1# celestial_mechanics.py
2#   celestial mechanics utilities for exoplanet ephemerides
4# intellectual property:
5#   Copyright 2009 David W. Hogg.  All rights reserved.
6#   Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
8# comments:
9#   - Written for clarity, not speed.  The code is intended to be human-
10#     readable.
12# bugs:
13#   - Need to make Fourier expansion functions.
14#    - What to do if e is close to 1.0 in eccentric_anomaly
16from __future__ import print_function
18from math import pi
19import unittest
20import sys
22import numpy
23import numpy as np
24from numpy import *
25from scipy.special import jn
26import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
28from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import *
30ihat = array([1.,0.,0.])
31jhat = array([0.,1.,0.])
32khat = array([0.,0.,1.])
33default_tolerance = 1e-15 # (radians) don't set to zero or less
34default_maximum_iteration = 1000 # should never hit this limit!
35default_order = 32
36default_K = 1.0
38(Equinox, Solstice, EclipticPole) = ecliptic_basis()
40c_au_per_yr = 63239.6717 # google says
42#GM_sun = 2.9591310798672560E-04 #AU^3/d^2
43# Google says mass of the sun * G = 39.4775743 (au^3) / (yr^2)
44GM_sun = 39.4775743 # AU^3 / yr^2
46def norm1d(x):
47    assert(len(x.shape) == 1)
48    return np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2))
50def deg2rad(x):
51    return x * pi/180.
52    #return radians(x)
54def orbital_elements_to_ss_xyz(E, observer=None, light_travel=True):
55    (a,e,i,Omega,pomega,M,GM) = E
56    # ugh, it's hard to be units-agnostic.
57    # we just assert here so we have to think about this!
58    # This means:
59    #  distances in AU
60    #  angles in radians
61    #  times in years
62    assert(GM == GM_sun)
63    if light_travel:
64        assert(observer is not None)
65        # orbital angular velocity  [radians/yr]
66        meanfrequency = np.sqrt(GM / a**3)
67    # Correct for light-time delay.
68    # dM: [radians]
69    dM = 0.
70    lastdM = dM
71    dx = None
72    for ii in range(100):
73        (x,v) = phase_space_coordinates_from_orbital_elements(
74            a,e,i,Omega,pomega,M-dM,GM)
75        if not light_travel:
76            if observer is not None:
77                dx = x - observer
78            break
79        dx = x - observer
80        # light-travel distance [AU]
81        r = norm1d(dx)
82        # light-travel time [yr]
83        travel = r / c_au_per_yr
84        #print 'light-travel time:', travel, 'yr, or', travel*365.25, 'd'
85        # light travel in angular periods [radians]
86        dM = travel * meanfrequency
87        if abs(lastdM - dM) < 1e-12:
88            break
89        lastdM = dM
90    if ii == 99:
91        print('Warning: orbital_elements_to_ss_xyz: niters', ii)
92    return x,dx
94def orbital_elements_to_xyz(E, observer, light_travel=True, normalize=True):
95    (x,dx) = orbital_elements_to_ss_xyz(E, observer, light_travel)
96    if normalize:
97        dx /= norm1d(dx)
98    edx = dx[0] * Equinox + dx[1] * Solstice + dx[2] * EclipticPole
99    return edx
101# E = (a,e,i,Omega,pomega,M, GM)
102# observer = 3-vector
103# light_travel: correct for light travel time?
104# Returns RA,Dec in degrees.
105def orbital_elements_to_radec(E, observer, light_travel=True):
106    xyz = orbital_elements_to_xyz(E, observer, light_travel)
107    return xyztoradec(xyz)
109# convert orbital elements into vectors in the plane of the orbit.
