1 // zpaq.cpp - Journaling incremental deduplicating archiver
3 #define ZPAQ_VERSION "6.57"
5 /*  Copyright (C) 2009-2014, Dell Inc. Written by Matt Mahoney.
9     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
12     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17     General Public License for more details at
18     Visit <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>.
20     divsufsort.c from libdivsufsort-lite is (C) 2003-2008, Yuta Mori
21     and is embedded in this file. It is licensed under the MIT license
22     described below.
24 zpaq is a journaling (append-only) archiver for incremental backups.
25 Files are added only when the last-modified date has changed. Both the old
26 and new versions are saved. You can extract from old versions of the
27 archive by specifying a date or version number. zpaq supports 5
28 compression levels, deduplication, AES-256 encryption, and multi-threading
29 using an open, self-describing format for backward and forward
30 compatibility in Windows and Linux. See zpaq.pod for usage.
34 This program needs libzpaq from http://mattmahoney.net/zpaq/ and
35 libdivsufsort-lite from above or http://code.google.com/p/libdivsufsort/
36 Recommended compile for Windows with MinGW:
38   g++ -O3 zpaq.cpp libzpaq.cpp -o zpaq
40 With Visual C++:
42   cl /O2 /EHsc zpaq.cpp libzpaq.cpp advapi32.lib
44 For Linux:
46   g++ -O3 -Dunix zpaq.cpp libzpaq.cpp -pthread -o zpaq
48 Possible options:
50   -o         Name of output executable.
51   -O3 or /O2 Optimize (faster).
52   /EHsc      Enable exception handing in VC++ (required).
53   -s         Strip debugging symbols. Smaller executable.
54   /arch:SSE2 Assume x86 processor with SSE2. Otherwise use -DNOJIT.
55   -msse2     Same. Implied by -m64 for a x86-64 target.
56   -DNOJIT    Don't assume x86 with SSE2 for libzpaq. Slower (disables JIT).
57   -static    Don't assume C++ runtime on target. Bigger executable but safer.
58   -Dunix     Not Windows. Sometimes automatic in Linux. Needed for Mac OS/X.
59   -fopenmp   Parallel divsufsort (faster, implies -pthread, broken in MinGW).
60   -pthread   Required in Linux, implied by -fopenmp.
61   -DDEBUG    Turn on debugging checks.
62   -DPTHREAD  Use Pthreads instead of Windows threads. Requires pthreadGC2.dll
63              or pthreadVC2.dll from http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/
64   -Dunixtest To make -Dunix work in Windows with MinGW.
65   -Wl,--large-address-aware  To make 3 GB available in 32 bit Windows.
67 */
68 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64  // In Linux make sizeof(off_t) == 8
69 #define UNICODE  // For Windows
70 #include "libzpaq.h"
71 #include <stdio.h>
72 #include <stdlib.h>
73 #include <string.h>
74 #include <ctype.h>
75 #include <time.h>
76 #include <stdint.h>
77 #include <string>
78 #include <vector>
79 #include <map>
80 #include <algorithm>
81 #include <stdexcept>
82 #include <fcntl.h>
84 #ifndef DEBUG
85 #define NDEBUG 1
86 #endif
87 #include <assert.h>
89 #ifdef unix
90 #define PTHREAD 1
91 #include <sys/types.h>
92 #include <sys/stat.h>
93 #include <sys/time.h>
94 #include <unistd.h>
95 #include <dirent.h>
96 #include <utime.h>
97 #include <errno.h>
99 #ifdef unixtest
100 struct termios {
101   int c_lflag;
102 };
103 #define ECHO 1
104 #define ECHONL 2
105 #define TCSANOW 4
tcgetattr(int,termios *)106 int tcgetattr(int, termios*) {return 0;}
tcsetattr(int,int,termios *)107 int tcsetattr(int, int, termios*) {return 0;}
108 #else
109 #include <termios.h>
110 #endif
112 #else  // Assume Windows
113 #include <windows.h>
114 #include <wincrypt.h>
115 #include <io.h>
116 #endif
118 using std::string;
119 using std::vector;
120 using std::map;
121 using std::min;
122 using std::max;
124 // Handle errors in libzpaq and elsewhere
error(const char * msg)125 void libzpaq::error(const char* msg) {
126   fprintf(stderr, "zpaq error: %s\n", msg);
127   if (strstr(msg, "ut of memory")) throw std::bad_alloc();
128   throw std::runtime_error(msg);
129 }
130 using libzpaq::error;
132 // Portable thread types and functions for Windows and Linux. Use like this:
133 //
134 // // Create mutex for locking thread-unsafe code
135 // Mutex mutex;            // shared by all threads
136 // init_mutex(mutex);      // initialize in unlocked state
137 // Semaphore sem(n);       // n >= 0 is initial state
138 //
139 // // Declare a thread function
140 // ThreadReturn thread(void *arg) {  // arg points to in/out parameters
141 //   lock(mutex);          // wait if another thread has it first
142 //   release(mutex);       // allow another waiting thread to continue
143 //   sem.wait();           // wait until n>0, then --n
144 //   sem.signal();         // ++n to allow waiting threads to continue
145 //   return 0;             // must return 0 to exit thread
146 // }
147 //
148 // // Start a thread
149 // ThreadID tid;
150 // run(tid, thread, &arg); // runs in parallel
151 // join(tid);              // wait for thread to return
152 // destroy_mutex(mutex);   // deallocate resources used by mutex
153 // sem.destroy();          // deallocate resources used by semaphore
155 #ifdef PTHREAD
156 #include <pthread.h>
157 typedef void* ThreadReturn;                                // job return type
158 typedef pthread_t ThreadID;                                // job ID type
run(ThreadID & tid,ThreadReturn (* f)(void *),void * arg)159 void run(ThreadID& tid, ThreadReturn(*f)(void*), void* arg)// start job
160   {pthread_create(&tid, NULL, f, arg);}
join(ThreadID tid)161 void join(ThreadID tid) {pthread_join(tid, NULL);}         // wait for job
162 typedef pthread_mutex_t Mutex;                             // mutex type
init_mutex(Mutex & m)163 void init_mutex(Mutex& m) {pthread_mutex_init(&m, 0);}     // init mutex
lock(Mutex & m)164 void lock(Mutex& m) {pthread_mutex_lock(&m);}              // wait for mutex
release(Mutex & m)165 void release(Mutex& m) {pthread_mutex_unlock(&m);}         // release mutex
destroy_mutex(Mutex & m)166 void destroy_mutex(Mutex& m) {pthread_mutex_destroy(&m);}  // destroy mutex
168 class Semaphore {
169 public:
Semaphore()170   Semaphore() {sem=-1;}
init(int n)171   void init(int n) {
172     assert(n>=0);
173     assert(sem==-1);
174     pthread_cond_init(&cv, 0);
175     pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, 0);
176     sem=n;
177   }
destroy()178   void destroy() {
179     assert(sem>=0);
180     pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);
181     pthread_cond_destroy(&cv);
182   }
wait()183   int wait() {
184     assert(sem>=0);
185     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
186     int r=0;
187     if (sem==0) r=pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &mutex);
188     assert(sem>0);
189     --sem;
190     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
191     return r;
192   }
signal()193   void signal() {
194     assert(sem>=0);
195     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
196     ++sem;
197     pthread_cond_signal(&cv);
198     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
199   }
200 private:
201   pthread_cond_t cv;  // to signal FINISHED
202   pthread_mutex_t mutex; // protects cv
203   int sem;  // semaphore count
204 };
206 #else  // Windows
207 typedef DWORD ThreadReturn;
208 typedef HANDLE ThreadID;
run(ThreadID & tid,ThreadReturn (* f)(void *),void * arg)209 void run(ThreadID& tid, ThreadReturn(*f)(void*), void* arg) {
210   tid=CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)f, arg, 0, NULL);
211   if (tid==NULL) error("CreateThread failed");
212 }
join(ThreadID & tid)213 void join(ThreadID& tid) {WaitForSingleObject(tid, INFINITE);}
214 typedef HANDLE Mutex;
init_mutex(Mutex & m)215 void init_mutex(Mutex& m) {m=CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);}
lock(Mutex & m)216 void lock(Mutex& m) {WaitForSingleObject(m, INFINITE);}
release(Mutex & m)217 void release(Mutex& m) {ReleaseMutex(m);}
destroy_mutex(Mutex & m)218 void destroy_mutex(Mutex& m) {CloseHandle(m);}
220 class Semaphore {
221 public:
222   enum {MAXCOUNT=2000000000};
Semaphore()223   Semaphore(): h(NULL) {}
init(int n)224   void init(int n) {assert(!h); h=CreateSemaphore(NULL, n, MAXCOUNT, NULL);}
destroy()225   void destroy() {assert(h); CloseHandle(h);}
wait()226   int wait() {assert(h); return WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE);}
signal()227   void signal() {assert(h); ReleaseSemaphore(h, 1, NULL);}
228 private:
229   HANDLE h;  // Windows semaphore
230 };
232 #endif
234 #ifdef _MSC_VER  // Microsoft C++
235 #define fseeko(a,b,c) _fseeki64(a,b,c)
236 #define ftello(a) _ftelli64(a)
237 #else
238 #ifndef unix
239 #ifndef fseeko
240 #define fseeko(a,b,c) fseeko64(a,b,c)
241 #endif
242 #ifndef ftello
243 #define ftello(a) ftello64(a)
244 #endif
245 #endif
246 #endif
248 // For testing -Dunix in Windows
249 #ifdef unixtest
250 #define lstat(a,b) stat(a,b)
251 #define mkdir(a,b) mkdir(a)
252 #ifndef fseeko
253 #define fseeko(a,b,c) fseeko64(a,b,c)
254 #endif
255 #ifndef ftello
256 #define ftello(a) ftello64(a)
257 #endif
258 #endif
260 // Global variables
261 FILE* con=stdout;    // log output, can be stderr
262 bool fragile=false;  // -fragile option
263 int64_t quiet=-1;    // -quiet option
264 static const int64_t MAX_QUIET=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;  // no output but errors
265 int64_t global_start=0;  // set to mtime() at start of main()
267 // signed size of a string or vector
size(const T & x)268 template <typename T> int size(const T& x) {
269   return x.size();
270 }
272 // In Windows, convert 16-bit wide string to UTF-8 and \ to /
273 #ifndef unix
wtou(const wchar_t * s)274 string wtou(const wchar_t* s) {
275   assert(sizeof(wchar_t)==2);  // Not true in Linux
276   assert((wchar_t)(-1)==65535);
277   string r;
278   if (!s) return r;
279   for (; *s; ++s) {
280     if (*s=='\\') r+='/';
281     else if (*s<128) r+=*s;
282     else if (*s<2048) r+=192+*s/64, r+=128+*s%64;
283     else r+=224+*s/4096, r+=128+*s/64%64, r+=128+*s%64;
284   }
285   return r;
286 }
288 // In Windows, convert UTF-8 string to wide string ignoring
289 // invalid UTF-8 or >64K. If doslash then convert "/" to "\".
utow(const char * ss,bool doslash=false)290 std::wstring utow(const char* ss, bool doslash=false) {
291   assert(sizeof(wchar_t)==2);
292   assert((wchar_t)(-1)==65535);
293   std::wstring r;
294   if (!ss) return r;
295   const unsigned char* s=(const unsigned char*)ss;
296   for (; s && *s; ++s) {
297     if (s[0]=='/' && doslash) r+='\\';
298     else if (s[0]<128) r+=s[0];
299     else if (s[0]>=192 && s[0]<224 && s[1]>=128 && s[1]<192)
300       r+=(s[0]-192)*64+s[1]-128, ++s;
301     else if (s[0]>=224 && s[0]<240 && s[1]>=128 && s[1]<192
302              && s[2]>=128 && s[2]<192)
303       r+=(s[0]-224)*4096+(s[1]-128)*64+s[2]-128, s+=2;
304   }
305   return r;
306 }
307 #endif
309 // Print a UTF-8 string to f (stdout, stderr) so it displays properly
printUTF8(const char * s,FILE * f)310 void printUTF8(const char* s, FILE* f) {
311   assert(f);
312   assert(s);
313 #ifdef unix
314   fprintf(f, "%s", s);
315 #else
316   const HANDLE h=(HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(f));
317   DWORD ft=GetFileType(h);
318   if (ft==FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
319     fflush(f);
320     std::wstring w=utow(s);  // Windows console: convert to UTF-16
321     DWORD n=0;
322     WriteConsole(h, w.c_str(), w.size(), &n, 0);
323   }
324   else  // stdout redirected to file
325     fprintf(f, "%s", s);
326 #endif
327 }
329 // Return relative time in milliseconds
mtime()330 int64_t mtime() {
331 #ifdef unix
332   timeval tv;
333   gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
334   return tv.tv_sec*1000LL+tv.tv_usec/1000;
335 #else
336   int64_t t=GetTickCount();
337   if (t<global_start) t+=0x100000000LL;
338   return t;
339 #endif
340 }
342 // Convert 64 bit decimal YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
343 // where -1 = unknown date, 0 = deleted.
dateToString(int64_t date)344 string dateToString(int64_t date) {
345   if (date<=0) return "                   ";
346   string s="0000-00-00 00:00:00";
347   static const int t[]={18,17,15,14,12,11,9,8,6,5,3,2,1,0};
348   for (int i=0; i<14; ++i) s[t[i]]+=int(date%10), date/=10;
349   return s;
350 }
352 // Convert 'u'+(N*256) to octal N or 'w'+(N*256) to hex N or "DRASHI"
attrToString(int64_t attrib)353 string attrToString(int64_t attrib) {
354   string r="      ";
355   if ((attrib&255)=='u') {
356     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
357       r[5-i]=(attrib>>(8+3*i))%8+'0';
358   }
359   else if ((attrib&255)=='w') {
360     attrib>>=8;
361     if (attrib&~0x20b7) {  // non-standard flags set?
362       r="0x    ";
363       for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
364         r[5-i]="0123456789abcdef"[attrib>>(4*i)&15];
365       if (attrib>0x10000) {
366         r="0x        ";
367         for (int i=0; i<8; ++i)
368           r[9-i]="0123456789abcdef"[attrib>>(4*i)&15];
369       }
370     }
371     else {
372       r="......";
373       if (attrib&0x10) r[0]='D';  // directory
374       if (attrib&0x20) r[1]='A';  // archive
375       if (attrib&0x04) r[2]='S';  // system
376       if (attrib&0x02) r[3]='H';  // hidden
377       if (attrib&0x01) r[4]='R';  // read only
378       if (attrib&0x2000) r[5]='I';  // index
379     }
380   }
381   return r;
382 }
384 // Convert seconds since 0000 1/1/1970 to 64 bit decimal YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
385 // Valid from 1970 to 2099.
decimal_time(time_t t)386 int64_t decimal_time(time_t t) {
387   if (t<=0) return -1;
388   const int second=t%60;
389   const int minute=t/60%60;
390   const int hour=t/3600%24;
391   t/=86400;  // days since Jan 1 1970
392   const int term=t/1461;  // 4 year terms since 1970
393   t%=1461;
394   t+=(t>=59);  // insert Feb 29 on non leap years
395   t+=(t>=425);
396   t+=(t>=1157);
397   const int year=term*4+t/366+1970;  // actual year
398   t%=366;
399   t+=(t>=60)*2;  // make Feb. 31 days
400   t+=(t>=123);   // insert Apr 31
401   t+=(t>=185);   // insert June 31
402   t+=(t>=278);   // insert Sept 31
403   t+=(t>=340);   // insert Nov 31
404   const int month=t/31+1;
405   const int day=t%31+1;
406   return year*10000000000LL+month*100000000+day*1000000
407          +hour*10000+minute*100+second;
408 }
410 // Convert decimal date to time_t - inverse of decimal_time()
unix_time(int64_t date)411 time_t unix_time(int64_t date) {
412   if (date<=0) return -1;
413   static const int days[12]={0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334};
414   const int year=date/10000000000LL%10000;
415   const int month=(date/100000000%100-1)%12;
416   const int day=date/1000000%100;
417   const int hour=date/10000%100;
418   const int min=date/100%100;
419   const int sec=date%100;
420   return (day-1+days[month]+(year%4==0 && month>1)+((year-1970)*1461+1)/4)
421     *86400+hour*3600+min*60+sec;
422 }
424 // Put n cryptographic random bytes in buf[0..n-1].
425 // The first byte will not be 'z' or '7' (start of a ZPAQ archive).
426 // For a pure random number, discard the first byte.
random(char * buf,int n)428 void random(char* buf, int n) {
429 #ifdef unix
430   FILE* in=fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb");
431   if (in && fread(buf, 1, n, in)==n)
432     fclose(in);
433   else {
434     perror("/dev/urandom");
435     error("key generation failed");
436   }
437 #else
439   if (CryptAcquireContext(&h, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL,
440       CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT) && CryptGenRandom(h, n, (BYTE*)buf))
441     CryptReleaseContext(h, 0);
442   else {
443     fprintf(stderr, "CryptGenRandom: error %d\n", int(GetLastError()));
444     error("key generation failed");
445   }
446 #endif
447   if (n>=1 && (buf[0]=='z' || buf[0]=='7'))
448     buf[0]^=0x80;
449 }
451 /////////////////////////////// File //////////////////////////////////
453 // Convert non-negative decimal number x to string of at least n digits
itos(int64_t x,int n=1)454 string itos(int64_t x, int n=1) {
455   assert(x>=0);
456   assert(n>=0);
457   string r;
458   for (; x || n>0; x/=10, --n) r=string(1, '0'+x%10)+r;
459   return r;
460 }
462 // Replace * and ? in fn with part or digits of part
subpart(string fn,int part)463 string subpart(string fn, int part) {
464   for (int j=fn.size()-1; j>=0; --j) {
465     if (fn[j]=='?')
466       fn[j]='0'+part%10, part/=10;
467     else if (fn[j]=='*')
468       fn=fn.substr(0, j)+itos(part)+fn.substr(j+1), part=0;
469   }
470   return fn;
471 }
473 // Return true if a file or directory (UTF-8 without trailing /) exists.
474 // If part>0 then replace * and ? in filename with part or its digits.
exists(string filename,int part=0)475 bool exists(string filename, int part=0) {
476   if (part>0) filename=subpart(filename, part);
477   int len=filename.size();
478   if (len<1) return false;
479   if (filename[len-1]=='/') filename=filename.substr(0, len-1);
480 #ifdef unix
481   struct stat sb;
482   return !lstat(filename.c_str(), &sb);
483 #else
484   return GetFileAttributes(utow(filename.c_str(), true).c_str())
486 #endif
487 }
489 // Delete a file, return true if successful
delete_file(const char * filename)490 bool delete_file(const char* filename) {
491 #ifdef unix
492   return remove(filename)==0;
493 #else
494   return DeleteFile(utow(filename, true).c_str());
495 #endif
496 }
498 #ifndef unix
500 // Print error message
winError(const char * filename)501 void winError(const char* filename) {
502   int err=GetLastError();
503   printUTF8(filename, stderr);
504   if (err==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
505     fprintf(stderr, ": file not found\n");
506   else if (err==ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
507     fprintf(stderr, ": path not found\n");
508   else if (err==ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
509     fprintf(stderr, ": access denied\n");
510   else if (err==ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION)
511     fprintf(stderr, ": sharing violation\n");
512   else if (err==ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME)
513     fprintf(stderr, ": bad pathname\n");
514   else if (err==ERROR_INVALID_NAME)
515     fprintf(stderr, ": invalid name\n");
516   else
517     fprintf(stderr, ": Windows error %d\n", err);
518 }
520 // Set the last-modified date of an open file handle
setDate(HANDLE out,int64_t date)521 void setDate(HANDLE out, int64_t date) {
522   if (date>0) {
523     SYSTEMTIME st;
524     FILETIME ft;
525     st.wYear=date/10000000000LL%10000;
526     st.wMonth=date/100000000%100;
527     st.wDayOfWeek=0;  // ignored
528     st.wDay=date/1000000%100;
529     st.wHour=date/10000%100;
530     st.wMinute=date/100%100;
531     st.wSecond=date%100;
532     st.wMilliseconds=0;
533     SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
534     if (!SetFileTime(out, NULL, NULL, &ft))
535       fprintf(stderr, "SetFileTime error %d\n", int(GetLastError()));
536   }
537 }
538 #endif
540 // Create directories as needed. For example if path="/tmp/foo/bar"
541 // then create directories /, /tmp, and /tmp/foo unless they exist.
542 // Set date and attributes if not 0.
makepath(string path,int64_t date=0,int64_t attr=0)543 void makepath(string path, int64_t date=0, int64_t attr=0) {
544   for (int i=0; i<size(path); ++i) {
545     if (path[i]=='\\' || path[i]=='/') {
546       path[i]=0;
547 #ifdef unix
548       int ok=!mkdir(path.c_str(), 0777);
549 #else
550       int ok=CreateDirectory(utow(path.c_str(), true).c_str(), 0);
551 #endif
552       if (ok && quiet<=0) {
553         fprintf(con, "Created directory ");
554         printUTF8(path.c_str(), con);
555         fprintf(con, "\n");
556       }
557       path[i]='/';
558     }
559   }
561   // Set date and attributes
562   string filename=path;
563   if (filename!="" && filename[filename.size()-1]=='/')
564     filename=filename.substr(0, filename.size()-1);  // remove trailing slash
565 #ifdef unix
566   if (date>0) {
567     struct utimbuf ub;
568     ub.actime=time(NULL);
569     ub.modtime=unix_time(date);
570     utime(filename.c_str(), &ub);
571   }
572   if ((attr&255)=='u')
573     chmod(filename.c_str(), attr>>8);
574 #else
575   for (int i=0; i<size(filename); ++i)  // change to backslashes
576     if (filename[i]=='/') filename[i]='\\';
577   if (date>0) {
578     HANDLE out=CreateFile(utow(filename.c_str(), true).c_str(),
579                           FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
580                           FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL);
581     if (out!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
582       setDate(out, date);
583       CloseHandle(out);
584     }
585     else winError(filename.c_str());
586   }
587   if ((attr&255)=='w') {
588     SetFileAttributes(utow(filename.c_str(), true).c_str(), attr>>8);
589   }
590 #endif
591 }
593 // Base class of InputFile and OutputFile (OS independent)
594 class File {
595 protected:
596   enum {BUFSIZE=1<<16};  // buffer size
597   int ptr;  // next byte to read or write in buf
598   libzpaq::Array<char> buf;  // I/O buffer
599   libzpaq::AES_CTR *aes;  // if not NULL then encrypt
600   int64_t eoff;  // extra offset for multi-file encryption
File()601   File(): ptr(0), buf(BUFSIZE), aes(0), eoff(0) {}
602 };
604 // File types accepting UTF-8 filenames
605 #ifdef unix
607 class InputFile: public File, public libzpaq::Reader {
608   FILE* in;
609   int n;  // number of bytes in buf
610 public:
InputFile()611   InputFile(): in(0), n(0) {}
613   // Open file for reading. Return true if successful.
614   // If aes then encrypt with aes+eoff.
open(const char * filename,libzpaq::AES_CTR * a=0,int64_t e=0)615   bool open(const char* filename, libzpaq::AES_CTR* a=0, int64_t e=0) {
616     in=fopen(filename, "rb");
617     if (!in) perror(filename);
618     aes=a;
619     eoff=e;
620     n=ptr=0;
621     return in!=0;
622   }
624   // True if open
isopen()625   bool isopen() {return in!=0;}
627   // Read and return 1 byte (0..255) or EOF
get()628   int get() {
629     assert(in);
630     if (ptr>=n) {
631       assert(ptr==n);
632       n=fread(&buf[0], 1, BUFSIZE, in);
633       ptr=0;
634       if (aes) {
635         int64_t off=tell()+eoff;
636         if (off<32) error("attempt to read salt");
637         aes->encrypt(&buf[0], n, off);
638       }
639       if (!n) return EOF;
640     }
641     assert(ptr<n);
642     return buf[ptr++]&255;
643   }
645   // Return file position
tell()646   int64_t tell() {
647     return ftello(in)-n+ptr;
648   }
650   // Set file position
seek(int64_t pos,int whence)651   void seek(int64_t pos, int whence) {
652     if (whence==SEEK_CUR) {
653       whence=SEEK_SET;
654       pos+=tell();
655     }
656     fseeko(in, pos, whence);
657     n=ptr=0;
658   }
660   // Close file if open
close()661   void close() {if (in) fclose(in), in=0;}
~InputFile()662   ~InputFile() {close();}
663 };
665 class OutputFile: public File, public libzpaq::Writer {
666   FILE* out;
667   string filename;
668 public:
OutputFile()669   OutputFile(): out(0) {}
671   // Return true if file is open
isopen()672   bool isopen() {return out!=0;}
674   // Open for append/update or create if needed.
675   // If aes then encrypt with aes+eoff.
open(const char * filename,libzpaq::AES_CTR * a=0,int64_t e=0)676   bool open(const char* filename, libzpaq::AES_CTR* a=0, int64_t e=0) {
677     assert(!isopen());
678     ptr=0;
679     this->filename=filename;
680     out=fopen(filename, "rb+");
681     if (!out) out=fopen(filename, "wb+");
682     if (!out) perror(filename);
683     aes=a;
684     eoff=e;
685     if (out) fseeko(out, 0, SEEK_END);
686     return isopen();
687   }
689   // Flush pending output
flush()690   void flush() {
691     if (ptr) {
692       assert(isopen());
693       assert(ptr>0 && ptr<=BUFSIZE);
694       if (aes) {
695         int64_t off=ftello(out)+eoff;
696         if (off<32) error("attempt to overwrite salt");
697         aes->encrypt(&buf[0], ptr, off);
698       }
699       int n=fwrite(&buf[0], 1, ptr, out);
700       if (n!=ptr) {
701         perror(filename.c_str());
702         error("write failed");
703       }
704       ptr=0;
705     }
706   }
708   // Write 1 byte
put(int c)709   void put(int c) {
710     assert(isopen());
711     if (ptr>=BUFSIZE) {
712       assert(ptr==BUFSIZE);
713       flush();
714     }
715     assert(ptr>=0 && ptr<BUFSIZE);
716     buf[ptr++]=c;
717   }
719   // Write bufp[0..size-1]
720   void write(const char* bufp, int size);
722   // Write size bytes at offset
write(const char * bufp,int64_t pos,int size)723   void write(const char* bufp, int64_t pos, int size) {
724     assert(isopen());
725     flush();
726     fseeko(out, pos, SEEK_SET);
727     write(bufp, size);
728   }
730   // Seek to pos. whence is SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END
seek(int64_t pos,int whence)731   void seek(int64_t pos, int whence) {
732     assert(isopen());
733     flush();
734     fseeko(out, pos, whence);
735   }
737   // return position
tell()738   int64_t tell() {
739     assert(isopen());
740     return ftello(out)+ptr;
741   }
743   // Truncate file and move file pointer to end
truncate(int64_t newsize=0)744   void truncate(int64_t newsize=0) {
745     assert(isopen());
746     seek(newsize, SEEK_SET);
747     if (ftruncate(fileno(out), newsize)) perror("ftruncate");
748   }
750   // Close file and set date if not 0. Set permissions if attr low byte is 'u'
close(int64_t date=0,int64_t attr=0)751   void close(int64_t date=0, int64_t attr=0) {
752     if (out) {
753       flush();
754       fclose(out);
755     }
756     out=0;
757     if (date>0) {
758       struct utimbuf ub;
759       ub.actime=time(NULL);
760       ub.modtime=unix_time(date);
761       utime(filename.c_str(), &ub);
762     }
763     if ((attr&255)=='u')
764       chmod(filename.c_str(), attr>>8);
765   }
~OutputFile()767   ~OutputFile() {close();}
768 };
770 #else  // Windows
772 class InputFile: public File, public libzpaq::Reader {
773   HANDLE in;  // input file handle
774   DWORD n;    // buffer size
775 public:
InputFile()776   InputFile():
777     in(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), n(0) {}
779   // Open for reading. Return true if successful.
780   // Encrypt with aes+e if aes.
open(const char * filename,libzpaq::AES_CTR * a=0,int64_t e=0)781   bool open(const char* filename, libzpaq::AES_CTR* a=0, int64_t e=0) {
782     assert(in==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
783     n=ptr=0;
784     std::wstring w=utow(filename, true);
785     in=CreateFile(w.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
787     if (in==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) winError(filename);
788     aes=a;
789     eoff=e;
790     return in!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
791   }
isopen()793   bool isopen() {return in!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}
795   // Read 1 byte
get()796   int get() {
797     if (ptr>=int(n)) {
798       assert(ptr==int(n));
799       ptr=0;
800       ReadFile(in, &buf[0], BUFSIZE, &n, NULL);
801       if (n==0) return EOF;
802       if (aes) {
803         int64_t off=tell()+eoff;
804         if (off<32) error("attempt to read salt");
805         aes->encrypt(&buf[0], n, off);
806       }
807     }
808     assert(ptr<int(n));
809     return buf[ptr++]&255;
810   }
812   // set file pointer
seek(int64_t pos,int whence)813   void seek(int64_t pos, int whence) {
814     if (whence==SEEK_SET) whence=FILE_BEGIN;
815     else if (whence==SEEK_END) whence=FILE_END;
816     else if (whence==SEEK_CUR) {
817       whence=FILE_BEGIN;
818       pos+=tell();
819     }
820     LONG offhigh=pos>>32;
821     SetFilePointer(in, pos, &offhigh, whence);
822     n=ptr=0;
823   }
825   // get file pointer
tell()826   int64_t tell() {
827     LONG offhigh=0;
828     DWORD r=SetFilePointer(in, 0, &offhigh, FILE_CURRENT);
829     return (int64_t(offhigh)<<32)+r+ptr-n;
830   }
832   // Close handle if open
close()833   void close() {
834     if (in!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
835       CloseHandle(in);
837     }
838   }
~InputFile()839   ~InputFile() {close();}
840 };
842 class OutputFile: public File, public libzpaq::Writer {
843   HANDLE out;               // output file handle
844   std::wstring filename;    // filename as wide string
845 public:
OutputFile()846   OutputFile(): out(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {}
848   // Return true if file is open
isopen()849   bool isopen() {
850     return out!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
851   }
853   // Open file ready to update or append, create if needed.
854   // If aes then encrypt with aes+e.
open(const char * filename_,libzpaq::AES_CTR * a=0,int64_t e=0)855   bool open(const char* filename_, libzpaq::AES_CTR* a=0, int64_t e=0) {
856     assert(!isopen());
857     ptr=0;
858     filename=utow(filename_, true);
859     out=CreateFile(filename.c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
860                    0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
861     if (out==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) winError(filename_);
862     else {
863       LONG hi=0;
864       aes=a;
865       eoff=e;
866       SetFilePointer(out, 0, &hi, FILE_END);
867     }
868     return isopen();
869   }
871   // Write pending output
flush()872   void flush() {
873     assert(isopen());
874     if (ptr) {
875       DWORD n=0;
876       if (aes) {
877         int64_t off=tell()-ptr+eoff;
878         if (off<32) error("attempt to overwrite salt");
879         aes->encrypt(&buf[0], ptr, off);
880       }
881       WriteFile(out, &buf[0], ptr, &n, NULL);
882       if (ptr!=int(n)) {
883         fprintf(stderr, "%s: error %d: wrote %d of %d bytes\n",
884                 wtou(filename.c_str()).c_str(), int(GetLastError()),
885                 int(n), ptr);
886         error("write failed");
887       }
888       ptr=0;
889     }
890   }
892   // Write 1 byte
put(int c)893   void put(int c) {
894     assert(isopen());
895     if (ptr>=BUFSIZE) {
896       assert(ptr==BUFSIZE);
897       flush();
898     }
899     buf[ptr++]=c;
900   }
902   // Write bufp[0..size-1]
903   void write(const char* bufp, int size);
905   // Write size bytes at offset
write(const char * bufp,int64_t pos,int size)906   void write(const char* bufp, int64_t pos, int size) {
907     assert(isopen());
908     flush();
909     if (pos!=tell()) seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
910     write(bufp, size);
911   }
913   // set file pointer
seek(int64_t pos,int whence)914   void seek(int64_t pos, int whence) {
915     if (whence==SEEK_SET) whence=FILE_BEGIN;
916     else if (whence==SEEK_CUR) whence=FILE_CURRENT;
917     else if (whence==SEEK_END) whence=FILE_END;
918     flush();
919     LONG offhigh=pos>>32;
920     SetFilePointer(out, pos, &offhigh, whence);
921   }
923   // get file pointer
tell()924   int64_t tell() {
925     LONG offhigh=0;
926     DWORD r=SetFilePointer(out, 0, &offhigh, FILE_CURRENT);
927     return (int64_t(offhigh)<<32)+r+ptr;
928   }
930   // Truncate file and move file pointer to end
truncate(int64_t newsize=0)931   void truncate(int64_t newsize=0) {
932     seek(newsize, SEEK_SET);
933     SetEndOfFile(out);
934   }
936   // Close file and set date if not 0. Set attr if low byte is 'w'.
close(int64_t date=0,int64_t attr=0)937   void close(int64_t date=0, int64_t attr=0) {
938     if (isopen()) {
939       flush();
940       setDate(out, date);
941       CloseHandle(out);
943       if ((attr&255)=='w')
944         SetFileAttributes(filename.c_str(), attr>>8);
945       filename=L"";
946     }
947   }
~OutputFile()948   ~OutputFile() {close();}
949 };
951 #endif
953 // Write bufp[0..size-1]
write(const char * bufp,int size)954 void OutputFile::write(const char* bufp, int size) {
955   if (ptr==BUFSIZE) flush();
956   while (size>0) {
957     assert(ptr>=0 && ptr<BUFSIZE);
958     int n=BUFSIZE-ptr;  // number of bytes to copy to buf
959     if (n>size) n=size;
960     memcpy(&buf[ptr], bufp, n);
961     size-=n;
962     bufp+=n;
963     ptr+=n;
964     if (ptr==BUFSIZE) flush();
965   }
966 }
968 // Count bytes written and discard them
969 struct Counter: public libzpaq::Writer {
970   int64_t pos;  // count of written bytes
CounterCounter971   Counter(): pos(0) {}
putCounter972   void put(int c) {++pos;}
writeCounter973   void write(const char* bufp, int size) {pos+=size;}
974 };
976 /////////////////////////////// Archive ///////////////////////////////
978 // An Archive is a multi-part file that supports encrypted input
979 class Archive: public libzpaq::Reader, public libzpaq::Writer {
980   libzpaq::AES_CTR* aes;  // NULL if not encrypted
981   struct FE {  // File element for multi-part archives
982     string fn;    // file name
983     int64_t end;  // size of previous and current files
FEArchive::FE984     FE(): end(0) {}
FEArchive::FE985     FE(const string& s, int64_t e): fn(s), end(e) {}
986   };
987   vector<FE> files;  // list of parts. only last part is writable.
988   int fi;  // current file in files
989   int64_t off;  // total offset over all files
990   int mode;     // 'r' or 'w' for reading or writing or 0 if closed
991   InputFile in; // currently open input file
992   OutputFile out;  // currently open output file
993 public:
995   // Constructor
Archive()996   Archive(): aes(0), fi(0), off(0), mode(0) {}
998   // Destructor
~Archive()999   ~Archive() {close();}
1001   // Open filename for read and write. If filename contains wildards * or ?
1002   // then replace * with part number 1, 2, 3... or ? with single digits
1003   // up to the last existing file. Return true if at least one file is found.
1004   // If password is not NULL then assume the concatenation of the files
1005   // is in encrypted format. mode_ is 'r' for reading or 'w' for writing.
1006   // If the filename contains wildcards then output is to the first
1007   // non-existing file, else to filename. If newsize>=0 then truncate
1008   // the output to newsize bytes. If password and offset>0 then encrypt
1009   // output as if previous parts had size offset and salt salt.
1010   bool open(const char* filename, const char* password=0, int mode_='r',
1011             int64_t newsize=-1, int64_t offset=0, const char* salt=0);
1013   // True if archive is open
isopen() const1014   bool isopen() const {return files.size()>0;}
1016   // Position the next read or write offset to p.
1017   void seek(int64_t p, int whence);
1019   // Return current file offset.
tell() const1020   int64_t tell() const {return off;}
1022   // Read up to n bytes into buf at current offset. Return 0..n bytes
1023   // actually read. 0 indicates EOF.
read(char * buf,int n)1024   int read(char* buf, int n) {
1025     assert(mode=='r');
1026     if (fi>=size(files)) return 0;
1027     if (!in.isopen()) return 0;
1028     n=in.read(buf, n);
1029     seek(n, SEEK_CUR);
1030     return n;
1031   }
1033   // Read and return 1 byte or -1 (EOF)
get()1034   int get() {
1035     assert(mode=='r');
1036     if (fi>=size(files)) return -1;
1037     while (off==files[fi].end) {
1038       in.close();
1039       if (++fi>=size(files)) return -1;
1040       if (!in.open(files[fi].fn.c_str(), aes, fi>0 ? files[fi-1].end : 0))
1041         error("cannot read next archive part");
1042     }
1043     ++off;
1044     return in.get();
1045   }
1047   // Write one byte
put(int c)1048   void put(int c) {
1049     assert(fi==size(files)-1);
1050     assert(fi>0 || out.tell()==off);
1051     assert(fi==0 || out.tell()+files[fi-1].end==off);
1052     assert(mode=='w');
1053     out.put(c);
1054     ++off;
1055   }
1057   // Write buf[0..n-1]
write(const char * buf,int n)1058   void write(const char* buf, int n) {
1059     assert(fi==size(files)-1);
1060     assert(fi>0 || out.tell()==off);
1061     assert(fi==0 || out.tell()+files[fi-1].end==off);
1062     assert(mode=='w');
1063     out.write(buf, n);
1064     off+=n;
1065   }
1067   // Close any open part
close()1068   void close() {
1069     if (out.isopen()) out.close();
1070     if (in.isopen()) in.close();
1071     if (aes) {
1072       delete aes;
1073       aes=0;
1074     }
1075     files.clear();
1076     fi=0;
1077     off=0;
1078     mode=0;
1079   }
1080 };
open(const char * filename,const char * password,int mode_,int64_t newsize,int64_t offset,const char * salt)1082 bool Archive::open(const char* filename, const char* password, int mode_,
1083                    int64_t newsize, int64_t offset, const char* salt) {
1084   assert(filename);
1085   assert(mode_=='r' || mode_=='w');
1086   mode=mode_;
1088   // Read part files and get sizes. Get salt from the first part.
