1 /*
2     spectra.c:
4     Copyright (C) 1995 Barry Vercoe
6     This file is part of Csound.
8     The Csound Library is free software; you can redistribute it
9     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13     Csound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19     License along with Csound; if not, write to the Free Software
20     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21     02110-1301 USA
22 */
24 // #include "csdl.h"
25 #include "csoundCore.h"
26 #include "interlocks.h"
27 #include <math.h>
28 #include "cwindow.h"
29 #include "spectra.h"
30 #include "pitch.h"
31 #include "uggab.h"
32 #include <inttypes.h>
34 #define LOGTWO  (0.69314718056)
DOWNset(CSOUND * p,DOWNDAT * downdp,int32_t npts)36 void DOWNset(CSOUND *p, DOWNDAT *downdp, int32_t npts)
37 {
38     int32_t nbytes = npts * sizeof(MYFLT);
40     if (downdp->auxch.auxp == NULL || downdp->auxch.size != (uint32_t)nbytes)
41       p->AuxAlloc(p, nbytes, &downdp->auxch);
42     downdp->npts = npts;
43 }
SPECset(CSOUND * p,SPECDAT * specdp,int32_t npts)45 void SPECset(CSOUND *p, SPECDAT *specdp, int32_t npts)
46 {
47     int32_t nbytes = npts * sizeof(MYFLT);
49     if (specdp->auxch.auxp == NULL || (uint32_t)nbytes != specdp->auxch.size)
50       p->AuxAlloc(p, nbytes, &specdp->auxch);
51     specdp->npts = npts;
52 }
54 static const char *outstring[] = {"mag", "db", "mag sqrd", "root mag"};
spectset(CSOUND * csound,SPECTRUM * p)56 int32_t spectset(CSOUND *csound, SPECTRUM *p)
57                            /* spectrum - calcs disc Fourier transform of */
58                            /* oct-downsampled data outputs coefs (mag, */
59                            /* db or mag2) of log freq within each octave */
60 {
61     int32_t     n, nocts, nfreqs, ncoefs, hanning;
62     MYFLT   Q, *fltp;
63     OCTDAT  *octp;
64     DOWNDAT *dwnp = &p->downsig;
65     SPECDAT *specp = p->wsig;
67     /* for mac roundoff */
68     p->timcount = (int32_t)(CS_EKR * *p->iprd + FL(0.001));
69     nocts = (int32_t)*p->iocts;
70     nfreqs = (int32_t)*p->ifrqs;
71     ncoefs = nocts * nfreqs;
72     Q = *p->iq;
73     hanning = (*p->ihann) ? 1 : 0;
74     p->dbout = (int32_t)*p->idbout;
75     if (UNLIKELY((p->disprd = (int32_t)(CS_EKR * *p->idisprd)) < 0))
76       p->disprd = 0;
78     if (UNLIKELY(p->timcount <= 0))
79       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iprd"));
80     if (UNLIKELY(nocts <= 0 || nocts > MAXOCTS))
81       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iocts"));
82     if (UNLIKELY(nfreqs <= 0 || nfreqs > MAXFRQS))
83       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal ifrqs"));
84     if (UNLIKELY(Q <= FL(0.0)))
85       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal Q value"));
86     if (UNLIKELY(p->dbout < 0 || p->dbout > 3))
87       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("unknown dbout code"));
89     if (nocts != dwnp->nocts ||
90         nfreqs != p->nfreqs  || /* if anything has changed */
91         Q != p->curq         ||
92         (p->disprd && !p->octwindow.windid) ||
93         hanning != p->hanning) {                /*     make new tables */
94       double      basfrq, curfrq, frqmlt, Qfactor;
95       double      theta, a, windamp, onedws, pidws;
96       MYFLT       *sinp, *cosp;
97       int32_t         k, sumk, windsiz, halfsiz, *wsizp, *woffp;
98       int32_t       auxsiz, bufsiz = 0;
99       int32_t       majr, minr, totsamps, totsize;
100       double      hicps,locps,oct;  /*   must alloc anew */
102       p->nfreqs = nfreqs;
103       p->curq = Q;
104       p->hanning = hanning;
105       p->ncoefs = ncoefs;
106       csound->Warning(csound,
107                       Str("spectrum: %s window, %s out, making tables ...\n"),
108                       (hanning) ? "hanning":"hamming", outstring[p->dbout]);
110       if (p->h.optext->t.intype == 'k') {
111         dwnp->srate = CS_EKR;            /* define the srate */
112         p->nsmps = 1;
113       }
114       else {
115         dwnp->srate = CS_ESR;
116         p->nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
117       }
118       hicps = dwnp->srate * 0.375;            /* top freq is 3/4 pi/2 ...   */
119       oct = log(hicps / ONEPT) / LOGTWO;      /* octcps()  (see aops.c)     */
120       if (p->h.optext->t.intype != 'k') {     /* for sr sampling:           */
121         oct = ((int32_t)(oct*12.0 + 0.5)) / 12.0; /*     semitone round to A440 */
122         hicps = pow(2.0, oct) * ONEPT;        /*     cpsoct()               */
123       }
124       dwnp->looct = (MYFLT)(oct - nocts);     /* true oct val of lowest frq */
125       locps = hicps / (1L << nocts);
126       csound->Warning(csound, Str("\thigh cps %7.1f\n\t low cps %7.1f\n"),
127                               hicps, locps);
129       basfrq = hicps/2.0;                     /* oct below retuned top */
130       frqmlt = pow(2.0,(double)1.0/nfreqs);   /* nfreq interval mult */
131       Qfactor = Q * dwnp->srate;
132       curfrq = basfrq;
133       for (sumk=0,wsizp=p->winlen,woffp=p->offset,n=nfreqs; n--; ) {
134         *wsizp++ = k = (int32_t)(Qfactor/curfrq) | 01;  /* calc odd wind sizes */
135         *woffp++ = (*(p->winlen) - k) / 2;          /* & symmetric offsets */
136         sumk += k;                                  /*    and find total   */
137         curfrq *= frqmlt;
138       }
139       windsiz = *(p->winlen);
140       csound->Warning(csound,
141                       Str("\tQ %4.1f uses a %d sample window each octdown\n"),
142                       Q, windsiz);
143       auxsiz = (windsiz + 2*sumk) * sizeof(MYFLT);   /* calc lcl space rqd */
145       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)auxsiz, &p->auxch1); /* & alloc auxspace */
147       fltp = (MYFLT *) p->auxch1.auxp;
148       p->linbufp = fltp;      fltp += windsiz; /* linbuf must take nsamps */
149       p->sinp = sinp = fltp;  fltp += sumk;
150       p->cosp = cosp = fltp;                         /* cos gets rem sumk  */
151       wsizp = p->winlen;
152       curfrq = basfrq * TWOPI / dwnp->srate;
153       for (n = nfreqs; n--; ) {                      /* now fill tables */
154         windsiz = *wsizp++;                          /*  (odd win size) */
155         halfsiz = windsiz >> 1;
156         onedws = 1.0 / (windsiz-1);
157         pidws = PI / (windsiz-1);
158         for (k = -halfsiz; k<=halfsiz; k++) {        /*   with sines    */
159           a = cos(k * pidws);
160           windamp = a * a;                           /*   times hanning */
161           if (!hanning)
162             windamp = 0.08 + 0.92 * windamp;         /*   or hamming    */
163           windamp *= onedws;                         /*   scaled        */
164           theta = k * curfrq;
165           *sinp++ = (MYFLT)(windamp * sin(theta));
166           *cosp++ = (MYFLT)(windamp * cos(theta));
167         }
168         curfrq *= frqmlt;                        /*   step by log freq  */
169       }
170       if (*p->idsines != FL(0.0)) {      /* if reqd, dsply windowed sines now! */
171         csound->dispset(csound, &p->sinwindow, p->sinp, (int32_t) sumk,
172                                 Str("spectrum windowed sines:"), 0, "spectrum");
173         csound->display(csound, &p->sinwindow);
174       }
176       dwnp->hifrq = (MYFLT)hicps;
177       dwnp->lofrq = (MYFLT)locps;
178       dwnp->nsamps = windsiz = *(p->winlen);
179       dwnp->nocts = nocts;
180       minr = windsiz >> 1;                  /* sep odd windsiz into maj, min */
