2  openuniverse configuration file
6 Options
9#where do data files reside (stars.dat and textures)
10#data_directory = .
12#Render planet atmosphere, default is 1. Atmospheres hurt performance
13atmospheres = 1
15#bordered textures. 0 for hardware accelerated, 1 for software-only OpenGL
16#(see README.3D for details)
17border = 0
19#show splash screen image during the loading stage. Set this option to 0 if
20#you're running OU in high resolution modes (say greater than 640x480)
21#splash = 0
23#Filtering method (GL_LINEAR or GL_NEAREST), default is GL_LINEAR
24#GL_NEAREST filtering will increase performance on software-only OpenGL drivers
25filter = GL_LINEAR
27#Shading model (defaults to GL_SMOOTH)
28shading = GL_SMOOTH
30#starting date (format is MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS)
31#date = 9-21-1972 7:00:00
32#date = 12-11-1994 15:10:00
34#global configuration items
35pause = 0
36realtime = 0
37planets_labels = 0
38stars_labels = 0
39info = 1
41demo = 0
42#Duration of every demo slot in seconds
43demostep = 15
45#how bright stars are (higher is brighter)
46#star_brightness_factor = 5.0
48#Define textured stars size. You may have to tune this value (high-res video
49#modes will require lower values). Default is 0.3, typical range is (0.1-0.5).
50#Try 5.0 for fun ;-)
51#star_size = 0.3
53# camera speed in millon Km per frame
54#camera_speed = 0.0
56#camera modes are: 0 (free), 1 (Linked), 2 (Body 2 Body), 3 (Orbiter)
57#camera_mode = 3
59#start with body N as target/source. (N=0 for SUN, N=1 for first body defined
60# below and so on). source keyword applies only for cmode 2
61#target = 21
62#source = 0
64#detail level, higher is better/slower. To keep texture handling functions
65#happy, these two numbers must be divible by any texture width (slices) or
66#height (stacks), in terms of 256x256 pieces not pixels. It's a good idea to
67#use always powers of two. Anyways OU will tell you when invalid values
68#are set
70#If your hardware is T&L capable (GeForce, Savage2k) set this values to 64 or
71#128. Hey, i've even tried with 256 (that's 65536 quads per sphere) on a
72#GeForce DDR and got 25fps. Not bad, eh? :-)
74slices = 64
75stacks = 64
77#Screenshots quality, (0-100). Higher is better. Default is 90
78#jpeg_quality = 100
80#MIPMAPS: better texture quality when enabled at the expense of texture memory,
81#you may have to disable it (default is enabled) if you're low of texture
82#memory (to compare texture quality between mipmapped and non-mipmapped select
83#Mercury and press 'n', you'll see an annoying flickering with non-mipmapped
86mipmap = 1
88#MIPMAP_FILTER: Mipmap filtering method. Options are:
89#       GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST <--- worst (faster on software-only drivers)
92#       GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR   <--- best (default)
94mipmap_filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
96#Level Of Detail (currently only affects textures).
97# This option attempts to minimize texture cache trashing on low end 3D card, so
98# if your 3D card comes with less than 16MB you SHOULD adjust this value.
99# Otherwise OU will run slow (especially on old non-AGP hardware).
100# To adjust it just start with HIGH QUALITY and run benchmark (-bench)
101# write down the score, then run benchmark MEDIUM and LOW quality. I guess
102# you'll figure out the last step ;-)
104# This is nothing but a resample algorithm. HQ mode won't resample texture
105# maps while MQ and LQ modes will resample texture maps by 2 and 4 (both
106# horizontally and vertically) respectively.
108# Keep in mind that texture compression (see below) will reduce required
109# memory and so you'll be able to use bigger maps and/or higer quality
110# modes.
