilon * fmax2(epsilon, norm1(estimate, p));
1551 	COPY(estimate, beta0, p);
1552     } /* end while(!converged & iter <=...) */
1554     if(0 < trace_lev) {
1555 	if(trace_lev < 3) *loss = sum_rho_sc(resid,scale,n,0,rho_c,ipsi);
1556 	Rprintf(" rwls() used %2d it.; last ||b0 - b1||_1 = %#g, L(b1) = %.12g; %sconvergence\n",
1557 		iterations, d_beta, *loss, (converged ? "" : "NON-"));
1558     }
1560     *max_it = iterations;
1562     CLEANUP_WLS;
1564     return converged;
1565 } /* rwls() */
1567 /* sets the entries of a matrix to zero */
zero_mat(double ** a,int n,int m)1568 void zero_mat(double **a, int n, int m)
1569 {
1570     int i,j;
1571     for(i=0; i < n; i++)
1572 	for(j=0; j < m; j++)
1573 	    a[i][j] = 0.;
1574 }
1576 /*
1577  *
1578  * 2004 / 5 -- Matias Salibian-Barrera & Victor Yohai
1579  * Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia
1580  * matias@stat.ubc.ca
1581  * Department of Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires
1582  * vyohai@uolsinectis.com.ar
1583  *
1584  *
1585  * Reference: A fast algorithm for S-regression estimates,
1586  * 2005, Salibian-Barrera and Yohai.
1587  */
1589 /* This function implements the "large n" strategy
1590  */
fast_s_large_n(double * X,double * y,int * nn,int * pp,int * nRes,int * max_it_scale,double * res,int * ggroups,int * nn_group,int * K,int * max_k,double rel_tol,double inv_tol,double scale_tol,int * converged,int * best_r,double * bb,double * rrhoc,int * iipsi,double * bbeta,double * sscale,int trace_lev,int mts,Rboolean ss)1591 void fast_s_large_n(double *X, double *y,
1592 		    int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale, double *res,
1593 		    int *ggroups, int *nn_group,
1594 		    int *K, int *max_k, double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, int *converged,
1595 		    int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int *iipsi,
1596 		    double *bbeta, double *sscale,
1597 		    int trace_lev, int mts, Rboolean ss)
1598 {
1599 /* *X  = the n x p  design matrix (incl. intercept if appropriate),
1600  *	 in column order as sent by R)
1601  * *y  = the ( n ) response vector
1602  * *nn =: n = the length of y
1603  * *pp =: p = the number of columns in X
1604  * *nRes  = number of re-sampling candidates to be used in each partition
1606  * *ggroups = number of groups in which to split the
1607  *	      random subsample
1608  * *nn_group = size of each of the (*ggroups) groups
1609  *	       to use in the random subsample
1610  * *K     = number of refining steps for each candidate (typically 1 or 2)
1611  * *max_k = number of refining steps for each candidate (typically 1 or 2)
1612              [used to be hard coded to MAX_ITER_REFINE_S = 50 ]
1613  * *rel_tol= convergence tolerance for iterative refinement iterations
1614              [used to be hard coded to EPS = 1e-7 ]
1615  * *converged: will become 0(FALSE)  iff at least one of the best_r iterations
1616  *             did not converge (in max_k steps to rel_tol precision)
1617  * *best_r = no. of best candidates to be iterated further ("refined")
1618  * *bb	   = right-hand side of S-equation (typically 1/2)
1619  * *rrhoc  = tuning constant for loss function
1620  *	     (this should be associated with *bb)
1621  * *iipsi  = indicator for type of psi function to be used
1622  * *bbeta  = final estimator
1623  * *sscale = associated scale estimator (or -1 when problem)
1624  */
1625     int i,j,k, ij, freedsamp = 0, initwls = 0;
1626     int n = *nn, p = *pp, kk = *K, ipsi = *iipsi;
1627     int groups = *ggroups, n_group = *nn_group, sg = groups * n_group;
1628     double b = *bb, sc, best_sc, worst_sc;
1629     /* (Pointers to) Arrays - to be allocated */
1630     int *indices, *ind_space;
1631     double **best_betas, *best_scales;
1632     double *xsamp, *ysamp, *beta_ref;
1633     double **final_best_betas, *final_best_scales;
1635 #define CALLOC_MAT(_M_, _n_, _d_)			\
1636     _M_ = (double **) Calloc(_n_, double *);		\
1637     for(int i=0; i < _n_; i++)				\
1638 	_M_[i] = (double *) Calloc(_d_, double)
1640     beta_ref = (double *) Calloc(p, double);
1641     CALLOC_MAT(final_best_betas, *best_r, p);
1642     final_best_scales = (double *) Calloc(*best_r, double);
1643     k = *best_r * groups;
1644     best_scales = (double *) Calloc(k,	double );
1645     CALLOC_MAT(best_betas, k, p);
1646     indices =   (int *)    Calloc(sg,   int);
1647     ind_space = (int *)    Calloc(n,   int);
1648     xsamp =     (double *) Calloc(n_group*p, double);
1649     ysamp =     (double *) Calloc(n_group,   double);
1651     /* assume that n > 2000 */
1653     /*	set the seed */
1654     GetRNGstate();
1656     /* get a sample of k indices */
1657     sample_noreplace(indices, n, sg, ind_space);
1658     /* FIXME: define groups using nonsingular subsampling? */
1659     /*        would also need to allow observations to be part */
1660     /*        of multiple groups at the same time */
1661     Free(ind_space);
1662     /* FIXME: Also look at lqs_setup(),
1663      * -----  and  xr[.,.] "fortran-like" matrix can be used from there!*/
1665 /* For each (of 'groups') group : get the *best_r best betas : */
1667 #define X(_k_, _j_) X[_j_*n+_k_]
1668 #define xsamp(_k_, _j_) xsamp[_j_*n_group+_k_]
1670     for(i=0; i < groups; i++) {
1671 	/* populate matrix */
1672 	for(j = 0; j < n_group; j++) {
1673 	    ij = i*n_group + j;
1674 	    for (k = 0; k < p; k++)
1675 		xsamp(j, k) = X(indices[ij], k);
1676 	    ysamp[j] = y[indices[ij]];
1677 	}
1678 	if (trace_lev)