181       majr = windsiz - minr;                /*      & calc totsamps reqd     */
182       totsamps = (majr*nocts) + (minr<<nocts) - minr;
183       DOWNset(csound, dwnp, totsamps);      /* auxalloc in DOWNDAT struct */
184       fltp = (MYFLT *) dwnp->auxch.auxp;    /*  & distrib to octdata */
185       for (n=nocts,octp=dwnp->octdata+(nocts-1); n--; octp--) {
186         bufsiz = majr + minr;
187         octp->begp = fltp;  fltp += bufsiz; /*        (lo oct first) */
188         octp->endp = fltp;  minr *= 2;
189       }
190       csound->Warning(csound, Str("\t%d oct analysis window "
191                                   "delay = %"PRIi32" samples (%d msecs)\n"),
192                               nocts, bufsiz, (int32_t)(bufsiz*1000/dwnp->srate));
193       if (p->disprd) {                      /* if display requested, */
194         totsize = totsamps * sizeof(MYFLT); /*  alloc an equiv local */
195         csound->AuxAlloc(csound,
196                          (size_t)totsize, &p->auxch2);/*  linear output window */
197         csound->dispset(csound, &p->octwindow, (MYFLT *)p->auxch2.auxp,
198                         (int32_t)totsamps, Str("octdown buffers:"), 0, "spectrum");
199       }
200       SPECset(csound, specp, (int32_t)ncoefs);  /* prep the spec dspace */
201       specp->downsrcp = dwnp;                /*  & record its source */
202     }
203     for (octp=dwnp->octdata; nocts--; octp++) { /* reset all oct params, &    */
204       octp->curp = octp->begp;
205       for (fltp=octp->feedback,n=6; n--; )
206         *fltp++ = FL(0.0);
207       octp->scount = 0;
208     }
209     specp->nfreqs = p->nfreqs;               /* save the spec descriptors */
210     specp->dbout = p->dbout;
211     specp->ktimstamp = 0;                    /* init specdata to not new  */
212     specp->ktimprd = p->timcount;
213     p->scountdown = p->timcount;             /* prime the spect countdown */
214     p->dcountdown = p->disprd;               /*   & the display countdown */
215     return OK;
216 }
linocts(DOWNDAT * dwnp,MYFLT * bufp)218 static void linocts(DOWNDAT *dwnp, MYFLT *bufp)
219      /* linearize octdown dat to 1 buf */
220 {    /* presumes correct buffer alloc'd in set */
221     MYFLT  *curp, *endp;
222     int32_t    wrap;
223     OCTDAT *octp;
224     int32_t    nocts;
225     MYFLT  *begp;
227     nocts = dwnp->nocts;
228     octp = dwnp->octdata + nocts;
229     while (nocts--) {
230       octp--;                            /* for each octave (low to high) */
231       begp = octp->begp;
232       curp = octp->curp;
233       endp = octp->endp;
234       wrap = curp - begp;
235       while (curp < endp)                     /*   copy circbuf to linbuf */
236         *bufp++ = *curp++;
237       for (curp=begp; wrap--; )
238         *bufp++ = *curp++;
239     }
240 }
242 static const MYFLT bicoefs[] = {
243    -FL(0.2674054), FL(0.7491305), FL(0.7160484), FL(0.0496285), FL(0.7160484),
244     FL(0.0505247), FL(0.3514850), FL(0.5257536), FL(0.3505025), FL(0.5257536),
245     FL(0.3661840), FL(0.0837990), FL(0.3867783), FL(0.6764264), FL(0.3867783)
246 };
spectrum(CSOUND * csound,SPECTRUM * p)248 int32_t spectrum(CSOUND *csound, SPECTRUM *p)
249 {
250     MYFLT   a, b, *dftp, *sigp = p->signal, SIG, yt1, yt2;
251     int32_t     nocts, nsmps = p->nsmps, winlen;
252     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
253     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
254     DOWNDAT *downp = &p->downsig;
255     OCTDAT  *octp;
256     SPECDAT *specp;
257     double  c;
259     if (UNLIKELY(early)) nsmps -= early;
260     do {
261       SIG = *sigp++;                        /* for each source sample:     */
262       if (offset--) SIG = FL(0.0);          /* for sample accuracy         */
263       octp = downp->octdata;                /*   align onto top octave     */
264       nocts = downp->nocts;
265       do {                                  /*   then for each oct:        */
266         const MYFLT *coefp;
267         MYFLT       *ytp, *curp;
268         int32_t         nfilt;
269         curp = octp->curp;
270         *curp++ = SIG;                      /*  write samp to cur buf  */
271         if (curp >= octp->endp)
272           curp = octp->begp;                /*    & modulo the pointer */
273         octp->curp = curp;
274         if (!(--nocts))  break;             /*  if lastoct, break      */
275         coefp = bicoefs;  ytp = octp->feedback;
276         for (nfilt = 3; nfilt--; ) {        /*  apply triple biquad:   */
277           yt2 = *ytp++; yt1 = *ytp--;             /* get prev feedback */
278           SIG -= (*coefp++ * yt1);                /* apply recurs filt */
279           SIG -= (*coefp++ * yt2);
280           *ytp++ = yt1; *ytp++ = SIG;             /* stor nxt feedback */
281           SIG *= *coefp++;
282           SIG += (*coefp++ * yt1);                /* apply forwrd filt */
283           SIG += (*coefp++ * yt2);
284         }
285       } while (!(++octp->scount & 01) && octp++); /* send alt samps to nxtoct */
286     } while (--nsmps);
288     if (p->disprd)                               /* if displays requested,   */
289       if (!(--p->dcountdown)) {                  /*   on countdown           */
290         linocts(downp, (MYFLT *)p->auxch2.auxp); /*   linearize the oct bufs */
291         csound->display(csound, &p->octwindow);  /*      & display           */
292         p->dcountdown = p->disprd;
293       }
295     if ((--p->scountdown)) return OK;/* if not yet time for new spec, return */
296     p->scountdown = p->timcount;     /* else reset counter & proceed:        */
297     downp = &p->downsig;
298     specp = p->wsig;
299     nocts = downp->nocts;
300     octp = downp->octdata + nocts;
301     dftp = (MYFLT *) specp->auxch.auxp;
302     winlen = *(p->winlen);
303     while (nocts--) {
304       MYFLT  *bufp, *sinp, *cosp;
305       int32_t    len, *lenp, *offp, nfreqs;
306       MYFLT    *begp, *curp, *endp, *linbufp;
307       int32_t      len2;
308       octp--;                                /* for each oct (low to high) */
309       begp = octp->begp;
310       curp = octp->curp;
311       endp = octp->endp;
312       if ((len = endp - curp) >= winlen)     /*   if no wrap               */
313         linbufp = curp;                      /*     use samples in circbuf */
314       else {
315         len2 = winlen - len;
316         linbufp = bufp = p->linbufp;         /*   else cp crcbuf to linbuf */
317         while (len--)
318           *bufp++ = *curp++;
319         curp = begp;
320         while (len2--)
321           *bufp++ = *curp++;
322       }
323       cosp = p->cosp;                        /*   get start windowed sines */
324       sinp = p->sinp;
325       lenp = p->winlen;
326       offp = p->offset;
327       for (nfreqs=p->nfreqs; nfreqs--; ) {   /*   now for ea. frq this oct */
328         a = FL(0.0);
329         b = FL(0.0);
330         bufp = linbufp + *offp++;
331         for (len = *lenp++; len--; bufp++) { /* apply windowed sine seg */
332           a += *bufp * *cosp++;
333           b += *bufp * *sinp++;
334         }
335         c = a*a + b*b;                       /* get magnitude squared   */
336         switch (p->dbout) {
337         case 1:
338           if (c < .001) c = .001;            /* and convert to db       */
339           c = 10.0 * log10(c);
340           break;
341         case 3:
342           c = sqrt(c);                       /*    or root mag          */
343           /* FALLTHRU */
344         case 0:
