1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2021, The OSKAR Developers.
3  * See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
4  */
9 /**
10  * @file oskar_imager_update.h
11  */
13 #include <oskar_global.h>
14 #include <mem/oskar_mem.h>
15 #include <vis/oskar_vis_block.h>
16 #include <vis/oskar_vis_header.h>
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif
22 /**
23  * @brief
24  * High-level function to run the imager and apply visibility selection.
25  *
26  * @details
27  * This function updates the internal imager state using the
28  * supplied visibility block.
29  *
30  * Visibility selection/filtering and phase rotation are performed
31  * if necessary.
32  *
33  * @param[in,out] h             Handle to imager.
34  * @param[in]     header        Handle to visibility header.
35  * @param[in]     block         Handle to visibility block.
36  * @param[in,out] status        Status return code.
37  */
39 void oskar_imager_update_from_block(oskar_Imager* h,
40         const oskar_VisHeader* header, oskar_VisBlock* block,
41         int* status);
43 /**
44  * @brief
45  * Intermediate-level function to run the imager and apply visibility selection.
46  *
47  * @details
48  * This function updates the internal imager state using the
49  * supplied visibilities.
50  *
51  * Visibility selection/filtering and phase rotation are performed
52  * if necessary. The \p time_centroid parameter may be NULL if time
53  * filtering is not required.
54  *
55  * The visibility amplitude data dimension order must be
56  * (slowest) time/baseline, channel, polarisation (fastest).
57  * This order is the same as that stored in a Measurement Set.
58  *
59  * The visibility weight data dimension order must be:
60  * (slowest) time/baseline, polarisation (fastest).
61  *
62  * Call finalise() to finalise the images after calling this function.
63  *
64  * @param[in,out] h             Handle to imager.
65  * @param[in]     num_rows      Number of times/baselines.
66  * @param[in]     start_chan    Start channel index of the visibility block.
67  * @param[in]     end_chan      End channel index of the visibility block.
68  * @param[in]     num_pols      Number of polarisations in the visibility block.
69  * @param[in]     uu            Visibility uu coordinates, in metres.
70  * @param[in]     vv            Visibility vv coordinates, in metres.
71  * @param[in]     ww            Visibility ww coordinates, in metres.
72  * @param[in]     amps          Visibility complex amplitudes. See note, above.
73  * @param[in]     weight        Visibility weights. See note, above.
74  * @param[in]     time_centroid Visibility time centroids, at MJD(UTC) seconds
75  *                              (double precision).
76  * @param[in,out] status        Status return code.
77  */
79 void oskar_imager_update(oskar_Imager* h, size_t num_rows, int start_chan,
80         int end_chan, int num_pols, const oskar_Mem* uu, const oskar_Mem* vv,
81         const oskar_Mem* ww, const oskar_Mem* amps, const oskar_Mem* weight,
82         const oskar_Mem* time_centroid, int* status);
84 /**
85  * @brief
86  * Low-level function to run the imager only for the supplied visibilities.
87  *
88  * @details
89  * This low-level function runs one pass of the imager to update the
90  * supplied plane for the supplied visibilities only.
91  *
92  * Visibility selection/filtering and phase rotation are
93  * not available at this level.
94  *
95  * When using a DFT, \p plane refers to the image plane;
96  * otherwise, \p plane refers to the visibility grid.
97  *
98  * The supplied baseline coordinates must be in wavelengths.
99  *
100  * If this is called in "coordinate only" mode, then the visibility amplitudes
101  * are ignored, the plane is untouched and the weights grid is updated instead.
102  *
103  * @param[in,out] h             Handle to imager.
104  * @param[in]     num_vis       Number of visibilities.
105  * @param[in]     uu            Visibility uu coordinates, in wavelengths.
106  * @param[in]     vv            Visibility vv coordinates, in wavelengths.
107  * @param[in]     ww            Visibility ww coordinates, in wavelengths.
108  * @param[in]     amps          Visibility complex amplitudes.
109  * @param[in]     weight        Visibility weights.
110  * @param[in]     i_plane       Internal plane index, used if \p plane is NULL.
111  * @param[in,out] plane         Updated image or visibility plane.
112  * @param[in,out] plane_norm    Updated required normalisation of plane.
113  * @param[in,out] weights_grid  Grid of weights, updated if required.
114  * @param[in,out] status        Status return code.
115  */
117 void oskar_imager_update_plane(oskar_Imager* h, size_t num_vis,
118         const oskar_Mem* uu, const oskar_Mem* vv, const oskar_Mem* ww,
119         const oskar_Mem* amps, const oskar_Mem* weight, int i_plane,
120         oskar_Mem* plane, double* plane_norm, oskar_Mem* weights_grid,
121         int* status);
123 #ifdef __cplusplus
124 }
125 #endif
127 #endif /* include guard */