1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16    Contributing author: C.D. Barrett, cdb333@cavs.msstate.edu
17                         Copyright (C) 2013
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20 #include <cmath>
21 #include <cstring>
22 #include "compute_basal_atom.h"
23 #include "atom.h"
24 #include "update.h"
25 #include "modify.h"
26 #include "neighbor.h"
27 #include "neigh_list.h"
28 #include "neigh_request.h"
29 #include "force.h"
30 #include "pair.h"
31 #include "comm.h"
32 #include "memory.h"
33 #include "error.h"
35 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
37 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ComputeBasalAtom(LAMMPS * lmp,int narg,char ** arg)39 ComputeBasalAtom::ComputeBasalAtom(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
40   Compute(lmp, narg, arg)
41 {
42   if (narg != 3) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal compute basal/atom command");
44   peratom_flag = 1;
45   size_peratom_cols = 3;
47   nmax = 0;
48   BPV = nullptr;
49   maxneigh = 0;
50   distsq = nullptr;
51   nearest = nullptr;
52   nearest_n0 = nullptr;
53   nearest_n1 = nullptr;
54 }
56 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~ComputeBasalAtom()58 ComputeBasalAtom::~ComputeBasalAtom()
59 {
60   memory->destroy(BPV);
61   memory->destroy(distsq);
62   memory->destroy(nearest);
63   memory->destroy(nearest_n0);
64   memory->destroy(nearest_n1);
65 }
67 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init()69 void ComputeBasalAtom::init()
70 {
71   // need an occasional full neighbor list
73   int irequest = neighbor->request(this,instance_me);
74   neighbor->requests[irequest]->pair = 0;
75   neighbor->requests[irequest]->compute = 1;
76   neighbor->requests[irequest]->half = 0;
77   neighbor->requests[irequest]->full = 1;
78   neighbor->requests[irequest]->occasional = 1;
80   int count1 = 0;
81   for (int i = 0; i < modify->ncompute; i++)
82     if (strcmp(modify->compute[i]->style,"basal/atom") == 0) count1++;
83   if (count1 > 1 && comm->me == 0)
84     error->warning(FLERR,"More than one compute basal/atom");
85 }
87 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_list(int,NeighList * ptr)89 void ComputeBasalAtom::init_list(int /*id*/, NeighList *ptr)
90 {
91   list = ptr;
92 }
94 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute_peratom()96 void ComputeBasalAtom::compute_peratom()
97 {
98   int i,j,ii,jj,k,n,inum,jnum;
99   double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq,var5,var6,var7;
100   int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh;
101   int chi[8];
102   int value;
103   int count;
104   int k2[3];
105   int j1[3];
106   double x4[3],y4[3],z4[3],x5[3],y5[3],z5[3],x6[3],y6[3],z6[3];
107   double x7[3],y7[3],z7[3];
109   invoked_peratom = update->ntimestep;
111   // grow structure array if necessary
113   if (atom->nmax > nmax) {
114     memory->destroy(BPV);
115     nmax = atom->nmax;
116     memory->create(BPV,nmax,3,"basal/atom:basal");
117     array_atom = BPV;
118   }
120   // invoke full neighbor list (will copy or build if necessary)
122   neighbor->build_one(list);
124   inum = list->inum;
125   ilist = list->ilist;
126   numneigh = list->numneigh;
127   firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
129   // compute structure parameter for each atom in group
130   // use full neighbor list
132   double **x = atom->x;
133   int *mask = atom->mask;
134   double cutsq = force->pair->cutforce * force->pair->cutforce;
136   for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
137     i = ilist[ii];
138     if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
139       xtmp = x[i][0];
140       ytmp = x[i][1];
141       ztmp = x[i][2];
142       jlist = firstneigh[i];
143       jnum = numneigh[i];
145       // ensure distsq and nearest arrays are long enough
147       if (jnum > maxneigh) {
148         memory->destroy(distsq);
149         memory->destroy(nearest);
150         memory->destroy(nearest_n0);
151         memory->destroy(nearest_n1);
152         maxneigh = jnum;