1089   string next;
1090   for (int i=1; !offset; ++i) {
1091     next=subpart(filename, i);
1092     if (!exists(next)) break;
1093     if (files.size()>0 && files[0].fn==next) break; // part overflow
1095     // set up key from salt in first file
1096     if (!in.open(next.c_str())) error("cannot read archive");
1097     if (i==1 && password && newsize!=0) {
1098       char slt[32], key[32];
1099       if (in.read(slt, 32)!=32) error("no salt");
1100       libzpaq::stretchKey(key, password, slt);
1101       aes=new libzpaq::AES_CTR(key, 32, slt);
1102     }
1104     // Get file size
1105     in.seek(0, SEEK_END);
1106     files.push_back(FE(next,
1107         in.tell()+(files.size() ? files[files.size()-1].end : 0)));
1108     in.close();
1109     if (next==filename) break;  // no wildcards
1110   }
1112   // If offset is not 0 then use it for the part sizes and use
1113   // salt as the salt of the first part.
1114   if (offset>0) {
1115     files.push_back(FE("", offset));
1116     files.push_back(FE(filename, offset));
1117     if (password) {
1118       assert(salt);
1119       char key[32]={0};
1120       libzpaq::stretchKey(key, password, salt);
1121       aes=new libzpaq::AES_CTR(key, 32, salt);
1122     }
1123   }
1125   // Open file for reading
1126   fi=files.size();
1127   if (mode=='r') {
1128     seek(32*(password!=0), SEEK_SET);  // open first input file
1129     return files.size()>0;
1130   }
1132   // Truncate, deleting extra parts
1133   if (newsize>=0) {
1134     while (files.size()>0 && files.back().end>newsize) {
1135       if (newsize==0 || (files.size()>1 &&
1136           files[files.size()-2].end>=newsize)) {
1137         if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
1138           printUTF8(files.back().fn.c_str(), con);
1139           fprintf(con, " deleted.\n");
1140         }
1141         next=files.back().fn.c_str();
1142         delete_file(files.back().fn.c_str());
1143         files.pop_back();
1144       }
1145       else if (files.size()>0) {
1146         if (!out.open(files.back().fn.c_str()))
1147           error("cannot open archive part to truncate");
1148         int64_t newlen=newsize;
1149         if (files.size()>=2) newlen-=files[files.size()-2].end;
1150         if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
1151           printUTF8(files.back().fn.c_str(), con);
1152           fprintf(con, " truncated from %1.0f to %1.0f bytes.\n",
1153             out.tell()+0.0, newlen+0.0);
1154         }
1155         assert(newlen>=0);
1156         out.truncate(newlen);
1157         out.close();
1158         files.back().end=newsize;
1159       }
1160     }
1161   }
1163   // Get name of part to write. If filename has wildcards then use
1164   // the next part number, else just filename.
1165   if (files.size()==0 || (next!=filename && next!=files[0].fn))
1166     files.push_back(FE(next, files.size() ? files.back().end : 0));
1168   // Write salt for a new encrypted archive
1169   fi=files.size()-1;
1170   assert(fi>=0);
1171   if (password && !aes) {
1172     assert(fi==0);
1173     assert(files.size()==1);
1174     if (!out.open(files[fi].fn.c_str()))
1175       error("cannot write salt to archive");
1176     out.seek(0, SEEK_SET);
1177     char key[32]={0};
1178     char slt[32]={0};
1179     if (salt) memcpy(slt, salt, 32);
1180     else random(slt, 32);
1181     libzpaq::stretchKey(key, password, slt);
1182     aes=new libzpaq::AES_CTR(key, 32, slt);
1183     out.write(slt, 32);
1184     files[fi].end=out.tell();  // 32
1185     out.close();
1186   }
1188   // Open for output
1189   assert(fi+1==size(files));
1190   assert(fi>=0);
1191   makepath(files[fi].fn.c_str());
1192   if (!out.open(files[fi].fn.c_str(), aes, fi>0 ? files[fi-1].end : 0))
1193     error("cannot open archive for output");
1194   off=files.back().end;
1195   assert(fi>0 || files[fi].end==out.tell());
1196   assert(fi==0 || files[fi].end==out.tell()+files[fi-1].end);
1197   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
1198     fprintf(con, "Appending to ");
1199     printUTF8(files[fi].fn.c_str(), con);
1200     fprintf(con, " at offset %1.0f\n", out.tell()+0.0);
1201   }
1202   return true;
1203 }
seek(int64_t p,int whence)1205 void Archive::seek(int64_t p, int whence) {
1206   if (whence==SEEK_SET) off=p;
1207   else if (whence==SEEK_CUR) off+=p;
1208   else if (whence==SEEK_END) off=(files.size() ? files.back().end : 0)+p;
1209   else assert(false);
1210   if (mode=='r') {
1211     int oldfi=fi;
1212     for (fi=0; fi<size(files) && off>=files[fi].end; ++fi);
1213     if (fi!=oldfi) {
1214       in.close();
1215       if (fi<size(files) && !in.open(files[fi].fn.c_str(), aes,
1216           fi>0 ? files[fi-1].end : 0))
1217         error("cannot reopen archive after seek");
1218     }
1219     if (fi<size(files)) in.seek(off-files[fi].end, SEEK_END);
1220   }
1221   else if (mode=='w') {
1222     assert(files.size()>0);
1223     assert(out.isopen());
1224     assert(fi+1==size(files));
1225     p=off;
1226     if (files.size()>=2) p-=files[files.size()-2].end;
1227     if (p<0) error("seek before start of output");
1228     out.seek(p, SEEK_SET);
1229   }
1230 }
1232 ///////////////////////// NumberOfProcessors ///////////////////////////
1234 // Guess number of cores. In 32 bit mode, max is 2.
numberOfProcessors()1235 int numberOfProcessors() {
1236   int rc=0;  // result
1237 #ifdef unix
1239   rc=(int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
1240 #else
1242   // In Windows return %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%
1243   const char* p=getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS");
1244   if (p) rc=atoi(p);
1245 #endif
1246   if (rc<1) rc=1;
1247   if (sizeof(char*)==4 && rc>2) rc=2;
1248   return rc;
1249 }
1251 ////////////////////////////// StringBuffer //////////////////////////
1253 // For libzpaq output to a string
1254 struct StringWriter: public libzpaq::Writer {
1255   string s;
putStringWriter1256   void put(int c) {s+=char(c);}
1257 };
1259 // WriteBuffer for memory efficient output buffering
1260 class WriteBuffer: public libzpaq::Writer {
1261   enum {BUFSIZE=(1<<19)-80};  // buffer size
1262   int wptr;  // number of bytes in last buffer
1263   int limit;  // max buffers
1264   vector<char*> v;  // array of buffers
1265   WriteBuffer& operator=(const WriteBuffer&);  // no assignment
1266   WriteBuffer(const WriteBuffer&);  // no copy
1267   void grow();  // append a buffer
1269 public:
WriteBuffer()1270   WriteBuffer(): wptr(BUFSIZE), limit(0x7fffffff) {}
1272   // Number of bytes put
size() const1273   int64_t size() const {return int64_t(v.size())*BUFSIZE+wptr-BUFSIZE;}
1275   // Set allocation limit
setLimit(size_t lim)1276   void setLimit(size_t lim) {limit=lim/BUFSIZE+1;}
1278   // store n bytes from buf[0..n-1]
1279   void write(const char* buf, int n);
1281   // store 1 byte
put(int c)1282   void put(int c) {
1283     if (wptr==BUFSIZE) grow();
1284     assert(v.size()>0);
1285     assert(wptr>=0 && wptr<BUFSIZE);
1286     v.back()[wptr++]=c;
1287   }
1289   // write to out
1290   void save(libzpaq::Writer* out);
1292   // Write n bytes at begin..begin+n-1 to out at offset off
1293   void save(OutputFile& out, int64_t off, int64_t begin, int64_t n);
1295   // Return the SHA-1 of n bytes at begin..begin+n-1 to result[0..19]
1296   void sha1(char* result, int64_t begin, int64_t n);
1298   // Free memory
1299   void reset();
~WriteBuffer()1300   ~WriteBuffer() {reset();}
1301 };
1303 // Append a buffer
grow()1304 void WriteBuffer::grow() {
1305   assert(wptr==BUFSIZE);
1306   if (int(v.size())>=limit) error("WriteBuffer overflow");
1307   v.push_back((char*)malloc(BUFSIZE));
1308   if (!v.back()) error("WriteBuffer: out of memory");
1309   wptr=0;
1310 }
1312 // store n bytes from buf[0..n-1]
write(const char * buf,int n)1313 void WriteBuffer::write(const char* buf, int n) {
1314   while (n>0) {
1315     assert(wptr>=0 && wptr<=BUFSIZE);
1316     if (wptr==BUFSIZE) grow();
1317     int n1=n;
1318     if (n1>BUFSIZE-wptr) n1=BUFSIZE-wptr;
1319     assert(n1>0 && n1<=BUFSIZE);
1320     memcpy(v.back()+wptr, buf, n1);
1321     wptr+=n1;
1322     n-=n1;
1323     buf+=n1;
1324   }
1325 }
1327 // write to out
save(libzpaq::Writer * out)1328 void WriteBuffer::save(libzpaq::Writer* out) {
1329   if (!out) return;
1330   for (int i=0; i<int(v.size())-1; ++i)
1331     out->write(v[i], BUFSIZE);
1332   if (v.size())
1333     out->write(v.back(), wptr);
1334 }
1336 // Write n bytes at begin..begin+n-1 to out at offset off..off+n-1
save(OutputFile & out,int64_t off,int64_t begin,int64_t n)1337 void WriteBuffer::save(OutputFile& out, int64_t off, int64_t begin,
1338                        int64_t n) {
1339   assert(out.isopen());
1340   assert(off>=0);
1341   assert(begin>=0);
1342   assert(n>=0);
1343   assert(begin+n<=size());
1345   // Trim leading and trailing zeros before writing
1346   for (int i=begin/BUFSIZE; i<int(v.size()); ++i) {
1347     assert(i>=0 && i<int(v.size()));
1348     int64_t b=begin-int64_t(i)*BUFSIZE;
1349     int64_t e=b+n;
1350     if (b<0) b=0;
1351     if (e>BUFSIZE) e=BUFSIZE;
1352     if (e<=0) break;
1353     int b1=b, e1=e;
1354     while (b1<e1 && v[i][b1]==0) ++b1;
1355     while (e1>b1 && v[i][e1-1]==0) --e1;
1356     if (b1-b<4096) b1=b;
1357     if (e-e1<4096) e1=e;
1358     if (e1>b1) out.write(v[i]+b1, off-begin+i*BUFSIZE+b1, e1-b1);
1359   }
1360 }
1362 // Return the SHA-1 of n bytes at begin..begin+n-1 to result[0..19]
sha1(char * result,int64_t begin,int64_t n)1363 void WriteBuffer::sha1(char* result, int64_t begin, int64_t n) {
1364   if (!result) return;
1365   assert(begin>=0);
1366   assert(n>=0);
1367   assert(begin+n<=size());
1368   libzpaq::SHA1 s;
1369   for (int i=begin/BUFSIZE; i<int(v.size()); ++i) {
1370     assert(i>=0 && i<int(v.size()));
1371     int64_t b=begin-int64_t(i)*BUFSIZE;
1372     int64_t e=b+n;
1373     if (b<0) b=0;
1374     if (e>BUFSIZE) e=BUFSIZE;
1375     if (e<=0) break;
1376     while (b<e) s.put(v[i][b++]);
1377   }
1378   assert(uint64_t(n)==s.usize());
1379   memcpy(result, s.result(), 20);
1380 }
1382 // Free memory
reset()1383 void WriteBuffer::reset() {
1384   while (v.size()>0) {
1385     if (v.back()) free(v.back());
1386     v.pop_back();
1387   }
1388   wptr=BUFSIZE;
1389 }
1391 // For (de)compressing to/from a string. Writing appends bytes
1392 // which can be later read.
1393 class StringBuffer: public libzpaq::Reader, public libzpaq::Writer {
1394   unsigned char* p;  // allocated memory, not NUL terminated, may be NULL
1395   size_t al;         // number of bytes allocated, 0 iff p is NULL
1396   size_t wpos;       // index of next byte to write, wpos <= al
1397   size_t rpos;       // index of next byte to read, rpos < wpos or return EOF.
1398   size_t limit;      // max size, default = -1
1399   const size_t init; // initial size on first use after reset
1401   // Increase capacity to a without changing size
reserve(size_t a)1402   void reserve(size_t a) {
1403     assert(!al==!p);
1404     if (a<=al) return;
1405     unsigned char* q=0;
1406     if (a>0) q=(unsigned char*)(p ? realloc(p, a) : malloc(a));
1407     if (a>0 && !q) {
1408       fprintf(stderr, "StringBuffer realloc %1.0f to %1.0f at %p failed\n",
1409           double(al), double(a), p);
1410       error("Out of memory");
1411     }
1412     p=q;
1413     al=a;
1414   }
1416   // Enlarge al to make room to write at least n bytes.
lengthen(unsigned n)1417   void lengthen(unsigned n) {
1418     assert(wpos<=al);
1419     if (wpos+n>limit) error("StringBuffer overflow");
1420     if (wpos+n<=al) return;
1421     size_t a=al;
1422     while (wpos+n>=a) a=a*2+init;
1423     reserve(a);
1424   }
1426   // No assignment or copy
1427   void operator=(const StringBuffer&);
1428   StringBuffer(const StringBuffer&);
1430 public:
1432   // Direct access to data
data()1433   unsigned char* data() {assert(p || wpos==0); return p;}
1435   // Allocate no memory initially
StringBuffer(size_t n=0)1436   StringBuffer(size_t n=0):
1437       p(0), al(0), wpos(0), rpos(0), limit(size_t(-1)), init(n>128?n:128) {}
1439   // Set output limit
setLimit(size_t n)1440   void setLimit(size_t n) {limit=n;}
1442   // Free memory
~StringBuffer()1443   ~StringBuffer() {if (p) free(p);}
1445   // Return number of bytes written.
size() const1446   size_t size() const {return wpos;}
1448   // Return number of bytes left to read
remaining() const1449   size_t remaining() const {return wpos-rpos;}
1451   // Reset size to 0.
reset()1452   void reset() {
1453     if (p) free(p);
1454     p=0;
1455     al=rpos=wpos=0;
1456   }
1458   // Write a single byte.
put(int c)1459   void put(int c) {  // write 1 byte
1460     lengthen(1);
1461     assert(p);
1462     assert(wpos<al);
1463     p[wpos++]=c;
1464     assert(wpos<=al);
1465   }
1467   // Write buf[0..n-1]
write(const char * buf,int n)1468   void write(const char* buf, int n) {
1469     assert(buf);
1470     if (n<1) return;
1471     lengthen(n);
1472     assert(p);
1473     assert(wpos+n<=al);
1474     memcpy(p+wpos, buf, n);
1475     wpos+=n;
1476   }
1478   // Read a single byte. Return EOF (-1) and reset at end of string.
get()1479   int get() {
1480     assert(rpos<=wpos);
1481     assert(rpos==wpos || p);
1482     return rpos<wpos ? p[rpos++] : (reset(),-1);
1483   }
1485   // Read up to n bytes into buf[0..] or fewer if EOF is first.
1486   // Return the number of bytes actually read.
read(char * buf,int n)1487   int read(char* buf, int n) {
1488     assert(rpos<=wpos);
1489     assert(wpos<=al);
1490     assert(!al==!p);
1491     if (rpos+n>wpos) n=wpos-rpos;
1492     if (n>0) memcpy(buf, p+rpos, n);
1493     rpos+=n;
1494     return n;
1495   }
1497   // Return the entire string as a read-only array.
c_str() const1498   const char* c_str() const {return (const char*)p;}
1500   // Truncate the string to size i.
resize(size_t i)1501   void resize(size_t i) {wpos=i;}
1503   // Write a string.
operator +=(const string & t)1504   void operator+=(const string& t) {write(t.data(), t.size());}
1506   // Swap efficiently (init is not swapped)
swap(StringBuffer & s)1507   void swap(StringBuffer& s) {
1508     std::swap(p, s.p);
1509     std::swap(al, s.al);
1510     std::swap(wpos, s.wpos);
1511     std::swap(rpos, s.rpos);
1512     std::swap(limit, s.limit);
1513   }
1514 };
1516 ////////////////////////////// misc ///////////////////////////////////
1518 // In Windows convert upper case to lower case.
tolowerW(int c)1519 inline int tolowerW(int c) {
1520 #ifndef unix
1521   if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return c-'A'+'a';
1522 #endif
1523   return c;
1524 }
1526 // Return true if strings a == b or a+"/" is a prefix of b
1527 // or a ends in "/" and is a prefix of b.
1528 // Match ? in a to any char in b.
1529 // Match * in a to any string in b.
1530 // In Windows, not case sensitive.
ispath(const char * a,const char * b)1531 bool ispath(const char* a, const char* b) {
1532   for (; *a; ++a, ++b) {
1533     const int ca=tolowerW(*a);
1534     const int cb=tolowerW(*b);
1535     if (ca=='*') {
1536       while (true) {
1537         if (ispath(a+1, b)) return true;
1538         if (!*b) return false;
1539         ++b;
1540       }
1541     }
1542     else if (ca=='?') {
1543       if (*b==0) return false;
1544     }
1545     else if (ca==cb && ca=='/' && a[1]==0)
1546       return true;
1547     else if (ca!=cb)
1548       return false;
1549   }
1550   return *b==0 || *b=='/';
1551 }
1553 // Return true if Windows attributes encoded in attr (as in DT)
1554 // matches the specification in s (as in -not option). s is a string
1555 // like ":+da-shr+i" which means return true if the directory, archive
1556 // and index attributes are set and system, hidden, and readonly are clear.
1557 // To match, attr must be 'w' in the LSB followed by Windows attribute
1558 // bits d,a,s,h,r,i in 4,5,2,1,0,13 in the next higher 16 bits.
1559 // In Linux the attributes are 'u' in the LSB followed by d,r,w,x
1560 // (bits 14,8,7,6) for directory and user read, write, and execute
1561 // permission (regardless of owner).
isattr(const char * s,int64_t attr)1562 bool isattr(const char* s, int64_t attr) {
1563   if (!s || *s!=':') return false;
1564   int mode=0;
1565   for (++s; *s; ++s) {
1566     int bit=-1;
1567     if ((attr&255)=='w') {  // Windows attributes
1568       switch(*s) {
1569         case '+':
1570         case '-':
1571           mode=*s; break;
1572         case 'd': bit=4; break;
1573         case 'A':
1574         case 'a': bit=5; break;
1575         case 's': bit=2; break;
1576         case 'h': bit=1; break;
1577         case 'r': bit=0; break;
1578         case 'i': bit=13; break;
1579       }
1580     }
1581     else if ((attr&255)=='u') {  // Unix attributes
1582       switch(*s) {
1583         case '+':
1584         case '-':
1585           mode=*s; break;
1586         case 'd': bit=14; break;
1587         case 'r': bit=8; break;
1588         case 'w': bit=7; break;
1589         case 'x': bit=6; break;
1590       }
1591     }
1592     else
1593       return false;
1594     if (bit>=0) {
1595       bit=(attr>>(bit+8))&1;
1596       if (mode=='+' && !bit) return false;
1597       if (mode=='-' && bit) return false;
1598     }
1599   }
1600   return true;
1601 }
1603 // Convert string to lower case
lowercase(string s)1604 string lowercase(string s) {
1605   for (unsigned i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)
1606     if (s[i]>='A' && s[i]<='Z') s[i]+='a'-'A';
1607   return s;
1608 }
1610 // Read 4 byte little-endian int and advance s
btoi(const char * & s)1611 int btoi(const char* &s) {
1612   s+=4;
1613   return (s[-4]&255)|((s[-3]&255)<<8)|((s[-2]&255)<<16)|((s[-1]&255)<<24);
1614 }
1616 // Read 8 byte little-endian int and advance s
btol(const char * & s)1617 int64_t btol(const char* &s) {
1618   int64_t r=unsigned(btoi(s));
1619   return r+(int64_t(btoi(s))<<32);
1620 }
1622 // Convert x to 4 byte little-endian string
itob(unsigned x)1623 string itob(unsigned x) {
1624   string s(4, '\0');
1625   s[0]=x, s[1]=x>>8, s[2]=x>>16, s[3]=x>>24;
1626   return s;
1627 }
1629 // convert to 8 byte little-endian string
ltob(int64_t x)1630 string ltob(int64_t x) {
1631   string s(8, '\0');
1632   s[0]=x,     s[1]=x>>8,  s[2]=x>>16, s[3]=x>>24;
1633   s[4]=x>>32, s[5]=x>>40, s[6]=x>>48, s[7]=x>>56;
1634   return s;
1635 }
1637 // Convert decimal, octal (leading o) or hex (leading x) string to int
ntoi(const char * s)1638 int ntoi(const char* s) {
1639   int n=0, base=10, sign=1;
1640   for (; *s; ++s) {
1641     int c=*s;
1642     if (isupper(c)) c=tolower(c);
1643     if (!n && c=='x') base=16;
1644     else if (!n && c=='o') base=8;
1645     else if (!n && c=='-') sign=-1;
1646     else if (c>='0' && c<='9') n=n*base+c-'0';
1647     else if (base==16 && c>='a' && c<='f') n=n*base+c-'a'+10;
1648     else break;
1649   }
1650   return n*sign;
1651 }
1653 /////////////////////////// read_password ////////////////////////////
1655 // Read a password from argv[i+1..argc-1] or from the console without
1656 // echo (repeats times) if this sequence is empty. repeats can be 1 or 2.
1657 // If 2, require the same password to be entered twice in a row.
1658 // Advance i by the number of words in the password on the command
1659 // line, which will be 0 if the user is prompted.
1660 // Write the SHA-256 hash of the password in hash[0..31].
1661 // Return the length of the original password.
read_password(char * hash,int repeats,int argc,const char ** argv,int & i)1663 int read_password(char* hash, int repeats,
1664                  int argc, const char** argv, int& i) {
1665   assert(repeats==1 || repeats==2);
1666   libzpaq::SHA256 sha256;
1667   int result=0;
1669   // Read password from argv[i+1..argc-1]
1670   if (i<argc-1 && argv[i+1][0]!='-') {
1671     while (true) {  // read multi-word password with spaces between args
1672       ++i;
1673       for (const char* p=argv[i]; p && *p; ++p) sha256.put(*p);
1674       if (i<argc-1 && argv[i+1][0]!='-') sha256.put(' ');
1675       else break;
1676     }
1677     result=sha256.usize();
1678     memcpy(hash, sha256.result(), 32);
1679     return result;
1680   }
1682   // Otherwise prompt user
1683   char oldhash[32]={0};
1684   if (repeats==2)
1685     fprintf(stderr, "Enter new password twice:\n");
1686   else {
1687     fprintf(stderr, "Password: ");
1688     fflush(stderr);
1689   }
1690   do {
1692   // Read password without echo to end of line
1693 #if unix
1694     struct termios term, oldterm;
1695     FILE* in=fopen("/dev/tty", "r");
1696     if (!in) in=stdin;
1697     tcgetattr(fileno(in), &oldterm);
1698     memcpy(&term, &oldterm, sizeof(term));
1699     term.c_lflag&=~ECHO;
1700     term.c_lflag|=ECHONL;
1701     tcsetattr(fileno(in), TCSANOW, &term);
1702     char buf[256];
1703     if (!fgets(buf, 250, in)) return 0;
1704     tcsetattr(fileno(in), TCSANOW, &oldterm);
1705     if (in!=stdin) fclose(in);
1706     for (unsigned i=0; i<250 && buf[i]!=10 && buf[i]!=13 && buf[i]!=0; ++i)
1707       sha256.put(buf[i]);
1708 #else
1709     HANDLE h=GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
1710     DWORD mode=0, n=0;
1711     wchar_t buf[256];
1712     if (h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
1713         && GetConsoleMode(h, &mode)
1714         && SetConsoleMode(h, mode&~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)
1715         && ReadConsole(h, buf, 250, &n, NULL)) {
1716       SetConsoleMode(h, mode);
1717       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1718       for (unsigned i=0; i<n && i<250 && buf[i]!=10 && buf[i]!=13; ++i)
1719         sha256.put(buf[i]);
1720     }
1721     else {
1722       fprintf(stderr, "Windows error %d\n", int(GetLastError()));
1723       error("Read password failed");
1724     }
1725 #endif
1726     result=sha256.usize();
1727     memcpy(oldhash, hash, 32);
1728     memcpy(hash, sha256.result(), 32);
1729     memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));  // clear sensitive data
1730   }
1731   while (repeats==2 && memcmp(oldhash, hash, 32));
1732   return result;
1733 }
1735 /////////////////////////////// Jidac /////////////////////////////////
1737 // A Jidac object represents an archive contents: a list of file
1738 // fragments with hash, size, and archive offset, and a list of
1739 // files with date, attributes, and list of fragment pointers.
1740 // Methods add to, extract from, compare, and list the archive.
1742 // enum for HT::csize and version
1743 static const int64_t EXTRACTED= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFELL;  // decompressed?
1744 static const int64_t HT_BAD=   -0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFALL;  // no such frag
1745 static const int64_t DEFAULT_VERSION=9999999999999LL;  // unless -until
1747 // fragment hash table entry
1748 struct HT {
1749   unsigned char sha1[20];  // fragment hash
1750   int usize;      // uncompressed size, -1 if unknown
1751   int64_t csize;  // if >=0 then block offset else -fragment number
HTHT1752   HT(const char* s=0, int u=-1, int64_t c=HT_BAD) {
1753     if (s) memcpy(sha1, s, 20);
1754     else memset(sha1, 0, 20);
1755     usize=u; csize=c;
1756   }
1757 };
1759 // filename version entry
1760 struct DTV {
1761   int64_t date;          // decimal YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (UT) or 0 if deleted
1762   int64_t size;          // size or -1 if unknown
1763   int64_t attr;          // first 8 attribute bytes
1764   double csize;          // approximate compressed size
1765   vector<unsigned> ptr;  // list of fragment indexes to HT
1766   int version;           // which transaction was it added?
DTVDTV1767   DTV(): date(0), size(0), attr(0), csize(0), version(0) {}
1768 };
1770 // filename entry
1771 struct DT {
1772   int64_t edate;         // date of external file, 0=not found
1773   int64_t esize;         // size of external file
1774   int64_t eattr;         // external file attributes ('u' or 'w' in low byte)
1775   uint64_t sortkey;      // determines sort order for compression
1776   vector<unsigned> eptr; // fragment list of external file to add
1777   vector<DTV> dtv;       // list of versions
1778   int written;           // 0..ptr.size() = fragments output. -1=ignore
DTDT1779   DT(): edate(0), esize(0), eattr(0), sortkey(0), written(-1) {}
1780 };
1782 // Version info
1783 struct VER {
1784   int64_t date;          // 0 if not JIDAC
1785   int64_t usize;         // uncompressed size of files
1786   int64_t offset;        // start of transaction
1787   int64_t csize;         // size of compressed data, -1 = no index
1788   int updates;           // file updates
1789   int deletes;           // file deletions
1790   unsigned firstFragment;// first fragment ID
VERVER1791   VER() {memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));}
1792 };
1794 typedef map<string, DT> DTMap;
1795 class CompressJob;
1797 // Do everything
1798 class Jidac {
1799 public:
1800   int doCommand(int argc, const char** argv);
1801   friend ThreadReturn decompressThread(void* arg);
1802   friend ThreadReturn testThread(void* arg);
1803   friend struct ExtractJob;
1804 private:
1806   // Command line arguments
1807   string command;           // "-add", "-extract", "-list", etc.
1808   string archive;           // archive name
1809   vector<string> files;     // list of files and directories to add
1810   vector<string> notfiles;  // list of prefixes to exclude
1811   vector<string> tofiles;   // files renamed with -to
1812   int64_t date;             // now as decimal YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (UT)
1813   int64_t version;          // version number or 14 digit date
1814   int threads;              // default is number of cores
1815   int since;                // First version to -list
1816   int summary;              // Arg to -summary
1817   int fragment;             // Log average fragment size in KB, default 6
1818   string method;            // 0..9, default "1"
1819   bool force;               // -force option
1820   bool all;                 // -all option
1821   bool noattributes;        // -noattributes option
1822   bool nodelete;            // -nodelete option
1823   bool duplicates;          // -duplicates option
1824   bool resetArchive;        // -not :-A option
1825   char password_string[32]; // hash of -key argument
1826   char new_password_string[32];  // hash of encrypt -to arg
1827   const char* password;     // points to password_string or NULL
1828   const char* new_password; // points to new_password_string or NULL
1829   string with;              // -with option
1831   // Archive state
1832   int64_t dhsize;           // total size of D blocks according to H blocks
1833   int64_t dcsize;           // total size of D blocks according to C blocks
1834   vector<HT> ht;            // list of fragments
1835   DTMap dt;                 // set of files
1836   vector<VER> ver;          // version info
1838   // Commands
1839   int add();                // add or delete, return 1 if error else 0
1840   int extract();            // extract or test, return 1 if error else 0
1841   void list();              // list
1842   int compare();            // compare, return 1 if differences else 0
1843   void purge();             // copy archive current version
1844   void usage();             // help
1846   // Support functions
1847   string rename(const string& name);    // replace files prefix with tofiles
1848   string unrename(const string& name);  // undo rename
1849   int64_t read_archive(int *errors=0, const char* arc=0);  // read arc
1850   void read_args(bool scan, bool mark_all=false);  // read args, scan dirs
1851   void scandir(string filename, bool recurse=true);  // scan dirs to dt
1852   void addfile(string filename, int64_t edate, int64_t esize,
1853                int64_t eattr);          // add external file to dt
1854   void list_versions(int64_t csize);    // print ver. csize=archive size
1855   bool equal(DTMap::const_iterator p);  // compare to file
1856 };
1858 // Print help message
usage()1859 void Jidac::usage() {
1860   fprintf(con,
1861 "zpaq archiver for incremental backups with rollback capability.\n"
1862 "(C) 2009-2014, Dell Inc. Free under GPL v3. http://mattmahoney.net/zpaq\n"
1863 #ifndef NDEBUG
1864 "DEBUG version\n"
1865 #endif
1866 "\n"
1867 "Usage: zpaq command archive[.zpaq] files... -options...\n"
1868 "Files can be directories in which case the whole tree is included.\n"
1869 "Wildcards * and ? in file names match any string or character.\n"
1870 "Wildcards in archive match numbers or digits in multi-part archive.\n"
1871 "Part 0 is the index. If present, no other parts are needed to update.\n"
1872 "  a  add        Add changed files to archive (or to \"\" to test).\n"
1873 "  x  extract    Decompress named files (default: entire contents).\n"
1874 "  l  list       List named files (default: entire contents).\n"
1875 "  c  compare    Compare with external files (default: entire contents).\n"
1876 "  d  delete     Mark as deleted in a new version of archive.\n"
1877 "  t  test       Extract and verify but discard output.\n"
1878 "  p  purge -to out[.zpaq]  Create new archive with old versions removed.\n"
1879 "Options (may be abbreviated if not ambiguous):\n"
1880 "-all            l,t: All versions. c: compare metadata too. p: keep all.\n"
1881 "-duplicates     l: List by size and label identical files with =\n"
1882 "-force          a: Add even if dates unchanged. x: overwrite output files.\n"
1883 "-fragile        Don't save or verify checksums or recovery info.\n"
1884 "-fragment N     a: Set dedup fragment size to 2^N KiB (default: 6).\n"
1885 "-key [password] Required if encrypted (default: prompt without echo).\n"
1886 "-method 0..5    a: Compres faster..better (default: 1)\n"
1887 "-method 0..5[B] Use 2^B MiB blocks (default: 04, 14, 26, 36, 46, 56).\n"
1888 "-method {x|s|i}B[,N2]...[{c|i|a|w|m|s|t|fF}[N1[,N2]...]]...\n"
1889 "  x=journaling (default). s=streaming (no dedup). i=index (no data).\n"
1890 "    N2: 0=no pre/post. 1,2=packed,byte LZ77. 3=BWT. 4..7=0..3 with E8E9.\n"
1891 "    N3=LZ77 min match. N4=longer match to try first (0=none). 2^N5=search\n"
1892 "    depth. 2^N6=hash table size (N6=B+21: suffix array). N7=lookahead.\n"
1893 "    Context modeling defaults shown below:\n"
1894 "  c0,0,0: context model. N1: 0=ICM, 1..256=CM max count. 1000..1256 halves\n"
1895 "    memory. N2: 1..255=pos mod N2, 1000..1255=gap to last N2-1000 byte.\n"
1896 "    N3...: order 0... context masks (0..255). 256..511=mask+byte LZ77\n"
1897 "    parse state, >1000: gap of N3-1000 zeros.\n"
1898 "  i: ISSE chain. N1=context order. N2...=order increment.\n"
1899 "  a24,0,0: MATCH: N1=hash multiplier. N2=halve buffer. N3=halve hash tab.\n"
1900 "  w1,65,26,223,20,0: Order 0..N1-1 word ISSE chain. A word is bytes\n"
1901 "    N2..N2+N3-1 ANDed with N4, hash mulitpiler N5, memory halved by N6.\n"
1902 "  m8,24: MIX all previous models, N1 context bits, learning rate N2.\n"
1903 "  s8,32,255: SSE last model. N1 context bits, count range N2..N3.\n"
1904 "  t8,24: MIX2 last 2 models, N1 context bits, learning rate N2.\n"
1905 "  fF: use ZPAQL model in file F.cfg (see docs).\n"
1906 "-newkey [password]  p: Set out.zpaq password (default: no encryption).\n"
1907 "-noattributes   Ignore/don't save file attributes or permissions.\n"
1908 "-nodelete       a: Do not mark unmatched files as deleted.\n"
1909 "-not files...   Exclude, e.g. zpaq a backup c:/ -not c:/Windows *.obj\n"
1910 #ifdef unix
1911 "-not :+-drwx    Exclude if user permissions are +set or -unset.\n"
1912 #else
1913 "-not :+-dashri  Exclude if Windows attributes are +set or -unset.\n"
1914 "-not :-Ad       If archive attribute is set then clear it before adding.\n"
1915 #endif
1916 "-quiet [N[k|m|g]]  Don't show files smaller than N (default none).\n"
1917 "-since N        x,c,l: Start at version N or -N from end (default: 1).\n"
1918 "-summary [N]    l: List top N (20) files and types and a version table.\n"
1919 "-threads N      a,x,t: Use N threads (default: %d cores detected).\n"
1920 "-to names...    a,x,l,c: Rename external files or specify prefix, e.g.\n"
1921 "                zpaq x backup file1 dir1 -to file2 dir2  (rename output).\n"
1922 "                zpaq x backup -to tmp/  (extract all to tmp/all).\n"
1923 "-until N        Revert to N'th update or -N from end (default: last).\n"
1924 "-until %s  Set date and revert (UT, default time: 235959).\n"
1925 "-with archive[.zpaq]   c: compare two archives.\n",
1926   threads, dateToString(date).c_str());
1927   exit(1);
1928 }
1930 // Rename name by matching it to a prefix of files[i] and replacing
1931 // the prefix with tofiles[i]. If files but not tofiles is empty
1932 // then append prefix tofiles[0].
rename(const string & name)1933 string Jidac::rename(const string& name) {
1934   if (!files.size() && tofiles.size())
1935     return tofiles[0]+name;
1936   for (unsigned i=0; i<files.size() && i<tofiles.size(); ++i) {
1937     const unsigned len=files[i].size();
1938     if (name.size()>=len && name.substr(0, len)==files[i])
1939       return tofiles[i]+name.substr(files[i].size());
1940   }
1941   return name;
1942 }
1944 // Rename name by matching it to a prefix of tofiles[i] and replacing
1945 // the prefix with files[i]. If files but not tofiles is empty and
1946 // prefix matches tofiles[0] then remove prefix.
unrename(const string & name)1947 string Jidac::unrename(const string& name) {
1948   if (!files.size() && tofiles.size() && name.size()>=tofiles[0].size()
1949       && tofiles[0]==name.substr(0, tofiles[0].size()))
1950     return name.substr(tofiles[0].size());
1951   for (unsigned i=0; i<files.size() && i<tofiles.size(); ++i) {
1952     const unsigned len=tofiles[i].size();
1953     if (name.size()>=len && name.substr(0, len)==tofiles[i])
1954       return files[i]+name.substr(tofiles[i].size());
1955   }
1956   return name;
1957 }
1959 // Expand an abbreviated option (with or without a leading "-")
1960 // or report error if not exactly 1 match. Always expand commands.
expandOption(const char * opt)1961 string expandOption(const char* opt) {
1962   const char* opts[]={
1963     "list","add","extract","delete","test","compare","purge",
1964     "method","force","quiet","summary","since","noattributes","key",
1965     "to","not","version","until","threads","all","fragile","duplicates",
1966     "fragment","nodelete","newkey","with",0};
1967   assert(opt);
1968   if (opt[0]=='-') ++opt;
1969   const int n=strlen(opt);
1970   if (n==1 && opt[0]=='x') return "-extract";
1971   string result;
1972   for (unsigned i=0; opts[i]; ++i) {
1973     if (!strncmp(opt, opts[i], n)) {
1974       if (result!="")
1975         fprintf(stderr, "Ambiguous: %s\n", opt), exit(1);
1976       result=string("-")+opts[i];
1977       if (i<7 && result!="") return result;
1978     }
1979   }
1980   if (result=="")
1981     fprintf(stderr, "No such option: %s\n", opt), exit(1);
1982   return result;
1983 }
1985 // Parse the command line. Return 1 if error else 0.
