1# This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
2# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
3from math import pi
4import numpy as np
6def estimate_mode(img, lo=None, hi=None, plo=1, phi=70, bins1=30,
7                   flo=0.5, fhi=0.8, bins2=30,
8                   return_fit=False, raiseOnWarn=False):
9    # Estimate sky level by: compute the histogram within [lo,hi], fit
10    # a parabola to the log-counts, return the argmax of that parabola.
12    # Coarse bin to find the peak (mode)
13    if lo is None:
14        lo = np.percentile(img, plo)
15    if hi is None:
16        hi = np.percentile(img, phi)
18    binedges1 = np.linspace(lo, hi, bins1+1)
19    counts1,e = np.histogram(img.ravel(), bins=binedges1)
20    bincenters1 = binedges1[:-1] + (binedges1[1]-binedges1[0])/2.
21    maxbin = np.argmax(counts1)
22    maxcount = counts1[maxbin]
23    mode = bincenters1[maxbin]
25    # Search for bin containing < {flo,fhi} * maxcount
26    ilo = maxbin
27    while ilo > 0:
28        ilo -= 1
29        if counts1[ilo] < flo*maxcount:
30            break
31    ihi = maxbin
32    while ihi < bins1-1:
33        ihi += 1
34        if counts1[ihi] < fhi*maxcount:
35            break
37    lo = bincenters1[ilo]
38    hi = bincenters1[ihi]
40    binedges = np.linspace(lo, hi, bins2)
41    counts,e = np.histogram(img.ravel(), bins=binedges)
42    bincenters = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2.
44    b = np.log10(np.maximum(1, counts))
46    xscale = 0.5 * (hi - lo)
47    x0 = (hi + lo) / 2.
48    x = (bincenters - x0) / xscale
50    A = np.zeros((len(x), 3))
51    A[:,0] = 1.
52    A[:,1] = x
53    A[:,2] = x**2
54    res = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)
55    X = res[0]
56    mx = -X[1] / (2. * X[2])
57    mx = (mx * xscale) + x0
59    warn = None
61    if not (mx > lo and mx < hi):
62        if raiseOnWarn:
63            raise ValueError('sky estimate not bracketed by peak: lo %f, sky %f, hi %f' % (lo, mx, hi))
64        warn = 'WARNING: sky estimate not bracketed by peak: lo %f, sky %f, hi %f' % (lo, mx, hi)
66    if return_fit:
67        bfit = X[0] + X[1] * x + X[2] * x**2
68        return (x * xscale + x0, b, bfit, mx, warn, binedges1,counts1)
70    return mx
73def parse_ranges(s):
74    '''
75    Parse PBS job array-style ranges: NNN,MMM-NNN,PPP
77    *s*: string
79    Returns: [ int, int, ... ]
80    '''
81    tiles = []
82    words = s.split()
83    for w in words:
84        for a in w.split(','):
85            if '-' in a:
86                aa = a.split('-')
87                if len(aa) != 2:
88                    raise RuntimeError('With an arg containing a dash, expect two parts, in word "%s"' % a)
89                start = int(aa[0])
90                end = int(aa[1])
91                for i in range(start, end+1):
92                    tiles.append(i)
93            else:
94                tiles.append(int(a))
95    return tiles
98def patch_image(img, mask, dxdy = [(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)],
99                required=None):
100    '''
101    Patch masked pixels by iteratively averaging non-masked neighboring pixels.
103    WARNING: this modifies BOTH the "img" and "mask" arrays!
105    mask: True for good pixels
106    required: if non-None: True for pixels you want to be patched.
107    dxdy: Pixels to average in, relative to pixels to be patched.
