1      program main
3C  This is the FITSIO cookbook program that contains an annotated listing of
4C  various computer programs that read and write files in FITS format
5C  using the FITSIO subroutine interface.  These examples are
6C  working programs which users may adapt and modify for their own
7C  purposes.  This Cookbook serves as a companion to the FITSIO User's
8C  Guide that provides more complete documentation on all the
9C  available FITSIO subroutines.
11C  Call each subroutine in turn:
13      call writeimage
14      call writeascii
15      call writebintable
16      call copyhdu
17      call selectrows
18      call readheader
19      call readimage
20      call readtable
21      print *
22      print *,"All the fitsio cookbook routines ran successfully."
24      end
25C *************************************************************************
26      subroutine writeimage
28C  Create a FITS primary array containing a 2-D image
30      integer status,unit,blocksize,bitpix,naxis,naxes(2)
31      integer i,j,group,fpixel,nelements,array(300,200)
32      character filename*80
33      logical simple,extend
35C  The STATUS parameter must be initialized before using FITSIO.  A
36C  positive value of STATUS is returned whenever a serious error occurs.
37C  FITSIO uses an `inherited status' convention, which means that if a
38C  subroutine is called with a positive input value of STATUS, then the
39C  subroutine will exit immediately, preserving the status value. For
40C  simplicity, this program only checks the status value at the end of
41C  the program, but it is usually better practice to check the status
42C  value more frequently.
44      status=0
46C  Name of the FITS file to be created:
47      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
49C  Delete the file if it already exists, so we can then recreate it.
50C  The deletefile subroutine is listed at the end of this file.
51      call deletefile(filename,status)
53C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
54C  This routine is not required;  programmers can choose any unused
55C  unit number to open the file.
56      call ftgiou(unit,status)
58C  Create the new empty FITS file.  The blocksize parameter is a
59C  historical artifact and the value is ignored by FITSIO.
60      blocksize=1
61      call ftinit(unit,filename,blocksize,status)
63C  Initialize parameters about the FITS image.
64C  BITPIX = 16 means that the image pixels will consist of 16-bit
65C  integers.  The size of the image is given by the NAXES values.
66C  The EXTEND = TRUE parameter indicates that the FITS file
67C  may contain extensions following the primary array.
68      simple=.true.
69      bitpix=16
70      naxis=2
71      naxes(1)=300
72      naxes(2)=200
73      extend=.true.
75C  Write the required header keywords to the file
76      call ftphpr(unit,simple,bitpix,naxis,naxes,0,1,extend,status)
78C  Initialize the values in the image with a linear ramp function
79      do j=1,naxes(2)
80          do i=1,naxes(1)
81              array(i,j)=i - 1 +j - 1
82          end do
83      end do
85C  Write the array to the FITS file.
86C  The last letter of the subroutine name defines the datatype of the
87C  array argument; in this case the 'J' indicates that the array has an
88C  integer*4 datatype. ('I' = I*2, 'E' = Real*4, 'D' = Real*8).
89C  The 2D array is treated as a single 1-D array with NAXIS1 * NAXIS2
90C  total number of pixels.  GROUP is seldom used parameter that should
91C  almost always be set = 1.
92      group=1
93      fpixel=1
94      nelements=naxes(1)*naxes(2)
95      call ftpprj(unit,group,fpixel,nelements,array,status)
97C  Write another optional keyword to the header
98C  The keyword record will look like this in the FITS file:
100C  EXPOSURE=                 1500 / Total Exposure Time
102      call ftpkyj(unit,'EXPOSURE',1500,'Total Exposure Time',status)
104C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
105C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
106      call ftclos(unit, status)
107      call ftfiou(unit, status)
109C  Check for any errors, and if so print out error messages.
110C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
111      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
112      end
113C *************************************************************************
114      subroutine writeascii
116C  Create an ASCII table containing 3 columns and 6 rows.  For convenience,
117C  the ASCII table extension is appended to the FITS image file created
118C  previously by the WRITEIMAGE subroutine.
120      integer status,unit,readwrite,blocksize,tfields,nrows,rowlen
121      integer nspace,tbcol(3),diameter(6), colnum,frow,felem
122      real density(6)
123      character filename*40,extname*16
124      character*16 ttype(3),tform(3),tunit(3),name(6)
125      data ttype/'Planet','Diameter','Density'/
126      data tform/'A8','I6','F4.2'/
127      data tunit/' ','km','g/cm'/
128      data name/'Mercury','Venus','Earth','Mars','Jupiter','Saturn'/
129      data diameter/4880,12112,12742,6800,143000,121000/
130      data density/5.1,5.3,5.52,3.94,1.33,0.69/
132C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
133      status=0
135C  Name of the FITS file to append the ASCII table to:
136      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
138C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
139      call ftgiou(unit,status)
141C  Open the FITS file with write access.
