1This is gnuastro.info, produced by makeinfo version 6.8 from
4This book documents version 0.16 of the GNU Astronomy Utilities
5(Gnuastro).  Gnuastro provides various programs and libraries for
6astronomical data manipulation and analysis.
8   Copyright © 2015-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
10     Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
11     document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
12     Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
13     Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and
14     no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the
15     section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.
18* Gnuastro: (gnuastro).       GNU Astronomy Utilities.
19* libgnuastro: (gnuastro)Gnuastro library. Full Gnuastro library doc.
21* help-gnuastro: (gnuastro)help-gnuastro mailing list. Getting help.
23* bug-gnuastro: (gnuastro)Report a bug. How to report bugs
25* Arithmetic: (gnuastro)Arithmetic. Arithmetic operations on pixels.
26* astarithmetic: (gnuastro)Invoking astarithmetic. Options to Arithmetic.
28* BuildProgram: (gnuastro)BuildProgram. Compile and run programs using Gnuastro’s library.
29* astbuildprog: (gnuastro)Invoking astbuildprog. Options to BuildProgram.
31* ConvertType: (gnuastro)ConvertType. Convert different file types.
32* astconvertt: (gnuastro)Invoking astconvertt. Options to ConvertType.
34* Convolve: (gnuastro)Convolve. Convolve an input file with kernel.
35* astconvolve: (gnuastro)Invoking astconvolve. Options to Convolve.
37* CosmicCalculator: (gnuastro)CosmicCalculator. For cosmological params.
38* astcosmiccal: (gnuastro)Invoking astcosmiccal. Options to CosmicCalculator.
40* Crop: (gnuastro)Crop. Crop region(s) from image(s).
41* astcrop: (gnuastro)Invoking astcrop. Options to Crop.
43* Fits: (gnuastro)Fits. View and manipulate FITS extensions and keywords.
44* astfits: (gnuastro)Invoking astfits. Options to Fits.
46* MakeCatalog: (gnuastro)MakeCatalog. Make a catalog from labeled image.
47* astmkcatalog: (gnuastro)Invoking astmkcatalog. Options to MakeCatalog.
49* MakeNoise: (gnuastro)MakeNoise. Make (add) noise to an image.
50* astmknoise: (gnuastro)Invoking astmknoise. Options to MakeNoise.
52* MakeProfiles: (gnuastro)MakeProfiles. Make mock profiles.
53* astmkprof: (gnuastro)Invoking astmkprof. Options to MakeProfiles.
55* Match: (gnuastro)Match. Match two separate catalogs.
56* astmatch: (gnuastro)Invoking astmatch. Options to Match.
58* NoiseChisel: (gnuastro)NoiseChisel. Detect signal in noise.
59* astnoisechisel: (gnuastro)Invoking astnoisechisel. Options to NoiseChisel.
61* Segment: (gnuastro)Segment. Segment detections based on signal structure.
62* astsegment: (gnuastro)Invoking astsegment. Options to Segment.
64* Query: (gnuastro)Query. Access remote databases for downloading data.
65* astquery: (gnuastro)Invoking astquery. Options to Query.
67* Statistics: (gnuastro)Statistics. Get image Statistics.
68* aststatistics: (gnuastro)Invoking aststatistics. Options to Statistics.
70* Table: (gnuastro)Table. Read and write FITS binary or ASCII tables.
71* asttable: (gnuastro)Invoking asttable. Options to Table.
73* Warp: (gnuastro)Warp. Warp a dataset to a new grid.
74* astwarp: (gnuastro)Invoking astwarp. Options to Warp.
76* astscript: (gnuastro)Installed scripts. Gnuastro’s installed scripts.
77* astscript-sort-by-night: (gnuastro)Invoking astscript-sort-by-night. Options to this script
78* astscript-radial-profile: (gnuastro)Invoking astscript-radial-profile. Options to this script
79* astscript-ds9-region: (gnuastro)Invoking astscript-ds9-region. Options to this script
84File: gnuastro.info,  Node: ConvertType,  Next: Table,  Prev: Fits,  Up: Data containers
865.2 ConvertType
89The FITS format used in astronomy was defined mainly for archiving,
90transmission, and processing.  In other situations, the data might be
91useful in other formats.  For example, when you are writing a paper or
92report, or if you are making slides for a talk, you can’t use a FITS
93image.  Other image formats should be used.  In other cases you might
94want your pixel values in a table format as plain text for input to
95other programs that don’t recognize FITS. ConvertType is created for
96such situations.  The various types will increase with future updates
97and based on need.
99   The conversion is not only one way (from FITS to other formats), but
100two ways (except the EPS and PDF formats(1)).  So you can also convert a
101JPEG image or text file into a FITS image.  Basically, other than
102EPS/PDF, you can use any of the recognized formats as different color
103channel inputs to get any of the recognized outputs.  So before
104explaining the options and arguments (in *note Invoking astconvertt::),
105we’ll start with a short description of the recognized files types in
106*note Recognized file formats::, followed a short introduction to
107digital color in *note Color::.
109* Menu:
111* Recognized file formats::     Recognized file formats
112* Color::                       Some explanations on color.
113* Aligning images with small WCS offsets::  When the WCS slightly differs.
114* Annotations for figure in paper::  Adding coordinates or physical scale.
115* Invoking astconvertt::        Options and arguments to ConvertType.
117   ---------- Footnotes ----------
119   (1) Because EPS and PDF are vector, not raster/pixelated formats
122File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Recognized file formats,  Next: Color,  Prev: ConvertType,  Up: ConvertType
1245.2.1 Recognized file formats
127The various standards and the file name extensions recognized by
128ConvertType are listed below.  Currently Gnuastro uses the file name’s
129suffix to identify the format.
131FITS or IMH
132     Astronomical data are commonly stored in the FITS format (or the
133     older data IRAF ‘.imh’ format), a list of file name suffixes which
134     indicate that the file is in this format is given in *note
135     Arguments::.
137     Each image extension of a FITS file only has one value per
138     pixel/element.  Therefore, when used as input, each input FITS
139     image contributes as one color channel.  If you want multiple
140     extensions in one FITS file for different color channels, you have
141     to repeat the file name multiple times and use the ‘--hdu’,
142     ‘--hdu2’, ‘--hdu3’ or ‘--hdu4’ options to specify the different
143     extensions.
146     The JPEG standard was created by the Joint photographic experts
147     group.  It is currently one of the most commonly used image
148     formats.  Its major advantage is the compression algorithm that is
149     defined by the standard.  Like the FITS standard, this is a raster
150     graphics format, which means that it is pixelated.
152     A JPEG file can have 1 (for gray-scale), 3 (for RGB) and 4 (for
153     CMYK) color channels.  If you only want to convert one JPEG image
154     into other formats, there is no problem, however, if you want to
155     use it in combination with other input files, make sure that the
156     final number of color channels does not exceed four.  If it does,
157     then ConvertType will abort and notify you.
159     The file name endings that are recognized as a JPEG file for input
160     are: ‘.jpg’, ‘.JPG’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.JPEG’, ‘.jpe’, ‘.jif’, ‘.jfif’ and
161     ‘.jfi’.
164     TIFF (or Tagged Image File Format) was originally designed as a
165     common format for scanners in the early 90s and since then it has
166     grown to become very general.  In many aspects, the TIFF standard
167     is similar to the FITS image standard: it can allow data of many
168     types (see *note Numeric data types::), and also allows multiple
169     images to be stored in a single file (each image in the file is
170     called a ‘directory’ in the TIFF standard).  However, unlike FITS,
171     it can only store images, it has no constructs for tables.  Another
172     (inconvenient) difference with the FITS standard is that keyword
173     names are stored as numbers, not human-readable text.
175     However, outside of astronomy, because of its support of different
176     numeric data types, many fields use TIFF images for accurate (for
177     example 16-bit integer or floating point for example) imaging data.
179     Currently ConvertType can only read TIFF images, if you are
180     interested in writing TIFF images, please get in touch with us.
183     The Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format is essentially a one page
184     PostScript file which has a specified size.  PostScript also
185     includes non-image data, for example lines and texts.  It is a
186     fully functional programming language to describe a document.
187     Therefore in ConvertType, EPS is only an output format and cannot
188     be used as input.  Contrary to the FITS or JPEG formats, PostScript
189     is not a raster format, but is categorized as vector graphics.
191     The Portable Document Format (PDF) is currently the most common
192     format for documents.  Some believe that PDF has replaced
193     PostScript and that PostScript is now obsolete.  This view is
194     wrong, a PostScript file is an actual plain text file that can be
195     edited like any program source with any text editor.  To be able to
196     display its programmed content or print, it needs to pass through a
197     processor or compiler.  A PDF file can be thought of as the
198     processed output of the compiler on an input PostScript file.
199     PostScript, EPS and PDF were created and are registered by Adobe
200     Systems.
202     With these features in mind, you can see that when you are
203     compiling a document with TeX or LaTeX, using an EPS file is much
204     more low level than a JPEG and thus you have much greater control
205     and therefore quality.  Since it also includes vector graphic lines
206     we also use such lines to make a thin border around the image to
207     make its appearance in the document much better.  No matter the
208     resolution of the display or printer, these lines will always be
209     clear and not pixelated.  In the future, addition of text might be
210     included (for example labels or object IDs) on the EPS output.
211     However, this can be done better with tools within TeX or LaTeX
212     such as PGF/Tikz(1).
214     If the final input image (possibly after all operations on the flux
215     explained below) is a binary image or only has two colors of black
216     and white (in segmentation maps for example), then PostScript has
217     another great advantage compared to other formats.  It allows for 1
218     bit pixels (pixels with a value of 0 or 1), this can decrease the
219     output file size by 8 times.  So if a gray-scale image is binary,
220     ConvertType will exploit this property in the EPS and PDF (see
221     below) outputs.
223     The standard formats for an EPS file are ‘.eps’, ‘.EPS’, ‘.epsf’
224     and ‘.epsi’.  The EPS outputs of ConvertType have the ‘.eps’
225     suffix.
228     As explained above, a PDF document is a static document description
229     format, viewing its result is therefore much faster and more
230     efficient than PostScript.  To create a PDF output, ConvertType
231     will make a PostScript page description and convert that to PDF
232     using GPL Ghostscript.  The suffixes recognized for a PDF file are:
233     ‘.pdf’, ‘.PDF’.  If GPL Ghostscript cannot be run on the PostScript
234     file, it will remain and a warning will be printed.
237     This is not actually a file type!  But can be used to fill one
238     color channel with a blank value.  If this argument is given for
239     any color channel, that channel will not be used in the output.
241Plain text
242     Plain text files have the advantage that they can be viewed with
243     any text editor or on the command-line.  Most programs also support
244     input as plain text files.  As input, each plain text file is
245     considered to contain one color channel.
247     In ConvertType, the recognized extensions for plain text files are
248     ‘.txt’ and ‘.dat’.  As described in *note Invoking astconvertt::,
249     if you just give these extensions, (and not a full filename) as
250     output, then automatic output will be preformed to determine the
251     final output name (see *note Automatic output::).  Besides these,
252     when the format of a file cannot be recognized from its name,
253     ConvertType will fall back to plain text mode.  So you can use any
254     name (even without an extension) for a plain text input or output.
255     Just note that when the suffix is not recognized, automatic output
256     will not be preformed.
258     The basic input/output on plain text images is very similar to how
259     tables are read/written as described in *note Gnuastro text table
260     format::.  Simply put, the restrictions are very loose, and there
261     is a convention to define a name, units, data type (see *note
262     Numeric data types::), and comments for the data in a commented
263     line.  The only difference is that as a table, a text file can
264     contain many datasets (columns), but as a 2D image, it can only
265     contain one dataset.  As a result, only one information comment
266     line is necessary for a 2D image, and instead of the starting ‘‘#
267     Column N’’ (‘N’ is the column number), the information line for a
268     2D image must start with ‘‘# Image 1’’.  When ConvertType is asked
269     to output to plain text file, this information comment line is
270     written before the image pixel values.
272     When converting an image to plain text, consider the fact that if
273     the image is large, the number of columns in each line will become
274     very large, possibly making it very hard to open in some text
275     editors.
277Standard output (command-line)
278     This is very similar to the plain text output, but instead of
279     creating a file to keep the printed values, they are printed on the
280     command line.  This can be very useful when you want to redirect
281     the results directly to another program in one command with no
282     intermediate file.  The only difference is that only the pixel
283     values are printed (with no information comment line).  To print to
284     the standard output, set the output name to ‘‘stdout’’.
286   ---------- Footnotes ----------
288   (1) <http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/>
291File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Color,  Next: Aligning images with small WCS offsets,  Prev: Recognized file formats,  Up: ConvertType
2935.2.2 Color
296Color is defined by mixing various measurements/filters.  In digital
297monitors or common digital cameras, colors are displayed/stored by
298mixing the three basic colors of red, green and blue (RGB) with various
299proportions.  When printing on paper, standard printers use the cyan,
300magenta, yellow and key (CMYK, key=black) color space.  In other words,
301for each displayed/printed pixel of a color image, the dataset/image has
302three or four values.
304   To store/show the three values for each pixel, cameras and monitors
305allocate a certain fraction of each pixel’s area to red, green and blue
306filters.  These three filters are thus built into the hardware at the
307pixel level.  However, because measurement accuracy is very important in
308scientific instruments, and we want to do measurements (take images)
309with various/custom filters (without having to order a new expensive
310detector!), scientific detectors use the full area of the pixel to store
311one value for it in a single/mono channel dataset.  To make measurements
312in different filters, we just place a filter in the light path before
313the detector.  Therefore, the FITS format that is used to store
314astronomical datasets is inherently a mono-channel format (see *note
315Recognized file formats:: or *note Fits::).
317   When a subject has been imaged in multiple filters, you can feed each
318different filter into the red, green and blue channels and obtain a
319colored visualization.  In ConvertType, you can do this by giving each
320separate single-channel dataset (for example in the FITS image format)
321as an argument (in the proper order), then asking for the output in a
322format that supports multi-channel datasets (for example JPEG or PDF,
323see the examples in *note Invoking astconvertt::).
325   As discussed above, color is not defined when a dataset/image
326contains a single value for each pixel.  However, we interact with
327scientific datasets through monitors or printers (which allow multiple
328values per pixel and produce color with them).  As a result, there is a
329lot of freedom in visualizing a single-channel dataset.  The most basic
330is to use shades of black (because of its strong contrast with white).
331This scheme is called grayscale.  To help in visualization, more complex
332mappings can be defined.  For example, the values can be scaled to a
333range of 0 to 360 and used as the “Hue” term of the Hue-Saturation-Value
334(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV) (HSV) color space (while
335fixing the “Saturation” and “Value” terms).  In ConvertType, you can use
336the ‘--colormap’ option to choose between different mappings of
337mono-channel inputs, see *note Invoking astconvertt::.
339   Since grayscale is a commonly used mapping of single-valued datasets,
340we’ll continue with a closer look at how it is stored.  One way to
341represent a gray-scale image in different color spaces is to use the
342same proportions of the primary colors in each pixel.  This is the
343common way most FITS image viewers work: for each pixel, they fill all
344the channels with the single value.  While this is necessary for
345displaying a dataset, there are downsides when storing/saving this type
346of grayscale visualization (for example in a paper).
348   • Three (for RGB) or four (for CMYK) values have to be stored for
349     every pixel, this makes the output file very heavy (in terms of
350     bytes).
352   • If printing, the printing errors of each color channel can make the
353     printed image slightly more blurred than it actually is.
355   To solve both these problems when storing grayscale visualization,
356the best way is to save a single-channel dataset into the black channel
357of the CMYK color space.  The JPEG standard is the only common standard
358that accepts CMYK color space.
360   The JPEG and EPS standards set two sizes for the number of bits in
361each channel: 8-bit and 12-bit.  The former is by far the most common
362and is what is used in ConvertType.  Therefore, each channel should have
363values between 0 to 2^8-1=255.  From this we see how each pixel in a
364gray-scale image is one byte (8 bits) long, in an RGB image, it is 3
365bytes long and in CMYK it is 4 bytes long.  But thanks to the JPEG
366compression algorithms, when all the pixels of one channel have the same
367value, that channel is compressed to one pixel.  Therefore a Grayscale
368image and a CMYK image that has only the K-channel filled are
369approximately the same file size.
372File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Aligning images with small WCS offsets,  Next: Annotations for figure in paper,  Prev: Color,  Up: ConvertType
3745.2.3 Aligning images with small WCS offsets
377In order to have nice color images, it is important that the images be
378properly aligned.  This is usually the case in many scenarios, but it
379some times happens that the images have a small WCS offset, even though
380they have the same size.  In such cases you can use the script below to
381align the images into approximately the same pixel grid (to within about
3820.5 pixels which is sufficient in many color-image usage scenarios).
384   The script below does the job using Gnuastro’s *note Warp:: and *note
385Crop:: programs.  Simply copy the lines below into a plain-text file
386with your favorite text editor and save it as ‘my-align.sh’.  Don’t
387forget to set the variables of the first three lines to specify the file
388names (without the ‘.fits’ suffix) and the HDUs of your inputs.  These
389four lines are all you need to edit, leave the rest unchanged.  Also, if
390you are copy/pasting the script from a PDF, be careful that the
391single-quotes used in AWK may need to be corrected.
393     #!/bin/sh
395     # Set the input names (without the '.fits' suffix),
396     # and their HDUs.
397     r=RED_IMAGE_NO_SUFFIX;   rhdu=1
398     g=GREEN_IMAGE_NO_SUFFIX; ghdu=1
399     b=BLUE_IMAGE_NO_SUFFIX;  bhdu=1
401     # To stop the script if there is a crash
402     set -e
404     # Align all the images to the celestial poles.
405     astwarp $r.fits --align -h$rhdu -o $r-aligned.fits
406     astwarp $g.fits --align -h$ghdu -o $g-aligned.fits
407     astwarp $b.fits --align -h$bhdu -o $b-aligned.fits
409     # Calculate the final WCS-based center and image-based width based on
410     # the G-band (in RGB) image.
411     centerwcs=$(astfits $g-aligned.fits --skycoverage --quiet \
412                         | awk 'NR==1{printf "%g %g", $1,$2}')
413     widthpix=$(astfits $g-aligned.fits -h1 --quiet \
414                        --keyvalue=NAXIS1,NAXIS2 \
415                    | awk '{printf "%d,%d", $1, $2}')
417     # Crop all the images around the desired center and width.
418     for f in $r $g $b; do
419       centerpix=$(echo $centerwcs \
420                        | asttable -c'arith $1 $2 wcs-to-img' \
421                                   --wcsfile=$f-aligned.fits \
422                        | awk '{printf "%g,%g", $1, $2}')
423       astcrop $f-aligned.fits --mode=img --width=$widthpix \
424               --center=$centerpix -o$f-use.fits
425       rm $f-aligned.fits
426     done
428   Once you have have saved the file and come back to your command-line
429you can run the script like this:
431     $ chmod +x my-align.sh
432     $ ./my-align.sh
434Of course, feel free to hack it and modify it to fit your datasets, like
435the rest of Gnuastro, this script is released under GNU GPLv.3 and
436above, see *note Your rights::.
439File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Annotations for figure in paper,  Next: Invoking astconvertt,  Prev: Aligning images with small WCS offsets,  Up: ConvertType
4415.2.4 Annotations for figure in paper
444To make a nice figure from your FITS images, it is important to show
445more than merely the raw image (converted to a printer friendly format
446like PDF or JPEG). Annotations (or visual metadata) over the raw image
447greatly help the readers clearly see your argument and put the
448image/result in a larger context.  Examples include:
449   • Coordinates (Right Ascension and Declination) on the edges of the
450     image, so viewers of your paper or presentation slides can get a
451     physical feeling of the field’s sky coverage.
452   • Thick line that has a fixed tangential size (for example in kilo
453     parsecs) at the redshift/distance of interest.
454   • Contours over the image to show radio/X-ray emission, over an
455     optical image for example.
456   • Text or arrows or etc, over certain parts of the image.
458   Because of the modular philosophy of Gnuastro, ConvertType is only
459focused on converting your FITS images to printer friendly formats like
460JPEG or PDF. But to present your results in a slide or paper, you will
461often need to annotate the raw JPEG or PDF with some of the features
462above.  The good news is that there are many powerful plotting programs
463that you can use to add such annotations.  As a result, there is no
464point in making a new one, specific to Gnuastro.  In this section, we’ll
465demonstrate this using the very powerful PGFPlots(1) package of LaTeX.
467*Single script for easy running:* In this section we are reviewing the
468reason and details of every step which is good for educational purposes.
469But when you know the steps already, these separate code blocks can be
470annoying.  Therefore the full script (except for the data download step)
471is available in *note Full script of annotations on figure::.
473   PGFPlots uses the same LaTeX graphic engine that typesets your
474paper/slide.  Therefore when you build your plots and figures using
475PGFPlots (and its underlying package PGF/TiKZ(2)) your plots will blend
476beautifully within your text: same fonts, same colors, same line
477properties and etc.  Since most papers (and presentation slides(3)) are
478made with LaTeX, PGFPlots is therefore the best tool for those who use
479LaTeX to create documents.  PGFPlots also doesn’t need any extra
480dependencies beyond a basic/minimal TeX-live installation, so it is much
481more reliable than tools like Matplotlib in Python that have hundreds of
482fast-evolving dependencies(4).
484   To demonstrate this, we’ll create a surface brightness image of a
485galaxy in the F160W filter of the ABYSS survey(5).  In the code-block
486below, let’s make a “build” directory to keep intermediate files and
487avoid populating the source.  Afterwards, we’ll download the full image
488and crop out a 20 arcmin wide image around the galaxy with the commands
489below.  You can run these commands in an empty directory.
491     $ mkdir build
492     $ wget http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/ftp/J/A+A/621/A133/fits/ah_f160w.fits
493     $ astcrop ah_f160w.fits --center=53.1616278,-27.7802446 --mode=wcs \
494               --width=20/3600 --output=build/crop.fits
496   To better show the low surface brightness (LSB) outskirts, we’ll warp
497the image, then convert the pixel units to surface brightness with the
498commands below.  It is very important that the warping is done _before_
499the conversion to surface brightness (in units of mag/arcsec$^2$),
500because the definition of surface brightness is non-linear.  For more,
501see the Surface brightness topic of *note Brightness flux magnitude::.
503     $ zeropoint=25.94
504     $ astwarp build/crop.fits --centeroncorner --scale=1/3 \
505               --output=build/scaled.fits
506     $ pixarea=$(astfits build/scaled.fits --pixelscale --quiet \
507                         | awk '{print $1*3600*$2*3600}')
508     $ astarithmetic build/scaled.fits abs $zeropoint counts-to-mag \
509                     $pixarea log10 2.5 x + --output=build/sb.fits
511   We are now ready to convert the surface brightness image into a PDF.
512To better show the LSB features, we’ll also limit the color range with
513the ‘--fluxlow’ and ‘--fluxhigh’ options: all pixels with a surface
514brightness brighter than 22 mag/arcsec$^2$ will be shown as black, and
515all pixels with a surface brightness fainter than 30 mag/arcsec$^2$ will
516be white.  These thresholds are being defined as variables, because we
517will also need them below (to pass into PGFPlots).  We will also set
518‘--borderwidth=0’, because the coordinate system we will add over the
519image will effectively be a border for the image (separating it from the
522     $ sblow=22
523     $ sbhigh=30
524     $ astconvertt build/sb.fits --colormap=gray --borderwidth=0 \
525                   --fluxhigh=$sbhigh --fluxlow=$sblow --output=build/sb.pdf
527   Please open ‘sb.pdf’ and have a look.  Also, please open ‘sb.fits’ in
528DS9 (or any other FITS viewer) and play with the color range.  Can the
529surface brightness limits be changed to better show the LSB structure?
530If so, you are free to change the limits above.
532   We now have the printable PDF representation of the image, but as
533discussed above, its not enough for a paper.  We’ll add 1) a thick line
534showing the size of 20 kpc (kilo parsecs) at the redshift of the central
535galaxy, 2) coordinates and 3) a color bar, showing the surface
536brightness level of each grayscale level.
538   To get the first job done, we first need to know the redshift of the
539central galaxy.  To do this, we can use Gnuastro’s Query program to look
540into all the objects in NED within this image (only asking for the RA,
541Dec and redshift columns).  We will then use the Match program to find
542the NED entry that corresponds to our galaxy.
544     $ astquery ned --dataset=objdir --overlapwith=build/sb.fits \
545                --column=ra,dec,z --output=ned.fits
546     $ astmatch ned.fits -h1 --coord=53.1616278,-27.7802446 \
547                --ccol1=RA,Dec --aperture=1/3600
548     $ redshift=$(asttable ned_matched.fits -cz)
549     $ echo $redshift
551   Now that we know the redshift of the central object, we can define
552the coordinates of the thick line that will show the length of 20 kpc at
553that redshift.  It will be a horizontal line (fixed Declination) across
554a range of RA. The start of this thick line will be located at the top
555edge of the image (at the 95-percent of the width and height of the
556image).  With the commands below we’ll find the three necessary
557parameters (one declination and two RAs).  Just note that in
558astronomical images, RA increases to the left/east, which is the reason
559we are using the minimum and ‘+’ to find the RA starting point.
561     $ scalelineinkpc=20
562     $ coverage=$(astfits build/sb.fits --skycoverage --quiet | awk 'NR==2')
563     $ scalelinedec=$(echo      $coverage | awk '{print $4-($4-$3)*0.05}')
564     $ scalelinerastart=$(echo  $coverage | awk '{print $1+($2-$1)*0.05}')
565     $ scalelineraend=$(astcosmiccal --redshift=$redshift --arcsectandist \
566                           | awk '{start='$scalelinerastart'; \
567                                  width='$scalelineinkpc'/$1/3600; \
568                                  print start+width}')
570   To draw coordinates over the image, we need to feed these values into
571PGFPlots.  But manually entering numbers into the PGFPlots source will
572be very frustrating and prone to many errors!  Fortunately there is an
573easy way to do this: LaTeX macros.  New macros are defined by this LaTeX
575     \newcommand{\macroname}{value}
576Anywhere that LaTeX confronts ‘\macroname’, it will replace ‘value’ when
577building the output.  We will have one file called ‘macros.tex’ in the
578build directory and define macros based on those values.  We will use
579the shell’s ‘printf’ command to write these macro definition lines into
580the macro file.  We just have to use double backslashes in the ‘printf’
581command, because backslash is a meaningful character for ‘printf’, but
582we want to keep one of them.  Also, we put a ‘\n’ at the end of each
583line, otherwise, all the commands will go into a single line of the
584macro file.  We will also place the random ‘‘ma’’ string at the start of
585all our LaTeX macros to help identify the macros for this plot.
587     $ macros=build/macros.tex
588     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleDec}'"{$scalelinedec}\n" > $macros
589     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAa}'"{$scalelinerastart}\n" >> $macros
590     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAb}'"{$scalelineraend}\n" >> $macros
591     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleKpc}'"{$scalelineinkpc}\n" >> $macros
592     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCenterZ}'"{$redshift}\n" >> $macros
594   Please open the macros file after these commands and have a look to
595see if they do conform to the expected format above.  Another set of
596macros we will need to feed into PGFPlots is the coordinates of the
597image corners.  Fortunately the ‘coverage’ variable found above is also
598useful here.  We just need to extract each item before feeding it into
599the macros.  To do this, we’ll use AWK and keep each value with the
600temporary shell variable ‘‘v’’.
602     $ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $1}')
603     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropRAMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
604     $ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $2}')
605     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropRAMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
606     $ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $3}')
607     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropDecMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
608     $ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $4}')
609     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropDecMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
611   Finally, we also need to pass some other numbers to PGFPlots: 1) the
612major tick distance (in the coordinate axes that will be printed on the
613edge of the image).  We’ll assume 7 ticks for this image.  2) The
614minimum and maximum surface brightness values that we gave to
615ConvertType when making the PDF; PGFPlots will define its color-bar
616based on these two values.
618     $ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print ($2-$1)/7}')
619     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maTickDist}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
620     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maSBlow}'"{$sblow}\n" >> $macros
621     $ printf '\\newcommand{\\maSBhigh}'"{$sbhigh}\n" >> $macros
623   All the necessary numbers are now ready.  Please copy the contents
624below into a file called ‘my-figure.tex’.  This is the PGFPlots source
625for this particular plot.  Besides the coordinates and scale-line, we
626will also add some text over the image and an orange arrow pointing to
627the central object with its redshift printed over it.  The parameters
628are generally human-readable, so you should be able to get a good
629feeling of every line.  There are also comments which will show up as a
630different color when you copy this into a plain-text editor.
634  %% Define the coordinates and colorbar
635  \begin{axis}[
636      at={(0,0)},
637      axis on top,
638      x dir=reverse,
639      scale only axis,
640      width=\linewidth,
641      height=\linewidth,
642      minor tick num=10,
643      xmin=\maCropRAMin,
644      xmax=\maCropRAMax,
645      ymin=\maCropDecMin,
646      ymax=\maCropDecMax,
647      enlargelimits=false,
648      every tick/.style={black},
649      xtick distance=\maTickDist,
650      ytick distance=\maTickDist,
651      yticklabel style={rotate=90},
652      ylabel={Declination (degrees)},
653      xlabel={Right Ascension (degrees)},
654      ticklabel style={font=\small,
655        /pgf/number format/.cd, precision=4,/tikz/.cd},
656      x label style={at={(axis description cs:0.5,0.02)},
657        anchor=north,font=\small},
658      y label style={at={(axis description cs:0.07,0.5)},
659        anchor=south,font=\small},
660      colorbar,
661      colormap name=gray,
662      point meta min=\maSBlow,
663      point meta max=\maSBhigh,
664      colorbar style={
665        at={(1.01,1)},
666        ylabel={Surface brightness (mag/arcsec$^2$)},
667        yticklabel style={
668          /pgf/number format/.cd, precision=1, /tikz/.cd},
669        y label style={at={(axis description cs:5.3,0.5)},
670          anchor=south,font=\small},
671      },
672    ]
674    %% Put the image in the proper positions of the plot.
675    \addplot graphics[ xmin=\maCropRAMin,  xmax=\maCropRAMax,
676                       ymin=\maCropDecMin, ymax=\maCropDecMax]
677             {sb.pdf};
679    %% Draw the scale factor.
680    \addplot[black, line width=5, name=scaleline] coordinates
681            {(\maScaleRAa,\maScaleDec) (\maScaleRAb,\maScaleDec)}
682            node [anchor=north west] {\large $\maScaleKpc$ kpc};
683  \end{axis}
685  %% Add some text anywhere over the plot. The text is added two
686  %% times: the first time with a white background (that with a
687  %% certain opacity), the second time just the text with opacity.
