1 /*
2  # This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
3  # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
4  */
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <assert.h>
10 #include "os-features.h"
11 #include "cutest.h"
12 #include "starutil.h"
13 #include "healpix.h"
14 #include "healpix-utils.h"
15 #include "bl.h"
square(double x)17 static double square(double x) {
18     return x*x;
19 }
test_hp_rangesearch(CuTest * ct)21 void test_hp_rangesearch(CuTest* ct) {
22     double ra = 120.12998471831297;
23     double dec = 37.72245880730694;
24     double rad = 0.2242483527520963;
25     int nside = 8;
26     il* hps = il_new(4);
27     int i;
28     healpix_rangesearch_radec(ra, dec, rad, nside, hps);
29     for (i=0; i<il_size(hps); i++) {
30         int hp = il_get(hps, i);
31         printf("Healpix %i\n", hp);
32     }
33     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, il_size(hps), 2);
34     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, il_get(hps,0), 84);
35     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, il_get(hps,1), 85);
36 }
test_side_length(CuTest * ct)38 void test_side_length(CuTest* ct) {
39     double hp;
40     double len = healpix_side_length_arcmin(1);
41     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 3517.9, len, 0.1);
42     hp = healpix_nside_for_side_length_arcmin(len);
43     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1.0, hp, 0.001);
45     len = healpix_side_length_arcmin(2);
46     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1758.969, len, 0.001);
47     hp = healpix_nside_for_side_length_arcmin(len);
48     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 2.0, hp, 0.001);
49 }
add_plot_xyz_point(double * xyz)51 static void add_plot_xyz_point(double* xyz) {
52     double ra,dec;
53     xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec);
54     fprintf(stderr, "xp.append(%g)\n", ra);
55     fprintf(stderr, "yp.append(%g)\n", dec);
56 }
add_plot_point(int hp,int nside,double dx,double dy)58 static void add_plot_point(int hp, int nside, double dx, double dy) {
59     double xyz[3];
60     healpix_to_xyzarr(hp, nside, dx, dy, xyz);
61     add_plot_xyz_point(xyz);
62 }
plot_point(int hp,int nside,double dx,double dy,char * style)64 void plot_point(int hp, int nside, double dx, double dy, char* style) {
65     fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]\n");
66     fprintf(stderr, "yp=[]\n");
67     add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
68     fprintf(stderr, "plot(xp, yp, '%s')\n", style);
69 }
plot_xyz_point(double * xyz,char * style)71 void plot_xyz_point(double* xyz, char* style) {
72     fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]\n");
73     fprintf(stderr, "yp=[]\n");
74     add_plot_xyz_point(xyz);
75     fprintf(stderr, "plot(xp, yp, '%s')\n", style);
76 }
plot_hp_boundary(int hp,int nside,double start,double step,char * style)78 static void plot_hp_boundary(int hp, int nside, double start, double step, char* style) {
79     double dx, dy;
80     fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]\n");
81     fprintf(stderr, "yp=[]\n");
82     dy = 0.0;
83     for (dx=start; dx<=1.0; dx+=step)
84         add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
85     dx = 1.0;
86     for (dy=start; dy<=1.0; dy+=step)
87         add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
88     dy = 1.0;
89     for (dx=1.0-start; dx>=0.0; dx-=step)
90         add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
91     dx = 0.0;
92     for (dy=1.0-start; dy>=0.0; dy-=step)
93         add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
94     dy = 0.0;
95     add_plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy);
96     fprintf(stderr, "xp,yp = wrapxy(xp,yp)\nplot(xp, yp, '%s')\n", style);
97 }
hpmap(int nside,const char * fn)99 static void hpmap(int nside, const char* fn) {
100 #if 0
101     int nhp;
102 #endif
103     double xyz[3];
104     double range;
105     int hps[9];
106     int i;
107     int hp;
108     double dx, dy;
110     // pick a point on the edge.