345           c = sqrt(c);                       /*    or mag               */
346           /* FALLTHRU */
347         case 2:
348           break;                             /*    or leave mag sqrd    */
349         }
350         *dftp++ = (MYFLT)c;                  /* store in out spectrum   */
351       }
352     }
353     specp->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;     /* time-stamp the output   */
354     return OK;
355 }
357 /* int32_t nocdfset(CSOUND *csound, NOCTDFT *p) */
358 /*     /\* noctdft - calcs disc Fourier transform of oct-downsampled data *\/ */
359 /*     /\* outputs coefs (mag, db or mag2) of log freq within each octave *\/ */
360 /* { */
361 /*     int32_t     nfreqs, hanning, nocts, ncoefs; */
362 /*     MYFLT   Q, *fltp; */
363 /*     DOWNDAT *downp = p->dsig; */
364 /*     SPECDAT *specp = p->wsig; */
366 /*     p->timcount = CS_EKR * *p->iprd; */
367 /*     nfreqs = *p->ifrqs; */
368 /*     Q = *p->iq; */
369 /*     hanning = (*p->ihann) ? 1 : 0; */
370 /*     if ((p->dbout = *p->idbout) && p->dbout != 1 && p->dbout != 2) { */
371 /*       return csound->InitError(csound,
372                                   Str("noctdft: unknown dbout code of %d"), */
373 /*                                        p->dbout); */
374 /*     } */
375 /*     nocts = downp->nocts; */
376 /*     ncoefs = nocts * nfreqs; */
377 /*     if (nfreqs != p->nfreqs || Q != p->curq  /\* if anything changed *\/ */
378 /*         || p->timcount <= 0 || Q <= 0. */
379 /*         || hanning != p->hanning */
380 /*         || ncoefs != p->ncoefs) {       /\*     make new tables *\/ */
381 /*       double      basfrq, curfrq, frqmlt, Qfactor; */
382 /*       double      theta, a, windamp, onedws, pidws; */
383 /*       MYFLT       *sinp, *cosp; */
384 /*       int32_t         n, k, sumk, windsiz, *wsizp, nsamps; */
385 /*       int64_t        auxsiz; */
387 /*       csound->Message(csound, */
388 /*                       Str("noctdft: %s window, %s out, making tables ...\n"), */
389 /*                       (hanning) ? "hanning":"hamming", outstring[p->dbout]); */
390 /*       if (p->timcount <= 0) */
391 /*         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iprd")); */
392 /*       if (nfreqs <= 0 || nfreqs > MAXFRQS) */
393 /*         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal ifrqs")); */
394 /*       if (Q <= FL(0.0)) */
395 /*         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal Q value")); */
396 /*       nsamps = downp->nsamps; */
397 /*       p->nfreqs = nfreqs; */
398 /*       p->curq = Q; */
399 /*       p->hanning = hanning; */
400 /*       p->ncoefs = ncoefs; */
401 /*       basfrq = downp->hifrq/2.0 * TWOPI/downp->srate;
402                                                 /\* oct below retuned top *\/ */
403 /*       frqmlt = pow(2.0,1.0/(double)nfreqs);    /\* nfreq interval mult *\/ */
404 /*       Qfactor = TWOPI * Q;      /\* Was incorrect value for 2pi?? *\/ */
405 /*       curfrq = basfrq; */
406 /*       for (sumk=0,wsizp=p->winlen,n=nfreqs; n--; ) { */
407 /*         *wsizp++ = k = Qfactor/curfrq + 0.5; /\* calc window sizes  *\/ */
408 /*         sumk += k;                           /\*   and find total   *\/ */
409 /*         curfrq *= frqmlt; */
410 /*       } */
411 /*       if ((windsiz = *(p->winlen)) > nsamps) {/\* chk longest windsiz *\/ */
412 /*         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Q %4.1f needs %d samples, " */
413 /*                                              "octdown has just %d"), */
414 /*                                          Q, windsiz, nsamps); */
415 /*       } */
416 /*       else csound->Message(csound, Str("noctdft: Q %4.1f uses %d of " */
417 /*                                        "%d samps per octdown\n"), */
418 /*                                    Q, windsiz, nsamps); */
419 /*       auxsiz = (nsamps + 2*sumk) * sizeof(MYFLT);/\* calc local space reqd *\/ */
420 /*       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)auxsiz, &p->auxch);
421          /\* & alloc auxspace  *\/ */
422 /*       fltp = (MYFLT *) p->auxch.auxp; */
423 /*       p->linbufp = fltp;          fltp += nsamps;
424          /\* linbuf must handle nsamps *\/ */
425 /*       p->sinp = sinp = fltp;      fltp += sumk; */
426 /*       p->cosp = cosp = fltp;                 /\* cos gets rem sumk  *\/ */
427 /*       wsizp = p->winlen; */
428 /*       for (curfrq=basfrq,n=nfreqs; n--; ) {     /\* now fill tables *\/ */
429 /*         windsiz = *wsizp++; */
430 /*         onedws = 1.0 / windsiz; */
431 /*         pidws = PI / windsiz; */
432 /*         for (k=0; k<windsiz; k++) {                 /\*   with sines    *\/ */
433 /*           a = sin(k * pidws); */
434 /*           windamp = a * a;                        /\*   times hanning *\/ */
435 /*           if (!hanning) */
436 /*             windamp = 0.08 + 0.92 * windamp;    /\*   or hamming    *\/ */
437 /*           windamp *= onedws;                      /\*   scaled        *\/ */
438 /*           theta = k * curfrq; */
439 /*           *sinp++ = windamp * sin(theta); */
440 /*           *cosp++ = windamp * cos(theta); */
441 /*         } */
442 /*         curfrq *= frqmlt;                     /\*   step by log freq  *\/ */
443 /*       } */
444 /*       if (*p->idsines != FL(0.0)) { */
445 /*         /\* if reqd, display windowed sines immediately *\/ */
446 /*         csound->dispset(csound, &p->dwindow, p->sinp, (int32_t) sumk, */
447 /*                                 Str("octdft windowed sines:"), 0, "octdft"); */
448 /*         csound->display(csound, &p->dwindow); */
449 /*       } */
450 /*       SPECset(csound, */
451 /*               specp, (int64_t)ncoefs);          /\* prep the spec dspace *\/ */
452 /*       specp->downsrcp = downp;               /\*  & record its source *\/ */
453 /*     } */
454 /*     specp->nfreqs = p->nfreqs;            \* save the spec descriptors *\/ */
455 /*     specp->dbout = p->dbout; */
456 /*     specp->ktimstamp = 0;                 \* init specdata to not new  *\/ */
457 /*     specp->ktimprd = p->timcount; */
458 /*     p->countdown = p->timcount;           \*     & prime the countdown *\/ */
459 /*     return OK; */
460 /* } */
462 /* int32_t noctdft(CSOUND *csound, NOCTDFT *p) */
463 /* { */
464 /*     DOWNDAT *downp; */
465 /*     SPECDAT *specp; */
466 /*     OCTDAT  *octp; */
467 /*     MYFLT   *dftp; */
468 /*     int32_t     nocts, wrap; */
469 /*     MYFLT   a, b; */
470 /*     double  c; */
472 /*     if ((--p->countdown))  return;
473        /\* if not yet time for new spec, return *\/ */
474 /*     if (p->auxch.auxp==NULL) { /\* RWD fix *\/ */
475 /*       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h), */
476 /*                                Str("noctdft: not initialised")); */
477 /*     } */
478 /*     p->countdown = p->timcount;      /\* else reset counter & proceed:   *\/ */
479 /*     downp = p->dsig; */
480 /*     specp = p->wsig; */
481 /*     nocts = downp->nocts; */
482 /*     octp = downp->octdata + nocts; */
483 /*     dftp = (MYFLT *) specp->auxch.auxp; */
484 /*     while (nocts--) { */
485 /*       MYFLT  *bufp, *sinp, *cosp; */
486 /*       int32_t    len, *lenp, nfreqs; */
487 /*       MYFLT   *begp, *curp, *endp; */
488 /*       octp--;                        /\* for each octave (low to high)   *\/ */
489 /*       begp = octp->begp; */
490 /*       curp = octp->curp; */
491 /*       endp = octp->endp; */
492 /*       wrap = curp - begp; */
493 /*       bufp = p->linbufp; */