142C  (readwrite = 0 would open the file with readonly access).
143      readwrite=1
144      call ftopen(unit,filename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
146C  FTCRHD creates a new empty FITS extension following the current
147C  extension and moves to it.  In this case, FITSIO was initially
148C  positioned on the primary array when the FITS file was first opened, so
149C  FTCRHD appends an empty extension and moves to it.  All future FITSIO
150C  calls then operate on the new extension (which will be an ASCII
151C  table).
152      call ftcrhd(unit,status)
154C  define parameters for the ASCII table (see the above data statements)
155      tfields=3
156      nrows=6
157      extname='PLANETS_ASCII'
159C  FTGABC is a convenient subroutine for calculating the total width of
160C  the table and the starting position of each column in an ASCII table.
161C  Any number of blank spaces (including zero)  may be inserted between
162C  each column of the table, as specified by the NSPACE parameter.
163      nspace=1
164      call ftgabc(tfields,tform,nspace,rowlen,tbcol,status)
166C  FTPHTB writes all the required header keywords which define the
167C  structure of the ASCII table. NROWS and TFIELDS give the number of
168C  rows and columns in the table, and the TTYPE, TBCOL, TFORM, and TUNIT
169C  arrays give the column name, starting position, format, and units,
170C  respectively of each column. The values of the ROWLEN and TBCOL parameters
171C  were previously calculated by the FTGABC routine.
172      call ftphtb(unit,rowlen,nrows,tfields,ttype,tbcol,tform,tunit,
173     &            extname,status)
175C  Write names to the first column, diameters to 2nd col., and density to 3rd
176C  FTPCLS writes the string values to the NAME column (column 1) of the
177C  table.  The FTPCLJ and FTPCLE routines write the diameter (integer) and
178C  density (real) value to the 2nd and 3rd columns.  The FITSIO routines
179C  are column oriented, so it is usually easier to read or write data in a
180C  table in a column by column order rather than row by row.
181      frow=1
182      felem=1
183      colnum=1
184      call ftpcls(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,name,status)
185      colnum=2
186      call ftpclj(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,diameter,status)
187      colnum=3
188      call ftpcle(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,density,status)
190C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
191C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
192      call ftclos(unit, status)
193      call ftfiou(unit, status)
195C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
196C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
197      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
198      end
199C *************************************************************************
200      subroutine writebintable
202C  This routine creates a FITS binary table, or BINTABLE, containing
203C  3 columns and 6 rows.  This routine is nearly identical to the
204C  previous WRITEASCII routine, except that the call to FTGABC is not
205C  needed, and FTPHBN is called rather than FTPHTB to write the
206C  required header keywords.
208      integer status,unit,readwrite,blocksize,hdutype,tfields,nrows
209      integer varidat,diameter(6), colnum,frow,felem
210      real density(6)
211      character filename*40,extname*16
212      character*16 ttype(3),tform(3),tunit(3),name(6)
213      data ttype/'Planet','Diameter','Density'/
214      data tform/'8A','1J','1E'/
215      data tunit/' ','km','g/cm'/
216      data name/'Mercury','Venus','Earth','Mars','Jupiter','Saturn'/
217      data diameter/4880,12112,12742,6800,143000,121000/
218      data density/5.1,5.3,5.52,3.94,1.33,0.69/
220C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
221      status=0
223C  Name of the FITS file to append the ASCII table to:
224      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
226C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
227      call ftgiou(unit,status)
229C  Open the FITS file, with write access.
230      readwrite=1
231      call ftopen(unit,filename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
233C  Move to the last (2nd) HDU in the file (the ASCII table).
234      call ftmahd(unit,2,hdutype,status)
236C  Append/create a new empty HDU onto the end of the file and move to it.
237      call ftcrhd(unit,status)
239C  Define parameters for the binary table (see the above data statements)
240      tfields=3
241      nrows=6
242      extname='PLANETS_BINARY'
243      varidat=0
245C  FTPHBN writes all the required header keywords which define the
246C  structure of the binary table. NROWS and TFIELDS gives the number of
247C  rows and columns in the table, and the TTYPE, TFORM, and TUNIT arrays
248C  give the column name, format, and units, respectively of each column.