111     //hp = 8;
112     hp = 9;
113     dx = 0.95;
114     dy = 0.0;
115     range = 0.1;
116     /*
117      hp = 6;
118      dx = 0.05;
119      dy = 0.95;
120      range = 0.1;
121      */
122     healpix_to_xyzarr(hp, nside, dx, dy, xyz);
124     for (i=0; i<12*nside*nside; i++) {
125         plot_hp_boundary(i, nside, 0.005, 0.01, "b-");
126     }
128 #if 0
129     nhp = healpix_get_neighbours_within_range(xyz, range, hps, nside);
130     assert(nhp >= 1);
131     assert(nhp <= 9);
132 #else
133     (void)healpix_get_neighbours_within_range(xyz, range, hps, nside);
134 #endif
136     /*
137      for (i=0; i<nhp; i++) {
138      printf("in range: %i\n", hps[i]);
139      plot_hp_boundary(hps[i], nside, 0.005, 0.01, "b-");
140      }
141      plot_hp_boundary(hp, nside, 0.005, 0.01, "k-");
142      plot_point(hp, nside, dx, dy, "r.");
143      */
145     for (i=0; i<12*nside*nside; i++) {
146         fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]; yp=[]\n");
147         add_plot_point(i, nside, 0.5, 0.5);
148         //fprintf(stderr, "text(xp[0], yp[0], '%i', color='b', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', bbox=dict(facecolor='w', edgecolor='w'))\n", i);
149         fprintf(stderr, "text(xp[0], yp[0], '%i', color='b', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')\n", i);
150     }
152     fprintf(stderr, "axis((360, 0, -90, 90))\n");
153     fprintf(stderr, "xlabel('RA (deg)')\n");
154     fprintf(stderr, "ylabel('Dec (deg)')\n");
155     fprintf(stderr, "title('healpixels: nside=%i')\n", nside);
156     fprintf(stderr, "savefig('%s')\n", fn);
157     fprintf(stderr, "clf()\n");
158 }
testX_make_map(CuTest * ct)160 void testX_make_map(CuTest* ct) {
161     fprintf(stderr, "%s", "from pylab import *\n");
162     fprintf(stderr, "clf()\n"
163             "def wrapxy(x,y):\n"
164             "    lastx = x[0]\n"
165             "    lasty = y[0]\n"
166             "    outx = [lastx]\n"
167             "    outy = [lasty]\n"
168             "    for xx,yy in zip(x[1:],y[1:]):\n"
169             "        if (xx-lastx)**2 + (yy - lasty)**2 > 1.:\n"
170             "            if xx < 180:\n"
171             "                xx += 360\n"
172             "            else:\n"
173             "                xx -= 360\n"
174             "        outx.append(xx)\n"
175             "        outy.append(yy)\n"
176             "        lastx = xx\n"
177             "        lasty = yy\n"
178             "    return (array(outx),array(outy))\n"
179             );
181     hpmap(1, "hp.png");
182     hpmap(2, "hp2.png");
183 }
tst_xyztohpf(CuTest * ct,int hp,int nside,double dx,double dy)186 int tst_xyztohpf(CuTest* ct,
187 		 int hp, int nside, double dx, double dy) {
188     double x,y,z;
189     double outdx, outdy;
190     int outhp;
191     double outx,outy,outz;
192     double dist;
193     healpix_to_xyz(hp, nside, dx, dy, &x, &y, &z);
194     outhp = xyztohealpixf(x, y, z, nside, &outdx, &outdy);
195     healpix_to_xyz(outhp, nside, outdx, outdy, &outx, &outy, &outz);
196     dist = sqrt(MAX(0, square(x-outx) + square(y-outy) + square(z-outz)));
197     printf("true/computed:\n"
198            "hp: %i / %i\n"
199            "dx: %.20g / %.20g\n"
200            "dy: %.20g / %.20g\n"
201            "x:  %g / %g\n"
202            "y:  %g / %g\n"
203            "z:  %g / %g\n"
204            "dist: %g\n\n",
205            hp, outhp, dx, outdx, dy, outdy,
206            x, outx, y, outy, z, outz, dist);
208     if (dist > 1e-6) {
209         double a, b;
210         double outa, outb;
211         a = xy2ra(x,y) / (2.0 * M_PI);
212         b = z2dec(z) / (M_PI);
213         outa = xy2ra(outx, outy) / (2.0 * M_PI);
214         outb = z2dec(outz) / (M_PI);
215         fprintf(stderr,
216                 "plot([%g, %g],[%g, %g],'r.-')\n", a, outa, b, outb);
217         fprintf(stderr,
218                 "text(%g, %g, \"(%g,%g)\")\n",
219                 a, b, dx, dy);
220     }
222     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, 1, (dist < 1e-6)?1:0);
223     return (dist > 1e-6);
224 }
tEst_xyztohpf(CuTest * ct)226 void tEst_xyztohpf(CuTest* ct) {
227     double dx, dy;
228     int hp;
229     int nside;
230     double step = 0.1;
231     double a, b;
232     nside = 1;
234     fprintf(stderr, "%s", "from pylab import plot,text,savefig,clf\n");
235     fprintf(stderr, "clf()\n");