494 /*       while (curp < endp)              /\*   copy circbuf to linbuf   *\/ */
495 /*         *bufp++ = *curp++; */
496 /*       for (curp=begp,len=wrap; len--; ) */
497 /*         *bufp++ = *curp++; */
498 /*       cosp = p->cosp;                  /\*   get start windowed sines *\/ */
499 /*       sinp = p->sinp; */
500 /*       lenp = p->winlen; */
501 /*       for (nfreqs=p->nfreqs; nfreqs--; ) { /\* now for each freq this oct: *\/ */
502 /*         a = 0.0; */
503 /*         b = 0.0; */
504 /*         bufp = p->linbufp; */
505 /*         for (len = *lenp++; len--; bufp++) {/\*  apply windowed sine seg *\/ */
506 /*           a += *bufp * *cosp++; */
507 /*           b += *bufp * *sinp++; */
508 /*         } */
509 /*         c = a*a + b*b;                    /\*  get magnitude squared   *\/ */
510 /*         if (!(p->dbout))                  /\*    & optionally convert  *\/ */
511 /*           c = sqrt(c);                    /\*    to  mag or db         *\/ */
512 /*         else if (p->dbout == 1) { */
513 /*           if (c < .001) c = .001; */
514 /*           c = 10. * log10(c); */
515 /*         } */
516 /*         *dftp++ = c;                       /\* store in out spectrum   *\/ */
517 /*       } */
518 /*     } */
519 /*     specp->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;   /\* time-stamp the output   *\/ */
520 /*     return OK; */
521 /* } */
spdspset(CSOUND * csound,SPECDISP * p)523 int32_t spdspset(CSOUND *csound, SPECDISP *p)
524 {
525     char  strmsg[256];
526     /* RWD is this enough? */
527     if (UNLIKELY(p->wsig->auxch.auxp==NULL)) {
528       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("specdisp: not initialised"));
529     }
530     if (UNLIKELY((p->timcount = (int32_t)(CS_EKR * *p->iprd)) <= 0)) {
531       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iperiod"));
532     }
533     if (!(p->dwindow.windid)) {
534       SPECDAT *specp = p->wsig;
535       DOWNDAT *downp = specp->downsrcp;
536       if (downp->lofrq > FL(5.0)) {
537         snprintf(strmsg, 256,
538                 Str("instr %d %s, dft (%s), %d octaves (%d - %d Hz):"),
539                 (int32_t) p->h.insdshead->p1.value, p->h.optext->t.inlist->arg[0],
540                 outstring[specp->dbout],
541                 downp->nocts, (int32_t)downp->lofrq, (int32_t)downp->hifrq);
542       }
543       else {                            /* more detail if low frequency  */
544         snprintf(strmsg, 256,
545                 Str("instr %d %s, dft (%s), %d octaves (%3.1f - %3.1f Hz):"),
546                 (int32_t) p->h.insdshead->p1.value, p->h.optext->t.inlist->arg[0],
547                 outstring[specp->dbout],
548                 downp->nocts, downp->lofrq, downp->hifrq);
549       }
550       csound->dispset(csound, &p->dwindow, (MYFLT*) specp->auxch.auxp,
551                       (int32_t)specp->npts, strmsg, (int32_t)*p->iwtflg,
552                       "specdisp");
553     }
554     p->countdown = p->timcount;         /* prime the countdown */
555     return OK;
556 }
specdisp(CSOUND * csound,SPECDISP * p)558 int32_t specdisp(CSOUND *csound, SPECDISP *p)
559 {
560     /* RWD is this enough? */
561     if (UNLIKELY(p->wsig->auxch.auxp==NULL)) goto err1;
562     if (!(--p->countdown)) {            /* on countdown     */
563       csound->display(csound, &p->dwindow);     /*    display spect */
564       p->countdown = p->timcount;       /*    & reset count */
565     }
566     return OK;
567  err1:
568     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
569                              Str("specdisp: not initialised"));
570 }
sptrkset(CSOUND * csound,SPECPTRK * p)572 int32_t sptrkset(CSOUND *csound, SPECPTRK *p)
573 {
574     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
575     int32_t   npts, nptls, nn, lobin;
576     int32_t     *dstp, ptlmax, inc;
577     MYFLT   nfreqs, rolloff, *oct0p, *flop, *fhip, *fundp, *fendp, *fp;
578     MYFLT   weight, weightsum, dbthresh, ampthresh;
580     if ((npts = inspecp->npts) != p->winpts) {  /* if size has changed */
581       SPECset(csound,
582               &p->wfund, (int32_t)npts);           /*   realloc for wfund */
583       p->wfund.downsrcp = inspecp->downsrcp;
584       p->fundp = (MYFLT *) p->wfund.auxch.auxp;
585       p->winpts = npts;
586         }
587     if ((p->ftimcnt = (int32_t)(CS_EKR**p->ifprd)) > 0) {
588       /* if displaying wfund */
589       SPECDISP *fdp = &p->fdisplay;
590       fdp->h = p->h;
591       fdp->wsig = &p->wfund;                    /*  pass the param pntrs */
592       fdp->iprd = p->ifprd;
593       fdp->iwtflg = p->iwtflg;
594 /*       fdp->altname = "specptrk"; */
595 /*       fdp->altarg = "X-corr"; */
596       p->wfund.dbout = inspecp->dbout;
597       spdspset(csound,fdp);                     /*  & call specdisp init */
598     }
599     else p->ftimcnt = 0;
600     if (UNLIKELY((nptls = (int32_t)*p->inptls) <= 0 || nptls > MAXPTL)) {
601       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal no of partials"));
602     }
603     p->nptls = nptls;        /* number, whether all or odd */
604     if (*p->iodd == FL(0.0)) {
605       ptlmax = nptls;
606       inc = 1;
607     } else {
608       ptlmax = nptls * 2 - 1;
609       inc = 2;
610     }
611     dstp = p->pdist;
612     nfreqs = (MYFLT)inspecp->nfreqs;
613     for (nn = 1; nn <= ptlmax; nn += inc)
614       *dstp++ = (int32_t) ((log((double) nn) / LOGTWO) * nfreqs + 0.5);
615     if ((rolloff = *p->irolloff) == 0.0 || rolloff == 1.0 || nptls == 1) {
616       p->rolloff = 0;
617       weightsum = (MYFLT)nptls;
618     } else {
619       MYFLT *fltp = p->pmult;
620       MYFLT octdrop = (FL(1.0) - rolloff) / nfreqs;
621       weightsum = FL(0.0);
622       for (dstp = p->pdist, nn = nptls; nn--; ) {
623         weight = FL(1.0) - octdrop * *dstp++;       /* rolloff * octdistance */
624         weightsum += weight;
625         *fltp++ = weight;
626       }
627       if (UNLIKELY(*--fltp < FL(0.0))) {
628         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("per oct rolloff too steep"));
629       }
630       p->rolloff = 1;
631     }
632     lobin = (int32_t)(inspecp->downsrcp->looct * nfreqs);
633     oct0p = p->fundp - lobin;                   /* virtual loc of oct 0 */
635     flop = oct0p + (int32_t)(*p->ilo * nfreqs);
636     fhip = oct0p + (int32_t)(*p->ihi * nfreqs);
637     fundp = p->fundp;
638     fendp = fundp + inspecp->npts;
639     if (flop < fundp) flop = fundp;
640     if (fhip > fendp) fhip = fendp;
641     if (UNLIKELY(flop >= fhip)) {         /* chk hi-lo range valid */
642       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal lo-hi values"));
643     }
644     for (fp = fundp; fp < flop; )
645       *fp++ = FL(0.0);   /* clear unused lo and hi range */
646     for (fp = fhip; fp < fendp; )
647       *fp++ = FL(0.0);
649     csound->Warning(csound, Str("specptrk: %d freqs, %d%s ptls at "),
650                     (int32_t)nfreqs, (int32_t)nptls, inc==2 ? Str(" odd") : "");
651     for (nn = 0; nn < nptls; nn++)
652       csound->Warning(csound, "\t%d", p->pdist[nn]);
653     if (p->rolloff) {
654       csound->Warning(csound, Str("\n\t\trolloff vals:"));
655       for (nn = 0; nn < nptls; nn++)
656         csound->Warning(csound, "\t%4.2f", p->pmult[nn]);
657     }
659     dbthresh = *p->idbthresh;                     /* thresholds: */
660     ampthresh = (MYFLT)exp((double)dbthresh * LOG10D20);
661     switch(inspecp->dbout) {
662     case 0: p->threshon = ampthresh;              /* mag */
663       p->threshoff = ampthresh / FL(2.0);