109    Returns True if patching was successful.
110    '''
111    assert(img.shape == mask.shape)
112    assert(len(img.shape) == 2)
113    h,w = img.shape
114    Nlast = -1
115    while True:
116        needpatching = np.logical_not(mask)
117        if required is not None:
118            needpatching *= required
119        I = np.flatnonzero(needpatching)
120        if len(I) == 0:
121            break
122        if len(I) == Nlast:
123            return False
124        #print 'Patching', len(I), 'pixels'
125        Nlast = len(I)
126        iy,ix = np.unravel_index(I, img.shape)
127        psum = np.zeros(len(I), img.dtype)
128        pn = np.zeros(len(I), int)
130        for dx,dy in dxdy:
131            ok = True
132            if dx < 0:
133                ok = ok * (ix >= (-dx))
134            if dx > 0:
135                ok = ok * (ix <= (w-1-dx))
136            if dy < 0:
137                ok = ok * (iy >= (-dy))
138            if dy > 0:
139                ok = ok * (iy <= (h-1-dy))
141            # darn, NaN * False = NaN, not zero.
142            finite = np.isfinite(img [iy[ok]+dy, ix[ok]+dx])
143            ok[ok] *= finite
145            psum[ok] += (img [iy[ok]+dy, ix[ok]+dx] *
146                         mask[iy[ok]+dy, ix[ok]+dx])
147            pn[ok] += mask[iy[ok]+dy, ix[ok]+dx]
149            # print 'ix', ix
150            # print 'iy', iy
151            # print 'dx,dy', dx,dy
152            # print 'ok', ok
153            # print 'psum', psum
154            # print 'pn', pn
156        img.flat[I] = (psum / np.maximum(pn, 1)).astype(img.dtype)
157        mask.flat[I] = (pn > 0)
158        #print 'Patched', np.sum(pn > 0)
159    return True
161def clip_wcs(wcs1, wcs2, makeConvex=True, pix1=None, pix2=None):
162    '''
163    Returns a pixel-space polygon in WCS1 after it is clipped by WCS2.
164    Returns an empty list if the two WCS headers do not intersect.
166    Note that due to weakness in the clip_polygon method, wcs2 must be convex.
167    If makeConvex=True, we find the convex hull and clip with that.
169    If pix1 is not None, pix1=(xx,yy), xx and yy lists of pixel coordinates defining
170    the boundary of the image, in CLOCKWISE order; default is the edges and midpoints.
172    '''
173    if pix1 is None:
174        w1,h1 = wcs1.get_width(), wcs1.get_height()
175        x1,x2,x3 = 0.5, w1/2., w1+0.5
176        y1,y2,y3 = 0.5, h1/2., h1+0.5
177        xx = [x1, x1, x1, x2, x3, x3, x3, x2]
178        yy = [y1, y2, y3, y3, y3, y2, y1, y1]
179    else:
180        xx,yy = pix1
181    #rr,dd = wcs1.pixelxy2radec(xx, yy)
183    if pix2 is None:
184        w2,h2 = wcs2.get_width(), wcs2.get_height()
185        x1,x2,x3 = 0.5, w2/2., w2+0.5
186        y1,y2,y3 = 0.5, h2/2., h2+0.5
187        XX = [x1, x1, x1, x2, x3, x3, x3, x2]
188        YY = [y1, y2, y3, y3, y3, y2, y1, y1]
189    else:
190        XX,YY = pix2
191    rr,dd = wcs2.pixelxy2radec(XX, YY)
192    ok,XX,YY = wcs1.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd)
193    # XX,YY is the clip polygon in wcs1 pixel coords.
194    # Not necessarily clockwise at this point!
196    #print 'XX,YY', XX, YY
198    if makeConvex:
199        from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
200        points = np.vstack((XX,YY)).T
201        #print 'points', points.shape
202        hull = ConvexHull(points)
203        #print 'Convex hull:', hull
204        #print hull.vertices
206        # ConvexHull returns the vertices in COUNTER-clockwise order.  Reverse.
207        v = np.array(list(reversed(hull.vertices))).astype(int)
208        XX = XX[v]
209        YY = YY[v]
211        #plt.plot(XX, YY, 'm-')
212        #plt.plot(XX[0], YY[0], 'mo')
213        #plt.savefig('clip2.png')
214    else:
215        # Ensure points are listed in CLOCKWISE order.