249      call ftphbn(unit,nrows,tfields,ttype,tform,tunit,
250     &            extname,varidat,status)
252C  Write names to the first column, diameters to 2nd col., and density to 3rd
253C  FTPCLS writes the string values to the NAME column (column 1) of the
254C  table.  The FTPCLJ and FTPCLE routines write the diameter (integer) and
255C  density (real) value to the 2nd and 3rd columns.  The FITSIO routines
256C  are column oriented, so it is usually easier to read or write data in a
257C  table in a column by column order rather than row by row.  Note that
258C  the identical subroutine calls are used to write to either ASCII or
259C  binary FITS tables.
260      frow=1
261      felem=1
262      colnum=1
263      call ftpcls(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,name,status)
264      colnum=2
265      call ftpclj(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,diameter,status)
266      colnum=3
267      call ftpcle(unit,colnum,frow,felem,nrows,density,status)
269C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
270C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
271      call ftclos(unit, status)
272      call ftfiou(unit, status)
274C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
275C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
276      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
277      end
278C *************************************************************************
279      subroutine copyhdu
281C  Copy the 1st and 3rd HDUs from the input file to a new FITS file
283      integer status,inunit,outunit,readwrite,blocksize,morekeys,hdutype
284      character infilename*40,outfilename*40
286C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
287      status=0
289C     Name of the FITS files:
290      infilename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
291      outfilename='BTESTFILEZ.FITS'
293C  Delete the file if it already exists, so we can then recreate it
294C  The deletefile subroutine is listed at the end of this file.
295      call deletefile(outfilename,status)
297C  Get  unused Logical Unit Numbers to use to open the FITS files.
298      call ftgiou(inunit,status)
299      call ftgiou(outunit,status)
301C  Open the input FITS file, with readonly access
302      readwrite=0
303      call ftopen(inunit,infilename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
305C  Create the new empty FITS file (value of blocksize is ignored)
306      blocksize=1
307      call ftinit(outunit,outfilename,blocksize,status)
309C  FTCOPY copies the current HDU from the input FITS file to the output
310C  file.  The MOREKEY parameter allows one to reserve space for additional
311C  header keywords when the HDU is created.   FITSIO will automatically
312C  insert more header space if required, so programmers do not have to
313C  reserve space ahead of time, although it is more efficient to do so if
314C  it is known that more keywords will be appended to the header.
315      morekeys=0
316      call ftcopy(inunit,outunit,morekeys,status)
318C  Append/create a new empty extension on the end of the output file
319      call ftcrhd(outunit,status)
321C  Skip to the 3rd extension in the input file which in this case
322C  is the binary table created by the previous WRITEBINARY routine.
323      call ftmahd(inunit,3,hdutype,status)
325C  FTCOPY now copies the binary table from the input FITS file
326C  to the output file.
327      call ftcopy(inunit,outunit,morekeys,status)
329C  The FITS files must always be closed before exiting the program.
330C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
331C  Giving -1 for the value of the first argument causes all previously
332C  allocated unit numbers to be released.
334      call ftclos(inunit, status)
335      call ftclos(outunit, status)
336      call ftfiou(-1, status)
338C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
339C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
340      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
341      end
342C *************************************************************************
343      subroutine selectrows
345C  This routine copies selected rows from an input table into a new output
346C  FITS table.  In this example all the rows in the input table that have
347C  a value of the DENSITY column less that 3.0 are copied to the output
348C  table.  This program illustrates several generally useful techniques,
349C  including:
350C      how to locate the end of a FITS file
351C      how to create a table when the total number of rows in the table
352C      is not known until the table is completed
353C      how to efficiently copy entire rows from one table to another.
355      integer status,inunit,outunit,readwrite,blocksize,hdutype
356      integer nkeys,nspace,naxes(2),nfound,colnum,frow,felem
357      integer noutrows,irow,temp(100),i
358      real nullval,density(6)
359      character infilename*40,outfilename*40,record*80
360      logical exact,anynulls
362C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
363      status=0
365C     Names of the FITS files:
366      infilename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
367      outfilename='BTESTFILEZ.FITS'
369C  Get  unused Logical Unit Numbers to use to open the FITS files.
370      call ftgiou(inunit,status)
371      call ftgiou(outunit,status)
373C  The input FITS file is opened with READONLY access, and the output
374C  FITS file is opened with WRITE access.