688  \node[anchor=south west, fill=white, opacity=0.5]
689       at (0.01\linewidth,0.01\linewidth)
690       {(a) Text can be added here};
691  \node[anchor=south west]
692       at (0.01\linewidth,0.01\linewidth)
693       {(a) Text can be added here};
695  %% Add an arrow to highlight certain structures.
696  \draw [->, red!70!yellow, line width=5]
697  (0.35\linewidth,0.35\linewidth)
698  -- node [anchor=south, rotate=45]{$z=\maCenterZ$}
699  (0.45\linewidth,0.45\linewidth);
702   Finally, we need another simple LaTeX source for the main PDF
703“report” that will host this figure.  This can actually be your paper or
704slides for example.  Here, we’ll suffice to the minimal working example.
708%% Import the TiKZ package and activate its "external" feature.
713%% PGFPlots (which uses TiKZ).
715\pgfplotsset{axis line style={thick}}
717  /pgfplots/colormap={gray}{rgb255=(0,0,0) rgb255=(255,255,255)}
720%% Import the macros.
723%% Start document.
725You can write anything here.
727%% Add the figure and its caption.
729  \input{my-figure.tex}
730  \caption{A demo image.}
733%% Finish the document.
736   You are now ready to create the PDF. But LaTeX creates many temporary
737files, so to avoid populating our top-level directory, we’ll copy the
738two ‘.tex’ files into the build directory, go there and run LaTeX.
739Before running it though, we’ll first delete all the files that have the
740name pattern ‘*-figure0*’, these are “external” files created by
741TiKZ+PGFPlots, including the actual PDF of the figure.
743     $ cp report.tex my-figure.tex build
744     $ cd build
745     $ rm -f *-figure0*
746     $ pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error report.tex
748   You now have the full “report” in ‘report.pdf’.  Try adding some
749extra text on top of the figure, or in the caption and re-running the
750last four commands.  Also try changing the 20kpc scale line length to
75150kpc, or try changing the redshift, to see how the length and text of
752the thick scale-line will automatically change.  But the good news is
753that you also have the raw PDF of the figure that you can use in other
754places.  You can see that file in ‘report-figure0.pdf’.
756   In a larger paper, you can add multiple such figures (with different
757‘.tex’ files that are placed in different ‘figure’ environments with
758different captions).  Each figure will get a number in the build
759directory.  TiKZ also allows setting a file name for each “external”
760figure (to avoid such numbers that can be annoying if the image orders
761are changed).  PGFPlots is also highly customizable, you can make a lot
762of changes and customizations.  Both TiKZ(6) and PGFPLots(7) have
763wonderful manuals, so have a look trough them.
765* Menu:
767* Full script of annotations on figure::  All the steps in one script
769   ---------- Footnotes ----------
771   (1)
774   (2) <http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf>
776   (3) To build slides, LaTeX has packages like Beamer, see
779   (4) See Figure 1 of Alliez et al.  2020 at
782   (5) <http://research.iac.es/proyecto/abyss>
784   (6) <http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf>
786   (7)
790File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Full script of annotations on figure,  Prev: Annotations for figure in paper,  Up: Annotations for figure in paper
7925.2.4.1 Full script of annotations on figure
795In *note Annotations for figure in paper::, we each one of the steps to
796add annotations over an image were described in detail.  So if you have
797understood the steps, but need to add annotations over an image,
798repeating those steps individually will be annoying.  Therefore in this
799section, we’ll summarize all the steps in a single script that you can
800simply copy-paste into a text editor, configure, and run.
802*Necessary files:* To run this script, you will need an image to crop
803your object from (here assuming its called ‘ah_f160w.fits’ with a
804certain zeropoint) and two ‘my-figure.tex’ and ‘report.tex’ files that
805were fully included in *note Annotations for figure in paper::.  Also,
806we have brought the redshift as a parameter here.  But if the center of
807your image always points to your main object, you can also include the
808Query command to automatically find the object’s redshift from NED.
809Alternatively, your image may already be cropped, in this case, you can
810remove the cropping step and
812# Parameters.
813sblow=22                 # Minimum surface brightness.
814sbhigh=30                # Maximum surface brightness.
815bdir=build               # Build directory location on filesystem.
816numticks=7               # Number of major ticks in each axis.
817redshift=0.619           # Redshift of object of interest.
818zeropoint=25.94          # Zeropoint of input image.
819scalelineinkpc=20        # Length of scale-line (in kilo parsecs).
820input=ah_f160w.fits      # Name of input (to crop).
822# Stop the script in case of a crash.
823set -e
825# Build directory
826if ! [ -d $bdir ]; then mkdir $bdir; fi
828# Crop out the desired region.
830astcrop $input --center=53.1616278,-27.7802446 --mode=wcs \
831        --width=20/3600 --output=$crop
833# Warp the image to larger pixels to show surface brightness better.
835astwarp $crop --centeroncorner --scale=1/3 --output=$scaled
837# Calculate the pixel area and convert image to Surface brightness.
839pixarea=$(astfits $scaled --pixelscale --quiet \
840              | awk '{print $1*3600*$2*3600}')
841astarithmetic $scaled abs $zeropoint counts-to-mag \
842              $pixarea log10 2.5 x + --output=$sb
844# Convert the Surface brightness image into PDF.
846astconvertt $sb --colormap=gray --borderwidth=0 \
847	    --fluxhigh=$sbhigh --fluxlow=$sblow --output=$sbpdf
849# Specify the coordinates of the scale line (specifying a certain
850# width in kpc). We will put it on the top-right side of the image (5%
851# of the full width of the image away from the edge).
852coverage=$(astfits $sb --skycoverage --quiet | awk 'NR==2')
853scalelinedec=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $4-($4-$3)*0.05}')
854scalelinerastart=$(echo  $coverage | awk '{print $1+($2-$1)*0.05}')
855scalelineraend=$(astcosmiccal --redshift=$redshift --arcsectandist \
856		     | awk '{start='$scalelinerastart'; \
857                             width='$scalelineinkpc'/$1/3600; \
858                             print start+width}')
860# Write the LaTeX macros to use in plot. Start with the thick line
861# showing tangential distance.
863printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleDec}'"{$scalelinedec}\n" > $macros
864printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAa}'"{$scalelinerastart}\n" >> $macros
865printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAb}'"{$scalelineraend}\n" >> $macros
866printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleKpc}'"{$scalelineinkpc}\n" >> $macros
867printf '\\newcommand{\\maCenterZ}'"{$redshift}\n" >> $macros
869# Add image extrema for the coordinates.
870v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $1}')
871printf '\\newcommand{\maCropRAMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
872v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $2}')
873printf '\\newcommand{\maCropRAMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
874v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $3}')
875printf '\\newcommand{\maCropDecMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
876v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $4}')
877printf '\\newcommand{\maCropDecMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
879# Distance between each tick value.
880v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print ($2-$1)/'$numticks'}')
881printf '\\newcommand{\maTickDist}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
882printf '\\newcommand{\maSBlow}'"{$sblow}\n" >> $macros
883printf '\\newcommand{\maSBhigh}'"{$sbhigh}\n" >> $macros
885# Copy the LaTeX source into the build directory and go there to run
886# it and have all the temporary LaTeX files there.
887cp report.tex my-figure.tex $bdir
888cd $bdir
889rm -f *-figure0*
890pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error report.tex
893File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Invoking astconvertt,  Prev: Annotations for figure in paper,  Up: ConvertType
8955.2.5 Invoking ConvertType
898ConvertType will convert any recognized input file type to any specified
899output type.  The executable name is ‘astconvertt’ with the following
900general template
902     $ astconvertt [OPTION...] InputFile [InputFile2] ... [InputFile4]
904One line examples:
906     ## Convert an image in FITS to PDF:
907     $ astconvertt image.fits --output=pdf
909     ## Similar to before, but use the Viridis color map:
910     $ astconvertt image.fits --colormap=viridis --output=pdf
912     ## Convert an image in JPEG to FITS (with multiple extensions
913     ## if its color):
914     $ astconvertt image.jpg -oimage.fits
916     ## Use three plain text 2D arrays to create an RGB JPEG output:
917     $ astconvertt f1.txt f2.txt f3.fits -o.jpg
919     ## Use two images and one blank for an RGB EPS output:
920     $ astconvertt M31_r.fits M31_g.fits blank -oeps
922     ## Directly pass input from output of another program through Standard
923     ## input (not a file).
924     $ cat 2darray.txt | astconvertt -oimg.fits
926The output’s file format will be interpreted from the value given to the
927‘--output’ option.  It can either be given on the command-line or in any
928of the configuration files (see *note Configuration files::).  Note that
929if the output suffix is not recognized, it will default to plain text
930format, see *note Recognized file formats::.
932   At most four input files (one for each color channel for formats that
933allow it) are allowed in ConvertType.  The first input dataset can
934either be a file or come from Standard input (see *note Standard
935input::).  The order of multiple input files is important.  After
936reading the input file(s) the number of color channels in all the inputs
937will be used to define which color space to use for the outputs and how
938each color channel is interpreted.
940   Some formats can allow more than one color channel (for example in
941the JPEG format, see *note Recognized file formats::).  If there is one
942input dataset (color channel) the output will be gray-scale, if three
943input datasets (color channels) are given, they are respectively
944considered to be the red, green and blue color channels.  Finally, if
945there are four color channels they will be be cyan, magenta, yellow and
946black (CMYK colors).
948   The value to ‘--output’ (or ‘-o’) can be either a full file name or
949just the suffix of the desired output format.  In the former case, it
950will used for the output.  In the latter case, the name of the output
951file will be set based on the automatic output guidelines, see *note
952Automatic output::.  Note that the suffix name can optionally start a
953‘.’ (dot), so for example ‘--output=.jpg’ and ‘--output=jpg’ are
954equivalent.  See *note Recognized file formats::.
956   Besides the common set of options explained in *note Common
957options::, the options to ConvertType can be classified into input,
958output and flux related options.  The majority of the options are to do
959with the flux range.  Astronomical data usually have a very large
960dynamic range (difference between maximum and minimum value) and
961different subjects might be better demonstrated with a limited flux
965‘-h STR/INT966‘--hdu=STR/INT967     Input HDU name or counter (counting from 0) for each input FITS
968     file.  If the same HDU should be used from all the FITS files, you
969     can use the ‘--globalhdu’ option described below.  In ConvertType,
970     it is possible to call the HDU option multiple times for the
971     different input FITS or TIFF files in the same order that they are
972     called on the command-line.  Note that in the TIFF standard, one
973     ‘directory’ (similar to a FITS HDU) may contain multiple color
974     channels (for example when the image is in RGB).
976     Except for the fact that multiple calls are possible, this option
977     is identical to the common ‘--hdu’ in *note Input output options::.
978     The number of calls to this option cannot be less than the number
979     of input FITS or TIFF files, but if there are more, the extra HDUs
980     will be ignored, note that they will be read in the order described
981     in *note Configuration file precedence::.
983     Unlike CFITSIO, libtiff (which is used to read TIFF files) only
984     recognizes numbers (counting from zero, similar to CFITSIO) for
985     ‘directory’ identification.  Hence the concept of names is not
986     defined for the directories and the values to this option for TIFF
987     files must be numbers.
989‘-g STR/INT990‘--globalhdu=STR/INT991     Use the value given to this option (a HDU name or a counter,
992     starting from 0) for the HDU identifier of all the input FITS
993     files.  This is useful when all the inputs are distributed in
994     different files, but have the same HDU in those files.
998‘-w FLT’
1000     The width of the output in centimeters.  This is only relevant for
1001     those formats that accept such a width (not plain text for
1002     example).  For most digital purposes, the number of pixels is far
1003     more important than the value to this parameter because you can
1004     adjust the absolute width (in inches or centimeters) in your
1005     document preparation program.
1007‘-b INT’
1009     The width of the border to be put around the EPS and PDF outputs in
1010     units of PostScript points.  There are 72 or 28.35 PostScript
1011     points in an inch or centimeter respectively.  In other words,
1012     there are roughly 3 PostScript points in every millimeter.  If you
1013     are planning on adding a border, its significance is highly
1014     correlated with the value you give to the ‘--widthincm’ parameter.
1016     Unfortunately in the document structuring convention of the
1017     PostScript language, the “bounding box” has to be in units of
1018     PostScript points with no fractions allowed.  So the border values
1019     only have to be specified in integers.  To have a final border that
1020     is thinner than one PostScript point in your document, you can ask
1021     for a larger width in ConvertType and then scale down the output
1022     EPS or PDF file in your document preparation program.  For example
1023     by setting ‘width’ in your ‘includegraphics’ command in TeX or
1024     LaTeX.  Since it is vector graphics, the changes of size have no
1025     effect on the quality of your output quality (pixels don’t get
1026     different values).
1030     Use Hexadecimal encoding in creating EPS output.  By default the
1031     ASCII85 encoding is used which provides a much better compression
1032     ratio.  When converted to PDF (or included in TeX or LaTeX which is
1033     finally saved as a PDF file), an efficient binary encoding is used
1034     which is far more efficient than both of them.  The choice of EPS
1035     encoding will thus have no effect on the final PDF.
1037     So if you want to transfer your EPS files (for example if you want
1038     to submit your paper to arXiv or journals in PostScript), their
1039     storage might become important if you have large images or lots of
1040     small ones.  By default ASCII85 encoding is used which offers a
1041     much better compression ratio (nearly 40 percent) compared to
1042     Hexadecimal encoding.
1044‘-u INT’
1046     The quality (compression) of the output JPEG file with values from
1047     0 to 100 (inclusive).  For other formats the value to this option
1048     is ignored.  Note that only in gray-scale (when one input color
1049     channel is given) will this actually be the exact quality (each
1050     pixel will correspond to one input value).  If it is in color mode,
1051     some degradation will occur.  While the JPEG standard does support
1052     loss-less graphics, it is not commonly supported.
1055     The color map to visualize a single channel.  The first value given
1056     to this option is the name of the color map, which is shown below.
1057     Some color maps can be configured.  In this case, the configuration
1058     parameters are optionally given as numbers following the name of
1059     the color map for example see ‘hsv’.  The table below contains the
1060     usable names of the color maps that are currently supported:
1062     ‘gray’
1063     ‘grey’
1064          Grayscale color map.  This color map doesn’t have any
1065          parameters.  The full dataset range will be scaled to 0 and
1066          $2^8-1=255$ to be stored in the requested format.
1068     ‘hsv’
1069          Hue, Saturation, Value(1) color map.  If no values are given
1070          after the name (‘--colormap=hsv’), the dataset will be scaled
1071          to 0 and 360 for hue covering the full spectrum of colors.
1072          However, you can limit the range of hue (to show only a
1073          special color range) by explicitly requesting them after the
1074          name (for example ‘--colormap=hsv,20,240’).
1076          The mapping of a single-channel dataset to HSV is done through
1077          the Hue and Value elements: Lower dataset elements have lower
1078          “value” _and_ lower “hue”.  This creates darker colors for
1079          fainter parts, while also respecting the range of colors.
1081     ‘viridis’
1082          Viridis is the default colormap of the popular Matplotlib
1083          module of Python and available in many other visualization
1084          tools like PGFPlots.
1086     ‘sls’
1087          The SLS color range, taken from the commonly used SAO DS9
1088          (http://ds9.si.edu).  The advantage of this color range is
1089          that it starts with black, going into dark blue and finishes
1090          with the brighter colors of red and white.  So unlike the HSV
1091          color range, it includes black and white and brighter colors
1092          (like yellow, red) show the larger values.
1094     ‘sls-inverse’
1095          The inverse of the SLS color map (see above), where the lowest
1096          value corresponds to white and the highest value is black.
1097          While SLS is good for visualizing on the monitor, SLS-inverse
1098          is good for printing.
1101     When there are three input channels and the output is in the FITS
1102     format, interpret the three input channels as red, green and blue
1103     channels (RGB) and convert them to the hue, saturation, value (HSV)
1104     color space.
1106     The currently supported output formats of ConvertType don’t have
1107     native support for HSV. Therefore this option is only supported
1108     when the output is in FITS format and each of the hue, saturation
1109     and value arrays can be saved as one FITS extension in the output
1110     for further analysis (for example to select a certain color).
1112Flux range:
1114‘-c STR’
1116     (‘=STR’) Change pixel values with the following format ‘"from1:to1,
1117     from2:to2,..."’.  This option is very useful in displaying labeled
1118     pixels (not actual data images which have noise) like segmentation
1119     maps.  In labeled images, usually a group of pixels have a fixed
1120     integer value.  With this option, you can manipulate the labels
1121     before the image is displayed to get a better output for print or
1122     to emphasize on a particular set of labels and ignore the rest.
1123     The labels in the images will be changed in the same order given.
1124     By default first the pixel values will be converted then the pixel
1125     values will be truncated (see ‘--fluxlow’ and ‘--fluxhigh’).
1127     You can use any number for the values irrespective of your final
1128     output, your given values are stored and used in the double
1129     precision floating point format.  So for example if your input
1130     image has labels from 1 to 20000 and you only want to display those
1131     with labels 957 and 11342 then you can run ConvertType with these
1132     options:
1134          $ astconvertt --change=957:50000,11342:50001 --fluxlow=5e4 \
1135             --fluxhigh=1e5 segmentationmap.fits --output=jpg
1137     While the output JPEG format is only 8 bit, this operation is done
1138     in an intermediate step which is stored in double precision
1139     floating point.  The pixel values are converted to 8-bit after all
1140     operations on the input fluxes have been complete.  By placing the
1141     value in double quotes you can use as many spaces as you like for
1142     better readability.
1146     Change pixel values (with ‘--change’) after truncation of the flux
1147     values, by default it is the opposite.
1149‘-L FLT’
1151     The minimum flux (pixel value) to display in the output image, any
1152     pixel value below this value will be set to this value in the
1153     output.  If the value to this option is the same as ‘--fluxhigh’,
1154     then no flux truncation will be applied.  Note that when multiple
1155     channels are given, this value is used for all the color channels.
1157‘-H FLT’
1159     The maximum flux (pixel value) to display in the output image, see
1160     ‘--fluxlow’.
1162‘-m INT’
1164     This is only used for the JPEG and EPS output formats which have an
1165     8-bit space for each channel of each pixel.  The maximum value in
1166     each pixel can therefore be $2^8-1=255$.  With this option you can
1167     change (decrease) the maximum value.  By doing so you will decrease
1168     the dynamic range.  It can be useful if you plan to use those
1169     values for other purposes.
1171‘-A INT’
1173     Enforce the value of ‘--fluxlow’ (when its given), even if its
1174     smaller than the minimum of the dataset and the output is format
1175     supporting color.  This is particularly useful when you are
1176     converting a number of images to a common image format like JPEG or
1177     PDF with a single command and want them all to have the same range
1178     of colors, independent of the contents of the dataset.  Note that
1179     if the minimum value is smaller than ‘--fluxlow’, then this option
1180     is redundant.
1182     By default, when the dataset only has two values, _and_ the output
1183     format is PDF or EPS, ConvertType will use the PostScript
1184     optimization that allows setting the pixel values per bit, not byte
1185     (*note Recognized file formats::).  This can greatly help reduce
1186     the file size.  However, when ‘--fluxlow’ or ‘--fluxhigh’ are
1187     called, this optimization is disabled: even though there are only
1188     two values (is binary), the difference between them does not
1189     correspond to the full contrast of black and white.
1191‘-B INT’
1193     Similar to ‘--forcemin’, but for the maximum.
1197     For 8-bit output types (JPEG, EPS, and PDF for example) the final
1198     value that is stored is inverted so white becomes black and vice
1199     versa.  The reason for this is that astronomical images usually
1200     have a very large area of blank sky in them.  The result will be
1201     that a large are of the image will be black.  Note that this
1202     behavior is ideal for gray-scale images, if you want a color image,
1203     the colors are going to be mixed up.
1205   ---------- Footnotes ----------
1207   (1) <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV>
1210File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Table,  Next: Query,  Prev: ConvertType,  Up: Data containers
12125.3 Table
1215Tables are the high-level products of processing on low-leveler data
1216like images or spectra.  For example in Gnuastro, MakeCatalog will
1217process the pixels over an object and produce a catalog (or table) with
1218the properties of each object like magnitudes, positions and etc (see
1219*note MakeCatalog::).  Each one of these properties is a column in its
1220output catalog (or table) and for each input object, we have a row.
1222   When there are only a small number of objects (rows) and not too many
1223properties (columns), then a simple plain text file is mainly enough to
1224store, transfer, or even use the produced data.  However, to be more
1225efficient, astronomers have defined the FITS binary table standard to
1226store data in a binary format (which cannot be seen in a text editor
1227text).  This can offer major advantages: the file size will be greatly
1228reduced and the reading and writing will also be faster (because the RAM
1229and CPU also work in binary).  The acceptable table formats are fully
1230described in *note Tables::.
1232   Binary tables are not easily readable with basic plain-text editors.
1233There is no fixed/unified standard on how the zero and ones should be
1234interpreted.  Unix-like operating systems have flourished because of a
1235simple fact: communication between the various tools is based on human
1236readable characters(1).  So while the FITS table standards are very
1237beneficial for the tools that recognize them, they are hard to use in
1238the vast majority of available software.  This creates limitations for
1239their generic use.
1241   Table is Gnuastro’s solution to this problem.  Table has a large set
1242of operations that you can directly do on any recognized table (like
1243selecting certain rows, doing arithmetic on the columns and etc).  For
1244operations that Table doesn’t do internally, FITS tables (ASCII or
1245binary) are directly accessible to the users of Unix-like operating
1246systems (in particular those working the command-line or shell, see
1247*note Command-line interface::).  With Table, a FITS table (in binary or
1248ASCII formats) is only one command away from AWK (or any other tool you
1249want to use).  Just like a plain text file that you read with the ‘cat’
1250command.  You can pipe the output of Table into any other tool for
1251higher-level processing, see the examples in *note Invoking asttable::
1252for some simple examples.
1254   In the sections below we describe how to effectively use the Table
1255program.  We start with *note Column arithmetic::, where the basic
1256concept and methods of applying arithmetic operations on one or more
1257columns are discussed.  Afterwards, in *note Operation precedence in
1258Table::, we review the various types of operations available and their
1259precedence in an instance of calling Table.  This is a good place to get
1260a general feeling of all the things you can do with Table.  Finally, in
1261*note Invoking asttable::, we give some examples and describe each
1262option in Table.
1264* Menu:
1266* Column arithmetic::           How to do operations on table columns.
1267* Operation precedence in Table::  Order of running options in Table.
1268* Invoking asttable::           Options and arguments to Table.
1270   ---------- Footnotes ----------
1272   (1) In “The art of Unix programming”, Eric Raymond makes this
1273suggestion to programmers: “When you feel the urge to design a complex
1274binary file format, or a complex binary application protocol, it is
1275generally wise to lie down until the feeling passes.”.  This is a great
1276book and strongly recommended, give it a look if you want to truly enjoy
1277your work/life in this environment.
1280File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Column arithmetic,  Next: Operation precedence in Table,  Prev: Table,  Up: Table
12825.3.1 Column arithmetic
1285In many scenarios, you want to apply some kind of operation on the
1286columns and save them in another table or feed them into another
1287program.  With Table you can do a rich set of operations on the contents
1288of one or more columns in a table, and save the resulting values as new
1289column(s) in the output table.  For seeing the precedence of Column
1290arithmetic in relation to other Table operators, see *note Operation
1291precedence in Table::.
1293   To enable column arithmetic, the first 6 characters of the value to
1294‘--column’ (‘-c’) should be the activation word ‘‘arith ’’ (note the
1295space character in the end, after ‘‘arith’’).  After the activation
1296word, you can use reverse polish notation to identify the operators and
1297their operands, see *note Reverse polish notation::.  Just note that
1298white-space characters are used between the tokens of the arithmetic
1299expression and that they are meaningful to the command-line environment.
1300Therefore the whole expression (including the activation word) has to be
1301quoted on the command-line or in a shell script (see the examples
1304   To identify a column you can directly use its name, or specify its
1305number (counting from one, see *note Selecting table columns::).  When
1306you are giving a column number, it is necessary to prefix the number
1307with a ‘$’, similar to AWK. Otherwise the number is not distinguishable
1308from a constant number to use in the arithmetic operation.
1310   For example with the command below, the first two columns of
1311table.fits’ will be printed along with a third column that is the
1312result of multiplying the first column with $10^{10}$ (for example to
1313convert wavelength from Meters to Angstroms).  Note that without the
1314‘<$>’, it is not possible to distinguish between “1” as a
1315column-counter, or “1” as a constant number to use in the arithmetic
1316operation.  Also note that because of the significance of <$> for the
1317command-line environment, the single-quotes are the recommended quoting
1318method (as in an AWK expression), not double-quotes (for the
1319significance of using single quotes see the box below).
1321     $ asttable table.fits -c1,2 -c'arith $1 1e10 x'
1323*Single quotes when string contains <$>*: On the command-line, or in
1324shell-scripts, <$> is used to expand variables, for example ‘echo $PATH’
1325prints the value (a string of characters) in the variable ‘PATH’, it
1326will not simply print ‘$PATH’.  This operation is also permitted within
1327double quotes, so ‘echo "$PATH"’ will produce the same output.  This is
1328good when printing values, for example in the command below, ‘$PATH’
1329will expand to the value within it.
1331     $ echo "My path is: $PATH"
1333   If you actually want to return the literal string ‘$PATH’, not the
1334value in the ‘PATH’ variable (like the scenario here in column
1335arithmetic), you should put it in single quotes like below.  The printed
1336value here will include the ‘$’, please try it to see for your self and
1337compare to above.
1339     $ echo 'My path is: $PATH'
1341   Therefore, when your column arithmetic involves the <$> sign (to
1342specify columns by number), quote your ‘arith ’ string with a single
1343quotation mark.  Otherwise you can use both single or double quotes.
1345   Alternatively, if the columns have meta-data and the first two are
1346respectively called ‘AWAV’ and ‘SPECTRUM’, the command above is
1347equivalent to the command below.  Note that the character ‘<$>’ is no
1348longer necessary in this scenario (because names will not be confused
1349with numbers):
1351     $ asttable table.fits -cAWAV,SPECTRUM -c'arith AWAV 1e10 x'
1353   Comparison of the two commands above clearly shows why it is
1354recommended to use column names instead of numbers.  When the columns
1355have descriptive names, the command/script actually becomes much more
1356readable, describing the intent of the operation.  It is also
1357independent of the low-level table structure: for the second command,
1358the column numbers of the ‘AWAV’ and ‘SPECTRUM’ columns in ‘table.fits1359is irrelevant.
1361   Column arithmetic changes the values of the data within the column.
1362So the old column meta data can’t be used any more.  By default the
1363output column of the arithmetic operation will be given a generic
1364metadata (for example its name will be ‘ARITH_1’, which is hardly
1365useful!).  But meta data are critically important and it is good
1366practice to always have short, but descriptive, names for each columns,
1367units and also some comments for more explanation.  To add metadata to a
1368column, you can use the ‘--colmetadata’ option that is described in
1369*note Invoking asttable:: and *note Operation precedence in Table::.
1371   Finally, since the arithmetic expressions are a value to ‘--column’,
1372it doesn’t necessarily have to be a separate option, so the commands
1373above are also identical to the command below (note that this only has
1374one ‘-c’ option).  Just be very careful with the quoting!
1376     $ asttable table.fits -cAWAV,SPECTRUM,'arith AWAV 1e10 x'
1378   Almost all the arithmetic operators of *note Arithmetic operators::
1379are also supported for column arithmetic in Table.  In particular, the
1380few that are not present in the Gnuastro library(1) aren’t yet supported
1381for column arithmetic.  Besides the operators in *note Arithmetic
1382operators::, several operators are only available in Table to use on
1383table columns.
1386     Convert the given WCS positions to image/dataset coordinates based
1387     on the number of dimensions in the WCS structure of ‘--wcshdu’
1388     extension/HDU in ‘--wcsfile’.  It will output the same number of
1389     columns.  The first popped operand is the last FITS dimension.
1391     For example the two commands below (which have the same output)
1392     will produce 5 columns.  The first three columns are the input
1393     table’s ID, RA and Dec columns.  The fourth and fifth columns will
1394     be the pixel positions in ‘image.fits’ that correspond to each RA
1395     and Dec.
1397          $ asttable table.fits -cID,RA,DEC,'arith RA DEC wcs-to-img' \
1398                     --wcsfile=image.fits
1399          $ asttable table.fits -cID,RA -cDEC \
1400                     -c'arith RA DEC wcs-to-img' --wcsfile=image.fits
1403     Similar to ‘wcs-to-img’, except that image/dataset coordinates are
1404     converted to WCS coordinates.
1407     Return the distance between two points assuming they are on a flat
1408     surface.  Note that each point needs two coordinates, so this
1409     operator needs four operands (currently it only works for 2D
1410     spaces).  The first and second popped operands are considered to
1411     belong to one point and the third and fourth popped operands to the
1412     second point.
1414     Each of the input points can be a single coordinate or a full table
1415     column (containing many points).  In other words, the following
1416     commands are all valid:
1418          $ asttable table.fits \
1419                     -c'arith X1 Y1 X2 Y2 distance-flat'
1420          $ asttable table.fits \
1421                     -c'arith X Y 12.345 6.789 distance-flat'
1422          $ asttable table.fits \
1423                     -c'arith 12.345 6.789 X Y distance-flat'
1425     In the first case we are assuming that ‘table.fits’ has the
1426     following four columns ‘X1’, ‘Y1’, ‘X2’, ‘Y2’.  The returned column
1427     by this operator will be the difference between two points in each
1428     row with coordinates like the following (‘X1’, ‘Y1’) and (‘X2’,
1429     ‘Y2’).  In other words, for each row, the distance between
1430     different points is calculated.  In the second and third cases
1431     (which are identical), it is assumed that ‘table.fits’ has the two
1432     columns ‘X’ and ‘Y’.  The returned column by this operator will be
1433     the difference of each row with the fixed point at (12.345, 6.789).
1436     Return the spherical angular distance (along a great circle, in
1437     degrees) between the given two points.  Note that each point needs
1438     two coordinates (in degrees), so this operator needs four operands.
1439     The first and second popped operands are considered to belong to
1440     one point and the third and fourth popped operands to the second
1441     point.
1443     Each of the input points can be a single coordinate or a full table
1444     column (containing many points).  In other words, the following
1445     commands are all valid:
1447          $ asttable table.fits \
1448                     -c'arith RA1 DEC1 RA2 DEC2 distance-on-sphere'
1449          $ asttable table.fits \
1450                     -c'arith RA DEC 9.876 5.432 distance-on-sphere'
1451          $ asttable table.fits \
1452                     -c'arith 9.876 5.432 RA DEC distance-on-sphere'
1454     In the first case we are assuming that ‘table.fits’ has the
1455     following four columns ‘RA1’, ‘DEC1’, ‘RA2’, ‘DEC2’.  The returned
1456     column by this operator will be the difference between two points
1457     in each row with coordinates like the following (‘RA1’, ‘DEC1’) and
1458     (‘RA2’, ‘DEC2’).  In other words, for each row, the angular
1459     distance between different points is calculated.  In the second and
1460     third cases (which are identical), it is assumed that ‘table.fits1461     has the two columns ‘RA’ and ‘DEC’.  The returned column by this
1462     operator will be the difference of each row with the fixed point at
1463     (9.876, 5.432).