112# 0 -> LOW QUALITY textures ( <= 4MB )
113# 1 -> MEDIUM QUALITY textures ( <= 8MB )
114# 2 -> HIGH QUALITY textures ( >= 16MB )
118#Color Depth
120# Textures color depth:
122#       16 bits
123#       32 bits
125# Force 16 or 32 bits textures. Some OpenGL drivers default to 16 bits or
126# current desktop configuration so this option may be of help if you want
127# to save texture space or force 32 bits textures on buggy OpenGL drivers
132# Texture compression
134# If your 3d card's OpenGL driver supports any kind of texture compression
135# enable this option and you'll able to uset VERY HIGH resolution images.
136# By the time i'm writing this only S3's Savage series and NVIDIA's GeForce
137# family seem to support the OpenGL extensions needed. OU will check for the
138# extension at run time so it'll ignore any texture compression related
139# setting if the required extensions are not supported by your card/driver.
141# You can override this option and disable texture compression for individual
142# bodies in the bodies section (see below). However, if you set this option to
143# 0, texture compression will be disabled, no matter what the setting for
144# every body is.
146# You'll also notice there are a few bodies with TC disabled by default.
147# Those are bodies with very smooth surfaces on which texture compression
148# doesn't seem to work very well.
151texture_compression = 1
154#Font type:
155# 0=Textured font, much faster when hardware accelerated but slower on soft
156#   only drivers. May look ugly on some 3D hardware (say Voodoos)
157# 1=Bitmap font, more readable but hurts performace on some 3D hardware (TNT)
162#Logo at startup
163#0 = Get rid of that funky logo :-)
164#1 = Yeah, i want the fading logo
169#Messier Objects (see messier.dat for object declaration)
170#0 = Disable
171#1 = Enable (default)
176#Milky Way
177#0 = Disable
178#1 = Enable (default)
186	There are two main bodies: planets and asteroids. Data referred to
187   these two bodies are enclosed between { }
189	In every planet you can declare one atmosphere (right after planet
190   data) and any number of rings and/or satellites (rings declaration must
191   precede satellites declaration).
193	You can't define atmospheres or rings in asteroid declarations, only
194   satellites are allowed.
196	Custom function are allowed for planets, satellites and asteroids.
197   Note that here you assign an index to the custom function and you'll have
198   to edit positions.c in order to add one entry in the switch where custom
199   functions are called (see line 81 in positions.c). Obviously, when custom
200   functions are used, the elements defined in this file are ignored for that
201   body.
203	Config file stuff is STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, so it may be buggy (works
204   OK with default config file but don't know with custom config files). But
205   as long as you define your own bodies following the rules above it should
206   work. You better take a look at Earth and Saturn to learn how to define
207   cloudy atmospheres, rings and multiple satellites.
209 	Whenever you find a value of 0.0 (except for the flattening) means that
210   this value is unknown (i mean i don't know it).
214sun	{
215        sun.jpg                 # texture file (must be a 128x128 24-bit JPEG)
216        4.0                     # blending factor, the higher this value the
217        30                      # better it will look (if you're running a
218        1.9891E30               # software only OpenGL driver or your 3D card
219				# supports 32 bits rendering set this value
220				# to 2.0). Don't set this value above 1.5 if
221				# you're using a 3dfx 3D card (they don't
222				# support 32 bits rendering and their 16 bit
223				# filtering is not very good). Second number
224				# stands for the cut level, so pixels with
225				# a mean level below this value will be
226				# transparent.