1679 	    Rprintf(" Subsampling to find candidate betas in group %d:\n", i);
1680 	if(fast_s_with_memory(xsamp, ysamp, res,
1681 			      &n_group, pp, nRes, max_it_scale, K, max_k,
1682 			      rel_tol, inv_tol, scale_tol,
1683 			      trace_lev, best_r, bb, rrhoc,
1684 			      iipsi, best_betas + i* *best_r,
1685 			      best_scales+ i* *best_r, mts, ss)) {
1686 	    *sscale = -1.; /* problem */
1687 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
1688 	}
1689     }
1691     Free(xsamp); Free(ysamp); freedsamp = 1;
1692 #undef xsamp
1694 /* now	iterate (refine) these "best_r * groups"
1695  * best betas in the (xsamp,ysamp) sample
1696  * with kk C-steps and keep only the "best_r" best ones
1697  */
1698     /* initialize new work matrices */
1699     double *wx, *wy;
1700     wx =  (double *) R_alloc(n*p, sizeof(double)); // need only k here,
1701     wy =  (double *) R_alloc(n,   sizeof(double)); // but n in the last step
1702     xsamp =     (double *) Calloc(sg*p, double);
1703     ysamp =     (double *) Calloc(sg,   double);
1704     freedsamp = 0;
1706 #define xsamp(_k_,_j_) xsamp[_j_*sg+_k_]
1708     for (ij = 0; ij < sg; ij++) {
1709 	for (k = 0; k < p; k++)
1710 	    xsamp(ij, k) = X(indices[ij],k);
1711 	ysamp[ij] = y[indices[ij]];
1712     }
1714     int lwork = -1, one = 1, info = 1;
1715     double work0, *work, *weights;
1716     INIT_WLS(wx, wy, n, p); initwls = 1;
1718     Rboolean conv = FALSE;
1719     int pos_worst_scale = 0;
1720     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++)
1721 	final_best_scales[i] = INFI;
1722     worst_sc = INFI;
1723     /* set the matrix to zero */
1724     zero_mat(final_best_betas, *best_r, p);
1725     for(i=0; i < (*best_r * groups); i++) {
1726 	if(trace_lev >= 3) {
1727 	    Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: before refine_(*, conv=FALSE):\n", i);
1728 	    if(i > 0) {
1729 		Rprintf("   beta_cand : "); disp_vec(best_betas[i],p);
1730 		Rprintf("   with scale %.15g\n", best_scales[i]);
1731 	    }
1732 	}
1733 	refine_fast_s(xsamp, wx, ysamp, wy, weights, sg, p, res,
1734 		      work, lwork, best_betas[i],
1735 		      kk, &conv/* = FALSE*/, *max_k, rel_tol, trace_lev,
1736 		      b, rrhoc, ipsi, best_scales[i], /* -> */ beta_ref, &sc);
1737 	if(trace_lev >= 3) {
1738 	    Rprintf("   after refine: beta_ref : "); disp_vec(beta_ref,p);
1739 	    Rprintf("   with scale %.15g\n", sc);
1740 	}
1741 	if ( sum_rho_sc(res, worst_sc, sg, p, rrhoc, ipsi) < b ) {
1742 	    int scale_iter = *max_it_scale;
1743 	    /* scale will be better */
1744 	    sc = find_scale(res, b, rrhoc, ipsi, sc, sg, p, &scale_iter, scale_tol, trace_lev >= 3);
1745 	    int k2 = pos_worst_scale;
1746 	    final_best_scales[ k2 ] = sc;
1747 	    COPY(beta_ref, final_best_betas[k2], p);
1748 	    pos_worst_scale = find_max(final_best_scales, *best_r);
1749 	    worst_sc = final_best_scales[pos_worst_scale];
1750 	}
1751     }
1753     Free(xsamp); Free(ysamp); freedsamp = 1;
1755 /* now iterate the best "best_r"
1756  * betas in the whole sample until convergence (max_k, rel_tol)
1757  */
1758     best_sc = INFI; *converged = 1;  k = 0;
1759     if(trace_lev)
1760 	Rprintf(" Now refine() to convergence for %d very best ones:\n",
1761 		*best_r);
1763     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++) {
1764 	conv = TRUE;
1765 	int it_k = refine_fast_s(X, wx, y, wy, weights, n, p, res,
1766 			     work, lwork, final_best_betas[i], kk,
1767 			     &conv/* = TRUE */, *max_k, rel_tol, trace_lev,
1768 			     b, rrhoc, ipsi, final_best_scales[i],
1769 			     /* -> */ beta_ref, &sc);
1770 	if(trace_lev)
1771 	    Rprintf("  Best[%d]: %sconvergence (%d iter.)",
1772 		    i, conv ? "" : "NON ", it_k);
1773 	if(best_sc > sc) {
1774 	    if(trace_lev)
1775 		Rprintf(": -> improved scale to %.15g", sc);
1776 	    best_sc = sc;
1777 	    COPY(beta_ref, bbeta, p);
1778 	}
1779 	if (trace_lev) Rprintf("\n");
1780 	if (!conv && *converged) *converged = 0;
1781 	if (k < it_k) k = it_k;
1782     }
1783     *sscale = best_sc;
1784     *max_k = k;
1786 /* Done. Now clean-up. */
1788   cleanup_and_return:
1789     PutRNGstate();
1791     Free(best_scales);
1792     k = *best_r * groups;
1793     for(i=0; i < k; i++) Free( best_betas[i] );
1794     Free(best_betas); Free(indices);
1795     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++)
1796 	Free(final_best_betas[i]);
1797     Free(final_best_betas);
1798     Free(final_best_scales);
1799     Free(beta_ref);
1801     if (freedsamp == 0) {
1802 	Free(xsamp); Free(ysamp);
1803     }
1805     if (initwls) {
1807     }
1809 #undef X
1810 #undef xsamp
1812 } /* fast_s_large_n() */
fast_s_with_memory(double * X,double * y,double * res,int * nn,int * pp,int * nRes,int * max_it_scale,int * K,int * max_k,double rel_tol,double inv_tol,double scale_tol,int trace_lev,int * best_r,double * bb,double * rrhoc,int * iipsi,double ** best_betas,double * best_scales,int mts,Rboolean ss)1814 Rboolean fast_s_with_memory(double *X, double *y, double *res,
1815 		       int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale,
1816 		       int *K, int *max_k, double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol,
1817 		       int trace_lev, int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc,
1818 		       int *iipsi, double **best_betas, double *best_scales,
1819 		       int mts, Rboolean ss)
1820 {
1821 /*
1822  * Called from fast_s_large_n(), the adjustment for large "n",
1823  * same as fast_s, but it returns the best_r best betas,
1824  * and their associated scales.