110def orbital_vectors_from_orbital_elements(i, Omega, pomega):
111    ascendingnodevector = np.cos(Omega) * ihat + np.sin(Omega) * jhat
112    tmpydir= np.cross(khat, ascendingnodevector)
113    zhat= np.cos(i) * khat - np.sin(i) * tmpydir
114    tmpydir= np.cross(zhat, ascendingnodevector)
115    xhat= np.cos(pomega) * ascendingnodevector + np.sin(pomega) * tmpydir
116    yhat = np.cross(zhat, xhat)
117    return (xhat, yhat, zhat)
119def position_from_orbital_vectors(xhat, yhat, a, e, M):
120    E = eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, e)
121    cosE = np.cos(E)
122    sinE = np.sin(E)
123    b = a*np.sqrt(1. - e**2)
124    x =  a * (cosE - e)  * xhat + b * sinE        * yhat
125    return x
127# convert orbital elements to phase-space coordinates
128#  a       - semi-major axis (length units)
129#  e       - eccentricity
130#  i       - inclination (rad)
131#  Omega   - longitude of ascending node (rad)
132#  pomega  - argument of periapsis (rad)
133#  M       - mean anomaly (rad)
134#  GM      - Newton's constant times central mass (length units cubed over time units squared)
135#  return  - (x,v)
136#            position, velocity (length units, length units per time unit)
137def phase_space_coordinates_from_orbital_elements(a, e, i, Omega, pomega, M, GM):
138    (xhat, yhat, zhat) = orbital_vectors_from_orbital_elements(i, Omega, pomega)
139    # [radians/yr]
140    dMdt = np.sqrt(GM / a**3)
141    E = eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, e)
142    cosE = np.cos(E)
143    sinE = np.sin(E)
144    # [radians/yr]
145    dEdt = 1.0 / (1.0 - e * cosE) * dMdt
146    # [AU]
147    b = a*np.sqrt(1. - e**2)
148    x =  a * (cosE - e)  * xhat + b * sinE        * yhat
149    # [AU/yr]
150    v = -a * sinE * dEdt * xhat + b * cosE * dEdt * yhat
151    return (x, v)
153class UnboundOrbitError(ValueError):
154    pass
156def potential_energy_from_position(x, GM):
157    return -1. * GM / norm1d(x)
159def energy_from_phase_space_coordinates(x, v, GM):
160    return 0.5 * np.dot(v, v) + potential_energy_from_position(x, GM)
162# convert phase-space coordinates to orbital elements
163#  x       - position (3-vector, length units)
164#  v       - velocity (3-vector, length units per time unit)
165#  GM      - Newton's constant times central mass (length units cubed over time units squared)
166#  return  - (a, e, i, Omega, pomega, M)
167#          - see "phase_space_coordinates" for definitions
168def orbital_elements_from_phase_space_coordinates(x, v, GM):
169    energy = energy_from_phase_space_coordinates(x, v, GM)
170    if energy > 0:
171        raise UnboundOrbitError('orbital_elements_from_phase_space_coordinates: Unbound orbit')
173    angmom = np.cross(x, v)
174    zhat = angmom / norm1d(angmom)
175    evec = np.cross(v, angmom) / GM - x / norm1d(x)
176    e = norm1d(evec)
177    if e == 0:
178        # by convention:
179        xhat = np.cross(jhat, zhat)
180        xhat /= norm1d(xhat)
181    else:
182        xhat = evec / e
183    yhat = np.cross(zhat, xhat)
184    a = -0.5 * GM / energy
185    i = np.arccos(angmom[2] / norm1d(angmom))
186    if i == 0:
187        Omega = 0.0
188    else:
189        Omega = np.arctan2(angmom[1], angmom[0]) + 0.5 * pi
190        if Omega < 0:
191            Omega += 2.*pi
192        if i < 0:
193            i *= -1.