237     /*
238      Plot the grid of healpixes with dx,dy=step steps.
239      */
240     step = 0.25;
241     //for (hp=0; hp<12*nside*nside; hp++) {
242     for (hp=0; hp<1*nside*nside; hp++) {
243         double x,y,z;
244         for (dx=0.0; dx<=1.05; dx+=step) {
245             fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]\n");
246             fprintf(stderr, "yp=[]\n");
247             for (dy=0.0; dy<=1.05; dy+=step) {
248                 healpix_to_xyz(hp, nside, dx, dy, &x, &y, &z);
249                 a = xy2ra(x,y) / (2.0 * M_PI);
250                 b = z2dec(z) / (M_PI);
251                 fprintf(stderr, "xp.append(%g)\n", a);
252                 fprintf(stderr, "yp.append(%g)\n", b);
253             }
254             fprintf(stderr, "plot(xp, yp, 'k-')\n");
255         }
256         for (dy=0.0; dy<=1.05; dy+=step) {
257             fprintf(stderr, "xp=[]\n");
258             fprintf(stderr, "yp=[]\n");
259             for (dx=0.0; dx<=1.0; dx+=step) {
260                 healpix_to_xyz(hp, nside, dx, dy, &x, &y, &z);
261                 a = xy2ra(x,y) / (2.0 * M_PI);
262                 b = z2dec(z) / (M_PI);
263                 fprintf(stderr, "xp.append(%g)\n", a);
264                 fprintf(stderr, "yp.append(%g)\n", b);
265             }
266             fprintf(stderr, "plot(xp, yp, 'k-')\n");
267         }
268     }
270     step = 0.5;
271     /*
272      Plot places where the conversion screws up.
273      */
274     for (hp=0; hp<12*nside*nside; hp++) {
275         for (dx=0.0; dx<=1.01; dx+=step) {
276             for (dy=0.0; dy<=1.01; dy+=step) {
277                 tst_xyztohpf(ct, hp, nside, dx, dy);
278             }
279         }
280     }
281     fprintf(stderr, "savefig('plot.png')\n");
283 }
tst_neighbours(CuTest * ct,int pix,int * true_neigh,int true_nn,int Nside)285 static void tst_neighbours(CuTest* ct, int pix, int* true_neigh, int true_nn,
286                            int Nside) {
287     int neigh[8];
288     int nn;
289     int i;
290     for (i=0; i<8; i++)
291         neigh[i] = -1;
292     nn = healpix_get_neighbours(pix, neigh, Nside);
293     /*
294      printf("true(%i) : [ ", pix);
295      for (i=0; i<true_nn; i++)
296      printf("%u, ", true_neigh[i]);
297      printf("]\n");
298      printf("got (%i) : [ ", pix);
299      for (i=0; i<nn; i++)
300      printf("%u, ", neigh[i]);
301      printf("]\n");
302      */
303     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, nn, true_nn);
305     for (i=0; i<true_nn; i++)
306         CuAssertIntEquals(ct, true_neigh[i], neigh[i]);
307 }
tst_nested(CuTest * ct,int pix,int * true_neigh,int true_nn,int Nside)309 static void tst_nested(CuTest* ct, int pix, int* true_neigh, int true_nn,
310                        int Nside) {
311     int i;
312     int truexy[8];
313     int xypix;
315     /*
316      printf("nested true(%i) : [ ", pix);
317      for (i=0; i<true_nn; i++)
318      printf("%u ", true_neigh[i]);
319      printf("]\n");
320      */
322     CuAssert(ct, "true_nn <= 8", true_nn <= 8);
323     for (i=0; i<true_nn; i++) {
324         truexy[i] = healpix_nested_to_xy(true_neigh[i], Nside);
325         CuAssertIntEquals(ct, true_neigh[i], healpix_xy_to_nested(truexy[i], Nside));
326     }
327     xypix = healpix_nested_to_xy(pix, Nside);
328     CuAssertIntEquals(ct, pix, healpix_xy_to_nested(xypix, Nside));
330     tst_neighbours(ct, xypix, truexy, true_nn, Nside);
331 }
print_node(double z,double phi,int Nside)333 void print_node(double z, double phi, int Nside) {
334     double ra, dec;
335     int hp;
336     int nn;
337     int neigh[8];
338     int k;
340     double scale = 10.0;
342     ra = phi;
343     dec = asin(z);
344     while (ra < 0.0)
345         ra += 2.0 * M_PI;
346     while (ra > 2.0 * M_PI)
347         ra -= 2.0 * M_PI;
349     // find its healpix.