1465     The distance (along a great circle) on a sphere between two points
1466     is calculated with the equation below, where $r_1$, $r_2$, $d_1$
1467     and $d_2$ are the right ascensions and declinations of points 1 and
1468     2.
1470    $$\cos(d)=\sin(d_1)\sin(d_2)+\cos(d_1)\cos(d_2)\cos(r_1-r_2)$$
1473     Convert the hour-wise Right Ascension (RA) string, in the
1474     sexagesimal format of ‘_h_m_s’ or ‘_:_:_’, to degrees.  Note that
1475     the input column has to have a string format.  In FITS tables,
1476     string columns are well-defined.  For plain-text tables, please
1477     follow the standards defined in *note Gnuastro text table format::,
1478     otherwise the string column won’t be read.
1479          $ asttable catalog.fits -c'arith RA ra-to-degree'
1480          $ asttable catalog.fits -c'arith $5 ra-to-degree'
1483     Convert the sexagesimal Declination (Dec) string, in the format of
1484     ‘_d_m_s’ or ‘_:_:_’, to degrees (a single floating point number).
1485     For more details please see the ‘ra-to-degree’ operator.
1488     Convert degrees (a column with a single floating point number) to
1489     the Right Ascension, RA, string (in the sexagesimal format hours,
1490     minutes and seconds, written as ‘_h_m_s’).  The output will be a
1491     string column so no further mathematical operations can be done on
1492     it.  The output file can be in any format (for example FITS or
1493     plain-text).  If it is plain-text, the string column will be
1494     written following the standards described in *note Gnuastro text
1495     table format::.
1498     Convert degrees (a column with a single floating point number) to
1499     the Declination, Dec, string (in the format of ‘_d_m_s’).  See the
1500     ‘degree-to-ra’ for more on the format of the output.
1503     The popped operand should be a string column in the FITS date
1504     format (most generally: ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddd...’).  This
1505     operator will return the corresponding Unix epoch time (number of
1506     seconds that have passed since 00:00:00 Thursday, January 1st,
1507     1970).  The returned operand will be named ‘UNIXSEC’ (short for
1508     Unix-seconds).  If any of the times have sub-second precision, the
1509     numeric datatype of the column will be 64-bit floating point type.
1510     Otherwise it will be a 64-bit, signed integer, see *note Numeric
1511     data types::.
1513     For example, in the example below we are using this operator, in
1514     combination with the ‘--keyvalue’ option of the Fits program, to
1515     sort your desired FITS files by observation date (value in the
1516     ‘DATE-OBS’ keyword in example below):
1518          $ astfits *.fits --keyvalue=DATE-OBS --colinfoinstdout \
1519                    | asttable -cFILENAME,'arith DATE-OBS date-to-sec' \
1520                               --colinfoinstdout \
1521                    | asttable --sort=UNIXSEC
1523     If you don’t need to see the Unix-seconds any more, you can add a
1524     ‘-cFILENAME’ (short for ‘--column=FILENAME’) at the end.  For more
1525     on ‘--keyvalue’, see *note Keyword inspection and manipulation::.
1527   ---------- Footnotes ----------
1529   (1) For a list of the Gnuastro library arithmetic operators, please
1530see the macros starting with ‘GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP’ and ending with the
1531operator name in *note Arithmetic on datasets::.
1534File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Operation precedence in Table,  Next: Invoking asttable,  Prev: Column arithmetic,  Up: Table
15365.3.2 Operation precedence in Table
1539The Table program can do many operations on the rows and columns of the
1540input tables and they aren’t always applied in the order you call the
1541operation on the command-line.  In this section we will describe which
1542operation is done before/after which operation.  Knowing this precedence
1543table is important to avoid confusion when you ask for more than one
1544operation.  For a description of each option, please see *note Invoking
1547Column information (‘--information’ or ‘-i’)
1548     When given this option, the column data are not read at all.  Table
1549     simply reads the column metadata (name, units, numeric data type
1550     and comments), and the number of rows and prints them.  Table then
1551     terminates and no other operation is done.  This can therefore be
1552     called at the end of an arbitrarily long Table command only to
1553     remember the column metadata, then deleted to continue writing the
1554     command (using the shell’s history to retrieve the previous command
1555     with an up-arrow key).
1557Columns from other files (‘--catcolumns’ and ‘--catcolumnfile’)
1558     With this feature, you can import columns from other tables (in
1559     other files).  The rest of the operations below are done on the
1560     rows, therefore you can merge the columns of various tables into
1561     one table, then start limiting the rows to have in the output.
1563     If any of the row-based operations below are requested in the same
1564     Table command, they will also be applied to the rows of these added
1565     columns.  However, the conditions to keep/reject rows can only be
1566     applied to the rows of the main input table.
1568Row selection by value in a column
1569        • ‘--range’: only keep rows within a certain interval in given
1570          column.
1571        • ‘--inpolygon’: only keep rows within the polygon of
1572          ‘--polygon’.
1573        • ‘--outpolygon’: only keep rows outside the polygon of
1574          ‘--polygon’.
1575        • ‘--equal’: only keep rows with specified value in given
1576          column.
1577        • ‘--notequal’: only keep rows without specified value in given
1578          column.
1579     These options take certain column(s) as input and remove some rows
1580     from the full table (all columns), based on the given limitations.
1581     They can be called any number of times (to limit the final rows
1582     based on values in different columns for example).  Since these are
1583     row-rejection operations, their internal order is irrelevant.  In
1584     other words, it makes no difference if ‘--equal’ is called before
1585     or after ‘--range’ for example.
1587     As a side-effect, because NaN/blank values are defined to fail on
1588     any condition, these operations will also remove rows with
1589     NaN/blank values in the specified column they are checking.  Also,
1590     the columns that are used for these operations don’t necessarily
1591     have to be in the final output table (you may not need the column
1592     after doing the selection based on it).
1594     Even though these options are applied after merging columns from
1595     other tables, currently their condition-columns can only come from
1596     the main input table.  In other words, even though the rows of the
1597     added columns (from another file) will also be selected with these
1598     options, the condition to keep/reject rows cannot be taken from the
1599     newly added columns.
1601     These options are applied first because the speed of later
1602     operations can be greatly affected by the number of rows.  For
1603     example, if you also call the ‘--sort’ option, and your row
1604     selection will result in 50 rows (from an input of 1000 rows),
1605     limiting the number of rows can greatly speed up the sorting in
1606     your final output.
1608Sorting (‘--sort’)
1609     Sort of the rows based on values in a certain column.  The column
1610     to sort by can only come from the main input table columns (not
1611     columns that may have been added with ‘--catcolumnfile’).
1613Row selection (by position)
1614        • ‘--head’: keep only requested number of top rows.
1615        • ‘--tail’: keep only requested number of bottom rows.
1616        • ‘--rowrandom’: keep only a random number of rows.
1617        • ‘--rowlimit’: keep only rows within a certain positional
1618          interval.
1620     These options limit/select rows based on their position within the
1621     table (not their value in any certain column).
1623Column arithmetic
1624     Once the final rows are selected in the requested order, column
1625     arithmetic is done (if requested).  For more on column arithmetic,
1626     see *note Column arithmetic::.
1628Column metadata (‘--colmetadata’)
1629     Changing column metadata is necessary after column arithmetic or
1630     adding new columns from other tables (that were done above).
1632Row selection (‘--noblank’)
1633     Theoretically, this method of row selection by value should have
1634     been done with the other logically similar options like ‘--range’
1635     or ‘--equal’.  However, those options are applied to the raw
1636     (input) column value.  In some scenarios, you need to apply
1637     arithmetic operations on the columns (through *note Column
1638     arithmetic::) before rejecting the undesired rows.  After the
1639     arithmetic operation is done, you can use the ‘where’ operator to
1640     set the non-desired columns to NaN/blank and use ‘--noblank’ to
1641     remove them at the end.  See the example below for applying any
1642     generic value-based row selection based on ‘--noblank’.
1644   As an example, let’s review how Table interprets the command below.
1645We are assuming that ‘table.fits’ contains at least three columns: ‘RA’,
1646‘DEC’ and ‘PARAM’ and you only want the RA and Dec of the rows where
1647$p\times 2<5$ ($p$ is the value of each row in the ‘PARAM’ column).
1649     asttable table.fits -cRA,DEC --noblank=MULTIP \
1650              -c'arith PARAM 2 x set-i i i 5 gt nan where' \
1651              --colmetadata=3,MULTIP,unit,"Description of column"
1653Due to the precedence described in this section, Table does these
1654operations (which are independent of the order of the operations written
1655on the command-line):
1657  1. At the start (with ‘-cRA,DEC’), Table reads the ‘RA’ and ‘DEC’
1658     columns.
1659  2. In between all the operations in the command above, Column
1660     arithmetic (with ‘-c'arith ...'’) has the highest precedence.  So
1661     the arithmetic operation is done and stored as a new (third)
1662     column.  In this arithmetic operation, we multiply all the values
1663     of the ‘PARAM’ column by 2, then set all those with a value larger
1664     than 5 to NaN (for more on understanding this operation, see the
1665     ‘‘set-’’ and ‘‘where’’ operators in *note Arithmetic operators::).
1666  3. Updating column metadata (with ‘--colmetadata’) is then done to
1667     give a name (‘MULTIP’) to the newly calculated (third) column.
1668     During the process, besides a name, we also set a unit and
1669     description for the new column.  These metadata entries are _very
1670     important_, so always be sure to add metadata after doing column
1671     arithmetic.
1672  4. The lowest precedence operation is ‘--noblank=MULTIP’.  So only
1673     rows that aren’t blank/NaN in the ‘MULTIP’ column are kept.
1674  5. Finally, the output table (with three columns) is written to the
1675     command-line.  If you also want to print the column metadata, you
1676     can use the ‘--colinfoinstdout’ option.  Alternatively, if you want
1677     the output in a file, you can use the ‘--output’ option to save the
1678     table in FITS or plain-text format.
1680*Out of precedence:* It may happen that your desired operation needs a
1681separate precedence.  In this case you can pipe the output of Table into
1682another call of Table and use the ‘--colinfoinstdout’ option to preserve
1683the metadata between the two calls.
1685   For example, let’s assume that you want to sort the output table from
1686the example command above based on the new ‘MULTIP’ column.  Since
1687sorting is done prior to column arithmetic, you can’t do it in one
1688command, but you can circumvent this limitation by simply piping the
1689output (including metadata) to another call to Table:
1691     asttable table.fits -cRA,DEC --noblank=MULTIP --colinfoinstdout \
1692              -c'arith PARAM 2 x set-i i i 5 gt nan where' \
1693              --colmetadata=3,MULTIP,unit,"Description of column" \
1694              | asttable --sort=MULTIP --output=selected.fits
1697File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Invoking asttable,  Prev: Operation precedence in Table,  Up: Table
16995.3.3 Invoking Table
1702Table will read/write, select, modify, or show the information of the
1703rows and columns in recognized Table formats (including FITS binary,
1704FITS ASCII, and plain text table files, see *note Tables::).  Output
1705columns can also be determined by number or regular expression matching
1706of column names, units, or comments.  The executable name is ‘asttable’
1707with the following general template
1709     $ asttable [OPTION...] InputFile
1711One line examples:
1713     ## Get the table column information (name, data type, or units):
1714     $ asttable bintab.fits --information
1716     ## Print columns named RA and DEC, followed by all the columns where
1717     ## the name starts with "MAG_":
1718     $ asttable bintab.fits --column=RA --column=DEC --column=/^MAG_/
1720     ## Similar to the above, but with one call to `--column' (or `-c'),
1721     ## also sort the rows by the input's photometric redshift (`Z_PHOT')
1722     ## column. To confirm the sort, you can add `Z_PHOT' to the columns
1723     ## to print.
1724     $ asttable bintab.fits -cRA,DEC,/^MAG_/ --sort=Z_PHOT
1726     ## Similar to the above, but only print rows that have a photometric
1727     ## redshift between 2 and 3.
1728     $ asttable bintab.fits -cRA,DEC,/^MAG_/ --range=Z_PHOT,2:3
1730     ## Only print rows with a value in the 10th column above 100000:
1731     $ asttable bintab.fits --range=10,10e5,inf
1733     ## Only print the 2nd column, and the third column multiplied by 5,
1734     ## Save the resulting two columns in `table.txt'
1735     $ asttable bintab.fits -c2,'arith $2 5 x' -otable.fits
1737     ## Sort the output columns by the third column, save output:
1738     $ asttable bintab.fits --sort=3 -ooutput.txt
1740     ## Subtract the first column from the second in `cat.fits' (can also
1741     ## be a text table) and keep the third and fourth columns.
1742     $ asttable cat.txt -c'arith $2 $1 -',3,4 -ocat.fits
1744     ## Convert sexagesimal coordinates to degrees (same can be done in a
1745     ## large table given as argument).
1746     $ echo "7h34m35.5498 31d53m14.352s" | asttable
1748     ## Convert RA and Dec in degrees to sexagesimal (same can be done in a
1749     ## large table given as argument).
1750     echo "113.64812416667 31.88732" \
1751          | asttable -c'arith $1 degree-to-ra $2 degree-to-dec'
1753   Table’s input dataset can be given either as a file or from Standard
1754input (piped from another program, see *note Standard input::).  In the
1755absence of selected columns, all the input’s columns and rows will be
1756written to the output.  The full set of operations Table can do are
1757described in detail below, but for a more high-level introduction to the
1758various operations, and their precedence, see *note Operation precedence
1759in Table::.
1761   If any output file is explicitly requested (with ‘--output’) the
1762output table will be written in it.  When no output file is explicitly
1763requested the output table will be written to the standard output.  If
1764the specified output is a FITS file, the type of FITS table (binary or
1765ASCII) will be determined from the ‘--tabletype’ option.  If the output
1766is not a FITS file, it will be printed as a plain text table (with space
1767characters between the columns).  When the columns are accompanied by
1768meta-data (like column name, units, or comments), this information will
1769also printed in the plain text file before the table, as described in
1770*note Gnuastro text table format::.
1772   For the full list of options common to all Gnuastro programs please
1773see *note Common options::.  Options can also be stored in directory,
1774user or system-wide configuration files to avoid repeating on the
1775command-line, see *note Configuration files::.  Table does not follow
1776Automatic output that is common in most Gnuastro programs, see *note
1777Automatic output::.  Thus, in the absence of an output file, the
1778selected columns will be printed on the command-line with no column
1779information, ready for redirecting to other tools like ‘awk’.
1781*Sexagesimal coordinates as floats in plain-text tables:* When a column
1782is determined to be a floating point type (32-bit or 64-bit) in a
1783plain-text table, it can contain sexagesimal values in the format of
1784‘‘_h_m_s’’ (for RA) and ‘‘_d_m_s’’ (for Dec), where the ‘‘_’’s are
1785place-holders for numbers.  In this case, the string will be immediately
1786converted to a single floating point number (in units of degrees) and
1787stored in memory with the rest of the column or table.  Besides being
1788useful in large tables, with this feature, conversion to sexagesimal
1789coordinates to degrees becomes very easy, for example:
1790     echo "7h34m35.5498 31d53m14.352s" | asttable
1792The inverse can also be done with the more general column arithmetic
1794     echo "113.64812416667 31.88732" \
1795          | asttable -c'arith $1 degree-to-ra $2 degree-to-dec'
1797If you want to preserve the sexagesimal contents of a column, you should
1798store that column as a string, see *note Gnuastro text table format::.
1802     Only print the column information in the specified table on the
1803     command-line and exit.  Each column’s information (number, name,
1804     units, data type, and comments) will be printed as a row on the
1805     command-line.  Note that the FITS standard only requires the data
1806     type (see *note Numeric data types::), and in plain text tables, no
1807     meta-data/information is mandatory.  Gnuastro has its own
1808     convention in the comments of a plain text table to store and
1809     transfer this information as described in *note Gnuastro text table
1810     format::.
1812     This option will take precedence over all other operations in
1813     Table, so when it is called along with other operations, they will
1814     be ignored, see *note Operation precedence in Table::.  This can be
1815     useful if you forget the identifier of a column after you have
1816     already typed some on the command-line.  You can simply add a ‘-i’
1817     to your already-written command (without changing anything) and run
1818     Table, to see the whole list of column names and information.  Then
1819     you can use the shell history (with the up arrow key on the
1820     keyboard), and retrieve the last command with all the previously
1821     typed columns present, delete ‘-i’ and add the identifier you had
1822     forgot.
1824‘-c STR/INT1825‘--column=STR/INT1826     Set the output columns either by specifying the column number, or
1827     name.  For more on selecting columns, see *note Selecting table
1828     columns::.  If a value of this option starts with ‘‘arith ’’,
1829     column arithmetic will be activated, allowing you to
1830     edit/manipulate column contents.  For more on column arithmetic see
1831     *note Column arithmetic::.
1833     To ask for multiple columns this option can be used in two ways: 1)
1834     multiple calls to this option, 2) using a comma between each column
1835     specifier in one call to this option.  These different solutions
1836     may be mixed in one call to Table: for example, ‘‘-cRA,DEC,MAG’’,
1837     or ‘‘-cRA,DEC -cMAG’’ are both equivalent to ‘‘-cRA -cDEC -cMAG’’.
1838     The order of the output columns will be the same order given to the
1839     option or in the configuration files (see *note Configuration file
1840     precedence::).
1842     This option is not mandatory, if no specific columns are requested,
1843     all the input table columns are output.  When this option is called
1844     multiple times, it is possible to output one column more than once.
1846‘-w FITS’
1848     FITS file that contains the WCS to be used in the ‘wcs-to-img’ and
1849     ‘img-to-wcs’ operators of *note Column arithmetic::.  The extension
1850     name/number within the FITS file can be specified with ‘--wcshdu’.
1852     If the value to this option is ‘‘none’’, no WCS will be written in
1853     the output.
1855‘-W STR’
1857     FITS extension/HDU in the FITS file given to ‘--wcsfile’ (see the
1858     description of ‘--wcsfile’ for more).
1860‘-L FITS/TXT1861‘--catcolumnfile=FITS/TXT1862     Concatenate (or add, or append) the columns of this option’s value
1863     (a filename) to the output columns.  This option may be called
1864     multiple times (to add columns from more than one file into the
1865     final output), the columns from each file will be added in the same
1866     order that this option is called.  The number of rows in the
1867     file(s) given to this option has to be the same as the input table
1868     (before any type of row-selection), see *note Operation precedence
1869     in Table::.
1871     By default all the columns of the given file will be appended, if
1872     you only want certain columns to be appended, use the
1873     ‘--catcolumns’ option to specify their name or number (see *note
1874     Selecting table columns::).  Note that the columns given to
1875     ‘--catcolumns’ must be present in all the given files (if this
1876     option is called more than once with more than one file).
1878     If the file given to this option is a FITS file, its necessary to
1879     also define the corresponding HDU/extension with ‘--catcolumnhdu’.
1880     Also note that no operation (for example row selection, arithmetic
1881     or etc) is applied to the table given to this option.
1883     If the appended columns have a name, the column names of each file
1884     will be appended with a ‘-N’, where ‘N’ is a counter starting from
1885     1 for each appended file.  This is done because when concatenating
1886     columns from multiple tables (more than two) into one, they may
1887     have the same name, and its not good practice to have multiple
1888     columns with the same name.  You can disable this feature with
1889     ‘--catcolumnrawname’.  Generally, you can use the ‘--colmetadata’
1890     option to update column metadata.
1892     For example, let’s assume you have two catalogs of the same objects
1893     (same number of rows) in different filters.  Such that
1894f160w-cat.fits’ has a ‘MAGNITUDE’ column that has the magnitude of
1895     each object in the ‘F160W’ filter and similarly ‘f105w-cat.fits’,
1896     also has a ‘MAGNITUDE’ column, but for the ‘F105W’ filter.  You can
1897     use column concatenation like below to import the ‘MAGNITUDE’
1898     column from the ‘F105W’ catalog into the ‘F160W’ catalog, while
1899     giving each magnitude column a different name:
1901          asttable f160w-cat.fits --output=both.fits \
1902            --catcolumnfile=f105w-cat.fits --catcolumns=MAGNITUDE \
1903            --colmetadata=MAGNITUDE,MAG-F160W,log,"Magnitude in F160W" \
1904            --colmetadata=MAGNITUDE-1,MAG-F105W,log,"Magnitude in F105W"
1906     For a more complete example, see *note Working with catalogs
1907     estimating colors::.
1909‘-u STR/INT1910‘--catcolumnhdu=STR/INT1911     The HDU/extension of the FITS file(s) that should be concatenated,
1912     or appended, with ‘--catcolumnfile’.  If ‘--catcolumn’ is called
1913     more than once with more than one FITS file, its necessary to call
1914     this option more than once.  The HDUs will be loaded in the same
1915     order as the FITS files given to ‘--catcolumnfile’.
1917‘-C STR/INT1918‘--catcolumns=STR/INT1919     The column(s) in the file(s) given to ‘--catcolumnfile’ to append.
1920     When this option is not given, all the columns will be
1921     concatenated.  See ‘--catcolumnfile’ for more.
1924     Don’t modify the names of the concatenated (appended) columns, see
1925     description in ‘--catcolumnfile’.
1929     Add column metadata when the output is printed in the standard
1930     output.  Usually the standard output is used for a fast visual
1931     check, or to pipe into other metadata-agnostic programs (like AWK)
1932     for further processing.  So by default meta-data aren’t included.
1933     But when piping to other Gnuastro programs (where metadata can be
1934     interpreted and used) it is recommended to use this option and use
1935     column names in the next program.
1937‘-r STR,FLT:FLT’
1939     Only output rows that have a value within the given range in the
1940     ‘STR’ column (can be a name or counter).  Note that the range is
1941     only inclusive in the lower-limit.  For example with
1942     ‘--range=sn,5:20’ the output’s columns will only contain rows that
1943     have a value in the ‘sn’ column (not case-sensitive) that is
1944     greater or equal to 5, and less than 20.  For the precedence of
1945     this operation in relation to others, see *note Operation
1946     precedence in Table::.
1948     This option can be called multiple times (different ranges for
1949     different columns) in one run of the Table program.  This is very
1950     useful for selecting the final rows from multiple criteria/columns.
1952     The chosen column doesn’t have to be in the output columns.  This
1953     is good when you just want to select using one column’s values, but
1954     don’t need that column anymore afterwards.
1956     For one example of using this option, see the example under
1957     ‘--sigclip-median’ in *note Invoking aststatistics::.
1960     Only return rows where the given coordinates are inside the polygon
1961     specified by the ‘--polygon’ option.  The coordinate columns are
1962     the given ‘STR1’ and ‘STR2’ columns, they can be a column name or
1963     counter (see *note Selecting table columns::).  For the precedence
1964     of this operation in relation to others, see *note Operation
1965     precedence in Table::.
1967     Note that the chosen columns doesn’t have to be in the output
1968     columns (which are specified by the ‘--column’ option).  For
1969     example if we want to select rows in the polygon specified in *note
1970     Dataset inspection and cropping::, this option can be used like
1971     this (you can remove the double quotations and write them all in
1972     one line if you remove the white-spaces around the colon separating
1973     the column vertices):
1975          asttable table.fits --inpolygon=RA,DEC      \
1976                   --polygon="53.187414,-27.779152    \
1977                              : 53.159507,-27.759633  \
1978                              : 53.134517,-27.787144  \
1979                              : 53.161906,-27.807208" \
1981     *Flat/Euclidean space: * The ‘--inpolygon’ option assumes a
1982     flat/Euclidean space so it is only correct for RA and Dec when the
1983     polygon size is very small like the example above.  If your polygon
1984     is a degree or larger, it may not return correct results.  Please
1985     get in touch if you need such a feature (see *note Suggest new
1986     feature::).
1989     Only return rows where the given coordinates are outside the
1990     polygon specified by the ‘--polygon’ option.  This option is very
1991     similar to the ‘--inpolygon’ option, so see the description there
1992     for more.
1996     The polygon to use for the ‘--inpolygon’ and ‘--outpolygon’
1997     options.  This option behaves identically to the same option in the
1998     Crop program, so for more information on how to use it, see *note
1999     Crop options::.
2001‘-e STR,INT/FLT,...’
2003     Only output rows that are equal to the given number(s) in the given
2004     column.  The first argument is the column identifier (name or
2005     number, see *note Selecting table columns::), after that you can
2006     specify any number of values.  For the precedence of this operation
2007     in relation to others, see *note Operation precedence in Table::.
2009     For example ‘--equal=ID,5,6,8’ will only print the rows that have a
2010     value of 5, 6, or 8 in the ‘ID’ column.  This option can also be
2011     called multiple times, so ‘--equal=ID,4,5 --equal=ID,6,7’ has the
2012     same effect as ‘--equal=4,5,6,7’.
2014     The ‘--equal’ and ‘--notequal’ options also work when the given
2015     column has a string type.  In this case the given value to the
2016     option will also be parsed as a string, not as a number.  When
2017     dealing with string columns, be careful with trailing white space
2018     characters (the actual value maybe adjusted to the right, left, or
2019     center of the column’s width).  If you need to account for such
2020     white spaces, you can use shell quoting.  For example
2021     ‘--equal=NAME," myname "’.
2023     *Equality and floating point numbers:* Floating point numbers are
2024     only approximate values (see *note Numeric data types::).  In this
2025     context, their equality depends on how the the input table was
2026     originally stored (as a plain text table or as an ASCII/binary FITS
2027     table).  If you want to select floating point numbers, it is
2028     strongly recommended to use the ‘--range’ option and set a very
2029     small interval around your desired number, don’t use ‘--equal’ or
2030     ‘--notequal’.
2032‘-n STR,INT/FLT,...’
2034     Only output rows that are _not_ equal to the given number(s) in the
2035     given column.  The first argument is the column identifier (name or
2036     number, see *note Selecting table columns::), after that you can
2037     specify any number of values.  For example ‘--notequal=ID,5,6,8’
2038     will only print the rows where the ‘ID’ column doesn’t have value
2039     of 5, 6, or 8.  This option can also be called multiple times, so
2040     ‘--notequal=ID,4,5 --notequal=ID,6,7’ has the same effect as
2041     ‘--notequal=4,5,6,7’.
2043     Be very careful if you want to use the non-equality with floating
2044     point numbers, see the special note under ‘--equal’ for more.  This
2045     option also works when the given column has a string type, see the
2046     description under ‘--equal’ (above) for more.
2048‘-s STR’
2050     Sort the output rows based on the values in the ‘STR’ column (can
2051     be a column name or number).  By default the sort is done in
2052     ascending/increasing order, to sort in a descending order, use
2053     ‘--descending’.  For the precedence of this operation in relation
2054     to others, see *note Operation precedence in Table::.
2056     The chosen column doesn’t have to be in the output columns.  This
2057     is good when you just want to sort using one column’s values, but
2058     don’t need that column anymore afterwards.
2062     When called with ‘--sort’, rows will be sorted in descending order.
2064‘-H INT’
2066     Only print the given number of rows from the _top_ of the final
2067     table.  Note that this option only affects the _output_ table.  For
2068     example if you use ‘--sort’, or ‘--range’, the printed rows are the
2069     first _after_ applying the sort sorting, or selecting a range of
2070     the full input.  This option cannot be called with ‘--tail’,
2071     ‘--rowlimit’ or ‘--rowrandom’.  For the precedence of this
2072     operation in relation to others, see *note Operation precedence in
2073     Table::.
2075     If the given value to ‘--head’ is 0, the output columns won’t have
2076     any rows and if its larger than the number of rows in the input
2077     table, all the rows are printed (this option is effectively
2078     ignored).  This behavior is taken from the ‘head’ program in GNU
2079     Coreutils.
2081‘-t INT’
2083     Only print the given number of rows from the _bottom_ of the final
2084     table.  See ‘--head’ for more.  This option cannot be called with
2085     ‘--head’, ‘--rowlimit’ or ‘--rowrandom’.
2088     Only return the rows within the requested positional range
2089     (inclusive on both sides).  Therefore, ‘--rowlimit=5,7’ will return
2090     3 of the input rows, row 5, 6 and 7.  This option will abort if any
2091     of the given values is larger than the total number of rows in the
2092     table.  For the precedence of this operation in relation to others,
2093     see *note Operation precedence in Table::.
2095     With the ‘--head’ or ‘--tail’ options you can only see the top or
2096     bottom few rows.  However, with this option, you can limit the
2097     returned rows to a contiguous set of rows in the middle of the
2098     table.  Therefore this option cannot be called with ‘--head’,
2099     ‘--tail’, or ‘--rowrandom’.
2102     Select ‘INT’ rows from the input table by random (assuming a
2103     uniform distribution).  This option is applied _after_ the
2104     value-based selection options (like ‘--sort’, ‘--range’,
2105     ‘--polygon’ and etc).  On the other hand, only the row counters are
2106     randomly selected, this option doesn’t change the order.
2107     Therefore, if ‘--rowrandom’ is called together with ‘--sort’, the
2108     returned rows are still sorted.  This option cannot be called with
2109     ‘--head’, ‘--tail’, or ‘--rowlimit’.  For the precedence of this
2110     operation in relation to others, see *note Operation precedence in
2111     Table::.
2113     This option will only have an effect if ‘INT’ is larger than the
2114     number of rows when it is activated (after the value-based
2115     selection options have been applied).  When there are fewer rows, a
2116     warning is printed, saying that this option has no effect.  The
2117     warning can be disabled with the ‘--quiet’ option.
2119     Due to its nature (to be random), the output of this option differs
2120     in each run.  Therefore 5 calls to Table with ‘--rowrandom’ on the
2121     same input table will generate 5 different outputs.  If you want a
2122     reproducible random selection, set the ‘GSL_RNG_SEED’ environment
2123     variable and also use the ‘--envseed’ option, for more see *note
2124     Generating random numbers::.
2127     Read the random number generator seed from the ‘GSL_RNG_SEED’
2128     environment variable for ‘--rowrandom’ (instead of generating a
2129     different seed internally on every run).  This is useful if you
2130     want a reproducible random selection of the input rows.  For more,
2131     see *note Generating random numbers::.
2133‘-b STR[,STR[,STR]]’
2135     Remove all rows in the given _output_ columns that have a blank
2136     value.  Like above, the columns can be specified by their name or
2137     number (counting from 1).
2139     For example if ‘table.fits’ has blank values (NaN in floating point
2140     types) in the ‘magnitude’ and ‘sn’ columns, with
2141     ‘--noblank=magnitude,sn’, the output will not contain any rows with
2142     blank values in these columns.