216        crosses = []
217        for i in range(len(XX)):
218            j = (i + 1) % len(XX)
219            k = (i + 2) % len(XX)
220            xi,yi = XX[i], YY[i]
221            xj,yj = XX[j], YY[j]
222            xk,yk = XX[k], YY[k]
223            dx1, dy1 = xj - xi, yj - yi
224            dx2, dy2 = xk - xj, yk - yj
225            cross = dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2
226            #print 'cross', cross
227            crosses.append(cross)
228        crosses = np.array(crosses)
229        #print 'cross products', crosses
230        if np.all(crosses >= 0):
231            # Reverse
232            #print 'Reversing wcs2 points'
233            XX = np.array(list(reversed(XX)))
234            YY = np.array(list(reversed(YY)))
236    clip = clip_polygon(list(zip(xx, yy)), list(zip(XX, YY)))
237    clip = np.array(clip)
239    if False:
240        import pylab as plt
241        plt.clf()
242        plt.plot(xx, yy, 'b.-')
243        plt.plot(xx[0], yy[0], 'bo')
244        plt.plot(XX, YY, 'r.-')
245        plt.plot(XX[0], YY[0], 'ro')
246        if len(clip) > 0:
247            plt.plot(clip[:,0], clip[:,1], 'm.-', alpha=0.5, lw=2)
248        plt.savefig('clip1.png')
250    return clip
254def polygon_area(poly):
255    '''
256    NOTE, unlike many of the other methods in this module, takes:
258    poly = (xx,yy)
260    where xx,yy MUST repeat the starting point at the end of the polygon.
261    '''
262    xx,yy = poly
263    x,y = np.mean(xx), np.mean(yy)
264    area = 0.
265    for dx0,dy0,dx1,dy1 in zip(xx-x, yy-y, xx[1:]-x, yy[1:]-y):
266        # area: 1/2 cross product
267        area += np.abs(dx0 * dy1 - dx1 * dy0)
268    return 0.5 * area
270def clip_polygon(poly1, poly2):
271    '''
272    Returns a new polygon resulting from taking poly1 and clipping it
273    to lie inside poly2.
275    WARNING, the polygons must be listed in CLOCKWISE order.
277    WARNING, the clipping polygon, poly2, must be CONVEX.
278    '''
279    # from clipper import Clipper, Point, PolyType, ClipType, PolyFillType
280    # '''
281    # '''
282    # c = Clipper()
283    # p1 = [Point(x,y) for x,y in poly1]
284    # p2 = [Point(x,y) for x,y in poly2]
285    # c.AddPolygon(p1, PolyType.Subject)
286    # c.AddPolygon(p2, PolyType.Clip)
287    # solution = []
288    # pft = PolyFillType.EvenOdd
289    # result = c.Execute(ClipType.Intersection, solution, pft, pft)
290    # if len(solution) > 1:
291    #     raise RuntimeError('Polygon clipping results in non-simple polygon')
292    # assert(result)
293    # #print 'Result:', result
294    # #print 'Solution:', solution
295    # return [(s.x, s.y) for s in solution[0]]
297    # Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm -- thanks, Wikipedia!
298    N2 = len(poly2)
299    # clip by each edge in turn.
300    for j in range(N2):
301        # target "left_right" value
302        clip1 = poly2[j]
303        clip2 = poly2[(j+1)%N2]
304        LRinside = _left_right(clip1, clip2, poly2[(j+2)%N2])
305        # are poly vertices inside or outside the clip polygon?
306        isinside = [_left_right(clip1, clip2, p) == LRinside
307                    for p in poly1]
308        # the resulting clipped polygon
309        clipped = []
310        N1 = len(poly1)
311        for i in range(N1):
312            S = poly1[i]
313            E = poly1[(i+1)%N1]
314            Sin = isinside[i]
315            Ein = isinside[(i+1)%N1]
316            if Ein:
317                if not Sin:
318                    clipped.append(line_intersection(clip1, clip2, S, E))
319                clipped.append(E)
320            else:
321                if Sin:
322                    clipped.append(line_intersection(clip1, clip2, S, E))
323        poly1 = clipped
324    return poly1
327def polygons_intersect(poly1, poly2):
328    '''
329    Determines whether the given 2-D polygons intersect.
331    poly1, poly2: np arrays with shape (N,2)
332    '''
334    # Check whether any points in poly1 are inside poly2,
335    # or vice versa.