350     hp = radectohealpix(ra, dec, Nside);
351     // find its neighbourhood.
352     nn = healpix_get_neighbours(hp, neigh, Nside);
353     fprintf(stderr, "  N%i [ label=\"%i\", pos=\"%g,%g!\" ];\n", hp, hp,
354             scale * ra/M_PI, scale * z);
355     for (k=0; k<nn; k++) {
356         fprintf(stderr, "  N%i -- N%i\n", hp, neigh[k]);
357     }
358 }
test_healpix_distance_to_radec(CuTest * ct)360 void test_healpix_distance_to_radec(CuTest *ct) {
361     double d;
362     double rd[2];
364     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 0, 0, NULL);
365     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, d, 0);
366     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45, 0, NULL);
367     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, d, 0);
368     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45+1, 0, NULL);
369     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1, d, 1e-9);
370     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45+1, 0+1, NULL);
371     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1.414, d, 1e-3);
373     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45+10, 0, NULL);
374     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 10, d, 1e-9);
376     // top corner
377     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 0, rad2deg(asin(2.0/3.0)), NULL);
378     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, d, 1e-9);
380     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 0, 1 + rad2deg(asin(2.0/3.0)), NULL);
381     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1, d, 1e-9);
383     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, -45-10, -10, NULL);
384     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 14.106044, d, 1e-6);
386     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(10, 1, 225, 5, NULL);
387     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 5, d, 1e-6);
389     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(44, 2, 300, -50, NULL);
390     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 3.007643, d, 1e-6);
392     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(45, 2, 310, -50, NULL);
393     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 1.873942, d, 1e-6);
395     // south-polar hp, north pole.
396     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(36, 2, 180, 90, NULL);
397     // The hp corner is -41.8 deg; add 90.
398     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 131.810, d, 1e-3);
400     // just south of equator to nearly across the sphere
401     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(35, 2, 225, 20, NULL);
402     // this one actually has the midpoint further than A and B.
403     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 158.189685, d, 1e-6);
405     /*
406      xyz[0] = -100.0;
407      ra = dec = -1.0;
408      d = healpix_distance_to_xyz(4, 1, 0, 0, xyz);
409      xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec);
410      CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, ra, 0);
411      CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, dec, 0);
412      */
413     rd[0] = rd[1] = -1.0;
414     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 0, 0, rd);
415     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, rd[0], 0);
416     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, rd[1], 0);
419     /*
420      xyz[0] = -100.0;
421      ra = dec = -1.0;
422      d = healpix_distance_to_xyz(4, 1, 45, 0, xyz);
423      xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec);
424      CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 45, ra, 0);
425      CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0, dec, 0);
426      */
428     rd[0] = rd[1] = -1.0;
429     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45+1, 0, rd);
430     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 45, rd[0], 1e-12);
431     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0,  rd[1], 1e-8);
433     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 45+1, 0+1, rd);
434     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 45, rd[0], 1e-12);
435     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 0,  rd[1], 0);
436     // really??