664                 break;
665     case 1: p->threshon = dbthresh;               /* db  */
666       p->threshoff = dbthresh - FL(6.0);
667       break;
668     case 2: p->threshon = ampthresh * ampthresh;  /* mag sqrd */
669       p->threshoff = p->threshon / FL(4.0);
670       break;
671     case 3: p->threshon = (MYFLT)sqrt(ampthresh);        /* root mag */
672       p->threshoff = p->threshon / FL(1.414);
673       break;
674     }
675     p->threshon *= weightsum;
676     p->threshoff *= weightsum;
677     csound->Warning(csound, Str("\n\tdbthresh %4.1f: X-corr %s "
678                                 "threshon %4.1f, threshoff %4.1f\n"),
679                             dbthresh, outstring[inspecp->dbout],
680                             p->threshon, p->threshoff);
681     p->oct0p = oct0p;                 /* virtual loc of oct 0 */
682     p->confact = *p->iconf;
683     p->flop = flop;
684     p->fhip = fhip;
685     p->kinterp = (*p->interp == FL(0.0)) ? 0 : 1;
686     p->playing = 0;
687     p->kvalsav = *p->istrt;
688     p->kval = p->kinc = FL(0.0);
689     p->kavl = p->kanc = FL(0.0);
690     p->jmpcount =  0;
691     return OK;
692 }
694 #define STARTING 1
695 #define PLAYING  2
specptrk(CSOUND * csound,SPECPTRK * p)697 int32_t specptrk(CSOUND *csound, SPECPTRK *p)
698 {
699     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
701     if (inspecp->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {   /* if inspectrum is new: */
702       MYFLT *inp = (MYFLT *) inspecp->auxch.auxp;
703       MYFLT *endp = inp + inspecp->npts;
704       MYFLT *inp2, sum, *fp;
705       int32_t   nn, *pdist, confirms;
706       MYFLT kval, kvar, fmax, *fmaxp, absdiff, realbin;
707       MYFLT *flop, *fhip, *ilop, *ihip, a, b, c, denom, delta;
708       int32_t lobin, hibin;
710       if (UNLIKELY(inp==NULL)) goto err1;             /* RWD fix */
711       kvar = FABS(*p->kvar);
712       kval = p->playing == PLAYING ? p->kval : p->kvalsav;
713       lobin =
714         (int32_t)((kval-kvar) * inspecp->nfreqs); /* set lim of frq interest */
715       hibin = (int32_t)((kval+kvar) * inspecp->nfreqs);
716       if ((flop = p->oct0p + lobin) < p->flop)  /*       as fundp bin pntrs */
717         flop = p->flop;
718       if ((fhip = p->oct0p + hibin) > p->fhip)  /*       within hard limits */
719         fhip = p->fhip;
720       ilop = inp + (flop - p->fundp);           /* similar for input bins   */
721       ihip = inp + (fhip - p->fundp);
722       if (p->ftimcnt) {                         /* if displaying,  */
723         for (fp = p->flop; fp < flop; )         /*   clr to limits */
724           *fp++ = FL(0.0);
725         for (fp = p->fhip; fp > fhip; )
726           *--fp = FL(0.0);
727       }
728       inp = ilop;
729       fp = flop;
730       if (p->rolloff) {
731         MYFLT *pmult;
732         do {
733           sum = *inp;
734           pdist = p->pdist + 1;
735           pmult = p->pmult + 1;
736           for (nn = p->nptls; --nn; ) {
737             if ((inp2 = inp + *pdist++) >= endp)
738               break;
739             sum += *inp2 * *pmult++;
740           }
741           *fp++ = sum;
742         } while (++inp < ihip);
743       }
744       else {
745         do {
746           sum = *inp;
747           pdist = p->pdist + 1;
748           for (nn = p->nptls; --nn; ) {
749             if ((inp2 = inp + *pdist++) >= endp)
750               break;
751             sum += *inp2;
752           }
753           *fp++ = sum;
754         } while (++inp < ihip);
755       }
756       fp = flop;                               /* now srch fbins for peak */
757       for (fmaxp = fp, fmax = *fp; ++fp<fhip; )
758         if (*fp > fmax) {
759           fmax = *fp;
760           fmaxp = fp;
761         }
762       if (!p->playing) {
763         if (fmax > p->threshon)         /* not playing & threshon? */
764           p->playing = STARTING;      /*   prepare to turn on    */
765         else goto output;
766       }
767       else {
768         if (fmax < p->threshoff) {      /* playing & threshoff ? */
769           if (p->playing == PLAYING)
770             p->kvalsav = p->kval;   /*   save val & turn off */
771           p->kval = FL(0.0);
772           p->kavl = FL(0.0);
773           p->kinc = FL(0.0);
774           p->kanc = FL(0.0);
775           p->playing = 0;
776           goto output;
777         }
778       }
779       a = fmaxp>flop ? *(fmaxp-1) : FL(0.0);     /* calc a refined bin no */
780       b = fmax;
781       c = fmaxp<fhip-1 ? *(fmaxp+1) : FL(0.0);
782       if (b < FL(2.0) * (a + c))
783         denom = b * FL(2.0) - a - c;
784       else denom = a + b + c;
785       if (denom != FL(0.0))
786         delta = FL(0.5) * (c - a) / denom;
787       else delta = FL(0.0);
788       realbin = (fmaxp - p->oct0p) + delta;    /* get modified bin number  */
789       kval = realbin / inspecp->nfreqs;        /*     & cvt to true decoct */
791       if (p->playing == STARTING) {            /* STARTING mode:           */
792         absdiff = FABS(kval - p->kvalsav);
793         confirms = (int32_t)(absdiff * p->confact); /* get interval dependency  */
794         if (p->jmpcount < confirms) {
795           p->jmpcount += 1;                /* if not enough confirms,  */
796           goto output;                     /*    must wait some more   */
797         } else {
798           p->playing = PLAYING;            /* else switch on playing   */
799           p->jmpcount = 0;
800           p->kval = kval;                  /*    but suppress interp   */
801           p->kinc = FL(0.0);
802         }
803       } else {                                 /* PLAYING mode:            */
804         absdiff = FABS(kval - p->kval);
805         confirms = (int32_t)(absdiff * p->confact); /* get interval dependency  */
806         if (p->jmpcount < confirms) {
807           p->jmpcount += 1;                /* if not enough confirms,  */
808           p->kinc = FL(0.0);                 /*    must wait some more   */
809         } else {
810           p->jmpcount = 0;                 /* else OK to jump interval */
811           if (p->kinterp)                  /*    with optional interp  */
812             p->kinc = (kval - p->kval) / inspecp->ktimprd;
813           else p->kval = kval;
814         }
815       }
816       fmax += delta * (c - a) / FL(4.0);           /* get modified amp */
817       if (p->kinterp)                         /*   & new kanc if interp */
818         p->kanc = (fmax - p->kavl) / inspecp->ktimprd;
819       else p->kavl = fmax;
820     }
821  output:
822     *p->koct = p->kval;                   /* output true decoct & amp */
823     *p->kamp = p->kavl;
824     if (p->kinterp) {                     /* interp if reqd  */
825       p->kval += p->kinc;
826       p->kavl += p->kanc;
827     }
828     if (p->ftimcnt)
829       specdisp(csound,&p->fdisplay);
830     return OK;
831  err1:
832     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
833                              Str("specptrk: not initialised"));
834 }
spsumset(CSOUND * csound,SPECSUM * p)836 int32_t spsumset(CSOUND *csound, SPECSUM *p)
837 {
838    IGN(csound);
839     p->kinterp = (*p->interp == FL(0.0)) ? 0 : 1;
840     p->kinc = p->kval = FL(0.0);
841     return OK;
842 }
specsum(CSOUND * csound,SPECSUM * p)844 int32_t specsum(CSOUND *csound, SPECSUM *p)
845                                /* sum all vals of a spectrum and put as ksig */
846                                /*         optionally interpolate the output  */
847 {
848     SPECDAT *specp = p->wsig;