1825  *
1826  * x       : an n x p design matrix (including intercept if appropriate)
1827  * y       : an n vector
1828  * res     : an n vector of residuals
1829  * *nn = n, *pp = p
1830  * *nRes   = number of re-sampling candidates to be taken
1831  * *K	   = number of refining steps for each candidate
1832  * *best_r = number of (refined) to be retained for full iteration
1833  * *bb	   = right-hand side of the S-equation (typically 1/2)
1834  * *rrhoc  = tuning constant for loss function
1835  *	     (this should be associated with *bb)
1836  * *iipsi  = indicator for type of loss function to be used
1837  * *best_betas	= returning the best ... coefficient vectors
1838  * *best_scales = returning their associated residual scales
1839  */
1841     int i,j,k;
1842     int n = *nn, p = *pp, nResample = *nRes;
1843     Rboolean conv = FALSE,
1844 	sing = FALSE; // sing = TRUE|FALSE  the final result
1845     int ipsi = *iipsi;
1846     double b = *bb, sc, worst_sc = INFI;
1847     double work0, *weights, *work;
1848     int lwork = -1, one = 1, info = 1;
1850     SETUP_SUBSAMPLE(n, p, X, 1);
1851     INIT_WLS(X, y, n, p);
1853     double
1854 	*wx =        (double *) Calloc(n*p, double),
1855 	*wy =        (double *) Calloc(n,   double),
1856 	*beta_cand = (double *) Calloc(p,   double),
1857 	*beta_ref  = (double *) Calloc(p,   double);
1859     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++)
1860 	best_scales[i] = INFI;
1861     int pos_worst_scale = 0;
1863 /* resampling approximation  */
1865     for(i=0; i < nResample; i++) {
1866 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
1867 	/* find a candidate */
1868 	sing = (Rboolean) // 0 |--> FALSE (= success);  {1,2} |-> TRUE
1869 	    subsample(Xe, y, n, p, beta_cand, ind_space, idc, idr, lu, v, pivot,
1870 		      Dr, Dc, rowequ, colequ, 1, mts, ss, inv_tol, 1);
1871 	if (sing) {
1872 	    for (k=0; k< *best_r; k++) best_scales[i] = -1.;
1873 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
1874 	}
1875 	/* FIXME: is_ok ?? */
1877 	/* improve the re-sampling candidate */
1879 	/* conv = FALSE : do *K refining steps */
1880 	refine_fast_s(X, wx, y, wy, weights, n, p, res,
1881 		      work, lwork, beta_cand, *K, &conv/* = FALSE*/,
1882 		      *max_k, rel_tol, trace_lev, b, rrhoc, ipsi, -1.,
1883 		      /* -> */ beta_ref, &sc);
1885 	/* FIXME: if sc ~ 0 ---> return beta_cand and be done */
1887 	if ( sum_rho_sc(res, worst_sc, n, p, rrhoc, ipsi) < b )	{
1888 	    int scale_iter = *max_it_scale;
1889 	    /* scale will be better */
1890 	    sc = find_scale(res, b, rrhoc, ipsi, sc, n, p,
1891 			    &scale_iter, scale_tol, trace_lev >= 3);
1892 	    k = pos_worst_scale;
1893 	    best_scales[ k ] = sc;
1894 	    for(j=0; j < p; j++)
1895 		best_betas[k][j] = beta_ref[j];
1896 	    pos_worst_scale = find_max(best_scales, *best_r);
1897 	    worst_sc = best_scales[pos_worst_scale];
1898 	    if (trace_lev >= 2) {
1899 	      Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: found new candidate with scale %.7g in %d iter.\n",
1900 		      i, sc, scale_iter);
1901 	      Rprintf("               worst scale is now %.7g\n", worst_sc);
1902 	    }
1903 	}
1904     } /* for(i ) */
1906   cleanup_and_return:
1909     CLEANUP_WLS;
1911     Free(wx); Free(wy);
1912     Free(beta_cand); Free(beta_ref);
1914     return sing;
1915 } /* fast_s_with_memory() */
fast_s(double * X,double * y,int * nn,int * pp,int * nRes,int * max_it_scale,double * res,int * K,int * max_k,double rel_tol,double inv_tol,double scale_tol,int * converged,int * best_r,double * bb,double * rrhoc,int * iipsi,double * bbeta,double * sscale,int trace_lev,int mts,Rboolean ss)1917 void fast_s(double *X, double *y,
1918 	    int *nn, int *pp, int *nRes, int *max_it_scale, double *res,
1919 	    int *K, int *max_k, double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, int *converged,
1920 	    int *best_r, double *bb, double *rrhoc, int *iipsi,
1921 	    double *bbeta, double *sscale, int trace_lev, int mts, Rboolean ss)
1922 {
1923 /* *X  = the n x p  design matrix (incl. intercept if appropriate),
1924  *	 in column order as sent by R)
1925  * *y  = the ( n ) response vector
1926  * *nn =: n = the length of y
1927  * *pp =: p = the number of columns in X
1928  * *nRes   = number of re-sampling candidates to be taken
1929  * *K	   = number of refining steps for each candidate
1930  * *best_r = number of (refined) to be retained for full iteration
1931  * *converged: will become FALSE  iff at least one of the best_r iterations
1932  *	       did not converge (in max_k steps to rel_tol precision)
1933  * *bb	   = right-hand side of the S-equation (typically 1/2)
1934  * *rrhoc  = tuning constant for loss function
1935  *	     (this should be associated with *bb)
1936  * *iipsi  = indicator for type of loss function to be used
1937  * *bbeta  = final estimator
1938  * *sscale = associated scale estimator (or -1 when problem)
1939  */
1940     int i,k;
1941     int n = *nn, p = *pp, nResample = *nRes, ipsi = *iipsi;
1942     double b = *bb;
1943     double sc, best_sc, aux;
1944     int lwork = -1, one = 1, info = 1;
1945     double work0, *work, *weights;
1947     /* Rprintf("fast_s %d\n", ipsi); */
1949     SETUP_SUBSAMPLE(n, p, X, 0);
1951     // More arrays, allocated:
1952     double
1953 	*wx = (double *) R_alloc(n*p, sizeof(double)),
1954 	*wy = (double *) R_alloc(n,   sizeof(double)),
1955 	*beta_cand   = (double *) Calloc(p, double),
1956 	*beta_ref    = (double *) Calloc(p, double),
1957 	*best_scales = (double *) Calloc(*best_r, double),
1958 	// matrix:
1959 	**best_betas = (double **) Calloc(*best_r, double *);
1960     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++) {
1961 	best_betas[i] = (double*) Calloc(p, double);
1962 	best_scales[i] = INFI;
1963     }
1965     INIT_WLS(wx, wy, n, p);
1967     /* disp_mat(x, n, p); */
1969     int pos_worst_scale = 0;
1970     Rboolean conv = FALSE;
1971     double worst_sc = INFI;
1973     /* srand((long)*seed_rand); */
1974     GetRNGstate();
1976 /* resampling approximation  */
1978     if (trace_lev)
1979 	Rprintf(" Subsampling to find candidate betas:\n", i);
1981     for(i=0; i < nResample; i++) {
1983 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
1984 	/* find a candidate */
1985 	Rboolean sing = (Rboolean) // 0 |--> FALSE (= success);  {1,2} |-> TRUE
1986 	    subsample(Xe, y, n, p, beta_cand, ind_space, idc, idr, lu, v, pivot,