438     d = healpix_distance_to_radec(4, 1, 20, 25, rd);
439     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, d, 2.297298, 1e-6);
440     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 18.200995, rd[0], 1e-6);
441     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, 23.392159, rd[1], 1e-6);
443 }
test_healpix_neighbours(CuTest * ct)445 void test_healpix_neighbours(CuTest *ct) {
446     int n0[] = { 1,3,2,71,69,143,90,91 };
447     int n5[] = { 26,27,7,6,4,94,95 };
448     int n13[] = { 30,31,15,14,12,6,7,27 };
449     int n15[] = { 31,47,63,61,14,12,13,30 };
450     int n30[] = { 31,15,13,7,27,25,28,29 };
451     int n101[] = { 32,34,103,102,100,174,175,122 };
452     int n127[] = { 58,37,36,126,124,125,56 };
453     int n64[] = { 65,67,66,183,181,138,139 };
454     int n133[] = { 80,82,135,134,132,152,154 };
455     int n148[] = { 149,151,150,147,145,162,168,170 };
456     int n160[] = { 161,163,162,145,144,128,176,178 };
457     int n24[] = { 25,27,26,95,93,87,18,19 };
458     int n42[] = { 43,23,21,111,109,40,41 };
459     int n59[] = { 62,45,39,37,58,56,57,60 };
460     int n191[] = { 74,48,117,116,190,188,189,72 };
461     int n190[] = { 191,117,116,113,187,185,188,189 };
462     int n186[] = { 187,113,112,165,164,184,185 };
463     int n184[] = { 185,187,186,165,164,161,178,179 };
465     // These were taken (IIRC) from the Healpix paper, so the healpix
466     // numbers are all in the NESTED scheme.
468     tst_nested(ct, 0,   n0,   sizeof(n0)  /sizeof(int), 4);
469     tst_nested(ct, 5,   n5,   sizeof(n5)  /sizeof(int), 4);
470     tst_nested(ct, 13,  n13,  sizeof(n13) /sizeof(int), 4);
471     tst_nested(ct, 15,  n15,  sizeof(n15) /sizeof(int), 4);
472     tst_nested(ct, 30,  n30,  sizeof(n30) /sizeof(int), 4);
473     tst_nested(ct, 101, n101, sizeof(n101)/sizeof(int), 4);
474     tst_nested(ct, 127, n127, sizeof(n127)/sizeof(int), 4);
475     tst_nested(ct, 64,  n64,  sizeof(n64) /sizeof(int), 4);
476     tst_nested(ct, 133, n133, sizeof(n133)/sizeof(int), 4);
477     tst_nested(ct, 148, n148, sizeof(n148)/sizeof(int), 4);
478     tst_nested(ct, 160, n160, sizeof(n160)/sizeof(int), 4);
479     tst_nested(ct, 24,  n24,  sizeof(n24) /sizeof(int), 4);
480     tst_nested(ct, 42,  n42,  sizeof(n42) /sizeof(int), 4);
481     tst_nested(ct, 59,  n59,  sizeof(n59) /sizeof(int), 4);
482     tst_nested(ct, 191, n191, sizeof(n191)/sizeof(int), 4);
483     tst_nested(ct, 190, n190, sizeof(n190)/sizeof(int), 4);
484     tst_nested(ct, 186, n186, sizeof(n186)/sizeof(int), 4);
485     tst_nested(ct, 184, n184, sizeof(n184)/sizeof(int), 4);
486 }
488 /*
489  void pnprime_to_xy(int, int*, int*, int);
490  int xy_to_pnprime(int, int, int);
492  void tst_healpix_pnprime_to_xy(CuTest *ct) {
493  int px,py;
494  pnprime_to_xy(6, &px, &py, 3);
495  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, px, 2);
496  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, py, 0);
497  pnprime_to_xy(8, &px, &py, 3);
498  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, px, 2);
499  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, py, 2);
500  pnprime_to_xy(0, &px, &py, 3);
501  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, px, 0);
502  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, py, 0);
503  pnprime_to_xy(2, &px, &py, 3);
504  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, px, 0);
505  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, py, 2);
506  pnprime_to_xy(4, &px, &py, 3);
507  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, px, 1);
508  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, py, 1);
509  }
511  void tst_healpix_xy_to_pnprime(CuTest *ct) {
512  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(0,0,3), 0);
513  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(1,0,3), 3);
514  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(2,0,3), 6);
515  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(0,1,3), 1);
516  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(1,1,3), 4);
517  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(2,1,3), 7);
518  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(0,2,3), 2);
519  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(1,2,3), 5);
520  CuAssertIntEquals(ct, xy_to_pnprime(2,2,3), 8);
521  }
522  */
print_test_healpix_output(int Nside)523 void print_test_healpix_output(int Nside) {
525     int i, j;
526     double z;
527     double phi;
528     fprintf(stderr, "graph Nside4 {\n");
530     // north polar
531     for (i=1; i<=Nside; i++) {
532         for (j=1; j<=(4*i); j++) {
533             // find the center of the pixel in ring i
534             // and longitude j.