849     if (UNLIKELY(specp->auxch.auxp==NULL)) goto err1; /* RWD fix */
850     if (specp->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) { /* if spectrum is new   */
851       MYFLT *valp = (MYFLT *) specp->auxch.auxp;
852       MYFLT sum = FL(0.0);
853       int32_t n,npts = specp->npts;                /*   sum all the values */
854       for (n=0;n<npts;n++) {
855         sum += valp[n];
856       }
857       if (p->kinterp)                           /*   new kinc if interp */
858         p->kinc = (sum - p->kval) / specp->ktimprd;
859       else p->kval = sum;
860     }
861     *p->ksum = p->kval;       /* output current kval */
862     if (p->kinterp)           /*   & interp if reqd  */
863       p->kval += p->kinc;
864     return OK;
865  err1:
866     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
867                              Str("specsum: not initialised"));
868 }
spadmset(CSOUND * csound,SPECADDM * p)870 int32_t spadmset(CSOUND *csound, SPECADDM *p)
871 {
872     SPECDAT *inspec1p = p->wsig1;
873     SPECDAT *inspec2p = p->wsig2;
874     int32_t   npts;
876     if (UNLIKELY((npts = inspec1p->npts) != inspec2p->npts))
877       /* inspecs must agree in size */
878       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("inputs have different sizes"));
879     if (UNLIKELY(inspec1p->ktimprd != inspec2p->ktimprd))
880       /*                time period */
881       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("inputs have diff. time periods"));
882     if (UNLIKELY(inspec1p->nfreqs != inspec2p->nfreqs))
883       /*                frq resoltn */
884       return csound->InitError(csound,
885                                Str("inputs have different freq resolution"));
886     if (UNLIKELY(inspec1p->dbout != inspec2p->dbout))
887       /*                and db type */
888       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("inputs have different amptypes"));
889     if (npts != p->waddm->npts) {                 /* if out does not match ins */
890       SPECset(csound,
891               p->waddm, (int32_t)npts);              /*       reinit the out spec */
892       p->waddm->downsrcp = inspec1p->downsrcp;
893     }
894     p->waddm->ktimprd = inspec1p->ktimprd;        /* pass the other specinfo */
895     p->waddm->nfreqs = inspec1p->nfreqs;
896     p->waddm->dbout = inspec1p->dbout;
897     p->waddm->ktimstamp = 0;                      /* mark the outspec not new */
898     return OK;
899 }
specaddm(CSOUND * csound,SPECADDM * p)901 int32_t specaddm(CSOUND *csound, SPECADDM *p)
902 {
903     if (UNLIKELY((p->wsig1->auxch.auxp==NULL) || /* RWD fix */
904                  (p->wsig2->auxch.auxp==NULL) ||
905                  (p->waddm->auxch.auxp==NULL))) goto err1;
906     if (p->wsig1->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {  /* if inspec1 is new:     */
907       MYFLT *in1p = (MYFLT *) p->wsig1->auxch.auxp;
908       MYFLT *in2p = (MYFLT *) p->wsig2->auxch.auxp;
909       MYFLT *outp = (MYFLT *) p->waddm->auxch.auxp;
910       MYFLT mul2 = p->mul2;
911       int32_t   n,npts = p->wsig1->npts;
913       for (n=0;n<npts;n++) {
914         outp[n] = in1p[n] + in2p[n] * mul2;         /* out = in1 + in2 * mul2 */
915       }
916       p->waddm->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;  /* mark the output spec as new */
917     }
918     return OK;
919  err1:
920     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
921                              Str("specaddm: not initialised"));
922 }
spdifset(CSOUND * csound,SPECDIFF * p)924 int32_t spdifset(CSOUND *csound, SPECDIFF *p)
925 {
926     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
927     MYFLT *lclp;
928     MYFLT *outp;
929     int32_t   npts;
931     if ((npts = inspecp->npts) != p->specsave.npts) { /* if inspec not matched  */
932       SPECset(csound,
933               &p->specsave, (int32_t)npts);             /*   reinit the save spec */
934       SPECset(csound,
935               p->wdiff, (int32_t)npts);                 /*   & the out diff spec  */
936       p->wdiff->downsrcp = inspecp->downsrcp;
937     }
938     p->wdiff->ktimprd = inspecp->ktimprd;            /* pass the other specinfo */
939     p->wdiff->nfreqs = inspecp->nfreqs;
940     p->wdiff->dbout = inspecp->dbout;
941     lclp = (MYFLT *) p->specsave.auxch.auxp;
942     outp = (MYFLT *) p->wdiff->auxch.auxp;
943     if (UNLIKELY(lclp==NULL || outp==NULL)) { /* RWD  */
944       return csound->InitError(csound,
945                                Str("specdiff: local buffers not initialised"));
946     }
947     memset(lclp, 0, npts*sizeof(MYFLT));          /* clr local & out spec bufs */
948     memset(outp, 0, npts*sizeof(MYFLT));
949     p->wdiff->ktimstamp = 0;                      /* mark the out spec not new */
950     return OK;
951 }
specdiff(CSOUND * csound,SPECDIFF * p)953 int32_t specdiff(CSOUND *csound, SPECDIFF *p)
954 {
955     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
957     if (UNLIKELY((inspecp->auxch.auxp==NULL) /* RWD fix */
958         ||
959         (p->specsave.auxch.auxp==NULL)
960         ||
961                  (p->wdiff->auxch.auxp==NULL))) goto err1;
962     if (inspecp->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {   /* if inspectrum is new: */
963       MYFLT *newp = (MYFLT *) inspecp->auxch.auxp;
964       MYFLT *prvp = (MYFLT *) p->specsave.auxch.auxp;
965       MYFLT *difp = (MYFLT *) p->wdiff->auxch.auxp;
966       MYFLT newval, prvval, diff, possum = FL(0.0); /* possum not used! */
967       int32_t   n,npts = inspecp->npts;
969       for (n=0; n<npts;n++) {
970         newval = newp[n];                     /* compare new & old coefs */
971         prvval = prvp[n];
972         if ((diff = newval-prvval) > FL(0.0)) {  /* if new coef > prv coef  */
973           difp[n] = diff;
974           possum += diff;                     /*   enter & accum diff    */
975         }
976         else difp[n] = FL(0.0);               /* else enter zero         */
977         prvp[n] = newval;                     /* sav newval for nxt time */
978       }
979       p->wdiff->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT; /* mark the output spec as new */
980     }
981     return OK;
982  err1:
983     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
984                              Str("specdiff: not initialised"));
985 }
spsclset(CSOUND * csound,SPECSCAL * p)987 int32_t spsclset(CSOUND *csound, SPECSCAL *p)
988 {
989     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
990     SPECDAT *outspecp = p->wscaled;
991     FUNC    *ftp;
992     int32_t   npts;
994     if ((npts = inspecp->npts) != outspecp->npts) {  /* if size has changed,   */
995       SPECset(csound,
996               outspecp, (int32_t)npts);                 /*    realloc             */
997       outspecp->downsrcp = inspecp->downsrcp;
998       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32_t)npts * 2 * sizeof(MYFLT), &p->auxch);
999     }
1000     outspecp->ktimprd = inspecp->ktimprd;      /* pass the source spec info     */
1001     outspecp->nfreqs = inspecp->nfreqs;
1002     outspecp->dbout = inspecp->dbout;
1003     p->fscale = (MYFLT *) p->auxch.auxp;       /* setup scale & thresh fn areas */
1004     if (UNLIKELY(p->fscale==NULL)) {  /* RWD fix */
1005       return csound->InitError(csound,
1006                                Str("specscal: local buffer not initialised"));
1007     }
1008     p->fthresh = p->fscale + npts;
1009     if (UNLIKELY((ftp=csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifscale)) == NULL)) {