375      readwrite=0
376      call ftopen(inunit,infilename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
377      readwrite=1
378      call ftopen(outunit,outfilename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
380C  move to the 3rd HDU in the input file (a binary table in this case)
381      call ftmahd(inunit,3,hdutype,status)
383C  This do-loop illustrates how to move to the last extension in any FITS
384C  file.  The call to FTMRHD moves one extension at a time through the
385C  FITS file until an `End-of-file' status value (= 107) is returned.
386      do while (status .eq. 0)
387          call ftmrhd(outunit,1,hdutype,status)
388      end do
390C  After locating the end of the FITS file, it is necessary to reset the
391C  status value to zero and also clear the internal error message stack
392C  in FITSIO.  The previous `End-of-file' error will have produced
393C  an unimportant message on the error stack which can be cleared with
394C  the call to the FTCMSG routine (which has no arguments).
396      if (status .eq. 107)then
397          status=0
398          call ftcmsg
399      end if
401C  Create a new empty extension in the output file.
402      call ftcrhd(outunit,status)
404C  Find the number of keywords in the input table header.
405      call ftghsp(inunit,nkeys,nspace,status)
407C  This do-loop of calls to FTGREC and FTPREC copies all the keywords from
408C  the input to the output FITS file.  Notice that the specified number
409C  of rows in the output table, as given by the NAXIS2 keyword, will be
410C  incorrect.  This value will be modified later after it is known how many
411C  rows will be in the table, so it does not matter how many rows are specified
412C  initially.
413      do i=1,nkeys
414          call ftgrec(inunit,i,record,status)
415          call ftprec(outunit,record,status)
416      end do
418C  FTGKNJ is used to get the value of the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keywords,
419C  which define the width of the table in bytes, and the number of
420C  rows in the table.
421      call ftgknj(inunit,'NAXIS',1,2,naxes,nfound,status)
423C  FTGCNO gets the column number of the `DENSITY' column; the column
424C  number is needed when reading the data in the column.  The EXACT
425C  parameter determines whether or not the match to the column names
426C  will be case sensitive.
427      exact=.false.
428      call ftgcno(inunit,exact,'DENSITY',colnum,status)
430C  FTGCVE reads all 6 rows of data in the `DENSITY' column.  The number
431C  of rows in the table is given by NAXES(2). Any null values in the
432C  table will be returned with the corresponding value set to -99
433C  (= the value of NULLVAL).  The ANYNULLS parameter will be set to TRUE
434C  if any null values were found while reading the data values in the table.
435      frow=1
436      felem=1
437      nullval=-99.
438      call ftgcve(inunit,colnum,frow,felem,naxes(2),nullval,
439     &            density,anynulls,status)
441C  If the density is less than 3.0, copy the row to the output table.
442C  FTGTBB and FTPTBB are low-level routines to read and write, respectively,
443C  a specified number of bytes in the table, starting at the specified
444C  row number and beginning byte within the row.  These routines do
445C  not do any interpretation of the bytes, and simply pass them to or
446C  from the FITS file without any modification.  This is a faster
447C  way of transferring large chunks of data from one FITS file to another,
448C  than reading and then writing each column of data individually.
449C  In this case an entire row of bytes (the row length is specified
450C  by the naxes(1) parameter) is transferred.  The datatype of the
451C  buffer array (TEMP in this case) is immaterial so long as it is
452C  declared large enough to hold the required number of bytes.
453      noutrows=0
454      do irow=1,naxes(2)
455          if (density(irow) .lt. 3.0)then
456              noutrows=noutrows+1
457              call ftgtbb(inunit,irow,1,naxes(1),temp,status)
458              call ftptbb(outunit,noutrows,1,naxes(1),temp,status)
459          end if
460      end do
462C  Update the NAXIS2 keyword with the correct no. of rows in the output file.
463C  After all the rows have been written to the output table, the
464C  FTMKYJ routine is used to overwrite the NAXIS2 keyword value with
465C  the correct number of rows.  Specifying `\&' for the comment string
466C  tells FITSIO to keep the current comment string in the keyword and
467C  only modify the value.  Because the total number of rows in the table
468C  was unknown when the table was first created, any value (including 0)
469C  could have been used for the initial NAXIS2 keyword value.
470      call ftmkyj(outunit,'NAXIS2',noutrows,'&',status)
472C  The FITS files must always be closed before exiting the program.