doCommand(int argc,const char ** argv)1986 int Jidac::doCommand(int argc, const char** argv) {
1988   // initialize to default values
1989   command="";
1990   force=all=noattributes=nodelete=duplicates=resetArchive=false;
1991   since=0;
1992   summary=0;
1993   version=DEFAULT_VERSION;
1994   date=0;
1995   threads=0; // 0 = auto-detect
1996   fragment=6;
1997   password=0;  // no password
1998   new_password=0;  // no new password
1999   method="";  // 0..5
2000   ht.resize(1);  // element 0 not used
2001   ver.resize(1); // version 0
2002   dhsize=dcsize=0;
2004   // Get date
2005   time_t now=time(NULL);
2006   tm* t=gmtime(&now);
2007   date=(t->tm_year+1900)*10000000000LL+(t->tm_mon+1)*100000000LL
2008       +t->tm_mday*1000000+t->tm_hour*10000+t->tm_min*100+t->tm_sec;
2010   // Get optional options
2011   for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i) {
2012     const string opt=expandOption(argv[i]);  // read command
2013     if ((opt=="-add" || opt=="-extract" || opt=="-list"
2014         || opt=="-delete" || opt=="-compare" || opt=="-test"
2015         || opt=="-purge")
2016         && i<argc-1 && argv[i+1][0]!='-' && command=="") {
2017       archive=argv[++i];
2018       if (archive!="" &&   // Add .zpaq extension
2019           (size(archive)<5 || archive.substr(archive.size()-5)!=".zpaq"))
2020          archive+=".zpaq";
2021       command=opt;
2022       while (++i<argc && argv[i][0]!='-')
2023         files.push_back(argv[i]);
2024       --i;
2025     }
2026     else if (opt=="-quiet") {  // read number followed by k, m, g
2027       quiet=MAX_QUIET;
2028       if (i<argc-1 && isdigit(argv[i+1][0])) {
2029         quiet=0;
2030         for (const char* p=argv[++i]; *p; ++p) {
2031           int c=tolower(*p);
2032           if (isdigit(c)) quiet=quiet*10+c-'0';
2033           else if (c=='k') quiet*=1000;
2034           else if (c=='m') quiet*=1000000;
2035           else if (c=='g') quiet*=1000000000;
2036           else break;
2037         }
2038       }
2039     }
2040     else if (opt=="-force") force=true;
2041     else if (opt=="-all") all=true;
2042     else if (opt=="-fragile") fragile=true;
2043     else if (opt=="-noattributes") noattributes=true;
2044     else if (opt=="-nodelete") nodelete=true;
2045     else if (opt=="-duplicates") duplicates=true;
2046     else if (opt=="-since" && i<argc-1) since=atoi(argv[++i]);
2047     else if (opt=="-fragment" && i<argc-1) fragment=atoi(argv[++i]);
2048     else if (opt=="-with" && i<argc-1) with=argv[++i];
2049     else if (opt=="-summary") {
2050       summary=20;
2051       if (i<argc-1 && isdigit(argv[i+1][0])) summary=atoi(argv[++i]);
2052     }
2053     else if (opt=="-threads" && i<argc-1) {
2054       threads=atoi(argv[++i]);
2055       if (threads<1) threads=1;
2056     }
2057     else if (opt=="-to") {  // read tofiles. encrypt: read password
2058       while (++i<argc && argv[i][0]!='-')
2059         tofiles.push_back(argv[i]);
2060       --i;
2061     }
2062     else if (opt=="-not") {  // read notfiles
2063       while (++i<argc && argv[i][0]!='-') {
2064         notfiles.push_back(argv[i]);
2065         if (argv[i][0]==':' && argv[i][1]=='-' && argv[i][2]=='A')
2066           resetArchive=true;
2067       }
2068       --i;
2069     }
2070     else if ((opt=="-version" || opt=="-until") && i+1<argc) {  // read date
2072       // Read digits from multiple args and fill in leading zeros
2073       version=0;
2074       int digits=0;
2075       if (argv[i+1][0]=='-') {  // negative version
2076         version=atol(argv[i+1]);
2077         if (version>-1) usage();
2078         ++i;
2079       }
2080       else {  // positive version or date
2081         while (++i<argc && argv[i][0]!='-') {
2082           for (int j=0; ; ++j) {
2083             if (isdigit(argv[i][j])) {
2084               version=version*10+argv[i][j]-'0';
2085               ++digits;
2086             }
2087             else {
2088               if (digits==1) version=version/10*100+version%10;
2089               digits=0;
2090               if (argv[i][j]==0) break;
2091             }
2092           }
2093         }
2094         --i;
2095       }
2097       // Append default time
2098       if (version>=19000000LL     && version<=29991231LL)
2099         version=version*100+23;
2100       if (version>=1900000000LL   && version<=2999123123LL)
2101         version=version*100+59;
2102       if (version>=190000000000LL && version<=299912312359LL)
2103         version=version*100+59;
2104       if (version>9999999) {
2105         if (version<19000101000000LL || version>29991231235959LL) {
2106           fprintf(stderr,
2107             "Version date %1.0f must be 19000101000000 to 29991231235959\n",
2108              double(version));
2109           exit(1);
2110         }
2111         date=version;
2112       }
2113     }
2114     else if (opt=="-method" && i<argc-1)
2115       method=argv[++i];
2116     else if (opt=="-key") {
2117       if (read_password(password_string, 2-exists(archive, 1),
2118           argc, argv, i))
2119         password=password_string;
2120     }
2121     else if (opt=="-newkey") {
2122       if (read_password(new_password_string, 2, argc, argv, i))
2123         new_password=new_password_string;
2124     }
2125     else
2126       usage();
2127   }
2129   // Set threads
2130   if (!threads)
2131     threads=numberOfProcessors();
2133   // Test date
2134   if (now==-1 || date<19000000000000LL || date>30000000000000LL)
2135     error("date is incorrect, use -until YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to set");
2137   // Set verbosity level
2138   if ((command=="-add" || command=="-delete" || command=="-test"
2139        || command=="-extract") && quiet==-1)
2140     quiet=MAX_QUIET-1;
2142   // Adjust negative version
2143   if (version<0) {
2144     Jidac jidac(*this);
2145     jidac.version=DEFAULT_VERSION;
2146     if (!jidac.read_archive())  // not found?
2147       jidac.read_archive(0, subpart(archive, 0).c_str());  // try remote index
2148     version+=size(jidac.ver)-1;
2149   }
2151   // Execute command
2152   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2153     fprintf(con, "zpaq v" ZPAQ_VERSION " journaling archiver, compiled "
2154            __DATE__ "\n");
2155   if (size(files) && (command=="-add" || command=="-delete")) return add();
2156   else if (command=="-extract" || command=="-test") return extract();
2157   else if (command=="-list") list();
2158   else if (command=="-compare") return compare();
2159   else if (command=="-purge") purge();
2160   else usage();
2161   return 0;
2162 }
2164 // Read arc (default: archive) up to -date into ht, dt, ver. Return place to
2165 // append. If errors is not NULL then set it to number of errors found.
read_archive(int * errors,const char * arc)2166 int64_t Jidac::read_archive(int *errors, const char* arc) {
2167   if (errors) *errors=0;
2168   dcsize=dhsize=0;
2170   // Open archive or archive.zpaq. If not found then try the index of
2171   // a multi-part archive.
2172   if (!arc) arc=archive.c_str();
2173   Archive in;
2174   if (!in.open(arc, password)) {
2175     if (command!="-add") {
2176       printUTF8(arc, stderr);
2177       fprintf(stderr, " not found.\n");
2178       if (errors) ++*errors;
2179     }
2180     return 0;
2181   }
2182   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
2183     printUTF8(arc, con);
2184     if (version==DEFAULT_VERSION)
2185       fprintf(con, ": ");
2186     else
2187       fprintf(con, " -until %1.0f: ", version+0.0);
2188     fflush(con);
2189   }
2191   // Test password
2192   if (password) {
2193     char s[4]={0};
2194     const int nr=in.read(s, 4);
2195     if (nr>0 && memcmp(s, "7kSt", 4) && (memcmp(s, "zPQ", 3) || s[3]<1))
2196       error("password incorrect");
2197     in.seek(-nr, SEEK_CUR);
2198   }
2200   // Scan archive contents
2201   string lastfile=arc; // last named file in streaming format
2202   if (size(lastfile)>5)
2203     lastfile=lastfile.substr(0, size(lastfile)-5); // drop .zpaq
2204   int64_t block_offset=32*(password!=0);  // start of last block of any type
2205   int64_t data_offset=block_offset;    // start of last block of d fragments
2206   int64_t segment_offset=block_offset; // start of last segment
2207   bool found_data=false;   // exit if nothing found
2208   bool first=true;         // first segment in archive?
2209   enum {NORMAL, ERR, RECOVER} pass=NORMAL;  // recover ht from data blocks?
2210   StringBuffer os(32832);  // decompressed block
2211   map<int64_t, double> compressionRatio;  // block offset -> compression ratio
2213   // Detect archive format and read the filenames, fragment sizes,
2214   // and hashes. In JIDAC format, these are in the index blocks, allowing
2215   // data to be skipped. Otherwise the whole archive is scanned to get
2216   // this information from the segment headers and trailers.
2217   bool done=false;
2218   while (!done) {
2219     try {
2221       // If there is an error in the h blocks, scan a second time in RECOVER
2222       // mode to recover the redundant fragment data from the d blocks.
2223       libzpaq::Decompresser d;
2224       d.setInput(&in);
2225       if (d.findBlock())
2226         found_data=true;
2227       else if (pass==ERR) {
2228         segment_offset=block_offset=32*(password!=0);
2229         in.seek(block_offset, SEEK_SET);
2230         if (!d.findBlock()) break;
2231         pass=RECOVER;
2232         if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2233           fprintf(con, "Attempting to recover fragment tables...\n");
2234       }
2235       else
2236         break;
2238       // Read the segments in the current block
2239       StringWriter filename, comment;
2240       int segs=0;
2241       while (d.findFilename(&filename)) {
2242         if (filename.s.size()) {
2243           for (unsigned i=0; i<filename.s.size(); ++i)
2244             if (filename.s[i]=='\\') filename.s[i]='/';
2245           lastfile=filename.s.c_str();
2246         }
2247         comment.s="";
2248         d.readComment(&comment);
2249         if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && pass!=NORMAL)
2250           fprintf(con, "Reading %s %s at %1.0f\n", filename.s.c_str(),
2251                  comment.s.c_str(), double(block_offset));
2252         int64_t usize=0;  // read uncompressed size from comment or -1
2253         int64_t fdate=0;  // read date from filename or -1
2254         int64_t fattr=0;  // read attributes from comment as wN or uN
2255         unsigned num=0;   // read fragment ID from filename
2256         const char* p=comment.s.c_str();
2257         for (; isdigit(*p); ++p)  // read size
2258           usize=usize*10+*p-'0';
2259         if (p==comment.s.c_str()) usize=-1;  // size not found
2260         for (; *p && fdate<19000000000000LL; ++p)  // read date
2261           if (isdigit(*p)) fdate=fdate*10+*p-'0';
2262         if (fdate<19000000000000LL || fdate>=30000000000000LL) fdate=-1;
2264         // Read the comment attribute wN or uN where N is a number
2265         int attrchar=0;
2266         for (; true; ++p) {
2267           if (*p=='u' || *p=='w') {
2268             attrchar=*p;
2269             fattr=0;
2270           }
2271           else if (isdigit(*p) && (attrchar=='u' || attrchar=='w'))
2272             fattr=fattr*10+*p-'0';
2273           else if (attrchar) {
2274             fattr=fattr*256+attrchar;
2275             attrchar=0;
2276           }
2277           if (!*p) break;
2278         }
2280         // Test for JIDAC format. Filename is jDC<fdate>[cdhi]<num>
2281         // and comment ends with " jDC\x01"
2282         if (comment.s.size()>=4
2283             && usize>=0
2284             && comment.s.substr(comment.s.size()-4)=="jDC\x01"
2285             && filename.s.size()==28
2286             && filename.s.substr(0, 3)=="jDC"
2287             && strchr("cdhi", filename.s[17])) {
2289           // Read the date and number in the filename
2290           num=0;
2291           fdate=0;
2292           for (unsigned i=3; i<17 && isdigit(filename.s[i]); ++i)
2293             fdate=fdate*10+filename.s[i]-'0';
2294           for (unsigned i=18; i<filename.s.size() && isdigit(filename.s[i]);
2295                ++i)
2296             num=num*10+filename.s[i]-'0';
2298           // Decompress the block. In recovery mode, only decompress
2299           // data blocks containing missing HT data.
2300           os.reset();
2301           os.setLimit(usize);
2302           d.setOutput(&os);
2303           libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
2304           d.setSHA1(&sha1);
2305           if (pass!=RECOVER || (filename.s[17]=='d' && num>0 &&
2306               num<ht.size() && ht[num].csize==HT_BAD)) {
2307             d.decompress();
2308             char sha1result[21]={0};
2309             d.readSegmentEnd(sha1result);
2310             if (usize!=int64_t(sha1.usize())) {
2311               fprintf(stderr, "%s size should be %1.0f, is %1.0f\n",
2312                       filename.s.c_str(), double(usize),
2313                       double(sha1.usize()));
2314               error("incorrect block size");
2315             }
2316             if (sha1result[0] && memcmp(sha1result+1, sha1.result(), 20)) {
2317               fprintf(stderr, "%s checksum error\n", filename.s.c_str());
2318               error("bad checksum");
2319             }
2320           }
2321           else
2322             d.readSegmentEnd();
2324           // Transaction header (type c).
2325           // If in the future then stop here, else read 8 byte data size
2326           // from input and jump over it.
2327           if (filename.s[17]=='c' && fdate>=19000000000000LL
2328               && fdate<30000000000000LL && pass!=RECOVER) {
2329             data_offset=in.tell()+1;
2330             bool isbreak=version<19000000000000LL ? size(ver)>version :
2331                          version<fdate;
2332             int64_t jmp=0;
2333             if (!isbreak && os.size()==8) {  // jump
2334               const char* s=os.c_str();
2335               jmp=btol(s);
2336               if (jmp<0) {
2337                 fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete transaction ignored\n");
2338                 isbreak=true;
2339               }
2340               else if (jmp>0) {
2341                 dcsize+=jmp;
2342                 in.seek(jmp, SEEK_CUR);
2343               }
2344             }
2345             if (os.size()!=8) {
2346               fprintf(stderr, "Bad JIDAC header size: %d\n", size(os));
2347               isbreak=true;
2348               if (*errors) ++*errors;
2349             }
2350             if (isbreak) {
2351               done=true;
2352               break;
2353             }
2354             ver.push_back(VER());
2355             ver.back().firstFragment=size(ht);
2356             ver.back().offset=block_offset;
2357             ver.back().date=fdate;
2358             ver.back().csize=jmp;
2359           }
2361           // Fragment table (type h).
2362           // Contents is bsize[4] (sha1[20] usize[4])... for fragment N...
2363           // where bsize is the compressed block size.
2364           // Store in ht[].{sha1,usize}. Set ht[].csize to block offset
2365           // assuming N in ascending order.
2366           else if (filename.s[17]=='h' && num>0 && os.size()>=4
2367                    && pass!=RECOVER) {
2368             const char* s=os.c_str();
2369             const unsigned bsize=btoi(s);
2370             dhsize+=bsize;
2371             assert(size(ver)>0);
2372             const unsigned n=(os.size()-4)/24;
2373             if (ht.size()>num) {
2374               fprintf(stderr,
2375                 "Unordered fragment tables: expected >= %d found %1.0f\n",
2376                 size(ht), double(num));
2377               pass=ERR;
2378             }
2379             double usum=0;  // total uncompressed size
2380             for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) {
2381               while (ht.size()<=num+i) ht.push_back(HT());
2382               memcpy(ht[num+i].sha1, s, 20);
2383               s+=20;
2384               if (ht[num+i].csize!=HT_BAD) error("duplicate fragment ID");
2385               usum+=ht[num+i].usize=btoi(s);
2386               ht[num+i].csize=i?-int(i):data_offset;
2387             }
2388             if (usum>0) compressionRatio[data_offset]=bsize/usum;
2389             data_offset+=bsize;
2390           }
2392           // Index (type i)
2393           // Contents is: 0[8] filename 0 (deletion)
2394           // or:       date[8] filename 0 na[4] attr[na] ni[4] ptr[ni][4]
2395           // Read into DT
2396           else if (filename.s[17]=='i' && pass!=RECOVER) {
2397             const bool islist=command=="-list" || command=="-compare";
2398             const char* s=os.c_str();
2399             const char* const end=s+os.size();
2400             while (s<=end-9) {
2401               const char* fp=s+8;  // filename
2402               DT& dtr=dt[fp];
2403               dtr.dtv.push_back(DTV());
2404               DTV& dtv=dtr.dtv.back();
2405               dtv.version=size(ver)-1;
2406               dtv.date=btol(s);
2407               assert(size(ver)>0);
2408               if (dtv.date) ++ver.back().updates;
2409               else ++ver.back().deletes;
2410               s+=strlen(fp)+1;  // skip filename
2411               if (dtv.date && s<=end-8) {
2412                 const unsigned na=btoi(s);
2413                 for (unsigned i=0; i<na && s<end; ++i, ++s)  // read attr
2414                   if (i<8) dtv.attr+=int64_t(*s&255)<<(i*8);
2415                 if (noattributes) dtv.attr=0;
2416                 if (s<=end-4) {
2417                   const unsigned ni=btoi(s);
2418                   dtv.ptr.resize(ni);
2419                   for (unsigned i=0; i<ni && s<=end-4; ++i) {  // read ptr
2420                     const unsigned j=dtv.ptr[i]=btoi(s);
2421                     if (j<1 || j>=ht.size()+(1<<24))
2422                       error("bad fragment ID");
2423                     while (j>=ht.size()) {
2424                       pass=ERR;
2425                       ht.push_back(HT());
2426                     }
2427                     dtv.size+=ht[j].usize;
2428                     ver.back().usize+=ht[j].usize;
2430                     // Estimate compressed size
2431                     if (islist) {
2432                       unsigned k=j;
2433                       if (ht[j].csize<0 && ht[j].csize!=HT_BAD)
2434                         k+=ht[j].csize;
2435                       if (k>0 && k<ht.size() && ht[k].csize!=HT_BAD
2436                           && ht[k].csize>=0)
2437                         dtv.csize+=compressionRatio[ht[k].csize]*ht[j].usize;
2438                     }
2439                   }
2440                 }
2441               }
2442             }
2443           }
2445           // Recover fragment sizes and hashes from data block
2446           else if (pass==RECOVER && filename.s[17]=='d' && num>0
2447                    && num<ht.size()) {
2448             if (os.size()>=8 && ht[num].csize==HT_BAD) {
2449               const char* p=os.c_str()+os.size()-8;
2450               unsigned n=btoi(p);  // first fragment == num or 0
2451               if (n==0) n=num;
2452               unsigned f=btoi(p);  // number of fragments
2453               if (n!=num && quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2454                 fprintf(con, "fragments %u-%u were moved to %u-%u\n",
2455                     n, n+f-1, num, num+f-1);
2456               n=num;
2457               if (f && f*4+8<=os.size()) {
2458                 if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2459                   fprintf(con, "Recovering fragments %u-%u at %1.0f\n",
2460                          n, n+f-1, double(block_offset));
2461                 while (ht.size()<=n+f) ht.push_back(HT());
2462                 p=os.c_str()+os.size()-8-4*f;
2464                 // read fragment sizes into ht[n..n+f-1].usize
2465                 unsigned sum=0;
2466                 for (unsigned i=0; i<f; ++i) {
2467                   sum+=ht[n+i].usize=btoi(p);
2468                   ht[n+i].csize=i ? -int(i) : block_offset;
2469                 }
2471                 // Compute hashes
2472                 if (sum+f*4+8==os.size()) {
2473                   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2474                     fprintf(con, "Computing hashes for %d bytes\n", sum);
2475                   libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
2476                   p=os.c_str();
2477                   for (unsigned i=0; i<f; ++i) {
2478                     for (int j=0; j<ht[n+i].usize; ++j) {
2479                       assert(p<os.c_str()+os.size());
2480                       sha1.put(*p++);
2481                     }
2482                     memcpy(ht[n+i].sha1, sha1.result(), 20);
2483                   }
2484                   assert(p==os.c_str()+sum);
2485                 }
2486               }
2487             }
2489             // Correct bad offsets
2490             assert(num>0 && num<ht.size());
2491             if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && ht[num].csize!=block_offset) {
2492               fprintf(con, "Changing block %d offset from %1.0f to %1.0f\n",
2493                      num, double(ht[num].csize), double(block_offset));
2494               ht[num].csize=block_offset;
2495             }
2496           }
2498           // Bad JIDAC block
2499           else if (pass!=RECOVER) {
2500             fprintf(stderr, "Bad JIDAC block ignored: %s %s\n",
2501                     filename.s.c_str(), comment.s.c_str());
2502             if (errors) ++*errors;
2503           }
2504         }
2506         // Streaming format
2507         else if (pass!=RECOVER) {
2509           // If previous version is dated or does not exist, start a new one
2510           if (segs==0 && (size(ver)==1 || ver.back().date!=0)) {
2511             if (size(ver)>version) {
2512               done=true;
2513               break;
2514             }
2515             ver.push_back(VER());
2516             ver.back().firstFragment=size(ht);
2517             ver.back().offset=block_offset;
2518             ver.back().csize=-1;
2519           }
2521           char sha1result[21]={0};
2522           d.readSegmentEnd(sha1result);
2523           DT& dtr=dt[lastfile];
2524           if (filename.s.size()>0 || first) {
2525             dtr.dtv.push_back(DTV());
2526             dtr.dtv.back().date=fdate;
2527             dtr.dtv.back().attr=noattributes?0:fattr;
2528             dtr.dtv.back().version=size(ver)-1;
2529             ++ver.back().updates;
2530           }
2531           assert(dtr.dtv.size()>0);
2532           dtr.dtv.back().ptr.push_back(size(ht));
2533           if (usize>=0 && dtr.dtv.back().size>=0) dtr.dtv.back().size+=usize;
2534           else dtr.dtv.back().size=-1;
2535           dtr.dtv.back().csize+=in.tell()-segment_offset;
2536           if (usize>=0) ver.back().usize+=usize;
2537           ht.push_back(HT(sha1result+1, usize>0x7fffffff ? -1 : usize,
2538                           segs ? -segs : block_offset));
2539           assert(size(ver)>0);
2540         }
2541         ++segs;
2542         filename.s="";
2543         first=false;
2544         segment_offset=in.tell();
2545       }  // end while findFilename
2546       if (!done) segment_offset=block_offset=in.tell();
2547     }  // end try
2548     catch (std::exception& e) {
2549       block_offset=in.tell();
2550       fprintf(stderr, "Skipping block at %1.0f: %s\n", double(block_offset),
2551               e.what());
2552       if (errors) ++*errors;
2553     }
2554   }  // end while !done
2555   if (in.tell()>32*(password!=0) && !found_data)
2556     error("archive contains no data");
2557   in.close();
2559   // Recompute file sizes in recover mode
2560   if (pass==RECOVER) {
2561     fprintf(stderr, "Recomputing file sizes\n");
2562     for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
2563       for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.size(); ++i) {
2564         p->second.dtv[i].size=0;
2565         for (unsigned j=0; j<p->second.dtv[i].ptr.size(); ++j) {
2566           unsigned k=p->second.dtv[i].ptr[j];
2567           if (k>0 && k<ht.size())
2568             p->second.dtv[i].size+=ht[k].usize;
2569         }
2570       }
2571     }
2572   }
2573   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
2574     fprintf(con, "%d versions, %d files, %d fragments, %1.6f MB\n",
2575         size(ver)-1, size(dt), size(ht)-1, block_offset*0.000001);
2576   return block_offset;
2577 }
2579 // Mark each file in dt that matches the command args
2580 // (in files[]) and not matched to -not (in notfiles[])
2581 // using written=0 for each match. Match all files in dt if no args
2582 // (files[] is empty). If mark_all is true, then mark deleted files too.
2583 // If scan is true then recursively scan external directories in args,
2584 // or all files in dt if no args, add to dt, and mark them.
read_args(bool scan,bool mark_all)2585 void Jidac::read_args(bool scan, bool mark_all) {
2587   // Match to files[] except notfiles[] or match all if files[] is empty
2588   if (since<0) since+=ver.size();
2589   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
2590     if (p->second.dtv.size()<1) {
2591       fprintf(stderr, "Invalid index entry: %s\n", p->first.c_str());
2592       error("corrupted index");
2593     }
2594     bool matched=size(files)==0;
2595     for (int i=0; !matched && i<size(files); ++i)
2596       if (ispath(files[i].c_str(), p->first.c_str()))
2597         matched=true;
2598     for (int i=0; matched && i<size(notfiles); ++i) {
2599       if (ispath(notfiles[i].c_str(), p->first.c_str()))
2600         matched=false;
2601       if (isattr(notfiles[i].c_str(), p->second.dtv.back().attr))
2602         matched=false;
2603     }
2604     if (matched &&
2605         (mark_all || (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date
2606         && p->second.dtv.back().version>=since)))
2607       p->second.written=0;
2608   }
2610   // Scan external files and directories, insert into dt and mark written=0
2611   if (scan)
2612     for (int i=0; i<size(files); ++i)
2613       scandir(rename(files[i]));
2615   // If no args then scan all files
2616   if (scan && size(files)==0) {
2617     vector<string> v;
2618     for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p)
2619       if (mark_all || (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date))
2620         v.push_back(p->first);
2621     for (int i=0; i<size(v); ++i)
2622       scandir(rename(v[i]), false);
2623   }
2624 }
2626 // Return the part of fn up to the last slash
path(const string & fn)2627 string path(const string& fn) {
2628   int n=0;
2629   for (int i=0; fn[i]; ++i)
2630     if (fn[i]=='/' || fn[i]=='\\') n=i+1;
2631   return fn.substr(0, n);
2632 }
2634 // Insert filename (UTF-8 with "/") into dt unless in notfiles. If filename
2635 // is a directory and recurse is true then also insert its contents.
2636 // In Windows, filename might have wildcards like "file.*" or "dir/*"
scandir(string filename,bool recurse)2637 void Jidac::scandir(string filename, bool recurse) {
2639   // Omit if in notfiles
2640   for (int i=0; i<size(notfiles); ++i)
2641     if (ispath(notfiles[i].c_str(), unrename(filename).c_str())) return;
2643 #ifdef unix
2645   // Add regular files and directories
2646   struct stat sb;
2647   if (filename!="" && filename[filename.size()-1]=='/')
2648     filename=filename.substr(0, filename.size()-1);
2649   if (!lstat(filename.c_str(), &sb)) {
2650     for (int i=0; i<size(notfiles); ++i)  // Omit if in not attributes
2651       if (isattr(notfiles[i].c_str(), 'u'+(sb.st_mode<<8)))
2652         return;
2653     if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode))
2654       addfile(filename, decimal_time(sb.st_mtime), sb.st_size,
2655               'u'+(sb.st_mode<<8));
2657     // Traverse directory
2658     if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
2659       addfile(filename+"/", decimal_time(sb.st_mtime), 0,
2660              'u'+(sb.st_mode<<8));
2661       if (recurse) {
2662         DIR* dirp=opendir(filename.c_str());
2663         if (dirp) {
2664           for (dirent* dp=readdir(dirp); dp; dp=readdir(dirp)) {
2665             if (strcmp(".", dp->d_name) && strcmp("..", dp->d_name)) {
2666               string s=filename;
2667               int len=s.size();
2668               if (len>0 && s[len-1]!='/' && s[len-1]!='\\') s+="/";
2669               s+=dp->d_name;
2670               scandir(s);
2671             }
2672           }
2673           closedir(dirp);
2674         }
2675         else
2676           perror(filename.c_str());
2677       }
2678     }
2679   }
2680   else if (recurse || errno!=ENOENT)
2681     perror(filename.c_str());
2683 #else  // Windows: expand wildcards in filename
2685   // Expand wildcards
2686   WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
2687   string t=filename;
2688   if (t.size()>0 && t[t.size()-1]=='/') {
2689     if (recurse) t+="*";
2690     else filename=t=t.substr(0, t.size()-1);
2691   }
2692   HANDLE h=FindFirstFile(utow(t.c_str(), true).c_str(), &ffd);
2693   if (h==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (recurse ||
2694       (GetLastError()!=ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
2695        GetLastError()!=ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)))
2696     winError(t.c_str());
2697   while (h!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
2699     // For each file, get name, date, size, attributes
2700     SYSTEMTIME st;
2701     int64_t edate=0;
2702     if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&ffd.ftLastWriteTime, &st))
2703       edate=st.wYear*10000000000LL+st.wMonth*100000000LL+st.wDay*1000000
2704             +st.wHour*10000+st.wMinute*100+st.wSecond;
2705     const int64_t esize=ffd.nFileSizeLow+(int64_t(ffd.nFileSizeHigh)<<32);
2706     const int64_t eattr='w'+(int64_t(ffd.dwFileAttributes)<<8);
2708     // Ignore links, the names "." and ".." or any path/name in notfiles
2709     t=wtou(ffd.cFileName);
2710     if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT
2711         || t=="." || t=="..") edate=0;  // don't add
2712     string fn=path(filename)+t;
2713     for (int i=0; edate && i<size(notfiles); ++i) {
2714       if (ispath(notfiles[i].c_str(), unrename(fn).c_str())) edate=0;
2715       if (isattr(notfiles[i].c_str(), eattr)) edate=0;
2716     }
2718     // Save directory names with a trailing / and scan their contents
2719     // Otherwise, save plain files
2720     if (edate) {
2721       if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
2722         fn+="/";
2723       addfile(fn, edate, esize, eattr);
2724       if (recurse && (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
2725         fn+="*";
2726         scandir(fn);
2727       }
2728     }
2729     if (!FindNextFile(h, &ffd)) {
2730       if (GetLastError()!=ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
2731         winError(fn.c_str());
2732       break;
2733     }
2734   }
2735   FindClose(h);
2736 #endif
2737 }
2739 // Add external file and its date, size, and attributes to dt
addfile(string filename,int64_t edate,int64_t esize,int64_t eattr)2740 void Jidac::addfile(string filename, int64_t edate,
2741                     int64_t esize, int64_t eattr) {
2742   DT& d=dt[unrename(filename)];
2743   d.edate=edate;
2744   d.esize=esize;
2745   d.eattr=noattributes?0:eattr;
2746   d.written=0;
2747 }
2749 ////////////////////////// divsufsort ///////////////////////////////
2751 /*
2752  * divsufsort.c for libdivsufsort-lite
2753  * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved.
2754  *
2755  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
2756  * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
2757  * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
2758  * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
2759  * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
2760  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
2761  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
2762  * conditions:
2763  *
2764  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
2765  * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2766  *
2775  */
2777 /*- Constants -*/
2778 #define INLINE __inline
2779 #if defined(ALPHABET_SIZE) && (ALPHABET_SIZE < 1)
2780 # undef ALPHABET_SIZE
2781 #endif
2782 #if !defined(ALPHABET_SIZE)
2783 # define ALPHABET_SIZE (256)
2784 #endif
2791 # endif
2792 #else
2794 #endif
2795 #if defined(SS_BLOCKSIZE)
2796 # if SS_BLOCKSIZE < 0
2797 #  undef SS_BLOCKSIZE
2798 #  define SS_BLOCKSIZE (0)
2799 # elif 32768 <= SS_BLOCKSIZE
2800 #  undef SS_BLOCKSIZE
2801 #  define SS_BLOCKSIZE (32767)
2802 # endif
2803 #else
2804 # define SS_BLOCKSIZE (1024)
2805 #endif
2806 /* minstacksize = log(SS_BLOCKSIZE) / log(3) * 2 */
2807 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
2808 # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (96)
2809 #elif SS_BLOCKSIZE <= 4096
2810 # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (16)
2811 #else
2812 # define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (24)
2813 #endif
2814 #define SS_SMERGE_STACKSIZE (32)
2816 #define TR_STACKSIZE (64)
2819 /*- Macros -*/
2820 #ifndef SWAP
2821 # define SWAP(_a, _b) do { t = (_a); (_a) = (_b); (_b) = t; } while(0)
2822 #endif /* SWAP */
2823 #ifndef MIN
2824 # define MIN(_a, _b) (((_a) < (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b))
2825 #endif /* MIN */
2826 #ifndef MAX
2827 # define MAX(_a, _b) (((_a) > (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b))
2828 #endif /* MAX */
2829 #define STACK_PUSH(_a, _b, _c, _d)\
2830   do {\
2831     assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\
2832     stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\
2833     stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize++].d = (_d);\
2834   } while(0)
2835 #define STACK_PUSH5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\
2836   do {\
2837     assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\
2838     stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\
2839     stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize].d = (_d), stack[ssize++].e = (_e);\
2840   } while(0)
2841 #define STACK_POP(_a, _b, _c, _d)\
2842   do {\
2843     assert(0 <= ssize);\
2844     if(ssize == 0) { return; }\
2845     (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\
2846     (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d;\
2847   } while(0)
2848 #define STACK_POP5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\
2849   do {\
2850     assert(0 <= ssize);\
2851     if(ssize == 0) { return; }\
2852     (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\
2853     (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d, (_e) = stack[ssize].e;\
2854   } while(0)
2855 #define BUCKET_A(_c0) bucket_A[(_c0)]
2856 #if ALPHABET_SIZE == 256
2857 #define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c1) << 8) | (_c0)])
2858 #define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c0) << 8) | (_c1)])
2859 #else
2860 #define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c1) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c0)])
2861 #define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c0) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c1)])
2862 #endif
2865 /*- Private Functions -*/
2867 static const int lg_table[256]= {
2868  -1,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,
2869   5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
2870   6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
2871   6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
2872   7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
2873   7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
2874   7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
2875   7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
2876 };
2880 static INLINE
2881 int
ss_ilg(int n)2882 ss_ilg(int n) {
2883 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
2884   return (n & 0xffff0000) ?
2885           ((n & 0xff000000) ?
2886             24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] :
2887             16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) :
2888           ((n & 0x0000ff00) ?
2889              8 + lg_table[(n >>  8) & 0xff] :
2890              0 + lg_table[(n >>  0) & 0xff]);
2891 #elif SS_BLOCKSIZE < 256
2892   return lg_table[n];
2893 #else
2894   return (n & 0xff00) ?
2895           8 + lg_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff] :
2896           0 + lg_table[(n >> 0) & 0xff];
2897 #endif
2898 }
2902 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
2904 static const int sqq_table[256] = {
2905   0,  16,  22,  27,  32,  35,  39,  42,  45,  48,  50,  53,  55,  57,  59,  61,
2906  64,  65,  67,  69,  71,  73,  75,  76,  78,  80,  81,  83,  84,  86,  87,  89,
2907  90,  91,  93,  94,  96,  97,  98,  99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109,
2908 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
2909 128, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
2910 143, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 155,
2911 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 167, 168,
2912 169, 170, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178, 178, 179, 180,
2913 181, 181, 182, 183, 183, 184, 185, 185, 186, 187, 187, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191,
2914 192, 192, 193, 193, 194, 195, 195, 196, 197, 197, 198, 199, 199, 200, 201, 201,
2915 202, 203, 203, 204, 204, 205, 206, 206, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 211, 211,
2916 212, 212, 213, 214, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 218, 219, 219, 220, 221,
2917 221, 222, 222, 223, 224, 224, 225, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230,
2918 230, 231, 231, 232, 232, 233, 234, 234, 235, 235, 236, 236, 237, 237, 238, 238,
2919 239, 240, 240, 241, 241, 242, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247,
2920 247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 251, 251, 252, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255
2921 };
2923 static INLINE
2924 int
ss_isqrt(int x)2925 ss_isqrt(int x) {
2926   int y, e;
2928   if(x >= (SS_BLOCKSIZE * SS_BLOCKSIZE)) { return SS_BLOCKSIZE; }
2929   e = (x & 0xffff0000) ?
2930         ((x & 0xff000000) ?
2931           24 + lg_table[(x >> 24) & 0xff] :
2932           16 + lg_table[(x >> 16) & 0xff]) :
2933         ((x & 0x0000ff00) ?
2934            8 + lg_table[(x >>  8) & 0xff] :
2935            0 + lg_table[(x >>  0) & 0xff]);
2937   if(e >= 16) {
2938     y = sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] << ((e >> 1) - 7);
2939     if(e >= 24) { y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1; }
2940     y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1;
2941   } else if(e >= 8) {
2942     y = (sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] >> (7 - (e >> 1))) + 1;
2943   } else {
2944     return sqq_table[x] >> 4;
2945   }
2947   return (x < (y * y)) ? y - 1 : y;
2948 }
2950 #endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */
2953 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2955 /* Compares two suffixes. */
2956 static INLINE
2957 int
ss_compare(const unsigned char * T,const int * p1,const int * p2,int depth)2958 ss_compare(const unsigned char *T,
2959            const int *p1, const int *p2,
2960            int depth) {
2961   const unsigned char *U1, *U2, *U1n, *U2n;
2963   for(U1 = T + depth + *p1,
2964       U2 = T + depth + *p2,
2965       U1n = T + *(p1 + 1) + 2,
2966       U2n = T + *(p2 + 1) + 2;
2967       (U1 < U1n) && (U2 < U2n) && (*U1 == *U2);
2968       ++U1, ++U2) {
2969   }
2971   return U1 < U1n ?