535             z = 1.0 - square((double)i / (double)Nside)/3.0;
536             phi = M_PI / (2.0 * i) * ((double)j - 0.5);
537             fprintf(stderr, "  // North polar, i=%i, j=%i.  z=%g, phi=%g\n", i, j, z, phi);
538             print_node(z, phi, Nside);
539         }
540     }
541     // south polar
542     for (i=1; i<=Nside; i++) {
543         for (j=1; j<=(4*i); j++) {
544             z = 1.0 - square((double)i / (double)Nside)/3.0;
545             z *= -1.0;
546             phi = M_PI / (2.0 * i) * ((double)j - 0.5);
547             fprintf(stderr, "  // South polar, i=%i, j=%i.  z=%g, phi=%g\n", i, j, z, phi);
548             print_node(z, phi, Nside);
549         }
550     }
551     // north equatorial
552     for (i=Nside+1; i<=2*Nside; i++) {
553         for (j=1; j<=(4*Nside); j++) {
554             int s;
555             z = 4.0/3.0 - 2.0 * i / (3.0 * Nside);
556             s = (i - Nside + 1) % 2;
557             s = (s + 2) % 2;
558             phi = M_PI / (2.0 * Nside) * ((double)j - (double)s / 2.0);
559             fprintf(stderr, "  // North equatorial, i=%i, j=%i.  z=%g, phi=%g, s=%i\n", i, j, z, phi, s);
560             print_node(z, phi, Nside);
561         }
562     }
563     // south equatorial
564     for (i=Nside+1; i<2*Nside; i++) {
565         for (j=1; j<=(4*Nside); j++) {
566             int s;
567             z = 4.0/3.0 - 2.0 * i / (3.0 * Nside);
568             z *= -1.0;
569             s = (i - Nside + 1) % 2;
570             s = (s + 2) % 2;
571             phi = M_PI / (2.0 * Nside) * ((double)j - s / 2.0);
572             fprintf(stderr, "  // South equatorial, i=%i, j=%i.  z=%g, phi=%g, s=%i\n", i, j, z, phi, s);
573             print_node(z, phi, Nside);
574         }
575     }
577     fprintf(stderr, "  node [ shape=point ]\n");
578     fprintf(stderr, "  C0 [ pos=\"0,-10!\" ];\n");
579     fprintf(stderr, "  C1 [ pos=\"20,-10!\" ];\n");
580     fprintf(stderr, "  C2 [ pos=\"20,10!\" ];\n");
581     fprintf(stderr, "  C3 [ pos=\"0,10!\" ];\n");
582     fprintf(stderr, "  C0 -- C1 -- C2 -- C3 -- C0\n");
583     fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
584 }
print_healpix_grid(int Nside)586 void print_healpix_grid(int Nside) {
587     int i;
588     int j;
589     int N = 500;
591     fprintf(stderr, "x%i=[", Nside);
592     for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
593         for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
594             fprintf(stderr, "%i ", radectohealpix(i*2*M_PI/N, M_PI*(j-N/2)/N, Nside));
595         }
596         fprintf(stderr, ";");
597     }
598     fprintf(stderr, "];\n\n");
599     fflush(stderr);
600 }
print_healpix_borders(int Nside)602 void print_healpix_borders(int Nside) {
603     int i;
604     int j;
605     int N = 1;
607     fprintf(stderr, "x%i=[", Nside);
608     for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
609         for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
610             fprintf(stderr, "%i ", radectohealpix(i*2*M_PI/N, M_PI*(j-N/2)/N, Nside));
611         }
612         fprintf(stderr, ";");
613     }
614     fprintf(stderr, "];\n\n");
615     fflush(stderr);
616 }
test_big_nside(CuTest * ct)618 void test_big_nside(CuTest* ct) {
619     double ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2;
620     int Nside = 2097152;
621     int64_t hp;
622     double dx, dy;
624     // just a random val...
625     ra1 = 43.7;
626     dec1 = -38.4;
628     hp = radecdegtohealpixl(ra1, dec1, Nside);
629     healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, 0, 0, &ra2, &dec2);
631     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, ra1, ra2, arcsec2deg(0.1));
632     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, dec1, dec2, arcsec2deg(0.1));
634     // another random val...