230planet	Mercury {
231	mercury.jpg		# texture file
232	199,160,105		# color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
233	0.382000		# radius (in Earth radii)
234 	0.0			# x axis flattening
235	0.0			# y axis flattening
236	0.0			# z axis flattening
237        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
238	0.0			# body tilt
239	6.138505		# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
240        0.0                     # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
241	48.333899		# ascendind node (degrees)
242	77.453997		# perihelion (degrees)
243	0.387098		# mean distance (in AU)
244	4.092353		# daily motion (degrees)
245	87.969002		# orbital period (Earth days)
246	0.205632		# eccentricity
247	314.423688		# mean longitude (degrees)
248        0.3302E24               # Mass
249#        1                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
250        0
254planet 	Venus {
255	venus.jpg		# texture file
256	249,217,170             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
257	0.950000                # radius (in Earth radii)
258 	0.0			# x axis flattening
259	0.0			# y axis flattening
260	0.0			# z axis flattening
261        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
262	177.300003              # body tilt
263	1.481367                # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
264	3.394720                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
265	76.688900               # ascendind node (degrees)
266	131.761002              # perihelion (degrees)
267	0.723324                # mean distance (in AU)
268	1.602158                # daily motion (degrees)
269	224.699997              # orbital period (Earth days)
270	0.006793                # eccentricity
271	236.940437              # mean longitude (degrees)
272        4.8690E24               # Mass
273#        2                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
274        0
277planet 	Earth {
278        earth.jpg               # texture file
279	31,94,125               # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
280	1.000000                # radius (in Earth radii)
281 	0.0			# x axis flattening
282	0.0			# y axis flattening
283	0.0034			# z axis flattening
284        1                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
285	23.450001               # body tilt
286	360.252502              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
287	0.000410                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
288	349.200006              # ascendind node (degrees)
289	102.851700              # perihelion (degrees)
290	1.000020                # mean distance (in AU)
291	0.985580                # daily motion (degrees)
292	365.256012              # orbital period (Earth days)
293	0.016697                # eccentricity
294	328.403528              # mean longitude (degrees)
295        5.9736E24               # Mass
296#        3                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
297        0
299        atmosphere {            # LOW QUALITY
300                earthcld.jpg    # texture file
301		200,200,200	# color if untextured
302		1.02		# radius (in Earth radii)
303                360.252502      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
304                1.2             # blending factor (useful range 1-4)
305                150             # samples below this value are tranparent
306	}
310        atmosphere {            # HIGH QUALITY
311                clouds.jpg      # texture file
312		200,200,200	# color if untextured
313                1.02            # radius (in Earth radii)
314                460.252502      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
315                1.2             # blending factor (useful range 1-4)
316                150              # samples below this value are tranparent
317	}
319	satellite Moon {
320                moon.jpg        # texture file
321		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
322		0.272400        # radius (in Earth radii)
323	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
324		0.0		# y axis flattening
325		0.0		# z axis flattening
326                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
327	 	6.410000        # body tilt
328	 	13.176359       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
329	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
330	 	125.122795      # ascendind node (degrees)
331	 	83.186199       # perihelion (degrees)
332	 	60.268          # mean distance (in host planet radii)
333	 	12.190992       # daily motion (degrees)
334	 	27.321659       # orbital period (Earth days)
335	 	0.054900        # eccentricity
336	 	16.999999       # mean longitude (degrees)
337                7.35E22         # Mass
338#                10              # Index of custom function (0=NO)
339                0
340                orbiter Apollo13 {
341                        apollo13.bmf    # texture file
342                        0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
343                        0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
344                        0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
345                        0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
346                        100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
347                        0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
348                        1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
349                        100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
350                        3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
351                        0.054900        # eccentricity
352                        1.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
353                }
354	}
356	orbiter HST {
357                hst.bmf         # texture file
358                0.01             # size (in 10E3 Km)
359                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
360                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
361                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
362                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
363                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
364                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
365                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
366                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
367                0.054900        # eccentricity
368                0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
369	}
371	orbiter StationV {
372                ss5.bmf         # texture file
373                0.01             # size (in 10E3 Km)
374                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
375                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
376                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
377                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
378                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
379                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
380                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