2144     If you want _all_ columns to be checked, simply set the value to
2145     ‘_all’ (in other words: ‘--noblank=_all’).  This mode is useful
2146     when there are many columns in the table and you want a “clean”
2147     output table (with no blank values in any column): entering their
2148     name or number one-by-one can be buggy and frustrating.  In this
2149     mode, no other column name should be given.  For example if you
2150     give ‘--noblank=_all,magnitude’, then Table will assume that your
2151     table actually has a column named ‘_all’ and ‘magnitude’, and if it
2152     doesn’t, it will abort with an error.
2154     This option is applied just before writing the final table (after
2155     ‘--colmetadata’ has finished).  So in case you changed the column
2156     metadata, or added new columns, you can use the new names, or the
2157     newly defined column numbers.  For the precedence of this operation
2158     in relation to others, see *note Operation precedence in Table::.
2160‘-m STR/INT,STR[,STR[,STR]]’
2162     Update the specified column metadata in the output table.  This
2163     option is applied after all other column-related operations are
2164     complete, for example column arithmetic, or column concatenation.
2165     For the precedence of this operation in relation to others, see
2166     *note Operation precedence in Table::.
2168     The first value (before the first comma) given to this option is
2169     the column’s identifier.  It can either be a counter (positive
2170     integer, counting from 1), or a name (the column’s name in the
2171     output if this option wasn’t called).
2173     After the to-be-updated column is identified, at least one other
2174     string should be given, with a maximum of three strings.  The first
2175     string after the original name will the the selected column’s new
2176     name.  The next (optional) string will be the selected column’s
2177     unit and the third (optional) will be its comments.  If the two
2178     optional strings aren’t given, the original column’s units or
2179     comments will remain unchanged.  Some examples of this option are
2180     available in the tutorials, in particular *note Working with
2181     catalogs estimating colors::.  Here are some more specific examples
2183     ‘--colmetadata=MAGNITUDE,MAG_F160W’
2184          This will convert name of the original ‘MAGNITUDE’ column to
2185          ‘MAG_F160W’, leaving the unit and comments unchanged.
2187     ‘--colmetadata=3,MAG_F160W,mag’
2188          This will convert name of the third column of the final output
2189          to ‘MAG_F160W’ and the units to ‘mag’, while leaving the
2190          comments untouched.
2192     ‘--colmetadata=MAGNITUDE,MAG_F160W,mag,"Magnitude in F160W filter"’
2193          This will convert name of the original ‘MAGNITUDE’ column to
2194          ‘MAG_F160W’, and the units to ‘mag’ and the comments to
2195          ‘Magnitude in F160W filter’.  Note the double quotations
2196          around the comment string, they are necessary to preserve the
2197          white-space characters within the column comment from the
2198          command-line, into the program (otherwise, upon reaching a
2199          white-space character, the shell will consider this option to
2200          be finished and cause un-expected behavior).
2202     If your table is large and generated by a script, you can first do
2203     all your operations on your table’s data and write it into a
2204     temporary file (maybe called ‘temp.fits’).  Then, look into that
2205     file’s metadata (with ‘asttable temp.fits -i’) to see the exact
2206     column positions and possible names, then add the necessary calls
2207     to this option to your previous call to ‘asttable’, so it writes
2208     proper metadata in the same run (for example in a script or
2209     Makefile).  Recall that when a name is given, this option will
2210     update the metadata of the first column that matches, so if you
2211     have multiple columns with the same name, you can call this options
2212     multiple times with the same first argument to change them all to
2213     different names.
2215     Finally, if you already have a FITS table by other means (for
2216     example by downloading) and you merely want to update the column
2217     metadata and leave the data intact, it is much more efficient to
2218     directly modify the respective FITS header keywords with ‘astfits’,
2219     using the keyword manipulation features described in *note Keyword
2220     inspection and manipulation::.  ‘--colmetadata’ is mainly intended
2221     for scenarios where you want to edit the data so it will always
2222     load the full/partial dataset into memory, then write out the
2223     resulting datasets with updated/corrected metadata.
2226File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Query,  Prev: Table,  Up: Data containers
22285.4 Query
2231There are many astronomical databases available for downloading
2232astronomical data.  Most follow the International Virtual Observatory
2233Alliance (IVOA, <https://ivoa.net>) standards (and in particular the
2234Table Access Protocol, or TAP(1)). With TAP, it is possible to submit
2235your queries via a command-line downloader (for example ‘curl’) to only
2236get specific tables, targets (rows in a table) or measurements (columns
2237in a table): you don’t have to download the full table (which can be
2238very large in some cases)!  These customizations are done through the
2239Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL(2)).
2241   Therefore, if you are sufficiently familiar with TAP and ADQL, you
2242can easily custom-download any part of an online dataset.  However, you
2243also need to keep a record of the URLs of each database and in many
2244cases, the commands will become long and hard/buggy to type on the
2245command-line.  On the other hand, most astronomers don’t know TAP or
2246ADQL at all, and are forced to go to the database’s web page which is
2247slow (it needs to download so many images, and has too much annoying
2248information), requires manual interaction (further making it slow and
2249buggy), and can’t be automated.
2251   Gnuastro’s Query program is designed to be the middle-man in this
2252process: it provides a simple high-level interface to let you specify
2253your constraints on what you want to download.  It then internally
2254constructs the command to download the data based on your inputs and
2255runs it to download your desired data.  Query also prints the full
2256command before it executes it (if not called with ‘--quiet’).  Also, if
2257you ask for a FITS output table, the full command is written into its
22580-th extension along with other input parameters to query (all Gnuastro
2259programs generally keep their input configuration parameters as FITS
2260keywords in the zero-th output).  You can see it with Gnuastro’s Fits
2261program, like below:
2263     $ astfits query-output.fits -h0
2265   With the full command used to download the dataset, you only need a
2266minimal knowledge of ADQL to do lower-level customizations on your
2267downloaded dataset.  You can simply copy that command and change the
2268parts of the query string you want: ADQL is very powerful!  For example
2269you can ask the server to do mathematical operations on the columns and
2270apply selections after those operations, or combine/match multiple
2271datasets and etc.  We will try to add high-level interfaces for such
2272capabilities, but generally, don’t limit yourself to the high-level
2273operations (that can’t cover everything!).
2275* Menu:
2277* Available databases::         List of available databases to Query.
2278* Invoking astquery::           Inputs, outputs and configuration of Query.
2280   ---------- Footnotes ----------
2282   (1) <https://ivoa.net/documents/TAP>
2284   (2) <https://ivoa.net/documents/ADQL>
2287File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Available databases,  Next: Invoking astquery,  Prev: Query,  Up: Query
22895.4.1 Available databases
2292The current list of databases supported by Query are listed at the end
2293of this section.  To get the list of available datasets within each
2294database, you can use the ‘--information’ option.  For example with the
2295command below you can get a list of the roughly 100 datasets that are
2296available within the ESA Gaia server with their description:
2298     $ astquery gaia --information
2300However, other databases like VizieR host many more datasets (tens of
2301thousands!).  Therefore it is very inconvenient to get the _full_
2302information every time you want to find your dataset of interest (the
2303full metadata file VizieR is more than 20Mb).  In such cases, you can
2304limit the downloaded and displayed information with the ‘--limitinfo’
2305option.  For example with the first command below, you can get all
2306datasets relating to the MUSE (an instrument on the Very Large
2307Telescope), and those that include Roland Bacon (Principle Investigator
2308of MUSE) as an author (‘Bacon, R.’).  Recall that ‘-i’ is the short
2309format of ‘--information’.
2311     $ astquery vizier -i --limitinfo=MUSE
2312     $ astquery vizier -i --limitinfo="Bacon R."
2314   Once you find the recognized name of your desired dataset, you can
2315see the column information of that dataset with adding the dataset name.
2316For example, with the command below you can see the column metadata in
2317the ‘J/A+A/608/A2/udf10’ dataset (one of the datasets in the search
2318above) using this command:
2320     $ astquery vizier --dataset=J/A+A/608/A2/udf10 -i
2322   For very popular datasets of a database, Query provides an
2323easier-to-remember short name that you can feed to ‘--dataset’.  This
2324short name will map to the officially recognized name of the dataset on
2325the server.  In this mode, Query will also set positional columns
2326accordingly.  For example most VizieR datasets have an ‘RAJ2000’ column
2327(the RA and the epoch of 2000) so it is the default RA column name for
2328coordinate search (using ‘--center’ or ‘--overlapwith’).  However, some
2329datasets don’t have this column (for example SDSS DR12).  So when you
2330use the short name and Query knows about this dataset, it will
2331internally set the coordinate columns that SDSS DR12 has: ‘RA_ICRS’ and
2332‘DEC_ICRS’.  Recall that you can always change the coordinate columns
2333with ‘--ccol’.
2335   For example in the VizieR and Gaia databases, the recognized name for
2336the early data release 3 data is respectively ‘I/350/gaiaedr3’ and
2337gaiaedr3.gaia_source’.  These technical names can be hard to remember.
2338Therefore Query provides ‘gaiaedr3’ (for VizieR) and ‘edr3’ (for ESA’s
2339Gaia) shortcuts which you can give to ‘--dataset’ instead.  They will be
2340directly mapped to the fully recognized name by Query.  In the list
2341below that describes the available databases, the available short names
2342are also listed.
2344*Not all datasets support TAP:* Large databases like VizieR have TAP
2345access for all their datasets.  However, smaller databases haven’t
2346implemented TAP for all their tables.  Therefore some datasets that are
2347searchable in their web interface may not be available for a TAP search.
2348To see the full list of TAP-ed datasets in a database, use the
2349‘--information’ (or ‘-i’) option with the dataset name like the command
2352     $ astquery astron -i
2354If your desired dataset isn’t in this list, but has web-access, contact
2355the database maintainers and ask them to add TAP access for it.  After
2356they do it, you should see the name added to the output list of the
2357command above.
2359   The list of databases recognized by Query (and their names in Query)
2360is described below.  Since Query is a new member of the Gnuastro family
2361(first available in Gnuastro 0.14), this list will hopefully grow
2362significantly in the next releases.  If you have any particular datasets
2363in mind, please let us know by sending an email to
2364‘bug-gnuastro@gnu.org’.  If the dataset supports IVOA’s TAP (Table
2365Access Protocol), it should be very easy to add.
2368     The ASTRON Virtual Observatory service (<https://vo.astron.nl>) is
2369     a database focused on radio astronomy data and images, primarily
2370     those collected by ASTRON itself.  A query to ‘astron’ is submitted
2371     to ‘https://vo.astron.nl/__system__/tap/run/tap/sync’.
2373     Here is the list of short names for dataset(s) in ASTRON’s VO
2374     service:
2375        • ‘tgssadr --> tgssadr.main2376
2378     The Gaia project (<https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia>) database
2379     which is a large collection of star positions on the celestial
2380     sphere, as well as peculiar velocities, parallaxes and magnitudes
2381     in some bands among many others.  Besides scientific studies (like
2382     studying resolved stellar populations in the Galaxy and its halo),
2383     Gaia is also invaluable for raw data calibrations, like astrometry.
2384     A query to ‘gaia’ is submitted to
2387     Here is the list of short names for popular datasets within Gaia:
2388        • ‘edr3 --> gaiaedr3.gaia_source2389        • ‘dr2 --> gaiadr2.gaia_source2390        • ‘dr1 --> gaiadr1.gaia_source2391        • ‘tycho2 --> public.tycho22392        • ‘hipparcos --> public.hipparcos2393
2395     The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED,
2396     <http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu>) is a fusion database, integrating
2397     the information about extra-galactic sources from many large sky
2398     surveys into a single catalog.  It covers the full spectrum, from
2399     Gamma rays to radio frequencies and is updated when new data
2400     arrives.  A TAP query to ‘ned’ is submitted to
2403        • ‘objdir --> NEDTAP.objdir’: default TAP-based dataset in NED.
2405        • ‘extinction’: A command-line interface to the NED Extinction
2406          Calculator
2407          (https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/extinction_calculator).  It only
2408          takes a central coordinate and returns a VOTable of the
2409          calculated extinction in many commonly used filters at that
2410          point.  As a result, options like ‘--width’ or ‘--radius’ are
2411          not supported.  However, Gnuastro doesn’t yet support the
2412          VOTable format.  Therefore, if you specify an ‘--output’ file,
2413          it should have an ‘.xml’ suffix and the downloaded file will
2414          not be checked.
2416          Until VOTable support is added to Gnuastro, you can use GREP,
2417          AWK and SED to convert the VOTable data into a FITS table with
2418          a command like below (assuming the queried VOTable is called
2421          grep '^<TR><TD>' ned-extinction.xml \
2422           | sed -e's|<TR><TD>||' \
2423                 -e's|</TD></TR>||' \
2424                 -e's|</TD><TD>|@|g' \
2425           | awk 'BEGIN{FS="@"; \
2426               print "# Column 1: FILTER [name,str15] Filter name"; \
2427               print "# Column 2: CENTRAL [um,f32] Central Wavelength"; \
2428               print "# Column 3: EXTINCTION [mag,f32] Galactic Ext."; \
2429               print "# Column 4: ADS_REF [ref,str50] ADS reference"} \
2430                  {printf "%-15s %g %g %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4}' \
2431           | asttable -oned-extinction.fits
2433          Once the table is in FITS, you can easily get the extinction
2434          for a certain filter (for example the ‘SDSS r’ filter) like
2435          the command below:
2437               asttable ned-extinction.fits --equal=FILTER,"SDSS r" \
2438                        -cEXTINCTION
2441     Vizier (<https://vizier.u-strasbg.fr>) is arguably the largest
2442     catalog database in astronomy: containing more than 20500 catalogs
2443     as of mid January 2021.  Almost all published catalogs in major
2444     projects, and even the tables in many papers are archived and
2445     accessible here.  For example VizieR also has a full copy of the
2446     Gaia database mentioned below, with some additional standardized
2447     columns (like RA and Dec in J2000).
2449     The current implementation of ‘--limitinfo’ only looks into the
2450     description of the datasets, but since VizieR is so large, there is
2451     still a lot of room for improvement.  Until then, if ‘--limitinfo’
2452     isn’t sufficient, you can use VizieR’s own web-based search for
2453     your desired dataset: <http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/cat>
2455     Because VizieR curates such a diverse set of data from tens of
2456     thousands of projects and aims for interoperability between them,
2457     the column names in VizieR may not be identical to the column names
2458     in the surveys’ own databases (Gaia in the example above).  A query
2459     to ‘vizier’ is submitted to
2462     Here is the list of short names for popular datasets within VizieR
2463     (sorted alphabetically by their short name).  Please feel free to
2464     suggest other major catalogs (covering a wide area or commonly used
2465     in your field)..  For details on each dataset with necessary
2466     citations, and links to web pages, look into their details with
2467     their ViziR names in <https://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR>.
2468        • ‘2mass --> II/246/out’ (2MASS All-Sky Catalog)
2469        • ‘akarifis --> II/298/fis’ (AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey)
2470        • ‘allwise --> II/328/allwise’ (AllWISE Data Release)
2471        • ‘apass9 --> II/336/apass9’ (AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey,
2472          DR9)
2473        • ‘catwise --> II/365/catwise’ (CatWISE 2020 catalog)
2474        • ‘des1 --> II/357/des_dr1’ (Dark Energy Survey data release 1)
2475        • ‘gaiadr2 --> I/345/gaia2’ (GAIA Data Release 2)
2476        • ‘gaiaedr3 --> I/350/gaiaedr3’ (GAIA early Data Release 3)
2477        • ‘galex5 --> II/312/ais’ (All-sky Survey of GALEX DR5)
2478        • ‘nomad --> I/297/out’ (Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric
2479          Dataset)
2480        • ‘panstarrs1 --> II/349/ps1’ (Pan-STARRS Data Release 1).
2481        • ‘ppmxl --> I/317/sample’ (Positions and proper motions on the
2482          ICRS)
2483        • ‘sdss12 --> V/147/sdss12’ (SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release
2484          12)
2485        • ‘usnob1 --> I/284/out’ (Whole-Sky USNO-B1.0 Catalog)
2486        • ‘ucac5 --> I/340/ucac5’ (5th U.S. Naval Obs.  CCD Astrograph
2487          Catalog)
2488        • ‘unwise --> II/363/unwise’ (Band-merged unWISE Catalog)
2489        • ‘wise --> II/311/wise’ (WISE All-Sky data Release)
2492File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Invoking astquery,  Prev: Available databases,  Up: Query
24945.4.2 Invoking Query
2497Query provides a high-level interface to downloading subsets of data
2498from databases.  The executable name is ‘astquery’ with the following
2499general template
2501     $ astquery DATABASE-NAME [OPTION...] ...
2503One line examples:
2506     ## Information about all datasets in ESA's GAIA database:
2507     $ astquery gaia --information
2509     ## Only show catalogs in VizieR that have 'MUSE' in their
2510     ## description. The '-i' is short for '--information'.
2511     $ astquery vizier -i --limitinfo=MUSE
2513     ## List of columns in 'J/A+A/608/A2/udf10' (one of the above).
2514     $ astquery vizier --dataset=J/A+A/608/A2/udf10 -i
2516     ## ID, RA and Dec of all Gaia sources within an image.
2517     $ astquery gaia --dataset=edr3 --overlapwith=image.fits \
2518                -csource_id,ra,dec
2520     ## RA, Dec and Spectroscopic redshifts of objects in SDSS DR12
2521     ## spectroscopic redshift that overlap with 'image.fits'.
2522     $ astquery vizier --dataset=sdss12 --overlapwith=image.fits \
2523                -cRA_ICRS,DE_ICRS,zsp --range=zsp,1e-10,inf
2525     ## All columns of all entries in the Gaia eDR3 catalog (hosted at
2526     ## VizieR) within 1 arc-minute of the given coordinate.
2527     $ astquery vizier --dataset=I/350/gaiaedr3 --output=my-gaia.fits \
2528                --center=113.8729761,31.9027152 --radius=1/60 \
2530     ## Similar to above, but only ID, RA and Dec columns for objects with
2531     ## magnitude range 10 to 15. In VizieR, this column is called 'Gmag'.
2532     $ astquery vizier --dataset=I/350/gaiaedr3 --output=my-gaia.fits \
2533                --center=113.8729761,31.9027152 --radius=1/60 \
2534                --range=Gmag,10:15 -cEDR3Name,RAJ2000,DEJ2000
2536   Query takes a single argument which is the name of the database.  For
2537the full list of available databases and accessing them, see *note
2538Available databases::.  There are two methods to query the databases,
2539each is more fully discussed in its option’s description below.
2540   • *Low-level:* With ‘--query’ you can directly give a raw query
2541     statement that is recognized by the database.  This is very low
2542     level and will require a good knowledge of the database’s query
2543     language, but of course, it is much more powerful.  If this option
2544     is given, the raw string is directly passed to the server and all
2545     other constraints/options (for Query’s high-level interface) are
2546     ignored.
2547   • *High-level:* With the high-level options (like ‘--column’,
2548     ‘--center’, ‘--radius’, ‘--range’ and other constraining options
2549     below), the low-level query will be constructed automatically for
2550     the particular database.  This method is only limited to the
2551     generic capabilities that Query provides for all servers.  So
2552     ‘--query’ is more powerful, however, in this mode, you don’t need
2553     any knowledge of the database’s query language.  You can see the
2554     internally generated query on the terminal (if ‘--quiet’ is not
2555     used) or in the 0-th extension of the output (if it is a FITS
2556     file).  This full command contains the internally generated query.
2558   The name of the downloaded output file can be set with ‘--output’.
2559The requested output format can have any of the *note Recognized table
2560formats:: (currently ‘.txt’ or ‘.fits’).  Like all Gnuastro programs, if
2561the output is a FITS file, the zero-th/first HDU of the output will
2562contain all the command-line options given to Query as well as the full
2563command used to access the server.  When ‘--output’ is not set, the
2564output name will be in the format of ‘NAME-STRING.fits’, where ‘NAME’ is
2565the name of the database and ‘STRING’ is a randomly selected 6-character
2566set of numbers and alphabetic characters.  With this feature, a second
2567run of ‘astquery’ that isn’t called with ‘--output’ will not over-write
2568an already downloaded one.  Generally, when calling Query more than
2569once, it is recommended to set an output name for each call based on
2570your project’s context.
2572   The outputs of Query will have a common output format, irrespective
2573of the used database.  To achieve this, Query will ask the databases to
2574provide a FITS table output (for larger tables, FITS can consume much
2575less download volume).  After downloading is complete, the raw
2576downloaded file will be read into memory once by Query, and written into
2577the file given to ‘--output’.  The raw downloaded file will be deleted
2578by default, but can be preserved with the ‘--keeprawdownload’ option.
2579This strategy avoids unnecessary surprises depending on database.  For
2580example some databases can download a compressed FITS table, even though
2581we ask for FITS. But with the strategy above, the final output will be
2582an uncompressed FITS file.  The metadata that is added by Query
2583(including the full download command) is also very useful for future
2584usage of the downloaded data.  Unfortunately many databases don’t write
2585the input queries into their generated tables.
2588     Only print the final download command to contact the server, don’t
2589     actually run it.  This option is good when you want to check the
2590     finally constructed query or download options given to the download
2591     program.  You may also want to use the constructed command as a
2592     base to do further customizations on it and run it yourself.
2596     Don’t delete the raw downloaded file from the database.  The name
2597     of the raw download will have a ‘OUTPUT-raw-download.fits’ format.
2598     Where ‘OUTPUT’ is either the base-name of the final output file
2599     (without a suffix).
2603     Print the information of all datasets (tables) within a database or
2604     all columns within a database.  When ‘--dataset’ is specified, the
2605     latter mode (all column information) is downloaded and printed and
2606     when its not defined, all dataset information (within the database)
2607     is printed.
2609     Some databases (like VizieR) contain tens of thousands of datasets,
2610     so you can limit the downloaded and printed information for
2611     available databases with the ‘--limitinfo’ option (described
2612     below).  Dataset descriptions are often large and contain a lot of
2613     text (unlike column descriptions).  Therefore when printing the
2614     information of all datasets within a database, the information
2615     (e.g., database name) will be printed on separate lines before the
2616     description.  However, when printing column information, the output
2617     has the same format as a similar option in Table (see *note
2618     Invoking asttable::).
2620     Important note to consider: the printed order of the datasets or
2621     columns is just for displaying in the printed output.  You cannot
2622     ask for datasets or columns based on the printed order, you need to
2623     use dataset or column names.
2625‘-L STR’
2627     Limit the information that is downloaded and displayed (with
2628     ‘--information’) to those that have the string given to this option
2629     in their description.  Note that _this is case-sensitive_.  This
2630     option is only relevant when ‘--information’ is also called.
2632     Databases may have thousands (or tens of thousands) of datasets.
2633     Therefore just the metadata (information) to show with
2634     ‘--information’ can be tens of megabytes (for example the full
2635     VizieR metadata file is about 23Mb as of January 2021).  Once
2636     downloaded, it can also be hard to parse manually.  With
2637     ‘--limitinfo’, only the metadata of datasets that contain this
2638     string _in their description_ will be downloaded and displayed,
2639     greatly improving the speed of finding your desired dataset.
2641‘-Q "STR"’
2643     Directly specify the query to be passed onto the database.  The
2644     queries will generally contain space and other meta-characters, so
2645     we recommend placing the query within quotations.
2647‘-s STR’
2649     The dataset to query within the database (not compatible with
2650     ‘--query’).  This option is mandatory when ‘--query’ or
2651     ‘--information’ aren’t provided.  You can see the list of available
2652     datasets within a database using ‘--information’ (possibly
2653     supplemented by ‘--limitinfo’).  The output of ‘--information’ will
2654     contain the recognized name of the datasets within that database.
2655     You can pass the recognized name directly to this option.  For more
2656     on finding and using your desired database, see *note Available
2657     databases::.
2659‘-c STR’
2661     The column name(s) to retrieve from the dataset in the given order
2662     (not compatible with ‘--query’).  If not given, all the dataset’s
2663     columns for the selected rows will be queried (which can be
2664     large!).  This option can take multiple values in one instance (for
2665     example ‘--column=ra,dec,mag’), or in multiple instances (for
2666     example ‘-cra -cdec -cmag’), or mixed (for example ‘-cra,dec
2667     -cmag’).
2669     In case, you don’t know the full list of the dataset’s column names
2670     a-priori, and you don’t want to download all the columns (which can
2671     greatly decrease your download speed), you can use the
2672     ‘--information’ option combined with the ‘--dataset’ option, see
2673     *note Available databases::.
2675‘-H INT’
2677     Only ask for the first ‘INT’ rows of the finally selected columns,
2678     not all the rows.  This can be good when your search can result a
2679     large dataset, but before downloading the full volume, you want to
2680     see the top rows and get a feeling of what the whole dataset looks
2681     like.
2683‘-v FITS’
2685     File name of FITS file containing an image (in the HDU given by
2686     ‘--hdu’) to use for identifying the region to query in the give
2687     database and dataset.  Based on the image’s WCS and pixel size, the
2688     sky coverage of the image is estimated and values to the
2689     ‘--center’, ‘--width’ will be calculated internally.  Hence this
2690     option cannot be used with ‘--center’, ‘--width’ or ‘--radius’.
2691     Also, since it internally generates the query, it can’t be used
2692     with ‘--query’.
2694     Note that if the image has WCS distortions and the reference point
2695     for the WCS is not within the image, the WCS will not be
2696     well-defined.  Therefore the resulting catalog may not overlap, or
2697     correspond to a larger/small area in the sky.
2699‘-C FLT,FLT’
2701     The spatial center position (mostly RA and Dec) to use for the
2702     automatically generated query (not compatible with ‘--query’).  The
2703     given values will be compared to two columns in the database to
2704     find/return rows within a certain region around this center
2705     position will be requested and downloaded.  Pre-defined RA and Dec
2706     column names are defined in Query for every database, however you
2707     can use ‘--ccol’ to select other columns to use instead.  The
2708     region can either be a circle and the point (configured with
2709     ‘--radius’) or a box/rectangle around the point (configured with
2710     ‘--width’).
2713     The name of the coordinate-columns in the dataset to compare with
2714     the values given to ‘--center’.  Query will use its internal
2715     defaults for each dataset (for example ‘RAJ2000’ and ‘DEJ2000’ for
2716     VizieR data).  But each dataset is treated separately and it isn’t
2717     guaranteed that these columns exist in all datasets.  Also, more
2718     than one coordinate system/epoch may be present in a dataset and
2719     you can use this option to construct your spatial constraint based
2720     on the others coordinate systems/epochs.
2722‘-r FLT’
2724     The radius about the requested center to use for the automatically
2725     generated query (not compatible with ‘--query’).  The radius is in
2726     units of degrees, but you can use simple division with this option
2727     directly on the command-line.  For example if you want a radius of
2728     20 arc-minutes or 20 arc-seconds, you can use ‘--radius=20/60’ or
2729     ‘--radius=20/3600’ respectively (which is much more human-friendly
2730     than ‘0.3333’ or ‘0.005556’).
2732‘-w FLT[,FLT]’
2734     The square (or rectangle) side length (width) about the requested
2735     center to use for the automatically generated query (not compatible
2736     with ‘--query’).  If only one value is given to ‘--width’ the
2737     region will be a square, but if two values are given, the widths of
2738     the query box along each dimension will be different.  The value(s)
2739     is (are) in the same units as the coordinate column (see ‘--ccol’,
2740     usually RA and Dec which are degrees).  You can use simple division
2741     for each value directly on the command-line if you want relatively
2742     small (and more human-friendly) sizes.  For example if you want
2743     your box to be 1 arc-minutes along the RA and 2 arc-minutes along
2744     Dec, you can use ‘--width=1/60,2/60’.
2746‘-g STR,FLT,FLT’
2748     The column name and numerical range (inclusive) of acceptable
2749     values in that column (not compatible with ‘--query’).  This option
2750     can be called multiple times for applying range limits on many
2751     columns in one call (thus greatly reducing the download size).  For
2752     example when used on the ESA gaia database, you can use
2753     ‘--range=phot_g_mean_mag,10:15’ to only get rows that have a value
2754     between 10 and 15 (inclusive on both sides) in the
2755     ‘phot_g_mean_mag’ column.
2757     If you want all rows larger, or smaller, than a certain number, you
2758     can use ‘inf’, or ‘-inf’ as the first or second values
2759     respectively.  For example, if you want objects with SDSS
2760     spectroscopic redshifts larger than 2 (from the VizieR ‘sdss12’
2761     database), you can use ‘--range=zsp,2,inf’
2763     If you want the interval to not be inclusive on both sides, you can
2764     run ‘astquery’ once and get the command that it executes.  Then you
2765     can edit it to be non-inclusive on your desired side.
2767‘-b STR[,STR]’
2769     Only ask for rows that don’t have a blank value in the ‘STR’
2770     column.  This option can be called many times, and each call can
2771     have multiple column names (separated by a comma or <,>).  For
2772     example if you want the retrieved rows to not have a blank value in
2773     columns ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’, you can use ‘--noblank=A -bB,C,D’.
2776     Ask for the server to sort the downloaded data based on the given
2777     columns.  For example let’s assume your desired catalog has column
2778     ‘Z’ for redshift and column ‘MAG_R’ for magnitude in the R band.
2779     When you call ‘--sort=Z,MAG_R’, it will primarily sort the columns
2780     based on the redshift, but if two objects have the same redshift,
2781     they will be sorted by magnitude.  You can add as many columns as
2782     you like for higher-level sorting.
2785File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Data manipulation,  Next: Data analysis,  Prev: Data containers,  Up: Top
27876 Data manipulation
2790Images are one of the major formats of data that is used in astronomy.
2791The functions in this chapter explain the GNU Astronomy Utilities which
2792are provided for their manipulation.  For example cropping out a part of
2793a larger image or convolving the image with a given kernel or applying a
2794transformation to it.
2796* Menu:
2798* Crop::                        Crop region(s) from a dataset.
2799* Arithmetic::                  Arithmetic on input data.
2800* Convolve::                    Convolve an image with a kernel.
2801* Warp::                        Warp/Transform an image to a different grid.
2804File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop,  Next: Arithmetic,  Prev: Data manipulation,  Up: Data manipulation
28066.1 Crop
2809Astronomical images are often very large, filled with thousands of
2810galaxies.  It often happens that you only want a section of the image,
2811or you have a catalog of sources and you want to visually analyze them
2812in small postage stamps.  Crop is made to do all these things.  When
2813more than one crop is required, Crop will divide the crops between
2814multiple threads to significantly reduce the run time.
2816   Astronomical surveys are usually extremely large.  So large in fact,
2817that the whole survey will not fit into a reasonably sized file.