1010       /* if fscale given,        */
1011       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("missing fscale table"));
1012     }
1013     else {
1014       int32_t nn = npts;
1015       int32_t phs = 0;
1016       int32_t inc = (int32_t)PHMASK / npts;
1017       int32_t lobits = ftp->lobits;
1018       MYFLT *ftable = ftp->ftable;
1019       MYFLT *flp = p->fscale;
1020       for (nn=0;nn<npts;nn++) {
1021         flp[nn] = *(ftable + (phs >> lobits));   /*  sample into scale area */
1022         phs += inc;
1023       }
1024     }
1025     if ((p->thresh = (int32_t)*p->ifthresh) &&
1026         (ftp=csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifthresh)) != NULL) {
1027       /* if fthresh given,       */
1028       int32_t nn = npts;
1029       int32_t phs = 0;
1030       int32_t inc = (int32_t)PHMASK / npts;
1031       int32_t lobits = ftp->lobits;
1032       MYFLT *ftable = ftp->ftable;
1033       MYFLT *flp = p->fthresh;
1034       for (nn=0;nn<npts;nn++) {
1035         flp[nn] = *(ftable + (phs >> lobits));   /*  sample into thresh area */
1036         phs += inc;
1037       }
1038     }
1039     else p->thresh = 0;
1040     outspecp->ktimstamp = 0;                     /* mark the out spec not new */
1041     return OK;
1042 }
specscal(CSOUND * csound,SPECSCAL * p)1044 int32_t specscal(CSOUND *csound, SPECSCAL *p)
1045 {
1046     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
1047     if ((inspecp->auxch.auxp==NULL) /* RWD fix */ ||
1048         (p->wscaled->auxch.auxp==NULL)            ||
1049         (p->fscale==NULL)) goto err1;
1050     if (inspecp->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {   /* if inspectrum is new: */
1051       SPECDAT *outspecp = p->wscaled;
1052       MYFLT *inp = (MYFLT *) inspecp->auxch.auxp;
1053       MYFLT *outp = (MYFLT *) outspecp->auxch.auxp;
1054       MYFLT *sclp = p->fscale;
1055       int32_t n,npts = inspecp->npts;
1057       if (p->thresh) {                              /* if thresh requested,  */
1058         MYFLT *threshp = p->fthresh;
1059         MYFLT val;
1060         for (n=0; n<npts;n++) {
1061           if ((val = inp[n] - threshp[n]) > FL(0.0)) /* for vals above thresh */
1062             outp[n] = val * sclp[n];                 /*     scale & write out */
1063           else outp[n] = FL(0.0);                    /*   else output is 0.   */
1064         }
1065       }
1066       else {
1067         for (n=0; n<npts;n++) {
1068           outp[n] = inp[n] * sclp[n];             /* no thresh: rescale only */
1069         }
1070       }
1071       outspecp->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;     /* mark the outspec as new */
1072     }
1073     return OK;
1074  err1:
1075     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1076                              Str("specscal: not initialised"));
1077 }
sphstset(CSOUND * csound,SPECHIST * p)1079 int32_t sphstset(CSOUND *csound, SPECHIST *p)
1080 {
1081     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
1082     MYFLT *lclp;
1083     MYFLT *outp;
1084     int32_t   npts;
1086     if ((npts = inspecp->npts) != p->accumer.npts) { /* if inspec not matched   */
1087       SPECset(csound,
1088               &p->accumer, (int32_t)npts);             /*   reinit the accum spec */
1089       SPECset(csound,
1090               p->wacout, (int32_t)npts);               /*    & the output spec    */
1091       p->wacout->downsrcp = inspecp->downsrcp;
1092     }
1093     p->wacout->ktimprd = inspecp->ktimprd;           /* pass the other specinfo */
1094     p->wacout->nfreqs = inspecp->nfreqs;
1095     p->wacout->dbout = inspecp->dbout;
1096     lclp = (MYFLT *) p->accumer.auxch.auxp;
1097     outp = (MYFLT *) p->wacout->auxch.auxp;
1098     if (UNLIKELY(lclp==NULL || outp==NULL)) { /* RWD fix */
1099       return csound->InitError(csound,
1100                                Str("spechist: local buffers not initialised"));
1101     }
1102     memset(lclp,0,npts*sizeof(MYFLT));      /* clr local & out spec bufs */
1103     memset(outp,0,npts*sizeof(MYFLT));
1104     p->wacout->ktimstamp = 0;             /* mark the out spec not new */
1105     return OK;
1106 }
spechist(CSOUND * csound,SPECHIST * p)1108 int32_t spechist(CSOUND *csound, SPECHIST *p)
1109 {
1110     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
1111     if (UNLIKELY((inspecp->auxch.auxp==NULL) /* RWD fix */
1112         ||
1113         (p->accumer.auxch.auxp==NULL)
1114         ||
1115                  (p->wacout->auxch.auxp==NULL))) goto err1;
1116     if (inspecp->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {   /* if inspectrum is new: */
1117       MYFLT *newp = (MYFLT *) inspecp->auxch.auxp;
1118       MYFLT *acup = (MYFLT *) p->accumer.auxch.auxp;
1119       MYFLT *outp = (MYFLT *) p->wacout->auxch.auxp;
1120       MYFLT newval;
1121       int32_t   n,npts = inspecp->npts;
1123       for (n=0;n<npts;n++) {
1124         newval = acup[n] + newp[n];         /* add new to old coefs */
1125         acup[n] = newval;                   /* sav in accumulator   */
1126         outp[n] = newval;                   /* & copy to output     */
1127       }
1128       p->wacout->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT; /* mark the output spec as new */
1129     }
1130     return OK;
1131  err1:
1132     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1133                              Str("spechist: not initialised"));
1134 }
spfilset(CSOUND * csound,SPECFILT * p)1136 int32_t spfilset(CSOUND *csound, SPECFILT *p)
1137 {
1138     SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
1139     SPECDAT *outspecp = p->wfil;
1140     FUNC    *ftp;
1141     int32_t   npts;
1143     if ((npts = inspecp->npts) != outspecp->npts) {  /* if inspec not matched */
1144       SPECset(csound,
1145               outspecp, (int32_t)npts);                /*   reinit the out spec */
1146       csound->AuxAlloc(csound,
1147                        (size_t)npts*2* sizeof(MYFLT),
1148                        &p->auxch);                   /*   & local auxspace  */
1149       p->coefs = (MYFLT *) p->auxch.auxp;            /*   reassign filt tbls  */
1150       p->states = p->coefs + npts;
1151     }
1152     if (UNLIKELY(p->coefs==NULL || p->states==NULL)) { /* RWD fix */
1153       return csound->InitError(csound,
1154                                Str("specfilt: local buffers not initialised"));
1155     }
1156     outspecp->ktimprd = inspecp->ktimprd;          /* pass other spect info */
1157     outspecp->nfreqs = inspecp->nfreqs;
1158     outspecp->dbout = inspecp->dbout;
1159     outspecp->downsrcp = inspecp->downsrcp;
1160     if (UNLIKELY((ftp=csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifhtim)) == NULL)) {
1161       /* if fhtim table given,    */
1162       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("missing htim ftable"));
1163     }
1164     {
1165       int32_t nn;
1166       int32_t phs = 0;
1167       int32_t inc = (int32_t)PHMASK / npts;
1168       int32_t lobits = ftp->lobits;
1169       MYFLT *ftable = ftp->ftable;
1170       MYFLT *flp = p->coefs;
1171       for (nn=0;nn<npts;nn++) {
1172         flp[nn] = *(ftable + (phs >> lobits));    /*  sample into coefs area */
1173         phs += inc;
1174       }
1175     }
1176     {
1177       int32_t nn;
1178       MYFLT *flp = p->coefs;
1179       double halftim, reittim = inspecp->ktimprd * CS_ONEDKR;
1180       for (nn=0;nn<npts;nn++) {
1181         if ((halftim = flp[nn]) > 0.)