381                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
382                0.054900        # eccentricity
383                180.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
384	}
386        orbiter Endeavour {
387                shuttle.bmf     # texture file
388                0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
389                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
390                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
391                90.0            # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
392                100.0           # ascendind node (degrees)
393                0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
394                1.1             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
395                100.0           # daily motion (degrees)
396                3.6             # orbital period (Earth days)
397                0.054900        # eccentricity
398                1.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
399	}
403planet	Mars {
404        mars.jpg                # texture file
405	187,153,115             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
406	0.532000                # radius (in Earth radii)
407 	0.0			# x axis flattening
408	0.0			# y axis flattening
409	0.0			# z axis flattening
410        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
411	25.190001               # body tilt
412	350.891907              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
413	1.849920                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
414	49.566399               # ascendind node (degrees)
415	336.088201              # perihelion (degrees)
416	1.523636                # mean distance (in AU)
417	0.524061                # daily motion (degrees)
418	686.979980              # orbital period (Earth days)
419	0.093423                # eccentricity
420	262.427834              # mean longitude (degrees)
421        0.6419E24               # Mass
422#        4                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
423        0
425	satellite Phobos {
426                phobos.bmf    # texture file
427		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
428		0.0042	        # radius (in Earth radii)
429	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
430		0.4		# y axis flattening
431		0.4		# z axis flattening
432                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
433	 	0.0	        # body tilt
434	 	350.891907      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
435	 	1.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
436	 	0.0      	# ascendind node (degrees)
437	 	0.0       	# perihelion (degrees)
438	 	2.76          	# mean distance (in host planet radii)
439	 	1128.8451       # daily motion (degrees)
440	 	0.318910       	# orbital period (Earth days)
441	 	0.015        	# eccentricity
442	 	0.0       	# mean longitude (degrees)
443                1.0E16          # Mass
444		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
445	}
447	satellite Deimos {
448                deimos.bmf    # texture file
449		200,200,200     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
450		0.0024	        # radius (in Earth radii)
451	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
452		0.3		# y axis flattening
453		0.4		# z axis flattening
454                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
455	 	0.0	        # body tilt
456	 	350.891907      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
457	 	1.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
458	 	0.0      	# ascendind node (degrees)
459	 	0.0       	# perihelion (degrees)
460	 	6.91          	# mean distance (in host planet radii)
461	 	285.16184       # daily motion (degrees)
462	 	1.262441       	# orbital period (Earth days)
463	 	0.0005        	# eccentricity
464	 	0.0       	# mean longitude (degrees)
465                2.0E15          # Mass
466		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
467	}
471spaceship Discovery {
472                discovery.bmf   # texture file
473                0.01            # size (in 10E3 Km)
474                5.2 0.0 5.2     # ship position (in AU)
475                0.0 1.0 0.0     # up vector
476                0.0 0.0 1.0     # heading vector
477                0.0 0.0 0.01    # speed vector (in Km/frame)
482asteroid Bacchus  {
483        bacchus.bmf             # texture file
484        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
485	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
486        0.5 0.1 1.0             # rotation axis
487	1106.13			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
488        9.43207                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
489        33.24093                # ascendind node (degrees)
490        55.17417                # perihelion (degrees)
491        1.0780717               # mean distance (in AU)
492	0.213661		# daily motion (degrees)
493	1660.66			# orbital period (Earth days)
494        0.34944209              # eccentricity
495        245.4743260             # mean longitude (degrees)
496	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
500asteroid Castalia   {
501        castalia.bmf                 # texture file
502        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
503	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
504        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
505	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
506        8.88791                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
507        325.72563               # ascendind node (degrees)
508        121.23955               # perihelion (degrees)
509        1.0631749               # mean distance (in AU)
510	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
511	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
512        0.48314695              # eccentricity
513        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
514	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
517asteroid Geographos   {
518        geographos.bmf          # texture file
519        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
520	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
521        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
522	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
523        13.34081                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
524        337.35010               # ascendind node (degrees)
525        276.75759               # perihelion (degrees)
526        1.2455598               # mean distance (in AU)
527	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
528	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
529        0.33542304              # eccentricity
530        104.2069827             # mean longitude (degrees)
531	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
534asteroid Vesta   {
535        vesta.bmf               # texture file
536        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
537	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
538        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
539	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
540        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
