1# PBSmapping utilities
3SpatialPolygons2PolySet <- function(SpP) {
4	# require(PBSmapping)
5    if (!requireNamespace("PBSmapping", quietly = TRUE))
6		stop("package PBSmapping required for SpatialPolygons2PolySet")
7	pls <- slot(SpP, "polygons")
8	n <- length(pls)
10	SID <- NULL
11	POS <- NULL
12	X <- NULL
13	Y <- NULL
14	for (i in 1:n) {
15		srs <- slot(pls[[i]], "Polygons")
16		m <- length(srs)
17		for (j in 1:m) {
18			crds <- slot(srs[[j]], "coords")
19			k <- nrow(crds)
20			PID <- c(PID, rep(i, k))
21			SID <- c(SID, rep(j, k))
22#			POS <- c(POS, 1:k)
23# Daniel Rodolphe Schlaepfer 140806
24			if(slot(srs[[j]], "hole")) POS <- c(POS, k:1)
25			else POS <- c(POS, 1:k)
26			X <- c(X, crds[,1])
27			Y <- c(Y, crds[,2])
28		}
29	}
30	PID <- as.integer(PID)
31	SID <- as.integer(SID)
32	POS <- as.integer(POS)
33        storage.mode(X) <- "double"
34        storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
35	pj <- .pbsproj(SpP)
36	zn <- NULL
37	if (pj == "UTM") {
38		zn <- attr(pj, "zone")
39		attr(pj, "zone") <- NULL
40	}
41	res <- PBSmapping::as.PolySet(data.frame(PID=PID, SID=SID, POS=POS,
42		X=X, Y=Y), projection=pj, zone=zn)
43	res
46SpatialLines2PolySet <- function(SL) {
47#	require(maps)
48	pls <- slot(SL, "lines")
49	n <- length(pls)
50	PID <- NULL
51	SID <- NULL
52	POS <- NULL
53	X <- NULL
54	Y <- NULL
55	for (i in 1:n) {
56		srs <- slot(pls[[i]], "Lines")
57		m <- length(srs)
58		for (j in 1:m) {
59			crds <- coordinates(srs[[j]])
60			k <- nrow(crds)
61			PID <- c(PID, rep(i, k))
62			SID <- c(SID, rep(j, k))
63			POS <- c(POS, 1:k)
64			X <- c(X, crds[,1])
65			Y <- c(Y, crds[,2])
66		}
67	}
68	PID <- as.integer(PID)
69	SID <- as.integer(SID)
70	POS <- as.integer(POS)
71        storage.mode(X) <- "double"
72        storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
73	# require(PBSmapping)
74    if (!requireNamespace("PBSmapping", quietly = TRUE))
75		stop("package PBSmapping required for SpatialPolygons2PolySet")
76	pj <- .pbsproj(SL)
77	zn <- NULL
78	if (pj == "UTM") {
79		zn <- attr(pj, "zone")
80		attr(pj, "zone") <- NULL
81	}
82	res <- PBSmapping::as.PolySet(data.frame(PID=PID, SID=SID, POS=POS,
83		X=X, Y=Y), projection=pj, zone=zn)
84	res
87.pbsproj <- function(Sobj) {
88	p4str <- proj4string(Sobj)
89	if (is.na(p4str)) return("1")
90	res <- grep("longlat", p4str, fixed=TRUE)
91	if (length(res) > 0L) return("LL")
92	res <- regexpr("utm", p4str, fixed=TRUE)
93	if (res > 0) {
94		val <- "UTM"
95		res <- regexpr("+zone=", p4str, fixed=TRUE)
96		sres <- substring(p4str, res+attr(res, "match.length"))
97		zn0 <- regexpr("[[:digit:]]+", sres)
98		attr(val, "zone") <- as.integer(substring(sres, zn0,
99			zn0+attr(zn0, "match.length")))
100	} else val <- "1"
101	val
104PolySet2SpatialPolygons <- function(PS, close_polys=TRUE) {
105    if (!inherits(PS, "PolySet")) stop("not a PolySet object")
106    prj <- attr(PS, "projection")
107    if (is.null(prj)) stop("unknown coordinate reference system")
108    if (prj == "LL") p4s <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"
109    else if (prj == "UTM") {
110# apparent change in PBS object attributes
111        zn <- attr(prj, "zone")
112        if (is.null(zn)) zn <- attr(PS, "zone")
113        if (is.null(zn)) stop("no valid zone attribute")