2972         (U2 < U2n ? *U1 - *U2 : 1) :
2973         (U2 < U2n ? -1 : 0);
2974 }
2977 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2981 /* Insertionsort for small size groups */
2982 static
2983 void
ss_insertionsort(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * last,int depth)2984 ss_insertionsort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
2985                  int *first, int *last, int depth) {
2986   int *i, *j;
2987   int t;
2988   int r;
2990   for(i = last - 2; first <= i; --i) {
2991     for(t = *i, j = i + 1; 0 < (r = ss_compare(T, PA + t, PA + *j, depth));) {
2992       do { *(j - 1) = *j; } while((++j < last) && (*j < 0));
2993       if(last <= j) { break; }
2994     }
2995     if(r == 0) { *j = ~*j; }
2996     *(j - 1) = t;
2997   }
2998 }
3000 #endif /* (SS_BLOCKSIZE != 1) && (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD != 1) */
3003 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3007 static INLINE
3008 void
ss_fixdown(const unsigned char * Td,const int * PA,int * SA,int i,int size)3009 ss_fixdown(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
3010            int *SA, int i, int size) {
3011   int j, k;
3012   int v;
3013   int c, d, e;
3015   for(v = SA[i], c = Td[PA[v]]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) {
3016     d = Td[PA[SA[k = j++]]];
3017     if(d < (e = Td[PA[SA[j]]])) { k = j; d = e; }
3018     if(d <= c) { break; }
3019   }
3020   SA[i] = v;
3021 }
3023 /* Simple top-down heapsort. */
3024 static
3025 void
ss_heapsort(const unsigned char * Td,const int * PA,int * SA,int size)3026 ss_heapsort(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *SA, int size) {
3027   int i, m;
3028   int t;
3030   m = size;
3031   if((size % 2) == 0) {
3032     m--;
3033     if(Td[PA[SA[m / 2]]] < Td[PA[SA[m]]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); }
3034   }
3036   for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, i, m); }
3037   if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, m); }
3038   for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) {
3039     t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i];
3040     ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, i);
3041     SA[i] = t;
3042   }
3043 }
3046 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3048 /* Returns the median of three elements. */
3049 static INLINE
3050 int *
ss_median3(const unsigned char * Td,const int * PA,int * v1,int * v2,int * v3)3051 ss_median3(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
3052            int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) {
3053   int *t;
3054   if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v2]]) { SWAP(v1, v2); }
3055   if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) {
3056     if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { return v1; }
3057     else { return v3; }
3058   }
3059   return v2;
3060 }
3062 /* Returns the median of five elements. */
3063 static INLINE
3064 int *
ss_median5(const unsigned char * Td,const int * PA,int * v1,int * v2,int * v3,int * v4,int * v5)3065 ss_median5(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
3066            int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) {
3067   int *t;
3068   if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v2, v3); }
3069   if(Td[PA[*v4]] > Td[PA[*v5]]) { SWAP(v4, v5); }
3070   if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
3071   if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v1, v3); }
3072   if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
3073   if(Td[PA[*v3]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { return v4; }
3074   return v3;
3075 }
3077 /* Returns the pivot element. */
3078 static INLINE
3079 int *
ss_pivot(const unsigned char * Td,const int * PA,int * first,int * last)3080 ss_pivot(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *first, int *last) {
3081   int *middle;
3082   int t;
3084   t = last - first;
3085   middle = first + t / 2;
3087   if(t <= 512) {
3088     if(t <= 32) {
3089       return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last - 1);
3090     } else {
3091       t >>= 2;
3092       return ss_median5(Td, PA, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1);
3093     }
3094   }
3095   t >>= 3;
3096   first  = ss_median3(Td, PA, first, first + t, first + (t << 1));
3097   middle = ss_median3(Td, PA, middle - t, middle, middle + t);
3098   last   = ss_median3(Td, PA, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1);
3099   return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last);
3100 }
3103 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3105 /* Binary partition for substrings. */
3106 static INLINE
3107 int *
ss_partition(const int * PA,int * first,int * last,int depth)3108 ss_partition(const int *PA,
3109                     int *first, int *last, int depth) {
3110   int *a, *b;
3111   int t;
3112   for(a = first - 1, b = last;;) {
3113     for(; (++a < b) && ((PA[*a] + depth) >= (PA[*a + 1] + 1));) { *a = ~*a; }
3114     for(; (a < --b) && ((PA[*b] + depth) <  (PA[*b + 1] + 1));) { }
3115     if(b <= a) { break; }
3116     t = ~*b;
3117     *b = *a;
3118     *a = t;
3119   }
3120   if(first < a) { *first = ~*first; }
3121   return a;
3122 }
3124 /* Multikey introsort for medium size groups. */
3125 static
3126 void
ss_mintrosort(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * last,int depth)3127 ss_mintrosort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3128               int *first, int *last,
3129               int depth) {
3131   struct { int *a, *b, c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE];
3132   const unsigned char *Td;
3133   int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f;
3134   int s, t;
3135   int ssize;
3136   int limit;
3137   int v, x = 0;
3139   for(ssize = 0, limit = ss_ilg(last - first);;) {
3141     if((last - first) <= SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) {
3143       if(1 < (last - first)) { ss_insertionsort(T, PA, first, last, depth); }
3144 #endif
3145       STACK_POP(first, last, depth, limit);
3146       continue;
3147     }
3149     Td = T + depth;
3150     if(limit-- == 0) { ss_heapsort(Td, PA, first, last - first); }
3151     if(limit < 0) {
3152       for(a = first + 1, v = Td[PA[*first]]; a < last; ++a) {
3153         if((x = Td[PA[*a]]) != v) {
3154           if(1 < (a - first)) { break; }
3155           v = x;
3156           first = a;
3157         }
3158       }
3159       if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) {
3160         first = ss_partition(PA, first, a, depth);
3161       }
3162       if((a - first) <= (last - a)) {
3163         if(1 < (a - first)) {
3164           STACK_PUSH(a, last, depth, -1);
3165           last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first);
3166         } else {
3167           first = a, limit = -1;
3168         }
3169       } else {
3170         if(1 < (last - a)) {
3171           STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth + 1, ss_ilg(a - first));
3172           first = a, limit = -1;
3173         } else {
3174           last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first);
3175         }
3176       }
3177       continue;
3178     }
3180     /* choose pivot */
3181     a = ss_pivot(Td, PA, first, last);
3182     v = Td[PA[*a]];
3183     SWAP(*first, *a);
3185     /* partition */
3186     for(b = first; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) == v);) { }
3187     if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) {
3188       for(; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) {
3189         if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
3190       }
3191     }
3192     for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) == v);) { }
3193     if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) {
3194       for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) {
3195         if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
3196       }
3197     }
3198     for(; b < c;) {
3199       SWAP(*b, *c);
3200       for(; (++b < c) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) {
3201         if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
3202       }
3203       for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) {
3204         if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
3205       }
3206     }
3208     if(a <= d) {
3209       c = b - 1;
3211       if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; }
3212       for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
3213       if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; }
3214       for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
3216       a = first + (b - a), c = last - (d - c);
3217       b = (v <= Td[PA[*a] - 1]) ? a : ss_partition(PA, a, c, depth);
3219       if((a - first) <= (last - c)) {
3220         if((last - c) <= (c - b)) {
3221           STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
3222           STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
3223           last = a;
3224         } else if((a - first) <= (c - b)) {
3225           STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
3226           STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
3227           last = a;
3228         } else {
3229           STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
3230           STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
3231           first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b);
3232         }
3233       } else {
3234         if((a - first) <= (c - b)) {
3235           STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
3236           STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
3237           first = c;
3238         } else if((last - c) <= (c - b)) {
3239           STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
3240           STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
3241           first = c;
3242         } else {
3243           STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
3244           STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
3245           first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b);
3246         }
3247       }
3248     } else {
3249       limit += 1;
3250       if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) {
3251         first = ss_partition(PA, first, last, depth);
3252         limit = ss_ilg(last - first);
3253       }
3254       depth += 1;
3255     }
3256   }
3257 #undef STACK_SIZE
3258 }
3263 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3265 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
3267 static INLINE
3268 void
ss_blockswap(int * a,int * b,int n)3269 ss_blockswap(int *a, int *b, int n) {
3270   int t;
3271   for(; 0 < n; --n, ++a, ++b) {
3272     t = *a, *a = *b, *b = t;
3273   }
3274 }
3276 static INLINE
3277 void
ss_rotate(int * first,int * middle,int * last)3278 ss_rotate(int *first, int *middle, int *last) {
3279   int *a, *b, t;
3280   int l, r;
3281   l = middle - first, r = last - middle;
3282   for(; (0 < l) && (0 < r);) {
3283     if(l == r) { ss_blockswap(first, middle, l); break; }
3284     if(l < r) {
3285       a = last - 1, b = middle - 1;
3286       t = *a;
3287       do {
3288         *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a;
3289         if(b < first) {
3290           *a = t;
3291           last = a;
3292           if((r -= l + 1) <= l) { break; }
3293           a -= 1, b = middle - 1;
3294           t = *a;
3295         }
3296       } while(1);
3297     } else {
3298       a = first, b = middle;
3299       t = *a;
3300       do {
3301         *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a;
3302         if(last <= b) {
3303           *a = t;
3304           first = a + 1;
3305           if((l -= r + 1) <= r) { break; }
3306           a += 1, b = middle;
3307           t = *a;
3308         }
3309       } while(1);
3310     }
3311   }
3312 }
3315 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3317 static
3318 void
ss_inplacemerge(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * middle,int * last,int depth)3319 ss_inplacemerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3320                 int *first, int *middle, int *last,
3321                 int depth) {
3322   const int *p;
3323   int *a, *b;
3324   int len, half;
3325   int q, r;
3326   int x;
3328   for(;;) {
3329     if(*(last - 1) < 0) { x = 1; p = PA + ~*(last - 1); }
3330     else                { x = 0; p = PA +  *(last - 1); }
3331     for(a = first, len = middle - first, half = len >> 1, r = -1;
3332         0 < len;
3333         len = half, half >>= 1) {
3334       b = a + half;
3335       q = ss_compare(T, PA + ((0 <= *b) ? *b : ~*b), p, depth);
3336       if(q < 0) {
3337         a = b + 1;
3338         half -= (len & 1) ^ 1;
3339       } else {
3340         r = q;
3341       }
3342     }
3343     if(a < middle) {
3344       if(r == 0) { *a = ~*a; }
3345       ss_rotate(a, middle, last);
3346       last -= middle - a;
3347       middle = a;
3348       if(first == middle) { break; }
3349     }
3350     --last;
3351     if(x != 0) { while(*--last < 0) { } }
3352     if(middle == last) { break; }
3353   }
3354 }
3357 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3359 /* Merge-forward with internal buffer. */
3360 static
3361 void
ss_mergeforward(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * middle,int * last,int * buf,int depth)3362 ss_mergeforward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3363                 int *first, int *middle, int *last,
3364                 int *buf, int depth) {
3365   int *a, *b, *c, *bufend;
3366   int t;
3367   int r;
3369   bufend = buf + (middle - first) - 1;
3370   ss_blockswap(buf, first, middle - first);
3372   for(t = *(a = first), b = buf, c = middle;;) {
3373     r = ss_compare(T, PA + *b, PA + *c, depth);
3374     if(r < 0) {
3375       do {
3376         *a++ = *b;
3377         if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; }
3378         *b++ = *a;
3379       } while(*b < 0);
3380     } else if(r > 0) {
3381       do {
3382         *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a;
3383         if(last <= c) {
3384           while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; }
3385           *a = *b, *b = t;
3386           return;
3387         }
3388       } while(*c < 0);
3389     } else {
3390       *c = ~*c;
3391       do {
3392         *a++ = *b;
3393         if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; }
3394         *b++ = *a;
3395       } while(*b < 0);
3397       do {
3398         *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a;
3399         if(last <= c) {
3400           while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; }
3401           *a = *b, *b = t;
3402           return;
3403         }
3404       } while(*c < 0);
3405     }
3406   }
3407 }
3409 /* Merge-backward with internal buffer. */
3410 static
3411 void
ss_mergebackward(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * middle,int * last,int * buf,int depth)3412 ss_mergebackward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3413                  int *first, int *middle, int *last,
3414                  int *buf, int depth) {
3415   const int *p1, *p2;
3416   int *a, *b, *c, *bufend;
3417   int t;
3418   int r;
3419   int x;
3421   bufend = buf + (last - middle) - 1;
3422   ss_blockswap(buf, middle, last - middle);
3424   x = 0;
3425   if(*bufend < 0)       { p1 = PA + ~*bufend; x |= 1; }
3426   else                  { p1 = PA +  *bufend; }
3427   if(*(middle - 1) < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*(middle - 1); x |= 2; }
3428   else                  { p2 = PA +  *(middle - 1); }
3429   for(t = *(a = last - 1), b = bufend, c = middle - 1;;) {
3430     r = ss_compare(T, p1, p2, depth);
3431     if(0 < r) {
3432       if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; }
3433       *a-- = *b;
3434       if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; }
3435       *b-- = *a;
3436       if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; }
3437       else       { p1 = PA +  *b; }
3438     } else if(r < 0) {
3439       if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; }
3440       *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a;
3441       if(c < first) {
3442         while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; }
3443         *a = *b, *b = t;
3444         break;
3445       }
3446       if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; }
3447       else       { p2 = PA +  *c; }
3448     } else {
3449       if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; }
3450       *a-- = ~*b;
3451       if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; }
3452       *b-- = *a;
3453       if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; }
3454       *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a;
3455       if(c < first) {
3456         while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; }
3457         *a = *b, *b = t;
3458         break;
3459       }
3460       if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; }
3461       else       { p1 = PA +  *b; }
3462       if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; }
3463       else       { p2 = PA +  *c; }
3464     }
3465   }
3466 }
3468 /* D&C based merge. */
3469 static
3470 void
ss_swapmerge(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * middle,int * last,int * buf,int bufsize,int depth)3471 ss_swapmerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3472              int *first, int *middle, int *last,
3473              int *buf, int bufsize, int depth) {
3475 #define GETIDX(a) ((0 <= (a)) ? (a) : (~(a)))
3476 #define MERGE_CHECK(a, b, c)\
3477   do {\
3478     if(((c) & 1) ||\
3479        (((c) & 2) && (ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((a) - 1)), PA + *(a), depth) == 0))) {\
3480       *(a) = ~*(a);\
3481     }\
3482     if(((c) & 4) && ((ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((b) - 1)), PA + *(b), depth) == 0))) {\
3483       *(b) = ~*(b);\
3484     }\
3485   } while(0)
3486   struct { int *a, *b, *c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE];
3487   int *l, *r, *lm, *rm;
3488   int m, len, half;
3489   int ssize;
3490   int check, next;
3492   for(check = 0, ssize = 0;;) {
3493     if((last - middle) <= bufsize) {
3494       if((first < middle) && (middle < last)) {
3495         ss_mergebackward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth);
3496       }
3497       MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
3498       STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
3499       continue;
3500     }
3502     if((middle - first) <= bufsize) {
3503       if(first < middle) {
3504         ss_mergeforward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth);
3505       }
3506       MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
3507       STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
3508       continue;
3509     }
3511     for(m = 0, len = MIN(middle - first, last - middle), half = len >> 1;
3512         0 < len;
3513         len = half, half >>= 1) {
3514       if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle + m + half)),
3515                        PA + GETIDX(*(middle - m - half - 1)), depth) < 0) {
3516         m += half + 1;
3517         half -= (len & 1) ^ 1;
3518       }
3519     }
3521     if(0 < m) {
3522       lm = middle - m, rm = middle + m;
3523       ss_blockswap(lm, middle, m);
3524       l = r = middle, next = 0;
3525       if(rm < last) {
3526         if(*rm < 0) {
3527           *rm = ~*rm;
3528           if(first < lm) { for(; *--l < 0;) { } next |= 4; }
3529           next |= 1;
3530         } else if(first < lm) {
3531           for(; *r < 0; ++r) { }
3532           next |= 2;
3533         }
3534       }
3536       if((l - first) <= (last - r)) {
3537         STACK_PUSH(r, rm, last, (next & 3) | (check & 4));
3538         middle = lm, last = l, check = (check & 3) | (next & 4);
3539       } else {
3540         if((next & 2) && (r == middle)) { next ^= 6; }
3541         STACK_PUSH(first, lm, l, (check & 3) | (next & 4));
3542         first = r, middle = rm, check = (next & 3) | (check & 4);
3543       }
3544     } else {
3545       if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle - 1)), PA + *middle, depth) == 0) {
3546         *middle = ~*middle;
3547       }
3548       MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
3549       STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
3550     }
3551   }
3552 #undef STACK_SIZE
3553 }
3555 #endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */
3558 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3560 /* Substring sort */
3561 static
3562 void
sssort(const unsigned char * T,const int * PA,int * first,int * last,int * buf,int bufsize,int depth,int n,int lastsuffix)3563 sssort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
3564        int *first, int *last,
3565        int *buf, int bufsize,
3566        int depth, int n, int lastsuffix) {
3567   int *a;
3568 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
3569   int *b, *middle, *curbuf;
3570   int j, k, curbufsize, limit;
3571 #endif
3572   int i;
3574   if(lastsuffix != 0) { ++first; }
3576 #if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
3577   ss_mintrosort(T, PA, first, last, depth);
3578 #else
3579   if((bufsize < SS_BLOCKSIZE) &&
3580       (bufsize < (last - first)) &&
3581       (bufsize < (limit = ss_isqrt(last - first)))) {
3582     if(SS_BLOCKSIZE < limit) { limit = SS_BLOCKSIZE; }
3583     buf = middle = last - limit, bufsize = limit;
3584   } else {
3585     middle = last, limit = 0;
3586   }
3587   for(a = first, i = 0; SS_BLOCKSIZE < (middle - a); a += SS_BLOCKSIZE, ++i) {
3589     ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth);
3590 #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
3591     ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth);
3592 #endif
3593     curbufsize = last - (a + SS_BLOCKSIZE);
3594     curbuf = a + SS_BLOCKSIZE;
3595     if(curbufsize <= bufsize) { curbufsize = bufsize, curbuf = buf; }
3596     for(b = a, k = SS_BLOCKSIZE, j = i; j & 1; b -= k, k <<= 1, j >>= 1) {
3597       ss_swapmerge(T, PA, b - k, b, b + k, curbuf, curbufsize, depth);
3598     }
3599   }
3601   ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, middle, depth);
3602 #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
3603   ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, middle, depth);
3604 #endif
3605   for(k = SS_BLOCKSIZE; i != 0; k <<= 1, i >>= 1) {
3606     if(i & 1) {
3607       ss_swapmerge(T, PA, a - k, a, middle, buf, bufsize, depth);
3608       a -= k;
3609     }
3610   }
3611   if(limit != 0) {
3613     ss_mintrosort(T, PA, middle, last, depth);
3614 #elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
3615     ss_insertionsort(T, PA, middle, last, depth);
3616 #endif
3617     ss_inplacemerge(T, PA, first, middle, last, depth);
3618   }
3619 #endif
3621   if(lastsuffix != 0) {
3622     /* Insert last type B* suffix. */
3623     int PAi[2]; PAi[0] = PA[*(first - 1)], PAi[1] = n - 2;
3624     for(a = first, i = *(first - 1);
3625         (a < last) && ((*a < 0) || (0 < ss_compare(T, &(PAi[0]), PA + *a, depth)));
3626         ++a) {
3627       *(a - 1) = *a;
3628     }
3629     *(a - 1) = i;
3630   }
3631 }
3634 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3636 static INLINE
3637 int
tr_ilg(int n)3638 tr_ilg(int n) {
3639   return (n & 0xffff0000) ?
3640           ((n & 0xff000000) ?
3641             24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] :
3642             16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) :
3643           ((n & 0x0000ff00) ?
3644              8 + lg_table[(n >>  8) & 0xff] :
3645              0 + lg_table[(n >>  0) & 0xff]);
3646 }
3649 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3651 /* Simple insertionsort for small size groups. */
3652 static
3653 void
tr_insertionsort(const int * ISAd,int * first,int * last)3654 tr_insertionsort(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) {
3655   int *a, *b;
3656   int t, r;
3658   for(a = first + 1; a < last; ++a) {
3659     for(t = *a, b = a - 1; 0 > (r = ISAd[t] - ISAd[*b]);) {
3660       do { *(b + 1) = *b; } while((first <= --b) && (*b < 0));
3661       if(b < first) { break; }
3662     }
3663     if(r == 0) { *b = ~*b; }
3664     *(b + 1) = t;
3665   }
3666 }
3669 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3671 static INLINE
3672 void
tr_fixdown(const int * ISAd,int * SA,int i,int size)3673 tr_fixdown(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int i, int size) {
3674   int j, k;
3675   int v;
3676   int c, d, e;
3678   for(v = SA[i], c = ISAd[v]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) {
3679     d = ISAd[SA[k = j++]];
3680     if(d < (e = ISAd[SA[j]])) { k = j; d = e; }
3681     if(d <= c) { break; }
3682   }
3683   SA[i] = v;
3684 }
3686 /* Simple top-down heapsort. */
3687 static
3688 void
tr_heapsort(const int * ISAd,int * SA,int size)3689 tr_heapsort(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int size) {
3690   int i, m;
3691   int t;
3693   m = size;
3694   if((size % 2) == 0) {
3695     m--;
3696     if(ISAd[SA[m / 2]] < ISAd[SA[m]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); }
3697   }
3699   for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, i, m); }
3700   if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, m); }
3701   for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) {
3702     t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i];
3703     tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, i);
3704     SA[i] = t;
3705   }
3706 }
3709 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3711 /* Returns the median of three elements. */
3712 static INLINE
3713 int *
tr_median3(const int * ISAd,int * v1,int * v2,int * v3)3714 tr_median3(const int *ISAd, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) {
3715   int *t;
3716   if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v2]) { SWAP(v1, v2); }
3717   if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) {
3718     if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { return v1; }
3719     else { return v3; }
3720   }
3721   return v2;
3722 }
3724 /* Returns the median of five elements. */
3725 static INLINE
3726 int *
tr_median5(const int * ISAd,int * v1,int * v2,int * v3,int * v4,int * v5)3727 tr_median5(const int *ISAd,
3728            int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) {
3729   int *t;
3730   if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v2, v3); }
3731   if(ISAd[*v4] > ISAd[*v5]) { SWAP(v4, v5); }
3732   if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
3733   if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v1, v3); }
3734   if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
3735   if(ISAd[*v3] > ISAd[*v4]) { return v4; }
3736   return v3;
3737 }
3739 /* Returns the pivot element. */
3740 static INLINE
3741 int *
tr_pivot(const int * ISAd,int * first,int * last)3742 tr_pivot(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) {
3743   int *middle;
3744   int t;
3746   t = last - first;
3747   middle = first + t / 2;
3749   if(t <= 512) {
3750     if(t <= 32) {
3751       return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last - 1);
3752     } else {
3753       t >>= 2;
3754       return tr_median5(ISAd, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1);
3755     }
3756   }
3757   t >>= 3;
3758   first  = tr_median3(ISAd, first, first + t, first + (t << 1));
3759   middle = tr_median3(ISAd, middle - t, middle, middle + t);
3760   last   = tr_median3(ISAd, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1);
3761   return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last);
3762 }
3765 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3767 typedef struct _trbudget_t trbudget_t;
3768 struct _trbudget_t {
3769   int chance;
3770   int remain;
3771   int incval;
3772   int count;
3773 };
3775 static INLINE
3776 void
trbudget_init(trbudget_t * budget,int chance,int incval)3777 trbudget_init(trbudget_t *budget, int chance, int incval) {
3778   budget->chance = chance;
3779   budget->remain = budget->incval = incval;
3780 }
3782 static INLINE
3783 int
trbudget_check(trbudget_t * budget,int size)3784 trbudget_check(trbudget_t *budget, int size) {
3785   if(size <= budget->remain) { budget->remain -= size; return 1; }
3786   if(budget->chance == 0) { budget->count += size; return 0; }
3787   budget->remain += budget->incval - size;
3788   budget->chance -= 1;
3789   return 1;
3790 }
3793 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3795 static INLINE
3796 void
tr_partition(const int * ISAd,int * first,int * middle,int * last,int ** pa,int ** pb,int v)3797 tr_partition(const int *ISAd,
3798              int *first, int *middle, int *last,
3799              int **pa, int **pb, int v) {
3800   int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f;
3801   int t, s;
3802   int x = 0;
3804   for(b = middle - 1; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) == v);) { }
3805   if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) {
3806     for(; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) {
3807       if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
3808     }
3809   }
3810   for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) == v);) { }
3811   if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) {
3812     for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) {
3813       if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
3814     }
3815   }
3816   for(; b < c;) {
3817     SWAP(*b, *c);
3818     for(; (++b < c) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) {
3819       if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
3820     }
3821     for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) {
3822       if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
3823     }
3824   }
3826   if(a <= d) {
3827     c = b - 1;
3828     if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; }
3829     for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
3830     if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; }
3831     for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
3832     first += (b - a), last -= (d - c);
3833   }
3834   *pa = first, *pb = last;
3835 }
3837 static
3838 void
tr_copy(int * ISA,const int * SA,int * first,int * a,int * b,int * last,int depth)3839 tr_copy(int *ISA, const int *SA,
3840         int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last,
3841         int depth) {
3842   /* sort suffixes of middle partition
3843      by using sorted order of suffixes of left and right partition. */
3844   int *c, *d, *e;
3845   int s, v;
3847   v = b - SA - 1;
3848   for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) {
3849     if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
3850       *++d = s;
3851       ISA[s] = d - SA;
3852     }
3853   }
3854   for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) {
3855     if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
3856       *--d = s;
3857       ISA[s] = d - SA;
3858     }
3859   }
3860 }
3862 static
3863 void
tr_partialcopy(int * ISA,const int * SA,int * first,int * a,int * b,int * last,int depth)3864 tr_partialcopy(int *ISA, const int *SA,
3865                int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last,
3866                int depth) {
3867   int *c, *d, *e;
3868   int s, v;
3869   int rank, lastrank, newrank = -1;
3871   v = b - SA - 1;
3872   lastrank = -1;
3873   for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) {
3874     if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
3875       *++d = s;
3876       rank = ISA[s + depth];
3877       if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; }
3878       ISA[s] = newrank;
3879     }
3880   }
3882   lastrank = -1;
3883   for(e = d; first <= e; --e) {
3884     rank = ISA[*e];
3885     if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = e - SA; }
3886     if(newrank != rank) { ISA[*e] = newrank; }
3887   }
3889   lastrank = -1;
3890   for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) {
3891     if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
3892       *--d = s;
3893       rank = ISA[s + depth];
3894       if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; }
3895       ISA[s] = newrank;
3896     }
3897   }
3898 }
3900 static
3901 void
tr_introsort(int * ISA,const int * ISAd,int * SA,int * first,int * last,trbudget_t * budget)3902 tr_introsort(int *ISA, const int *ISAd,
3903              int *SA, int *first, int *last,
3904              trbudget_t *budget) {
3906   struct { const int *a; int *b, *c; int d, e; }stack[STACK_SIZE];
3907   int *a, *b, *c;
3908   int t;
3909   int v, x = 0;
3910   int incr = ISAd - ISA;
3911   int limit, next;
3912   int ssize, trlink = -1;
3914   for(ssize = 0, limit = tr_ilg(last - first);;) {
3916     if(limit < 0) {
3917       if(limit == -1) {
3918         /* tandem repeat partition */
3919         tr_partition(ISAd - incr, first, first, last, &a, &b, last - SA - 1);
3921         /* update ranks */
3922         if(a < last) {
3923           for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
3924         }
3925         if(b < last) {
3926           for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
3927         }
3929         /* push */
3930         if(1 < (b - a)) {
3931           STACK_PUSH5(NULL, a, b, 0, 0);
3932           STACK_PUSH5(ISAd - incr, first, last, -2, trlink);
3933           trlink = ssize - 2;
3934         }
3935         if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
3936           if(1 < (a - first)) {
3937             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, tr_ilg(last - b), trlink);
3938             last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first);
3939           } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
3940             first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b);
3941           } else {
3942             STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
3943           }
3944         } else {
3945           if(1 < (last - b)) {
3946             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, tr_ilg(a - first), trlink);
3947             first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b);
3948           } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
3949             last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first);
3950           } else {
3951             STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
3952           }
3953         }
3954       } else if(limit == -2) {
3955         /* tandem repeat copy */
3956         a = stack[--ssize].b, b = stack[ssize].c;
3957         if(stack[ssize].d == 0) {
3958           tr_copy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA);
3959         } else {
3960           if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
3961           tr_partialcopy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA);
3962         }
3963         STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
3964       } else {
3965         /* sorted partition */
3966         if(0 <= *first) {
3967           a = first;
3968           do { ISA[*a] = a - SA; } while((++a < last) && (0 <= *a));
3969           first = a;
3970         }
3971         if(first < last) {
3972           a = first; do { *a = ~*a; } while(*++a < 0);
3973           next = (ISA[*a] != ISAd[*a]) ? tr_ilg(a - first + 1) : -1;
3974           if(++a < last) { for(b = first, v = a - SA - 1; b < a; ++b) { ISA[*b] = v; } }
3976           /* push */
3977           if(trbudget_check(budget, a - first)) {
3978             if((a - first) <= (last - a)) {
3979               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, a, last, -3, trlink);
3980               ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next;
3981             } else {
3982               if(1 < (last - a)) {
3983                 STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, first, a, next, trlink);
3984                 first = a, limit = -3;
3985               } else {
3986                 ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next;
3987               }
3988             }
3989           } else {
3990             if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
3991             if(1 < (last - a)) {
3992               first = a, limit = -3;
3993             } else {
3994               STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
3995             }
3996           }
3997         } else {
3998           STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
3999         }
4000       }
4001       continue;
4002     }
4004     if((last - first) <= TR_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) {
4005       tr_insertionsort(ISAd, first, last);
4006       limit = -3;
4007       continue;
4008     }
4010     if(limit-- == 0) {
4011       tr_heapsort(ISAd, first, last - first);
4012       for(a = last - 1; first < a; a = b) {
4013         for(x = ISAd[*a], b = a - 1; (first <= b) && (ISAd[*b] == x); --b) { *b = ~*b; }
4014       }
4015       limit = -3;
4016       continue;
4017     }
4019     /* choose pivot */
4020     a = tr_pivot(ISAd, first, last);
4021     SWAP(*first, *a);
4022     v = ISAd[*first];
4024     /* partition */
4025     tr_partition(ISAd, first, first + 1, last, &a, &b, v);
4026     if((last - first) != (b - a)) {
4027       next = (ISA[*a] != v) ? tr_ilg(b - a) : -1;
4029       /* update ranks */
4030       for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
4031       if(b < last) { for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } }
4033       /* push */
4034       if((1 < (b - a)) && (trbudget_check(budget, b - a))) {
4035         if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
4036           if((last - b) <= (b - a)) {
4037             if(1 < (a - first)) {
4038               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4039               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4040               last = a;
4041             } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
4042               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4043               first = b;
4044             } else {
4045               ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4046             }
4047           } else if((a - first) <= (b - a)) {
4048             if(1 < (a - first)) {
4049               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4050               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4051               last = a;
4052             } else {
4053               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4054               ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4055             }
4056           } else {
4057             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4058             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4059             ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4060           }
4061         } else {
4062           if((a - first) <= (b - a)) {
4063             if(1 < (last - b)) {
4064               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4065               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4066               first = b;
4067             } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
4068               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4069               last = a;
4070             } else {
4071               ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4072             }
4073           } else if((last - b) <= (b - a)) {
4074             if(1 < (last - b)) {
4075               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4076               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
4077               first = b;
4078             } else {
4079               STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4080               ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4081             }
4082           } else {
4083             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4084             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4085             ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
4086           }
4087         }
4088       } else {
4089         if((1 < (b - a)) && (0 <= trlink)) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
4090         if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
4091           if(1 < (a - first)) {
4092             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
4093             last = a;
4094           } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
4095             first = b;
4096           } else {
4097             STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
4098           }
4099         } else {
4100           if(1 < (last - b)) {
4101             STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
4102             first = b;
4103           } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
4104             last = a;
4105           } else {
4106             STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
4107           }
4108         }
4109       }
4110     } else {
4111       if(trbudget_check(budget, last - first)) {
4112         limit = tr_ilg(last - first), ISAd += incr;
4113       } else {
4114         if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
4115         STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
4116       }
4117     }
4118   }
4119 #undef STACK_SIZE
4120 }
4124 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4126 /* Tandem repeat sort */
4127 static
4128 void
trsort(int * ISA,int * SA,int n,int depth)4129 trsort(int *ISA, int *SA, int n, int depth) {
4130   int *ISAd;
4131   int *first, *last;
4132   trbudget_t budget;
4133   int t, skip, unsorted;
4135   trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 2 / 3, n);
4136 /*  trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 3 / 4, n); */
4137   for(ISAd = ISA + depth; -n < *SA; ISAd += ISAd - ISA) {
4138     first = SA;
4139     skip = 0;
4140     unsorted = 0;
4141     do {
4142       if((t = *first) < 0) { first -= t; skip += t; }
4143       else {
4144         if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; skip = 0; }
4145         last = SA + ISA[t] + 1;
4146         if(1 < (last - first)) {
4147           budget.count = 0;
4148           tr_introsort(ISA, ISAd, SA, first, last, &budget);
4149           if(budget.count != 0) { unsorted += budget.count; }
4150           else { skip = first - last; }
4151         } else if((last - first) == 1) {
4152           skip = -1;
4153         }
4154         first = last;
4155       }
4156     } while(first < (SA + n));
4157     if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; }
4158     if(unsorted == 0) { break; }
4159   }
4160 }
4163 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4165 /* Sorts suffixes of type B*. */
4166 static
4167 int
sort_typeBstar(const unsigned char * T,int * SA,int * bucket_A,int * bucket_B,int n)4168 sort_typeBstar(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
4169                int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
4170                int n) {
4171   int *PAb, *ISAb, *buf;
4172 #ifdef _OPENMP
4173   int *curbuf;
4174   int l;
4175 #endif
4176   int i, j, k, t, m, bufsize;
4177   int c0, c1;
4178 #ifdef _OPENMP
4179   int d0, d1;
4180   int tmp;
4181 #endif
4183   /* Initialize bucket arrays. */
4184   for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_A_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_A[i] = 0; }
4185   for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_B_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_B[i] = 0; }
4187   /* Count the number of occurrences of the first one or two characters of each
4188      type A, B and B* suffix. Moreover, store the beginning position of all
4189      type B* suffixes into the array SA. */
4190   for(i = n - 1, m = n, c0 = T[n - 1]; 0 <= i;) {
4191     /* type A suffix. */
4192     do { ++BUCKET_A(c1 = c0); } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1));
4193     if(0 <= i) {
4194       /* type B* suffix. */
4195       ++BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
4196       SA[--m] = i;
4197       /* type B suffix. */
4198       for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) {
4199         ++BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
4200       }
4201     }
4202   }
4203   m = n - m;
4204 /*
4205 note:
4206   A type B* suffix is lexicographically smaller than a type B suffix that
4207   begins with the same first two characters.