541        103.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
542        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
543        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
544	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
545        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
546        0.0897                  # eccentricity
547        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
548	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
551asteroid Ida   {
552        ida.bmf               # texture file
553        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
554	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
555        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
556	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
557        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
558        203.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
559        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
560        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
561	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
562        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
563        0.0897                  # eccentricity
564        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
565	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
568asteroid Gaspra   {
569        gaspra.bmf              # texture file
570        0.58                    # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
571	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
572        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
573	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
574        7.136                   # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
575        303.973                 # ascendind node (degrees)
576        150.346                 # perihelion (degrees)
577        2.361                   # mean distance (in AU)
578	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
579        1325.05                 # orbital period (Earth days)
580        0.0897                  # eccentricity
581        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
582	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
586asteroid Toutatis   {
587        toutatis.bmf            # model file
588        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
589	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
590        1.0 0.0 1.0             # rotation axis
591	952.06			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
592        0.46989                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
593        128.31023               # ascendind node (degrees)
594        274.71447               # perihelion (degrees)
595        2.5112897               # mean distance (in AU)
596	0.21414844		# daily motion (degrees)
597	1656.886		# orbital period (Earth days)
598        0.63407404              # eccentricity
599        198.5381655             # mean longitude (degrees)
600	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
603asteroid Ky   {
604        ky.bmf                 # texture file
605        0.1                     # largest radius (in 10E3 Km)
606	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
607        0.0 1.0 0.7             # rotation axis
608	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
609        8.88791                 # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
610        325.72563               # ascendind node (degrees)
611        121.23955               # perihelion (degrees)
612        3.0631749               # mean distance (in AU)
613	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
614	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
615        0.48314695              # eccentricity
616        153.2890425             # mean longitude (degrees)
617	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
621        Temporarily disabled: WORK IN PROGRESS
622 *********************************************
624comet Halley	 {
625	asteroid.jpg		# texture file
626	100,100,100             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
627	0.09	                # radius (in Earth radii)
628	0.0                     # x axis flattening
629	0.0			# y axis flattening
630	0.0			# z axis flattening
631	0.07			# surface randomness
632	0.0			# body tilt
633	1617.37			# rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
634	7.136			# orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
635	103.973			# ascendind node (degrees)
636	150.346			# perihelion (degrees)
637	3.361			# mean distance (in AU)
638	0.271682		# daily motion (degrees)
639	1306.01			# orbital period (Earth days)
640	0.0897			# eccentricity
641	0.0			# mean longitude (degrees)
642	100.0			# tail lenght (thousand Km)
643        2000                    # number of particles
644	0			# Index of custom function (0=NO)
649planet 	Jupiter {
650  	jupiter.jpg		# texture file
651	185,166,152             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
652	11.27000                # radius (in Earth radii)
653 	0.0			# x axis flattening
654	0.0			# y axis flattening
655	0.0625			# z axis flattening
656        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
657	3.120000                # body tilt
658	870.532471              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
659	1.304630                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
660	100.471297              # ascendind node (degrees)
661	15.697800               # perihelion (degrees)
662	5.202597                # mean distance (in AU)
663	0.083096                # daily motion (degrees)
664	4332.586914             # orbital period (Earth days)
665	0.048465                # eccentricity
666	322.559836              # mean longitude (degrees)
667        1.8986E27               # Mass
668#        5                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
669        0
671        satellite Amalthea {
672                amalthea.bmf    # texture file
673		208,200,128     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
674                0.0147          # radius (in Earth radii)
675	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
676		0.0		# y axis flattening
677		0.0		# z axis flattening
678                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
679	 	0.0             # body tilt
680                722.6318        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
681	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
682	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
683	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
684                2.53            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
685                722.6318        # daily motion (degrees)
686                0.498179        # orbital period (Earth days)
687	 	0.0             # eccentricity
688	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
689                7.2E18          # Mass
690		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
691	}
694	satellite Io {
695                io.jpg          # texture file
696		208,200,128     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
697		0.285356        # radius (in Earth radii)
698	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
699		0.0		# y axis flattening
700		0.0		# z axis flattening