2818Because of this, surveys usually cut the final image into separate tiles
2819and store each tile in a file.  For example the COSMOS survey’s Hubble
2820space telescope, ACS F814W image consists of 81 separate FITS images,
2821with each one having a volume of 1.7 Giga bytes.
2823   Even though the tile sizes are chosen to be large enough that too
2824many galaxies/targets don’t fall on the edges of the tiles, inevitably
2825some do.  So when you simply crop the image of such targets from one
2826tile, you will miss a large area of the surrounding sky (which is
2827essential in estimating the noise).  Therefore in its WCS mode, Crop
2828will stitch parts of the tiles that are relevant for a target (with the
2829given width) from all the input images that cover that region into the
2830output.  Of course, the tiles have to be present in the list of input
2833   Besides cropping postage stamps around certain coordinates, Crop can
2834also crop arbitrary polygons from an image (or a set of tiles by
2835stitching the relevant parts of different tiles within the polygon), see
2836‘--polygon’ in *note Invoking astcrop::.  Alternatively, it can crop out
2837rectangular regions through the ‘--section’ option from one image, see
2838*note Crop section syntax::.
2840* Menu:
2842* Crop modes::                  Basic modes to define crop region.
2843* Crop section syntax::         How to define a section to crop.
2844* Blank pixels::                Pixels with no value.
2845* Invoking astcrop::            Calling Crop on the command-line
2848File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop modes,  Next: Crop section syntax,  Prev: Crop,  Up: Crop
28506.1.1 Crop modes
2853In order to be comprehensive, intuitive, and easy to use, there are two
2854ways to define the crop:
2856  1. From its center and side length.  For example if you already know
2857     the coordinates of an object and want to inspect it in an image or
2858     to generate postage stamps of a catalog containing many such
2859     coordinates.
2861  2. The vertices of the crop region, this can be useful for larger
2862     crops over many targets, for example to crop out a uniformly deep,
2863     or contiguous, region of a large survey.
2865   Irrespective of how the crop region is defined, the coordinates to
2866define the crop can be in Image (pixel) or World Coordinate System (WCS)
2867standards.  All coordinates are read as floating point numbers (not
2868integers, except for the ‘--section’ option, see below).  By setting the
2869_mode_ in Crop, you define the standard that the given coordinates must
2870be interpreted.  Here, the different ways to specify the crop region are
2871discussed within each standard.  For the full list options, please see
2872*note Invoking astcrop::.
2874   When the crop is defined by its center, the respective (integer)
2875central pixel position will be found internally according to the FITS
2876standard.  To have this pixel positioned in the center of the cropped
2877region, the final cropped region will have an add number of pixels (even
2878if you give an even number to ‘--width’ in image mode).
2880   Furthermore, when the crop is defined as by its center, Crop allows
2881you to only keep crops what don’t have any blank pixels in the vicinity
2882of their center (your primary target).  This can be very convenient when
2883your input catalog/coordinates originated from another survey/filter
2884which is not fully covered by your input image, to learn more about this
2885feature, please see the description of the ‘--checkcenter’ option in
2886*note Invoking astcrop::.
2888Image coordinates
2889     In image mode (‘--mode=img’), Crop interprets the pixel coordinates
2890     and widths in units of the input data-elements (for example pixels
2891     in an image, not world coordinates).  In image mode, only one image
2892     may be input.  The output crop(s) can be defined in multiple ways
2893     as listed below.
2895     Center of multiple crops (in a catalog)
2896          The center of (possibly multiple) crops are read from a text
2897          file.  In this mode, the columns identified with the
2898          ‘--coordcol’ option are interpreted as the center of a crop
2899          with a width of ‘--width’ pixels along each dimension.  The
2900          columns can contain any floating point value.  The value to
2901          ‘--output’ option is seen as a directory which will host (the
2902          possibly multiple) separate crop files, see *note Crop
2903          output:: for more.  For a tutorial using this feature, please
2904          see *note Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection::.
2906     Center of a single crop (on the command-line)
2907          The center of the crop is given on the command-line with the
2908          ‘--center’ option.  The crop width is specified by the
2909          ‘--width’ option along each dimension.  The given coordinates
2910          and width can be any floating point number.
2912     Vertices of a single crop
2913          In Image mode there are two options to define the vertices of
2914          a region to crop: ‘--section’ and ‘--polygon’.  The former is
2915          lower-level (doesn’t accept floating point vertices, and only
2916          a rectangular region can be defined), it is also only
2917          available in Image mode.  Please see *note Crop section
2918          syntax:: for a full description of this method.
2920          The latter option (‘--polygon’) is a higher-level method to
2921          define any polygon (with any number of vertices) with floating
2922          point values.  Please see the description of this option in
2923          *note Invoking astcrop:: for its syntax.
2925WCS coordinates
2926     In WCS mode (‘--mode=wcs’), the coordinates and widths are
2927     interpreted using the World Coordinate System (WCS, that must
2928     accompany the dataset), not pixel coordinates.  In WCS mode, Crop
2929     accepts multiple datasets as input.  When the cropped region
2930     (defined by its center or vertices) overlaps with multiple of the
2931     input images/tiles, the overlapping regions will be taken from the
2932     respective input (they will be stitched when necessary for each
2933     output crop).
2935     In this mode, the input images do not necessarily have to be the
2936     same size, they just need to have the same orientation and pixel
2937     resolution.  Currently only orientation along the celestial
2938     coordinates is accepted, if your input has a different orientation
2939     you can use Warp’s ‘--align’ option to align the image before
2940     cropping it (see *note Warp::).
2942     Each individual input image/tile can even be smaller than the final
2943     crop.  In any case, any part of any of the input images which
2944     overlaps with the desired region will be used in the crop.  Note
2945     that if there is an overlap in the input images/tiles, the pixels
2946     from the last input image read are going to be used for the
2947     overlap.  Crop will not change pixel values, so it assumes your
2948     overlapping tiles were cutout from the same original image.  There
2949     are multiple ways to define your cropped region as listed below.
2951     Center of multiple crops (in a catalog)
2952          Similar to catalog inputs in Image mode (above), except that
2953          the values along each dimension are assumed to have the same
2954          units as the dataset’s WCS information.  For example, the
2955          central RA and Dec value for each crop will be read from the
2956          first and second calls to the ‘--coordcol’ option.  The width
2957          of the cropped box (in units of the WCS, or degrees in RA and
2958          Dec mode) must be specified with the ‘--width’ option.
2960     Center of a single crop (on the command-line)
2961          You can specify the center of only one crop box with the
2962          ‘--center’ option.  If it exists in the input images, it will
2963          be cropped similar to the catalog mode, see above also for
2964          ‘--width’.
2966     Vertices of a single crop
2967          The ‘--polygon’ option is a high-level method to define any
2968          convex polygon (with any number of vertices).  Please see the
2969          description of this option in *note Invoking astcrop:: for its
2970          syntax.
2972     *CAUTION:* In WCS mode, the image has to be aligned with the
2973     celestial coordinates, such that the first FITS axis is parallel
2974     (opposite direction) to the Right Ascension (RA) and the second
2975     FITS axis is parallel to the declination.  If these conditions
2976     aren’t met for an image, Crop will warn you and abort.  You can use
2977     Warp’s ‘--align’ option to align the input image with these
2978     coordinates, see *note Warp::.
2980   As a summary, if you don’t specify a catalog, you have to define the
2981cropped region manually on the command-line.  In any case the mode is
2982mandatory for Crop to be able to interpret the values given as
2983coordinates or widths.
2986File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop section syntax,  Next: Blank pixels,  Prev: Crop modes,  Up: Crop
29886.1.2 Crop section syntax
2991When in image mode, one of the methods to crop only one rectangular
2992section from the input image is to use the ‘--section’ option.  Crop has
2993a powerful syntax to read the box parameters from a string of
2994characters.  If you leave certain parts of the string to be empty, Crop
2995can fill them for you based on the input image sizes.
2997   To define a box, you need the coordinates of two points: the first
2998(‘X1’, ‘Y1’) and the last pixel (‘X2’, ‘Y2’) pixel positions in the
2999image, or four integer numbers in total.  The four coordinates can be
3000specified with one string in this format: ‘‘X1:X2,Y1:Y2’’.  This string
3001is given to the ‘--section’ option.  Therefore, the pixels along the
3002first axis that are $\geq$‘X1’ and $\leq$‘X2’ will be included in the
3003cropped image.  The same goes for the second axis.  Note that each
3004different term will be read as an integer, not a float.
3006   The reason it only accepts integers is that ‘--section’ is a
3007low-level option (which is also very fast!).  For a higher-level way to
3008specify region (any polygon, not just a box), please see the ‘--polygon’
3009option in *note Crop options::.  Also note that in the FITS standard,
3010pixel indexes along each axis start from unity(1) not zero(0).
3012   You can omit any of the values and they will be filled automatically.
3013The left hand side of the colon (‘:’) will be filled with ‘1’, and the
3014right side with the image size.  So, ‘2:,:’ will include the full range
3015of pixels along the second axis and only those with a first axis index
3016larger than ‘2’ in the first axis.  If the colon is omitted for a
3017dimension, then the full range is automatically used.  So the same
3018string is also equal to ‘2:,’ or ‘2:’ or even ‘2’.  If you want such a
3019case for the second axis, you should set it to: ‘,2’.
3021   If you specify a negative value, it will be seen as before the
3022indexes of the image which are outside the image along the bottom or
3023left sides when viewed in SAO DS9.  In case you want to count from the
3024top or right sides of the image, you can use an asterisk (‘*’).  When
3025confronted with a ‘*’, Crop will replace it with the maximum length of
3026the image in that dimension.  So ‘*-10:*+10,*-20:*+20’ will mean that
3027the crop box will be 20\times40 pixels in size and only include the top
3028corner of the input image with 3/4 of the image being covered by blank
3029pixels, see *note Blank pixels::.
3031   If you feel more comfortable with space characters between the
3032values, you can use as many space characters as you wish, just be
3033careful to put your value in double quotes, for example
3034‘--section="5:200, 123:854"’.  If you forget the quotes, anything after
3035the first space will not be seen by ‘--section’ and you will most
3036probably get an error because the rest of your string will be read as a
3037filename (which most probably doesn’t exist).  See *note Command-line::
3038for a description of how the command-line works.
3041File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Blank pixels,  Next: Invoking astcrop,  Prev: Crop section syntax,  Up: Crop
30436.1.3 Blank pixels
3046The cropped box can potentially include pixels that are beyond the image
3047range.  For example when a target in the input catalog was very near the
3048edge of the input image.  The parts of the cropped image that were not
3049in the input image will be filled with the following two values
3050depending on the data type of the image.  In both cases, SAO DS9 will
3051not color code those pixels.
3052   • If the data type of the image is a floating point type (float or
3053     double), IEEE NaN (Not a number) will be used.
3054   • For integer types, pixels out of the image will be filled with the
3055     value of the ‘BLANK’ keyword in the cropped image header.  The
3056     value assigned to it is the lowest value possible for that type, so
3057     you will probably never need it any way.  Only for the unsigned
3058     character type (‘BITPIX=8’ in the FITS header), the maximum value
3059     is used because it is unsigned, the smallest value is zero which is
3060     often meaningful.
3061   You can ask for such blank regions to not be included in the output
3062crop image using the ‘--noblank’ option.  In such cases, there is no
3063guarantee that the image size of your outputs are what you asked for.
3065   In some survey images, unfortunately they do not use the ‘BLANK’ FITS
3066keyword.  Instead they just give all pixels outside of the survey area a
3067value of zero.  So by default, when dealing with float or double image
3068types, any values that are 0.0 are also regarded as blank regions.  This
3069can be turned off with the ‘--zeroisnotblank’ option.
3072File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Invoking astcrop,  Prev: Blank pixels,  Up: Crop
30746.1.4 Invoking Crop
3077Crop will crop a region from an image.  If in WCS mode, it will also
3078stitch parts from separate images in the input files.  The executable
3079name is ‘astcrop’ with the following general template
3081     $ astcrop [OPTION...] [ASCIIcatalog] ASTRdata ...
3083One line examples:
3085     ## Crop all objects in cat.txt from image.fits:
3086     $ astcrop --catalog=cat.txt image.fits
3088     ## Crop all options in catalog (with RA,DEC) from all the files
3089     ## ending in `_drz.fits' in `/mnt/data/COSMOS/':
3090     $ astcrop --mode=wcs --catalog=cat.txt /mnt/data/COSMOS/*_drz.fits
3092     ## Crop the outer 10 border pixels of the input image:
3093     $ astcrop --section=10:*-10,10:*-10 --hdu=2 image.fits
3095     ## Crop region around RA and Dec of (189.16704, 62.218203):
3096     $ astcrop --mode=wcs --center=189.16704,62.218203 goodsnorth.fits
3098     ## Crop region around pixel coordinate (568.342, 2091.719):
3099     $ astcrop --mode=img --center=568.342,2091.719 --width=201 image.fits
3101Crop has one mandatory argument which is the input image name(s), shown
3102above with ‘ASTRdata ...’.  You can use shell expansions, for example
3103‘*’ for this if you have lots of images in WCS mode.  If the crop box
3104centers are in a catalog, you can use the ‘--catalog’ option.  In other
3105cases, you have to provide the single cropped output parameters must be
3106given with command-line options.  See *note Crop output:: for how the
3107output file name(s) can be specified.  For the full list of general
3108options to all Gnuastro programs (including Crop), please see *note
3109Common options::.
3111   Floating point numbers can be used to specify the crop region (except
3112the ‘--section’ option, see *note Crop section syntax::).  In such
3113cases, the floating point values will be used to find the desired
3114integer pixel indices based on the FITS standard.  Hence, Crop
3115ultimately doesn’t do any sub-pixel cropping (in other words, it doesn’t
3116change pixel values).  If you need such crops, you can use *note Warp::
3117to first warp the image to the a new pixel grid, then crop from that.
3118For example, let’s assume you want a crop from pixels 12.982 to 80.982
3119along the first dimension.  You should first translate the image by
3120$-0.482$ (note that the edge of a pixel is at integer multiples of
3121$0.5$).  So you should run Warp with ‘--translate=-0.482,0’ and then
3122crop the warped image with ‘--section=13:81’.
3124   There are two ways to define the cropped region: with its center or
3125its vertices.  See *note Crop modes:: for a full description.  In the
3126former case, Crop can check if the central region of the cropped image
3127is indeed filled with data or is blank (see *note Blank pixels::), and
3128not produce any output when the center is blank, see the description
3129under ‘--checkcenter’ for more.
3131   When in catalog mode, Crop will run in parallel unless you set
3132‘--numthreads=1’, see *note Multi-threaded operations::.  Note that when
3133multiple outputs are created with threads, the outputs will not be
3134created in the same order.  This is because the threads are asynchronous
3135and thus not started in order.  This has no effect on each output, see
3136*note Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection:: for a tutorial on
3137effectively using this feature.
3139* Menu:
3141* Crop options::                A list of all the options with explanation.
3142* Crop output::                 The outputs of Crop.
3143* Crop known issues::           Known issues in running Crop.
3146File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop options,  Next: Crop output,  Prev: Invoking astcrop,  Up: Invoking astcrop
31486.1.4.1 Crop options
3151The options can be classified into the following contexts: Input, Output
3152and operating mode options.  Options that are common to all Gnuastro
3153program are listed in *note Common options:: and will not be repeated
3156   When you are specifying the crop vertices your self (through
3157‘--section’, or ‘--polygon’) on relatively small regions (depending on
3158the resolution of your images) the outputs from image and WCS mode can
3159be approximately equivalent.  However, as the crop sizes get large, the
3160curved nature of the WCS coordinates have to be considered.  For
3161example, when using ‘--section’, the right ascension of the bottom left
3162and top left corners will not be equal.  If you only want regions within
3163a given right ascension, use ‘--polygon’ in WCS mode.
3165Input image parameters:
3168     Specify the first keyword card (line number) to start finding the
3169     input image world coordinate system information.  This is useful
3170     when certain header keywords of the input may cause bad conflicts
3171     with your crop (see an example described below).  To get line
3172     numbers of the header keywords, you can pipe the fully printed
3173     header into ‘cat -n’ like below:
3175          $ astfits image.fits -h1 | cat -n
3177     For example, distortions have only been present in WCSLIB from
3178     version 5.15 (released in mid 2016).  Therefore some pipelines
3179     still apply their own specific set of WCS keywords for distortions
3180     and put them into the image header along with those that WCSLIB
3181     does recognize.  So now that WCSLIB recognizes most of the standard
3182     distortion parameters, they will get confused with the old ones and
3183     give wrong results.  For example in the CANDELS-GOODS South images
3184     that were created before WCSLIB 5.15(1).
3186     The two ‘--hstartwcs’ and ‘--hendwcs’ are thus provided so when
3187     using older datasets, you can specify what region in the FITS
3188     headers you want to use to read the WCS keywords.  Note that this
3189     is only relevant for reading the WCS information, basic data
3190     information like the image size are read separately.  These two
3191     options will only be considered when the value to ‘--hendwcs’ is
3192     larger than that of ‘--hstartwcs’.  So if they are equal or
3193     ‘--hstartwcs’ is larger than ‘--hendwcs’, then all the input
3194     keywords will be parsed to get the WCS information of the image.
3197     Specify the last keyword card to read for specifying the image
3198     world coordinate system on the input images.  See ‘--hstartwcs’
3200Crop box parameters:
3202‘-c FLT[,FLT[,...]]’
3204     The central position of the crop in the input image.  The positions
3205     along each dimension must be separated by a comma (<,>) and
3206     fractions are also acceptable.  The number of values given to this
3207     option must be the same as the dimensions of the input dataset.
3208     The width of the crop should be set with ‘--width’.  The units of
3209     the coordinates are read based on the value to the ‘--mode’ option,
3210     see below.
3212‘-w FLT[,FLT[,...]]’
3214     Width of the cropped region about coordinate given to ‘--center’.
3215     If in WCS mode, value(s) given to this option will be read in the
3216     same units as the dataset’s WCS information along this dimension.
3217     This option may take either a single value (to be used for all
3218     dimensions: ‘--width=10’ in image-mode will crop a $10\times10$
3219     pixel image) or multiple values (a specific value for each
3220     dimension: ‘--width=10,20’ in image-mode will crop a $10\times20$
3221     pixel image).
3223     The ‘--width’ option also accepts fractions.  For example if you
3224     want the width of your crop to be 3 by 5 arcseconds along RA and
3225     Dec respectively and you are in wcs-mode, you can use:
3226     ‘--width=3/3600,5/3600’.
3228     The final output will have an odd number of pixels to allow easy
3229     identification of the pixel which keeps your requested coordinate
3230     (from ‘--center’ or ‘--catalog’).  If you want an even sided crop,
3231     you can run Crop afterwards with ‘--section=":*-1,:*-1"’ or
3232     ‘--section=2:,2:’ (depending on which side you don’t need), see
3233     *note Crop section syntax::.
3235     The basic reason for making an odd-sided crop is that your given
3236     central coordinate will ultimately fall within a discrete pixel in
3237     the image (defined by the FITS standard).  When the crop has an odd
3238     number of pixels in each dimension, that pixel can be very well
3239     defined as the “central” pixel of the crop, making it unambiguously
3240     easy to identify.  However, for an even-sided crop, it will be very
3241     hard to identify the central pixel (it can be on any of the four
3242     pixels adjacent to the central point of the image!).
3244‘-l STR’
3245‘-l FLT:FLT,...’
3248     Polygon vertice coordinates (when value is in ‘FLT,FLT:FLT,FLT:...’
3249     format) or the filename of a SAO DS9 region file (when the value
3250     has no ‘,’ or ‘:’ characters).  The vertices are used to define the
3251     polygon: in the same order given to this option.  When the vertices
3252     are not necessarily ordered in the proper order (for example one
3253     vertice in a square comes after its diagonal opposite), you can add
3254     the ‘--polygonsort’ option which will attempt to sort the vertices
3255     before cropping.  Note that for concave polygons, sorting is not
3256     recommended because there is no unique solution, for more, see the
3257     description under ‘--polygonsort’.
3259     This option can be used both in the image and WCS modes, see *note
3260     Crop modes::.  If a SAO DS9 region file is used, the coordinate
3261     mode of Crop will be determined by the contents of the file and any
3262     value given to ‘--mode’ is ignored.  The cropped image will be the
3263     size of the rectangular region that completely encompasses the
3264     polygon.  By default all the pixels that are outside of the polygon
3265     will be set as blank values (see *note Blank pixels::).  However,
3266     if ‘--polygonout’ is called all pixels internal to the vertices
3267     will be set to blank.  In WCS-mode, you may provide many FITS
3268     images/tiles: Crop will stitch them to produce this cropped region,
3269     then apply the polygon.
3271     The syntax for the polygon vertices is similar to, and simpler
3272     than, that for ‘--section’.  In short, the dimensions of each
3273     coordinate are separated by a comma (<,>) and each vertex is
3274     separated by a colon (<:>).  You can define as many vertices as you
3275     like.  If you would like to use space characters between the
3276     dimensions and vertices to make them more human-readable, then you
3277     have to put the value to this option in double quotation marks.
3279     For example, let’s assume you want to work on the deepest part of
3280     the WFC3/IR images of Hubble Space Telescope eXtreme Deep Field
3281     (HST-XDF). According to the web page
3282     (https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/xdf/)(2) the deepest part is
3283     contained within the coordinates:
3285          [ (53.187414,-27.779152), (53.159507,-27.759633),
3286            (53.134517,-27.787144), (53.161906,-27.807208) ]
3288     They have provided mask images with only these pixels in the
3289     WFC3/IR images, but what if you also need to work on the same
3290     region in the full resolution ACS images?  Also what if you want to
3291     use the CANDELS data for the shallow region?  Running Crop with
3292     ‘--polygon’ will easily pull out this region of the image for you,
3293     irrespective of the resolution.  If you have set the operating mode
3294     to WCS mode in your nearest configuration file (see *note
3295     Configuration files::), there is no need to call ‘--mode=wcs’ on
3296     the command line.
3298          $ astcrop --mode=wcs desired-filter-image(s).fits           \
3299             --polygon="53.187414,-27.779152 : 53.159507,-27.759633 : \
3300                        53.134517,-27.787144 : 53.161906,-27.807208"
3302     More generally, you have an image and want to define the polygon
3303     yourself (it isn’t already published like the example above).  As
3304     the number of vertices increases, checking the vertex coordinates
3305     on a FITS viewer (for example SAO DS9) and typing them in, one by
3306     one, can be very tedious and prone to typo errors.  In such cases,
3307     you can make a polygon “region” in DS9 and using your mouse, easily
3308     define (and visually see) it.  Given that SAO DS9 has a graphic
3309     user interface (GUI), if you don’t have the polygon vertices
3310     before-hand, it is much more easier build your polygon there and
3311     pass it onto Crop through the region file.
3313     You can take the following steps to make an SAO DS9 region file
3314     containing your polygon.  Open your desired FITS image with SAO DS9
3315     and activate its “region” mode with Edit→Region.  Then define the
3316     region as a polygon with Region→Shape→Polygon.  Click on the
3317     approximate center of the region you want and a small square will
3318     appear.  By clicking on the vertices of the square you can shrink
3319     or expand it, clicking and dragging anywhere on the edges will
3320     enable you to define a new vertex.  After the region has been
3321     nicely defined, save it as a file with Region→“Save Regions”.  You
3322     can then select the name and address of the output file, keep the
3323     format as ‘REG (*.reg)’ and press the “OK” button.  In the next
3324     window, keep format as “ds9” and “Coordinate System” as “fk5” for
3325     RA and Dec (or “Image” for pixel coordinates).  A plain text file
3326     is now created (let’s call it ‘ds9.reg’) which you can pass onto
3327     Crop with ‘--polygon=ds9.reg’.
3329     For the expected format of the region file, see the description of
3330     ‘gal_ds9_reg_read_polygon’ in *note SAO DS9 library::.  However,
3331     since SAO DS9 makes this file for you, you don’t usually need to
3332     worry about its internal format unless something un-expected
3333     happens and you find a bug.
3336     Keep all the regions outside the polygon and mask the inner ones
3337     with blank pixels (see *note Blank pixels::).  This is practically
3338     the inverse of the default mode of treating polygons.  Note that
3339     this option only works when you have only provided one input image.
3340     If multiple images are given (in WCS mode), then the full area
3341     covered by all the images has to be shown and the polygon excluded.
3342     This can lead to a very large area if large surveys like COSMOS are
3343     used.  So Crop will abort and notify you.  In such cases, it is
3344     best to crop out the larger region you want, then mask the smaller
3345     region with this option.
3348     Sort the given set of vertices to the ‘--polygon’ option.  For a
3349     concave polygon it will sort the vertices correctly, however for a
3350     convex polygon it there is no unique sorting, so be careful because
3351     the crop may not be what you expected.
3353     Polygons come in two classes: convex and concave (or generally,
3354     non-convex!), see below for a demonstration.  Convex polygons are
3355     those where all inner angles are less than 180 degrees.  By
3356     contrast, a convex polygon is one where an inner angle may be more
3357     than 180 degrees.
3359                      Concave Polygon        Convex Polygon
3361                       D --------C          D------------- C
3362                        \        |        E /              |
3363                         \E      |          \              |
3364                         /       |           \             |
3365                        A--------B             A ----------B
3367‘-s STR’
3369     Section of the input image which you want to be cropped.  See *note
3370     Crop section syntax:: for a complete explanation on the syntax
3371     required for this input.
3373‘-C FITS/TXT3374‘--catalog=FITS/TXT3375     File name of catalog for making multiple crops from the input
3376     images/cubes.  The catalog can be in any of Gnuastro’s recognized
3377     *note Recognized table formats::.  The columns containing the
3378     coordinates for the crop centers can be specified with the
3379     ‘--coordcol’ option (using column names or numbers, see *note
3380     Selecting table columns::).  The catalog can also contain the name
3381     of each crop, you can specify the column containing the name with
3382     the ‘--namecol’.
3384‘--cathdu=STR/INT3385     The HDU (extension) containing the catalog (if the file given to
3386     ‘--catalog’ is a FITS file).  This can either be the HDU name (if
3387     it has one) or number (counting from 0).  By default (if this
3388     option is not given), the second HDU will be used (equivalent to
3389     ‘--cathdu=1’.  For more on how to specify the HDU, see the
3390     explanation of the ‘--hdu’ option in *note Input output options::.
3392‘-x STR/INT3393‘--coordcol=STR/INT3394     The column in a catalog to read as a coordinate.  The value can be
3395     either the column number (starting from 1), or a match/search in
3396     the table meta-data, see *note Selecting table columns::.  This
3397     option must be called multiple times, depending on the number of
3398     dimensions in the input dataset.  If it is called more than
3399     necessary, the extra columns (later calls to this option on the
3400     command-line or configuration files) will be ignored, see *note
3401     Configuration file precedence::.
3403‘-n STR/INT3404‘--namecol=STR/INT3405     Column selection of crop file name.  The value can be either the
3406     column number (starting from 1), or a match/search in the table
3407     meta-data, see *note Selecting table columns::.  This option can be
3408     used both in Image and WCS modes, and not a mandatory.  When a
3409     column is given to this option, the final crop base file name will
3410     be taken from the contents of this column.  The directory will be
3411     determined by the ‘--output’ option (current directory if not
3412     given) and the value to ‘--suffix’ will be appended.  When this
3413     column isn’t given, the row number will be used instead.
3415Output options:
3417‘-c FLT/INT3418‘--checkcenter=FLT/INT3419     Square box width of region in the center of the image to check for
3420     blank values.  If any of the pixels in this central region of a
3421     crop (defined by its center) are blank, then it will not be stored
3422     in an output file.  If the value to this option is zero, no
3423     checking is done.  This check is only applied when the cropped
3424     region(s) are defined by their center (not by the vertices, see
3425     *note Crop modes::).
3427     The units of the value are interpreted based on the ‘--mode’ value
3428     (in WCS or pixel units).  The ultimate checked region size (in
3429     pixels) will be an odd integer around the center (converted from
3430     WCS, or when an even number of pixels are given to this option).
3431     In WCS mode, the value can be given as fractions, for example if
3432     the WCS units are in degrees, ‘0.1/3600’ will correspond to a check
3433     size of 0.1 arcseconds.
3435     Because survey regions don’t often have a clean square or rectangle
3436     shape, some of the pixels on the sides of the survey FITS image
3437     don’t commonly have any data and are blank (see *note Blank
3438     pixels::).  So when the catalog was not generated from the input
3439     image, it often happens that the image does not have data over some
3440     of the points.
3442     When the given center of a crop falls in such regions or outside
3443     the dataset, and this option has a non-zero value, no crop will be
3444     created.  Therefore with this option, you can specify a width of a
3445     small box (3 pixels is often good enough) around the central pixel
3446     of the cropped image.  You can check which crops were created and
3447     which weren’t from the command-line (if ‘--quiet’ was not called,
3448     see *note Operating mode options::), or in Crop’s log file (see
3449     *note Crop output::).
3451‘-p STR’
3453     The suffix (or post-fix) of the output files for when you want all
3454     the cropped images to have a special ending.  One case where this
3455     might be helpful is when besides the science images, you want the
3456     weight images (or exposure maps, which are also distributed with
3457     survey images) of the cropped regions too.  So in one run, you can
3458     set the input images to the science images and ‘--suffix=_s.fits’.
3459     In the next run you can set the weight images as input and
3460     ‘--suffix=_w.fits’.
3463     Write the output into the primary (0-th) HDU/extension of the
3464     output.  By default, like all Gnuastro’s default outputs, no data
3465     is written in the primary extension because the FITS standard
3466     suggests keeping that extension free of data and only for meta
3467     data.
3471     Pixels outside of the input image that are in the crop box will not
3472     be used.  By default they are filled with blank values (depending
3473     on type), see *note Blank pixels::.  This option only applies only
3474     in Image mode, see *note Crop modes::.
3478     In float or double images, it is common to give the value of zero
3479     to blank pixels.  If the input image type is one of these two
3480     types, such pixels will also be considered as blank.  You can
3481     disable this behavior with this option, see *note Blank pixels::.
3483Operating mode options:
3485‘-O STR’
3487     Operate in Image mode or WCS mode when the input coordinates can be
3488     both image or WCS. The value must either be ‘img’ or ‘wcs’, see
3489     *note Crop modes:: for a full description.
3491   ---------- Footnotes ----------
3493   (1) <https://archive.stsci.edu/pub/hlsp/candels/goods-s/gs-tot/v1.0/>
3495   (2) <https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/xdf/>
3498File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop output,  Next: Crop known issues,  Prev: Crop options,  Up: Invoking astcrop
35006.1.4.2 Crop output
3503The string given to ‘--output’ option will be interpreted depending on
3504how many crops were requested, see *note Crop modes:::
3506   • When a catalog is given, the value of the ‘--output’ (see *note
3507     Common options::) will be read as the directory to store the output
3508     cropped images.  Hence if it doesn’t already exist, Crop will abort
3509     with an “No such file or directory” error.