4208 */
4210   /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */
4211   for(c0 = 0, i = 0, j = 0; c0 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c0) {
4212     t = i + BUCKET_A(c0);
4213     BUCKET_A(c0) = i + j; /* start point */
4214     i = t + BUCKET_B(c0, c0);
4215     for(c1 = c0 + 1; c1 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c1) {
4216       j += BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
4217       BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1) = j; /* end point */
4218       i += BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
4219     }
4220   }
4222   if(0 < m) {
4223     /* Sort the type B* suffixes by their first two characters. */
4224     PAb = SA + n - m; ISAb = SA + m;
4225     for(i = m - 2; 0 <= i; --i) {
4226       t = PAb[i], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1];
4227       SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = i;
4228     }
4229     t = PAb[m - 1], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1];
4230     SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = m - 1;
4232     /* Sort the type B* substrings using sssort. */
4233 #ifdef _OPENMP
4234     tmp = omp_get_max_threads();
4235     buf = SA + m, bufsize = (n - (2 * m)) / tmp;
4236     c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, j = m;
4237 #pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(curbuf, k, l, d0, d1, tmp)
4238     {
4239       tmp = omp_get_thread_num();
4240       curbuf = buf + tmp * bufsize;
4241       k = 0;
4242       for(;;) {
4243         #pragma omp critical(sssort_lock)
4244         {
4245           if(0 < (l = j)) {
4246             d0 = c0, d1 = c1;
4247             do {
4248               k = BUCKET_BSTAR(d0, d1);
4249               if(--d1 <= d0) {
4250                 d1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1;
4251                 if(--d0 < 0) { break; }
4252               }
4253             } while(((l - k) <= 1) && (0 < (l = k)));
4254             c0 = d0, c1 = d1, j = k;
4255           }
4256         }
4257         if(l == 0) { break; }
4258         sssort(T, PAb, SA + k, SA + l,
4259                curbuf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + k) == (m - 1));
4260       }
4261     }
4262 #else
4263     buf = SA + m, bufsize = n - (2 * m);
4264     for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, j = m; 0 < j; --c0) {
4265       for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; j = i, --c1) {
4266         i = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
4267         if(1 < (j - i)) {
4268           sssort(T, PAb, SA + i, SA + j,
4269                  buf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + i) == (m - 1));
4270         }
4271       }
4272     }
4273 #endif
4275     /* Compute ranks of type B* substrings. */
4276     for(i = m - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
4277       if(0 <= SA[i]) {
4278         j = i;
4279         do { ISAb[SA[i]] = i; } while((0 <= --i) && (0 <= SA[i]));
4280         SA[i + 1] = i - j;
4281         if(i <= 0) { break; }
4282       }
4283       j = i;
4284       do { ISAb[SA[i] = ~SA[i]] = j; } while(SA[--i] < 0);
4285       ISAb[SA[i]] = j;
4286     }
4288     /* Construct the inverse suffix array of type B* suffixes using trsort. */
4289     trsort(ISAb, SA, m, 1);
4291     /* Set the sorted order of tyoe B* suffixes. */
4292     for(i = n - 1, j = m, c0 = T[n - 1]; 0 <= i;) {
4293       for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { }
4294       if(0 <= i) {
4295         t = i;
4296         for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { }
4297         SA[ISAb[--j]] = ((t == 0) || (1 < (t - i))) ? t : ~t;
4298       }
4299     }
4301     /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */
4302     BUCKET_B(ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, ALPHABET_SIZE - 1) = n; /* end point */
4303     for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, k = m - 1; 0 <= c0; --c0) {
4304       i = BUCKET_A(c0 + 1) - 1;
4305       for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; --c1) {
4306         t = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
4307         BUCKET_B(c0, c1) = i; /* end point */
4309         /* Move all type B* suffixes to the correct position. */
4310         for(i = t, j = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
4311             j <= k;
4312             --i, --k) { SA[i] = SA[k]; }
4313       }
4314       BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c0 + 1) = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c0) + 1; /* start point */
4315       BUCKET_B(c0, c0) = i; /* end point */
4316     }
4317   }
4319   return m;
4320 }
4322 /* Constructs the suffix array by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
4323 static
4324 void
construct_SA(const unsigned char * T,int * SA,int * bucket_A,int * bucket_B,int n,int m)4325 construct_SA(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
4326              int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
4327              int n, int m) {
4328   int *i, *j, *k;
4329   int s;
4330   int c0, c1, c2;
4332   if(0 < m) {
4333     /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using
4334        the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
4335     for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) {
4336       /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */
4337       for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1),
4338           j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1;
4339           i <= j;
4340           --j) {
4341         if(0 < (s = *j)) {
4342           assert(T[s] == c1);
4343           assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1]));
4344           assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]);
4345           *j = ~s;
4346           c0 = T[--s];
4347           if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; }
4348           if(c0 != c2) {
4349             if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; }
4350             k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1);
4351           }
4352           assert(k < j);
4353           *k-- = s;
4354         } else {
4355           assert(((s == 0) && (T[s] == c1)) || (s < 0));
4356           *j = ~s;
4357         }
4358       }
4359     }
4360   }
4362   /* Construct the suffix array by using
4363      the sorted order of type B suffixes. */
4364   k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]);
4365   *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~(n - 1) : (n - 1);
4366   /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */
4367   for(i = SA, j = SA + n; i < j; ++i) {
4368     if(0 < (s = *i)) {
4369       assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]);
4370       c0 = T[--s];
4371       if((s == 0) || (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~s; }
4372       if(c0 != c2) {
4373         BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA;
4374         k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0);
4375       }
4376       assert(i < k);
4377       *k++ = s;
4378     } else {
4379       assert(s < 0);
4380       *i = ~s;
4381     }
4382   }
4383 }
4385 /* Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string directly
4386    by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
4387 static
4388 int
construct_BWT(const unsigned char * T,int * SA,int * bucket_A,int * bucket_B,int n,int m)4389 construct_BWT(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
4390               int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
4391               int n, int m) {
4392   int *i, *j, *k, *orig;
4393   int s;
4394   int c0, c1, c2;
4396   if(0 < m) {
4397     /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using
4398        the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
4399     for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) {
4400       /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */
4401       for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1),
4402           j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1;
4403           i <= j;
4404           --j) {
4405         if(0 < (s = *j)) {
4406           assert(T[s] == c1);
4407           assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1]));
4408           assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]);
4409           c0 = T[--s];
4410           *j = ~((int)c0);
4411           if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; }
4412           if(c0 != c2) {
4413             if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; }
4414             k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1);
4415           }
4416           assert(k < j);
4417           *k-- = s;
4418         } else if(s != 0) {
4419           *j = ~s;
4420 #ifndef NDEBUG
4421         } else {
4422           assert(T[s] == c1);
4423 #endif
4424         }
4425       }
4426     }
4427   }
4429   /* Construct the BWTed string by using
4430      the sorted order of type B suffixes. */
4431   k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]);
4432   *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~((int)T[n - 2]) : (n - 1);
4433   /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */
4434   for(i = SA, j = SA + n, orig = SA; i < j; ++i) {
4435     if(0 < (s = *i)) {
4436       assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]);
4437       c0 = T[--s];
4438       *i = c0;
4439       if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~((int)T[s - 1]); }
4440       if(c0 != c2) {
4441         BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA;
4442         k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0);
4443       }
4444       assert(i < k);
4445       *k++ = s;
4446     } else if(s != 0) {
4447       *i = ~s;
4448     } else {
4449       orig = i;
4450     }
4451   }
4453   return orig - SA;
4454 }
4457 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4459 /*- Function -*/
4461 int
divsufsort(const unsigned char * T,int * SA,int n)4462 divsufsort(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n) {
4463   int *bucket_A, *bucket_B;
4464   int m;
4465   int err = 0;
4467   /* Check arguments. */
4468   if((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; }
4469   else if(n == 0) { return 0; }
4470   else if(n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; return 0; }
4471   else if(n == 2) { m = (T[0] < T[1]); SA[m ^ 1] = 0, SA[m] = 1; return 0; }
4473   bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int));
4474   bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int));
4476   /* Suffixsort. */
4477   if((bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) {
4478     m = sort_typeBstar(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n);
4479     construct_SA(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m);
4480   } else {
4481     err = -2;
4482   }
4484   free(bucket_B);
4485   free(bucket_A);
4487   return err;
4488 }
4490 int
divbwt(const unsigned char * T,unsigned char * U,int * A,int n)4491 divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n) {
4492   int *B;
4493   int *bucket_A, *bucket_B;
4494   int m, pidx, i;
4496   /* Check arguments. */
4497   if((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; }
4498   else if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } return n; }
4500   if((B = A) == NULL) { B = (int *)malloc((size_t)(n + 1) * sizeof(int)); }
4501   bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int));
4502   bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int));
4504   /* Burrows-Wheeler Transform. */
4505   if((B != NULL) && (bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) {
4506     m = sort_typeBstar(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n);
4507     pidx = construct_BWT(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m);
4509     /* Copy to output string. */
4510     U[0] = T[n - 1];
4511     for(i = 0; i < pidx; ++i) { U[i + 1] = (unsigned char)B[i]; }
4512     for(i += 1; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = (unsigned char)B[i]; }
4513     pidx += 1;
4514   } else {
4515     pidx = -2;
4516   }
4518   free(bucket_B);
4519   free(bucket_A);
4520   if(A == NULL) { free(B); }
4522   return pidx;
4523 }
4525 // End divsufsort.c
4527 /////////////////////////////// add ///////////////////////////////////
4529 // E8E9 transform of buf[0..n-1] to improve compression of .exe and .dll.
4530 // Patterns (E8|E9 xx xx xx 00|FF) at offset i replace the 3 middle
4531 // bytes with x+i mod 2^24, LSB first, reading backward.
e8e9(unsigned char * buf,int n)4532 void e8e9(unsigned char* buf, int n) {
4533   for (int i=n-5; i>=0; --i) {
4534     if (((buf[i]&254)==0xe8) && ((buf[i+4]+1)&254)==0) {
4535       unsigned a=(buf[i+1]|buf[i+2]<<8|buf[i+3]<<16)+i;
4536       buf[i+1]=a;
4537       buf[i+2]=a>>8;
4538       buf[i+3]=a>>16;
4539     }
4540   }
4541 }
4543 // LZ/BWT preprocessor for levels 1..3 compression and e8e9 filter.
4544 // Level 1 uses variable length LZ77 codes like in the lazy compressor:
4545 //
4546 //   00,n,L[n] = n literal bytes
4547 //   mm,mmm,n,ll,r,q (mm > 00) = match 4*n+ll at offset (q<<rb)+r-1
4548 //
4549 // where q is written in 8mm+mmm-8 (0..23) bits with an implied leading 1 bit
4550 // and n is written using interleaved Elias Gamma coding, i.e. the leading
4551 // 1 bit is implied, remaining bits are preceded by a 1 and terminated by
4552 // a 0. e.g. abc is written 1,b,1,c,0. Codes are packed LSB first and
4553 // padded with leading 0 bits in the last byte. r is a number with rb bits,
4554 // where rb = log2(blocksize) - 24.
4555 //
4556 // Level 2 is byte oriented LZ77 with minimum match length m = $4 = args[3]
4557 // with m in 1..64. Lengths and offsets are MSB first:
4558 // 00xxxxxx   x+1 (1..64) literals follow
4559 // yyxxxxxx   y+1 (2..4) offset bytes follow, match length x+m (m..m+63)
4560 //
4561 // Level 3 is BWT with the end of string byte coded as 255 and the
4562 // last 4 bytes giving its position LSB first.
4564 // floor(log2(x)) + 1 = number of bits excluding leading zeros (0..32)
lg(unsigned x)4565 int lg(unsigned x) {
4566   unsigned r=0;
4567   if (x>=65536) r=16, x>>=16;
4568   if (x>=256) r+=8, x>>=8;
4569   if (x>=16) r+=4, x>>=4;
4570   assert(x>=0 && x<16);
4571   return
4572     "\x00\x01\x02\x02\x03\x03\x03\x03\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04"[x]+r;
4573 }
4575 // return number of 1 bits in x
nbits(unsigned x)4576 int nbits(unsigned x) {
4577   int r;
4578   for (r=0; x; x>>=1) r+=x&1;
4579   return r;
4580 }
4582 // Encode inbuf to buf using LZ77. args are as follows:
4583 // args[0] is log2 buffer size in MB.
4584 // args[1] is level (1=var. length, 2=byte aligned lz77, 3=bwt) + 4 if E8E9.
4585 // args[2] is the lz77 minimum match length and context order.
4586 // args[3] is the lz77 higher context order to search first, or else 0.
4587 // args[4] is the log2 hash bucket size (number of searches).
4588 // args[5] is the log2 hash table size. If 21+args[0] then use a suffix array.
4589 // args[6] is the secondary context look ahead
4590 // sap is pointer to external suffix array of inbuf or 0. If supplied and
4591 //   args[0]=5..7 then it is assumed that E8E9 was already applied to
4592 //   both the input and sap and the input buffer is not modified.
4594 class LZBuffer: public libzpaq::Reader {
4595   libzpaq::Array<unsigned> ht;// hash table, confirm in low bits, or SA+ISA
4596   const unsigned char* in;    // input pointer
4597   const int checkbits;        // hash confirmation size or lg(ISA size)
4598   const int level;            // 1=var length LZ77, 2=byte aligned LZ77, 3=BWT
4599   const unsigned htsize;      // size of hash table
4600   const unsigned n;           // input length
4601   unsigned i;                 // current location in in (0 <= i < n)
4602   const unsigned minMatch;    // minimum match length
4603   const unsigned minMatch2;   // second context order or 0 if not used
4604   const unsigned maxMatch;    // longest match length allowed
4605   const unsigned maxLiteral;  // longest literal length allowed
4606   const unsigned lookahead;   // second context look ahead
4607   unsigned h1, h2;            // low, high order context hashes of in[i..]
4608   const unsigned bucket;      // number of matches to search per hash - 1
4609   const unsigned shift1, shift2;  // how far to shift h1, h2 per hash
4610   const int minMatchBoth;     // max(minMatch, minMatch2)
4611   const unsigned rb;          // number of level 1 r bits in match code
4612   unsigned bits;              // pending output bits (level 1)
4613   unsigned nbits;             // number of bits in bits
4614   unsigned rpos, wpos;        // read, write pointers
4615   unsigned idx;               // BWT index
4616   const unsigned* sa;         // suffix array for BWT or LZ77-SA
4617   unsigned* isa;              // inverse suffix array for LZ77-SA
4618   enum {BUFSIZE=1<<14};       // output buffer size
4619   unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE]; // output buffer
4621   void write_literal(unsigned i, unsigned& lit);
4622   void write_match(unsigned len, unsigned off);
4623   void fill();  // encode to buf
4625   // write k bits of x
putb(unsigned x,int k)4626   void putb(unsigned x, int k) {
4627     x&=(1<<k)-1;
4628     bits|=x<<nbits;
4629     nbits+=k;
4630     while (nbits>7) {
4631       assert(wpos<BUFSIZE);
4632       buf[wpos++]=bits, bits>>=8, nbits-=8;
4633     }
4634   }
4636   // write last byte
flush()4637   void flush() {
4638     assert(wpos<BUFSIZE);
4639     if (nbits>0) buf[wpos++]=bits;
4640     bits=nbits=0;
4641   }
4643   // write 1 byte
put(int c)4644   void put(int c) {
4645     assert(wpos<BUFSIZE);
4646     buf[wpos++]=c;
4647   }
4649 public:
4650   LZBuffer(StringBuffer& inbuf, int args[], const unsigned* sap=0);
4652   // return 1 byte of compressed output (overrides Reader)
get()4653   int get() {
4654     int c=-1;
4655     if (rpos==wpos) fill();
4656     if (rpos<wpos) c=buf[rpos++];
4657     if (rpos==wpos) rpos=wpos=0;
4658     return c;
4659   }
4661   // Read up to p[0..n-1] and return bytes read.
4662   int read(char* p, int n);
4663 };
4665 // Read n bytes of compressed output into p and return number of
4666 // bytes read in 0..n. 0 signals EOF (overrides Reader).
read(char * p,int n)4667 int LZBuffer::read(char* p, int n) {
4668   if (rpos==wpos) fill();
4669   int nr=n;
4670   if (nr>int(wpos-rpos)) nr=wpos-rpos;
4671   if (nr) memcpy(p, buf+rpos, nr);
4672   rpos+=nr;
4673   assert(rpos<=wpos);
4674   if (rpos==wpos) rpos=wpos=0;
4675   return nr;
4676 }
LZBuffer(StringBuffer & inbuf,int args[],const unsigned * sap)4678 LZBuffer::LZBuffer(StringBuffer& inbuf, int args[], const unsigned* sap):
4679     ht((args[1]&3)==3 ? (inbuf.size()+1)*!sap      // for BWT suffix array
4680         : args[5]-args[0]<21 ? 1u<<args[5]         // for LZ77 hash table
4681         : (inbuf.size()*!sap)+(1u<<17<<args[0])),  // for LZ77 SA and ISA
4682     in(inbuf.data()),
4683     checkbits(args[5]-args[0]<21 ? 12-args[0] : 17+args[0]),
4684     level(args[1]&3),
4685     htsize(ht.size()),
4686     n(inbuf.size()),
4687     i(0),
4688     minMatch(args[2]),
4689     minMatch2(args[3]),
4690     maxMatch(BUFSIZE*3),
4691     maxLiteral(BUFSIZE/4),
4692     lookahead(args[6]),
4693     h1(0), h2(0),
4694     bucket((1<<args[4])-1),
4695     shift1(minMatch>0 ? (args[5]-1)/minMatch+1 : 1),
4696     shift2(minMatch2>0 ? (args[5]-1)/minMatch2+1 : 0),
4697     minMatchBoth(max(minMatch, minMatch2+lookahead)+4),
4698     rb(args[0]>4 ? args[0]-4 : 0),
4699     bits(0), nbits(0), rpos(0), wpos(0),
4700     idx(0), sa(0), isa(0) {
4701   assert(args[0]>=0);
4702   assert(n<=(1u<<20<<args[0]));
4703   assert(args[1]>=1 && args[1]<=7 && args[1]!=4);
4704   assert(level>=1 && level<=3);
4705   if ((minMatch<4 && level==1) || (minMatch<1 && level==2))
4706     error("match length $3 too small");
4708   // e8e9 transform
4709   if (args[1]>4 && !sap) e8e9(inbuf.data(), n);
4711   // build suffix array if not supplied
4712   if (args[5]-args[0]>=21 || level==3) {  // LZ77-SA or BWT
4713     if (sap)
4714       sa=sap;
4715     else {
4716       assert(ht.size()>=n);
4717       assert(ht.size()>0);
4718       sa=&ht[0];
4719       if (n>0) divsufsort((const unsigned char*)in, (int*)sa, n);
4720     }
4721     if (level<3) {
4722       assert(ht.size()>=(n*(sap==0))+(1u<<17<<args[0]));
4723       isa=&ht[n*(sap==0)];
4724     }
4725   }
4726 }
4728 // Encode from in to buf until end of input or buf is not empty
fill()4729 void LZBuffer::fill() {
4731   // BWT
4732   if (level==3) {
4733     assert(in || n==0);
4734     assert(sa);
4735     for (; wpos<BUFSIZE && i<n+5; ++i) {
4736       if (i==0) put(n>0 ? in[n-1] : 255);
4737       else if (i>n) put(idx&255), idx>>=8;
4738       else if (sa[i-1]==0) idx=i, put(255);
4739       else put(in[sa[i-1]-1]);
4740     }
4741     return;
4742   }
4744   // LZ77: scan the input
4745   unsigned lit=0;  // number of output literals pending
4746   const unsigned mask=(1<<checkbits)-1;
4747   while (i<n && wpos*2<BUFSIZE) {
4749     // Search for longest match, or pick closest in case of tie
4750     unsigned blen=minMatch-1;  // best match length
4751     unsigned bp=0;  // pointer to best match
4752     unsigned blit=0;  // literals before best match
4753     int bscore=0;  // best cost
4755     // Look up contexts in suffix array
4756     if (isa) {
4757       if (sa[isa[i&mask]]!=i) // rebuild ISA
4758         for (unsigned j=0; j<n; ++j)
4759           if ((sa[j]&~mask)==(i&~mask))
4760             isa[sa[j]&mask]=j;
4761       for (unsigned h=0; h<=lookahead; ++h) {
4762         unsigned q=isa[(h+i)&mask];  // location of h+i in SA
4763         assert(q<n);
4764         if (sa[q]!=h+i) continue;
4765         for (int j=-1; j<=1; j+=2) {  // search backward and forward
4766           for (unsigned k=1; k<=bucket; ++k) {
4767             unsigned p;  // match to be tested
4768             if (q+j*k<n && (p=sa[q+j*k]-h)<i) {
4769               assert(p<n);
4770               unsigned l, l1;  // length of match, leading literals
4771               for (l=h; i+l<n && l<maxMatch && in[p+l]==in[i+l]; ++l);
4772               for (l1=h; l1>0 && in[p+l1-1]==in[i+l1-1]; --l1);
4773               int score=int(l-l1)*8-lg(i-p)-4*(lit==0 && l1>0)-11;
4774               for (unsigned a=0; a<h; ++a) score=score*5/8;
4775               if (score>bscore) blen=l, bp=p, blit=l1, bscore=score;
4776               if (l<blen || l<minMatch || l>255) break;
4777             }
4778           }
4779         }
4780         if (bscore<=0 || blen<minMatch) break;
4781       }
4782     }
4784     // Look up contexts in a hash table.
4785     // Try the longest context orders first. If a match is found, then
4786     // skip the lower order as a speed optimization.
4787     else if (level==1 || minMatch<=64) {
4788       if (minMatch2>0) {
4789         for (unsigned k=0; k<=bucket; ++k) {
4790           unsigned p=ht[h2^k];
4791           if (p && (p&mask)==(in[i+3]&mask)) {
4792             p>>=checkbits;
4793             if (p<i && i+blen<=n && in[p+blen-1]==in[i+blen-1]) {
4794               unsigned l;  // match length from lookahead
4795               for (l=lookahead; i+l<n && l<maxMatch && in[p+l]==in[i+l]; ++l);
4796               if (l>=minMatch2+lookahead) {
4797                 int l1;  // length back from lookahead
4798                 for (l1=lookahead; l1>0 && in[p+l1-1]==in[i+l1-1]; --l1);
4799                 assert(l1>=0 && l1<=int(lookahead));
4800                 int score=int(l-l1)*8-lg(i-p)-8*(lit==0 && l1>0)-11;
4801                 if (score>bscore) blen=l, bp=p, blit=l1, bscore=score;
4802               }
4803             }
4804           }
4805           if (blen>=128) break;
4806         }
4807       }
4809       // Search the lower order context
4810       if (!minMatch2 || blen<minMatch2) {
4811         for (unsigned k=0; k<=bucket; ++k) {
4812           unsigned p=ht[h1^k];
4813           if (p && (p&mask)==(in[i+3]&mask)) {
4814             p>>=checkbits;
4815             if (p<i && i+blen<=n && in[p+blen-1]==in[i+blen-1]) {
4816               unsigned l;
4817               for (l=0; i+l<n && l<maxMatch && in[p+l]==in[i+l]; ++l);
4818               int score=l*8-lg(i-p)-2*(lit>0)-11;
4819               if (score>bscore) blen=l, bp=p, blit=0, bscore=score;
4820             }
4821           }
4822           if (blen>=128) break;
4823         }
4824       }
4825     }
4827     // If match is long enough, then output any pending literals first,
4828     // and then the match. blen is the length of the match.
4829     assert(i>=bp);
4830     const unsigned off=i-bp;  // offset
4831     if (off>0 && bscore>0
4832         && blen-blit>=minMatch+(level==2)*((off>=(1<<16))+(off>=(1<<24)))) {
4833       lit+=blit;
4834       write_literal(i+blit, lit);
4835       write_match(blen-blit, off);
4836     }
4838     // Otherwise add to literal length
4839     else {
4840       blen=1;
4841       ++lit;
4842     }
4844     // Update index, advance blen bytes
4845     if (isa)
4846       i+=blen;
4847     else {
4848       while (blen--) {
4849         if (i+minMatchBoth<n) {
4850           unsigned ih=((i*1234547)>>19)&bucket;
4851           const unsigned p=(i<<checkbits)|(in[i+3]&mask);
4852           assert(ih<=bucket);
4853           if (minMatch2) {
4854             ht[h2^ih]=p;
4855             h2=(((h2*9)<<shift2)
4856                 +(in[i+minMatch2+lookahead]+1)*23456789)&(htsize-1);
4857           }
4858           ht[h1^ih]=p;
4859           h1=(((h1*5)<<shift1)+(in[i+minMatch]+1)*123456791)&(htsize-1);
4860         }
4861         ++i;
4862       }
4863     }
4865     // Write long literals to keep buf from filling up
4866     if (lit>=maxLiteral)
4867       write_literal(i, lit);
4868   }
4870   // Write pending literals at end of input
4871   assert(i<=n);
4872   if (i==n) {
4873     write_literal(n, lit);
4874     flush();
4875   }
4876 }
4878 // Write literal sequence in[i-lit..i-1], set lit=0
write_literal(unsigned i,unsigned & lit)4879 void LZBuffer::write_literal(unsigned i, unsigned& lit) {
4880   assert(lit>=0);
4881   assert(i>=0 && i<=n);
4882   assert(i>=lit);
4883   if (level==1) {
4884     if (lit<1) return;
4885     int ll=lg(lit);
4886     assert(ll>=1 && ll<=24);
4887     putb(0, 2);
4888     --ll;
4889     while (--ll>=0) {
4890       putb(1, 1);
4891       putb((lit>>ll)&1, 1);
4892     }
4893     putb(0, 1);
4894     while (lit) putb(in[i-lit--], 8);
4895   }
4896   else {
4897     assert(level==2);
4898     while (lit>0) {
4899       unsigned lit1=lit;
4900       if (lit1>64) lit1=64;
4901       put(lit1-1);
4902       for (unsigned j=i-lit; j<i-lit+lit1; ++j) put(in[j]);
4903       lit-=lit1;
4904     }
4905   }
4906 }
4908 // Write match sequence of given length and offset
write_match(unsigned len,unsigned off)4909 void LZBuffer::write_match(unsigned len, unsigned off) {
4911   // mm,mmm,n,ll,r,q[mmmmm-8] = match n*4+ll, offset ((q-1)<<rb)+r+1
4912   if (level==1) {
4913     assert(len>=minMatch && len<=maxMatch);
4914     assert(off>0);
4915     assert(len>=4);
4916     assert(rb>=0 && rb<=8);
4917     int ll=lg(len)-1;
4918     assert(ll>=2);
4919     off+=(1<<rb)-1;
4920     int lo=lg(off)-1-rb;
4921     assert(lo>=0 && lo<=23);
4922     putb((lo+8)>>3, 2);// mm
4923     putb(lo&7, 3);     // mmm
4924     while (--ll>=2) {  // n
4925       putb(1, 1);
4926       putb((len>>ll)&1, 1);
4927     }
4928     putb(0, 1);
4929     putb(len&3, 2);    // ll
4930     putb(off, rb);     // r
4931     putb(off>>rb, lo); // q
4932   }
4934   // x[2]:len[6] off[x-1]
4935   else {
4936     assert(level==2);
4937     assert(minMatch>=1 && minMatch<=64);
4938     --off;
4939     while (len>0) {  // Split long matches to len1=minMatch..minMatch+63
4940       const unsigned len1=len>minMatch*2+63 ? minMatch+63 :
4941           len>minMatch+63 ? len-minMatch : len;
4942       assert(wpos<BUFSIZE-5);
4943       assert(len1>=minMatch && len1<minMatch+64);
4944       if (off<(1<<16)) {
4945         put(64+len1-minMatch);
4946         put(off>>8);
4947         put(off);
4948       }
4949       else if (off<(1<<24)) {
4950         put(128+len1-minMatch);
4951         put(off>>16);
4952         put(off>>8);
4953         put(off);
4954       }
4955       else {
4956         put(192+len1-minMatch);
4957         put(off>>24);
4958         put(off>>16);
4959         put(off>>8);
4960         put(off);
4961       }
4962       len-=len1;
4963     }
4964   }
4965 }
4967 // Generate a config file from the method argument with syntax:
4968 // {0|x|s|i}[N1[,N2]...][{ciamtswf<cfg>}[N1[,N2]]...]...
makeConfig(const char * method,int args[])4969 string makeConfig(const char* method, int args[]) {
4970   assert(method);
4971   const char type=method[0];
4972   assert(type=='x' || type=='s' || type=='0' || type=='i');
4974   // Read "{x|s|i|0}N1,N2...N9" into args[0..8] ($1..$9)
4975   args[0]=0;  // log block size in MiB
4976   args[1]=0;  // 0=none, 1=var-LZ77, 2=byte-LZ77, 3=BWT, 4..7 adds E8E9
4977   args[2]=0;  // lz77 minimum match length
4978   args[3]=0;  // secondary context length
4979   args[4]=0;  // log searches
4980   args[5]=0;  // lz77 hash table size or SA if args[0]+21
4981   args[6]=0;  // secondary context look ahead
4982   args[7]=0;  // not used
4983   args[8]=0;  // not used
4984   if (isdigit(*++method)) args[0]=0;
4985   for (int i=0; i<9 && (isdigit(*method) || *method==',' || *method=='.');) {
4986     if (isdigit(*method))
4987       args[i]=args[i]*10+*method-'0';
4988     else if (++i<9)
4989       args[i]=0;
4990     ++method;
4991   }
4993   // "0..." = No compression
4994   if (type=='0')
4995     return "comp 0 0 0 0 0 hcomp end\n";
4997   // Generate the postprocessor
4998   string hdr, pcomp;
4999   const int level=args[1]&3;
5000   const bool doe8=args[1]>=4 && args[1]<=7;
5002   // LZ77+Huffman, with or without E8E9
5003   if (level==1) {
5004     const int rb=args[0]>4 ? args[0]-4 : 0;
5005     hdr="comp 9 16 0 $1+20 ";
5006     pcomp=
5007     "pcomp lazy2 3 ;\n"
5008     " (r1 = state\n"
5009     "  r2 = len - match or literal length\n"
5010     "  r3 = m - number of offset bits expected\n"
5011     "  r4 = ptr to buf\n"
5012     "  r5 = r - low bits of offset\n"
5013     "  c = bits - input buffer\n"
5014     "  d = n - number of bits in c)\n"
5015     "\n"
5016     "  a> 255 if\n";
5017     if (doe8)
5018       pcomp+=
5019       "    b=0 d=r 4 do (for b=0..d-1, d = end of buf)\n"
5020       "      a=b a==d ifnot\n"
5021       "        a+= 4 a<d if\n"
5022       "          a=*b a&= 254 a== 232 if (e8 or e9?)\n"
5023       "            c=b b++ b++ b++ b++ a=*b a++ a&= 254 a== 0 if (00 or ff)\n"
5024       "              b-- a=*b\n"
5025       "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5026       "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5027       "              a-=b a++\n"
5028       "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5029       "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5030       "              *b=a b++\n"
5031       "            endif\n"
5032       "            b=c\n"
5033       "          endif\n"
5034       "        endif\n"
5035       "        a=*b out b++\n"
5036       "      forever\n"
5037       "    endif\n"
5038       "\n";
5039     pcomp+=
5040     "    (reset state)\n"
5041     "    a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 r=a 1 r=a 2 r=a 3 r=a 4\n"
5042     "    halt\n"
5043     "  endif\n"
5044     "\n"
5045     "  a<<=d a+=c c=a               (bits+=a<<n)\n"
5046     "  a= 8 a+=d d=a                (n+=8)\n"
5047     "\n"
5048     "  (if state==0 (expect new code))\n"
5049     "  a=r 1 a== 0 if (match code mm,mmm)\n"
5050     "    a= 1 r=a 2                 (len=1)\n"
5051     "    a=c a&= 3 a> 0 if          (if (bits&3))\n"
5052     "      a-- a<<= 3 r=a 3           (m=((bits&3)-1)*8)\n"
5053     "      a=c a>>= 2 c=a             (bits>>=2)\n"
5054     "      b=r 3 a&= 7 a+=b r=a 3     (m+=bits&7)\n"
5055     "      a=c a>>= 3 c=a             (bits>>=3)\n"
5056     "      a=d a-= 5 d=a              (n-=5)\n"
5057     "      a= 1 r=a 1                 (state=1)\n"
5058     "    else (literal, discard 00)\n"
5059     "      a=c a>>= 2 c=a             (bits>>=2)\n"
5060     "      d-- d--                    (n-=2)\n"
5061     "      a= 3 r=a 1                 (state=3)\n"
5062     "    endif\n"
5063     "  endif\n"
5064     "\n"
5065     "  (while state==1 && n>=3 (expect match length n*4+ll -> r2))\n"
5066     "  do a=r 1 a== 1 if a=d a> 2 if\n"
5067     "    a=c a&= 1 a== 1 if         (if bits&1)\n"
5068     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a             (bits>>=1)\n"
5069     "      b=r 2 a=c a&= 1 a+=b a+=b r=a 2 (len+=len+(bits&1))\n"
5070     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a             (bits>>=1)\n"
5071     "      d-- d--                    (n-=2)\n"
5072     "    else\n"
5073     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a             (bits>>=1)\n"
5074     "      a=r 2 a<<= 2 b=a           (len<<=2)\n"
5075     "      a=c a&= 3 a+=b r=a 2       (len+=bits&3)\n"
5076     "      a=c a>>= 2 c=a             (bits>>=2)\n"
5077     "      d-- d-- d--                (n-=3)\n";
5078     if (rb)
5079       pcomp+="      a= 5 r=a 1                 (state=5)\n";
5080     else
5081       pcomp+="      a= 2 r=a 1                 (state=2)\n";
5082     pcomp+=
5083     "    endif\n"
5084     "  forever endif endif\n"
5085     "\n";
5086     if (rb) pcomp+=  // save r in r5
5087       "  (if state==5 && n>=8) (expect low bits of offset to put in r5)\n"
5088       "  a=r 1 a== 5 if a=d a> "+itos(rb-1)+" if\n"
5089       "    a=c a&= "+itos((1<<rb)-1)+" r=a 5            (save r in r5)\n"
5090       "    a=c a>>= "+itos(rb)+" c=a\n"
5091       "    a=d a-= "+itos(rb)+ " d=a\n"
5092       "    a= 2 r=a 1                   (go to state 2)\n"
5093       "  endif endif\n"
5094       "\n";
5095     pcomp+=
5096     "  (if state==2 && n>=m) (expect m offset bits)\n"
5097     "  a=r 1 a== 2 if a=r 3 a>d ifnot\n"
5098     "    a=c r=a 6 a=d r=a 7          (save c=bits, d=n in r6,r7)\n"
5099     "    b=r 3 a= 1 a<<=b d=a         (d=1<<m)\n"
5100     "    a-- a&=c a+=d                (d=offset=bits&((1<<m)-1)|(1<<m))\n";
5101     if (rb)
5102       pcomp+=  // insert r into low bits of d
5103       "    a<<= "+itos(rb)+" d=r 5 a+=d a-= "+itos((1<<rb)-1)+"\n";
5104     pcomp+=
5105     "    d=a b=r 4 a=b a-=d c=a       (c=p=(b=ptr)-offset)\n"
5106     "\n"
5107     "    (while len-- (copy and output match d bytes from *c to *b))\n"
5108     "    d=r 2 do a=d a> 0 if d--\n"
5109     "      a=*c *b=a c++ b++          (buf[ptr++]-buf[p++])\n";
5110     if (!doe8) pcomp+=" out\n";
5111     pcomp+=
5112     "    forever endif\n"
5113     "    a=b r=a 4\n"
5114     "\n"
5115     "    a=r 6 b=r 3 a>>=b c=a        (bits>>=m)\n"
5116     "    a=r 7 a-=b d=a               (n-=m)\n"
5117     "    a=0 r=a 1                    (state=0)\n"
5118     "  endif endif\n"
5119     "\n"
5120     "  (while state==3 && n>=2 (expect literal length))\n"
5121     "  do a=r 1 a== 3 if a=d a> 1 if\n"
5122     "    a=c a&= 1 a== 1 if         (if bits&1)\n"
5123     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a              (bits>>=1)\n"
5124     "      b=r 2 a&= 1 a+=b a+=b r=a 2 (len+=len+(bits&1))\n"
5125     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a              (bits>>=1)\n"
5126     "      d-- d--                     (n-=2)\n"
5127     "    else\n"
5128     "      a=c a>>= 1 c=a              (bits>>=1)\n"
5129     "      d--                         (--n)\n"
5130     "      a= 4 r=a 1                  (state=4)\n"
5131     "    endif\n"
5132     "  forever endif endif\n"
5133     "\n"
5134     "  (if state==4 && n>=8 (expect len literals))\n"
5135     "  a=r 1 a== 4 if a=d a> 7 if\n"
5136     "    b=r 4 a=c *b=a\n";
5137     if (!doe8) pcomp+=" out\n";
5138     pcomp+=
5139     "    b++ a=b r=a 4                 (buf[ptr++]=bits)\n"
5140     "    a=c a>>= 8 c=a                (bits>>=8)\n"
5141     "    a=d a-= 8 d=a                 (n-=8)\n"
5142     "    a=r 2 a-- r=a 2 a== 0 if      (if --len<1)\n"
5143     "      a=0 r=a 1                     (state=0)\n"
5144     "    endif\n"
5145     "  endif endif\n"
5146     "  halt\n"
5147     "end\n";
5148   }
5150   // Byte aligned LZ77, with or without E8E9
5151   else if (level==2) {
5152     hdr="comp 9 16 0 $1+20 ";
5153     pcomp=
5154     "pcomp lzpre c ;\n"
5155     "  (Decode LZ77: d=state, M=output buffer, b=size)\n"
5156     "  a> 255 if (at EOF decode e8e9 and output)\n";
5157     if (doe8)
5158       pcomp+=
5159       "    d=b b=0 do (for b=0..d-1, d = end of buf)\n"
5160       "      a=b a==d ifnot\n"
5161       "        a+= 4 a<d if\n"
5162       "          a=*b a&= 254 a== 232 if (e8 or e9?)\n"
5163       "            c=b b++ b++ b++ b++ a=*b a++ a&= 254 a== 0 if (00 or ff)\n"
5164       "              b-- a=*b\n"
5165       "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5166       "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5167       "              a-=b a++\n"
5168       "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5169       "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5170       "              *b=a b++\n"
5171       "            endif\n"
5172       "            b=c\n"
5173       "          endif\n"
5174       "        endif\n"
5175       "        a=*b out b++\n"
5176       "      forever\n"
5177       "    endif\n";
5178     pcomp+=
5179     "    b=0 c=0 d=0 a=0 r=a 1 r=a 2 (reset state)\n"
5180     "  halt\n"
5181     "  endif\n"
5182     "\n"
5183     "  (in state d==0, expect a new code)\n"
5184     "  (put length in r1 and inital part of offset in r2)\n"
5185     "  c=a a=d a== 0 if\n"
5186     "    a=c a>>= 6 a++ d=a\n"
5187     "    a== 1 if (literal?)\n"
5188     "      a+=c r=a 1 a=0 r=a 2\n"
5189     "    else (3 to 5 byte match)\n"
5190     "      d++ a=c a&= 63 a+= $3 r=a 1 a=0 r=a 2\n"
5191     "    endif\n"
5192     "  else\n"
5193     "    a== 1 if (writing literal)\n"
5194     "      a=c *b=a b++\n";
5195     if (!doe8) pcomp+=" out\n";
5196     pcomp+=
5197     "      a=r 1 a-- a== 0 if d=0 endif r=a 1 (if (--len==0) state=0)\n"
5198     "    else\n"
5199     "      a> 2 if (reading offset)\n"
5200     "        a=r 2 a<<= 8 a|=c r=a 2 d-- (off=off<<8|c, --state)\n"
5201     "      else (state==2, write match)\n"
5202     "        a=r 2 a<<= 8 a|=c c=a a=b a-=c a-- c=a (c=i-off-1)\n"
5203     "        d=r 1 (d=len)\n"
5204     "        do (copy and output d=len bytes)\n"
5205     "          a=*c *b=a c++ b++\n";
5206     if (!doe8) pcomp+=" out\n";
5207     pcomp+=
5208     "        d-- a=d a> 0 while\n"
5209     "        (d=state=0. off, len don\'t matter)\n"
5210     "      endif\n"
5211     "    endif\n"
5212     "  endif\n"
5213     "  halt\n"
5214     "end\n";
5215   }
5217   // BWT with or without E8E9
5218   else if (level==3) {  // IBWT
5219     hdr="comp 9 16 $1+20 $1+20 ";  // 2^$1 = block size in MB
5220     pcomp=
5221     "pcomp bwtrle c ;\n"
5222     "\n"
5223     "  (read BWT, index into M, size in b)\n"
5224     "  a> 255 ifnot\n"
5225     "    *b=a b++\n"
5226     "\n"
5227     "  (inverse BWT)\n"
5228     "  elsel\n"
5229     "\n"
5230     "    (index in last 4 bytes, put in c and R1)\n"
5231     "    b-- a=*b\n"
5232     "    b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5233     "    b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5234     "    b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b c=a r=a 1\n"
5235     "\n"
5236     "    (save size in R2)\n"
5237     "    a=b r=a 2\n"
5238     "\n"
5239     "    (count bytes in H[~1..~255, ~0])\n"
5240     "    do\n"
5241     "      a=b a> 0 if\n"
5242     "        b-- a=*b a++ a&= 255 d=a d! *d++\n"
5243     "      forever\n"
5244     "    endif\n"
5245     "\n"
5246     "    (cumulative counts: H[~i=0..255] = count of bytes before i)\n"
5247     "    d=0 d! *d= 1 a=0\n"
5248     "    do\n"
5249     "      a+=*d *d=a d--\n"
5250     "    d<>a a! a> 255 a! d<>a until\n"
5251     "\n"
5252     "    (build first part of linked list in H[0..idx-1])\n"
5253     "    b=0 do\n"
5254     "      a=c a>b if\n"
5255     "        d=*b d! *d++ d=*d d-- *d=b\n"
5256     "      b++ forever\n"
5257     "    endif\n"
5258     "\n"
5259     "    (rest of list in H[idx+1..n-1])\n"
5260     "    b=c b++ c=r 2 do\n"
5261     "      a=c a>b if\n"
5262     "        d=*b d! *d++ d=*d d-- *d=b\n"
5263     "      b++ forever\n"
5264     "    endif\n"
5265     "\n";
5266     if (args[0]<=4) {  // faster IBWT list traversal limited to 16 MB blocks
5267       pcomp+=
5268       "    (copy M to low 8 bits of H to reduce cache misses in next loop)\n"
5269       "    b=0 do\n"
5270       "      a=c a>b if\n"
5271       "        d=b a=*d a<<= 8 a+=*b *d=a\n"
5272       "      b++ forever\n"
5273       "    endif\n"
5274       "\n"
5275       "    (traverse list and output or copy to M)\n"
5276       "    d=r 1 b=0 do\n"
5277       "      a=d a== 0 ifnot\n"
5278       "        a=*d a>>= 8 d=a\n";
5279       if (doe8) pcomp+=" *b=*d b++\n";
5280       else      pcomp+=" a=*d out\n";
5281       pcomp+=
5282       "      forever\n"
5283       "    endif\n"
5284       "\n";
5285       if (doe8)  // IBWT+E8E9
5286         pcomp+=
5287         "    (e8e9 transform to out)\n"
5288         "    d=b b=0 do (for b=0..d-1, d = end of buf)\n"
5289         "      a=b a==d ifnot\n"
5290         "        a+= 4 a<d if\n"
5291         "          a=*b a&= 254 a== 232 if\n"
5292         "            c=b b++ b++ b++ b++ a=*b a++ a&= 254 a== 0 if\n"
5293         "              b-- a=*b\n"
5294         "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5295         "              b-- a<<= 8 a+=*b\n"
5296         "              a-=b a++\n"
5297         "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5298         "              *b=a a>>= 8 b++\n"
5299         "              *b=a b++\n"
5300         "            endif\n"
5301         "            b=c\n"
5302         "          endif\n"
5303         "        endif\n"
5304         "        a=*b out b++\n"
5305         "      forever\n"
5306         "    endif\n";
5307       pcomp+=
5308       "  endif\n"
5309       "  halt\n"
5310       "end\n";
5311     }
5312     else {  // slower IBWT list traversal for all sized blocks
5313       if (doe8) {  // E8E9 after IBWT
5314         pcomp+=
5315         "    (R2 = output size without EOS)\n"
5316         "    a=r 2 a-- r=a 2\n"
5317         "\n"
5318         "    (traverse list (d = IBWT pointer) and output inverse e8e9)\n"
5319         "    (C = offset = 0..R2-1)\n"
5320         "    (R4 = last 4 bytes shifted in from MSB end)\n"
5321         "    (R5 = temp pending output byte)\n"
5322         "    c=0 d=r 1 do\n"
5323         "      a=d a== 0 ifnot\n"
5324         "        d=*d\n"
5325         "\n"
5326         "        (store byte in R4 and shift out to R5)\n"
5327         "        b=d a=*b a<<= 24 b=a\n"
5328         "        a=r 4 r=a 5 a>>= 8 a|=b r=a 4\n"
5329         "\n"
5330         "        (if E8|E9 xx xx xx 00|FF in R4:R5 then subtract c from x)\n"
5331         "        a=c a> 3 if\n"
5332         "          a=r 5 a&= 254 a== 232 if\n"
5333         "            a=r 4 a>>= 24 b=a a++ a&= 254 a< 2 if\n"
5334         "              a=r 4 a-=c a+= 4 a<<= 8 a>>= 8 \n"
5335         "              b<>a a<<= 24 a+=b r=a 4\n"
5336         "            endif\n"
5337         "          endif\n"
5338         "        endif\n"
5339         "\n"
5340         "        (output buffered byte)\n"
5341         "        a=c a> 3 if a=r 5 out endif c++\n"
5342         "\n"
5343         "      forever\n"
5344         "    endif\n"
5345         "\n"
5346         "    (output up to 4 pending bytes in R4)\n"
5347         "    b=r 4\n"
5348         "    a=c a> 3 a=b if out endif a>>= 8 b=a\n"
5349         "    a=c a> 2 a=b if out endif a>>= 8 b=a\n"
5350         "    a=c a> 1 a=b if out endif a>>= 8 b=a\n"
5351         "    a=c a> 0 a=b if out endif\n"
5352         "\n"
5353         "  endif\n"
5354         "  halt\n"
5355         "end\n";
5356       }
5357       else {
5358         pcomp+=
5359         "    (traverse list and output)\n"
5360         "    d=r 1 do\n"
5361         "      a=d a== 0 ifnot\n"
5362         "        d=*d\n"
5363         "        b=d a=*b out\n"
5364         "      forever\n"
5365         "    endif\n"
5366         "  endif\n"
5367         "  halt\n"
5368         "end\n";
5369       }
5370     }
5371   }
5373   // E8E9 or no preprocessing
5374   else if (level==0) {
5375     hdr="comp 9 16 0 0 ";
5376     if (doe8) { // E8E9?