701                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
702	 	0.0             # body tilt
703	 	203.488937      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
704	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
705	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
706	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
707	 	5.9             # mean distance (in host planet radii)
708	 	203.48893       # daily motion (degrees)
709		1.769138        # orbital period (Earth days)
710	 	0.0             # eccentricity
711	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
712                8.89E22         # Mass
713		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
714	}
716	satellite Europa {
717		europa.jpg	# texture file
718		202,171,143     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
719		0.245375        # radius (in Earth radii)
720	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
721		0.0		# y axis flattening
722		0.0		# z axis flattening
723                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
724	 	0.0             # body tilt
725	 	101.374725      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
726	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
727	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
728	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
729	 	9.39            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
730	 	101.37473       # daily motion (degrees)
731	 	3.551181        # orbital period (Earth days)
732	 	0.0             # eccentricity
733	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
734                4.78E22         # Mass
735		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
736	}
738	satellite Ganymede {
739 		ganymede.jpg	# texture file
740		117,117,117     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
741		0.413139        # radius (in Earth radii)
742	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
743		0.0		# y axis flattening
744		0.0		# z axis flattening
745                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
746	 	0.0             # body tilt
747	 	50.317608       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
748	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
749	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
750	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
751	 	14.97           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
752	 	50.177552       # daily motion (degrees)
753	 	7.154553        # orbital period (Earth days)
754	 	0.0             # eccentricity
755	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
756                1.48E23         # Mass
757		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
758	}
760	satellite Callisto {
761 		callisto.jpg	# texture file
762		96,96,96        # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
763		0.379429        # radius (in Earth radii)
764	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
765		0.0		# y axis flattening
766		0.0		# z axis flattening
767                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
768	 	0.0             # body tilt
769	 	21.571070       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
770	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
771	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
772	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
773	 	26.34           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
774	 	21.571071       # daily motion (degrees)
775	 	16.689020       # orbital period (Earth days)
776	 	0.0             # eccentricity
777	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
778                1.075E23
779		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
780	}
785planet 	Saturn {
786        saturn.jpg              # texture file
787	189,174,153             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
788	9.500000                # radius (in Earth radii)
789 	0.0			# x axis flattening
790	0.0			# y axis flattening
791	0.1			# z axis flattening
792        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
793	26.730000               # body tilt
794	810.792542              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
795	2.485240                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
796	113.635797              # ascendind node (degrees)
797	88.863001               # perihelion (degrees)
798	9.571900                # mean distance (in AU)
799	0.033287                # daily motion (degrees)
800	10759.209961            # orbital period (Earth days)
801	0.053165                # eccentricity
802	20.957590               # mean longitude (degrees)
803        5.6846E26               # Mass
804#        6                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
805        0
807	ring {
808                rings.jpg    # texture file
809                160,160,160     # color if untextured (applies for brightness too)
810                13.0            # inner radius (in Earth radii)
811                19.0            # outter radius (in Earth radii)
812                1.0             # Transparency level (higher is fainter)
813	}
815        satellite Prometheus {
816                prometheus.bmf  # texture file
817		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
818                0.0081          # radius (in Earth radii)
819	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
820		0.0		# y axis flattening
821		0.0		# z axis flattening
822                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
823	 	0.0             # body tilt
824                587.2757        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
825                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
826	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
827	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
828                2.31            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
829                587.2757        # daily motion (degrees)
830                0.613           # orbital period (Earth days)
831	 	0.0             # eccentricity
832	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
833                1.0E18          # Mass ?
834		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
835	}
837        satellite Epimetheus {
838                epimetheus.bmf       # texture file
839		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
840                0.0094          # radius (in Earth radii)
841	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
842		0.0		# y axis flattening
843		0.0		# z axis flattening
844                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
845	 	0.0             # body tilt
846                518.6572        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
847                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
848	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
849	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
850                2.50            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
851                518.6572        # daily motion (degrees)
852                0.6941          # orbital period (Earth days)
853	 	0.0             # eccentricity
854	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
855                1.0E18          # Mass ?