1987 		      Dr, Dc, rowequ, colequ, 1, mts, ss, inv_tol, 1);
1988 	if (sing) {
1989 	    *sscale = -1.;
1990 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
1991 	}
1992 	if (trace_lev >= 5) {
1993 	    Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: idc = ", i); disp_veci(idc, p);
1994 	}
1996 	/* disp_vec(beta_cand,p); */
1998 	/* improve the re-sampling candidate */
2000 	/* conv = FALSE : do *k refining steps */
2001 	refine_fast_s(X, wx, y, wy, weights, n, p, res,
2002 		      work, lwork, beta_cand, *K, &conv/* = FALSE*/,
2003 		      *max_k, rel_tol, trace_lev, b, rrhoc, ipsi, -1.,
2004 		      /* -> */ beta_ref, &sc);
2005 	if(trace_lev >= 3) {
2006 	    double del = norm_diff(beta_cand, beta_ref, p);
2007 	    Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: after refine_(*, conv=FALSE):\n", i);
2008 	    Rprintf("   beta_ref : "); disp_vec(beta_ref,p);
2009 	    Rprintf("   with ||beta_ref - beta_cand|| = %.12g, --> sc = %.15g\n",
2010 		    del, sc);
2011 	}
2012 	if(fabs(sc) == 0.) { /* exact zero set by refine_*() */
2013 	    if(trace_lev >= 1)
2014 		Rprintf(" Too many exact zeroes -> leaving refinement!\n");
2015 	    *sscale = sc;
2016 	    COPY(beta_cand, bbeta, p);
2017 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
2018 	}
2019 	if ( sum_rho_sc(res, worst_sc, n, p, rrhoc, ipsi) < b )	{
2020 	    int scale_iter = *max_it_scale;
2021 	    /* scale will be better */
2022 	    sc = find_scale(res, b, rrhoc, ipsi, sc, n, p,
2023 			    &scale_iter, scale_tol, trace_lev >= 3);
2024 	    k = pos_worst_scale;
2025 	    best_scales[ k ] = sc;
2026 	    COPY(beta_ref, best_betas[k], p);
2027 	    pos_worst_scale = find_max(best_scales, *best_r);
2028 	    worst_sc = best_scales[pos_worst_scale];
2029 	    if (trace_lev >= 2) {
2030 	      Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: found new candidate with scale %.7g in %d iter.\n",
2031 		      i, sc, scale_iter);
2032 	      Rprintf("               worst scale is now %.7g\n", worst_sc);
2033 	    }
2034 	}
2036     } /* for(i ) */
2038 /* now look for the very best */
2039     if(trace_lev)
2040 	Rprintf(" Now refine() to convergence for %d very best ones:\n",
2041 		*best_r);
2043     best_sc = INFI; *converged = 1;  k = 0;
2044     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++) {
2045 	conv = TRUE;
2046 	if(trace_lev >= 4) Rprintf("  i=%d:\n", i);
2047 	int it_k = refine_fast_s(X, wx, y, wy, weights, n, p, res, work, lwork,
2048 			     best_betas[i], *K,  &conv /* = TRUE */, *max_k,
2049 			     rel_tol, trace_lev, b, rrhoc, ipsi,
2050 			     best_scales[i], /* -> */ beta_ref, &aux);
2051 	if(trace_lev)
2052 	    Rprintf("  Best[%d]: %sconvergence (%d iter.)",
2053 		    i, (conv) ? "" : "NON ", it_k);
2054 	if(aux < best_sc) {
2055 	    if(trace_lev)
2056 		Rprintf(": -> improved scale to %.15g", aux);
2057 	    best_sc = aux;
2058 	    COPY(beta_ref, bbeta, p);
2059 	}
2060 	if(trace_lev) Rprintf("\n");
2061 	if (!conv && *converged) *converged = 0;
2062 	if (k < it_k) k = it_k;
2063     }
2064     *sscale = best_sc;
2065     *max_k = k;
2067   cleanup_and_return:
2069     PutRNGstate();
2072     CLEANUP_WLS;
2074     Free(best_scales);
2075     Free(beta_cand);
2076     Free(beta_ref);
2077     for(i=0; i < *best_r; i++)
2078 	Free(best_betas[i]);
2079     Free(best_betas);
2081     return;
2082 } /* fast_s() */
refine_fast_s(const double X[],double * wx,const double y[],double * wy,double * weights,int n,int p,double * res,double * work,int lwork,double * beta_cand,int kk,Rboolean * conv,int max_k,double rel_tol,int trace_lev,double b,double * rrhoc,int ipsi,double initial_scale,double * beta_ref,double * scale)2084 int refine_fast_s(const double X[], double *wx, const double y[], double *wy,
2085 		  double *weights,
2086 		  int n, int p, double *res,
2087 		  double *work, int lwork, double *beta_cand,
2088 		  int kk, Rboolean *conv, int max_k, double rel_tol,
2089 		  int trace_lev,
2090 		  double b, double *rrhoc, int ipsi, double initial_scale,
2091 		  double *beta_ref, double *scale)
2092 {
2093 /*
2094  * X	   = matrix (n x p) of explanatory variables
2095  * y	   = vector ( n )   of responses
2096  * weights = robustness weights wt[] * y[]	(of length n)
2097  * res	   = residuals	y[] - x[,] * beta	(of length n)
2098  * conv: FALSE means do kk refining steps      (and conv stays FALSE)
2099  *	 TRUE  means refine until convergence(rel_tol, max_k)
2100  *             and in this case, 'conv' *returns* TRUE if refinements converged
2101  * beta_cand= candidate beta[] (of length p)	Input *and* Output
2102  * is	    = initial scale			input
2104  * beta_ref = resulting beta[] (of length p)	Output
2105  * scale    = final scale			Output
2107  * for FIT_WLS, DGELS:
2108  * wx       = matrix (n x p)
2109  * wy       = vector of length n
2110  * work     = vector of length lwork
2111  * lwork    = length of vector work
2112  */
2114     int i,j,k, zeroes=0, one = 1, info = 1;
2115     Rboolean converged = FALSE;/* Wall */
2116     double s0, done = 1., dmone = -1., wtmp;
2118     if (trace_lev >= 4) {
2119 	Rprintf("   beta_cand before refinement : "); disp_vec(beta_cand,p);
2120     }
2122     /* calculate residuals */
2123     COPY(y, res, n);
2124     F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p, &dmone, X, &n, beta_cand, &one, &done, res, &one FCONE);
2125     for(j=0; j < n; j++) {
2126 	if( fabs(res[j]) < EPS_SCALE )
2127 	    zeroes++;
2128     }
2129 /* if "perfect fit", return it with a 0 assoc. scale */
2130     if( zeroes > (((double)n + (double)p)/2.) ) /* <<- FIXME: depends on 'b' ! */
2131 	{
2132 	    COPY(beta_cand, beta_ref, p);
2133 	    *scale = 0.;
2134 	    return 0;
2135 	}
2137     if( initial_scale < 0. )
2138 	initial_scale = MAD(res, n, 0., wy, weights);// wy and weights used as work arrays
2139     s0 = initial_scale;
2140     if(*conv)
2141 	kk = max_k;
2142     for(i=0; i < kk; i++) {
2143 	/* one step for the scale */
2144 	s0 = s0 * sqrt( sum_rho_sc(res, s0, n, p, rrhoc, ipsi) / b );
2145 	/* compute weights for IRWLS */
2146 	get_weights_rhop(res, s0, n, rrhoc, ipsi, weights);
2147         /* solve weighted least squares problem */
2148 	COPY(y, wy, n);
2149 	FIT_WLS(X, wx, wy, n, p);
2150 	COPY(wy, beta_ref, p);
2151 	if(*conv) { /* check for convergence */
2152 	    double del = norm_diff(beta_cand, beta_ref, p);
2153 	    double nrmB= norm(beta_cand, p);