5377       pcomp=
5378       "pcomp e8e9 d ;\n"
5379       "  a> 255 if\n"
5380       "    a=c a> 4 if\n"
5381       "      c= 4\n"
5382       "    else\n"
5383       "      a! a+= 5 a<<= 3 d=a a=b a>>=d b=a\n"
5384       "    endif\n"
5385       "    do a=c a> 0 if\n"
5386       "      a=b out a>>= 8 b=a c--\n"
5387       "    forever endif\n"
5388       "  else\n"
5389       "    *b=b a<<= 24 d=a a=b a>>= 8 a+=d b=a c++\n"
5390       "    a=c a> 4 if\n"
5391       "      a=*b out\n"
5392       "      a&= 254 a== 232 if\n"
5393       "        a=b a>>= 24 a++ a&= 254 a== 0 if\n"
5394       "          a=b a>>= 24 a<<= 24 d=a\n"
5395       "          a=b a-=c a+= 5\n"
5396       "          a<<= 8 a>>= 8 a|=d b=a\n"
5397       "        endif\n"
5398       "      endif\n"
5399       "    endif\n"
5400       "  endif\n"
5401       "  halt\n"
5402       "end\n";
5403     }
5404     else
5405       pcomp="end\n";
5406   }
5407   else
5408     error("Unsupported method");
5410   // Build context model (comp, hcomp) assuming:
5411   // H[0..254] = contexts
5412   // H[255..511] = location of last byte i-255
5413   // M = last 64K bytes, filling backward
5414   // C = pointer to most recent byte
5415   // R1 = level 2 lz77 1+bytes expected until next code, 0=init
5416   // R2 = level 2 lz77 first byte of code
5417   int ncomp=0;  // number of components
5418   const int membits=args[0]+20;
5419   int sb=5;  // bits in last context
5420   string comp;
5421   string hcomp="hcomp\n"
5422     "c-- *c=a a+= 255 d=a *d=c\n";
5423   if (level==2) {  // put level 2 lz77 parse state in R1, R2
5424     hcomp+=
5425     "  (decode lz77 into M. Codes:\n"
5426     "  00xxxxxx = literal length xxxxxx+1\n"
5427     "  xx......, xx > 0 = match with xx offset bytes to follow)\n"
5428     "\n"
5429     "  a=r 1 a== 0 if (init)\n"
5430     "    a= "+itos(111+57*doe8)+" (skip post code)\n"
5431     "  else a== 1 if  (new code?)\n"
5432     "    a=*c r=a 2  (save code in R2)\n"
5433     "    a> 63 if a>>= 6 a++ a++  (match)\n"
5434     "    else a++ a++ endif  (literal)\n"
5435     "  else (read rest of code)\n"
5436     "    a--\n"
5437     "  endif endif\n"
5438     "  r=a 1  (R1 = 1+expected bytes to next code)\n";
5439   }
5441   // Generate the context model
5442   while (*method && ncomp<254) {
5444     // parse command C[N1[,N2]...] into v = {C, N1, N2...}
5445     vector<int> v;
5446     v.push_back(*method++);
5447     if (isdigit(*method)) {
5448       v.push_back(*method++-'0');
5449       while (isdigit(*method) || *method==',' || *method=='.') {
5450         if (isdigit(*method))
5451           v.back()=v.back()*10+*method++-'0';
5452         else {
5453           v.push_back(0);
5454           ++method;
5455         }
5456       }
5457     }
5459     // c: context model
5460     // N1%1000: 0=ICM 1..256=CM limit N1-1
5461     // N1/1000: number of times to halve memory
5462     // N2: 1..255=offset mod N2. 1000..1255=distance to N2-1000
5463     // N3...: 0..255=byte mask + 256=lz77 state. 1000+=run of N3-1000 zeros.
5464     if (v[0]=='c') {
5465       while (v.size()<3) v.push_back(0);
5466       comp+=itos(ncomp)+" ";
5467       sb=11;  // count context bits
5468       if (v[2]<256) sb+=lg(v[2]);
5469       else sb+=6;
5470       for (unsigned i=3; i<v.size(); ++i)
5471         if (v[i]<512) sb+=nbits(v[i])*3/4;
5472       if (sb>membits) sb=membits;
5473       if (v[1]%1000==0) comp+="icm "+itos(sb-6-v[1]/1000)+"\n";
5474       else comp+="cm "+itos(sb-2-v[1]/1000)+" "+itos(v[1]%1000-1)+"\n";
5476       // special contexts
5477       hcomp+="d= "+itos(ncomp)+" *d=0\n";
5478       if (v[2]>1 && v[2]<=255) {  // periodic context
5479         if (lg(v[2])!=lg(v[2]-1))
5480           hcomp+="a=c a&= "+itos(v[2]-1)+" hashd\n";
5481         else
5482           hcomp+="a=c a%= "+itos(v[2])+" hashd\n";
5483       }
5484       else if (v[2]>=1000 && v[2]<=1255)  // distance context
5485         hcomp+="a= 255 a+= "+itos(v[2]-1000)+
5486                " d=a a=*d a-=c a> 255 if a= 255 endif d= "+
5487                itos(ncomp)+" hashd\n";
5489       // Masked context
5490       for (unsigned i=3; i<v.size(); ++i) {
5491         if (i==3) hcomp+="b=c ";
5492         if (v[i]==255)
5493           hcomp+="a=*b hashd\n";  // ordinary byte
5494         else if (v[i]>0 && v[i]<255)
5495           hcomp+="a=*b a&= "+itos(v[i])+" hashd\n";  // masked byte
5496         else if (v[i]>=256 && v[i]<512) { // lz77 state or masked literal byte
5497           hcomp+=
5498           "a=r 1 a> 1 if\n"  // expect literal or offset
5499           "  a=r 2 a< 64 if\n"  // expect literal
5500           "    a=*b ";
5501           if (v[i]<511) hcomp+="a&= "+itos(v[i]-256);
5502           hcomp+=" hashd\n"
5503           "  else\n"  // expect match offset byte
5504           "    a>>= 6 hashd a=r 1 hashd\n"
5505           "  endif\n"
5506           "else\n"  // expect new code
5507           "  a= 255 hashd a=r 2 hashd\n"
5508           "endif\n";
5509         }
5510         else if (v[i]>=1256)  // skip v[i]-1000 bytes
5511           hcomp+="a= "+itos(((v[i]-1000)>>8)&255)+" a<<= 8 a+= "
5512                +itos((v[i]-1000)&255)+
5513           " a+=b b=a\n";
5514         else if (v[i]>1000)
5515           hcomp+="a= "+itos(v[i]-1000)+" a+=b b=a\n";
5516         if (v[i]<512 && i<v.size()-1)
5517           hcomp+="b++ ";
5518       }
5519       ++ncomp;
5520     }
5522     // m,8,24: MIX, size, rate
5523     // t,8,24: MIX2, size, rate
5524     // s,8,32,255: SSE, size, start, limit
5525     if (strchr("mts", v[0]) && ncomp>int(v[0]=='t')) {
5526       if (v.size()<=1) v.push_back(8);
5527       if (v.size()<=2) v.push_back(24+8*(v[0]=='s'));
5528       if (v[0]=='s' && v.size()<=3) v.push_back(255);
5529       comp+=itos(ncomp);
5530       sb=5+v[1]*3/4;
5531       if (v[0]=='m')
5532         comp+=" mix "+itos(v[1])+" 0 "+itos(ncomp)+" "+itos(v[2])+" 255\n";
5533       else if (v[0]=='t')
5534         comp+=" mix2 "+itos(v[1])+" "+itos(ncomp-1)+" "+itos(ncomp-2)
5535             +" "+itos(v[2])+" 255\n";
5536       else // s
5537         comp+=" sse "+itos(v[1])+" "+itos(ncomp-1)+" "+itos(v[2])+" "
5538             +itos(v[3])+"\n";
5539       if (v[1]>8) {
5540         hcomp+="d= "+itos(ncomp)+" *d=0 b=c a=0\n";
5541         for (; v[1]>=16; v[1]-=8) {
5542           hcomp+="a<<= 8 a+=*b";
5543           if (v[1]>16) hcomp+=" b++";
5544           hcomp+="\n";
5545         }
5546         if (v[1]>8)
5547           hcomp+="a<<= 8 a+=*b a>>= "+itos(16-v[1])+"\n";
5548         hcomp+="a<<= 8 *d=a\n";
5549       }
5550       ++ncomp;
5551     }
5553     // i: ISSE chain with order increasing by N1,N2...
5554     if (v[0]=='i' && ncomp>0) {
5555       assert(sb>=5);
5556       hcomp+="d= "+itos(ncomp-1)+" b=c a=*d d++\n";
5557       for (unsigned i=1; i<v.size() && ncomp<254; ++i) {
5558         for (int j=0; j<v[i]%10; ++j) {
5559           hcomp+="hash ";
5560           if (i<v.size()-1 || j<v[i]%10-1) hcomp+="b++ ";
5561           sb+=6;
5562         }
5563         hcomp+="*d=a";
5564         if (i<v.size()-1) hcomp+=" d++";
5565         hcomp+="\n";
5566         if (sb>membits) sb=membits;
5567         comp+=itos(ncomp)+" isse "+itos(sb-6-v[i]/10)+" "+itos(ncomp-1)+"\n";
5568         ++ncomp;
5569       }
5570     }
5572     // a24,0,0: MATCH. N1=hash multiplier. N2,N3=halve buf, table.
5573     if (v[0]=='a') {
5574       if (v.size()<=1) v.push_back(24);
5575       while (v.size()<4) v.push_back(0);
5576       comp+=itos(ncomp)+" match "+itos(membits-v[3]-2)+" "
5577           +itos(membits-v[2])+"\n";
5578       hcomp+="d= "+itos(ncomp)+" a=*d a*= "+itos(v[1])
5579            +" a+=*c a++ *d=a\n";
5580       sb=5+(membits-v[2])*3/4;
5581       ++ncomp;
5582     }
5584     // w1,65,26,223,20,0: ICM-ISSE chain of length N1 with word contexts,
5585     // where a word is a sequence of c such that c&N4 is in N2..N2+N3-1.
5586     // Word is hashed by: hash := hash*N5+c+1
5587     // Decrease memory by 2^-N6.
5588     if (v[0]=='w') {
5589       if (v.size()<=1) v.push_back(1);
5590       if (v.size()<=2) v.push_back(65);
5591       if (v.size()<=3) v.push_back(26);
5592       if (v.size()<=4) v.push_back(223);
5593       if (v.size()<=5) v.push_back(20);
5594       if (v.size()<=6) v.push_back(0);
5595       comp+=itos(ncomp)+" icm "+itos(membits-6-v[6])+"\n";
5596       for (int i=1; i<v[1]; ++i)
5597         comp+=itos(ncomp+i)+" isse "+itos(membits-6-v[6])+" "
5598             +itos(ncomp+i-1)+"\n";
5599       hcomp+="a=*c a&= "+itos(v[4])+" a-= "+itos(v[2])+" a&= 255 a< "
5600            +itos(v[3])+" if\n";
5601       for (int i=0; i<v[1]; ++i) {
5602         if (i==0) hcomp+="  d= "+itos(ncomp);
5603         else hcomp+="  d++";
5604         hcomp+=" a=*d a*= "+itos(v[5])+" a+=*c a++ *d=a\n";
5605       }
5606       hcomp+="else\n";
5607       for (int i=v[1]-1; i>0; --i)
5608         hcomp+="  d= "+itos(ncomp+i-1)+" a=*d d++ *d=a\n";
5609       hcomp+="  d= "+itos(ncomp)+" *d=0\n"
5610            "endif\n";
5611       ncomp+=v[1]-1;
5612       sb=membits-v[6];
5613       ++ncomp;
5614     }
5616     // Read from config file and ignore rest of command
5617     if (v[0]=='f') {
5618       string filename=method;  // append .cfg if not already
5619       int len=filename.size();
5620       if (len<=4 || filename.substr(len-4)!=".cfg") filename+=".cfg";
5621       FILE* in=fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
5622       if (!in) {
5623         perror(filename.c_str());
5624         error("Config file not found");
5625       }
5626       string cfg;
5627       int c;
5628       while ((c=getc(in))!=EOF) cfg+=(char)c;
5629       fclose(in);
5630       return cfg;
5631     }
5632   }
5633   return hdr+itos(ncomp)+"\n"+comp+hcomp+"halt\n"+pcomp;
5634 }
5636 // Compress from in to out in 1 segment in 1 block using the algorithm
5637 // descried in method. If method begins with a digit then choose
5638 // a method depending on type. Save filename and comment
5639 // in the segment header. If comment is 0 then the default is the input size
5640 // as a decimal string, plus " jDC\x01" for a journaling method (method[0]
5641 // is not 's'). type is set as follows: bits 9-2 estimate compressibility
5642 // where 0 means random. Bit 1 indicates x86 (exe or dll) and bit 0
5643 // indicates English text.
compressBlock(StringBuffer * in,libzpaq::Writer * out,string method,const char * filename=0,const char * comment=0,unsigned type=512)5644 string compressBlock(StringBuffer* in, libzpaq::Writer* out, string method,
5645                      const char* filename=0, const char* comment=0,
5646                      unsigned type=512) {
5647   assert(in);
5648   assert(out);
5649   assert(method!="");
5650   const unsigned n=in->size();  // input size
5651   const int arg0=max(lg(n+4095)-20, 0);  // block size
5652   assert((1u<<(arg0+20))>=n+4096);
5654   // Get hash of input
5655   libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
5656   const char* sha1ptr=0;
5657   if (!fragile) {
5658     for (const char* p=in->c_str(), *end=p+n; p<end; ++p)
5659       sha1.put(*p);
5660     sha1ptr=sha1.result();
5661   }
5663   // Expand default methods
5664   if (isdigit(method[0])) {
5665     const int level=method[0]-'0';
5666     assert(level>=0 && level<=9);
5668     // build models
5669     const int doe8=(type&2)*2;
5670     method="x"+itos(arg0);
5671     string htsz=","+itos(19+arg0+(arg0<=6));  // lz77 hash table size
5672     string sasz=","+itos(21+arg0);            // lz77 suffix array size
5674     // store uncompressed
5675     if (level==0)
5676       method="0"+itos(arg0)+",0";
5678     // LZ77, no model. Store if hard to compress
5679     else if (level==1) {
5680       if (type<40) method+=",0";
5681       else {
5682         method+=","+itos(1+doe8)+",";
5683         if      (type<80)  method+="4,0,1,15";
5684         else if (type<128) method+="4,0,2,16";
5685         else if (type<256) method+="4,0,2"+htsz;
5686         else if (type<960) method+="5,0,3"+htsz;
5687         else               method+="6,0,3"+htsz;
5688       }
5689     }
5691     // LZ77 with longer search
5692     else if (level==2) {
5693       if (type<32) method+=",0";
5694       else {
5695         method+=","+itos(1+doe8)+",";
5696         if (type<64) method+="4,0,3"+htsz;
5697         else method+="4,0,7"+sasz+",1";
5698       }
5699     }
5701     // LZ77 with CM depending on redundancy
5702     else if (level==3) {
5703       if (type<20)  // store if not compressible
5704         method+=",0";
5705       else if (type<48)  // fast LZ77 if barely compressible
5706         method+=","+itos(1+doe8)+",4,0,3"+htsz;
5707       else if (type>=640 || (type&1))  // BWT if text or highly compressible
5708         method+=","+itos(3+doe8)+"ci1";
5709       else  // LZ77 with O0-1 compression of up to 12 literals
5710         method+=","+itos(2+doe8)+",12,0,7"+sasz+",1c0,0,511i2";
5711     }
5713     // LZ77+CM, fast CM, or BWT depending on type
5714     else if (level==4) {
5715       if (type<12)
5716         method+=",0";
5717       else if (type<24)
5718         method+=","+itos(1+doe8)+",4,0,3"+htsz;
5719       else if (type<48)
5720         method+=","+itos(2+doe8)+",5,0,7"+sasz+"1c0,0,511";
5721       else if (type<900) {
5722         method+=","+itos(doe8)+"ci1,1,1,1,2a";
5723         if (type&1) method+="w";
5724         method+="m";
5725       }
5726       else
5727         method+=","+itos(3+doe8)+"ci1";
5728     }
5730     // Slow CM with lots of models
5731     else {  // 5..9
5733       // Model text files
5734       method+=","+itos(doe8);
5735       if (type&1) method+="w2c0,1010,255i1";
5736       else method+="w1i1";
5737       method+="c256ci1,1,1,1,1,1,2a";
5739       // Analyze the data
5740       const int NR=1<<12;
5741       int pt[256]={0};  // position of last occurrence
5742       int r[NR]={0};    // count repetition gaps of length r
5743       const unsigned char* p=in->data();
5744       if (level>0) {
5745         for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i) {
5746           const int k=i-pt[p[i]];
5747           if (k>0 && k<NR) ++r[k];
5748           pt[p[i]]=i;
5749         }
5750       }
5752       // Add periodic models
5753       int n1=n-r[1]-r[2]-r[3];
5754       for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
5755         int period=0;
5756         double score=0;
5757         int t=0;
5758         for (int j=5; j<NR && t<n1; ++j) {
5759           const double s=r[j]/(256.0+n1-t);
5760           if (s>score) score=s, period=j;
5761           t+=r[j];
5762         }
5763         if (period>4 && score>0.1) {
5764           method+="c0,0,"+itos(999+period)+",255i1";
5765           if (period<=255)
5766             method+="c0,"+itos(period)+"i1";
5767           n1-=r[period];
5768           r[period]=0;
5769         }
5770         else
5771           break;
5772       }
5773       method+="c0,2,0,255i1c0,3,0,0,255i1c0,4,0,0,0,255i1mm16ts19t0";
5774     }
5775   }
5777   // Compress
5778   string config;
5779   int args[9]={0};
5780   try {
5782     // Get config
5783     config=makeConfig(method.c_str(), args);
5784     assert(n<=(0x100000u<<args[0])-4096);
5786     // Compress in to out using config
5787     libzpaq::Compressor co;
5788     co.setOutput(out);
5789 #ifdef DEBUG
5790     if (!fragile) co.setVerify(true);
5791 #endif
5792     StringBuffer pcomp_cmd;
5793     if (!fragile) co.writeTag();
5794     co.startBlock(config.c_str(), args, &pcomp_cmd);
5795     string cs=itos(n);
5796     if (method[0]!='s') cs+=" jDC\x01";
5797     if (comment) cs=comment;
5798     co.startSegment(filename, cs.c_str());
5799     if (args[1]>=1 && args[1]<=7 && args[1]!=4) {  // LZ77 or BWT
5800       LZBuffer lz(*in, args);
5801       co.setInput(&lz);
5802       co.compress();
5803     }
5804     else {  // compress with e8e9 or no preprocessing
5805       if (args[1]>=4 && args[1]<=7)
5806         e8e9(in->data(), in->size());
5807       co.setInput(in);
5808       co.compress();
5809     }
5810     in->reset();
5811 #ifdef DEBUG  // verify pre-post processing are inverses
5812     if (fragile)
5813       co.endSegment(0);
5814     else {
5815       int64_t outsize;
5816       const char* sha1result=co.endSegmentChecksum(&outsize);
5817       assert(sha1result);
5818       assert(sha1ptr);
5819       if (memcmp(sha1result, sha1ptr, 20)!=0) {
5820         fprintf(stderr, "pre size=%d post size=%1.0f method=%s\n",
5821                 n, double(outsize), method.c_str());
5822         error("Pre/post-processor test failed");
5823       }
5824     }
5825 #else
5826     co.endSegment(sha1ptr);
5827 #endif
5828     co.endBlock();
5829   }
5830   catch(std::exception& e) {
5831     fprintf(con, "Compression error %s\n", e.what());
5832     fprintf(con, "\nconfig:\n%s\n", config.c_str());
5833     fprintf(con, "\nmethod=%s\n", method.c_str());
5834     for (int i=0; i<9; ++i)
5835       fprintf(con, "args[%d] = $%d = %d\n", i, i+1, args[i]);
5836     error("compression error");
5837   }
5838   return method;
5839 }
5841 // A CompressJob is a queue of blocks to compress and write to the archive.
5842 // Each block cycles through states EMPTY, FILLING, FULL, COMPRESSING,
5843 // COMPRESSED, WRITING. The main thread waits for EMPTY buffers and
5844 // fills them. A set of compressThreads waits for FULL threads and compresses
5845 // them. A writeThread waits for COMPRESSED buffers at the front
5846 // of the queue and writes and removes them.
5848 // Buffer queue element
5849 struct CJ {
5851   StringBuffer in;       // uncompressed input
5852   WriteBuffer out;       // compressed output
5853   string filename;       // to write in filename field
5854   string method;         // compression level or "" to mark end of data
5855   int type;              // redundancy*4 + exe*2 + text
5856   Semaphore full;        // 1 if in is FULL of data ready to compress
5857   Semaphore compressed;  // 1 if out contains COMPRESSED data
CJCJ5858   CJ(): state(EMPTY), type(512) {}
5859 };
5861 // Instructions to a compression job
5862 class CompressJob {
5863 public:
5864   Mutex mutex;           // protects state changes
5865 private:
5866   int job;               // number of jobs
5867   CJ* q;                 // buffer queue
5868   unsigned qsize;        // number of elements in q
5869   int front;             // next to remove from queue
5870   libzpaq::Writer* out;  // archive
5871   Semaphore empty;       // number of empty buffers ready to fill
5872   Semaphore compressors; // number of compressors available to run
5873 public:
5874   friend ThreadReturn compressThread(void* arg);
5875   friend ThreadReturn writeThread(void* arg);
CompressJob(int threads,int buffers,libzpaq::Writer * f)5876   CompressJob(int threads, int buffers, libzpaq::Writer* f):
5877       job(0), q(0), qsize(buffers), front(0), out(f) {
5878     q=new CJ[buffers];
5879     if (!q) throw std::bad_alloc();
5880     init_mutex(mutex);
5881     empty.init(buffers);
5882     compressors.init(threads);
5883     for (int i=0; i<buffers; ++i) {
5884       q[i].full.init(0);
5885       q[i].compressed.init(0);
5886     }
5887   }
~CompressJob()5888   ~CompressJob() {
5889     for (int i=qsize-1; i>=0; --i) {
5890       q[i].compressed.destroy();
5891       q[i].full.destroy();
5892     }
5893     compressors.destroy();
5894     empty.destroy();
5895     destroy_mutex(mutex);
5896     delete[] q;
5897   }
5898   void write(StringBuffer& s, const char* filename, string method,
5899              int hits=-1);
5900   vector<int> csize;  // compressed block sizes
5901 };
5903 // Write s at the back of the queue. Signal end of input with method=""
write(StringBuffer & s,const char * fn,string method,int type)5904 void CompressJob::write(StringBuffer& s, const char* fn, string method,
5905                         int type) {
5906   for (unsigned k=(method=="")?qsize:1; k>0; --k) {
5907     empty.wait();
5908     lock(mutex);
5909     unsigned i, j;
5910     for (i=0; i<qsize; ++i) {
5911       if (q[j=(i+front)%qsize].state==CJ::EMPTY) {
5912         q[j].filename=fn?fn:"";
5913         q[j].method=method;
5914         q[j].type=type;
5915         q[j].in.reset();
5916         q[j].in.swap(s);
5917         q[j].state=CJ::FULL;
5918         q[j].full.signal();
5919         break;
5920       }
5921     }
5922     release(mutex);
5923     assert(i<qsize);  // queue should not be full
5924   }
5925 }
5927 // Global progress indicator
5928 volatile int64_t total_size=0;  // number of input bytes to process
5929 volatile int64_t bytes_processed=0;  // bytes compressed or decompressed
5930 volatile int64_t bytes_output=0;  // output bytes compressed
5932 // Compress data in the background, one per buffer
compressThread(void * arg)5933 ThreadReturn compressThread(void* arg) {
5934   CompressJob& job=*(CompressJob*)arg;
5935   int jobNumber=0;
5936   try {
5938     // Get job number = assigned position in queue
5939     lock(job.mutex);
5940     jobNumber=job.job++;
5941     assert(jobNumber>=0 && jobNumber<int(job.qsize));
5942     CJ& cj=job.q[jobNumber];
5943     release(job.mutex);
5945     // Work until done
5946     while (true) {
5947       cj.full.wait();
5948       lock(job.mutex);
5950       // Check for end of input
5951       if (cj.method=="") {
5952         cj.compressed.signal();
5953         release(job.mutex);
5954         return 0;
5955       }
5957       // Compress
5958       assert(cj.state==CJ::FULL);
5959       cj.state=CJ::COMPRESSING;
5960       int insize=cj.in.size(), start=0, frags=0;
5961       if (insize>=8 && size(cj.filename)==28
5962           && cj.filename.substr(0, 3)=="jDC" && cj.filename[17]=='d') {
5963         const char* p=cj.in.c_str()+insize-8;
5964         start=btoi(p);
5965         frags=btoi(p);
5966         if (!start)
5967           start=atoi(cj.filename.c_str()+18);
5968       }
5969       release(job.mutex);
5970       int64_t now=mtime();
5971       job.compressors.wait();
5972       string m=compressBlock(&cj.in, &cj.out, cj.method, cj.filename.c_str(),
5973                              0, cj.type);
5974       job.compressors.signal();
5975       lock(job.mutex);
5976       bytes_processed+=insize-8-4*frags;
5977       bytes_output+=cj.out.size();
5978       if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
5979         int64_t eta=(mtime()-global_start+0.0)
5980              *(total_size-bytes_processed)/(bytes_processed+0.5)/1000.0;
5981         if (bytes_processed>0)
5982           fprintf(con, "%d:%02d:%02d",
5983               int(eta/3600), int(eta/60%60), int(eta%60));
5984         if (quiet==MAX_QUIET-1) {
5985           fprintf(con, " to go: %1.6f -> %1.6f MB (%5.2f%%)     \r",
5986               bytes_processed/1000000.0, bytes_output/1000000.0,
5987               (bytes_processed+0.5)*100.0/(total_size+0.5));
5988           fflush(con);
5989         }
5990         else {
5991           fprintf(con,
5992               " [%d-%d] %d -> %d (%1.2fs), %d%c %s\n",
5993               start, start+frags-1,
5994               insize, int(cj.out.size()), (mtime()-now)*0.001,
5995               cj.type/4, " teb"[cj.type&3], m.c_str());
5996         }
5997       }
5998       cj.in.reset();
5999       cj.state=CJ::COMPRESSED;
6000       cj.compressed.signal();
6001       release(job.mutex);
6002     }
6003   }
6004   catch (std::exception& e) {
6005     fprintf(stderr, "zpaq exiting from job %d: %s\n", jobNumber+1, e.what());
6006     exit(1);
6007   }
6008   return 0;
6009 }
6011 // Write compressed data to the archive in the background
writeThread(void * arg)6012 ThreadReturn writeThread(void* arg) {
6013   CompressJob& job=*(CompressJob*)arg;
6014   try {
6016     // work until done
6017     while (true) {
6019       // wait for something to write
6020       CJ& cj=job.q[job.front];  // no other threads move front
6021       cj.compressed.wait();
6023       // Quit if end of input
6024       lock(job.mutex);
6025       if (cj.method=="") {
6026         release(job.mutex);
6027         return 0;
6028       }
6030       // Write to archive
6031       assert(cj.state==CJ::COMPRESSED);
6032       cj.state=CJ::WRITING;
6033       job.csize.push_back(cj.out.size());
6034       int outsize=cj.out.size();
6035       if (outsize>0) {
6036         release(job.mutex);
6037         cj.out.save(job.out);
6038         cj.out.reset();
6039         lock(job.mutex);
6040       }
6041       cj.state=CJ::EMPTY;
6042       job.front=(job.front+1)%job.qsize;
6043       job.empty.signal();
6044       release(job.mutex);
6045     }
6046   }
6047   catch (std::exception& e) {
6048     fprintf(stderr, "zpaq exiting from writeThread: %s\n", e.what());
6049     exit(1);
6050   }
6051   return 0;
6052 }
6054 // Write a ZPAQ compressed JIDAC block header. Output size should not
6055 // depend on input data.
writeJidacHeader(libzpaq::Writer * out,int64_t date,int64_t cdata,unsigned htsize)6056 void writeJidacHeader(libzpaq::Writer *out, int64_t date,
6057                       int64_t cdata, unsigned htsize) {
6058   if (!out) return;
6059   assert(date>=19700000000000LL && date<30000000000000LL);
6060   StringBuffer is;
6061   is+=ltob(cdata);
6062   compressBlock(&is, out, "0",
6063                 ("jDC"+itos(date, 14)+"c"+itos(htsize, 10)).c_str());
6064 }
6066 // Maps sha1 -> fragment ID in ht with known size
6067 class HTIndex {
6068   enum {N=1<<22};   // size of hash table t
6069   vector<HT>& htr;  // reference to ht
6070   vector<vector<unsigned> > t;  // sha1 prefix -> list of indexes
6071   unsigned htsize;  // number of IDs in t
6073   // Compuate a hash index for sha1[20]
hash(const unsigned char * sha1)6074   unsigned hash(const unsigned char* sha1) {
6075     return (sha1[0]|(sha1[1]<<8)|(sha1[2]<<16))&(N-1);
6076   }
6078 public:
HTIndex(vector<HT> & r)6079   HTIndex(vector<HT>& r): htr(r), t(N), htsize(0) {
6080     update();
6081   }
6083   // Find sha1 in ht. Return its index or 0 if not found.
find(const char * sha1)6084   unsigned find(const char* sha1) {
6085     vector<unsigned>& v=t[hash((const unsigned char*)sha1)];
6086     for (unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
6087       if (memcmp(sha1, htr[v[i]].sha1, 20)==0)
6088         return v[i];
6089     return 0;
6090   }
6092   // Update index of ht. Do not index if fragment size is unknown.
update()6093   void update() {
6094     for (; htsize<htr.size(); ++htsize)
6095       if (htr[htsize].csize!=HT_BAD && htr[htsize].usize>=0)
6096         t[hash(htr[htsize].sha1)].push_back(htsize);
6097   }
6098 };
6100 // Sort by sortkey, then by full path
compareFilename(DTMap::iterator ap,DTMap::iterator bp)6101 bool compareFilename(DTMap::iterator ap, DTMap::iterator bp) {
6102   if (ap->second.sortkey!=bp->second.sortkey)
6103     return ap->second.sortkey<bp->second.sortkey;
6104   return ap->first<bp->first;
6105 }
6107 // For writing to two archives at once
6108 struct WriterPair: public libzpaq::Writer {
6109   libzpaq::Writer *a, *b;
putWriterPair6110   void put(int c) {
6111     if (a) a->put(c);
6112     if (b) b->put(c);
6113   }
writeWriterPair6114   void write(const char* buf, int n) {
6115     if (a) a->write(buf, n);
6116     if (b) b->write(buf, n);
6117   }
WriterPairWriterPair6118   WriterPair(): a(0), b(0) {}
6119 };
6121 // Add or delete files from archive. Return 1 if error else 0.
add()6122 int Jidac::add() {
6124   // Read archive (preferred) or index into ht, dt, ver.