856		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
857	}
859        satellite Janus {
860                janus.bmf       # texture file
861		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
862                0.0149          # radius (in Earth radii)
863	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
864		0.0		# y axis flattening
865		0.0		# z axis flattening
866                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
867	 	0.0             # body tilt
868                518.3585        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
869                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
870	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
871	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
872                2.51            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
873                518.3585        # daily motion (degrees)
874                0.6945          # orbital period (Earth days)
875	 	0.0             # eccentricity
876	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
877                1.0E18          # Mass ?
878		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
879	}
882	satellite Tethys {
883	 	tethys.jpg	# texture file
884		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
885		0.082314        # radius (in Earth radii)
886	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
887		0.0		# y axis flattening
888		0.0		# z axis flattening
889                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
890	 	0.0             # body tilt
891	 	190.668610      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
892	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
893	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
894	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
895	 	4.89            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
896	 	190.66857       # daily motion (degrees)
897	 	1.888093        # orbital period (Earth days)
898	 	0.0             # eccentricity
899	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
900                7.4E20          # Mass
901		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
902	}
904	satellite Dione {
905	 	dione.jpg	# texture file
906		130,130,130     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
907		0.087802        # radius (in Earth radii)
908	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
909		0.0		# y axis flattening
910		0.0		# z axis flattening
911                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
912	 	0.0             # body tilt
913	 	131.505798      # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
914	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
915	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
916	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
917	 	6.26            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
918	 	131.50579       # daily motion (degrees)
919	 	2.737522        # orbital period (Earth days)
920	 	0.0             # eccentricity
921	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
922                1.05E21         # Mass
923		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
924	}
926	satellite Rhea {
927	 	rhea.jpg	# texture file
928		158,158,158     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
929		0.119944        # radius (in Earth radii)
930	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
931		0.0		# y axis flattening
932		0.0		# z axis flattening
933                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
934	 	0.0             # body tilt
935	 	79.660767       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
936	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
937	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
938	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
939	 	8.74            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
940	 	79.660769       # daily motion (degrees)
941	 	4.519163        # orbital period (Earth days)
942	 	0.0             # eccentricity
943	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
944                2.5E21          # Mass
945		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
946	}
948	satellite Titan {
949	 	titan.jpg	# texture file
950		252,96,9        # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
951		0.403732        # radius (in Earth radii)
952	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
953		0.0		# y axis flattening
954		0.0		# z axis flattening
955                0               # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
956	 	0.0             # body tilt
957	 	22.546638       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
958	 	0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
959	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
960	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
961	 	20.27           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
962	 	22.546639       # daily motion (degrees)
963	 	15.966903       # orbital period (Earth days)
964	 	0.0             # eccentricity
965	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
966                1.35E23         # Mass
967		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
968	}
970        satellite Hyperion {
971                hyperion.bmf       # texture file
972		189,189,189     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
973                0.0223          # radius (in Earth radii)
974	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
975		0.0		# y axis flattening
976		0.0		# z axis flattening
977                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
978	 	0.0             # body tilt
979                16.92           # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
980                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
981	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
982	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
983                24.58           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
984                16.92           # daily motion (degrees)
985                21.2766         # orbital period (Earth days)
986	 	0.0             # eccentricity
987	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
988                1.0E18          # Mass ?