153         memory->create(distsq,maxneigh,"compute/basal/atom:distsq");
154         memory->create(nearest,maxneigh,"compute/basal/atom:nearest");
155         memory->create(nearest_n0,maxneigh,"compute/basal/atom:nearest_n0");
156         memory->create(nearest_n1,maxneigh,"compute/basal/atom:nearest_n1");
157       }
158       // neighbor selection is identical to ackland/atom algorithm
160       // loop over list of all neighbors within force cutoff
161       // distsq[] = distance sq to each
162       // nearest[] = atom indices of neighbors
164       n = 0;
165       for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
166         j = jlist[jj];
167         j &= NEIGHMASK;
169         delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
170         dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
171         delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
172         rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
173         if (rsq < cutsq) {
174           distsq[n] = rsq;
175           nearest[n++] = j;
176         }
177       }
179       // Select 6 nearest neighbors
181       select2(6,n,distsq,nearest);
183       // Mean squared separation
185       double r0_sq = 0.0;
186       for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) r0_sq += distsq[j];
187       r0_sq /= 6.0;
189       // n0 near neighbors with: distsq<1.45*r0_sq
190       // n1 near neighbors with: distsq<1.55*r0_sq
192       double n0_dist_sq = 1.45*r0_sq,
193         n1_dist_sq = 1.55*r0_sq;
194       int n0 = 0, n1 = 0;
195       for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
196          if (distsq[j] < n1_dist_sq) {
197             nearest_n1[n1++] = nearest[j];
198             if (distsq[j] < n0_dist_sq) {
199                nearest_n0[n0++] = nearest[j];
200             }
201          }
202       }
204       // Evaluate all angles <(r_ij,rik) forall n0 particles with: distsq<1.45*r0_sq
205       double bond_angle;
206       double norm_j, norm_k;
207       chi[0] = chi[1] = chi[2] = chi[3] = chi[4] = chi[5] = chi[6] = chi[7] = 0;
208       double x_ij, y_ij, z_ij, x_ik, y_ik, z_ik, xmean5, ymean5, zmean5,
209              xmean6, ymean6, zmean6, xmean7, ymean7, zmean7;
210       double *x3 = new double[n0];
211       double *y3 = new double[n0];
212       double *z3 = new double[n0];
213       for (j = 0; j < n0; j++) {
214         x_ij = x[i][0]-x[nearest_n0[j]][0];
215         y_ij = x[i][1]-x[nearest_n0[j]][1];
216         z_ij = x[i][2]-x[nearest_n0[j]][2];
217         norm_j = sqrt (x_ij*x_ij + y_ij*y_ij + z_ij*z_ij);
218         if (norm_j <= 0.) {continue;}
219         for (k = j+1; k < n0; k++) {
220           x_ik = x[i][0]-x[nearest_n0[k]][0];
221           y_ik = x[i][1]-x[nearest_n0[k]][1];
222           z_ik = x[i][2]-x[nearest_n0[k]][2];
223           norm_k = sqrt (x_ik*x_ik + y_ik*y_ik + z_ik*z_ik);
224           if (norm_k <= 0.) {continue;}
225           bond_angle = (x_ij*x_ik + y_ij*y_ik + z_ij*z_ik) / (norm_j*norm_k);
226           //find all bond angles that are about 180 degrees
227           if (-1. <= bond_angle && bond_angle < -0.945) {
228                 x3[chi[0]] = x_ik - x_ij;
229                 y3[chi[0]] = y_ik - y_ij;
230                 z3[chi[0]] = z_ik - z_ij;
231                 chi[0]++;
232           }
233         }
234       }
235       // for atoms that have 2 or 3 ~180 bond angles:
236       if (2 == chi[0] || 3 == chi[0]) {
237           count = value = 0;
238           if (chi[0] == 2) {
239             k2[0] = 0;
240             j1[0] = 1;
241           }
242           else {
243             k2[0] = 0;
244             k2[1] = 0;
245             k2[2] = 1;
246             j1[0]=1;
247             j1[1]=2;
248             j1[2]=2;
249           }
250           xmean5 = ymean5 = zmean5 = xmean6 = ymean6 = zmean6 = xmean7 = ymean7 = zmean7 = 0.0;
251           for (j = 0; j < chi[0]; j++) {
252             for (k = j+1; k < chi[0]; k++) {
253                //get cross products
254                x4[count] = y3[j1[count]]*z3[k2[count]]-y3[k2[count]]*z3[j1[count]];