336    for (px,py) in poly1:
337        if point_in_poly(px,py, poly2):
338            return (px,py)
339    for (px,py) in poly2:
340        if point_in_poly(px,py, poly1):
341            return (px,py)
343    # Check for intersections between line segments.  O(n^2) brutish
344    N1 = len(poly1)
345    N2 = len(poly2)
347    for i in range(N1):
348        for j in range(N2):
349            xy = line_segments_intersect(poly1[i % N1, :], poly1[(i+1) % N1, :],
350                                         poly2[j % N2, :], poly2[(j+1) % N2, :])
351            if xy:
352                return xy
353    return False
356def line_segments_intersect(xy1, xy2, xy3, xy4):
357    '''
358    Determines whether the two given line segments intersect;
360    (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
361    and
362    (x3,y3) to (x4,y4)
363    '''
364    (x1,y1) = xy1
365    (x2,y2) = xy2
366    (x3,y3) = xy3
367    (x4,y4) = xy4
368    x,y = line_intersection((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4))
369    if x is None:
370        # Parallel lines
371        return False
372    if x1 == x2:
373        p1,p2 = y1,y2
374        p = y
375    else:
376        p1,p2 = x1,x2
377        p = x
379    if not ((p >= min(p1,p2)) and (p <= max(p1,p2))):
380        return False
382    if x3 == x4:
383        p1,p2 = y3,y4
384        p = y
385    else:
386        p1,p2 = x3,x4
387        p = x
389    if not ((p >= min(p1,p2)) and (p <= max(p1,p2))):
390        return False
391    return (x,y)
394def line_intersection(xy1, xy2, xy3, xy4):
395    '''
396    Determines the point where the lines described by
397    (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
398    and
399    (x3,y3) to (x4,y4)
400    intersect.
402    Note that this may be beyond the endpoints of the line segments.
404    Probably raises an exception if the lines are parallel, or does
405    something numerically crazy.
406    '''
407    (x1,y1) = xy1
408    (x2,y2) = xy2
409    (x3,y3) = xy3
410    (x4,y4) = xy4
411    # This code started with the equation from Wikipedia,
412    # then I added special-case handling.
413    # bottom = ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4))
414    # if bottom == 0:
415    #   raise RuntimeError("divide by zero")
416    # t1 = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)
417    # t2 = (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)
418    # px = (t1 * (x3 - x4) - t2 * (x1 - x2)) / bottom
419    # py = (t1 * (y3 - y4) - t2 * (y1 - y2)) / bottom
421    # From http://wiki.processing.org/w/Line-Line_intersection
422    bx = float(x2) - float(x1)
423    by = float(y2) - float(y1)
424    dx = float(x4) - float(x3)
425    dy = float(y4) - float(y3)
426    b_dot_d_perp = bx*dy - by*dx
427    if b_dot_d_perp == 0:
428        return None,None
429    cx = float(x3) - float(x1)
430    cy = float(y3) - float(y1)
431    t = (cx*dy - cy*dx) / b_dot_d_perp
432    return x1 + t*bx, y1 + t*by
434def _left_right(xy1, xy2, xy3):
435    '''
436    is (x3,y3) to the 'left' or 'right' of the line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) ?
437    '''
438    (x1,y1) = xy1
439    (x2,y2) = xy2
440    (x3,y3) = xy3
441    dx2,dy2 = x2-x1, y2-y1
442    dx3,dy3 = x3-x1, y3-y1
443    return (dx2 * dy3 - dx3 * dy2) > 0
446def point_in_poly(x, y, poly):
447    '''
448    Performs a point-in-polygon test for numpy arrays of *x* and *y*
449    values, and a polygon described as 2-d numpy array (with shape (N,2))
451    poly: N x 2 array
453    Returns a numpy array of bools.
454    '''
455    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
456    y = np.atleast_1d(y)
457    inside = np.zeros(x.shape, bool)
458    # This does a winding test -- count how many times a horizontal ray
459    # from (-inf,y) to (x,y) crosses the boundary.