2154 	    if(trace_lev >= 4)
2155 		Rprintf("   it %4d, ||b[i]||= %#.12g, ||b[i] - b[i-1]|| = %#.15g\n",
2156 			i, nrmB, del);
2157 	    converged = (del <= rel_tol * fmax2(rel_tol, nrmB));
2158 	    if(converged)
2159 		break;
2160 	}
2161 	/* calculate residuals */
2162 	COPY(y, res, n);
2163 	F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p, &dmone, X, &n, beta_ref, &one, &done, res, &one FCONE);
2164 	COPY(beta_ref, beta_cand, p);
2165     } /* for(i = 0; i < kk ) */
2167     if(*conv) {
2168 	/* was "if(0)",	 since default lead to 'NOT converged' */
2169 	if(!converged) {
2170 	    *conv = FALSE;
2171 	    warning(_("S refinements did not converge (to refine.tol=%g) in %d (= k.max) steps"),
2172 		    rel_tol, i);
2173 	}
2174     }
2175     *scale = s0;
2176     return i; /* number of refinement steps */
2177 } /* refine_fast_s() */
2179 /* Subsampling part for M-S algorithm                    */
2180 /* Recreates RLFRSTML function found in src/lmrobml.f    */
2181 /* of the robust package                                 */
m_s_subsample(double * X1,double * y,int n,int p1,int p2,int nResample,int max_it_scale,double rel_tol,double inv_tol,double scale_tol,double * bb,double * rrhoc,int ipsi,double * sscale,int trace_lev,double * b1,double * b2,double * t1,double * t2,double * y_tilde,double * res,double * x1,double * x2,int * NIT,int * K,int * KODE,double * SIGMA,double * BET0,double * SC1,double * SC2,double * SC3,double * SC4,int mts,Rboolean ss)2182 void m_s_subsample(double *X1, double *y, int n, int p1, int p2,
2183 		   int nResample, int max_it_scale,
2184 		   double rel_tol, double inv_tol, double scale_tol, double *bb,
2185 		   double *rrhoc, int ipsi, double *sscale, int trace_lev,
2186 		   double *b1, double *b2, double *t1, double *t2,
2187 		   double *y_tilde, double *res, double *x1, double *x2,
2188 		   int *NIT, int *K, int *KODE, double *SIGMA, double *BET0,
2189 		   double *SC1, double *SC2, double *SC3, double *SC4, int mts, Rboolean ss)
2190 {
2191     int i, one = 1, p = p1 + p2, info;
2192     double b = *bb, sc = INFI, done = 1., dmone = -1.;
2193     *sscale = INFI;
2195     if (trace_lev >= 2)
2196 	Rprintf(" Starting subsampling procedure.. ");
2198     SETUP_SUBSAMPLE(n, p2, x2, 0);
2200     /*	set the seed */
2201     GetRNGstate();
2203     if (trace_lev >= 2) Rprintf(" [setup Ok]\n");
2205     for(i=0; i < nResample; i++) {
2206 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
2207 	/* STEP 1: Draw a subsample of size p2 from (X2, y) */
2208 	Rboolean sing = (Rboolean) // 0 |--> FALSE (= success);  {1,2} |-> TRUE
2209 	    subsample(Xe, y, n, p2, t2, ind_space, idc, idr, lu, v, pivot,
2210 		      Dr, Dc, rowequ, colequ, /* sample= */ TRUE, mts,
2211 		      ss, inv_tol, /*solve = */ TRUE);
2212 	if (sing) {
2213 	    *sscale = -1.;
2214 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
2215 	}
2216 	/* calculate partial residuals */
2217 	COPY(y, y_tilde, n);
2218         F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p2, &dmone, x2, &n, t2, &one, &done, y_tilde, &one FCONE);
2219 	/* STEP 3: Obtain L1-estimate of b1 */
2220 	COPY(X1, x1, n*p1);
2221 	F77_CALL(rllarsbi)(x1, y_tilde, &n, &p1, &n, &n, &rel_tol,
2222 			   NIT, K, KODE, SIGMA, t1, res, SC1, SC2,
2223 			   SC3, SC4, BET0);
2224 	if (*KODE > 1) {
2225 	    REprintf("m_s_subsample(): Problem in RLLARSBI (RILARS). KODE=%d. Exiting.\n",
2226 		     *KODE);
2227 	    *sscale = -1.;
2228 	    goto cleanup_and_return;
2229 	}
2230 	/* STEP 4: Check if candidate looks promising */
2231 	if (sum_rho_sc(res, *sscale, n, p, rrhoc, ipsi) < b) {
2232 	    int scale_iter = max_it_scale;
2233 	    /* scale will be better */
2234 	    /* STEP 5: Solve for sc */
2235 	    sc = find_scale(res, b, rrhoc, ipsi, sc, n, p, &scale_iter,
2236 			    scale_tol, trace_lev >= 4);
2237 	    if(trace_lev >= 2)
2238 		Rprintf("  Sample[%3d]: new candidate with sc = %#10.5g in %d iter\n",
2239 			i, sc, scale_iter);
2240 	    /* STEP 6: Update best fit */
2241 	    *sscale = sc;
2242 	    COPY(t1, b1, p1);
2243 	    COPY(t2, b2, p2);
2244 	    if (sc < EPS_SCALE) {
2245 		REprintf("\nScale too small\n",
2246 			 "Aborting m_s_subsample()\n\n");
2247 		*sscale = -1.;
2248 		goto cleanup_and_return;
2249 	    }
2250 	}
2251     } /* for(i ) */
2253     /* STEP 7: Clean up and return */
2254     if (trace_lev >= 1) {
2255 	Rprintf(" Finished M-S subsampling with scale = %.5f\n",*sscale);
2256 #define maybe_SHOW_b1_b2			\
2257 	if (trace_lev >= 3) {			\
2258 	     Rprintf("  b1: "); disp_vec(b1,p1);\
2259 	     Rprintf("  b2: "); disp_vec(b2,p2);\
2260 	}
2261 	maybe_SHOW_b1_b2;
2262     }
2264   cleanup_and_return:
2266     PutRNGstate();
2267 } /* m_s_subsample() */
2269 /* Descent step for M-S algorithm
2270  * Return value: convergence; note that convergence is *not* guaranteed
2271  */
m_s_descent(double * X1,double * X2,double * y,int n,int p1,int p2,int K_m_s,int max_k,int max_it_scale,double rel_tol,double scale_tol,double * bb,double * rrhoc,int ipsi,double * sscale,int trace_lev,double * b1,double * b2,double * t1,double * t2,double * y_tilde,double * res,double * res2,double * x1,double * x2,int * NIT,int * K,int * KODE,double * SIGMA,double * BET0,double * SC1,double * SC2,double * SC3,double * SC4)2272 Rboolean m_s_descent(double *X1, double *X2, double *y,
2273 		 int n, int p1, int p2, int K_m_s, int max_k, int max_it_scale,
2274 		 double rel_tol, double scale_tol, double *bb, double *rrhoc,  int ipsi,
2275 		 double *sscale, int trace_lev,
2276 		 double *b1, double *b2, double *t1, double *t2,
2277 		 double *y_tilde, double *res, double *res2, double *x1, double *x2,
2278 		 int *NIT, int *K, int *KODE, double *SIGMA,  double *BET0,
2279 		 double *SC1, double *SC2, double *SC3, double *SC4)
2280 {
2281     int j, k, nnoimpr = 0, nref = 0;
2282     int p = p1 + p2;
2283     Rboolean converged = FALSE;
2284     double b = *bb;
2285     double sc = *sscale, done = 1., dmone = -1.;
2286     int lwork = -1, one = 1, info = 1;
2287     double work0, *work, wtmp, *weights;
2289     COPY(b1, t1, p1);
2290     COPY(b2, t2, p2);
2291     COPY(res, res2, n);
2293     if (trace_lev >= 2)
2294 	Rprintf(" Starting descent procedure...\n");
2296     INIT_WLS(x2, y, n, p2);
2298     if (trace_lev >= 3) {
2299 	Rprintf("  Scale: %.5f\n", *sscale);
2300 	if (trace_lev >= 5) {
2301 	    Rprintf("   res2: "); disp_vec(res2,n);
2302 	}