6125   int errors=0;
6126   int64_t header_pos=0;  // end of archive
6127   int64_t index_pos=0;   // end of index
6128   const string part1=subpart(archive, 1);
6129   const string part0=subpart(archive, 0);
6130   if (exists(part1)) {
6131     if (part0!=part1 && exists(part0)) {  // compare archive with index
6132       Jidac jidac(*this);
6133       header_pos=read_archive(&errors);
6134       index_pos=jidac.read_archive(&errors, part0.c_str());
6135       if (index_pos+dhsize!=header_pos || ver.size()!=jidac.ver.size()) {
6136         fprintf(stderr, "Index ");
6137         printUTF8(part0.c_str(), stderr);
6138         fprintf(stderr, " shows %1.0f bytes in %d versions\n"
6139             " but archive has %1.0f bytes in %d versions.\n",
6140             index_pos+dhsize+0.0, size(jidac.ver)-1,
6141             header_pos+0.0, size(ver)-1);
6142         error("index does not match multi-part archive");
6143       }
6144     }
6145     else {  // archive with no index
6146       header_pos=read_archive(&errors);
6147       index_pos=header_pos-dhsize;
6148     }
6149   }
6150   else if (exists(part0)) {  // read index of remote archive
6151     index_pos=read_archive(&errors, part0.c_str());
6152     if (dcsize!=0) error("index contains data");
6153     dcsize=dhsize;  // assumed
6154     header_pos=index_pos+dhsize;
6155     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
6156       printUTF8(part0.c_str(), con);
6157       fprintf(con, ": assuming %1.0f bytes in %d versions\n",
6158           dhsize+index_pos+0.0, size(ver)-1);
6159     }
6160   }
6162   // Set method and block size
6163   if (method=="") {  // set default method
6164     if (dhsize>0 && dcsize==0) method="i";  // index
6165     else method="1";  // archive
6166   }
6167   if (size(method)==1) {  // set default blocksize
6168     if (method[0]>='2' && method[0]<='9') method+="6";
6169     else method+="4";
6170   }
6171   if (command=="-add" && quiet<MAX_QUIET)
6172     fprintf(con, "Compressing with -method %s\n", method.c_str());
6173   if (strchr("0123456789xsi", method[0])==0)
6174     error("-method must begin with 0..5, x, s, or i");
6175   assert(size(method)>=2);
6176   unsigned blocksize=(1u<<(20+atoi(method.c_str()+1)))-4096;
6177   if (fragment<0 || fragment>19 || (1u<<(12+fragment))>blocksize)
6178     error("fragment size too large");
6179   if (command=="-add") {  // don't mix archives and indexes
6180     if (method[0]=='i' && dcsize>0) error("archive is not an index");
6181     if (method[0]!='i' && dcsize!=dhsize) error("archive is an index");
6182   }
6184   // Make list of files to add or delete
6185   read_args(command!="-delete");
6187   // Sort the files to be added by filename extension and decreasing size
6188   vector<DTMap::iterator> vf;
6189   unsigned deletions=0;
6190   total_size=0;
6191   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
6192     if (p->second.edate && (force || p->second.dtv.size()==0
6193        || p->second.edate!=p->second.dtv.back().date
6194        || p->second.esize!=p->second.dtv.back().size)) {
6195       total_size+=p->second.esize;
6197       // Key by first 5 bytes of filename extension, case insensitive
6198       int sp=0;  // sortkey byte position
6199       for (string::const_iterator q=p->first.begin(); q!=p->first.end(); ++q){
6200         uint64_t c=*q&255;
6201         if (c>='A' && c<='Z') c+='a'-'A';
6202         if (c=='/') sp=0, p->second.sortkey=0;
6203         else if (c=='.') sp=8, p->second.sortkey=0;
6204         else if (sp>3) p->second.sortkey+=c<<(--sp*8);
6205       }
6207       // Key by descending size rounded to 16K
6208       int64_t s=p->second.esize>>14;
6209       if (s>=(1<<24)) s=(1<<24)-1;
6210       p->second.sortkey+=(1<<24)-s-1;
6212       vf.push_back(p);
6213     }
6214     if (!nodelete && p->second.written==0 && p->second.edate==0)
6215       ++deletions;
6216   }
6217   std::sort(vf.begin(), vf.end(), compareFilename);
6219   // Test if any files are to be added or deleted
6220   if (vf.size()==0 && deletions==0) {
6221     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
6222       fprintf(con, "Archive %s not updated: nothing to add or delete.\n",
6223           archive.c_str());
6224     return errors>0;
6225   }
6227   // Open index to append
6228   WriterPair wp;  // wp.a points to output, wp.b to index
6229   Archive index;
6230   if (part0!=part1 && (exists(part0) || !exists(part1))) {
6231     if (method[0]=='s')
6232       error("Cannot update indexed archive in streaming mode");
6233     if (!index.open(part0.c_str(), password, 'w', index_pos))
6234       error("Index open failed");
6235     index_pos=index.tell();
6236     wp.b=&index;
6237   }
6239   // Open archive to append
6240   Archive out;
6241   Counter counter;
6242   if (archive=="")
6243     wp.a=&counter;
6244   else if (part0!=part1 && exists(part0) && !exists(part1)) {  // remote
6245     char salt[32]={0};
6246     if (password) {  // get salt from index
6247       index.close();
6248       if (index.open(part0.c_str()) && index.read(salt, 32)==32) {
6249         salt[0]^=0x4d;
6250         index.close();
6251       }
6252       else error("cannot read salt from index");
6253       if (!index.open(part0.c_str(), password, 'w'))
6254         error("index reopen failed");
6255     }
6256     string part=subpart(archive, ver.size());
6257     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
6258       fprintf(con, "Creating ");
6259       printUTF8(part.c_str(), con);
6260       fprintf(con, " dated %s assuming %1.0f prior bytes\n",
6261            dateToString(date).c_str(), header_pos+0.0);
6262     }
6263     if (exists(part)) error("output archive part exists");
6264     if (!out.open(part.c_str(), password, 'w', header_pos, header_pos, salt))
6265       error("Archive open failed");
6266     header_pos=out.tell();
6267     wp.a=&out;
6268   }
6269   else {
6270     if (!out.open(archive.c_str(), password, 'w', header_pos))
6271       error("Archive open failed");
6272     header_pos=out.tell();
6273     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
6274       fprintf(con, "%s ", (header_pos>32 ? "Updating" : "Creating"));
6275       printUTF8(archive.c_str(), con);
6276       fprintf(con, " version %d at %s\n",
6277         size(ver), dateToString(date).c_str());
6278     }
6279     wp.a=&out;
6280   }
6281   if (method[0]=='i') {  // create index
6282     wp.b=wp.a;
6283     wp.a=0;
6284   }
6285   int64_t inputsize=0;  // total input size
6287   // Append in streaming mode. Each file is a separate block. Large files
6288   // are split into blocks of size blocksize.
6289   if (method[0]=='s' && command=="-add") {
6290     StringBuffer sb(blocksize+4096-128);
6291     int64_t offset=archive=="" ? 0 : out.tell();
6292     for (unsigned fi=0; fi<vf.size(); ++fi) {
6293       DTMap::iterator p=vf[fi];
6294       if (p->first.size()>0 && p->first[p->first.size()-1]!='/') {
6295         int64_t start=mtime();
6296         InputFile in;
6297         if (in.open(p->first.c_str())) {
6298           int64_t i=0;
6299           while (true) {
6300             int c=in.get();
6301             if (c!=EOF) ++i, sb.put(c);
6302             if (c==EOF || sb.size()==blocksize) {
6303               string filename="";
6304               string comment=itos(sb.size());
6305               if (i<=blocksize) {
6306                 filename=p->first;
6307                 comment+=" "+itos(p->second.edate);
6308                 if ((p->second.eattr&255)>0) {
6309                   comment+=" ";
6310                   comment+=char(p->second.eattr&255);
6311                   comment+=itos(p->second.eattr>>8);
6312                 }
6313               }
6314               compressBlock(&sb, &wp, method, filename.c_str(),
6315                             comment.c_str());
6316               assert(sb.size()==0);
6317             }
6318             if (c==EOF) break;
6319           }
6320           in.close();
6321           inputsize+=i;
6322           int64_t newoffset=archive=="" ? counter.pos : out.tell();
6323           if (quiet<=i) {
6324             printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
6325             fprintf(con, " %1.0f -> %1.0f in %1.3f sec.\n", double(i),
6326                    double(newoffset-offset), 0.001*(mtime()-start));
6327           }
6328           offset=newoffset;
6329         }
6330         else ++errors;
6331       }
6332     }
6333     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
6334       const int64_t outsize=archive=="" ? counter.pos : out.tell();
6335       fprintf(con, "%1.0f + (%1.0f -> %1.0f) = %1.0f\n",
6336           double(header_pos),
6337           double(inputsize),
6338           double(outsize-header_pos),
6339           double(outsize));
6340     }
6341     if (archive!="") out.close();
6342     return errors>0;
6343   }
6345   // Adjust date to maintain sequential order
6346   if (ver.size() && ver.back().date>=date) {
6347     const int64_t newdate=decimal_time(unix_time(ver.back().date)+1);
6348     fprintf(stderr, "Warning: adjusting date from %s to %s\n",
6349       dateToString(date).c_str(), dateToString(newdate).c_str());
6350     assert(newdate>date);
6351     date=newdate;
6352   }
6354   // Build htinv for fast lookups of sha1 in ht
6355   HTIndex htinv(ht);
6357   // reserve space for the header block
6358   const unsigned htsize=ht.size();  // fragments at start of update
6359   writeJidacHeader(&wp, date, -1, htsize);
6360   const int64_t header_end=archive=="" ? counter.pos : out.tell();
6362   // Start compress and write jobs
6363   vector<ThreadID> tid(threads*2-1);
6364   ThreadID wid;
6365   CompressJob job(threads, tid.size(), wp.a);
6366   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && deletions>0)
6367     fprintf(con, "Deleting %d files.\n", deletions);
6368   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && size(vf)>0)
6369     fprintf(con,
6370         "Adding %1.6f MB in %d files using %d jobs in %d threads.\n",
6371         total_size/1000000.0, size(vf), size(tid), threads);
6372   for (int i=0; i<size(tid); ++i) run(tid[i], compressThread, &job);
6373   run(wid, writeThread, &job);
6375   // Compress until end of last file
6376   assert(method!="");
6377   const unsigned MIN_FRAGMENT=64<<fragment;   // fragment size limits
6378   const unsigned MAX_FRAGMENT=8128<<fragment;
6379   StringBuffer sb(blocksize+4096-128);  // block to compress
6380   unsigned frags=0;    // number of fragments in sb
6381   unsigned redundancy=0;  // estimated bytes that can be compressed out of sb
6382   unsigned text=0;     // number of fragents containing text
6383   unsigned exe=0;      // number of fragments containing x86 (exe, dll)
6384   const int ON=4;      // number of order-1 tables to save
6385   unsigned char o1prev[ON*256]={0};  // last ON order 1 predictions
6386   libzpaq::Array<char> fragbuf(MAX_FRAGMENT);
6388   // For each file to be added
6389   for (unsigned fi=0; fi<vf.size(); ++fi) {
6390     assert(vf[fi]->second.eptr.size()==0);
6391     DTMap::iterator p=vf[fi];
6392     string filename=rename(p->first);
6394     // Skip directory
6395     if (filename!="" && filename[filename.size()-1]=='/') {
6396       if (quiet<=0) {
6397         fprintf(con, "Adding directory ");
6398         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
6399         fprintf(con, "\n");
6400       }
6401       continue;
6402     }
6404     // Open input file
6405     InputFile in;
6406     if (!in.open(filename.c_str())) {  // skip if not found
6407       p->second.edate=0;
6408       lock(job.mutex);
6409       total_size-=p->second.esize;
6410       release(job.mutex);
6411       ++errors;
6412       continue;
6413     }
6414     else if (quiet<=p->second.esize) {
6415       fprintf(con, "%6u ", (unsigned)ht.size());
6416       if (p->second.dtv.size()==0 || p->second.dtv.back().date==0) {
6417         fprintf(con, "Adding %12.0f ", double(p->second.esize));
6418         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
6419       }
6420       else {
6421         fprintf(con, "Updating %12.0f ", double(p->second.esize));
6422         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
6423       }
6424       if (p->first!=filename) {
6425         fprintf(con, " from ");
6426         printUTF8(filename.c_str(), con);
6427       }
6428       fprintf(con, "\n");
6429     }
6431     // Read fragments
6432     assert(in.isopen());
6433     for (unsigned fj=0; true; ++fj) {
6434       int c=0;  // current byte
6435       int c1=0;  // previous byte
6436       unsigned h=0;  // rolling hash for finding fragment boundaries
6437       int64_t sz=0;  // fragment size;
6438       libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
6439       unsigned char o1[256]={0};
6440       unsigned hits=0;
6441       while (true) {
6442         c=in.get();
6443         if (c!=EOF) {
6444           if (c==o1[c1]) h=(h+c+1)*314159265u, ++hits;
6445           else h=(h+c+1)*271828182u;
6446           o1[c1]=c;
6447           c1=c;
6448           sha1.put(c);
6449           fragbuf[sz++]=c;
6450         }
6451         if (c==EOF || (h<(1u<<22>>fragment) && sz>=MIN_FRAGMENT)
6452            || sz>=MAX_FRAGMENT)
6453           break;
6454       }
6455       assert(sz<=MAX_FRAGMENT);
6456       inputsize+=sz;
6458       // Look for matching fragment
6459       char sh[20];
6460       assert(uint64_t(sz)==sha1.usize());
6461       memcpy(sh, sha1.result(), 20);
6462       unsigned htptr=htinv.find(sh);
6463       if (htptr==0) {  // not matched
6465         // Analyze fragment for redundancy, x86, text.
6466         // Test for text: letters, digits, '.' and ',' followed by spaces
6467         //   and no invalid UTF-8.
6468         // Test for exe: 139 (mov reg, r/m) in lots of contexts.
6469         // 4 tests for redundancy, measured as hits/sz. Take the highest of:
6470         //   1. Successful prediction count in o1.
6471         //   2. Non-uniform distribution in o1 (counted in o2).
6472         //   3. Fraction of zeros in o1 (bytes never seen).
6473         //   4. Fraction of matches between o1 and previous o1 (o1prev).
6474         int text1=0, exe1=0;
6475         int64_t h1=sz;
6476         unsigned char o1ct[256]={0};  // counts of bytes in o1
6477         static const unsigned char dt[256]={  // 32768/((i+1)*204)
6478           160,80,53,40,32,26,22,20,17,16,14,13,12,11,10,10,
6479             9, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
6480             4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
6481             3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
6482             2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
6483             1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
6484             1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
6485             1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
6486             1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
6487             1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
6488         for (int i=0; i<256; ++i) {
6489           if (o1ct[o1[i]]<255) h1-=(sz*dt[o1ct[o1[i]]++])>>15;
6490           if (o1[i]==' ' && (isalnum(i) || i=='.' || i==',')) ++text1;
6491           if (o1[i] && (i<9 || i==11 || i==12 || (i>=14 && i<=31) || i>=240))
6492             --text1;
6493           if (i>=192 && i<240 && o1[i] && (o1[i]<128 || o1[i]>=192))
6494             --text1;
6495           if (o1[i]==139) ++exe1;
6496         }
6497         text1=(text1>=3);
6498         exe1=(exe1>=5);
6499         if (sz>0) h1=h1*h1/sz; // Test 2: near 0 if random.
6500         unsigned h2=h1;
6501         if (h2>hits) hits=h2;
6502         h2=o1ct[0]*sz/256;  // Test 3: bytes never seen or that predict 0.
6503         if (h2>hits) hits=h2;
6504         h2=0;
6505         for (int i=0; i<256*ON; ++i)  // Test 4: compare to previous o1.
6506           h2+=o1prev[i]==o1[i&255];
6507         h2=h2*sz/(256*ON);
6508         if (h2>hits) hits=h2;
6509         if (hits>sz) hits=sz;
6511         // Start a new block if the current block is almost full, or at
6512         // the start of a file that won't fit or doesn't share mutual
6513         // information with the current block.
6514         bool newblock=false;
6515         if (frags>0 && fj==0) {
6516           const unsigned newsize=sb.size()+p->second.esize
6517                +(p->second.esize>>(8+fragment))+4096+frags*4; // size if added
6518           if (newsize>blocksize/4 && redundancy<sb.size()/128) newblock=true;
6519           if (newblock) {  // test for mutual information
6520             unsigned ct=0;
6521             for (unsigned i=0; i<256*ON; ++i)
6522               if (o1prev[i] && o1prev[i]==o1[i&255]) ++ct;
6523             if (ct>ON*2) newblock=false;
6524           }
6525           if (newsize>=blocksize) newblock=true;  // won't fit?
6526         }
6527         if (sb.size()+sz+80+frags*4>=blocksize) newblock=true; // full?
6528         if (frags<1) newblock=false;  // block is empty?
6530         // Pad sb with fragment size list unless fragile, then compress
6531         if (newblock) {
6532           assert(sb.size()>0);
6533           assert(frags>0);
6534           assert(frags<ht.size());
6535           for (unsigned i=ht.size()-frags; !fragile && i<ht.size(); ++i)
6536             sb+=itob(ht[i].usize);  // list of frag sizes
6537           sb+=itob(0); // omit first frag ID to make block movable
6538           sb+=itob(frags*!fragile);  // number of frags
6539           job.write(sb,
6540               ("jDC"+itos(date, 14)+"d"+itos(ht.size()-frags, 10)).c_str(),
6541               method,
6542               redundancy/(sb.size()/256+1)*4+(exe>frags)*2+(text>frags));
6543           assert(sb.size()==0);
6544           ht[ht.size()-frags].csize=-1;  // mark block start
6545           frags=redundancy=text=exe=0;
6546           memset(o1prev, 0, sizeof(o1prev));
6547         }
6549         // Append fragbuf to sb and update block statistics
6550         sb.write(&fragbuf[0], sz);
6551         ++frags;
6552         redundancy+=hits;
6553         exe+=exe1*4;
6554         text+=text1*2;
6555         if (sz>=MIN_FRAGMENT) {
6556           memmove(o1prev, o1prev+256, 256*(ON-1));
6557           memcpy(o1prev+256*(ON-1), o1, 256);
6558         }
6559       }  // end if not matched
6561       // Point file to this fragment
6562       if (htptr==0) {  // not matched in ht
6563         htptr=ht.size();
6564         ht.push_back(HT(sh, sz, 0));
6565         htinv.update();
6566       }
6567       else {
6568         lock(job.mutex);
6569         bytes_processed+=sz;
6570         release(job.mutex);
6571       }
6572       p->second.eptr.push_back(htptr);
6574       if (c==EOF)
6575         break;
6576     }  // end for each fragment
6577     in.close();
6578   }  // end for each file
6580   // Compress any remaining data
6581   if (frags>0) {
6582     assert(frags<ht.size());
6583     for (unsigned i=ht.size()-frags; !fragile && i<ht.size(); ++i)
6584       sb+=itob(ht[i].usize);
6585     sb+=itob(0);
6586     sb+=itob(frags*!fragile);
6587     job.write(sb,
6588         ("jDC"+itos(date, 14)+"d"+itos(ht.size()-frags, 10)).c_str(),
6589         method,
6590         redundancy/(sb.size()/256+1)*4+(exe>frags)*2+(text>frags));
6591     assert(sb.size()==0);
6592     ht[ht.size()-frags].csize=-1;
6593   }
6595   // Wait for jobs to finish
6596   assert(sb.size()==0);
6597   job.write(sb, 0, "");  // signal end of input
6598   for (int i=0; i<size(tid); ++i)
6599     join(tid[i]);
6600   join(wid);
6602   // Fill in compressed sizes in ht
6603   unsigned j=0;
6604   for (unsigned i=htsize; i<ht.size() && j<job.csize.size(); ++i)
6605     if (ht[i].csize==-1)
6606       ht[i].csize=job.csize[j++];
6607   assert(j==job.csize.size());
6609   // Append compressed fragment tables to archive
6610   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET-1) {
6611     fprintf(con, "Updating index with %d files, %d blocks, %d fragments.\n",
6612             int(vf.size()), j, int(ht.size()-htsize));
6613   }
6614   int64_t cdatasize=(archive=="" ? counter.pos : out.tell())-header_end;
6615   StringBuffer is;
6616   unsigned block_start=0;
6617   for (unsigned i=htsize; i<=ht.size(); ++i) {
6618     if ((i==ht.size() || ht[i].csize>0) && is.size()>0) {  // write a block
6619       assert(block_start>=htsize && block_start<i);
6620       compressBlock(&is, &wp, "0",
6621                     ("jDC"+itos(date, 14)+"h"+itos(block_start, 10)).c_str());
6622       assert(is.size()==0);
6623     }
6624     if (i<ht.size()) {
6625       if (ht[i].csize) is+=itob(ht[i].csize), block_start=i;
6626       is+=string(ht[i].sha1, ht[i].sha1+20)+itob(ht[i].usize);
6627     }
6628   }
6629   assert(is.size()==0);
6631   // Append compressed index to archive
6632   int dtcount=0;
6633   int archiveResets=0;
6634   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end();) {
6635     const DT& dtr=p->second;
6637     // Remove file if external does not exist and is currently in archive
6638     if (!nodelete && dtr.written==0 && !dtr.edate && dtr.dtv.size()
6639         && dtr.dtv.back().date) {
6640       is+=ltob(0)+p->first+'\0';
6641       if (quiet<=dtr.dtv.back().size) {
6642         fprintf(con, "Removing %12.0f ", dtr.dtv.back().size+0.0);
6643         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
6644         fprintf(con, "\n");
6645       }
6646     }
6648     // Update file if compressed and anything differs
6649     if (dtr.edate && (force || dtr.dtv.size()==0
6650        || dtr.edate!=dtr.dtv.back().date
6651        || dtr.esize!=dtr.dtv.back().size)) {
6653       // Reset archive bit
6654 #ifndef unix
6655       if (resetArchive && (dtr.eattr&255)=='w'
6656           && ((dtr.eattr>>8)&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)) {
6657         p->second.eattr&=~(int64_t(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)<<8);
6658         SetFileAttributes(utow(rename(p->first).c_str()).c_str(),
6659                           dtr.eattr>>8);
6660         ++archiveResets;
6661       }
6662 #endif
6664       // Append to index if anything changed
6665       if (dtr.dtv.size()==0 // new file
6666          || dtr.edate!=dtr.dtv.back().date  // date change
6667          || (dtr.eattr && dtr.dtv.back().attr
6668              && dtr.eattr!=dtr.dtv.back().attr)  // attr change
6669          || dtr.esize!=dtr.dtv.back().size  // size change
6670          || dtr.eptr!=dtr.dtv.back().ptr) { // content change
6671         is+=ltob(dtr.edate)+p->first+'\0';
6672         if ((dtr.eattr&255)=='u') {  // unix attributes
6673           is+=itob(3);
6674           is.put('u');
6675           is.put(dtr.eattr>>8&255);
6676           is.put(dtr.eattr>>16&255);
6677         }
6678         else if ((dtr.eattr&255)=='w') {  // windows attributes
6679           is+=itob(5);
6680           is.put('w');
6681           is+=itob(dtr.eattr>>8);
6682         }
6683         else is+=itob(0);
6684         is+=itob(size(dtr.eptr));  // list of frag pointers
6685         for (int i=0; i<size(dtr.eptr); ++i)
6686           is+=itob(dtr.eptr[i]);
6687       }
6688     }
6689     ++p;
6690     if (is.size()>16000 || (is.size()>0 && p==dt.end())) {
6691       compressBlock(&is, &wp, "1",
6692                     ("jDC"+itos(date)+"i"+itos(++dtcount, 10)).c_str());
6693       assert(is.size()==0);
6694     }
6695     if (p==dt.end()) break;
6696   }
6698   // Back up and write the header
6699   int64_t archive_end=0;
6700   if (archive=="")
6701     archive_end=counter.pos;
6702   else {
6703     archive_end=out.tell();
6704     out.seek(header_pos, SEEK_SET);
6705     if (wp.b) index.seek(index_pos, SEEK_SET);
6706     writeJidacHeader(wp.a, date, cdatasize, htsize);
6707     if (wp.b) writeJidacHeader(wp.b, date, 0, htsize);
6708   }
6709   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
6710     fprintf(con, "\n%1.0f + (%1.0f -> %1.0f) = %1.0f\n",
6711            double(header_pos),
6712            double(inputsize),
6713            double(archive_end-header_pos),
6714            double(archive_end));
6715   if (archiveResets)
6716     fprintf(con, "%d file archive bits reset.\n", archiveResets);
6717   out.close();
6718   index.close();
6719   return errors>0;
6720 }
6722 /////////////////////////////// extract ///////////////////////////////
6724 // Return true if the internal and external file contents are equal
equal(DTMap::const_iterator p)6725 bool Jidac::equal(DTMap::const_iterator p) {
6726   if (p->second.dtv.size()==0 || p->second.dtv.back().date==0)
6727     return p->second.edate==0;  // true if neither file exists
6728   if (p->second.edate==0) return false;  // external does not exist
6729   assert(p->second.dtv.size()>0);
6730   if (p->second.dtv.back().size!=p->second.esize) return false;
6731   if (p->first!="" && p->first[p->first.size()-1]=='/') return true;
6732   InputFile in;
6733   in.open(rename(p->first).c_str());
6734   if (!in.isopen()) return false;
6735   libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
6736   for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.back().ptr.size(); ++i) {
6737     unsigned f=p->second.dtv.back().ptr[i];
6738     if (f<1 || f>=ht.size() || ht[f].csize==HT_BAD) return false;
6739     for (int j=ht[f].usize; j>0; --j) {
6740       int c=in.get();
6741       if (c==EOF) return false;
6742       sha1.put(c);
6743     }
6744     if (memcmp(sha1.result(), ht[f].sha1, 20)!=0) return false;
6745   }
6746   if (in.get()!=EOF) return false;
6747   return true;
6748 }
6750 // An extract job is a set of blocks with at least one file pointing to them.
6751 // Blocks are extracted in separate threads, set READY -> WORKING.
6752 // A block is extracted to memory up to the last fragment that has a file
6753 // pointing to it. Then the checksums are verified. Then for each file
6754 // pointing to the block, each of the fragments that it points to within
6755 // the block are written in order.
6757 struct Block {  // list of fragments
6758   int64_t offset;       // location in archive
6759   vector<DTMap::iterator> files;  // list of files pointing here
6760   unsigned start;       // index in ht of first fragment
6761   int size;             // number of fragments to decompress
6762   bool streaming;       // must decompress sequentially?
6763   enum {READY, WORKING, GOOD, BAD} state;
BlockBlock6764   Block(unsigned s, int64_t o):
6765     offset(o), start(s), size(0), streaming(false), state(READY) {}
6766 };
6768 struct ExtractJob {         // list of jobs
6769   Mutex mutex;              // protects state
6770   Mutex write_mutex;        // protects writing to disk
6771   int job;                  // number of jobs started
6772   int next;                 // next block to extract (usually)
6773   vector<Block> block;      // list of blocks to extract
6774   Jidac& jd;                // what to extract
6775   OutputFile outf;          // currently open output file
6776   DTMap::iterator lastdt;   // currently open output file name
6777   double maxMemory;         // largest memory used by any block (test mode)
ExtractJobExtractJob6778   ExtractJob(Jidac& j):
6779       job(0), next(0), jd(j), lastdt(j.dt.end()), maxMemory(0) {
6780     init_mutex(mutex);
6781     init_mutex(write_mutex);
6782   }
~ExtractJobExtractJob6783   ~ExtractJob() {
6784     destroy_mutex(mutex);
6785     destroy_mutex(write_mutex);
6786   }
6787 };
6789 // Decompress blocks in a job until none are READY
decompressThread(void * arg)6790 ThreadReturn decompressThread(void* arg) {
6791   ExtractJob& job=*(ExtractJob*)arg;
6792   int jobNumber=0;
6793   Archive in;
6794   const bool istest=job.jd.command=="-test";  // do not open or write files?
6796   // Get job number
6797   lock(job.mutex);
6798   jobNumber=++job.job;
6799   release(job.mutex);
6801   // Open archive for reading
6802   if (!in.open(job.jd.archive.c_str(), job.jd.password)) return 0;
6803   WriteBuffer out;
6805   // Look for next READY job
6806   while (true) {
6807     lock(job.mutex);
6808     unsigned i, k=0;
6809     for (i=0; i<job.block.size(); ++i) {
6810       k=i+job.next;
6811       if (k>=job.block.size()) k-=job.block.size();
6812       assert(k<job.block.size());
6813       Block& b=job.block[k];
6814       if (b.state==Block::READY && b.size>0 && !b.streaming) {
6815         b.state=Block::WORKING;
6816         break;
6817       }
6818     }
6819     if (i<job.block.size()) job.next=k;
6820     release(job.mutex);
6821     if (i>=job.block.size()) break;
6822     Block& b=job.block[k];
6824     // Get uncompressed size of block
6825     unsigned output_size=0;  // minimum size to decompress
6826     unsigned max_size=0;     // uncompressed full block size
6827     assert(b.start>0);
6828     int j;
6829     for (j=0; j<b.size; ++j) {
6830       assert(b.start+j<job.jd.ht.size());
6831       assert(job.jd.ht[b.start+j].usize>=0);
6832       assert(j==0 || job.jd.ht[b.start+j].csize==-j);
6833       output_size+=job.jd.ht[b.start+j].usize;
6834     }
6835     max_size=output_size+j*4+8;  // uncompressed full block size
6836     for (; b.start+j<job.jd.ht.size() && job.jd.ht[b.start+j].csize<0
6837            && job.jd.ht[b.start+j].csize!=HT_BAD; ++j) {
6838       assert(job.jd.ht[b.start+j].csize==-j);
6839       max_size+=job.jd.ht[b.start+j].usize+4;
6840     }
6842     // Decompress
6843     double mem=0;  // how much memory used to decompress
6844     try {
6845       assert(b.start>0);
6846       assert(b.start<job.jd.ht.size());
6847       assert(b.size>0);
6848       assert(b.start+b.size<=job.jd.ht.size());
6849       const int64_t now=mtime();
6850       in.seek(job.jd.ht[b.start].csize, SEEK_SET);
6851       libzpaq::Decompresser d;
6852       d.setInput(&in);
6853       out.reset();
6854       out.setLimit(max_size);
6855       d.setOutput(&out);
6856       libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
6857       if (job.jd.all) d.setSHA1(&sha1);
6858       if (!d.findBlock(&mem)) error("archive block not found");
6859       if (mem>job.maxMemory) job.maxMemory=mem;
6860       while (d.findFilename()) {
6861         StringWriter comment;
6862         d.readComment(&comment);
6863         if (!job.jd.all && comment.s.size()>=5
6864             && comment.s.substr(comment.s.size()-5)==" jDC\x01") {
6865           while (out.size()<output_size && d.decompress(1<<14));
6866           break;
6867         }
6868         else {
6869           char s[21];
6870           d.decompress();
6871           d.readSegmentEnd(s);
6872           if (job.jd.all && s[0]==1 && memcmp(s+1, sha1.result(), 20))
6873             error("checksum error");
6874         }
6875       }
6876       if (out.size()<output_size)
6877         error("unexpected end of compressed data");
6878       if (quiet<MAX_QUIET-1) {
6879         fprintf(con, "Job %d: [%d..%d] %1.0f -> %d (%1.3f s, %1.3f MB)\n",
6880             jobNumber, b.start, b.start+b.size-1,
6881             double(in.tell()-job.jd.ht[b.start].csize),
6882             size(out), (mtime()-now)*0.001, mem/1000000);
6883       }
6885       // Verify fragment checksums if present
6886       int64_t q=0;  // fragment start
6887       for (unsigned j=b.start; j<b.start+b.size; ++j) {
6888         if (!fragile) {
6889           char sha1result[20];
6890           out.sha1(sha1result, q, job.jd.ht[j].usize);
6891           q+=job.jd.ht[j].usize;
6892           if (memcmp(sha1result, job.jd.ht[j].sha1, 20)) {
6893             for (int k=0; k<20; ++k) {
6894               if (job.jd.ht[j].sha1[k]) {  // all zeros is OK
6895                 lock(job.mutex);
6896                 fprintf(stderr,
6897                        "Job %d: fragment %d size %d checksum failed\n",
6898                        jobNumber, j, job.jd.ht[j].usize);
6899                 release(job.mutex);
6900                 error("bad checksum");
6901               }
6902             }
6903           }
6904         }
6905         lock(job.mutex);
6906         job.jd.ht[j].csize=EXTRACTED;
6907         release(job.mutex);
6908       }
6909     }
6911     // If out of memory, let another thread try
6912     catch (std::bad_alloc& e) {
6913       lock(job.mutex);
6914       fprintf(stderr, "Job %d killed to save memory\n", jobNumber);
6915       b.state=Block::READY;
6916       release(job.mutex);
6917       in.close();
6918       return 0;
6919     }
6921     // Other errors: assume bad input
6922     catch (std::exception& e) {
6923       lock(job.mutex);
6924       fprintf(stderr, "Job %d: skipping frags %u-%u at offset %1.0f: %s\n",
6925               jobNumber, b.start, b.start+b.size-1,
6926               double(in.tell()), e.what());
6927       release(job.mutex);
6928       continue;
6929     }
6931     // Write the files in dt that point to this block
6932     lock(job.write_mutex);
6933     for (unsigned ip=0; ip<b.files.size(); ++ip) {
6934       DTMap::iterator p=b.files[ip];
6935       DT& dtr=p->second;
6936       if (dtr.written<0 || size(dtr.dtv)==0
6937           || dtr.written>=size(dtr.dtv.back().ptr))
6938         continue;  // don't write
6940       // Look for pointers to this block
6941       const vector<unsigned>& ptr=dtr.dtv.back().ptr;
6942       string filename="";
6943       int64_t offset=0;  // write offset
6944       for (unsigned j=0; j<ptr.size(); ++j) {
6945         if (ptr[j]<b.start || ptr[j]>=b.start+b.size) {
6946           offset+=job.jd.ht[ptr[j]].usize;
6947           continue;
6948         }
6950         // Close last opened file if different
6951         if (p!=job.lastdt) {
6952           if (job.outf.isopen()) {
6953             assert(job.lastdt!=job.jd.dt.end());
6954             assert(job.lastdt->second.dtv.size()>0);
6955             assert(job.lastdt->second.dtv.back().date);
6956             assert(job.lastdt->second.written
6957                    <size(job.lastdt->second.dtv.back().ptr));
6958             job.outf.close();
6959           }
6960           job.lastdt=job.jd.dt.end();
6961         }
6963         // Open file for output
6964         if (job.lastdt==job.jd.dt.end()) {
6965           filename=job.jd.rename(p->first);
6966           assert(!job.outf.isopen());
6967           if (dtr.written==0) {
6968             if (!istest) makepath(filename);
6969             if (quiet<=dtr.dtv.back().size) {
6970               fprintf(con, "Job %d: %s %1.0f ", jobNumber,
6971                   (istest ? "testing" : "extracting"),
6972                   p->second.dtv.back().size+0.0);
6973               printUTF8(filename.c_str(), con);
6974               fprintf(con, "\n");
6975             }
6976             if (!istest && job.outf.open(filename.c_str()))  // new file
6977               job.outf.truncate();
6978           }
6979           else if (!istest)
6980             job.outf.open(filename.c_str());  // update existing file
6981           if (!istest && !job.outf.isopen()) break;  // skip file if error
6982           job.lastdt=p;
6983           assert(istest || job.outf.isopen());
6984         }
6985         assert(job.lastdt==p);
6987         // Find block offset of fragment
6988         int64_t q=0;  // fragment offset from start of block
6989         for (unsigned k=b.start; k<ptr[j]; ++k)
6990           q+=job.jd.ht[k].usize;
6991         assert(q>=0);
6992         assert(q<=out.size()-job.jd.ht[ptr[j]].usize);
6994         // Write the fragment and any consecutive fragments that follow
6995         assert(offset>=0);
6996         ++dtr.written;
6997         int usize=job.jd.ht[ptr[j]].usize;
6998         while (j+1<ptr.size() && ptr[j+1]==ptr[j]+1
6999                && ptr[j+1]<b.start+b.size) {
7000           ++dtr.written;
7001           assert(dtr.written<=size(ptr));
7002           usize+=job.jd.ht[ptr[++j]].usize;
7003         }
7004         assert(q+usize<=out.size());
7005         if (!istest) out.save(job.outf, offset, q, usize);
7006         offset+=usize;
7007         bytes_processed+=usize;
7008         if (dtr.written==size(ptr)) {  // close file
7009           assert(dtr.dtv.size()>0);
7010           assert(dtr.dtv.back().date);
7011           assert(job.lastdt!=job.jd.dt.end());
7012           assert(istest || job.outf.isopen());
7013           if (!istest) {
7014             job.outf.truncate(dtr.dtv.back().size);
7015             job.outf.close(dtr.dtv.back().date, dtr.dtv.back().attr);
7016           }
7017           job.lastdt=job.jd.dt.end();
7018         }
7019       } // end for j
7020     } // end for ip
7022     // Last file
7023     release(job.write_mutex);
7025     // Update display
7026     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
7027       lock(job.mutex);
7028       if (bytes_processed>0) {
7029         int64_t eta=(mtime()-global_start+0.0)
7030              *(total_size-bytes_processed)/(bytes_processed+0.5)/1000.0;
7031         if (bytes_processed>0)
7032           fprintf(con, "%d:%02d:%02d to go: ",
7033               int(eta/3600), int(eta/60%60), int(eta%60));        }
7034       if (quiet<=MAX_QUIET-1) {
7035         fprintf(con, "%1.6f MB (%5.2f%%)    %c", bytes_processed/1000000.0,
7036             (bytes_processed+0.5)*100.0/(total_size+0.5),
7037             quiet==MAX_QUIET-1 ? '\r' : '\n');
7038         fflush(con);
7039       }
7040       release(job.mutex);
7041     }
7042   } // end while true
7044   // Last block
7045   in.close();
7046   return 0;
7047 }
7049 // Extract files from archive. If force is true then overwrite
7050 // existing files and set the dates and attributes of exising directories.
7051 // Otherwise create only new files and directories. If command is "-test"
7052 // then don't write files. Return 1 if error else 0.
extract()7053 int Jidac::extract() {
7054   const bool istest=command=="-test";
7056   // Read HT, DT
7057   if (!read_archive())
7058     return 1;
7060   // If force is true then as an optimization, compare marked files by
7061   // content and files and directories by dates and attributes.
7062   // If they are exactly the same then unmark them.
7063   // If they are the same except for dates and attributes then reset them.
7064   read_args(force && !istest);
7065   int count=0;
7066   if (force && !istest) {
7067     for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7068       if (p->second.written==0) {
7069         string fn=rename(p->first);
7070         if (equal(p) && p->second.dtv.size()>0 && p->second.edate
7071             && fn!="" && fn[fn.size()-1]!='/') {
7072           if (p->second.dtv.back().date!=p->second.edate
7073               || (p->second.eattr && p->second.dtv.back().attr &&
7074               p->second.eattr!=p->second.dtv.back().attr)) {
7075             if (p->second.esize>=quiet) {
7076               fprintf(con, "Resetting to %s %s: ",
7077                   attrToString(p->second.dtv.back().attr).c_str(),
7078                   dateToString(p->second.dtv.back().date).c_str());
7079               printUTF8(fn.c_str(), con);
7080               fprintf(con, "\n");
7081             }
7082             OutputFile out;
7083             out.open(fn.c_str());
7084             if (out.isopen()) {
7085               out.close(p->second.dtv.back().date,
7086                         p->second.dtv.back().attr);
7087               p->second.written=-1;  // unmark if date and attr change OK
7088               ++count;
7089             }
7090           }
7091           else { // dates and attributes equal
7092             if (p->second.esize>=quiet) {
7093               fprintf(con, "Identical: %12.0f ", p->second.esize+0.0);
7094               printUTF8(fn.c_str(), con);
7095               fprintf(con, "\n");
7096             }
7097             p->second.written=-1;  // unmark if date and attr matches
7098             ++count;
7099           }
7100         }
7101       }
7102     }
7103     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && count>0)
7104       fprintf(con, "%d identical files skipped\n", count);
7105   }
7107   // If not force then unmark existing files and directories
7108   else if (!istest) {
7109     for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7110       if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date
7111           && p->second.written==0) {
7112         if (exists(rename(p->first))) {
7113           if (quiet<p->second.dtv.back().size) {
7114             fprintf(con, "Skipping existing file: %12.0f ",
7115                 p->second.dtv.back().size+0.0);
7116             printUTF8(rename(p->first).c_str(), con);
7117             fprintf(con, "\n");
7118           }
7119           p->second.written=-1;
7120           ++count;
7121         }
7122       }
7123     }
7124     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET && count>0)
7125       fprintf(con, "%d existing files skipped.\n", count);
7126   }
7128   // Map fragments to blocks.