460    for i in range(len(poly)):
461        j = (i-1 + len(poly)) % len(poly)
462        xi,xj = poly[i,0], poly[j,0]
463        yi,yj = poly[i,1], poly[j,1]
465        if yi == yj:
466            continue
468        I = np.logical_and(
469            np.logical_or(np.logical_and(yi <= y, y < yj),
470                          np.logical_and(yj <= y, y < yi)),
471            x < (xi + ((xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi))))
472        inside[I] = np.logical_not(inside[I])
473    return inside
475def lanczos_filter(order, x, out=None):
476    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
477    nz = np.logical_and(x != 0., np.logical_and(x < order, x > -order))
478    nz = np.flatnonzero(nz)
479    if out is None:
480        out = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=float)
481    else:
482        out[x <= -order] = 0.
483        out[x >=  order] = 0.
484    pinz = pi * x.flat[nz]
485    out.flat[nz] = order * np.sin(pinz) * np.sin(pinz / order) / (pinz**2)
486    out[x == 0] = 1.
487    return out
489def get_overlapping_region(xlo, xhi, xmin, xmax):
490    '''
491    Given a range of integer coordinates that you want to, eg, cut out
492    of an image, [xlo, xhi], and bounds for the image [xmin, xmax],
493    returns the range of coordinates that are in-bounds, and the
494    corresponding region within the desired cutout.
496    For example, say you have an image of shape H,W and you want to
497    cut out a region of halfsize "hs" around pixel coordinate x,y, but
498    so that coordinate x,y is centered in the cutout even if x,y is
499    close to the edge.  You can do:
501    cutout = np.zeros((hs*2+1, hs*2+1), img.dtype)
502    iny,outy = get_overlapping_region(y-hs, y+hs, 0, H-1)
503    inx,outx = get_overlapping_region(x-hs, x+hs, 0, W-1)
504    cutout[outy,outx] = img[iny,inx]
506    '''
507    if xlo > xmax or xhi < xmin or xlo > xhi or xmin > xmax:
508        return ([], [])
510    assert(xlo <= xhi)
511    assert(xmin <= xmax)
513    xloclamp = max(xlo, xmin)
514    Xlo = xloclamp - xlo
516    xhiclamp = min(xhi, xmax)
517    Xhi = Xlo + (xhiclamp - xloclamp)
519    #print 'xlo, xloclamp, xhiclamp, xhi', xlo, xloclamp, xhiclamp, xhi
520    assert(xloclamp >= xlo)
521    assert(xloclamp >= xmin)
522    assert(xloclamp <= xmax)
523    assert(xhiclamp <= xhi)
524    assert(xhiclamp >= xmin)
525    assert(xhiclamp <= xmax)
526    #print 'Xlo, Xhi, (xmax-xmin)', Xlo, Xhi, xmax-xmin
527    assert(Xlo >= 0)
528    assert(Xhi >= 0)
529    assert(Xlo <= (xhi-xlo))
530    assert(Xhi <= (xhi-xlo))
532    return (slice(xloclamp, xhiclamp+1), slice(Xlo, Xhi+1))
536if __name__ == '__main__':
537    import matplotlib
538    matplotlib.use('Agg')
539    import pylab as plt
540    import numpy as np
541    from astrometry.util.plotutils import *
542    ps = PlotSequence('miscutils')
544    np.random.seed(42)
546    if True:
547        p2 = np.array([[0,0],[0,4],[4,4],[4,0]])
549        for i,p1 in enumerate([ np.array([[0,0],[0,2],[2,2],[2,0]]),
550                                np.array([[-1,-1],[0,2],[2,2],[2,0]]),
551                                np.array([[4,0],[0,4],[-4,0],[0,-4]]),
552                                np.array([[-1,2],[2,5],[5,2],[2,-1]]),
553                                ] + [None]*10):
554            if p1 is None:
555                p1 = np.random.uniform(high=6., low=-2, size=(4,2))
556            pc = np.array(clip_polygon(p1, p2))
557            plt.clf()
558            I = np.array([0,1,2,3,0])
559            plt.plot(p1[I,0], p1[I,1], 'b-', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
560            plt.plot(p2[I,0], p2[I,1], 'k-')
561            I = np.array(range(len(pc)) + [0])
562            plt.plot(pc[I,0], pc[I,1], 'r-')
563            plt.axis([-1,5,-1,5])
564            plt.savefig('clip-%02i.png' % i)
565        import sys
566        sys.exit(0)