2303     }
2305     /* Do descent steps until there is no improvement for   */
2306     /* K_m_s steps or we are converged                      */
2307     /* (convergence is not guaranteed)                      */
2308     while ( (nref++ < max_k) & (!converged) & (nnoimpr < K_m_s) ) {
2309 	R_CheckUserInterrupt();
2310 	/* STEP 1: update b2 (save it to t2) */
2311 	/* y_tilde = y - x1 %*% t1 */
2312 	COPY(y, y_tilde, n);
2313 	COPY(X1, x1, n*p1);
2314 	F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p1, &dmone, x1, &n, t1, &one, &done, y_tilde, &one FCONE);
2315 	/* compute weights */
2316 	get_weights_rhop(res2, sc, n, rrhoc, ipsi, weights);
2317 	/* solve weighted least squares problem */
2318 	FIT_WLS(X2, x2, y_tilde, n, p2);
2319 	COPY(y_tilde, t2, p2);
2320         /* get (intermediate) residuals */
2321 	COPY(y, res2, n);
2322 	F77_CALL(dgemv)("N", &n, &p2, &dmone, X2, &n, t2, &one, &done, res2, &one FCONE);
2323 	/* STEP 2: Obtain L1-estimate of b1 */
2324 	COPY(res2, y_tilde, n);
2325 	F77_CALL(rllarsbi)(x1, y_tilde, &n, &p1, &n, &n, &rel_tol,
2326 			   NIT, K, KODE, SIGMA, t1, res2,
2327 			   SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, BET0);
2328 	if (*KODE > 1) {
2329 	    CLEANUP_WLS;
2330 	    error(_("m_s_descent(): Problem in RLLARSBI (RILARS). KODE=%d. Exiting."),
2331 		  *KODE);
2332 	}
2333 	/* STEP 3: Compute the scale estimate */
2334 	int scale_iter = max_it_scale;
2335 	sc = find_scale(res2, b, rrhoc, ipsi, sc, n, p, &scale_iter,
2336 			scale_tol, trace_lev >= 4); // <- here only if higher trace_lev
2337 	/* STEP 4: Check for convergence */
2338 	/* FIXME: check convergence using scale ? */
2339 	double del = sqrt(norm_diff2(b1, t1, p1) + norm_diff2(b2, t2, p2));
2340 	double nrmB = sqrt(norm2(t1, p1) + norm2(t2, p2));
2341 	converged = (del < rel_tol * fmax2(rel_tol, nrmB));
2342 	if (trace_lev >= 3) {
2343 	    if(converged) Rprintf(" -->> converged\n");
2344 	    if (trace_lev >= 4) {
2345 		Rprintf("   Ref.step %3d: #{no-improvements}=%3d; (del,dB)=(%12.7g,%12.7g)\n",
2346 			nref, nnoimpr, del, rel_tol * fmax2(rel_tol, nrmB));
2347 		if (trace_lev >= 5) {
2348 		    Rprintf("    weights: "); disp_vec(weights,n);
2349 		    Rprintf("    t2: "); disp_vec(t2,p2);
2350 		    Rprintf("    t1: "); disp_vec(t1,p1);
2351 		    Rprintf("    res2: "); disp_vec(res2,n);
2352 		}
2353 	    }
2354 	}
2355 	/* STEP 5: Update best fit */
2356 	if (sc < *sscale) {
2357 	    COPY(t1, b1, p1);
2358 	    COPY(t2, b2, p2);
2359 	    COPY(res2, res, n);
2360 	    *sscale = sc;
2361 	    if (trace_lev >= 2)
2362 		Rprintf("  Refinement step %3d: better fit, scale: %#10.5g\n",
2363 			nref, sc);
2364 	    nnoimpr = 0;
2365 	} else {
2366 	    if (trace_lev >= 3)
2367 		Rprintf("  Refinement step %3d: no improvement, scale: %#10.5g\n",
2368 			nref, sc);
2369 	    nnoimpr++;
2370 	}
2371     } // while(.)
2373     if ( (!converged) & (nref == max_k) )
2374 	warning(_(" M-S estimate: maximum number of refinement steps reached."));
2376     if (trace_lev >= 1) {
2377 	Rprintf(" Descent procedure: %sconverged (best scale: %.5g, last step: %.5g)\n",
2378 		converged ? "" : "not ", *sscale, sc);
2379 	if (nnoimpr == K_m_s)
2380 	    Rprintf("  The procedure stopped after %d steps because there was no improvement in the last %d steps.\n  To increase this number, use the control parameter 'k.m_s'.\n", nref, nnoimpr);
2381 	else if (trace_lev >= 2)
2382 	    Rprintf("  No improvements in %d out of %d steps.\n", nnoimpr, nref);
2383 	maybe_SHOW_b1_b2;
2384     }
2386     CLEANUP_WLS;
2388     return converged;
2389 } /* m_s_descent() */
2391 /* draw a subsample of observations and calculate a candidate           *
2392  * starting value for S estimates                                       *
2393  * uses a custom LU decomposition, which acts on the transposed design  *
2394  * matrix. In case of a singular subsample, the subsample is modified   *
2395  * until it is non-singular (for ss == TRUE (== 1)).                    *
2396  *                                                                      *
2397  * Parts of the algorithm are based on the Gaxpy version of the LU      *
2398  * decomposition with partial pivoting by                               *
2399  * Golub G. H., Van Loan C. F. (1996) - MATRIX Computations             */
subsample(const double x[],const double y[],int n,int m,double * beta,int * ind_space,int * idc,int * idr,double * lu,double * v,int * pivot,double * Dr,double * Dc,int rowequ,int colequ,Rboolean sample,int mts,Rboolean ss,double tol_inv,Rboolean solve)2400 int subsample(const double x[], const double y[], int n, int m,
2401 	      double *beta, int *ind_space, int *idc, int *idr,
2402 	      double *lu, double *v, int *pivot,
2403 	      double *Dr, double *Dc, int rowequ, int colequ,
2404 	      Rboolean sample, int mts, Rboolean ss, double tol_inv, Rboolean solve)
2405 {
2406     /* x:         design matrix (n x m)
2407        y:         response vector
2408        n:         length of y, nrow of x
2409        m:         ncol of x  ( == p )
2410        beta:      [out] candidate parameters (length m)
2411        ind_space: (required in sample_noreplace, length n)
2412                   holds the index permutation
2413        idc:       (required in sample_noreplace, !! length n !!)
2414 		  [out] index of observations used in subsample
2415        idr:       work array of length m
2416        lu:        [out] LU decomposition of subsample of xt (m x m)
2417                   Note: U has is not rescaled by 1 / *cf, as it should,
2418 		        this is done R_subsample().
2419        v:         work array of length m
2420        pivot:     [out] pivoting table of LU decomposition (length m-1)
2421        Dr:        row equilibration (as calculated in SETUP_EQUILIBRATION)
2422        Dc:        column equilibration
2423        rowequ:    whether rows were equilibrated
2424        coleq:     whether cols were equilibrated
2425        sample:    whether to sample or not
2426        mts:       the number of singular samples allowed before
2427                   giving up (Max Try Samples)
2428        ss:        type of subsampling to be used:
2429                   0 (FALSE): simple subsampling
2430                   1  (TRUE): nonsingular subsampling
2431        tol_inv:   tolerance for declaring a matrix singular
2432        solve:     solve the least squares problem on the subsample?