3511     The crop file names will consist of two parts: a variable part (the
3512     row number of each target starting from 1) along with a fixed
3513     string which you can set with the ‘--suffix’ option.  Optionally,
3514     you may also use the ‘--namecol’ option to define a column in the
3515     input catalog to use as the file name instead of numbers.
3517   • When only one crop is desired, the value to ‘--output’ will be read
3518     as a file name.  If no output is specified or if it is a directory,
3519     the output file name will follow the automatic output names of
3520     Gnuastro, see *note Automatic output::: The string given to
3521     ‘--suffix’ will be replaced with the ‘.fits’ suffix of the input.
3523   By default, as suggested by the FITS standard and implemented in all
3524Gnuastro programs, the first/primary extension of the output files will
3525only contain meta data.  The cropped images/cubes will be written into
3526the 2nd HDU of their respective FITS file (which is actually counted as
3527‘1’ because HDU counting starts from ‘0’).  However, if you want the
3528cropped data to be written into the primary (0-th) HDU, run Crop with
3529the ‘--primaryimghdu’ option.
3531   The header of each output cropped image will contain the names of the
3532input image(s) it was cut from.  If a name is longer than the 70
3533character space that the FITS standard allows for header keyword values,
3534the name will be cut into several keywords from the nearest slash (</>).
3535The keywords have the following format: ‘ICFn_m’ (for Crop File).  Where
3536‘n’ is the number of the image used in this crop and ‘m’ is the part of
3537the name (it can be broken into multiple keywords).  Following the name
3538is another keyword named ‘ICFnPIX’ which shows the pixel range from that
3539input image in the same syntax as *note Crop section syntax::.  So this
3540string can be directly given to the ‘--section’ option later.
3542   Once done, a log file can be created in the current directory with
3543the ‘--log’ option.  This file will have three columns and the same
3544number of rows as the number of cropped images.  There are also comments
3545on the top of the log file explaining basic information about the run
3546and descriptions for the columns.  A short description of the columns is
3547also given below:
3549  1. The cropped image file name for that row.
3550  2. The number of input images that were used to create that image.
3551  3. A ‘0’ if the central few pixels (value to the ‘--checkcenter’
3552     option) are blank and ‘1’ if they aren’t.  When the crop was not
3553     defined by its center (see *note Crop modes::), or ‘--checkcenter’
3554     was given a value of 0 (see *note Invoking astcrop::), the center
3555     will not be checked and this column will be given a value of ‘-1’.
3558File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Crop known issues,  Prev: Crop output,  Up: Invoking astcrop
35606.1.4.3 Crop known issues
3563When running Crop, you may encounter strange errors and bugs.  In these
3564cases, please report a bug and we will try to fix it as soon as
3565possible, see *note Report a bug::.  However, some things are beyond our
3566control, or may take too long to fix directly.  In this section we list
3567such known issues that may occur in known cases and suggest the hack (or
3568work-around) to fix the problem:
3570Crash with ‘Killed’ when cropping catalog from ‘.fits.gz3571     This happens because CFISTIO (that reads and writes FITS files)
3572     will internally decompress the file in a temporary place (possibly
3573     in the RAM), then start reading from it.  On the other hand, by
3574     default when given a catalog (with many crops) and not specifying
3575     ‘--numthreads’, Crop will use the maximum number of threads
3576     available on your system to do each crop faster.  On an normal (not
3577     compressed) file, parallel access will not cause a problem,
3578     however, when attempting parallel access with the maximum number of
3579     threads on a compressed file, CFITSIO crashes with ‘Killed’.
3580     Therefore the following solutions can be used to fix this crash:
3582        • Decrease the number of threads (at the minimum, set
3583          ‘--numthreads=1’).  Since this solution doesn’t attempt to
3584          change any of your previous Crop command components or doesn’t
3585          change your local file structure, it is the preferred way.
3587        • Decompress the file (with the command below) and feed the
3588          ‘.fits’ file into Crop without changing the number of threads.
3590               $ gunzip -k image.fits.gz
3593File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Arithmetic,  Next: Convolve,  Prev: Crop,  Up: Data manipulation
35956.2 Arithmetic
3598It is commonly necessary to do operations on some or all of the elements
3599of a dataset independently (pixels in an image).  For example, in the
3600reduction of raw data it is necessary to subtract the Sky value (*note
3601Sky value::) from each image image.  Later (once the images as warped
3602into a single grid using Warp for example, see *note Warp::), the images
3603are co-added (the output pixel grid is the average of the pixels of the
3604individual input images).  Arithmetic is Gnuastro’s program for such
3605operations on your datasets directly from the command-line.  It
3606currently uses the reverse polish or post-fix notation, see *note
3607Reverse polish notation:: and will work on the native data types of the
3608input images/data to reduce CPU and RAM resources, see *note Numeric
3609data types::.  For more information on how to run Arithmetic, please see
3610*note Invoking astarithmetic::.
3612* Menu:
3614* Reverse polish notation::     The current notation style for Arithmetic
3615* Arithmetic operators::        List of operators known to Arithmetic
3616* Invoking astarithmetic::      How to run Arithmetic: options and output
3619File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Reverse polish notation,  Next: Arithmetic operators,  Prev: Arithmetic,  Up: Arithmetic
36216.2.1 Reverse polish notation
3624The most common notation for arithmetic operations is the infix notation
3625(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infix_notation) where the operator goes
3626between the two operands, for example $4+5$.  The infix notation is the
3627preferred way in most programming languages which come with scripting
3628features for large programs.  This is because the infix notation
3629requires a way to define precedence when more than one operator is
3632   For example consider the statement ‘5 + 6 / 2’.  Should 6 first be
3633divided by 2, then added by 5?  Or should 5 first be added with 6, then
3634divided by 2?  Therefore we need parenthesis to show precedence:
3635‘5+(6/2)’ or ‘(5+6)/2’.  Furthermore, if you need to leave a value for
3636later processing, you will need to define a variable for it; for example
3639   Gnuastro provides libraries where you can also use infix notation in
3640C or C++ programs.  However, Gnuastro’s programs are primarily designed
3641to be run on the command-line and the level of complexity that infix
3642notation requires can be annoying/confusing to write on the command-line
3643(where they can get confused with the shell’s parenthesis or variable
3644definitions).  Therefore Gnuastro’s Arithmetic and Table (when doing
3645column arithmetic) programs use the the post-fix notation, also known as
3646reverse polish notation
3647(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation).  For example,
3648instead of writing ‘5+6’, we write ‘5 6 +’.
3650   The Wikipedia article on the reverse polish notation provides some
3651excellent explanation on this notation but here we will give a short
3652summary here for self-sufficiency.  In short, in the reverse polish
3653notation, the operator is placed after the operands.  As we will see
3654below this removes the need to define parenthesis and lets you use
3655previous values without needing to define a variable.  In the future(1)
3656we do plan to also optionally allow infix notation when arithmetic
3657operations on datasets are desired, but due to time constraints on the
3658developers we can’t do it immediately.
3660   To easily understand how the reverse polish notation works, you can
3661think of each operand (‘5’ and ‘6’ in the example above) as a node in a
3662“last-in-first-out” stack.  One such stack in daily life is a stack of
3663dishes in the kitchen: you put a clean dish, on the top of a stack of
3664dishes when its ready for later usage.  Later, when you need a dish, you
3665pick the top one (hence the “last” dish placed “in” the stack is the
3666“first” dish that comes “out” when necessary).
3668   Each operator will need a certain number of operands (in the example
3669above, the ‘+’ operator needs two operands: ‘5’ and ‘6’).  In the
3670kitchen metaphor, an operator can be an oven.  Every time an operator is
3671confronted, the operator takes (or “pops”) the number of operands it
3672needs from the top of the stack (so they don’t exist in the stack any
3673more), does its operation, and places (or “pushes”) the result back on
3674top of the stack.  So if you want the average of 5 and 6, you would
3675write: ‘5 6 + 2 /’.  The operations that are done are:
3677  1. ‘5’ is an operand, so Arithmetic pushes it to the top of the stack
3678     (which is initially empty).  In the kitchen metaphor, you can
3679     visualize this as taking a new dish from the cabinet, putting the
3680     number 5 inside of the dish, and putting the dish on top of the
3681     (empty) cooking table in front of you.  You now have a stack of one
3682     dish on the table in front of you.
3683  2. ‘6’ is also an operand, so it is pushed to the top of the stack.
3684     Like before, you can visualize this as taking a new dish from the
3685     cabinet, putting the number 6 in it and placing it on top of the
3686     previous dish.  You now have a stack of two dishes on the table in
3687     front of you.
3688  3. ‘+’ is a _binary_ operator, so it will pop the top two elements of
3689     the stack out of it, and perform addition on them (the order is
3690     $5+6$ in the example above).  The result is ‘11’ which is pushed to
3691     the top of the stack.
3693     To visualize this, you can think of the ‘+’ operator as an oven
3694     with a place for two dishes.  You pick up the top-most dish (that
3695     has the number 6 in it) and put it in the oven.  The top dish is
3696     now the one that has has the number 5.  You also pick it up and put
3697     it in the oven, and close the oven door.  When the oven has
3698     finished its cooking, it produces a single output (in one dish,
3699     with the number 11 inside of it).  You take that output dish and
3700     put it back on the table.  You now have a stack of one dish on the
3701     table in front of you.
3702  4. ‘2’ is an operand so push it onto the top of the stack.  In the
3703     kitchen metaphor, you again go to the cabinet, pick up a dish and
3704     put the number 2 inside of it and put the dish over the previous
3705     dish (that has the number 11).  You now have a stack of two dishes
3706     on the table in front of you.
3707  5. ‘/’ (division) is a binary operator, so pull out the top two
3708     elements of the stack (top-most is ‘2’, then ‘11’) and divide the
3709     second one by the first.  In the kitchen metaphor, the ‘/’ operator
3710     can be visualized as a microwave that takes two dishes.  But unlike
3711     the oven (‘+’ operator) before, the order of inputs matters (they
3712     are on top of each other: with the top dish holder being the
3713     nominator and the bottom one being the denominator).  Again, you
3714     look to your stack of dishes on the table.
3716     You pick up the top one (with value 2 inside of it) and put it in
3717     the microwave’s bottom (denominator) dish holder.  Then you go back
3718     to your stack of dishes on the table and pick up the top dish (with
3719     value 11 inside of it) and put that in the top (nominator) dish
3720     holder.  The microwave will do its work and when its finished,
3721     returns a new dish with the single value 5.5 inside of it.  You
3722     pick up the dish from the microwave and place it back on the table.
3724  6. There are no more operands or operators, so simply return the
3725     remaining operand in the output.  In the kitchen metaphor, you see
3726     that your recipe has no more steps, so you just pick up the
3727     remaining dish and take it to the dining room to enjoy a good
3728     dinner.
3730   In the Arithmetic program, the operands can be FITS images of any
3731dimensionality, or numbers (see *note Invoking astarithmetic::).  In
3732Table’s column arithmetic, they can be any column in the table (a series
3733of numbers in an array) or a single number (see *note Column
3736   With this notation, very complicated procedures can be created
3737without the need for parenthesis or worrying about precedence.  Even
3738functions which take an arbitrary number of arguments can be defined in
3739this notation.  This is a very powerful notation and is used in
3740languages like Postscript (2) which produces PDF files when compiled.
3742   ---------- Footnotes ----------
3744   (1) <https://savannah.gnu.org/task/index.php?13867>
3746   (2) See the EPS and PDF part of *note Recognized file formats:: for a
3747little more on the Postscript language.
3750File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Arithmetic operators,  Next: Invoking astarithmetic,  Prev: Reverse polish notation,  Up: Arithmetic
37526.2.2 Arithmetic operators
3755In this section, list of recognized operators in Arithmetic (and the
3756Table program’s *note Column arithmetic::) and discussed in detail with
3757examples.  As mentioned before, to be able to easily do complex
3758operations on the command-line, the Reverse Polish Notation is used
3759(where you write ‘$4\quad5\quad+$’ instead of ‘$4 + 5$’), if you aren’t
3760already familiar with it, before continuing, please see *note Reverse
3761polish notation::.
3763   The operands to all operators can be a data array (for example a FITS
3764image or data cube) or a number, the output will be an array or number
3765according to the inputs.  For example a number multiplied by an array
3766will produce an array.  The numerical data type of the output of each
3767operator is described within it.
3769*Blank pixels in Arithmetic:* Blank pixels in the image (see *note Blank
3770pixels::) will be stored based on the data type.  When the input is
3771floating point type, blank values are NaN. One aspect of NaN values is
3772that by definition they will fail on _any_ comparison.  Hence both equal
3773and not-equal operators will fail when both their operands are NaN!
3774Therefore, the only way to guarantee selection of blank pixels is
3775through the ‘isblank’ operator explained above.
3777   One way you can exploit this property of the NaN value to your
3778advantage is when you want a fully zero-valued image (even over the
3779blank pixels) based on an already existing image (with same size and
3780world coordinate system settings).  The following command will produce
3781this for you:
3783     $ astarithmetic input.fits nan eq --output=all-zeros.fits
3785Note that on the command-line you can write NaN in any case (for example
3786‘NaN’, or ‘NAN’ are also acceptable).  Reading NaN as a floating point
3787number in Gnuastro isn’t case-sensitive.
3789* Menu:
3791* Basic mathematical operators::  For example +, -, /, log, pow, and etc.
3792* Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators::  sin, cos, atan, asinh, and etc
3793* Unit conversion operators::   magnitudes to counts, or parsecs to AUs, and etc.
3794* Statistical operators::       Statistics of a single dataset (for example mean).
3795* Stacking operators::          Coadding or combining multiple datasets into one.
3796* Filtering operators::         Smoothing a dataset through mixing pixel with neighbors.
3797* Interpolation operators::     Giving blank pixels a value.
3798* Dimensionality changing operators::  Collapse or expand a dataset.
3799* Conditional operators::       Select certain pixels within the dataset.
3800* Mathematical morphology operators::  Work on binary images, for example erode.
3801* Bitwise operators::           Work on bits within one pixel.
3802* Numerical type conversion operators::  Convert the numeric datatype of a dataset.
3803* Adding noise operators::      Add noise to a dataset.
3804* Elliptical shape operators::  Operations that are focused on an ellipse.
3805* Building new dataset::        How to construct an empty dataset from scratch.
3806* Operand storage in memory or a file::  Tools for complex operations in one command.
3809File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Basic mathematical operators,  Next: Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators,  Prev: Arithmetic operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
38116.2.2.1 Basic mathematical operators
3814These are some of the most common operations you will be doing on your
3815data and include, so no further explanation is necessary.  If you are
3816new to Gnuastro, just read the description of each carefully.
3819     Addition, so “‘4 5 +’” is equivalent to $4+5$.  For example in the
3820     command below, the value 20000 is added to each pixel’s value in
3822          $ astarithmetic 20000 image.fits +
3823     You can also use this operator is to sum the values of one pixel in
3824     two images (which have to be the same size).  For example in the
3825     commands below (which are identical, see paragraph after the
3826     commands), each pixel of ‘sum.fits’ is the sum of the same pixel’s
3827     values in ‘a.fits’ and ‘b.fits’.
3828          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits + -h1 -h1 --output=sum.fits
3829          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits + -g1     --output=sum.fits
3830     The HDU/extension has to be specified for each image with ‘-h’.
3831     However, if the HDUs are the same in all inputs, you can use ‘-g’
3832     to only specify the HDU once
3834     If you need to add more than one dataset, one way is to use this
3835     operator multiple times, for example see the two commands below
3836     that are identical in the Reverse Polish Notation (*note Reverse
3837     polish notation::):
3838          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits + c.fits + -osum.fits
3839          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits + + -osum.fits
3841     However, this can get annoying/buggy if you have more than three or
3842     four images, in that case, a better way to sum data is to use the
3843     ‘sum’ operator (which also ignores blank pixels), that is discussed
3844     below.
3847     Subtraction, so “‘4 5 -’” is equivalent to $4-5$.  Usage of this
3848     operator is similar to ‘+’ operator, for example:
3849          $ astarithmetic 20000 image.fits -
3850          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits - -g1 --output=sub.fits
3853     Multiplication, so “‘4 5 x’” is equivalent to $4\times5$.  For
3854     example in the command below, the value of each output pixel is 5
3855     times its value in ‘image.fits’:
3856          $ astarithmetic image.fits 5 x
3857     And you can multiply the value of each pixel in two images, like
3858     this:
3859          $ astarithmetic a.fits a.fits x -g1 –output=multip.fits
3862     Division, so “‘4 5 /’” is equivalent to $4/5$.  Like the
3863     multiplication, for example
3864          $ astarithmetic image.fits 5 -h1 /
3865          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits / -g1 –output=div.fits
3868     Modulo (remainder), so “‘3 2 %’” will return $1$.  Note that the
3869     modulo operator only works on integer types (see *note Numeric data
3870     types::).  This operator is therefore not defined for most
3871     processed astronomical astronomical images that have floating-point
3872     value.  However it is useful in labeled images, for example *note
3873     Segment output::).  In such cases, each pixel is the integer label
3874     of the object it is associated with hence with the example command
3875     below, we can change the labels to only be between 1 and 4 and
3876     decrease all objects on the image to 4/5th (all objects with a
3877     label that is a multiple of 5 will be set to 0).
3878          $ astarithmetic label.fits 5 1 %
3881     Absolute value of first operand, so “‘4 abs’” is equivalent to
3882     $|4|$.  For example the output of the command bellow will not have
3883     any negative pixels (all negative pixels will be multiplied by $-1$
3884     to become positive)
3885          $ astarithmetic image.fits abs
3888     First operand to the power of the second, so “‘4.3 5 pow’” is
3889     equivalent to $4.3^{5}$.  For example with the command below all
3890     pixels will be squared
3891          $ astarithmetic image.fits 2 pow
3894     The square root of the first operand, so “‘5 sqrt’” is equivalent
3895     to $\sqrt{5}$.  Since the square root is only defined for positive
3896     values, any negative-valued pixel will become NaN (blank).  The
3897     output will have a floating point type, but its precision is
3898     determined from the input: if the input is a 64-bit floating point,
3899     the output will also be 64-bit.  Otherwise, the output will be
3900     32-bit floating point (see *note Numeric data types:: for the
3901     respective precision).  Therefore if you require 64-bit precision
3902     in estimating the square root, convert the input to 64-bit floating
3903     point first, for example with ‘5 float64 sqrt’.  For example each
3904     pixel of the output of the command below will be the square root of
3905     that pixel in the input.
3906          $ astarithmetic image.fits sqrt
3908     If you just want to scale an image with negative values using this
3909     operator (for better visual inspection, and the actual values don’t
3910     matter for you), you can subtract the image from its minimum value,
3911     then take its square root:
3913          $ astarithmetic image.fits image.fits minvalue - sqrt -g1
3915     Alternatively, to avoid reading the image into memory two times,
3916     you can use the ‘set-’ operator to read it into the variable ‘i’
3917     and use ‘i’ two times to speed up the operation (described below):
3919          $ astarithmetic image.fits set-i i i minvalue - sqrt
3922     Natural logarithm of first operand, so “‘4 log’” is equivalent to
3923     $ln(4)$.  Negative pixels will become NaN, and the output type is
3924     determined from the input, see the explanation under ‘sqrt’ for
3925     more on these features.  For example the command below will take
3926     the natural logarithm of every pixel in the input.
3927          $ astarithmetic image.fits log --output=log.fits
3930     Base-10 logarithm of first popped operand, so “‘4 log’” is
3931     equivalent to $log_{10}(4)$.  Negative pixels will become NaN, and
3932     the output type is determined from the input, see the explanation
3933     under ‘sqrt’ for more on these features.  For example the command
3934     below will take the base-10 logarithm of every pixel in the input.
3935          $ astarithmetic image.fits log10
3938File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators,  Next: Unit conversion operators,  Prev: Basic mathematical operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
39406.2.2.2 Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators
3943All the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions are described here.  One
3944good thing with these operators is that they take inputs and outputs in
3945degrees (which we usually need as input or output), not radians (like
3946most other programs/libraries).
3951     Basic trigonometric functions.  They take one operand, in units of
3952     degrees.
3957     Inverse trigonometric functions.  They take one operand and the
3958     returned values are in units of degrees.
3961     Inverse tangent (output in units of degrees) that uses the signs of
3962     the input coordinates to distinguish between the quadrants.  This
3963     operator therefore needs two operands: the first popped operand is
3964     assumed to be the X axis position of the point, and the second
3965     popped operand is its Y axis coordinate.
3967     For example see the commands below.  To be more clear, we are using
3968     Table’s *note Column arithmetic:: which uses exactly the same
3969     internal library function as the Arithmetic program for images.  We
3970     are showing the results for four points in the four quadrants of
3971     the 2D space (if you want to try running them, you don’t need to
3972     type/copy the parts after <#>).  The first point (2,2) is in the
3973     first quadrant, therefore the returned angle is 45 degrees.  But
3974     the second, third and fourth points are in the quadrants of the
3975     same order, and the returned angles reflect the quadrant.
3977          $ echo " 2  2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 atan2'   # -->   45
3978          $ echo " 2 -2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 atan2'   # -->  -45
3979          $ echo "-2 -2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 atan2'   # --> -135
3980          $ echo "-2  2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 atan2'   # -->  135
3982     However, if you simply use the classic arc-tangent operator
3983     (‘atan’) for the same points, the result will only be in two
3984     quadrants as you see below:
3986          $ echo " 2  2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 / atan'  # -->   45
3987          $ echo " 2 -2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 / atan'  # -->  -45
3988          $ echo "-2 -2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 / atan'  # -->   45
3989          $ echo "-2  2" | asttable -c'arith $2 $1 / atan'  # -->  -45
3994     Hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent.  These operators take a
3995     single operand.
4000     Inverse Hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent.  These operators take
4001     a single operand.
4004File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Unit conversion operators,  Next: Statistical operators,  Prev: Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
40066.2.2.3 Unit conversion operators
4009It often happens that you have data in one unit (for example magnitudes
4010to measure the brightness of a galaxy), but would like to convert it
4011into another (for example electron counts on your CCD). While the
4012equations for the unit conversions can be easily found on the internet,
4013the operators in this section are designed to simplify the process and
4014let you do it easily.
4017     Convert counts (usually CCD outputs) to magnitudes using the given
4018     zeropoint.  The zero point is the first popped operand and the
4019     count image or value is the second popped operand.
4021     For example assume you have measured the standard deviation of the
4022     noise in an image to be ‘0.1’ counts, and the image’s zero point is
4023     ‘22.5’ and you want to measure the _per-pixel_ surface brightness
4024     limit of the dataset(1).  To apply this operator on an image,
4025     simply replace ‘0.1’ with the image name, as described below.
4027          $ astarithmetic 0.1 22.5 counts-to-mag --quiet
4029     Of course, you can also convert every pixel in an image (or table
4030     column in Table’s *note Column arithmetic::) with this operator if
4031     you replace the second popped operand with an image/column name.
4032     For an example of applying this operator on an image, see the
4033     description of surface brightness in *note Brightness flux
4034     magnitude::, where we’ll convert an image’s pixel values to surface
4035     brightness.
4038     Convert magnitudes to counts (usually CCD outputs) using the given
4039     zeropoint.  The zero point is the first popped operand and the
4040     magnitude value is the second.  For example if an object has a
4041     magnitude of 20, you can estimate the counts corresponding to it
4042     (when the image has a zeropoint of 24.8) with this command: Note
4043     that because the output is a single number, we are using ‘--quiet’
4044     to avoid printing extra information.
4046          $ astarithmetic 20 24.8 mag-to-counts --quiet
4049     Convert counts (usually CCD outputs) to Janskys through an
4050     AB-magnitude based zeropoint.  The top-popped operand is assumed to
4051     be the AB-magnitude zero point and the second-popped operand is
4052     assumed to be a dataset in units of counts (an image in Arithmetic,
4053     and a column in Table’s *note Column arithmetic::).  For the full
4054     equation and basic definitions, see *note Brightness flux
4055     magnitude::.
4057     For example SDSS images are calibrated in units of nanomaggies,
4058     with a fixed zero point magnitude of 22.5.  Therefore you can
4059     convert the units of SDSS image pixels to Janskys with the command
4060     below:
4062          $ astarithmetic sdss-image.fits 22.5 counts-to-jy
4065     Convert Astronomical Units (AUs) to Parsecs (PCs).  This operator
4066     takes a single argument which is interpreted to be the input AUs.
4067     The conversion is based on the definition of Parsecs: $1 \rm{PC} =
4068     1/tan(1^{\prime\prime}) \rm{AU}$, where $1^{\prime\prime}$ is one
4069     arcseconds.  In other words, $1 (\rm{PC}) = 648000/\pi (\rm{AU})$.
4070     For example, if we take Pluto’s average distance to the Sun to be
4071     40 AUs, we can obtain its distance in Parsecs using this command:
4073          echo 40 | asttable -c'arith $1 au-to-pc'
4076     Convert Parsecs (PCs) to Astronomical Units (AUs).  This operator
4077     takes a single argument which is interpreted to be the input PCs.
4078     For more on the conversion equation, see description of ‘au-to-pc’.
4079     For example, Proxima Centauri (the nearest star to the Solar
4080     system) is 1.3020 Parsecs from the Sun, we can calculate this
4081     distance in units of AUs with the command below:
4083          echo 1.3020 | asttable -c'arith $1 pc-to-au'
4086     Convert Light-years (LY) to Parsecs (PCs).  This operator takes a
4087     single argument which is interpreted to be the input LYs.  The
4088     conversion is done from IAU’s definition of the light-year
4089     (9460730472580800 m $\approx$ 63241.077 AU = 0.306601 PC, for the
4090     conversion of AU to PC, see the description of ‘au-to-pc’).
4092     For example the distance of Andromeda galaxy to our galaxy is 2.5
4093     million light-years, so its distance in kilo-Parsecs can be
4094     calculated with the command below (note that we want the output in
4095     kilo-parsecs, so we are dividing the output of this operator by
4096     1000):
4098          echo 2.5e6 | asttable -c'arith $1 ly-to-pc 1000 /'
4101     Convert Parsecs (PCs) to Light-years (LY). This operator takes a
4102     single argument which is interpreted to be the input PCs.  For the
4103     conversion and an example of the inverse of this operator, see the
4104     description of ‘ly-to-pc’.
4107     Convert Light-years (LY) to Astronomical Units (AUs).  This
4108     operator takes a single argument which is interpreted to be the
4109     input LYs.  For the conversion and a similar example, see the
4110     description of ‘ly-to-pc’.
4113     Convert Astronomical Units (AUs) to Light-years (LY). This operator
4114     takes a single argument which is interpreted to be the input AUs.
4115     For the conversion and a similar example, see the description of
4116     ‘ly-to-pc’.
4118   ---------- Footnotes ----------
4120   (1) The _per-pixel_ surface brightness limit is the magnitude of the
4121noise standard deviation.  For more on surface brightness see *note
4122Brightness flux magnitude::.  In the example command, because the output
4123is a single number, we are using ‘--quiet’ to avoid printing extra
4127File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Statistical operators,  Next: Stacking operators,  Prev: Unit conversion operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
41296.2.2.4 Statistical operators
4132The operators in this section take a single dataset as input, and will
4133return the desired statistic as a single value.
4136     Minimum value in the first popped operand, so “‘a.fits minvalue’”
4137     will push the minimum pixel value in this image onto the stack.
4138     When this operator acts on a single image, the output (operand that
4139     is put back on the stack) will no longer be an image, but a number.
4140     The output of this operand is in the same type as the input.  This
4141     operator is mainly intended for multi-element datasets (for example
4142     images or data cubes), if the popped operand is a number, it will
4143     just return it without any change.
4145     Note that when the final remaining/output operand is a single
4146     number, it is printed onto the standard output.  For example with
4147     the command below the minimum pixel value in ‘image.fits’ will be
4148     printed in the terminal:
4149          $ astarithmetic image.fits minvalue
4151     However, the output above also includes a lot of extra information
4152     that are not relevant in this context.  If you just want the final
4153     number, run Arithmetic in quiet mode:
4154          $ astarithmetic image.fits minvalue -q
4156     Also see the description of ‘sqrt’ for other example usages of this
4157     operator.
4160     Maximum value of first operand in the same type, similar to
4161     ‘minvalue’, see the description there for more.  For example
4162          $ astarithmetic image.fits maxvalue -q
4165     Number of non-blank elements in first operand in the ‘uint64’ type
4166     (since it is always a positive integer, see *note Numeric data
4167     types::).  Its usage is similar to ‘minvalue’, for example
4168          $ astarithmetic image.fits numbervalue -q
4171     Sum of non-blank elements in first operand in the ‘float32’ type.
4172     Its usage is similar to ‘minvalue’, for example
4173          $ astarithmetic image.fits sumvalue -q
4176     Mean value of non-blank elements in first operand in the ‘float32’
4177     type.  Its usage is similar to ‘minvalue’, for example
4178          $ astarithmetic image.fits meanvalue -q
4181     Standard deviation of non-blank elements in first operand in the
4182     ‘float32’ type.  Its usage is similar to ‘minvalue’, for example
4183          $ astarithmetic image.fits stdvalue -q
4186     Median of non-blank elements in first operand with the same type.
4187     Its usage is similar to ‘minvalue’, for example
4188          $ astarithmetic image.fits medianvalue -q
4191     Remove all duplicate (and blank) elements from the first popped
4192     operand.  The unique elements of the dataset will be stored in a
4193     single-dimensional dataset.
4195     Recall that by default, single-dimensional datasets are stored as a
4196     table column in the output.  But you can use ‘--onedasimage’ or
4197     ‘--onedonstdout’ to respectively store them as a single-dimensional
4198     FITS array/image, or to print them on the standard output.
4200     Although you can use this operator on the floating point dataset,
4201     due to floating-point errors it may give non-reasonable values:
4202     because the tenth digit of the decimal point is also considered
4203     although it may be statistically meaningless, see *note Numeric
4204     data types::.  It is therefore better/recommended to use it on the
4205     integer dataset like the labeled images of *note Segment output::
4206     where each pixel has the integer label of the object/clump it is
4207     associated with.  For example let’s assume you have cropped a
4208     region of a larger labeled image and want to find the
4209     labels/objects that are within the crop.  With this operator, this
4210     job is trivial:
4211          $ astarithmetic seg-crop.fits unique
4214     Size of the dataset along a given FITS (or FORTRAN) dimension
4215     (counting from 1).  The desired dimension should be the first
4216     popped operand and the dataset must be the second popped operand.
4217     The output will be a single unsigned integer (dimensions cannot be
4218     negative).  For example, the following command will produce the
4219     size of the first extension/HDU (the default HDU) of ‘a.fits’ along
4220     the second FITS axis.