568    if True:
569        for i in range(20):
570            if i <= 10:
571                xy1 = np.array([[0,0],[0,4],[4,4],[4,0]])
572            else:
573                xy1 = np.random.uniform(high=10., size=(4,2))
574            xy2 = np.random.uniform(high=10., size=(4,2))
575            plt.clf()
576            I = np.array([0,1,2,3,0])
577            xy = polygons_intersect(xy1, xy2)
578            if xy:
579                cc = 'r'
580                x,y = xy
581                plt.plot(x,y, 'mo', mec='m', mfc='none', ms=20, mew=3, zorder=30)
582            else:
583                cc = 'k'
584            plt.plot(xy1[I,0], xy1[I,1], '-', color=cc, zorder=20, lw=3)
585            plt.plot(xy2[I,0], xy2[I,1], '-', color=cc, zorder=20, lw=3)
586            ax = plt.axis()
587            plt.axis([ax[0]-0.5, ax[1]+0.5, ax[2]-0.5, ax[3]+0.5])
588            ps.savefig()
590    if False:
591        X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,11, 20), np.linspace(-1,11, 23))
592        X = X.ravel()
593        Y = Y.ravel()
594        for i in range(20):
595            if i == 0:
596                xy = np.array([[0,0],[0,10],[10,10],[10,0]])
597            else:
598                xy = np.random.uniform(high=10., size=(4,2))
599            plt.clf()
600            I = np.array([0,1,2,3,0])
601            plt.plot(xy[I,0], xy[I,1], 'r-', zorder=20, lw=3)
602            inside = point_in_poly(X, Y, xy)
603            plt.plot(X[inside], Y[inside], 'bo')
604            out = np.logical_not(inside)
605            plt.plot(X[out], Y[out], 'ro')
606            ax = plt.axis()
607            plt.axis([ax[0]-0.5, ax[1]+0.5, ax[2]-0.5, ax[3]+0.5])
608            ps.savefig()
612    if True:
613        # intersection()
614        for i in range(20):
615            if i == 0:
616                x1 = x2 = 0
617                y1 = 0
618                y2 = 1
619                x3 = 1
620                x4 = -1
621                y3 = 0
622                y4 = 1
623            elif i == 1:
624                x1,y1 = 0,0
625                x2,y2 = 0,1
626                x3,y3 = -3,0
627                x4,y4 = -2,0
628            elif i == 2:
629                x1,y1 = 1,0
630                x2,y2 = 0,1
631                x3,y3 = -3,0
632                x4,y4 = -2,0
633            elif i == 3:
634                x1,y1 = 0,1
635                x2,y2 = 1,0
636                x3,y3 = 0,-3
637                x4,y4 = 0,-2
638            elif i == 4:
639                x1,y1 = 0,0
640                x2,y2 = 0,1
641                x3,y3 = 0,2
642                x4,y4 = 0,3
643            elif i == 5:
644                x1,y1 = -1,0
645                x2,y2 = 1, 0
646                x3,y3 = 0, 2
647                x4,y4 = 0.5, 1
648            else:
649                xy = np.random.uniform(high=10., size=(8,))
650                x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 = xy
651            plt.clf()
652            plt.plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2], 'r-', zorder=20, lw=3)
653            plt.plot([x3,x4],[y3,y4], 'b-', zorder=20, lw=3)
654            x,y = line_intersection((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4))
655            plt.plot(x, y, 'kx', ms=20, zorder=25)
656            plt.plot([x1,x],[y1,y], 'k--', alpha=0.5, zorder=15)
657            plt.plot([x2,x],[y2,y], 'k--', alpha=0.5, zorder=15)
658            plt.plot([x3,x],[y3,y], 'k--', alpha=0.5, zorder=15)
659            plt.plot([x4,x],[y4,y], 'k--', alpha=0.5, zorder=15)
661            # line_segments_intersect()
662            if line_segments_intersect((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)):
663                plt.plot(x,y, 'mo', mec='m', mfc='none', ms=20, mew=3, zorder=30)
664            ax = plt.axis()
665            plt.axis([ax[0]-0.5, ax[1]+0.5, ax[2]-0.5, ax[3]+0.5])
666            ps.savefig()