2433                   (0: no, 1: yes)
2435        return value ('condition'):
2436              0: success
2437              1: singular (matrix xt does not contain a m dim. full rank submatrix)
2438              2: too many singular resamples (simple subsampling case)
2439 */
2440     int j, k, l, one = 1, mu = 0, tmpi, i = 0, attempt = 0;
2441     double tmpd;
2442     Rboolean sing;
2444 #define xt(_k_, _j_) x[idr[_k_]*n+idc[_j_]]
2445 #define U(_k_, _j_) lu[_j_*m+_k_]
2446 #define u(_k_, _j_) lu + (_j_*m+_k_)
2447 #define L(_k_, _j_) lu[_j_*m+_k_]
2448 #define l(_k_, _j_) lu + (_j_*m+_k_)
2450 Start:
2451     /* STEP 1: Calculate permutation of 1:n */
2452     if (sample) {
2453 	sample_noreplace(ind_space, n, n, idc);
2454     } else for(k=0;k<n;k++) ind_space[k] = k;
2455     for(k=0;k<m;k++) idr[k] = k;
2457     /* STEP 2: Calculate LU decomposition of the first m cols of xt     *
2458      *         using the order in ind_space                             */
2459     for(j = 0; j < m; j++) {
2460 	sing=TRUE;
2461 	do {
2462 	    if (i+j == n) {
2463 		warning(_("subsample(): could not find non-singular subsample."));
2464 		return(1);
2465 	    }
2466 	    idc[j] = ind_space[i+j];
2467 	    if (j == 0) {
2468 		for(k=j;k<m;k++) v[k] = xt(k, j);
2469 	    } else {
2470 		for(k=0;k<j;k++) U(k,j) = xt(k, j);
2471 		/* z = solve(lu[0:(j-1), 0:(j-1)], xt[0:(j-1), j]) */
2472 		F77_CALL(dtrsv)("L", "N", "U", &j, lu, &m, u(0, j), &one FCONE FCONE FCONE);
2473 		/* Rprintf("Step %d: z = ", j);  */
2474 		/* for(i=0; i < j; i++) Rprintf("%lf ",U(i, j)); */
2475 		/* Rprintf("\n"); */
2476 		/* v[j:(m-1)] = xt[j:(m-1), j] - L[j:(m-1), 0:(j-1)] %*% z */
2477 		for(k=j;k<m;k++) {
2478 		    v[k] = xt(k, j);
2479 		    for(l=0;l<j;l++) v[k] -= L(k, l) * U(l, j);
2480 		}
2481 		/* Rprintf("v = "); disp_vec(v, m); */
2482 	    }
2483 	    if (j < m-1) {
2484 		/* find pivot */
2485 		tmpd=fabs(v[j]); mu = j;
2486 		for(k=j+1;k<m;k++) if (tmpd < fabs(v[k])) { mu = k; tmpd = fabs(v[k]); }
2487                 /* debug possumDiv example, see tests/subsample.R */
2488 		/* if (j == 36) { */
2489 		/*     Rprintf("Step %d: ", j+1); */
2490 		/*     for(k=j;k<m;k++) Rprintf("%lf ", fabs(v[k])); */
2491 		/*     Rprintf("\n %d %lf\n", mu+1, v[mu]); */
2492 		/*     Rprintf("47 > 51: %x\n", fabs(v[46]) > fabs(v[50])); */
2493 		/*     Rprintf("47 < 51: %x\n", fabs(v[46]) < fabs(v[50])); */
2494 		/* } */
2495 		/* continue only if pivot is large enough */
2496 		if (tmpd >= tol_inv) {
2497 		    pivot[j] = mu;
2498 		    tmpd = v[j]; v[j] = v[mu]; v[mu] = tmpd;
2499 		    tmpi = idr[j]; idr[j] = idr[mu]; idr[mu] = tmpi;
2500 		    for(k=j+1;k<m;k++) L(k, j) = v[k] / v[j];
2501 		    if (j > 0) {
2502 			for(k=0;k<j;k++) {
2503 			    tmpd = L(j, k); L(j, k) = L(mu, k); L(mu, k) = tmpd;
2504 			}
2505 		    }
2506 		}
2507 	    }
2508 	    if (fabs(v[j]) < tol_inv) {
2509 		if (ss == 0) {
2510 		    attempt++;
2511 		    if (attempt >= mts) {
2512 			warning(_("Too many singular resamples. Aborting subsample().\n See parameter 'subsampling; in help of lmrob.config()."));
2513 			return(2);
2514 		    }
2515 		    goto Start;
2516 		}
2517 		/* drop observation and try next one */
2518 		i++;
2519 	    } else {
2520 		sing = FALSE;
2521 		U(j, j) = v[j];
2522 	    }
2523 	} while(sing);
2524     } /* end for loop */
2526     /* Rprintf("lu:"); disp_vec(lu, m*m); */
2527     /* Rprintf("pivot:"); disp_veci(pivot, m-1); */
2528     /* Rprintf("idc:"); disp_veci(idc, m); */
2530     /* STEP 3: Solve for candidate parameters if requested */
2531     if (solve == 0) {
2532       for(k=0;k<m;k++) beta[k] = NA_REAL;
2533     } else {
2534       for(k=0;k<m;k++) beta[k] = y[idc[k]];
2535       /* scale y ( = beta ) */
2536       if (rowequ) for(k=0;k<m;k++) beta[k] *= Dr[idc[k]];
2537       /* solve U\tr L\tr \beta = y[subsample] */
2538       F77_CALL(dtrsv)("U", "T", "N", &m, lu, &m, beta, &one FCONE FCONE FCONE);
2539       F77_CALL(dtrsv)("L", "T", "U", &m, lu, &m, beta, &one FCONE FCONE FCONE);
2540       /* scale the solution */
2541       if (colequ) for(k=0;k<m;k++) beta[k] *= Dc[idr[k]];
2542       /* undo pivoting */
2543       for(k=m-2;k>=0;k--) {
2544     	tmpd = beta[k]; beta[k] = beta[pivot[k]]; beta[pivot[k]] = tmpd;
2545       }
2546     }
2548     return(0);
2550 #undef Xt
2551 #undef U
2552 #undef u
2553 #undef L
2554 #undef l
2555 }
get_weights_rhop(const double r[],double s,int n,const double rrhoc[],int ipsi,double * w)2557 void get_weights_rhop(const double r[], double s, int n, const double rrhoc[], int ipsi,
2558 		      double *w)
2559 {
2560     for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
2561 	w[i] = wgt(r[i] / s, rrhoc, ipsi);
2562 }
find_scale(const double r[],double b,const double rrhoc[],int ipsi,double initial_scale,int n,int p,int * iter,double scale_tol,Rboolean trace)2564 double find_scale(const double r[], double b, const double rrhoc[], int ipsi,
2565 		  double initial_scale, int n, int p,
2566 		  int* iter, // input: max_iter,  output: #{iterations used}
2567 		  double scale_tol,
2568 		  Rboolean trace)
2569 {
2570     if(initial_scale <= 0.) {
2571 	warning(_("find_scale(*, initial_scale = %g)  -> final scale = 0"), initial_scale);
2572 	return 0.;
2573     }
2574     // else
2575     double scale = initial_scale;
2576     if(trace) Rprintf("find_scale(*, ini.scale =%#15.11g):\nit | new scale\n", scale);
2577     for(int it = 0; it < iter[0]; it++) {
2578 	scale = initial_scale *
2579 	    sqrt( sum_rho_sc(r, initial_scale, n, p, rrhoc, ipsi) / b ) ;
2580 	if(trace) Rprintf("%2d | %#13.10g\n", it, scale);
2581 	if(fabs(scale - initial_scale) <= scale_tol*initial_scale) { // converged:
2582 	    *iter = it; return(scale);
2583 	}
2584 	initial_scale = scale;
2585     }
2586     warning(_("find_scale() did not converge in '%s' (= %d) iterations with tol=%g, last rel.diff=%g"),
2587 	    "maxit.scale", /* <- name from lmrob.control() */ *iter, scale_tol,
2588 	    (scale - initial_scale) / initial_scale);
2590     return(scale);
2591 }
2594 // As R's which.max(a),  return()ing zero-based   k in {0,1,...,n-1}
find_max(double * a,int n)2595 int find_max(double *a, int n)
2596 {
2597     int k = 0;
2598     if(n > 1) {