4222          $ astarithmetic a.fits 2 size
4225File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Stacking operators,  Next: Filtering operators,  Prev: Statistical operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
42276.2.2.5 Stacking operators
4230The operators in this section are used when you have multiple datasets
4231that you would like to merge into one, commonly known as “stacking” or
4232“coaddition”.  For example, you have taken ten exposures of your
4233scientific target, and you would like to combine them all into one deep
4234stacked image that is deeper.
4236   When calling these operators you should determine how many operands
4237they should take in (unlike the rest of the operators that have a fixed
4238number of input operands).  As described in the first operand below, you
4239do this through their first popped operand (which should be a single
4240integer number that is larger than one).
4243     For each pixel, find the minimum value in all given datasets.  The
4244     output will have the same type as the input.
4246     The first popped operand to this operator must be a positive
4247     integer number which specifies how many further operands should be
4248     popped from the stack.  All the subsequently popped operands must
4249     have the same type and size.  This operator (and all the
4250     variable-operand operators similar to it that are discussed below)
4251     will work in multi-threaded mode unless Arithmetic is called with
4252     the ‘--numthreads=1’ option, see *note Multi-threaded operations::.
4254     Each pixel of the output of the ‘min’ operator will be given the
4255     minimum value of the same pixel from all the popped
4256     operands/images.  For example the following command will produce an
4257     image with the same size and type as the three inputs, but each
4258     output pixel value will be the minimum of the same pixel’s values
4259     in all three input images.
4261          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 min
4263     Important notes:
4265NaN/blank pixels will be ignored, see *note Blank pixels::.
4267        • The output will have the same type as the inputs.  This is
4268          natural for the ‘min’ and ‘max’ operators, but for other
4269          similar operators (for example ‘sum’, or ‘average’) the
4270          per-pixel operations will be done in double precision floating
4271          point and then stored back in the input type.  Therefore, if
4272          the input was an integer, C’s internal type conversion will be
4273          used.
4275        • The operation will be multi-threaded, greatly speeding up the
4276          process if you have large and numerous data to stack.  You can
4277          disable multi-threaded operations with the ‘--numthreads=1’
4278          option (see *note Multi-threaded operations::).
4281     For each pixel, find the maximum value in all given datasets.  The
4282     output will have the same type as the input.  This operator is
4283     called similar to the ‘min’ operator, please see there for more.
4284     For example
4285          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 min -omax.fits
4288     For each pixel count the number of non-blank pixels in all given
4289     datasets.  The output will be an unsigned 32-bit integer datatype
4290     (see *note Numeric data types::).  This operator is called similar
4291     to the ‘min’ operator, please see there for more.  For example
4292          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 number -onum.fits
4294     Some datasets may have blank values (which are also ignored in all
4295     similar operators like ‘min’, ‘sum’, ‘mean’ or ‘median’).  Hence,
4296     the final pixel values of this operator will not, in general, be
4297     equal to the number of inputs.  This operator is therefore mostly
4298     called in parallel with those operators to know the “weight” of
4299     each pixel (in case you want to only keep pixels that had the full
4300     exposure for example).
4303     For each pixel, calculate the sum in all given datasets.  The
4304     output will have the a single-precision (32-bit) floating point
4305     type.  This operator is called similar to the ‘min’ operator,
4306     please see there for more.  For example
4307          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 sum -ostack-sum.fits
4310     For each pixel, calculate the mean in all given datasets.  The
4311     output will have the a single-precision (32-bit) floating point
4312     type.  This operator is called similar to the ‘min’ operator,
4313     please see there for more.  For example
4314          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 mean -ocoadd-mean.fits
4317     For each pixel, find the standard deviation in all given datasets.
4318     The output will have the a single-precision (32-bit) floating point
4319     type.  This operator is called similar to the ‘min’ operator,
4320     please see there for more.  For example
4321          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 std -ostd.fits
4324     For each pixel, find the median in all given datasets.  The output
4325     will have the a single-precision (32-bit) floating point type.
4326     This operator is called similar to the ‘min’ operator, please see
4327     there for more.  For example
4328          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 mean \
4329                          --output=stack-median.fits
4332     For each pixel, find the quantile from all given datasets.  The
4333     output will have the same numeric data type and size as the input
4334     datasets.  Besides the input datasets, the quantile operator also
4335     needs a single parameter (the requested quantile).  The parameter
4336     should be the first popped operand, with a value between (and
4337     including) 0 and 1.  The second popped operand must be the number
4338     of datasets to use.
4340     In the example below, the first-popped operand (‘0.7’) is the
4341     quantile, the second-popped operand (‘3’) is the number of datasets
4342     to pop.
4344          astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 0.7 quantile
4347     For each pixel, find the sigma-clipped number (after removing
4348     outliers) in all given datasets.  The output will have the an
4349     unsigned 32-bit integer type (see *note Numeric data types::).
4351     This operator will combine the specified number of inputs into a
4352     single output that contains the number of remaining elements after
4353     $\sigma$-clipping on each element/pixel (for more on
4354     $\sigma$-clipping, see *note Sigma clipping::).  This operator is
4355     very similar to ‘min’, with the exception that it expects two
4356     operands (parameters for sigma-clipping) before the total number of
4357     inputs.  The first popped operand is the termination criteria and
4358     the second is the multiple of $\sigma$.
4360     For example in the command below, the first popped operand (‘0.2’)
4361     is the sigma clipping termination criteria.  If the termination
4362     criteria is larger than, or equal to, 1 it is interpreted as the
4363     number of clips to do.  But if it is between 0 and 1, then it is
4364     the tolerance level on the standard deviation (see *note Sigma
4365     clipping::).  The second popped operand (‘5’) is the multiple of
4366     sigma to use in sigma-clipping.  The third popped operand (‘10’) is
4367     number of datasets that will be used (similar to the first popped
4368     operand to ‘min’).
4370          astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 5 0.2 sigclip-number
4373     For each pixel, find the sigma-clipped median in all given
4374     datasets.  The output will have the a single-precision (32-bit)
4375     floating point type.  This operator is called similar to the
4376     ‘sigclip-number’ operator, please see there for more.  For example
4377          astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 5 0.2 sigclip-median
4380     For each pixel, find the sigma-clipped mean in all given datasets.
4381     The output will have the a single-precision (32-bit) floating point
4382     type.  This operator is called similar to the ‘sigclip-number’
4383     operator, please see there for more.  For example
4384          astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 5 0.2 sigclip-mean
4387     For each pixel, find the sigma-clipped standard deviation in all
4388     given datasets.  The output will have the a single-precision
4389     (32-bit) floating point type.  This operator is called similar to
4390     the ‘sigclip-number’ operator, please see there for more.  For
4391     example
4392          astarithmetic a.fits b.fits c.fits 3 5 0.2 sigclip-std
4395File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Filtering operators,  Next: Interpolation operators,  Prev: Stacking operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
43976.2.2.6 Filtering (smoothing) operators
4400Image filtering is commonly used for smoothing: every pixel value in the
4401output image is created by applying a certain statistic to the pixels in
4402its vicinity.
4405     Apply mean filtering (or moving average
4406     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average)) on the input
4407     dataset.  During mean filtering, each pixel (data element) is
4408     replaced by the mean value of all its surrounding pixels (excluding
4409     blank values).  The number of surrounding pixels in each dimension
4410     (to calculate the mean) is determined through the earlier operands
4411     that have been pushed onto the stack prior to the input dataset.
4412     The number of necessary operands is determined by the dimensions of
4413     the input dataset (first popped operand).  The order of the
4414     dimensions on the command-line is the order in FITS format.  Here
4415     is one example:
4417          $ astarithmetic 5 4 image.fits filter-mean
4419     In this example, each pixel is replaced by the mean of a 5 by 4 box
4420     around it.  The box is 5 pixels along the first FITS dimension
4421     (horizontal when viewed in ds9) and 4 pixels along the second FITS
4422     dimension (vertical).
4424     Each pixel will be placed in the center of the box that the mean is
4425     calculated on.  If the given width along a dimension is even, then
4426     the center is assumed to be between the pixels (not in the center
4427     of a pixel).  When the pixel is close to the edge, the pixels of
4428     the box that fall outside the image are ignored.  Therefore, on the
4429     edge, less points will be used in calculating the mean.
4431     The final effect of mean filtering is to smooth the input image, it
4432     is essentially a convolution with a kernel that has identical
4433     values for all its pixels (is flat), see *note Convolution
4434     process::.
4436     Note that blank pixels will also be affected by this operator: if
4437     there are any non-blank elements in the box surrounding a blank
4438     pixel, in the filtered image, it will have the mean of the
4439     non-blank elements, therefore it won’t be blank any more.  If blank
4440     elements are important for your analysis, you can use the ‘isblank’
4441     with the ‘where’ operator to set them back to blank after
4442     filtering.
4445     Apply median filtering
4446     (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_filter) on the input dataset.
4447     This is very similar to ‘filter-mean’, except that instead of the
4448     mean value of the box pixels, the median value is used to replace a
4449     pixel value.  For more on how to use this operator, please see
4450     ‘filter-mean’.
4452     The median is less susceptible to outliers compared to the mean.
4453     As a result, after median filtering, the pixel values will be more
4454     discontinuous than mean filtering.
4457     Apply a $\sigma$-clipped mean filtering onto the input dataset.
4458     This is very similar to ‘filter-mean’, except that all outliers
4459     (identified by the $\sigma$-clipping algorithm) have been removed,
4460     see *note Sigma clipping:: for more on the basics of this
4461     algorithm.  As described there, two extra input parameters are
4462     necessary for $\sigma$-clipping: the multiple of $\sigma$ and the
4463     termination criteria.  ‘filter-sigclip-mean’ therefore needs to pop
4464     two other operands from the stack after the dimensions of the box.
4466     For example the line below uses the same box size as the example of
4467     ‘filter-mean’.  However, all elements in the box that are
4468     iteratively beyond $3\sigma$ of the distribution’s median are
4469     removed from the final calculation of the mean until the change in
4470     $\sigma$ is less than $0.2$.
4472          $ astarithmetic 3 0.2 5 4 image.fits filter-sigclip-mean
4474     The median (which needs a sorted dataset) is necessary for
4475     $\sigma$-clipping, therefore ‘filter-sigclip-mean’ can be
4476     significantly slower than ‘filter-mean’.  However, if there are
4477     strong outliers in the dataset that you want to ignore (for example
4478     emission lines on a spectrum when finding the continuum), this is a
4479     much better solution.
4482     Apply a $\sigma$-clipped median filtering onto the input dataset.
4483     This operator and its necessary operands are almost identical to
4484     ‘filter-sigclip-mean’, except that after $\sigma$-clipping, the
4485     median value (which is less affected by outliers than the mean) is
4486     added back to the stack.
4489File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Interpolation operators,  Next: Dimensionality changing operators,  Prev: Filtering operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
44916.2.2.7 Interpolation operators
4494Interpolation is the process of removing blank pixels from a dataset (by
4495giving them a value based on the non-blank neighbors).
4498     Interpolate the blank elements of the second popped operand with
4499     the median of nearest non-blank neighbors to each.  The number of
4500     the nearest non-blank neighbors used to calculate the median is
4501     given by the first popped operand.
4503     The distance of the nearest non-blank neighbors is irrelevant in
4504     this interpolation.  The neighbors of each blank pixel will be
4505     parsed in expanding circular rings (for 2D images) or spherical
4506     surfaces (for 3D cube) and each non-blank element over them is
4507     stored in memory.  When the requested number of non-blank neighbors
4508     have been found, their median is used to replace that blank
4509     element.  For example the line below replaces each blank element
4510     with the the median of the nearest 5 pixels.
4512          $ astarithmetic image.fits 5 interpolate-medianngb
4514     When you want to interpolate blank regions and you want each blank
4515     region to have a fixed value (for example the centers of saturated
4516     stars) this operator is not good.  Because the pixels used to
4517     interpolate various parts of the region differ.  For such
4518     scenarios, you may use ‘interpolate-maxofregion’ or
4519     ‘interpolate-inofregion’ (described below).
4522     Similar to ‘interpolate-medianngb’, but will fill the blank values
4523     of the dataset with the minimum value of the nearest neighbors.
4526     Similar to ‘interpolate-medianngb’, but will fill the blank values
4527     of the dataset with the maximum value of the nearest neighbors.
4528     One useful implementation of this operator is to fill the saturated
4529     pixels of stars in images.
4532     Interpolate all blank regions (consisting of many blank pixels that
4533     are touching) in the second popped operand with the minimum value
4534     of the pixels that are immediately bordering that region (a single
4535     value).  The first popped operand is the connectivity (see
4536     description in ‘connected-components’).
4538     For example with the command below all the connected blank regions
4539     of ‘image.fits’ will be filled.  Its an image (2D dataset), so a 2
4540     connectivity means that the independent blank regions are defined
4541     by 8-connected neighbors.  If connectivity was 1, the regions would
4542     be defined by 4-connectivity: blank regions that may only be
4543     touching on the corner of one pixel would be identified as separate
4544     regions.
4546          $ astarithmetic image.fits 2 interpolate-minofregion
4549     Similar to ‘interpolate-minofregion’, but the maximum is used to
4550     fill the blank regions.
4552     This operator can be useful in filling saturated pixels in stars
4553     for example.  Recall that the ‘interpolate-maxngb’ operator looks
4554     for the maximum value with a given number of neighboring pixels and
4555     is more useful in small noisy regions.  Therefore as the blank
4556     regions become larger, ‘interpolate-maxngb’ can cause a
4557     fragmentation in the connected blank region because the nearest
4558     neighbor to one part of the blank region, may not fall within the
4559     pixels searched for the other regions.  With this option, the size
4560     of the blank region is irrelevant: all the pixels bordering the
4561     blank region are parsed and their maximum value is used for the
4562     whole region.
4565File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Dimensionality changing operators,  Next: Conditional operators,  Prev: Interpolation operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
45676.2.2.8 Dimensionality changing operators
4570Through these operators you can change the dimensions of the output
4571through certain statistics on the dimensions that should be removed.
4572For example, let’s assume you have a 3D data cube that has 300 by 300
4573pixels in the RA and Dec dimensions (first two dimensions), and 3600
4574slices along the wavelength (third dimension), so the whole cube is
4575$300\times300\times3600$ voxels (volume elements).  To create a
4576narrow-band image that only contains 100 slices around a certain
4577wavelength, you can crop that section (using *note Crop::), giving you a
4578$300\times300\times100$ cube.  You can now use the ‘collapse-sum’
4579operator below to “collapse” all the 100 slices into one 2D image that
4580has $300\times300$ pixels.  Every pixel in this 2D image will have the
4581flux of the sum of the 100 slices.
4584     Collapse the given dataset (second popped operand), by summing all
4585     elements along the first popped operand (a dimension in FITS
4586     standard: counting from one, from fastest dimension).  The returned
4587     dataset has one dimension less compared to the input.
4589     The output will have a double-precision floating point type
4590     irrespective of the input dataset’s type.  Doing the operation in
4591     double-precision (64-bit) floating point will help the collapse
4592     (summation) be affected less by floating point errors.  But
4593     afterwards, single-precision floating points are usually enough in
4594     real (noisy) datasets.  So depending on the type of the input and
4595     its nature, it is recommended to use one of the type conversion
4596     operators on the returned dataset.
4598     If any WCS is present, the returned dataset will also lack the
4599     respective dimension in its WCS matrix.  Therefore, when the WCS is
4600     important for later processing, be sure that the input is aligned
4601     with the respective axes: all non-diagonal elements in the WCS
4602     matrix are zero.
4604     One common application of this operator is the creation of pseudo
4605     broad-band or narrow-band 2D images from 3D data cubes.  For
4606     example integral field unit (IFU) data products that have two
4607     spatial dimensions (first two FITS dimensions) and one spectral
4608     dimension (third FITS dimension).  The command below will collapse
4609     the whole third dimension into a 2D array the size of the first two
4610     dimensions, and then convert the output to single-precision
4611     floating point (as discussed above).
4613          $ astarithmetic cube.fits 3 collapse-sum float32
4616     Similar to ‘collapse-sum’, but the returned dataset will be the
4617     mean value along the collapsed dimension, not the sum.
4620     Similar to ‘collapse-sum’, but the returned dataset will be the
4621     number of non-blank values along the collapsed dimension.  The
4622     output will have a 32-bit signed integer type.  If the input
4623     dataset doesn’t have blank values, all the elements in the returned
4624     dataset will have a single value (the length of the collapsed
4625     dimension).  Therefore this is mostly relevant when there are blank
4626     values in the dataset.
4629     Similar to ‘collapse-sum’, but the returned dataset will have the
4630     same numeric type as the input and will contain the minimum value
4631     for each pixel along the collapsed dimension.
4634     Similar to ‘collapse-sum’, but the returned dataset will have the
4635     same numeric type as the input and will contain the maximum value
4636     for each pixel along the collapsed dimension.
4639     Build a higher-dimensional dataset from all the input datasets
4640     stacked after one another (along the slowest dimension).  The first
4641     popped operand has to be a single number.  It is used by the
4642     operator to know how many operands it should pop from the stack
4643     (and the size of the output in the new dimension).  The rest of the
4644     operands must have the same size and numerical data type.  This
4645     operator currently only works for 2D input operands, please contact
4646     us if you want inputs to have different dimensions.
4648     The output’s WCS (which should have a different dimensionality
4649     compared to the inputs) can be read from another file with the
4650     ‘--wcsfile’ option.  If no file is specified for the WCS, the first
4651     dataset’s WCS will be used, you can later add/change the necessary
4652     WCS keywords with the FITS keyword modification features of the
4653     Fits program (see *note Fits::).
4655     If your datasets don’t have the same type, you can use the type
4656     transformation operators of Arithmetic that are discussed below.
4657     Just beware of overflow if you are transforming to a smaller type,
4658     see *note Numeric data types::.
4660     For example if you want to put the three ‘img1.fits’, ‘img2.fits4661     and ‘img3.fits’ images (each a 2D dataset) into one 3D datacube,
4662     you can use this command:
4664          $ astarithmetic img1.fits img2.fits img3.fits 3 add-dimension
4667File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Conditional operators,  Next: Mathematical morphology operators,  Prev: Dimensionality changing operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
46696.2.2.9 Conditional operators
4672Conditional operators take two inputs and return a binary output that
4673can only have two values 0 (for pixels where the condition was false) or
46741 (for the pixels where the condition was true).  Because of the binary
4675(2-valued) nature of their outputs, the output is therefore stored in an
4676‘unsigned char’ data type (see *note Numeric data types::) to speed up
4677process and take less space in your storage.  There are two exceptions
4678to the general features above: ‘isblank’ only takes one input, and
4679‘where’ takes three, while not returning a binary output, see their
4680description for more.
4683     Less than: creates a binary output (values either 0 or 1) where
4684     each pixel will be 1 if the second popped operand is smaller than
4685     the first popped operand and 0 otherwise.  If both operands are
4686     images, then all the pixels will be compared with their
4687     counterparts in the other image.
4689     For example, the pixels in the output of the command below will
4690     have a value of 1 (true) if their value in ‘image1.fits’ is less
4691     than their value in ‘image2.fits’.  Otherwise, their value will be
4692     0 (false).
4693          $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits lt
4694     If only one operand is an image, then all the pixels will be
4695     compared with the single value (number) of the other operand.  For
4696     example:
4697          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 lt
4698     Finally if both are numbers, then the output is also just one
4699     number (0 or 1).
4700          $ astarithmetic 4 5 lt
4703     Less or equal: similar to ‘lt’ (‘less than’ operator), but
4704     returning 1 when the second popped operand is smaller or equal to
4705     the first.  For example
4706          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 le
4709     Greater than: similar to ‘lt’ (‘less than’ operator), but returning
4710     1 when the second popped operand is greater than the first.  For
4711     example
4712          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 gt
4715     Greater or equal: similar to ‘lt’ (‘less than’ operator), but
4716     returning 1 when the second popped operand is larger or equal to
4717     the first.  For example
4718          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 ge
4721     Equality: similar to ‘lt’ (‘less than’ operator), but returning 1
4722     when the two popped operands are equal (to double precision
4723     floating point accuracy).
4724          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 eq
4727     Non-Equality: similar to ‘lt’ (‘less than’ operator), but returning
4728     1 when the two popped operands are _not_ equal (to double precision
4729     floating point accuracy).
4730          $ astaithmetic image1.fits 1000 ne
4733     Logical AND: returns 1 if both operands have a non-zero value and 0
4734     if both are zero.  Both operands have to be the same kind: either
4735     both images or both numbers and it mostly makes meaningful values
4736     when the inputs are binary (with pixel values of 0 or 1).
4737          $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits -g1 and
4739     For example if you only want to see which pixels in an image have a
4740     value _between_ 50 (greater equal, or inclusive) and 200 (less
4741     than, or exclusive), you can use this command:
4742          $ astarithmetic image.fits set-i i 50 ge i 200 lt and
4745     Logical OR: returns 1 if either one of the operands is non-zero and
4746     0 only when both operators are zero.  Both operands have to be the
4747     same kind: either both images or both numbers.  The usage is
4748     similar to ‘and’.
4750     For example if you only want to see which pixels in an image have a
4751     value _outside of_ -100 (greater equal, or inclusive) and 200 (less
4752     than, or exclusive), you can use this command:
4753          $ astarithmetic image.fits set-i i -100 lt i 200 ge or
4756     Logical NOT: returns 1 when the operand is 0 and 0 when the operand
4757     is non-zero.  The operand can be an image or number, for an image,
4758     it is applied to each pixel separately.  For example if you want to
4759     know which pixels are not blank, you can use not on the output of
4760     the ‘isblank’ operator described below:
4761          $ astarithmetic image.fits isblank not
4764     Test for a blank value (see *note Blank pixels::).  In essence,
4765     this is very similar to the conditional operators: the output is
4766     either 1 or 0 (see the ‘less than’ operator above).  The difference
4767     is that it only needs one operand.  For example:
4768          $ astarithmetic image.fits isblank
4769     Because of the definition of a blank pixel, a blank value is not
4770     even equal to itself, so you cannot use the equal operator above to
4771     select blank pixels.  See the “Blank pixels” box below for more on
4772     Blank pixels in Arithmetic.
4775     Change the input (pixel) value _where_/if a certain condition
4776     holds.  The conditional operators above can be used to define the
4777     condition.  Three operands are required for ‘where’.  The input
4778     format is demonstrated in this simplified example:
4780          $ astarithmetic modify.fits binary.fits if-true.fits where
4782     The value of any pixel in ‘modify.fits’ that corresponds to a
4783     non-zero _and_ non-blank pixel of ‘binary.fits’ will be changed to
4784     the value of the same pixel in ‘if-true.fits’ (this may also be a
4785     number).  The 3rd and 2nd popped operands (‘modify.fits’ and
4786binary.fits’ respectively, see *note Reverse polish notation::)
4787     have to have the same dimensions/size.  ‘if-true.fits’ can be
4788     either a number, or have the same dimension/size as the other two.
4790     The 2nd popped operand (‘binary.fits’) has to have ‘uint8’ (or
4791     ‘unsigned char’ in standard C) type (see *note Numeric data
4792     types::).  It is treated as a binary dataset (with only two values:
4793     zero and non-zero, hence the name ‘binary.fits’ in this example).
4794     However, commonly you won’t be dealing with an actual FITS file of
4795     a condition/binary image.  You will probably define the condition
4796     in the same run based on some other reference image and use the
4797     conditional and logical operators above to make a true/false (or
4798     one/zero) image for you internally.  For example the case below:
4800          $ astarithmetic in.fits reference.fits 100 gt new.fits where
4802     In the example above, any of the ‘in.fits’ pixels that has a value
4803     in ‘reference.fits’ greater than ‘100’, will be replaced with the
4804     corresponding pixel in ‘new.fits’.  Effectively the ‘reference.fits
4805     100 gt’ part created the condition/binary image which was added to
4806     the stack (in memory) and later used by ‘where’.  The command above
4807     is thus equivalent to these two commands:
4809          $ astarithmetic reference.fits 100 gt --output=binary.fits
4810          $ astarithmetic in.fits binary.fits new.fits where
4812     Finally, the input operands are read and used independently, so you
4813     can use the same file more than once as any of the operands.
4815     When the 1st popped operand to ‘where’ (‘if-true.fits’) is a single
4816     number, it may be a NaN value (or any blank value, depending on its
4817     type) like the example below (see *note Blank pixels::).  When the
4818     number is blank, it will be converted to the blank value of the
4819     type of the 3rd popped operand (‘in.fits’).  Hence, in the example
4820     below, all the pixels in ‘reference.fits’ that have a value greater
4821     than 100, will become blank in the natural data type of ‘in.fits4822     (even though NaN values are only defined for floating point types).
4824          $ astarithmetic in.fits reference.fits 100 gt nan where
4827File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Mathematical morphology operators,  Next: Bitwise operators,  Prev: Conditional operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
48296.2.2.10 Mathematical morphology operators
4832From Wikipedia: “Mathematical morphology (MM) is a theory and technique
4833for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures, based on set
4834theory, lattice theory, topology, and random functions.  MM is most
4835commonly applied to digital images”.  In theory it extends a very large
4836body of research and methods in image processing, but currently in
4837Gnuastro it mainly applies to images that are binary (only have a value
4838of 0 or 1).  For example you have applied the greater-than operator
4839(‘gt’, see *note Conditional operators::) to select all pixels in your
4840image that are larger than a value of 100.  But they will all have a
4841value of 1, and you want to separate the various groups of pixels that
4842are connected (for example peaks of stars in your image).  With the
4843‘connected-components’ operator, you can give each connected region of
4844the output of ‘gt’ a separate integer label.
4847     Erode the foreground pixels (with value ‘1’) of the input dataset
4848     (second popped operand).  The first popped operand is the
4849     connectivity (see description in ‘connected-components’).  Erosion
4850     is simply a flipping of all foreground pixels (with value ‘1’) to
4851     background (with value ‘0’) that are “touching” background pixels.
4852     “Touching” is defined by the connectivity.
4854     In effect, this operator “carves off” the outer borders of the
4855     foreground, making them thinner.  This operator assumes a binary
4856     dataset (all pixels are ‘0’ or ‘1’).  For example, imagine that you
4857     have an astronomical image with a mean/sky value of 0 units and a
4858     standard deviation ($\sigma$) of 100 units and many galaxies in it.
4859     With the first command below, you can apply a threshold of
4860     $2\sigma$ on the image (by only keeping pixels that are greater
4861     than 200 using the ‘gt’ operator).  The output of thresholding the
4862     image is a binary image (each pixel is either smaller or equal to
4863     the threshold or larger than it).  You can then erode the binary
4864     image with the second command below to remove very small false
4865     positives (one or two pixel peaks).
4866          $ astarithmetic image.fits 100 gt -obinary.fits
4867          $ astarithmetic binary.fits 2 erode -oout.fits
4869     In fact, you can merge these operations into one command thanks to
4870     the reverse polish notation (see *note Reverse polish notation::):
4871          $ astarithmetic image.fits 100 gt 2 erode -oout.fits
4873     To see the effect of connectivity, try this:
4874          $ astarithmetic image.fits 100 gt 1 erode -oout-con-1.fits
4877     Dilate the foreground pixels (with value ‘1’) of the binary input
4878     dataset (second popped operand).  The first popped operand is the
4879     connectivity (see description in ‘connected-components’).  Dilation
4880     is simply a flipping of all background pixels (with value ‘0’) to
4881     foreground (with value ‘1’) that are “touching” foreground pixels.
4882     “Touching” is defined by the connectivity.  In effect, this expands
4883     the outer borders of the foreground.  This operator assumes a
4884     binary dataset (all pixels are ‘0’ and ‘1’).  The usage is similar
4885     to ‘erode’, for example:
4886          $ astarithmetic binary.fits 2 dilate -oout.fits
4889     Find the connected components in the input dataset (second popped
4890     operand).  The first popped is the connectivity used in the
4891     connected components algorithm.  The second popped operand is the
4892     dataset where connected components are to be found.  It is assumed
4893     to be a binary image (with values of 0 or 1).  It must have an
4894     8-bit unsigned integer type which is the format produced by
4895     conditional operators.  This operator will return a labeled dataset
4896     where the non-zero pixels in the input will be labeled with a
4897     counter (starting from 1).
4899     The connectivity is a number between 1 and the number of dimensions
4900     in the dataset (inclusive).  1 corresponds to the weakest
4901     (symmetric) connectivity between elements and the number of
4902     dimensions the strongest.  For example on a 2D image, a
4903     connectivity of 1 corresponds to 4-connected neighbors and 2
4904     corresponds to 8-connected neighbors.
4906     One example usage of this operator can be the identification of
4907     regions above a certain threshold, as in the command below.  With
4908     this command, Arithmetic will first separate all pixels greater
4909     than 100 into a binary image (where pixels with a value of 1 are
4910     above that value).  Afterwards, it will label all those that are
4911     connected.
4913          $ astarithmetic in.fits 100 gt 2 connected-components
4915     If your input dataset doesn’t have a binary type, but you know all
4916     its values are 0 or 1, you can use the ‘uint8’ operator (below) to
4917     convert it to binary.
4920     Flip background (0) pixels surrounded by foreground (1) in a binary
4921     dataset.  This operator takes two operands (similar to
4922     ‘connected-components’): the second is the binary (0 or 1 valued)
4923     dataset to fill holes in and the first popped operand is the
4924     connectivity (to define a hole).  Imagine that in your dataset
4925     there are some holes with zero value inside the objects with one
4926     value (for example the output of the thresholding example of
4927     ‘erode’) and you want to fill the holes:
4928          $ astarithmetic binary.fits 2 fill-holes
4931     Invert an unsigned integer dataset (won’t work on other data types,
4932     see *note Numeric data types::).  This is the only operator that
4933     ignores blank values (which are set to be the maximum values in the
4934     unsigned integer types).
4936     This is useful in cases where the target(s) has(have) been imaged
4937     in absorption as raw formats (which are unsigned integer types).
4938     With this option, the maximum value for the given type will be
4939     subtracted from each pixel value, thus “inverting” the image, so
4940     the target(s) can be treated as emission.  This can be useful when
4941     the higher-level analysis methods/tools only work on emission
4942     (positive skew in the noise, not negative).
4943          $ astarithmetic image.fits invert
4946File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Bitwise operators,  Next: Numerical type conversion operators,  Prev: Mathematical morphology operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
49486.2.2.11 Bitwise operators
4951Astronomical images are usually stored as an array multi-byte pixels
4952with different sizes for different precision levels (see *note Numeric
4953data types::).  For example images from CCDs are usually in the unsigned
495416-bit integer type (each pixel takes 16 bits, or 2 bytes, of memory)
4955and fully reduced deep images have a 32-bit floating point type (each
4956pixel takes 32 bits or 4 bytes).