473C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
474      call ftclos(inunit, status)
475      call ftclos(outunit, status)
476      call ftfiou(-1, status)
478C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
479C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
480      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
481      end
482C *************************************************************************
483      subroutine readheader
485C  Print out all the header keywords in all extensions of a FITS file
487      integer status,unit,readwrite,blocksize,nkeys,nspace,hdutype,i,j
488      character filename*80,record*80
490C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
491      status=0
493C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
494      call ftgiou(unit,status)
496C     name of FITS file
497      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
499C     open the FITS file, with read-only access.  The returned BLOCKSIZE
500C     parameter is obsolete and should be ignored.
501      readwrite=0
502      call ftopen(unit,filename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
504      j = 0
505100   continue
506      j = j + 1
508      print *,'Header listing for HDU', j
510C  The FTGHSP subroutine returns the number of existing keywords in the
511C  current header data unit (CHDU), not counting the required END keyword,
512      call ftghsp(unit,nkeys,nspace,status)
514C  Read each 80-character keyword record, and print it out.
515      do i = 1, nkeys
516          call ftgrec(unit,i,record,status)
517          print *,record
518      end do
520C  Print out an END record, and a blank line to mark the end of the header.
521      if (status .eq. 0)then
522          print *,'END'
523          print *,' '
524      end if
526C  Try moving to the next extension in the FITS file, if it exists.
527C  The FTMRHD subroutine attempts to move to the next HDU, as specified by
528C  the second parameter.   This subroutine moves by a relative number of
529C  HDUs from the current HDU.  The related FTMAHD routine may be used to
530C  move to an absolute HDU number in the FITS file.  If the end-of-file is
531C  encountered when trying to move to the specified extension, then a
532C  status = 107 is returned.
533      call ftmrhd(unit,1,hdutype,status)
535      if (status .eq. 0)then
536C         success, so jump back and print out keywords in this extension
537          go to 100
539      else if (status .eq. 107)then
540C         hit end of file, so quit
541          status=0
542      end if
544C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
545C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
546      call ftclos(unit, status)
547      call ftfiou(unit, status)
549C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
550C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
551      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
552      end
553C *************************************************************************
554      subroutine readimage
556C  Read a FITS image and determine the minimum and maximum pixel value.
557C  Rather than reading the entire image in
558C  at once (which could require a very large array), the image is read
559C  in pieces, 100 pixels at a time.
561      integer status,unit,readwrite,blocksize,naxes(2),nfound
562      integer group,firstpix,nbuffer,npixels,i
563      real datamin,datamax,nullval,buffer(100)
564      logical anynull
565      character filename*80
567C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
568      status=0
570C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
571      call ftgiou(unit,status)
573C  Open the FITS file previously created by WRITEIMAGE
574      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
575      readwrite=0
576      call ftopen(unit,filename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
578C  Determine the size of the image.
579      call ftgknj(unit,'NAXIS',1,2,naxes,nfound,status)
581C  Check that it found both NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 keywords.
582      if (nfound .ne. 2)then
583          print *,'READIMAGE failed to read the NAXISn keywords.'
584          return
585       end if
587C  Initialize variables
588      npixels=naxes(1)*naxes(2)
589      group=1
590      firstpix=1
591      nullval=-999
592      datamin=1.0E30
593      datamax=-1.0E30
595      do while (npixels .gt. 0)
596C         read up to 100 pixels at a time
597          nbuffer=min(100,npixels)
599          call ftgpve(unit,group,firstpix,nbuffer,nullval,
600     &            buffer,anynull,status)
602C         find the min and max values
603          do i=1,nbuffer
604              datamin=min(datamin,buffer(i))
605              datamax=max(datamax,buffer(i))
606          end do
608C         increment pointers and loop back to read the next group of pixels
609          npixels=npixels-nbuffer
610          firstpix=firstpix+nbuffer
611      end do
613      print *
614      print *,'Min and max image pixels = ',datamin,datamax
616C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
617C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
618      call ftclos(unit, status)
619      call ftfiou(unit, status)
621C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
622C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
623      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
624      end
625C *************************************************************************
626      subroutine readtable
628C  Read and print data values from an ASCII or binary table
629C  This example reads and prints out all the data in the ASCII and
630C  the binary tables that were previously created by WRITEASCII and
631C  WRITEBINTABLE.  Note that the exact same FITSIO routines are
632C  used to read both types of tables.
634      integer status,unit,readwrite,blocksize,hdutype,ntable
635      integer felem,nelems,nullj,diameter,nfound,irow,colnum
636      real nulle,density
637      character filename*40,nullstr*1,name*8,ttype(3)*10
638      logical anynull
640C  The STATUS parameter must always be initialized.
641      status=0
643C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file.