194            Omega += pi
195    cosOmega = cos(Omega)
196    sinOmega = sin(Omega)
197    if e == 0:
198        pomega = 0. - Omega
199    else:
200        pomega = np.arccos(min(1.0, (evec[0] * cosOmega + evec[1] * sinOmega) / e))
201    horriblescalar = ( sinOmega * evec[2] * angmom[0]
202             - cosOmega * evec[2] * angmom[1]
203             + cosOmega * evec[1] * angmom[2]
204             - sinOmega * evec[0] * angmom[2])
205    if horriblescalar < 0.:
206        pomega = 2.0 * pi - pomega
207    if pomega < 0.0:
208        pomega += 2.0 * pi
209    if pomega > 2.0 * pi:
210        pomega -= 2.0 * pi
211    f = np.arctan2(np.dot(yhat, x), np.dot(xhat, x))
212    M = mean_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e)
213    if M < 0:
214        M += 2.*pi
215    return (a, e, i, Omega, pomega, M)
217# convert eccentric anomaly to mean anomaly
218#  E       - eccentric anomaly (radians)
219#  e       - eccentricity
220#  return  - mean anomaly (radians)
221def mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e):
222    return (E - e * np.sin(E))
224def mean_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e):
225    return mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(eccentric_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e), e)
227# convert mean anomaly to eccentric anomaly
228#  M       - [array of] mean anomaly (radians)
229#  e       - eccentricity
230#  [tolerance - read the source]
231#  [maximum_iteration - read the source]
232#  return  - eccentric anomaly (radians)
233def eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, e, tolerance = default_tolerance,
234              maximum_iteration = default_maximum_iteration, verbose=False):
235    E = M + e * np.sin(M)
236    iteration = 0
237    deltaM = 100.0
238    while (iteration < maximum_iteration) and (abs(deltaM) > tolerance):
239        deltaM = (M - mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e))
240        E = E + deltaM / (1. - e * cos(E))
241        iteration += 1
242    if verbose: print('eccentric anomaly iterations:',iteration)
243    return E
245def eccentric_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e):
246    E = np.arccos((np.cos(f) + e) / (1.0 + e * np.cos(f)))
247    E *= (np.sign(np.sin(f)) * np.sign(np.sin(E)))
248    return E
250# convert eccentric anomaly to true anomaly
251#  E       - eccentric anomaly (radians)
252#  e       - eccentricity
253#  return  - true anomaly (radians)
254def true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e):
255    f = np.arccos((np.cos(E) - e) / (1.0 - e * np.cos(E)))
256    f *= (np.sign(np.sin(f)) * np.sign(np.sin(E)))
257    return f
259# compute radial velocity
260#  K       - radial velocity amplitude
261#  f       - true anomaly (radians)
262#  e       - eccentricity
263#  pomega  - eccentric longitude (radians)
264#  return  - radial velocity (same units as K)
265def radial_velocity(K, f, e, pomega):
266    return K * (np.sin(f + pomega) + e * np.sin(pomega))
268# compute radial velocity
269#  K       - radial velocity amplitude
270#  M       - mean anomaly (radians)
271#  e       - eccentricity
272#  pomega  - eccentric longitude (radians)
273#  return  - radial velocity (same units as K)
274def radial_velocity_from_M(K, M, e, pomega):
275    E = M + e*np.sin(M)
276    term1 = np.cos(pomega) * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) * np.sin(E) / (1 - e*np.cos(E))
277    term2 = np.sin(pomega) * (np.cos(E) - e) / (1 - e*np.cos(E))
278    term3 = e*np.sin(pomega)
279    return K * (term1 + term2 + term3)
281# compute radial velocity using a truncated Fourier series
282#  K       - radial velocity amplitude
283#  M       - mean anomaly (radians) APW: you may want to change this input
284#  e       - eccentricity
285#  pomega  - eccentric longitude (radians)
286#  phi       - phase
287#  [order  - read the source]
288#  return  - radial velocity (same units as K)
289def radial_velocity_fourier_series(K, M, e, pomega, phi, order=default_order):
290    vr = 0.0
291    for n in arange(0, order+1, 1):
292        vr += K*(fourier_coeff_A(n, pomega, phi, e) * np.cos(n*(M-phi)) \
293            + fourier_coeff_B(n, pomega, phi, e) * np.sin(n*(M-phi)))
294    return vr
296# the following is based on the naming convention in Itay's notes on Fourier analysis
