1# This file was automatically generated by make import-symbols
3# See locale/README.md to know how to import dictionaries
5#A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)
6#Copyright (c) 2011-2012 NVDA Contributors
7#This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.
10# identifier	regexp
11# Sentence endings.
12. sentence ending	(?<=[^\s.])\.(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
13! sentence ending	(?<=[^\s!])\!(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
14? sentence ending	(?<=[^\s?])\?(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
15# Phrase endings.
16; phrase ending	(?<=[^\s;]);(?=\s|$)
17: phrase ending	(?<=[^\s:]):(?=\s|$)
18# Others
19decimal point	(?<=\d)\.(?=\d)
20in-word '	(?<=[^\W_])['’]
21negative number	(?<!\w)-(?=[$£€¥]?\d)
24# identifier	replacement[[	level][	preserve]][	# display name]
26# Complex symbols
27. sentence ending	dot	all	always
28! sentence ending	bang	all	always
29? sentence ending	question	all	always
30; phrase ending	semi	most	always
31: phrase ending	colon	most	always
32decimal point		none	always
33in-word '	tick	all	norep
34negative number	minus	none	norep
36# Whitespace
37\0	blank	char	# null
38\t	tab
39\n	line feed	char
40\f	page break	none
41\r	carriage return	char
42 	space	char
43 	space	char	# no-break space
45# Standard punctuation/symbols
46!	bang	all
47"	quote	most
48\#	number	most
49$	dollar	all	norep
50£	pound	all	norep
51€	euro	all	norep
52¢	Cents	all	norep
53¥	Yen	all	norep
54%	percent	some
55&	and	some
56'	tick	all
57(	left paren	most
58)	right paren	most
59*	star	some
60+	plus	some
61,	comma	all	always
62-	dash	most
63.	dot	some
64/	slash	some
65:	colon	most	norep
66;	semi	most
67<	less	most
68>	greater	most
69=	equals	some
70?	question	all
71@	at	some
72[	left bracket	most
73]	right bracket	most
74\\	backslash	most
75^	caret	most
76_	line	most
77`	graav	most
78{	left brace	most
79}	right brace	most
80|	bar	most
81~	tilda	most
83# Other characters
84•	bullet	some
85…	dot dot dot	all	always
86...	dot dot dot	all	always
87	bullet	some
88“	left quote	most
89”	right quote	most
90‘	left tick	most
91’	right tick	most
92–	en dash	most
93—	em dash	most
94●	circle	most
95¨	diaeresis	most
96‎	left to right mark	char
97‏	right to left mark	char
98■	black square	some
99➔	right arrow	some
100§	section	all
101°	degrees	some
102«	double left pointing angle bracket
103»	double right pointing angle bracket
104µ	micro	some
105¹	superscript 1	some
106²	superscript 2	some
107³	superscript 3	some
108®	registered	some
109™	Trademark	some
110©	Copyright	some
111±	Plus or Minus	most
112×	times	most
113÷	divide by	most
114←	left arrow	some
115→	right arrow	some
116✓	check	some
117✔	check	some