635     ra1 = 0.0003;
636     dec1 = 75.3;
638     dx = dy = -1.0;
639     hp = radecdegtohealpixlf(ra1, dec1, Nside, &dx, &dy);
640     CuAssert(ct, "dx", dx >= 0.0);
641     CuAssert(ct, "dx", dx <= 1.0);
642     CuAssert(ct, "dy", dy >= 0.0);
643     CuAssert(ct, "dy", dy <= 1.0);
644     healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, dx, dy, &ra2, &dec2);
646     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, ra1, ra2, arcsec2deg(1e-10));
647     CuAssertDblEquals(ct, dec1, dec2, arcsec2deg(1e-10));
649     printf("RA,Dec difference: %g, %g arcsec\n", deg2arcsec(ra2-ra1), deg2arcsec(dec2-dec1));
650 }
test_distortion_at_pole(CuTest * ct)652 void test_distortion_at_pole(CuTest* ct) {
653     // not really a test of the code, more of healpix itself...
654     double ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, ra3, dec3, ra4, dec4;
655     int Nside = 2097152;
656     int64_t hp;
657     double d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6;
658     double testras [] = {  0.0, 45.0,  0.0, 0.0 };
659     double testdecs[] = { 90.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0.0 };
660     char* testnames[] = { "north pole", "mid-polar", "mid-equatorial",
661                           "equator" };
662     double ra, dec;
663     int i;
665     for (i=0; i<sizeof(testras)/sizeof(double); i++) {
666         ra = testras[i];
667         dec = testdecs[i];
669         hp = radecdegtohealpixl(ra, dec, Nside);
671         healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, 0, 0, &ra1, &dec1);
672         healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, 0, 1, &ra2, &dec2);
673         healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, 1, 1, &ra3, &dec3);
674         healpixl_to_radecdeg(hp, Nside, 1, 0, &ra4, &dec4);
676         // sides
677         d1 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2);
678         d2 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra2, dec2, ra3, dec3);
679         d3 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra3, dec3, ra4, dec4);
680         d4 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra4, dec4, ra1, dec1);
681         // diagonals
682         d5 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra1, dec1, ra3, dec3);
683         d6 = arcsec_between_radecdeg(ra2, dec2, ra4, dec4);
685         printf("%-15s (%4.1f, %4.1f): %-5.3f, %-5.3f, %-5.3f, %-5.3f / %-5.3f, %-5.3f\n", testnames[i], ra, dec, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6);
686     }
687 }
690 #if defined(TEST_HEALPIX_MAIN)
main(int argc,char ** args)691 int main(int argc, char** args) {
693     /* Run all tests */
694     CuString *output = CuStringNew();
695     CuSuite* suite = CuSuiteNew();
697     /* Add new tests here */
698     SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_healpix_neighbours);
699     SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_healpix_pnprime_to_xy);
700     SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_healpix_xy_to_pnprime);
701     SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, test_healpix_distance_to_radec);
703     /* Run the suite, collect results and display */
704     CuSuiteRun(suite);
705     CuSuiteSummary(suite, output);
706     CuSuiteDetails(suite, output);
707     printf("%s\n", output->buffer);
709     /*
710      print_healpix_grid(1);
711      print_healpix_grid(2);
712      print_healpix_grid(3);
713      print_healpix_grid(4);
714      print_healpix_grid(5);
715      */
717     //print_test_healpix_output();
719     /*
720      int rastep, decstep;
721      int Nra = 100;
722      int Ndec = 100;
723      double ra, dec;
724      int healpix;
725      printf("radechealpix=zeros(%i,3);\n", Nra*Ndec);
726      for (rastep=0; rastep<Nra; rastep++) {
727      ra = ((double)rastep / (double)(Nra-1)) * 2.0 * M_PI;
728      for (decstep=0; decstep<Ndec; decstep++) {
729      dec = (((double)decstep / (double)(Ndec-1)) * M_PI) - M_PI/2.0;
730      healpix = radectohealpix(ra, dec);
731      printf("radechealpix(%i,:)=[%g,%g,%i];\n",
732      (rastep*Ndec) + decstep + 1, ra, dec, healpix);
733      }
734      }
735      printf("ra=radechealpix(:,1);\n");
736      printf("dec=radechealpix(:,2);\n");
737      printf("healpix=radechealpix(:,3);\n");
738      return 0;
739      */
740     return 0;
741 }
742 #endif