114	p4s <- paste("+proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=", zn, sep="")
115    } else {
116       p4s <- as.character(NA)
117       warning("unknown coordinate reference system")
118    }
119# stop("unknown coordinate reference system") 110310
120    hasPID <- "PID" %in% names(PS)
121    if (!hasPID) stop("object does not have PID column")
122    res0 <- split(PS, PS$PID)
123    hasSID <- "SID" %in% names(PS)
124    outPolygons <- vector(mode="list", length=length(res0))
125    if (hasSID) {
126        res1 <- lapply(res0, function(x) split(x, x$SID))
127        if (close_polys) res1 <- lapply(res1,
128            function(i) lapply(i, function(x) {
129                n <- nrow(x)
130                if (!isTRUE(identical(x$X[1], x$X[n])) ||
131                    !isTRUE(identical(x$Y[1], x$Y[n]))) rbind(x, x[1,])
132                else x
133            })
134        )
135# extra level added to fix bug found by A Lobos 080413
136        for (i in seq(along=outPolygons)) {
137            outPolygons[[i]] <- Polygons(lapply(res1[[i]], function(x)
138                Polygon(cbind(x$X, x$Y))), ID=names(res1)[i])
139        }
140# PIDs added as IDs 080413
141    } else {
142        if (close_polys) res0 <- lapply(res0, function(x) {
143            n <- nrow(x)
144            if (!isTRUE(identical(x$X[1], x$X[n])) ||
145                !isTRUE(identical(x$Y[1], x$Y[n]))) rbind(x, x[1,])
146            else x
147        })
148        for (i in seq(along=outPolygons)) {
149            outPolygons[[i]] <- Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(res0[[i]]$X,
150                res0[[i]]$Y))), ID=as.character(i))
151        }
152    }
153    outSP <- SpatialPolygons(outPolygons, proj4string=CRS(p4s))
154    outSP
157PolySet2SpatialLines <- function(PS) {
158    if (!inherits(PS, "PolySet")) stop("not a PolySet object")
159    prj <- attr(PS, "projection")
160    prj <- attr(PS, "projection")
161    if (is.null(prj)) stop("unknown coordinate reference system")
162    if (prj == "LL") p4s <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"
163    else if (prj == "UTM") {
164# apparent change in PBS object attributes
165        zn <- attr(prj, "zone")
166        if (is.null(zn)) zn <- attr(PS, "zone")
167        if (is.null(zn)) stop("no valid zone attribute")
168	p4s <- paste("+proj=utm +ellps=WGS84 +zone=", zn, sep="")
169    } else {
170       p4s <- as.character(NA)
171       warning("unknown coordinate reference system")
172    }
173# stop("unknown coordinate reference system") 110310
174    hasPID <- "PID" %in% names(PS)
175    if (!hasPID) stop("object does not have PID column")
176    res0 <- split(PS, PS$PID)
177    hasSID <- "SID" %in% names(PS)
178    outLines <- vector(mode="list", length=length(res0))
179    if (hasSID) {
180        res1 <- lapply(res0, function(x) split(x, x$SID))
181        for (i in seq(along=outLines)) {
182            outLines[[i]] <- Lines(lapply(res1[[i]], function(x)
183                Line(cbind(x$X, x$Y))), ID=as.character(i))
184        }
185    } else {
186        for (i in seq(along=outLines)) {
187            outLines[[i]] <- Lines(lapply(res0[[i]], function(x)
188                Line(cbind(res0[[i]]$X, res0[[i]]$Y))), ID=as.character(i))
189        }
190    }
191    outSP <- SpatialLines(outLines, proj4string=CRS(p4s))
192    outSP