644      call ftgiou(unit,status)
646C  Open the FITS file previously created by WRITEIMAGE
647      filename='ATESTFILEZ.FITS'
648      readwrite=0
649      call ftopen(unit,filename,readwrite,blocksize,status)
651C  Loop twice, first reading the ASCII table, then the binary table
652      do ntable=2,3
654C  Move to the next extension
655          call ftmahd(unit,ntable,hdutype,status)
657          print *,' '
658          if (hdutype .eq. 1)then
659              print *,'Reading ASCII table in HDU ',ntable
660          else if (hdutype .eq. 2)then
661              print *,'Reading binary table in HDU ',ntable
662          end if
664C  Read the TTYPEn keywords, which give the names of the columns
665          call ftgkns(unit,'TTYPE',1,3,ttype,nfound,status)
666          write(*,2000)ttype
6672000      format(2x,"Row   ",3a10)
669C  Read the data, one row at a time, and print them out
670          felem=1
671          nelems=1
672          nullstr=' '
673          nullj=0
674          nulle=0.
675          do irow=1,6
676C             FTGCVS reads the NAMES from the first column of the table.
677              colnum=1
678              call ftgcvs(unit,colnum,irow,felem,nelems,nullstr,name,
679     &                    anynull,status)
681C             FTGCVJ reads the DIAMETER values from the second column.
682              colnum=2
683              call ftgcvj(unit,colnum,irow,felem,nelems,nullj,diameter,
684     &                    anynull,status)
686C             FTGCVE reads the DENSITY values from the third column.
687              colnum=3
688              call ftgcve(unit,colnum,irow,felem,nelems,nulle,density,
689     &                    anynull,status)
690              write(*,2001)irow,name,diameter,density
6912001          format(i5,a10,i10,f10.2)
692          end do
693      end do
695C  The FITS file must always be closed before exiting the program.
696C  Any unit numbers allocated with FTGIOU must be freed with FTFIOU.
697      call ftclos(unit, status)
698      call ftfiou(unit, status)
700C  Check for any error, and if so print out error messages.
701C  The PRINTERROR subroutine is listed near the end of this file.
702      if (status .gt. 0)call printerror(status)
703      end
704C *************************************************************************
705      subroutine printerror(status)
707C  This subroutine prints out the descriptive text corresponding to the
708C  error status value and prints out the contents of the internal
709C  error message stack generated by FITSIO whenever an error occurs.
711      integer status
712      character errtext*30,errmessage*80
714C  Check if status is OK (no error); if so, simply return
715      if (status .le. 0)return
717C  The FTGERR subroutine returns a descriptive 30-character text string that
718C  corresponds to the integer error status number.  A complete list of all
719C  the error numbers can be found in the back of the FITSIO User's Guide.
720      call ftgerr(status,errtext)
721      print *,'FITSIO Error Status =',status,': ',errtext
723C  FITSIO usually generates an internal stack of error messages whenever
724C  an error occurs.  These messages provide much more information on the
725C  cause of the problem than can be provided by the single integer error
726C  status value.  The FTGMSG subroutine retrieves the oldest message from
727C  the stack and shifts any remaining messages on the stack down one
728C  position.  FTGMSG is called repeatedly until a blank message is
729C  returned, which indicates that the stack is empty.  Each error message
730C  may be up to 80 characters in length.  Another subroutine, called
731C  FTCMSG, is available to simply clear the whole error message stack in
732C  cases where one is not interested in the contents.
733      call ftgmsg(errmessage)
734      do while (errmessage .ne. ' ')
735          print *,errmessage
736          call ftgmsg(errmessage)
737      end do
738      end
739C *************************************************************************
740      subroutine deletefile(filename,status)
742C  A simple little routine to delete a FITS file
744      integer status,unit,blocksize
745      character*(*) filename
747C  Simply return if status is greater than zero
748      if (status .gt. 0)return
750C  Get an unused Logical Unit Number to use to open the FITS file
751      call ftgiou(unit,status)
753C  Try to open the file, to see if it exists
754      call ftopen(unit,filename,1,blocksize,status)
756      if (status .eq. 0)then
757C         file was opened;  so now delete it
758          call ftdelt(unit,status)
759      else if (status .eq. 103)then
760C         file doesn't exist, so just reset status to zero and clear errors
761          status=0
762          call ftcmsg
763      else
764C         there was some other error opening the file; delete the file anyway
765          status=0
766          call ftcmsg
767          call ftdelt(unit,status)
768      end if
770C  Free the unit number for later reuse
771      call ftfiou(unit, status)
772      end