7129   // Mark blocks with unknown or large fragment sizes as streaming.
7130   // If test -all, mark all fragments for extraction.
7131   ExtractJob job(*this);
7132   vector<unsigned> hti(ht.size());  // fragment index -> block index
7133   for (unsigned i=1; i<ht.size(); ++i) {
7134     if (ht[i].csize!=HT_BAD) {
7135       if (ht[i].csize>=0)
7136         job.block.push_back(Block(i, ht[i].csize));
7137       assert(job.block.size()>0);
7138       if (istest && all) ++job.block.back().size;
7139       hti[i]=job.block.size()-1;
7140       if (ht[i].usize<0 || ht[i].usize>(1<<30))
7141         job.block.back().streaming=true;
7142     }
7143   }
7145   // Make a list of files and the number of fragments to extract
7146   // from each block. If the file size is unknown, then mark
7147   // all blocks that it points to as streaming.
7149   total_size=0;  // total bytes to be extracted
7150   bytes_processed=0;  // total bytes extracted so far
7151   int total_files=0;
7152   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7153     if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date
7154         && p->second.written==0) {
7155       assert(p->second.dtv.size()>0);
7156       for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.back().ptr.size(); ++i) {
7157         unsigned j=p->second.dtv.back().ptr[i];
7158         if (j==0 || j>=ht.size() || ht[j].csize==HT_BAD) {
7159           printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), stderr);
7160           fprintf(stderr, ": bad frag IDs, skipping...\n");
7161           continue;
7162         }
7163         assert(j>0 && j<ht.size());
7164         assert(ht.size()==hti.size());
7165         int64_t c=-ht[j].csize;
7166         if (c<0) c=0;  // position of fragment in block
7167         j=hti[j];  // block index
7168         assert(j>=0 && j<job.block.size());
7169         if (job.block[j].size<=c) job.block[j].size=c+1;
7170         if (job.block[j].files.size()==0 || job.block[j].files.back()!=p)
7171           job.block[j].files.push_back(p);
7172         if (p->second.dtv.back().size<0) job.block[j].streaming=true;
7173       }
7174       total_size+=p->second.dtv.back().size;
7175       if (p->first!="" && p->first[size(p->first)-1]!='/') ++total_files;
7176     }
7177   }
7179   // Decompress archive in parallel
7180   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7181     fprintf(con, "%s %1.6f MB in %d files with %d jobs\n",
7182         (istest ? "Testing" : "Extracting"),
7183         total_size/1000000.0, total_files, threads);
7184   vector<ThreadID> tid(threads);
7185   for (int i=0; i<size(tid); ++i) run(tid[i], decompressThread, &job);
7187   // Decompress streaming files in a single thread
7188   Archive in;
7189   if (!in.open(archive.c_str(), password)) return 1;
7190   OutputFile out;
7191   DTMap::iterator p=dt.end();  // currently open output file (initially none)
7192   string lastfile=archive;  // default output file: drop .zpaq from archive
7193   if (lastfile.size()>5 && lastfile.substr(lastfile.size()-5)==".zpaq")
7194     lastfile=lastfile.substr(0, lastfile.size()-5);
7195   bool first=true;
7196   for (unsigned i=0; i<job.block.size(); ++i) {
7197     Block& b=job.block[i];
7198     if (b.size==0 || !b.streaming) continue;
7199     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET-1)
7200       fprintf(con, "main:  [%d..%d] block %d\n", b.start, b.start+b.size-1,
7201               i+1);
7202     try {
7203       libzpaq::Decompresser d;
7204       libzpaq::SHA1 sha1;
7205       d.setInput(&in);
7206       d.setSHA1(&sha1);
7207       if (out.isopen()) d.setOutput(&out);
7208       else d.setOutput(0);
7209       in.seek(b.offset, SEEK_SET);
7210       if (!d.findBlock()) error("findBlock failed");
7211       StringWriter filename;
7213       // decompress segments
7214       for (int j=0; d.findFilename(&filename); ++j) {
7215         d.readComment();
7217         // Named segment starts new file
7218         if (filename.s.size()>0 || first) {
7219           for (unsigned i=0; i<filename.s.size(); ++i)
7220             if (filename.s[i]=='\\') filename.s[i]='/';
7221           if (filename.s.size()>0) lastfile=filename.s;
7222           if (out.isopen()) {
7223             out.close();
7224             p=dt.end();
7225           }
7226           first=false;
7227           string newfile;
7228           p=dt.find(lastfile);
7229           if (p!=dt.end() && p->second.written==0) {  // todo
7230             newfile=rename(lastfile);
7231             if (!istest) makepath(newfile);
7232             if (istest || out.open(newfile.c_str())) {
7233               if (quiet<MAX_QUIET-1) {
7234                 if (istest) fprintf(con, "main: testing ");
7235                 else fprintf(con, "main: extracting ");
7236                 printUTF8(newfile.c_str(), con);
7237                 fprintf(con, "\n");
7238               }
7239               if (!istest) out.truncate(0);
7240             }
7241             if (out.isopen()) d.setOutput(&out);
7242             else {
7243               d.setOutput(0);
7244               if (!istest) p=dt.end();
7245             }
7246           }
7247         }
7248         filename.s="";
7250         // Decompress, verify checksum
7251         if (j<b.size) {
7252           d.decompress();
7253           char sha1out[21];
7254           d.readSegmentEnd(sha1out);
7255           if (!fragile && sha1out[0] && memcmp(sha1out+1, sha1.result(), 20))
7256             error("checksum error");
7257           else {
7258             assert(b.start+j<ht.size());
7259             lock(job.mutex);
7260             ht[b.start+j].csize=EXTRACTED;
7261             release(job.mutex);
7262             if (p!=dt.end()) ++p->second.written;
7263           }
7264         }
7265         else
7266           break;
7267       }
7268     }
7269     catch (std::exception& e) {
7270       fprintf(stderr, "main: skipping frags %u-%u at offset %1.0f: %s\n",
7271               b.start, b.start+b.size-1, double(in.tell()), e.what());
7272       continue;
7273     }
7274   }
7276   // Wait for threads to finish
7277   for (int i=0; i<size(tid); ++i) join(tid[i]);
7279   // Create empty directories and set directory dates and attributes
7280   if (!istest) {
7281     for (DTMap::reverse_iterator p=dt.rbegin(); p!=dt.rend(); ++p) {
7282       if (p->second.written==0 && p->first!=""
7283           && p->first[p->first.size()-1]=='/') {
7284         string s=rename(p->first);
7285         if (p->second.dtv.size())
7286           makepath(s, p->second.dtv.back().date, p->second.dtv.back().attr);
7287       }
7288     }
7289   }
7291   // Report failed extractions
7292   unsigned extracted=0, errors=0;
7293   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7294     string fn=rename(p->first);
7295     if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date
7296           && p->second.written>=0 && fn!="" && fn[fn.size()-1]!='/') {
7297       DTV& dtv=p->second.dtv.back();
7298       ++extracted;
7299       unsigned f=0;  // fragments extracted OK
7300       for (unsigned j=0; j<dtv.ptr.size(); ++j) {
7301         const unsigned k=dtv.ptr[j];
7302         if (k>0 && k<ht.size() && ht[k].csize==EXTRACTED) ++f;
7303       }
7304       if (f!=dtv.ptr.size() || f!=unsigned(p->second.written)) {
7305         if (++errors==1)
7306           fprintf(stderr,
7307           "\nFailed (extracted,written/total fragments, version, file):\n");
7308         fprintf(stderr, "%u,%u/%u %d ",
7309                 f, p->second.written, int(dtv.ptr.size()), dtv.version);
7310         printUTF8(fn.c_str(), stderr);
7311         fprintf(stderr, "\n");
7312       }
7313     }
7314   }
7315   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET || errors>0) {
7316     fprintf((errors>0 ? stderr : con),
7317         "\n%s %u of %u files OK (%u errors) using %1.3f MB x %d threads\n",
7318         (istest ? "Tested" : "Extracted"),
7319         extracted-errors, extracted, errors, job.maxMemory/1000000,
7320         size(tid));
7321   }
7322   return errors>0;
7323 }
7325 /////////////////////////////// list //////////////////////////////////
7327 // For counting files and sizes by -list -summary
7328 struct TOP {
7329   double csize;  // compressed size
7330   int64_t size;  // uncompressed size
7331   int count;     // number of files
TOPTOP7332   TOP(): csize(0), size(0), count(0) {}
incTOP7333   void inc(int64_t n) {size+=n; ++count;}
incTOP7334   void inc(DTMap::const_iterator p) {
7335     if (p->second.dtv.size()>0) {
7336       size+=p->second.dtv.back().size;
7337       csize+=p->second.dtv.back().csize;
7338       ++count;
7339     }
7340   }
7341 };
list_versions(int64_t csize)7343 void Jidac::list_versions(int64_t csize) {
7344   fprintf(con, "\n"
7345          "Ver Last frag Date      Time (UT) Files Deleted"
7346          "   Original MB  Compressed MB\n"
7347          "---- -------- ---------- -------- ------ ------ "
7348          "-------------- --------------\n");
7349   if (since<0) since+=size(ver);
7350   for (int i=since; i<size(ver); ++i) {
7351     int64_t osize=((i<size(ver)-1 ? ver[i+1].offset : csize)-ver[i].offset);
7352     if (i==0 && ver[i].updates==0
7353         && ver[i].deletes==0 && ver[i].date==0 && ver[i].usize==0)
7354       continue;
7355     fprintf(con, "%4d %8d %s %6d %6d %14.6f %14.6f\n", i,
7356       i<size(ver)-1 ? ver[i+1].firstFragment-1 : size(ht)-1,
7357       dateToString(ver[i].date).c_str(),
7358       ver[i].updates, ver[i].deletes, ver[i].usize/1000000.0,
7359       osize/1000000.0);
7360   }
7361 }
7363 // Return p<q for sorting files by decreasing size, then fragment ID list
compareFragmentList(DTMap::const_iterator p,DTMap::const_iterator q)7364 bool compareFragmentList(DTMap::const_iterator p, DTMap::const_iterator q) {
7365   if (q->second.dtv.size()==0) return false;
7366   if (p->second.dtv.size()==0) return true;
7367   int64_t d=p->second.dtv.back().size-q->second.dtv.back().size;
7368   if (d!=0) return d>0;
7369   if (p->second.dtv.back().ptr<q->second.dtv.back().ptr) return true;
7370   if (q->second.dtv.back().ptr<p->second.dtv.back().ptr) return false;
7371   return p->first<q->first;
7372 }
7374 // List contents
list()7375 void Jidac::list() {
7377   // Read archive, which may be "" for empty.
7378   int64_t csize=0;
7379   if (archive!="") {
7380     csize=read_archive();
7381     if (csize==0) exit(1);
7382   }
7384   // Summary. Show only the largest files and directories, sorted by size,
7385   // and block and fragment usage statistics.
7386   if (summary) {
7387     read_args(false);
7388     if (quiet>=MAX_QUIET) return;
7390     // Report biggest files, directories, and extensions
7391     fprintf(con,
7392       "\nRank      Size (MB) Ratio     Files File, Directory/, or .Type\n"
7393       "---- -------------- ------ --------- --------------------------\n");
7394     map<string, TOP> top;  // filename or dir -> total size and count
7395     vector<int> frag(ht.size());  // frag ID -> reference count
7396     int unknown_ref=0;  // count fragments and references with unknown size
7397     int unknown_size=0;
7398     for (DTMap::const_iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7399       if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date
7400           && p->second.written==0) {
7401         top[""].inc(p);
7402         top[p->first].inc(p);
7403         int ext=0;  // location of . in filename
7404         for (unsigned i=0; i<p->first.size(); ++i) {
7405           if (p->first[i]=='/') {
7406             top[p->first.substr(0, i+1)].inc(p);
7407             ext=0;
7408           }
7409           else if (p->first[i]=='.') ext=i;
7410         }
7411         if (ext)
7412           top[lowercase(p->first.substr(ext))].inc(p);
7413         else
7414           top["."].inc(p);
7415         for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.back().ptr.size(); ++i) {
7416           const unsigned j=p->second.dtv.back().ptr[i];
7417           if (j<frag.size()) {
7418             ++frag[j];
7419             if (ht[j].usize<0) ++unknown_ref;
7420           }
7421         }
7422       }
7423     }
7424     map<int64_t, vector<string> > st;
7425     for (map<string, TOP>::const_iterator p=top.begin();
7426          p!=top.end(); ++p)
7427       st[-p->second.size].push_back(p->first);
7428     int i=1;
7429     for (map<int64_t, vector<string> >::const_iterator p=st.begin();
7430          p!=st.end() && i<=summary; ++p) {
7431       for (unsigned j=0; i<=summary && j<p->second.size(); ++i, ++j) {
7432         fprintf(con, "%4d %14.6f %6.4f %9d ", i, (-p->first)/1000000.0,
7433                top[p->second[j].c_str()].csize/max(int64_t(1), -p->first),
7434                top[p->second[j].c_str()].count);
7435         printUTF8(p->second[j].c_str(), con);
7436         fprintf(con, "\n");
7437       }
7438     }
7440     // Report block and fragment usage statistics
7441     fprintf(con, "\nShares Fragments Deduplicated MB    Extracted MB\n"
7442              "------ --------- --------------- ---------------\n");
7443     map<unsigned, TOP> fr, frc; // refs -> deduplicated, extracted count, size
7444     if (since<0) since+=size(ver);
7445     if (since<1) since=1;
7446     if (since>=size(ver)) since=size(ver)-1;
7447     for (unsigned i=ver[since].firstFragment; i<frag.size(); ++i) {
7448       assert(i<ht.size());
7449       int j=frag[i];
7450       if (j>10) j=10;
7451       fr[j].inc(ht[i].usize);
7452       fr[-1].inc(ht[i].usize);
7453       frc[j].inc(int64_t(ht[i].usize)*frag[i]);
7454       frc[-1].inc(int64_t(ht[i].usize)*frag[i]);
7455       if (ht[i].usize<0) ++unknown_size;
7456     }
7457     for (map<unsigned, TOP>::const_iterator p=fr.begin(); p!=fr.end(); ++p) {
7458       if (int(p->first)==-1) fprintf(con, " Total ");
7459       else if (p->first==10) fprintf(con, "   10+ ");
7460       else fprintf(con, "%6u ", p->first);
7461       fprintf(con, "%9d %15.6f %15.6f\n", p->second.count,
7462         p->second.size/1000000.0, frc[p->first].size/1000000.0);
7463     }
7465     // Print versions
7466     list_versions(csize);
7468     // Report fragments with unknown size
7469     fprintf(con, "\n%d references to %d of %d fragments have unknown size.\n",
7470            unknown_ref, unknown_size, size(ht)-1);
7472     // Count blocks and used blocks
7473     int blocks=0, used=0, isused=0;
7474     for (unsigned i=1; i<ht.size(); ++i) {
7475       if (ht[i].csize>=0) {
7476         ++blocks;
7477         used+=isused;
7478         isused=0;
7479       }
7480       isused|=frag[i]>0;
7481     }
7482     used+=isused;
7483     const double usize=top[""].size;
7484     fprintf(con, "%d of %d blocks used.\nCompression %1.6f -> %1.6f MB",
7485            used, blocks, usize/1000000.0, csize/1000000.0);
7486     if (usize>0) fprintf(con, " (ratio %1.3f%%)", csize*100.0/usize);
7487     fprintf(con, "\n");
7488     return;
7489   }
7491   // Make list of files to list
7492   read_args(false, all);
7493   vector<DTMap::const_iterator> filelist;
7494   for (DTMap::const_iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p)
7495     if (p->second.written==0)
7496       filelist.push_back(p);
7497   if (duplicates)
7498     sort(filelist.begin(), filelist.end(), compareFragmentList);
7500   // Ordinary list
7501   int64_t usize=0;
7502   unsigned nfiles=0, shown=0;
7503   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7504     fprintf(con, "\n"
7505       " Ver  Date      Time (UT) %s        Size Ratio  File\n"
7506       "----- ---------- -------- %s------------ ------ ----\n",
7507       noattributes?"":"Attr   ", noattributes?"":"------ ");
7508   for (unsigned fi=0; fi<filelist.size(); ++fi) {
7509     DTMap::const_iterator p=filelist[fi];
7510     for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.size(); ++i) {
7511       if (p->second.dtv[i].version>=since && p->second.dtv[i].size>=quiet
7512           && (all || (i+1==p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv[i].date))) {
7513         if (duplicates && fi>0 && filelist[fi-1]->second.dtv.size()
7514             && p->second.dtv[i].ptr==filelist[fi-1]->second.dtv.back().ptr)
7515           fprintf(con, "=");
7516         else
7517           fprintf(con, ">");
7518         fprintf(con, "%4d ", p->second.dtv[i].version);
7519         if (p->second.dtv[i].date) {
7520           ++shown;
7521           usize+=p->second.dtv[i].size;
7522           double ratio=1.0;
7523           if (p->second.dtv[i].size>0)
7524             ratio=p->second.dtv[i].csize/p->second.dtv[i].size;
7525           if (ratio>9.9999) ratio=9.9999;
7526           fprintf(con, "%s %s%12.0f %6.4f ",
7527                  dateToString(p->second.dtv[i].date).c_str(),
7528                  noattributes ? "" :
7529                    (attrToString(p->second.dtv[i].attr)+" ").c_str(),
7530                  double(p->second.dtv[i].size), ratio);
7531         }
7532         else {
7533           fprintf(con, "%-40s", "Deleted");
7534           if (!noattributes) fprintf(con, "       ");
7535         }
7536         string s=rename(p->first);
7537         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
7538         if (s!=p->first) {
7539           fprintf(con, " -> ");
7540           printUTF8(s.c_str(), con);
7541         }
7542         fprintf(con, "\n");
7543       }
7544     }
7545     if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date) ++nfiles;
7546   }
7547   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
7548     fprintf(con, "%u of %u files shown. %1.0f -> %1.0f\n",
7549            shown, nfiles, double(usize), double(csize+dhsize-dcsize));
7550     if (dhsize!=dcsize)  // index?
7551       fprintf(con, "Note: %1.0f of %1.0f compressed bytes are in archive\n",
7552           dcsize+0.0, dhsize+0.0);
7553   }
7554   if (all) list_versions(csize);
7555 }
7557 /////////////////////////////// compare ///////////////////////////////
7559 // Compare archive with external files or archive and list differences.
7560 // Return 1 if differences are found, else 0.
compare()7561 int Jidac::compare() {
7562   int count=0, differences=0;
7564   // Compare -with another archive
7565   if (with!="") {
7566     if (size(with)<5 || with.substr(size(with)-5)!=".zpaq") with+=".zpaq";
7567     Jidac jidac(*this);
7568     if (archive!="") read_archive();
7569     jidac.read_archive(0, with.c_str());
7570     read_args(false);
7571     jidac.read_args(false);
7573     // test all files in first archive
7574     for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7575       if (p->second.written!=0) continue;
7576       if (p->second.dtv.size()<1) continue;
7577       DTV& dp=p->second.dtv.back();
7578       if (dp.date==0) continue;
7579       ++count;
7580       bool isequal=false;
7581       DTMap::iterator q=jidac.dt.find(rename(p->first));
7582       if (q!=jidac.dt.end() && q->second.dtv.size()>0
7583           && q->second.dtv.back().date>0) {  // exists in both archives
7584         DTV& dq=q->second.dtv.back();
7585         isequal=(!all || dp.date==dq.date)
7586             && dp.size==dq.size
7587             && (!all || noattributes || dp.attr==dq.attr)
7588             && dp.ptr.size()==dq.ptr.size();
7589         for (unsigned i=0; isequal && i<dp.ptr.size(); ++i) {
7590           if (dp.ptr[i]<1 || dp.ptr[i]>ht.size())
7591             error("bad ptr in first archive");
7592           if (dq.ptr[i]<1 || dq.ptr[i]>jidac.ht.size())
7593             error("bad ptr in second archive");
7594           if (ht[dp.ptr[i]].usize!=jidac.ht[dq.ptr[i]].usize)
7595             isequal=false;
7596           else if (memcmp(ht[dp.ptr[i]].sha1, jidac.ht[dq.ptr[i]].sha1, 20))
7597             isequal=false;
7598         }
7599         if (!isequal && (dp.size>=quiet || dq.size>=quiet)) {
7600           fprintf(con, "< %s %s%12.0f ",
7601               dateToString(dq.date).c_str(),
7602               noattributes ? "" : (attrToString(dq.attr)+" ").c_str(),
7603               double(dq.size));
7604           printUTF8(rename(q->first).c_str(), con);
7605           fprintf(con, "\n");
7606         }
7607       }
7608       if (!isequal) ++differences;
7609       if (!isequal && dp.size>=quiet) {
7610         fprintf(con, "> %s %s%12.0f ",
7611             dateToString(dp.date).c_str(),
7612             noattributes ? "" : (attrToString(dp.attr)+" ").c_str(),
7613             double(dp.size));
7614         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
7615         fprintf(con, "\n");
7616       }
7617     }
7619     // list files in second archive but not the first
7620     for (DTMap::iterator p=jidac.dt.begin(); p!=jidac.dt.end(); ++p) {
7621       if (p->second.written!=0) continue;
7622       if (p->second.dtv.size()<1) continue;
7623       if (p->second.dtv.back().date==0) continue;
7624       DTMap::iterator q=dt.find(unrename(p->first));
7625       if (q==dt.end() || q->second.dtv.size()==0
7626           || q->second.written!=0 || q->second.dtv.back().date==0) {
7627         ++count;
7628         ++differences;
7629         DTV& dp=p->second.dtv.back();
7630         if (dp.size>=quiet) {
7631           fprintf(con, "< %s %s%12.0f ",
7632               dateToString(dp.date).c_str(),
7633               noattributes ? "" : (attrToString(dp.attr)+" ").c_str(),
7634               double(dp.size));
7635           printUTF8(rename(p->first).c_str(), con);
7636           fprintf(con, "\n");
7637         }
7638       }
7639     }
7640     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7641       fprintf(con, "%d of %d files differ\n", differences, count);
7642     return differences>0;
7643   }
7645   // Compare with external files
7646   if (archive!="") read_archive();
7647   read_args(true);
7648   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7649     if (p->second.written!=0) continue;
7650     bool isequal=p->second.edate!=0 && p->second.dtv.size()>0
7651         && p->second.dtv.back().date!=0;  // both files exist?
7652     if (all && isequal)
7653       isequal=p->second.edate==p->second.dtv.back().date;  // same date?
7654     if (all && isequal && (p->second.eattr&255) // attributes present,
7655         && (p->second.dtv.back().attr&255)      // same OS, and different?
7656         && ((p->second.eattr^p->second.dtv.back().attr)&255)==0)
7657       isequal=p->second.eattr==p->second.dtv.back().attr;
7658     if (isequal)
7659       isequal=equal(p);  // same contents
7660     ++count;
7661     if (!isequal) ++differences;
7662     if (!isequal && (p->second.esize>=quiet
7663         || (p->second.dtv.size()>0 && p->second.dtv.back().size>=quiet))) {
7664       if (p->second.dtv.size()>0 && p->second.dtv.back().date) {
7665         fprintf(con, "> %s %s%12.0f ",
7666             dateToString(p->second.dtv.back().date).c_str(),
7667             noattributes ? "" :
7668               (attrToString(p->second.dtv.back().attr)+" ").c_str(),
7669             double(p->second.dtv.back().size));
7670         printUTF8(p->first.c_str(), con);
7671         fprintf(con, "\n");
7672       }
7673       if (p->second.edate) {
7674         fprintf(con, "< %s %s%12.0f ",
7675             dateToString(p->second.edate).c_str(),
7676             noattributes ? "" :
7677               (attrToString(p->second.eattr)+" ").c_str(),
7678             double(p->second.esize));
7679         printUTF8(rename(p->first).c_str(), con);
7680         fprintf(con, "\n");
7681       }
7682     }
7683   }
7684   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7685     fprintf(con, "%d of %d files differ\n", differences, count);
7686   return differences>0;
7687 }
7689 /////////////////////////////// purge /////////////////////////////////
7691 // Block list element
7692 struct BL {
7693   int64_t start;  // archive offset
7694   int64_t end;    // last byte + 1
7695   unsigned used;  // number of references
7696   unsigned firstFragment;
7697   bool streaming; // not journaling?
BLBL7698   BL(): start(-1), end(-1), used(0), firstFragment(0), streaming(true) {}
7699 };
7701 // Find filename in ZPAQ segment header of form "jDC<date>d<num>"
7702 // and substitute date (14 digits) and num (10 digits). Assume that
7703 // s[0..n-1] is the start of a ZPAQ block with or without a tag.
7704 // Return 0 if successful else error code > 0
setFilename(char * s,int n,int64_t date,unsigned num)7705 int setFilename(char* s, int n, int64_t date, unsigned num) {
7706   if (!s) return 1;
7707   if (*s=='7' && n>13) s+=13, n-=13;  // skip tag
7708   if (n<7) return 2;
7709   if (s[0]!='z') return 3;
7710   if (s[1]!='P') return 4;
7711   if (s[2]!='Q') return 5;
7712   int hsize=(s[5]&255)+(s[6]&255)*256+7;
7713   s+=hsize, n-=hsize;
7714   if (n<30) return 6;
7715   if (s[0]!=1) return 7;
7716   if (s[1]!='j') return 8;
7717   if (s[2]!='D') return 9;
7718   if (s[3]!='C') return 10;
7719   if (s[29]!=0) return 11;
7720   string sd=itos(date, 14)+s[18]+itos(num, 10);
7721   memcpy(s+4, sd.c_str(), 25);
7722   return 0;
7723 }
7725 // Copy current version only to first tofiles.zpaq.
7726 //  If tofiles[0] is "" then check for errors but discard output.
purge()7727 void Jidac::purge() {
7729   // Check -to option
7730   Archive in, out;
7731   Counter counter;
7732   libzpaq::Writer* outp=&out;
7733   if (size(tofiles)!=1) error("Missing: -to new_archive");
7734   string output=tofiles[0];
7735   if (output=="")
7736     outp=&counter;
7737   else if (size(output)<5 || output.substr(output.size()-5)!=".zpaq")
7738     output+=".zpaq";
7739   for (int i=0; i<size(output); ++i)
7740     if (output[i]=='?' || output[i]=='*')
7741       error("Output archive cannot be multi-part");
7742   if (output==archive)
7743     error("Cannot purge to self");
7744   else if (!force && exists(output, 1))
7745     error("Output archive already exists");
7747   // Copy only, possibly with concatenation or a different key
7748   if (all) {
7749     if (!in.open(archive.c_str(), password, 'r'))
7750       error("archive not found");
7751     if (!out.open(output.c_str(), new_password, 'w', 0))
7752       error("cannot create output archive");
7753     int n;
7754     char buf[1<<14];
7755     while ((n=in.read(buf, 1<<14))>0)
7756       out.write(buf, n);
7757     if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
7758       printUTF8(archive.c_str(), con);
7759       fprintf(con, " %1.0f -> ", in.tell()+0.0);
7760       printUTF8(output.c_str(), con);
7761       fprintf(con, " %1.0f\n", out.tell()+0.0);
7762     }
7763     out.close();
7764     in.close();
7765     return;
7766   }
7768   // Read archive to purge
7769   int errors=0;
7770   const int64_t archive_size=read_archive(&errors);
7771   if (archive_size==0) return;
7772   if (errors) error("cannot purge archive with errors");
7774   // Make a list of data blocks. Each block ends at the start of the
7775   // next block or at end of archive.
7776   vector<BL> blist(1);  // first element unused
7777   for (unsigned i=1; i<ht.size(); ++i) {
7778     if (ht[i].csize>=0 && ht[i].csize!=HT_BAD) {
7779       BL bl;
7780       blist.back().end=bl.start=ht[i].csize;
7781       bl.end=archive_size;
7782       bl.firstFragment=i;
7783       blist.push_back(bl);
7784     }
7785   }
7787   // Chop blocks if a version header or index starts in the middle of it.
7788   // Mark blocks between the header and index as not streaming.
7789   for (unsigned i=1; i<ver.size(); ++i) {
7790     if (ver[i].csize>=0) {  // header and index exists?
7791       for (unsigned j=1; j<blist.size(); ++j) {
7792         if (ver[i].offset>blist[j].start && ver[i].offset<blist[j].end)
7793           blist[j].end=ver[i].offset;
7794         if (ver[i].firstFragment>=1 && ver[i].firstFragment<ht.size()
7795             && ht[ver[i].firstFragment].csize>=0) {
7796           int64_t end=ht[ver[i].firstFragment].csize+ver[i].csize;
7797           if (end>blist[j].start && end<blist[j].end)
7798             blist[j].end=end;
7799           if (blist[j].start>ver[i].offset && blist[j].end<=end)
7800             blist[j].streaming=false;
7801         }
7802       }
7803     }
7804   }
7806   // Test that blocks are sorted, have non-negative start and size,
7807   // don't overlap, and are not streaming. Build index bx.
7808   map<int64_t, unsigned> bx;  // block start -> block number
7809   for (unsigned i=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7810     if (blist[i].start<0)
7811       error("negative block start");
7812     if (blist[i].end<blist[i].start)
7813       error("negative block size");
7814     if (i>0 && blist[i].start<blist[i-1].end)
7815       error("unsorted block list");
7816     if (blist[i].streaming)
7817       error("cannot purge archive with streaming data");
7818     bx[blist[i].start]=i;
7819   }
7821   // Mark used blocks if referenced by files in current version.
7822   for (DTMap::iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end(); ++p) {
7823     if (p->second.dtv.size() && p->second.dtv.back().date) {
7824       for (unsigned i=0; i<p->second.dtv.back().ptr.size(); ++i) {
7825         unsigned j=p->second.dtv.back().ptr[i];
7826         if (j==0 || j>=ht.size() || ht[j].csize==HT_BAD)
7827           error("bad fragment pointer");
7828         if (ht[j].csize<0) j+=ht[j].csize;  // start of block
7829         if (j<1 || j>=ht.size() || ht[j].csize==HT_BAD)
7830           error("bad fragment offset");
7831         j=bx[ht[j].csize];  // block number
7832         if (j<1 || j>=blist.size()) error("missing block");
7833         ++blist[j].used;
7834       }
7835     }
7836   }
7838   // Pack fragment ids to remove gaps
7839   vector<unsigned> fmap(ht.size());  // old -> new fragment id
7840   for (unsigned i=1, k=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7841     for (unsigned j=blist[i].firstFragment;
7842          j<ht.size() && (i+1>=blist.size() || j<blist[i+1].firstFragment);
7843          ++j) {
7844       if (blist[i].used && ht[j].csize!=HT_BAD)
7845         fmap[j]=k++;
7846     }
7847   }
7849   // Prepare temp header
7850   StringBuffer hdr;
7851   writeJidacHeader(&hdr, date, -1, 1);
7853   // Report space saved
7854   int64_t deleted_bytes=0;
7855   unsigned deleted_blocks=0;
7856   for (unsigned i=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7857     if (!blist[i].used) {
7858       deleted_bytes+=blist[i].end-blist[i].start;
7859       ++deleted_blocks;
7860     }
7861   }
7862   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7863     fprintf(con, "%1.0f bytes in %u blocks will be purged\n",
7864         double(deleted_bytes), deleted_blocks);
7866   // Open input
7867   if (!in.open(archive.c_str(), password, 'r')) return;
7869   // Test blocks. They should start with "7kS" or "zPQ" and end with 0xff.
7870   for (unsigned i=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7871     in.seek(blist[i].start, SEEK_SET);
7872     int c1=in.get();
7873     int c2=in.get();
7874     int c3=in.get();
7875     if ((c1!='7' || c2!='k' || c3!='S') && (c1!='z' || c2!='P' || c3!='Q'))
7876       error("bad block start");
7877     in.seek(blist[i].end-1, SEEK_SET);
7878     c1=in.get();
7879     if (c1!=255) error("bad block end");
7880   }
7881   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7882     fprintf(con, "%d block locations test OK\n", size(blist)-1);
7884   // Open output.zpaq for output
7885   assert(size(tofiles)==1);
7886   if (output!="") {
7887     if (!out.open(output.c_str(), new_password, 'w', 0))
7888       error("Archive open failed");
7889   }
7891   // Write temporary header
7892   outp->write(hdr.c_str(), hdr.size());
7894   // Copy referenced data blocks
7895   const int N=1<<17;
7896   libzpaq::Array<char> buf(N);
7897   const int64_t cdatastart=out.tell();
7898   for (unsigned i=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7899     if (blist[i].used) {
7900       in.seek(blist[i].start, SEEK_SET);
7901       int n=0;
7902       bool first=true;
7903       for (int64_t j=blist[i].start; j<=blist[i].end; ++j) {
7904         if (n==N || (n>0 && j==blist[i].end)) {
7905           if (first) {
7906             unsigned f=blist[i].firstFragment;
7907             if (f<1 || f>=fmap.size())
7908               error("blist[i].firstFragment out of range");
7909             f=fmap[f];
7910             if (f<1) error("unmapped firstFragment");
7911             if (setFilename(&buf[0],n, date, f))
7912               error("d block filename update failed");
7913             first=false;
7914           }
7915           outp->write(&buf[0], n);
7916           n=0;
7917         }
7918         assert(n<N);
7919         if (j<blist[i].end) {
7920           int c=in.get();
7921           if (c==EOF) error("unexpected EOF");
7922           buf[n++]=c;
7923         }
7924       }
7925     }
7926   }
7927   in.close();
7928   const int64_t cdatasize=out.tell()-cdatastart;
7930   // Write fragment tables
7931   StringBuffer is;
7932   for (unsigned i=1; i<blist.size(); ++i) {
7933     unsigned j=blist[i].firstFragment;
7934     assert(j>0 && j<ht.size() && ht[j].csize!=HT_BAD);
7935     assert(is.size()==0);
7936     if (blist[i].used) {
7937       is+=itob(blist[i].end-blist[i].start);
7938       for (unsigned k=j; k<ht.size() && (k==j || j-ht[k].csize==k); ++k)
7939         is+=string(ht[k].sha1, ht[k].sha1+20)+itob(ht[k].usize);
7940       assert(fmap[j]>0);
7941       compressBlock(&is, outp, "0",
7942           ("jDC"+itos(date, 14)+"h"+itos(fmap[j], 10)).c_str());
7943     }
7944   }
7946   // Append compressed index to archive
7947   int dtcount=0;
7948   assert(is.size()==0);
7949   for (DTMap::const_iterator p=dt.begin(); p!=dt.end();) {
7950     if (p->second.dtv.size()>0 && p->second.dtv.back().date) {
7951       const DTV& dtr=p->second.dtv.back();
7952       is+=ltob(dtr.date)+p->first+'\0';
7953       if ((dtr.attr&255)=='u') {  // unix attributes
7954         is+=itob(3);
7955         is.put('u');
7956         is.put(dtr.attr>>8&255);
7957         is.put(dtr.attr>>16&255);
7958       }
7959       else if ((dtr.attr&255)=='w') {  // windows attributes
7960         is+=itob(5);
7961         is.put('w');
7962         is+=itob(dtr.attr>>8);
7963       }
7964       else is+=itob(0);
7965       is+=itob(size(dtr.ptr));  // list of frag pointers
7966       for (int i=0; i<size(dtr.ptr); ++i) {
7967         unsigned j=dtr.ptr[i];
7968         if (j<1 || j>=fmap.size()) error("bad unmapped frag pointer");
7969         j=fmap[j];
7970         if (j<1 || j>=fmap.size()) error("bad mapped frag pointer");
7971         is+=itob(j);
7972       }
7973     }
7974     ++p;
7975     if (is.size()>16000 || (is.size()>0 && p==dt.end())) {
7976       compressBlock(&is, outp, "1",
7977                     ("jDC"+itos(date)+"i"+itos(++dtcount, 10)).c_str());
7978       assert(is.size()==0);
7979     }
7980     if (p==dt.end()) break;
7981   }
7983   // Complete the update
7984   int64_t new_archive_size=0;
7985   if (outp==&out) {
7986     new_archive_size=out.tell();
7987     out.seek(32*(new_password!=0), SEEK_SET);
7988     writeJidacHeader(&out, date, cdatasize, 1);
7989     if (out.tell()!=size(hdr)+32*(new_password!=0))
7990       error("output header wrong size");
7991     out.close();
7992   }
7993   else
7994     new_archive_size=counter.pos;
7995   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET)
7996     fprintf(con, "%1.0f -> %1.0f\n",
7997         double(archive_size), double(new_archive_size));
7998 }
8000 /////////////////////////////// main //////////////////////////////////
8002 // Convert argv to UTF-8 and replace \ with /
8003 #ifdef unix
main(int argc,const char ** argv)8004 int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
8005 #else
8006 #ifdef _MSC_VER
8007 int wmain(int argc, LPWSTR* argw) {
8008 #else
8009 int main() {
8010   int argc=0;
8011   LPWSTR* argw=CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &argc);
8012 #endif
8013   vector<string> args(argc);
8014   libzpaq::Array<const char*> argp(argc);
8015   for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i) {
8016     args[i]=wtou(argw[i]);
8017     argp[i]=args[i].c_str();
8018   }
8019   const char** argv=&argp[0];
8020 #endif
8022   global_start=mtime();  // get start time
8023   int errorcode=0;
8024   try {
8025     Jidac jidac;
8026     errorcode=jidac.doCommand(argc, argv);
8027   }
8028   catch (std::exception& e) {
8029     fprintf(stderr, "zpaq exiting from main: %s\n", e.what());
8030     errorcode=1;
8031   }
8032   if (quiet<MAX_QUIET) {
8033     fprintf(con, "%1.3f seconds", (mtime()-global_start)/1000.0);
8034     if (errorcode) fprintf(con, " (with errors)\n");
8035     else fprintf(con, " (all OK)\n");
8036   }
8037   return errorcode;
8038 }