1182           flp[nn] = (MYFLT)pow(0.5, reittim/halftim);
1183         else {
1184           return csound->InitError(csound,
1185                                    Str("htim ftable must be all-positive"));
1186         }
1187       }
1188     }
1189     csound->Warning(csound, Str("coef range: %6.3f - %6.3f\n"),
1190                             *p->coefs, *(p->coefs+npts-1));
1191     {
1192       MYFLT *flp = (MYFLT *) p->states;
1193       memset(flp,0,npts*sizeof(MYFLT)); /* clr the persist buf state mem */
1194     }
1195     outspecp->ktimstamp = 0;            /* mark the output spec as not new */
1196     return OK;
1197 }
specfilt(CSOUND * csound,SPECFILT * p)1199 int32_t specfilt(CSOUND *csound, SPECFILT *p)
1200 {
1201     if (p->wsig->ktimstamp == CS_KCNT) {   /* if input spec is new,  */
1202       SPECDAT *inspecp = p->wsig;
1203       SPECDAT *outspecp = p->wfil;
1204       MYFLT *newp = (MYFLT *) inspecp->auxch.auxp;
1205       MYFLT *outp = (MYFLT *) outspecp->auxch.auxp;
1206       MYFLT curval, *coefp = p->coefs;
1207       MYFLT *persp = p->states;
1208       int32_t   n,npts = inspecp->npts;
1210       if (UNLIKELY(newp==NULL || outp==NULL ||
1211                    coefp==NULL || persp==NULL))  /* RWD */
1212         goto err1;
1213       for (n=0; n<npts;n++) {                      /* for npts of inspec:     */
1214         outp[n] = curval = persp[n];               /*   output current point  */
1215         persp[n] = coefp[n] * curval + newp[n];    /*   decay & addin newval  */
1216       }
1217       outspecp->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;      /* mark output spec as new */
1218     }
1219     return OK;
1220  err1:
1221     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1222                              Str("specfilt: not initialised"));
1223 }
1225 #define S       sizeof
1227 static OENTRY spectra_localops[] = {
1228 { "spectrum", S(SPECTRUM),_QQ, 3, "w", "kiiiqoooo",
1229                                    (SUBR)spectset,(SUBR)spectrum },
1230 { "spectrum", S(SPECTRUM),_QQ, 3, "w", "aiiiqoooo",
1231                                    (SUBR)spectset,(SUBR)spectrum },
1232 { "specaddm", S(SPECADDM),_QQ, 3, "w", "wwp", (SUBR)spadmset,  (SUBR)specaddm},
1233 { "specdiff", S(SPECDIFF),_QQ, 3, "w", "w",   (SUBR)spdifset,  (SUBR)specdiff},
1234 { "specscal", S(SPECSCAL),_QQ, 3, "w", "wii", (SUBR)spsclset,  (SUBR)specscal},
1235 { "spechist", S(SPECHIST),_QQ, 3, "w", "w",   (SUBR)sphstset,  (SUBR)spechist},
1236 { "specfilt", S(SPECFILT),_QQ, 3, "w", "wi",  (SUBR)spfilset,  (SUBR)specfilt},
1237 { "specptrk", S(SPECPTRK),_QQ, 3, "kk", "wkiiiiiioqooo",
1238                                              (SUBR)sptrkset,(SUBR)specptrk},
1239 { "specsum",  S(SPECSUM), _QQ, 3, "k", "wo",  (SUBR)spsumset,  (SUBR)specsum },
1240 { "specdisp", S(SPECDISP),_QQ, 3, "",  "wio", (SUBR)spdspset,  (SUBR)specdisp},
1241 { "pitch", S(PITCH),   0,  3,    "kk", "aiiiiqooooojo",
1242                                              (SUBR)pitchset, (SUBR)pitch },
1243 { "maca", S(SUM),      0,  3,  "a", "y",    (SUBR)macset, (SUBR)maca  },
1244 { "mac", S(SUM),       0,  3,  "a", "Z",    (SUBR)macset, (SUBR)mac   },
1245 { "clockon", S(CLOCK), 0,  3,  "",  "i",    (SUBR)clockset, (SUBR)clockon, NULL  },
1246 { "clockoff", S(CLOCK),0,  3,  "",  "i",    (SUBR)clockset, (SUBR)clockoff, NULL },
1247 { "readclock", S(CLKRD),0, 1,  "i", "i",    (SUBR)clockread, NULL, NULL          },
1248 { "readscratch", S(SCRATCHPAD),0, 1, "i", "o", (SUBR)scratchread, NULL, NULL     },
1249 { "writescratch", S(SCRATCHPAD),0, 1, "", "io", (SUBR)scratchwrite, NULL, NULL   },
1250 { "pitchamdf",S(PITCHAMDF),0,3,"kk","aiioppoo",
1251                                      (SUBR)pitchamdfset, (SUBR)pitchamdf },
1252 { "hsboscil",S(HSBOSC), TR, 3, "a", "kkkiiioo",
1254                                     (SUBR)hsboscset,(SUBR)hsboscil },
1255 { "phasorbnk", S(PHSORBNK),0,3,"a", "xkio",
1256                                 (SUBR)phsbnkset, (SUBR)phsorbnk },
1257 { "phasorbnk.k", S(PHSORBNK),0,3,"k", "xkio",
1258                                 (SUBR)phsbnkset, (SUBR)kphsorbnk, NULL},
1259 { "adsynt",S(HSBOSC), TR, 3,  "a", "kkiiiio", (SUBR)adsyntset, (SUBR)adsynt },
1260 { "mpulse", S(IMPULSE), 0, 3,  "a", "kko",
1261                                     (SUBR)impulse_set, (SUBR)impulse },
1262 { "lpf18", S(LPF18), 0, 3,  "a", "axxxo",  (SUBR)lpf18set, (SUBR)lpf18db },
1263 { "waveset", S(BARRI), 0, 3,  "a", "ako",  (SUBR)wavesetset, (SUBR)waveset},
1264 { "pinkish", S(PINKISH), 0, 3, "a", "xoooo", (SUBR)pinkset, (SUBR)pinkish },
1265 { "noise",  S(VARI), 0, 3,  "a", "xk",   (SUBR)varicolset, (SUBR)varicol },
1266 { "transeg", S(TRANSEG),0, 3,  "k", "iiim",
1267                                            (SUBR)trnset,(SUBR)ktrnseg, NULL},
1268 { "transeg.a", S(TRANSEG),0, 3,  "a", "iiim",
1269                                            (SUBR)trnset,(SUBR)trnseg},
1270 { "transegb", S(TRANSEG),0, 3,  "k", "iiim",
1271                               (SUBR)trnset_bkpt,(SUBR)ktrnseg,(SUBR)NULL},
1272 { "transegb.a", S(TRANSEG),0, 3,  "a", "iiim",
1273                               (SUBR)trnset_bkpt,(SUBR)trnseg    },
1274 { "transegr", S(TRANSEG),0, 3, "k", "iiim",
1275                               (SUBR)trnsetr,(SUBR)ktrnsegr,(SUBR)NULL },
1276 { "transegr.a", S(TRANSEG),0, 3, "a", "iiim",
1277                               (SUBR)trnsetr,(SUBR)trnsegr      },
1278 { "clip", S(CLIP),      0, 3,  "a", "aiiv", (SUBR)clip_set, (SUBR)clip  },
1279 { "cpuprc", S(CPU_PERC),0, 1,     "",     "Si",   (SUBR)cpuperc_S, NULL, NULL   },
1280 { "maxalloc", S(CPU_PERC),0, 1,   "",     "Si",   (SUBR)maxalloc_S, NULL, NULL  },
1281 { "cpuprc", S(CPU_PERC),0, 1,     "",     "ii",   (SUBR)cpuperc, NULL, NULL   },
1282 { "maxalloc", S(CPU_PERC),0, 1,   "",     "ii",   (SUBR)maxalloc, NULL, NULL  },
1283 { "active", 0xffff                                                          },
1284 { "active.iS", S(INSTCNT),0,1,    "i",    "Soo",   (SUBR)instcount_S, NULL, NULL },
1285 { "active.kS", S(INSTCNT),0,2,    "k",    "Soo",   NULL, (SUBR)instcount_S, NULL },
1286 { "active.i", S(INSTCNT),0,1,     "i",    "ioo",   (SUBR)instcount, NULL, NULL },
1287 { "active.k", S(INSTCNT),0,2,     "k",    "koo",   NULL, (SUBR)instcount, NULL },
1288 { "p.i", S(PFUN),        0,1,     "i",    "i",     (SUBR)pfun, NULL, NULL     },
1289 { "p.k", S(PFUNK),       0,3,     "k",    "k",
1290                                           (SUBR)pfunk_init, (SUBR)pfunk, NULL },
1291 { "mute", S(MUTE), 0,1,           "",      "So",   (SUBR)mute_inst_S             },
1292 { "mute.i", S(MUTE), 0,1,         "",      "io",   (SUBR)mute_inst             },
1293 { "median", S(MEDFILT), 0, 3,     "a", "akio", (SUBR)medfiltset, (SUBR)medfilt },
1294 { "mediank", S(MEDFILT), 0,3,     "k", "kkio", (SUBR)medfiltset, (SUBR)kmedfilt},
1295 };
1297 LINKAGE_BUILTIN(spectra_localops)