297#  - fourier_coeff_A and fourier_coeff_B are the actual coefficients in the series
298#  - aprime and bprime are just used to simplify the code, and break it up to make it more readable
300#  n       - order of the coefficient
301#  e       - eccentricity
302def aprime(n,e):
303    return np.sqrt(1. - e**2)*( ((np.sqrt(1. - e**2) - 1)/e)*jn(n,n*e) + jn(n-1,n*e))
305def bprime(n,e):
306    return np.sqrt(1. - e**2)*( ((np.sqrt(1. - e**2) - 1)/e)*jn(n,n*e) - jn(n-1,n*e))
308def fourier_coeff_A(n, pomega, phi, e):
309    return 0.5 * (aprime(n,e) * np.sin(pomega + n * phi) + bprime(n,e) * np.sin(pomega - n * phi))
311def fourier_coeff_B(n, pomega, phi, e):
312    return 0.5 * (aprime(n,e) * np.cos(pomega + n * phi) - bprime(n,e) * np.cos(pomega - n * phi))
314# APW: adjust function call as necessary
315#  return  - amplitudes as a list of tuples (An,Bn)
316def radial_velocity_fourier_amplitudes(K, phi, e, pomega, order=default_order):
317    amplitudes = []
318    for n in range(order):
319        amplitudes.append((fourier_coeff_A(n, pomega, phi, e), fourier_coeff_B(n, pomega, phi, e)))
320    return amplitudes
322def eccentricity_from_fourier_amplitudes(amplitudes):
323    K = np.sqrt(amplitude[0]**2 + amplitude[1]**2)
324    phi = np.arctan(amplitude[1] / amplitude[0]) # WRONG?
325    e = 0 # WRONG
326    pomega = 0 # WRONG
327    return (K, phi, e, pomega)
331# some functional testing
332if __name__ == '__main__':
333    from test_celestial_mechanics import *
334    #suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestOrbitalElements)
336    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
337    #suite.addTest(TestOrbitalElements('testEdgeCases'))
338    suite.addTest(TestOrbitalElements('testAgainstJPL_2'))
340    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
341    import sys
342    sys.exit(0)
344    # -- test Earth ephemeris against JPL at Holmes' closest approach
345    # -- test Holmes against JPL         ---------''------------
346    # -- test direction2radec()
348    try:
349        arg1 = sys.argv[1]
350    except IndexError:
351        arg1 = 0
353    for e in [0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999]:
354        print('eccentricity:', e)
355        M = arange(-3.16,-3.14,0.001) # easy
356        #M = arange(-10., 10., 2.1)    # easy
357        #M = arange(-0.01,0.01,0.001)  # hard
358        print('mean anomaly input:', M)
359        E = eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, e, verbose=True)
360        print('eccentric anomaly output:', E)
361        f = true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e)
362        print('true anomaly output:', f)
363        M2 = mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e)
364        print('round-trip error:', M2 - M)
366    if arg1 == "plot":
367        # This code will do the plotting:
368        range_min = 0.0
369        range_max = 20.0
370        step_size = 0.01
371        phase = 0.0
372        pomegas = [0.0, pi/5., 3.*pi/5., 5.*pi/5., 7.*pi/5., 9.*pi/5.]
373        pomegas_str = ["pomega = $0.0$", "pomega = $\pi/5$", "pomega = $3\pi/5$", "pomega = $\pi$", \
374            "pomega = $7\pi/5$", "pomega = $9\pi/5$"]
375        eccens = [0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99]
376        orders = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
377        M = arange(range_min,range_max,step_size)
379        for n in orders:
380            for e in eccens:
381                i = 1
382                for pomega in pomegas:
383                    plt.clf()
384                    plt.suptitle(pomegas_str[i-1] + ", e = %.2f, n = %i" % (e,n))
385                    plt.subplot(211)
386                    plt.plot(M, radial_velocity_fourier_series(default_K, M, e, pomega, phase, order=n), 'r')
387                    plt.plot(M, radial_velocity_from_M(default_K, M, e, pomega), 'k--')
388                    plt.axis([range_min,range_max,-(default_K+1.),default_K+1.])
389                    plt.subplot(212)
390                    plt.plot(M, radial_velocity_from_M(default_K, M, e, pomega) \
391                        - radial_velocity_fourier_series(default_K, M, e, pomega, phase, order=n), 'k')
392                    plt.savefig("celestial_mechanics_plots/pomega_%i_e_%.2f_n_%i.png" % (i,e,n))
393                    i += 1