2599 	double tt = a[0];
2600 	for(int i=1; i < n; i++)
2601 	    if(tt < a[i]) {
2602 		tt = a[i];
2603 		k = i;
2604 	    }
2605     }
2606     return k;
2607 }
sum_rho_sc(const double r[],double scale,int n,int p,const double c[],int ipsi)2609 double sum_rho_sc(const double r[], double scale, int n, int p, const double c[], int ipsi)
2610 {
2611     double s = 0;
2612     for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
2613 	s += rho(r[i]/scale, c, ipsi);
2614     return(s / ((double) n - p));
2615 }
2617 /* ||x||_2^2 */
norm2(double * x,int n)2618 double norm2(double *x, int n)
2619 {
2620     double s = 0.;
2621     int one = 1;
2622     s = F77_CALL(dnrm2)(&n, x, &one);
2623     return( s*s );
2624 }
2626 /* ||x||_2 */
norm(double * x,int n)2627 double norm(double *x, int n)
2628 {
2629     int one = 1;
2630     return(F77_CALL(dnrm2)(&n, x, &one));
2631 }
norm1(double * x,int n)2633 double norm1(double *x, int n)
2634 {
2635     int one = 1;
2636     return(F77_CALL(dasum)(&n, x, &one));
2637 }
2639 /* ||x-y||_2^2 */
norm_diff2(double * x,double * y,int n)2640 double norm_diff2(double *x, double *y, int n)
2641 {
2642     int i;
2643     double s = 0;
2644     for(i=0; i < n; i++)
2645 	s += (x[i]-y[i])*(x[i]-y[i]);
2646     return( s );
2647 }
2649 /* ||x-y||_2 */
norm_diff(double * x,double * y,int n)2650 double norm_diff(double *x, double *y, int n)
2651 {
2652     int i;
2653     double s = 0;
2654     for(i=0; i < n; i++)
2655 	s += (x[i]-y[i])*(x[i]-y[i]);
2656     return( sqrt(s) );
2657 }
2660 /* ||x-y||_1 */
norm1_diff(double * x,double * y,int n)2661 double norm1_diff(double *x, double *y, int n)
2662 {
2663     int i;
2664     double s = 0;
2665     for(i=0; i < n; i++)
2666 	s += fabs(x[i]-y[i]);
2667     return(s);
2668 }
MAD(double * a,int n,double center,double * b,double * tmp)2671 double MAD(double *a, int n, double center, double *b,
2672 	   double *tmp)
2673 {
2674 /* if center == 0 then do not center */
2675     int i;
2676 /*     if( fabs(center) > 0.) { */
2677 	for(i=0; i < n; i++)
2678 	    b[i] = a[i] - center;
2679 /*     } */
2680     return( median_abs(b,n,tmp) * 1.4826 );
2681 }
median(double * x,int n,double * aux)2683 double median(double *x, int n, double *aux)
2684 {
2685     double t;
2686     for(int i=0; i < n; i++) aux[i]=x[i];
2687     if ( (n/2) == (double) n / 2 )
2688 	t = ( kthplace(aux,n,n/2) + kthplace(aux,n,n/2+1) ) / 2.0 ;
2689     else t = kthplace(aux,n, n/2+1 ) ;
2690     return(t);
2691 }
median_abs(double * x,int n,double * aux)2693 double median_abs(double *x, int n, double *aux)
2694 {
2695     double t;
2696     for(int i=0; i < n; i++) aux[i]=fabs(x[i]);
2697     if ( (n/2) == (double) n / 2 )
2698 	t = ( kthplace(aux,n,n/2) + kthplace(aux,n,n/2+1) ) / 2.0 ;
2699     else	t = kthplace(aux,n, n/2+1 ) ;
2700     return(t);
2701 }
disp_vec(double * a,int n)2703 void disp_vec(double *a, int n)
2704 {
2705     for(int i=0; i < n; i++) Rprintf("%lf ",a[i]);
2706     Rprintf("\n");
2707 }
disp_veci(int * a,int n)2709 void disp_veci(int *a, int n)
2710 {
2711     for(int i=0; i < n; i++) Rprintf("%d ",a[i]);
2712     Rprintf("\n");
2713 }
disp_mat(double ** a,int n,int m)2715 void disp_mat(double **a, int n, int m)
2716 {
2717     for(int i=0; i < n; i++) {
2718 	Rprintf("\n");
2719 	for(int j=0; j < m; j++) Rprintf("%10.8f ",a[i][j]);
2720     }
2721     Rprintf("\n");
2722 }
R_find_D_scale(double * rr,double * kkappa,double * ttau,int * llength,double * sscale,double * cc,int * iipsi,int * ttype,double * rel_tol,int * max_k,int * converged)2724 void R_find_D_scale(double *rr, double *kkappa, double *ttau, int *llength,
2725 		    double *sscale, double *cc, int *iipsi, int *ttype, double *rel_tol,
2726 		    int *max_k, int *converged)
2727 {
2728     /* compute D_scale using iterative algorithm
2729        type: 1: d1
2730        2: d2
2731        3: dt1
2732        4: dt2
2733     */
2734     *converged = 0;
2735     for (int k=0; k < *max_k; k++) {
2736 	double scale = *sscale, tsum1 = 0, tsum2 = 0;
2737 	// calculate weights
2738 	for(int i=0; i < *llength; i++) {
2739 	    double a, w = wgt(rr[i] / ttau[i] / scale, cc, *iipsi);
2740 	    switch(*ttype) {
2741 	    case 1: // d1
2742 		a = rr[i]/ttau[i];
2743 		tsum1 += a*a*w;
2744 		tsum2 += w; break;
2745 	    case 2: // d2
2746 		a = rr[i]/ttau[i]*w;
2747 		tsum1 += a*a;
2748 		tsum2 += w*w; break;
2749 	    default:
2750 	    case 3: // dt1
2751 		tsum1 += rr[i]*rr[i]*w;
2752 		tsum2 += w*ttau[i]*ttau[i]; break;
2753 	    case 4: // dt2
2754 		a = rr[i]*w;
2755 		tsum1 += a*a;
2756 		a = ttau[i]*w;
2757 		tsum2 += a*a; break;
2758 	    };
2759 	}
2761 	*sscale = sqrt(tsum1 / tsum2 / *kkappa);
2763 	// Rprintf("\n type = %d, scale = %10.8f \n", *ttype, *sscale);
2765 	if (fabs(scale - *sscale) < *rel_tol * fmax2(*rel_tol, scale)) {
2766 	    *converged = 1;
2767 	    break;
2768 	}
2769     }
2770 }
2772 /* specialized function calc_fitted */
2773 /* calculates fitted values from simulation output array. */
2774 /* this is used to process simulation output in the */
2775 /* lmrob_simulation vignette */
R_calc_fitted(double * XX,double * bbeta,double * RR,int * nn,int * pp,int * nnrep,int * nnproc,int * nnerr)2776 void R_calc_fitted(double *XX, double *bbeta, double *RR, int *nn, int *pp, int *nnrep,
2777 		   int *nnproc, int *nnerr)
2778 {
2779     unsigned long A, B, C, D, E;
2780     A = (unsigned long)*nnerr; B = (unsigned long)*nnproc; C = (unsigned long)*nnrep;
2781     D = (unsigned long)*nn; E = (unsigned long)*pp;
2782     // calculate fitted values over errstr, procstr and replicates
2783     for(unsigned long a = 0; a < A; a++) { // errstr
2784 	for(unsigned long b = 0; b < B; b++) { // procstr
2785 	    for(unsigned long c = 0; c < C; c++) { // replicates
2786 		// check for NAs
2787 		if (!ISNA(bbeta[c + /* 0*C + */  b*C*E + a*B*E*C])) {
2788 		    for(unsigned long d = 0; d < D; d++) { // observations
2789 			RR[d + c*D + b*C*D + a*B*C*D] = 0; // initialize result
2790 			for(unsigned long e = 0; e < E; e++) { // predictors
2791 			    RR[d + c*D + b*C*D + a*B*C*D] += bbeta[c + e*C + b*C*E + a*B*E*C] *
2792 				XX[d + e*D + c*E*D + a*C*E*D];
2793 			}
2794 		    }
2795 		}
2796 	    }
2797 	}
2798     }
2799 }