255                y4[count] = z3[j1[count]]*x3[k2[count]]-z3[k2[count]]*x3[j1[count]];
256                z4[count] = x3[j1[count]]*y3[k2[count]]-x3[k2[count]]*y3[j1[count]];
257                //get all sign combinations of cross products
258                x5[count] = x4[count]*copysign(1.0,x4[count]);
259                y5[count] = y4[count]*copysign(1.0,x4[count]);
260                z5[count] = z4[count]*copysign(1.0,x4[count]);
261                x6[count] = x4[count]*copysign(1.0,y4[count]);
262                y6[count] = y4[count]*copysign(1.0,y4[count]);
263                z6[count] = z4[count]*copysign(1.0,y4[count]);
264                x7[count] = x4[count]*copysign(1.0,z4[count]);
265                y7[count] = y4[count]*copysign(1.0,z4[count]);
266                z7[count] = z4[count]*copysign(1.0,z4[count]);
267                //get average cross products
268                xmean5 += x5[count];
269                ymean5 += y5[count];
270                zmean5 += z5[count];
271                xmean6 += x6[count];
272                ymean6 += y6[count];
273                zmean6 += z6[count];
274                xmean7 += x7[count];
275                ymean7 += y7[count];
276                zmean6 += z7[count];
277                count++;
278             }
279           }
280           if (count > 0) {
281             xmean5 /= count;
282             xmean6 /= count;
283             xmean7 /= count;
284             ymean5 /= count;
285             ymean6 /= count;
286             ymean7 /= count;
287             zmean5 /= count;
288             zmean6 /= count;
289             zmean7 /= count;
290           }
291           var5 = var6 = var7 = 0.0;
292           //find standard deviations
293           for (j=0;j<count;j++) {
294             var5 = var5 + x5[j]*x5[j]-2*x5[j]*xmean5+xmean5*xmean5+y5[j]*y5[j]-2*y5[j]*ymean5+ymean5*ymean5+z5[j]*z5[j]-2*z5[j]*zmean5+zmean5*zmean5;
295             var6 = var6 + x6[j]*x6[j]-2*x6[j]*xmean6+xmean6*xmean6+y6[j]*y6[j]-2*y6[j]*ymean6+ymean6*ymean6+z6[j]*z6[j]-2*z6[j]*zmean6+zmean6*zmean6;
296             var7 = var7 + x7[j]*x7[j]-2*x7[j]*xmean7+xmean7*xmean7+y7[j]*y7[j]-2*y7[j]*ymean7+ymean7*ymean7+z7[j]*z7[j]-2*z7[j]*zmean7+zmean7*zmean7;
297           }
298           //select sign combination with minimum standard deviation
299           if (var5 < var6) {
300               if (var5 < var7) { value = 0;}
301               else {value = 2;}
302           }
303           else if (var6 < var7) {value = 1;}
304           else {value = 2;}
305           //BPV is average of cross products of all neighbor vectors which are part of 180 degree angles
306           BPV[i][0] = 0;
307           BPV[i][1] = 0;
308           BPV[i][2] = 0;
309           for (k=0;k<count;k++) {
310            if (value == 0) {
311                BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][0]+x5[k];
312                BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][1]+y5[k];
313                BPV[i][2] = BPV[i][2]+z5[k];
314            }
315            else if (value == 1) {
316                BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][0]+x6[k];
317                BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][1]+y6[k];
318                BPV[i][2] = BPV[i][2]+z6[k];
319            }
320            else {
321                BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][0]+x7[k];
322                BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][1]+y7[k];
323                BPV[i][2] = BPV[i][2]+z7[k];
324            }
325           }
326       }
327       //for atoms with more than three 180 degree bond angles:
328       else if (chi[0] > 3) {
329           double x44[3], y44[3], z44[3], S0;
330           int l, m;
331           count = value = 0;
332           S0 = 100000;
333           k2[0] = 0;
334           k2[1] = 0;
335           k2[2] = 1;
336           j1[0]=1;
337           j1[1]=2;
338           j1[2]=2;
339           //algorithm is as above, but now all combinations of three 180 degree angles are compared, and the combination with minimum standard deviation is chosen
