1 /**
2  * \file NETGeographicLib/Georef.h
3  * \brief Header for NETGeographicLib::Georef class
4  *
5  * NETGeographicLib is copyright (c) Scott Heiman (2013-2015)
6  * GeographicLib is Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2010-2012)
7  * <charles@karney.com> and licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
8  * For more information, see
9  * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/
10  **********************************************************************/
11 #pragma once
13 namespace NETGeographicLib
14 {
15   /**
16    * \brief .NET wrapper for GeographicLib::Georef.
17    *
18    * The World Geographic Reference System is described in
19    * - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georef
20    * - https://web.archive.org/web/20161214054445/http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/coordsys/grids/georef.pdf
21    * .
22    * It provides a compact string representation of a geographic area
23    * (expressed as latitude and longitude).  The classes GARS and Geohash
24    * implement similar compact representations.
25    *
26    * C# Example:
27    * \include example-Georef.cs
28    * Managed C++ Example:
29    * \include example-Georef.cpp
30    * Visual Basic Example:
31    * \include example-Georef.vb
32    **********************************************************************/
33   public ref class Georef
34   {
35   private:
36       // hide the constructor since all members of this class are static.
Georef()37       Georef() {}
39   public:
40     /**
41      * Convert from geographic coordinates to georef.
42      *
43      * @param[in] lat latitude of point (degrees).
44      * @param[in] lon longitude of point (degrees).
45      * @param[in] prec the precision of the resulting georef.
46      * @param[out] georef the georef string.
47      * @exception GeographicErr if \e lat is not in [&minus;90&deg;,
48      *   90&deg;] or if memory for \e georef can't be allocated.
49      *
50      * \e prec specifies the precision of \e georef as follows:
51      * - \e prec = &minus;1 (min), 15&deg;
52      * - \e prec = 0, 1&deg;
53      * - \e prec = 1, converted to \e prec = 2
54      * - \e prec = 2, 1'
55      * - \e prec = 3, 0.1'
56      * - \e prec = 4, 0.01'
57      * - \e prec = 5, 0.001'
58      * - &hellip;
59      * - \e prec = 11 (max), 10<sup>&minus;9</sup>'
60      *
61      * If \e lat or \e lon is NaN, then \e georef is set to "INVALID".
62      **********************************************************************/
63     static void Forward(double lat, double lon, int prec,
64         [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^% georef);
66     /**
67      * Convert from Georef to geographic coordinates.
68      *
69      * @param[in] georef the Georef.
70      * @param[out] lat latitude of point (degrees).
71      * @param[out] lon longitude of point (degrees).
72      * @param[out] prec the precision of \e georef.
73      * @param[in] centerp if true (the default) return the center
74      *   \e georef, otherwise return the south-west corner.
75      * @exception GeographicErr if \e georef is illegal.
76      *
77      * The case of the letters in \e georef is ignored.  \e prec is in the
78      * range [&minus;1, 11] and gives the precision of \e georef as follows:
79      * - \e prec = &minus;1 (min), 15&deg;
80      * - \e prec = 0, 1&deg;
81      * - \e prec = 1, not returned
82      * - \e prec = 2, 1'
83      * - \e prec = 3, 0.1'
84      * - \e prec = 4, 0.01'
85      * - \e prec = 5, 0.001'
86      * - &hellip;
87      * - \e prec = 11 (max), 10<sup>&minus;9</sup>'
88      *
89      * If the first 3 characters of \e georef are "INV", then \e lat and \e lon
90      * are set to NaN and \e prec is unchanged.
91      **********************************************************************/
92     static void Reverse( System::String^ georef,
93         [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double% lat,
94         [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double% lon,
95         [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int% prec,
96         bool centerp );
98     /**
99      * The angular resolution of a Georef.
100      *
101      * @param[in] prec the precision of the Georef.
102      * @return the latitude-longitude resolution (degrees).
103      *
104      * Internally, \e prec is first put in the range [&minus;1, 11].
105      **********************************************************************/
106     static double Resolution(int prec);
108     /**
109      * The Georef precision required to meet a given geographic resolution.
110      *
111      * @param[in] res the minimum of resolution in latitude and longitude
112      *   (degrees).
113      * @return Georef precision.
114      *
115      * The returned length is in the range [0, 11].
116      **********************************************************************/
117     static int Precision(double res);
118   };
119 }