4958   On the other hand, during the data reduction, we need to preserve a
4959lot of meta-data about some pixels.  For example, if a cosmic ray had
4960hit the pixel during the exposure, or if the pixel was saturated, or is
4961known to have a problem, or if the optical vignetting is too strong on
4962it, and etc.  A crude solution is to make a new image when checking for
4963each one of these things and make a binary image where we flag (set to
49641) pixels that satisfy any of these conditions above, and set the rest
4965to zero.  However, processing pipelines sometimes need more than 20
4966flags to store important per-pixel meta-data, and recall that the
4967smallest numeric data type is one byte (or 8 bits, that can store up to
4968256 different values), while we only need two values for each flag!
4969This is a major waste of storage space!
4971   A much more optimal solution is to use the bits within each pixel to
4972store different flags!  In other words, if you have an 8-bit pixel, use
4973each bit as as a flag to mark if a certain condition has happened on a
4974certain pixel or not.  For example, let’s set the following standard
4975based on the four cases mentioned above: the first bit will show that a
4976cosmic ray has hit that pixel.  So if a pixel is only affected by cosmic
4977rays, it will have this sequence of bits (note that the bit-counting
4978starts from the right): ‘00000001’.  The second bit shows that the pixel
4979was saturated (‘00000010’), the third bit shows that it has known
4980problems (‘00000100’) and the fourth bit shows that it was affected by
4981vignetting (‘00001000’).
4983   Since each bit is independent, we can thus mark multiple metadata
4984about that pixel in the actual image, within a single “flag” or “mask”
4985pixel of a flag or mask image that has the same number of pixels.  For
4986example a flag-pixel with the following bits ‘00001001’ shows that it
4987has been affected by cosmic rays _and_ it has been affected by
4988vignetting at the same time.  The common data type to store these
4989flagging pixels are unsigned integer types (see *note Numeric data
4990types::).  Therefore when you open an unsigned 8-bit flag image in a
4991viewer like DS9, you will see a single integer in each pixel that
4992actually has 8 layers of metadata in it!  For example the integer you
4993will see for the bit sequences given above will respectively be: $2^0=1$
4994(for a pixel that only has cosmic ray), $2^1=2$ (for a pixel that was
4995only saturated), $2^2=4$ (for a pixel that only has known problems),
4996$2^3=8$ (for a pixel that is only affected by vignetting) and $2^0 + 2^3
4997= 9$ (for a pixel that has a cosmic ray _and_ was affected by
5000   You can later use this bit information to mark objects in your final
5001analysis or to mask certain pixels.  For example you may want to set all
5002pixels affected by vignetting to NaN, but can interpolate over cosmic
5003rays.  You therefore need ways to separate the pixels with a desired
5004flag(s) from the rest.  It is possible to treat a flag pixel as a single
5005integer (and try to define certain ranges in value to select certain
5006flags).  But a much more easier and robust way is to actually look at
5007each pixel as a sequence of bits (not as a single integer!)  and use the
5008bitwise operators below for this job.  For more on the theory behind
5009bitwise operators, see Wikipedia
5013     Bitwise AND operator: only bits with values of 1 in both popped
5014     operands will get the value of 1, the rest will be set to 0.  For
5015     example (assuming numbers can be written as bit strings on the
5016     command-line): ‘00101000 00100010 bitand’ will give ‘00100000’.
5017     Note that the bitwise operators only work on integer type datasets.
5020     Bitwise inclusive OR operator: The bits where at least one of the
5021     two popped operands has a 1 value get a value of 1, the others 0.
5022     For example (assuming numbers can be written as bit strings on the
5023     command-line): ‘00101000 00100010 bitand’ will give ‘00101010’.
5024     Note that the bitwise operators only work on integer type datasets.
5027     Bitwise exclusive OR operator: A bit will be 1 if it differs
5028     between the two popped operands.  For example (assuming numbers can
5029     be written as bit strings on the command-line): ‘00101000 00100010
5030     bitand’ will give ‘00001010’.  Note that the bitwise operators only
5031     work on integer type datasets.
5034     Bitwise left shift operator: shift all the bits of the first
5035     operand to the left by a number of times given by the second
5036     operand.  For example (assuming numbers can be written as bit
5037     strings on the command-line): ‘00101000 2 lshift’ will give
5038     ‘10100000’.  This is equivalent to multiplication by 4.  Note that
5039     the bitwise operators only work on integer type datasets.
5042     Bitwise right shift operator: shift all the bits of the first
5043     operand to the right by a number of times given by the second
5044     operand.  For example (assuming numbers can be written as bit
5045     strings on the command-line): ‘00101000 2 rshift’ will give
5046     ‘00001010’.  Note that the bitwise operators only work on integer
5047     type datasets.
5050     Bitwise not (more formally known as one’s complement) operator:
5051     flip all the bits of the popped operand (note that this is the only
5052     unary, or single operand, bitwise operator).  In other words, any
5053     bit with a value of ‘0’ is changed to ‘1’ and vice-versa.  For
5054     example (assuming numbers can be written as bit strings on the
5055     command-line): ‘00101000 bitnot’ will give ‘11010111’.  Note that
5056     the bitwise operators only work on integer type datasets/numbers.
5059File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Numerical type conversion operators,  Next: Adding noise operators,  Prev: Bitwise operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
50616.2.2.12 Numerical type conversion operators
5064With the operators below you can convert the numerical data type of your
5065input, see *note Numeric data types::.  For example, let’s assume that
5066your colleague gives you thousands of single exposure images for
5067archival, but they have a double-precision floating point type!  You
5068know that the statistical error a single-exposure image can never exceed
50696 or 7 significant digits, so you would prefer to archive them as a
5070single-precision floating point and save space on your computer (a
5071double-precision floating point is also double the file size!).  You can
5072do this with the ‘float32’ operator described below.
5075     Convert the type of the popped operand to 8-bit unsigned integer
5076     type (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of
5077     C will be used.
5080     Convert the type of the popped operand to 8-bit signed integer type
5081     (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of C
5082     will be used.
5085     Convert the type of the popped operand to 16-bit unsigned integer
5086     type (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of
5087     C will be used.
5090     Convert the type of the popped operand to 16-bit signed integer
5091     (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of C
5092     will be used.
5095     Convert the type of the popped operand to 32-bit unsigned integer
5096     type (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of
5097     C will be used.
5100     Convert the type of the popped operand to 32-bit signed integer
5101     type (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of
5102     C will be used.
5105     Convert the type of the popped operand to 64-bit unsigned integer
5106     (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal conversion of C
5107     will be used.
5110     Convert the type of the popped operand to 32-bit (single precision)
5111     floating point (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal
5112     conversion of C will be used.
5115     Convert the type of the popped operand to 64-bit (double precision)
5116     floating point (see *note Numeric data types::).  The internal
5117     conversion of C will be used.
5120File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Adding noise operators,  Next: Elliptical shape operators,  Prev: Numerical type conversion operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
51226.2.2.13 Adding noise operators
5125When you simulate data (for example see *note Sufi simulates a
5126detection::), everything is ideal and there is no noise!  The final step
5127of the process is to add simulated noise to the data.  The operators in
5128this section are designed for that purpose.
5131     Add a fixed noise (Gaussian standard deviation) to each element of
5132     the input dataset.  This operator takes two arguments: the
5133     top/first popped operand is the noise standard deviation, the next
5134     popped operand is the dataset that the noise should be added to.
5136     When ‘--quiet’ isn’t given, a statement will be printed on each
5137     invocation of this operator (if there are multiple calls to the
5138     ‘mknoise-*’, the statement will be printed multiple times).  It
5139     will show the random number generator function and seed that was
5140     used in that invocation, see *note Generating random numbers::.
5141     Reproducibility of the outputs can be ensured with the ‘--envseed’
5142     option, see below for more.
5144     For example with the first command below, ‘image.fits’ will be
5145     degraded by a noise of standard deviation 3 units.
5146          $ astarithmetic image.fits 3 mknoise-sigma
5148     Alternatively, you can use this operator within column arithmetic
5149     in the Table program, to generate a random number like below
5150     (centered on 0, with $\sigma=3$) like the first command below.
5151     With the second command, you can put it into a shell variable for
5152     later usage.
5154          $ echo 0 | asttable -c'arith $1 3 mknoise-sigma'
5155          $ value=$(echo 0 | asttable -c'arith $1 3 mknoise-sigma')
5156          $ echo $value
5158     You can also use this operator in combination with AWK to easily
5159     generate an arbitrarily large table with random columns.  In the
5160     example below, we’ll create a two column table with 20 rows.  The
5161     first column will be centered on 5 and $\sigma_1=2$, the second
5162     will be centered on 10 and $\sigma_2=3$:
5164          $ echo 5 10 \
5165                 | awk '{for(i=0;i<20;++i) print $1, $2}' \
5166                 | asttable -c'arith $1 2 mknoise-sigma' \
5167                            -c'arith $2 3 mknoise-sigma'
5169     By adding an extra ‘--output=random.fits’, the table will be saved
5170     into a file called ‘random.fits’, and you can change the ‘i<20’ to
5171     ‘i<5000’ to have 5000 rows instead.  Of course, if your input table
5172     has different values in the desired column the noisy distribution
5173     will be centered on each input element, but all will have the same
5174     scatter/sigma.
5176     You can use the ‘--envseed’ option to fix the random number
5177     generator seed (and thus get a reproducible result).  For more on
5178     ‘--envseed’, see *note Generating random numbers::.  When using
5179     column arithmetic in Table, it may happen that multiple columns
5180     need random numbers (with any of the ‘mknoise-*’ operators) in one
5181     call of ‘asttable’.  In such cases, the value given to
5182     ‘GSL_RNG_SEED’ is incremented by one on every call to the
5183     ‘mknoise-*’ operators.  Without this increment, when the column
5184     values are the same (happens a lot, for no-noised datasets), the
5185     returned values for all columns will be identical.  But this
5186     feature has a side-effect: that if the order of calling the
5187     ‘mknoise-*’ operators changes, the seeds used for each operator
5188     will change(1).
5191     Add Poisson noise to each element of the input dataset (see *note
5192     Photon counting noise::).  This operator takes two arguments: the
5193     top/first popped operand is the background value (in units of
5194     electron counts), the next popped operand is the dataset that the
5195     noise should be added to.
5197     Except for the noise-model, this operator is very similar to
5198     ‘mknoise-sigma’ and the examples there apply here too.  The main
5199     difference with ‘mknoise-sigma’ is that in a Poisson distribution
5200     the scatter/sigma will depend on each element’s value.
5202     For example, let’s assume you have made a mock image called
5203mock.fits’ with *note MakeProfiles:: and its assumed zeropoint is
5204     22.5 (for more on the zero point, see *note Brightness flux
5205     magnitude::).  Let’s assume the background level for the Poisson
5206     noise has a value of 19 magnitudes.  You can first use the
5207     ‘mag-to-counts’ operator to convert this background magnitude into
5208     counts, then feed the background value in counts to
5209     ‘mknoise-poisson’ operator:
5211          $ astarithmetic mock.fits 19 22.5 mag-to-counts \
5212                          mknoise-poisson
5214     Try changing the background value from 19 to 10 to see the effect!
5215     Recall that the tutorial *note Sufi simulates a detection:: shows
5216     how you can use MakeProfiles to build mock images.
5219     Add uniform noise to each element of the input dataset.  This
5220     operator takes two arguments: the top/first popped operand is the
5221     width of the interval, the second popped operand is the dataset
5222     that the noise should be added to (each element will be the center
5223     of the interval).  The returned random values may happen to be the
5224     minimum interval value, but will never be the maximum.  Except for
5225     the noise-model, this operator behaves very similar to
5226     ‘mknoise-sigma’, see the explanation there for more.
5228     For example with the command below, a random value will be selected
5229     between 10 to 14 (centered on 12, which is the only input data
5230     element, with a total width of 4).
5232          echo 12 | asttable -c'arith $1 4 mknoise-uniform'
5234     Similar to the example in ‘mknoise-sigma’, you can pipe the output
5235     of ‘echo’ to ‘awk’ before passing it to ‘asttable’ to generate a
5236     full column of uniformly selected values within the same interval.
5238   ---------- Footnotes ----------
5240   (1) We have defined Task 15971 (https://savannah.gnu.org/task/?15971)
5241in Gnuastro’s project management system to address this.  If you need
5242this feature please send us an email at ‘bug-gnuastro@gnu.org’ (to
5243motivate us in its implementation).
5246File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Elliptical shape operators,  Next: Building new dataset,  Prev: Adding noise operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
52486.2.2.14 Elliptical shape operators
5251The operators here describe certain functions that will be necessary
5252when dealing with objects that have a certain elliptical shape.
5255     Return the width (along horizontal) and height (along vertical) of
5256     a box that encompasses an ellipse with the same center point.  The
5257     top-popped operand is assumed to be the position angle (angle from
5258     the horizontal axis) in _degrees_.  The second and third popped
5259     operands are the minor and major axis lengths respectively.  This
5260     operator outputs two operands on the general stack.  The first one
5261     is the width and the second (which will be the top one when this
5262     operator finishes) is the height.
5264     If the value to the second popped operand (minor axis) is larger
5265     than the third (major axis), a NaN value will be written for both
5266     the width and height of that element and a warning will be printed
5267     (the warning can be disabled with the ‘--quiet’ option).
5269     As an example, if your ellipse has a major axis length of 10 units,
5270     a minor axis length of 4 units and a position angle of 20 degrees,
5271     you can estimate the bounding box with this command:
5273          $ echo "10 4 20" \
5274                 | asttable -c'arith $1 $2 $3 box-around-ellipse'
5276     Alternatively if your three values are in separate FITS
5277     arrays/images, you can use the command below to have the width and
5278     height in similarly sized fits arrays.  In this example ‘a.fits5279     and ‘b.fits’ are respectively the major and minor axis lengths and
5280pa.fits’ is the position angle (in degrees).  Also, in all three,
5281     we assume the first extension is used.  After its done, the height
5282     of the box will be put in ‘h.fits’ and the width will be in
5283w.fits’.  Just note that because this operator has two output
5284     datasets, you need to first write the height (top output operand)
5285     into a file and free it with the ‘tofilefree-’ operator, then write
5286     the width in the file given to ‘--output’.
5288          $ astarithmetic a.fits b.fits pa.fits box-around-ellipse \
5289                          tofilefree-h.fits -ow.fits -g1
5291     Finally, if you need to treat the width and height separately for
5292     further processing, you can call the ‘set-’ operator two times
5293     afterwards like below.  Recall that the ‘set-’ operator will pop
5294     the top operand, and put it in memory with a certain name, bringing
5295     the next operand to the top of the stack.
5297     For example let’s assume ‘catalog.fits’ has at least three columns
5298     ‘MAJOR’, ‘MINOR’ and ‘PA’ which specify the major axis, minor axis
5299     and position angle respectively.  But you want the final width and
5300     height in 32-bit floating point numbers (not the default 64-bit,
5301     which may be too much precision in many scenarios).  You can do
5302     this with the command below (note you can also break lines with
5303     <\>, within the single-quote environment)
5305          $ asttable catalog.fits \
5306                     -c'arith MAJOR MINOR PA box-around-ellipse \
5307                              set-height set-width \
5308                              width float32 height float32'
5311File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Building new dataset,  Next: Operand storage in memory or a file,  Prev: Elliptical shape operators,  Up: Arithmetic operators
53136.2.2.15 Building new dataset
5316With the operator here, you can create a new dataset from scratch to
5317start certain operations without any input data.
5320     Create a new dataset that only has zero values.  The number of
5321     dimensions is read as the first popped operand and the number of
5322     elements along each dimension are the next popped operand (in
5323     reverse of the popping order).  The type of the new dataset is an
5324     unsigned 8-bit integer and all pixel values have a value of zero.
5325     For example, if you want to create a new 100 by 200 pixel image,
5326     you can run this command:
5328          $ astarithmetic 100 200 2 makenew
5330     To further extend the example, you can use any of the noise-making
5331     operators to add noise to this new dataset (see *note Adding noise
5332     operators::), like the command below:
5334          $ astarithmetic 100 200 2 makenew 5 mknoise-sigma
5337File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Operand storage in memory or a file,  Prev: Building new dataset,  Up: Arithmetic operators
53396.2.2.16 Operand storage in memory or a file
5342In your early days of using Gnuastro, to do multiple operations, it is
5343likely that you will simply call Arithmetic (or Table, with column
5344arithmetic) multiple times: feed the output file of the first call to
5345the second call.  But as you get more proficient in the reverse polish
5346notation, you will find yourself combining many operations into one
5347call.  This greatly speeds up your operation, because instead of writing
5348the dataset to a file in one command, and reading it in the next
5349command, it will just keep the intermediate dataset in memory!
5351   But adding more complexity to your operations, can make them much
5352harder to debug, or extend even further.  Therefore in this section we
5353have some special operators that behave differently from the rest: they
5354don’t touch the contents of the data, only where/how they are stored.
5355They are designed to do complex operations, without necessarily having a
5356complex command.
5359     Set the characters after the dash (‘AAA’ in the case shown here) as
5360     a name for the first popped operand on the stack.  The named
5361     dataset will be freed from memory as soon as it is no longer
5362     needed, or if the name is reset to refer to another dataset later
5363     in the command.  This operator thus enables re-usability of a
5364     dataset without having to re-read it from a file every time it is
5365     necessary during a process.  When a dataset is necessary more than
5366     once, this operator can thus help simplify reading/writing on the
5367     command-line (thus avoiding potential bugs), while also speeding up
5368     the processing.
5370     Like all operators, this operator pops the top operand off of the
5371     main processing stack, but unlike other operands, it won’t add
5372     anything back to the stack immediately.  It will keep the popped
5373     dataset in memory through a separate list of named datasets (not on
5374     the main stack).  That list will be used to add/copy any requested
5375     dataset to the main processing stack when the name is called.
5377     The name to give the popped dataset is part of the operator’s name.
5378     For example the ‘set-a’ operator of the command below, gives the
5379     name “‘a’” to the contents of ‘image.fits’.  This name is then used
5380     instead of the actual filename to multiply the dataset by two.
5382          $ astarithmetic image.fits set-a a 2 x
5384     The name can be any string, but avoid strings ending with standard
5385     filename suffixes (for example ‘.fits’)(1).
5387     One example of the usefulness of this operator is in the ‘where’
5388     operator.  For example, let’s assume you want to mask all pixels
5389     larger than ‘5’ in ‘image.fits’ (extension number 1) with a NaN
5390     value.  Without setting a name for the dataset, you have to read
5391     the file two times from memory in a command like this:
5393          $ astarithmetic image.fits image.fits 5 gt nan where -g1
5395     But with this operator you can simply give ‘image.fits’ the name
5396     ‘i’ and simplify the command above to the more readable one below
5397     (which greatly helps when the filename is long):
5399          $ astarithmetic image.fits set-i   i i 5 gt nan where
5402     Write the top operand on the operands stack into a file called
5403     ‘AAA’ (can be any FITS file name) without changing the operands
5404     stack.  If you don’t need the dataset any more and would like to
5405     free it, see the ‘tofilefree’ operator below.
5407     By default, any file that is given to this operator is deleted
5408     before Arithmetic actually starts working on the input datasets.
5409     The deletion can be deactivated with the ‘--dontdelete’ option (as
5410     in all Gnuastro programs, see *note Input output options::).  If
5411     the same FITS file is given to this operator multiple times, it
5412     will contain multiple extensions (in the same order that it was
5413     called.
5415     For example the operator ‘tofile-check.fits’ will write the top
5416     operand to ‘check.fits’.  Since it doesn’t modify the operands
5417     stack, this operator is very convenient when you want to debug, or
5418     understanding, a string of operators and operands given to
5419     Arithmetic: simply put ‘tofile-AAA’ anywhere in the process to see
5420     what is happening behind the scenes without modifying the overall
5421     process.
5424     Similar to the ‘tofile’ operator, with the only difference that the
5425     dataset that is written to a file is popped from the operand stack
5426     and freed from memory (cannot be used any more).
5428   ---------- Footnotes ----------
5430   (1) A dataset name like ‘a.fits’ (which can be set with ‘set-a.fits’)
5431will cause confusion in the initial parser of Arithmetic.  It will
5432assume this name is a FITS file, and if it is used multiple times,
5433Arithmetic will abort, complaining that you haven’t provided enough
5437File: gnuastro.info,  Node: Invoking astarithmetic,  Prev: Arithmetic operators,  Up: Arithmetic
54396.2.3 Invoking Arithmetic
5442Arithmetic will do pixel to pixel arithmetic operations on the
5443individual pixels of input data and/or numbers.  For the full list of
5444operators with explanations, please see *note Arithmetic operators::.
5445Any operand that only has a single element (number, or single pixel FITS
5446image) will be read as a number, the rest of the inputs must have the
5447same dimensions.  The general template is:
5449     $ astarithmetic [OPTION...] ASTRdata1 [ASTRdata2] OPERATOR ...
5451One line examples:
5453     ## Calculate (10.32-3.84)^2.7 quietly (will just print 155.329):
5454     $ astarithmetic -q 10.32 3.84 - 2.7 pow
5456     ## Inverse the input image (1/pixel):
5457     $ astarithmetic 1 image.fits / --out=inverse.fits
5459     ## Multiply each pixel in image by -1:
5460     $ astarithmetic image.fits -1 x --out=negative.fits
5462     ## Subtract extension 4 from extension 1 (counting from zero):
5463     $ astarithmetic image.fits image.fits - --out=skysub.fits           \
5464                     --hdu=1 --hdu=4
5466     ## Add two images, then divide them by 2 (2 is read as floating point):
5467     ## Note that without the '.0', the '2' will be read/used as an integer.
5468     $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits + 2.0 / --out=average.fits
5470     ## Use Arithmetic's average operator:
5471     $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits average --out=average.fits
5473     ## Calculate the median of three images in three separate extensions:
5474     $ astarithmetic img1.fits img2.fits img3.fits median                \
5475                     -h0 -h1 -h2 --out=median.fits
5477   Arithmetic’s notation for giving operands to operators is fully
5478described in *note Reverse polish notation::.  The output dataset is
5479last remaining operand on the stack.  When the output dataset a single
5480number, it will be printed on the command-line.  When the output is an
5481array, it will be stored as a file.
5483   The name of the final file can be specified with the ‘--output’
5484option, but if its not given, Arithmetic will use “automatic output” on
5485the name of the first FITS image encountered to generate an output file
5486name, see *note Automatic output::.  By default, if the output file
5487already exists, it will be deleted before Arithmetic starts operation.
5488However, this can be disabled with the ‘--dontdelete’ option (see
5489below).  At any point during Arithmetic’s operation, you can also write
5490the top operand on the stack to a file, using the ‘tofile’ or
5491‘tofilefree’ operators, see *note Arithmetic operators::.
5493   By default, the world coordinate system (WCS) information of the
5494output dataset will be taken from the first input image (that contains a
5495WCS) on the command-line.  This can be modified with the ‘--wcsfile’ and
5496‘--wcshdu’ options described below.  When the ‘--quiet’ option isn’t
5497given, the name and extension of the dataset used for the output’s WCS
5498is printed on the command-line.
5500   Through operators like those starting with ‘collapse-’, the
5501dimensionality of the inputs may not be the same as the outputs.  By
5502default, when the output is 1D, Arithmetic will write it as a table, not
5503an image/array.  The format of the output table (plain text or FITS
5504ASCII or binary) can be set with the ‘--tableformat’ option, see *note
5505Input output options::).  You can disable this feature (write 1D arrays
5506as FITS images/arrays, or to the standard output) with the
5507‘--onedasimage’ or ‘--onedonstdout’ options.
5509   See *note Common options:: for a review of the options in all
5510Gnuastro programs.  Arithmetic just redefines the ‘--hdu’ and
5511‘--dontdelete’ options as explained below.
5513‘-h INT/STR5514‘--hdu INT/STR5515     The header data unit of the input FITS images, see *note Input
5516     output options::.  Unlike most options in Gnuastro (which will
5517     ultimately only have one value for this option), Arithmetic allows
5518     ‘--hdu’ to be called multiple times and the value of each
5519     invocation will be stored separately (for the unlimited number of
5520     input images you would like to use).  Recall that for other
5521     programs this (common) option only takes a single value.  So in
5522     other programs, if you specify it multiple times on the
5523     command-line, only the last value will be used and in the
5524     configuration files, it will be ignored if it already has a value.
5526     The order of the values to ‘--hdu’ has to be in the same order as
5527     input FITS images.  Options are first read from the command-line
5528     (from left to right), then top-down in each configuration file, see
5529     *note Configuration file precedence::.
5531     If the number of HDUs is less than the number of input images,
5532     Arithmetic will abort and notify you.  However, if there are more
5533     HDUs than FITS images, there is no problem: they will be used in
5534     the given order (every time a FITS image comes up on the stack) and
5535     the extra HDUs will be ignored in the end.  So there is no problem
5536     with having extra HDUs in the configuration files and by default
5537     several HDUs with a value of ‘0’ are kept in the system-wide
5538     configuration file when you install Gnuastro.
5540‘-g INT/STR5541‘--globalhdu INT/STR5542     Use the value to this option as the HDU of all input FITS files.
5543     This option is very convenient when you have many input files and
5544     the dataset of interest is in the same HDU of all the files.  When
5545     this option is called, any values given to the ‘--hdu’ option
5546     (explained above) are ignored and will not be used.
5548‘-w FITS’
5549‘--wcsfile FITS’
5550     FITS Filename containing the WCS structure that must be written to
5551     the output.  The HDU/extension should be specified with ‘--wcshdu’.
5553     When this option is used, the respective WCS will be read before
5554     any processing is done on the command-line and directly used in the
5555     final output.  If the given file doesn’t have any WCS, then the
5556     default WCS (first file on the command-line with WCS) will be used
5557     in the output.
5559     This option will mostly be used when the default file (first of the
5560     set of inputs) is not the one containing your desired WCS. But with
5561     this option, you can also use Arithmetic to rewrite/change the WCS
5562     of an existing FITS dataset from another file:
5564          $ astarithmetic data.fits --wcsfile=other.fits -ofinal.fits
5566‘-W STR’
5567‘--wcshdu STR’
5568     HDU/extension to read the WCS within the file given to ‘--wcsfile’.
5569     For more, see the description of ‘--wcsfile’.
5572     Use the environment for the random number generator settings in
5573     operators that need them (for example ‘mknoise-sigma’).  This is
5574     very important for obtaining reproducible results, for more see
5575     *note Generating random numbers::.
5579     When final dataset to write as output only has one dimension, write
5580     it as a FITS image/array.  By default, if the output is 1D, it will
5581     be written as a table, see above.
5585     When final dataset to write as output only has one dimension, print
5586     it on the standard output, not in a file.  By default, if the
5587     output is 1D, it will be written as a table, see above.
5591     Don’t delete the output file, or files given to the ‘tofile’ or
5592     ‘tofilefree’ operators, if they already exist.  Instead append the
5593     desired datasets to the extensions that already exist in the
5594     respective file.  Note it doesn’t matter if the final output file
5595     name is given with the ‘--output’ option, or determined
5596     automatically.
5598     Arithmetic treats this option differently from its default
5599     operation in other Gnuastro programs (see *note Input output
5600     options::).  If the output file exists, when other Gnuastro
5601     programs are called with ‘--dontdelete’, they simply complain and
5602     abort.  But when Arithmetic is called with ‘--dontdelete’, it will
5603     appended the dataset(s) to the existing extension(s) in the file.
5605   Arithmetic accepts two kinds of input: images and numbers.  Images
5606are considered to be any of the inputs that is a file name of a
5607recognized type (see *note Arguments::) and has more than one
5608element/pixel.  Numbers on the command-line will be read into the
5609smallest type (see *note Numeric data types::) that can store them, so
5610‘-2’ will be read as a ‘char’ type (which is signed on most systems and
5611can thus keep negative values), ‘2500’ will be read as an ‘unsigned
5612short’ (all positive numbers will be read as unsigned), while
5613‘3.1415926535897’ will be read as a ‘double’ and ‘3.14’ will be read as
5614a ‘float’.  To force a number to be read as float, put a ‘.’ after it
5615(possibly followed by a zero for easier readability), or add an ‘f’
5616after it.  Hence while ‘5’ will be read as an integer, ‘5.’, ‘5.0’ or
5617‘5f’ will be added to the stack as ‘float’ (see *note Reverse polish
5620   Unless otherwise stated (in *note Arithmetic operators::), the
5621operators can deal with numeric multiple data types (see *note Numeric
5622data types::).  For example in “‘a.fits b.fits +’”, the image types can
5623be ‘long’ and ‘float’.  In such cases, C’s internal type conversion will
5624be used.  The output type will be set to the higher-ranking type of the
5625two inputs.  Unsigned integer types have smaller ranking than their
5626signed counterparts and floating point types have higher ranking than
5627the integer types.  So the internal C type conversions done in the
5628example above are equivalent to this piece of C:
5630     size_t i;
5631     long a[100];
5632     float b[100], out[100];
5633     for(i=0;i<100;++i) out[i]=a[i]+b[i];
5635Relying on the default C type conversion significantly speeds up the
5636processing and also requires less RAM (when using very large images).
5638   Some operators can only work on integer types (of any length, for
5639example bitwise operators) while others only work on floating point
5640types, (currently only the ‘pow’ operator).  In such cases, if the
5641operand type(s) are different, an error will be printed.  Arithmetic
5642also comes with internal type conversion operators which you can use to
5643convert the data into the appropriate type, see *note Arithmetic
5646   The hyphen (‘-’) can be used both to specify options (see *note
5647Options::) and also to specify a negative number which might be
5648necessary in your arithmetic.  In order to enable you to do this,
5649Arithmetic will first parse all the input strings and if the first
5650character after a hyphen is a digit, then that hyphen is temporarily
5651replaced by the vertical tab character which is not commonly used.  The
5652arguments are then parsed and these strings will not be specified as an
5653option.  Then the given arguments are parsed and any vertical tabs are
5654replaced back with a hyphen so they can be read as negative numbers.
5655Therefore, as long as the names of the files you want to work on, don’t
5656start with a vertical tab followed by a digit, there is no problem.  An
5657important consequence of this implementation is that you should not
5658write negative fractions like this: ‘-.3’, instead write them as ‘-0.3’.
5660   Without any images, Arithmetic will act like a simple calculator and
5661print the resulting output number on the standard output like the first
5662example above.  If you really want such calculator operations on the
5663command-line, AWK (GNU AWK is the most common implementation) is much
5664faster, easier and much more powerful.  For example, the numerical
5665one-line example above can be done with the following command.  In
5666general AWK is a fantastic tool and GNU AWK has a wonderful manual
5667(<https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/>).  So if you often confront
5668situations like this, or have to work with large text tables/catalogs,
5669be sure to checkout AWK and simplify your life.
5671     $ echo "" | awk '{print (10.32-3.84)^2.7}'
5672     155.329