989		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
990	}
996planet 	Uranus {
997	uranus.jpg	        # texture file
998	149,173,185             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
999	3.900000                # radius (in Earth radii)
1000 	0.0			# x axis flattening
1001	0.0			# y axis flattening
1002	0.0			# z axis flattening
1003        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1004	97.860001               # body tilt
1005	501.162415              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1006	0.773430                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
1007	74.095402               # ascendind node (degrees)
1008	175.680703              # perihelion (degrees)
1009	19.301810               # mean distance (in AU)
1010	0.011623                # daily motion (degrees)
1011	30685.000000            # orbital period (Earth days)
1012	0.042896                # eccentricity
1013	303.189666              # mean longitude (degrees)
1014        8.683E25                # Mass
1015#        7                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
1016        0
1018	ring {
1019                rings.jpg    # texture file
1020                120,120,120     # color if untextured
1021                4.5             # inner radius (in Earth radii)
1022                5.5             # outter radius (in Earth radii)
1023                1.5             # Transparency level (higher is fainter)
1024        }
1029planet 	Neptune {
1030	neptune.jpg		# texture file
1031	94,129,223              # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
1032	4.000000                # radius (in Earth radii)
1033 	0.0			# x axis flattening
1034	0.0			# y axis flattening
1035	0.0			# z axis flattening
1036        0                       # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1037	29.000000               # body tilt
1038	536.312866              # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1039	1.768100                # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
1040	131.792503              # ascendind node (degrees)
1041	7.206000                # perihelion (degrees)
1042	30.266640               # mean distance (in AU)
1043	0.005919                # daily motion (degrees)
1044	60188.000000            # orbital period (Earth days)
1045	0.010298                # eccentricity
1046	299.864101              # mean longitude (degrees)
1047        1.0243E26
1048#        8                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
1049        0
1051        satellite Proteus {
1052                proteus.bmf     # texture file
1053		216,208,206     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
1054                0.03276         # radius (in Earth radii)
1055	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
1056		0.0		# y axis flattening
1057		0.0		# z axis flattening
1058                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1059	 	0.0             # body tilt
1060                320.7698        # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1061                0.0             # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
1062	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
1063	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
1064                4.75            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
1065                320.7698        # daily motion (degrees)
1066                1.1223          # orbital period (Earth days)
1067	 	0.0             # eccentricity
1068	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
1069                1.05E18         # Mass ?
1070		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
1071	}
1073	satellite Triton {
1074	 	triton.jpg	# texture file
1075		216,208,206     # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
1076		0.212135        # radius (in Earth radii)
1077	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
1078		0.0		# y axis flattening
1079		0.0		# z axis flattening
1080                1               # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1081	 	0.0             # body tilt
1082	 	61.257263       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1083	 	156.999999      # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
1084	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
1085	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
1086	 	14.83           # mean distance (in host planet radii)
1087	 	61.257265       # daily motion (degrees)
1088	 	5.876854        # orbital period (Earth days)
1089	 	0.0             # eccentricity
1090	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
1091                2.15E22         # Mass
1092		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
1093	}
1098planet 	Pluto {
1099	pluto.jpg	        # texture file
1100	241,220,167             # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
1101	0.450000                # radius (in Earth radii)
1102 	0.0			# x axis flattening
1103	0.0			# y axis flattening
1104	0.0			# z axis flattening
1105        1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1106	118.000000              # body tilt
1107	56.362724               # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1108	17.121370               # orbit tilt (relative to ecliptic)
1109	110.383302              # ascendind node (degrees)
1110	224.802494              # perihelion (degrees)
1111	39.580400               # mean distance (in AU)
1112	0.003958                # daily motion (degrees)
1113	90700.0                 # orbital period (Earth days)
1114	0.250127                # eccentricity
1115	235.765590              # mean longitude (degrees)
1116        1.25E22                 # Mass
1117#        9                       # Index of custom function (0=NO)
1118        0
1120	satellite Charon {
1121		charon.jpg	# texture file
1122		125,109,94      # color for untextured objects (RGB triplet)
1123		0.092976        # radius (in Earth radii)
1124	 	0.0		# x axis flattening
1125		0.0		# y axis flattening
1126		0.0		# z axis flattening
1127                1           # use texture compression for this object (if supported)
1128	 	0.0             # body tilt
1129	 	56.362286       # rotation rate (in degrees/Earth day)
1130	 	98.999999       # orbit tilt (relative to host planet plane)
1131	 	0.0             # ascendind node (degrees)
1132	 	0.0             # perihelion (degrees)
1133	 	17.0            # mean distance (in host planet radii)
1134	 	56.362284       # daily motion (degrees)
1135	 	6.387250        # orbital period (Earth days)
1136	 	0.0             # eccentricity
1137	 	0.0             # mean longitude (degrees)
1138                3.0E21          # Mass
1139		0		# Index of custom function (0=NO)
1140	}