340           for (j=0; j<chi[0]; j++) {
341               for (k=j+1; k<chi[0]; k++) {
342                   for (l=k+1; l<chi[0]; l++) {
343                       if (k >= chi[0] || l >= chi[0]) continue;
344                       //get unique combination of three neighbor vectors
345                       x4[0] = x3[j];
346                       x4[1] = x3[k];
347                       x4[2] = x3[l];
348                       y4[0] = y3[j];
349                       y4[1] = y3[k];
350                       y4[2] = y3[l];
351                       z4[0] = z3[j];
352                       z4[1] = z3[k];
353                       z4[2] = z3[l];
354                       xmean5 = ymean5 = zmean5 = xmean6 = ymean6 = zmean6 = xmean7 = ymean7 = zmean7 = 0;
355                       for (m=0;m<3;m++) {
356                         //get cross products
357                         x44[m] = y4[j1[m]]*z4[k2[m]]-y4[k2[m]]*z4[j1[m]];
358                         y44[m] = z4[j1[m]]*x4[k2[m]]-z4[k2[m]]*x4[j1[m]];
359                         z44[m] = x4[j1[m]]*y4[k2[m]]-x4[k2[m]]*y4[j1[m]];
360                         x5[m] = x44[m]*copysign(1.0,x44[m]);
361                         y5[m] = y44[m]*copysign(1.0,x44[m]);
362                         z5[m] = z44[m]*copysign(1.0,x44[m]);
363                         x6[m] = x44[m]*copysign(1.0,y44[m]);
364                         y6[m] = y44[m]*copysign(1.0,y44[m]);
365                         z6[m] = z44[m]*copysign(1.0,y44[m]);
366                         x7[m] = x44[m]*copysign(1.0,z44[m]);
367                         y7[m] = y44[m]*copysign(1.0,z44[m]);
368                         z7[m] = z44[m]*copysign(1.0,z44[m]);
369                         //get average cross products
370                         xmean5 = xmean5 + x5[m];
371                         ymean5 = ymean5 + y5[m];
372                         zmean5 = zmean5 + z5[m];
373                         xmean6 = xmean6 + x6[m];
374                         ymean6 = ymean6 + y6[m];
375                         zmean6 = zmean6 + z6[m];
376                         xmean7 = xmean7 + x7[m];
377                         ymean7 = ymean7 + y7[m];
378                         zmean6 = zmean6 + z7[m];
379                       }
380                       xmean5 = xmean5/3;
381                       xmean6 = xmean6/3;
382                       xmean7 = xmean7/3;
383                       ymean5 = ymean5/3;
384                       ymean6 = ymean6/3;
385                       ymean7 = ymean7/3;
386                       zmean5 = zmean5/3;
387                       zmean6 = zmean6/3;
388                       zmean7 = zmean7/3;
389                       var5 = var6 = var7 = 0;
390                       //get standard deviations
391                       for (m=0;m<3;m++) {
392                             var5 = var5 + x5[m]*x5[m]-2*x5[m]*xmean5+xmean5*xmean5+y5[m]*y5[m]-2*y5[m]*ymean5+ymean5*ymean5+z5[m]*z5[m]-2*z5[m]*zmean5+zmean5*zmean5;
393                             var6 = var6 + x6[m]*x6[m]-2*x6[m]*xmean6+xmean6*xmean6+y6[m]*y6[m]-2*y6[m]*ymean6+ymean6*ymean6+z6[m]*z6[m]-2*z6[m]*zmean6+zmean6*zmean6;
394                             var7 = var7 + x7[m]*x7[m]-2*x7[m]*xmean7+xmean7*xmean7+y7[m]*y7[m]-2*y7[m]*ymean7+ymean7*ymean7+z7[m]*z7[m]-2*z7[m]*zmean7+zmean7*zmean7;
395                       }
396                       //choose minimum standard deviation
397                       if (var5 < S0) {
398                           S0 = var5;
399                           BPV[i][0] = (x5[0]+x5[1]+x5[2])/3;
400                           BPV[i][1] = (y5[0]+y5[1]+x5[2])/3;
401                           BPV[i][2] = (z5[0]+z5[1]+z5[2])/3;
402                       }
403                       if (var6 < S0) {
404                           S0 = var6;
405                           BPV[i][0] = (x6[0]+x6[1]+x6[2])/3;
406                           BPV[i][1] = (y6[0]+y6[1]+x6[2])/3;
407                           BPV[i][2] = (z6[0]+z6[1]+z6[2])/3;
408                       }
409                       if (var7 < S0) {
410                           S0 = var7;
411                           BPV[i][0] = (x7[0]+x7[1]+x7[2])/3;
412                           BPV[i][1] = (y7[0]+y7[1]+x7[2])/3;
413                           BPV[i][2] = (z7[0]+z7[1]+z7[2])/3;
414                       }
415                   }
416               }
417           }
418        //if there are less than two ~180 degree bond angles, the algorithm returns null
419       } else BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][2] = 0.0;
421       delete[] x3;
422       delete[] y3;
423       delete[] z3;
425       //normalize BPV:
426       double Mag = sqrt(BPV[i][0]*BPV[i][0] +
427                         BPV[i][1]*BPV[i][1] + BPV[i][2]*BPV[i][2]);
428       if (Mag > 0) {
429         BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][0]/Mag;
430         BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][1]/Mag;
431         BPV[i][2] = BPV[i][2]/Mag;
432       }
433     } else BPV[i][0] = BPV[i][1] = BPV[i][2] = 0.0;
434   }
435 }
436 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
437    2 select routines from Numerical Recipes (slightly modified)
438    find k smallest values in array of length n
439    2nd routine sorts auxiliary array at same time
440 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
442 #define SWAP(a,b)   tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;
443 #define ISWAP(a,b) itmp = a; a = b; b = itmp;
select(int k,int n,double * arr)445 void ComputeBasalAtom::select(int k, int n, double *arr)
446   {
447   int i,ir,j,l,mid;
448   double a,tmp;
450   arr--;
451   l = 1;
452   ir = n;
453   for (;;) {
454     if (ir <= l+1) {
455       if (ir == l+1 && arr[ir] < arr[l]) {
456         SWAP(arr[l],arr[ir])
457       }
458       return;
459     } else {
460       mid=(l+ir) >> 1;
461       SWAP(arr[mid],arr[l+1])
462       if (arr[l] > arr[ir]) {
463         SWAP(arr[l],arr[ir])
464       }
465       if (arr[l+1] > arr[ir]) {
466         SWAP(arr[l+1],arr[ir])
467       }
468       if (arr[l] > arr[l+1]) {
469         SWAP(arr[l],arr[l+1])
470       }
471       i = l+1;
472       j = ir;
473       a = arr[l+1];
474       for (;;) {
475         do i++; while (arr[i] < a);
476         do j--; while (arr[j] > a);
477         if (j < i) break;
478         SWAP(arr[i],arr[j])
479       }
480       arr[l+1] = arr[j];
481       arr[j] = a;
482       if (j >= k) ir = j-1;
483       if (j <= k) l = i;
484     }
485   }
486 }
488 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
select2(int k,int n,double * arr,int * iarr)490 void ComputeBasalAtom::select2(int k, int n, double *arr, int *iarr)
491 {
492   int i,ir,j,l,mid,ia,itmp;
493   double a,tmp;
495   arr--;
496   iarr--;
497   l = 1;
498   ir = n;
499   for (;;) {
500     if (ir <= l+1) {
501       if (ir == l+1 && arr[ir] < arr[l]) {
502         SWAP(arr[l],arr[ir])
503         ISWAP(iarr[l],iarr[ir])
504       }
505       return;
506     } else {
507       mid=(l+ir) >> 1;
508       SWAP(arr[mid],arr[l+1])
509       ISWAP(iarr[mid],iarr[l+1])
510       if (arr[l] > arr[ir]) {
511         SWAP(arr[l],arr[ir])
512         ISWAP(iarr[l],iarr[ir])
513       }
514       if (arr[l+1] > arr[ir]) {
515         SWAP(arr[l+1],arr[ir])
516         ISWAP(iarr[l+1],iarr[ir])
517       }
518       if (arr[l] > arr[l+1]) {
519         SWAP(arr[l],arr[l+1])
520         ISWAP(iarr[l],iarr[l+1])
521       }
522       i = l+1;
523       j = ir;
524       a = arr[l+1];
525       ia = iarr[l+1];
526       for (;;) {
527         do i++; while (arr[i] < a);
528         do j--; while (arr[j] > a);
529         if (j < i) break;
530         SWAP(arr[i],arr[j])
531         ISWAP(iarr[i],iarr[j])
532       }
533       arr[l+1] = arr[j];
534       arr[j] = a;
535       iarr[l+1] = iarr[j];
536       iarr[j] = ia;
537       if (j >= k) ir = j-1;
538       if (j <= k) l = i;
539     }
540   }
541 }
543 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
544    memory usage of local atom-based array
545 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
memory_usage()547 double ComputeBasalAtom::memory_usage()
548 {
549   double bytes = 3*nmax * sizeof(double);
550   return bytes;
551 }