1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
3The astropy.utils.iers package provides access to the tables provided by
4the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, in
5particular allowing interpolation of published UT1-UTC values for given
6times.  These are used in `astropy.time` to provide UT1 values.  The polar
7motions are also used for determining earth orientation for
8celestial-to-terrestrial coordinate transformations
9(in `astropy.coordinates`).
12import re
13from datetime import datetime
14from warnings import warn
15from urllib.parse import urlparse
17import numpy as np
18import erfa
20from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
21from astropy import config as _config
22from astropy import units as u
23from astropy.table import QTable, MaskedColumn
24from astropy.utils.data import (get_pkg_data_filename, clear_download_cache,
25                                is_url_in_cache, get_readable_fileobj)
26from astropy.utils.state import ScienceState
27from astropy import utils
28from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
30__all__ = ['Conf', 'conf', 'earth_orientation_table',
31           'IERS', 'IERS_B', 'IERS_A', 'IERS_Auto',
35           'IERS_B_FILE', 'IERS_B_URL', 'IERS_B_README',
36           'IERSRangeError', 'IERSStaleWarning',
37           'LeapSeconds', 'IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE', 'IERS_LEAP_SECOND_URL',
38           'IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL']
40# IERS-A default file name, URL, and ReadMe with content description
41IERS_A_FILE = 'finals2000A.all'
42IERS_A_URL = 'ftp://anonymous:mail%40astropy.org@gdc.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov/pub/products/iers/finals2000A.all'  # noqa: E501
43IERS_A_URL_MIRROR = 'https://datacenter.iers.org/data/9/finals2000A.all'
44IERS_A_README = get_pkg_data_filename('data/ReadMe.finals2000A')
46# IERS-B default file name, URL, and ReadMe with content description
47IERS_B_FILE = get_pkg_data_filename('data/eopc04_IAU2000.62-now')
48IERS_B_URL = 'http://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/eop/eopc04/eopc04_IAU2000.62-now'
49IERS_B_README = get_pkg_data_filename('data/ReadMe.eopc04_IAU2000')
51# LEAP SECONDS default file name, URL, and alternative format/URL
52IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE = get_pkg_data_filename('data/Leap_Second.dat')
53IERS_LEAP_SECOND_URL = 'https://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/Leap_Second.dat'
54IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL = 'https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list'
56# Status/source values returned by IERS.ut1_utc
63MJD_ZERO = 2400000.5
66interpolating from IERS_Auto using predictive values that are more
67than {0} days old.
69Normally you should not see this error because this class
70automatically downloads the latest IERS-A table.  Perhaps you are
71offline?  If you understand what you are doing then this error can be
72suppressed by setting the auto_max_age configuration variable to
75  from astropy.utils.iers import conf
76  conf.auto_max_age = None
79MONTH_ABBR = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
80              'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
83def download_file(*args, **kwargs):
84    """
85    Overload astropy.utils.data.download_file within iers module to use a
86    custom (longer) wait time.  This just passes through ``*args`` and
87    ``**kwargs`` after temporarily setting the download_file remote timeout to
88    the local ``iers.conf.remote_timeout`` value.
89    """
90    kwargs.setdefault('http_headers', {'User-Agent': 'astropy/iers',
91                                       'Accept': '*/*'})
93    with utils.data.conf.set_temp('remote_timeout', conf.remote_timeout):
94        return utils.data.download_file(*args, **kwargs)
97def _none_to_float(value):
98    """
99    Convert None to a valid floating point value.  Especially
100    for auto_max_age = None.
101    """
102    return (value if value is not None else np.finfo(float).max)
105class IERSStaleWarning(AstropyWarning):
106    pass
109class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace):
110    """
111    Configuration parameters for `astropy.utils.iers`.
112    """
113    auto_download = _config.ConfigItem(
114        True,
115        'Enable auto-downloading of the latest IERS data.  If set to False '
116        'then the local IERS-B file will be used by default (even if the '
117        'full IERS file with predictions was already downloaded and cached). '
118        'This parameter also controls whether internet resources will be '
119        'queried to update the leap second table if the installed version is '
120        'out of date. Default is True.')
121    auto_max_age = _config.ConfigItem(
122        30.0,
123        'Maximum age (days) of predictive data before auto-downloading. '
124        'See "Auto refresh behavior" in astropy.utils.iers documentation for details. '
125        'Default is 30.')
126    iers_auto_url = _config.ConfigItem(
127        IERS_A_URL,
128        'URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.')
129    iers_auto_url_mirror = _config.ConfigItem(
130        IERS_A_URL_MIRROR,
131        'Mirror URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.')
132    remote_timeout = _config.ConfigItem(
133        10.0,
134        'Remote timeout downloading IERS file data (seconds).')
135    system_leap_second_file = _config.ConfigItem(
136        '',
137        'System file with leap seconds.')
138    iers_leap_second_auto_url = _config.ConfigItem(
140        'URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.')
141    ietf_leap_second_auto_url = _config.ConfigItem(
143        'Alternate URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.')
146conf = Conf()
149class IERSRangeError(IndexError):
150    """
151    Any error for when dates are outside of the valid range for IERS
152    """
155class IERS(QTable):
156    """Generic IERS table class, defining interpolation functions.
158    Sub-classed from `astropy.table.QTable`.  The table should hold columns
159    'MJD', 'UT1_UTC', 'dX_2000A'/'dY_2000A', and 'PM_x'/'PM_y'.
160    """
162    iers_table = None
163    """Cached table, returned if ``open`` is called without arguments."""
165    @classmethod
166    def open(cls, file=None, cache=False, **kwargs):
167        """Open an IERS table, reading it from a file if not loaded before.
169        Parameters
170        ----------
171        file : str or None
172            full local or network path to the ascii file holding IERS data,
173            for passing on to the ``read`` class methods (further optional
174            arguments that are available for some IERS subclasses can be added).
175            If None, use the default location from the ``read`` class method.
176        cache : bool
177            Whether to use cache. Defaults to False, since IERS files
178            are regularly updated.
180        Returns
181        -------
182        IERS
183            An IERS table class instance
185        Notes
186        -----
187        On the first call in a session, the table will be memoized (in the
188        ``iers_table`` class attribute), and further calls to ``open`` will
189        return this stored table if ``file=None`` (the default).
191        If a table needs to be re-read from disk, pass on an explicit file
192        location or use the (sub-class) close method and re-open.
194        If the location is a network location it is first downloaded via
195        download_file.
197        For the IERS class itself, an IERS_B sub-class instance is opened.
199        """
200        if file is not None or cls.iers_table is None:
201            if file is not None:
202                if urlparse(file).netloc:
203                    kwargs.update(file=download_file(file, cache=cache))
204                else:
205                    kwargs.update(file=file)
207            # TODO: the below is really ugly and probably a bad idea.  Instead,
208            # there should probably be an IERSBase class, which provides
209            # useful methods but cannot really be used on its own, and then
210            # *perhaps* an IERS class which provides best defaults.  But for
211            # backwards compatibility, we use the IERS_B reader for IERS here.
212            if cls is IERS:
213                cls.iers_table = IERS_B.read(**kwargs)
214            else:
215                cls.iers_table = cls.read(**kwargs)
216        return cls.iers_table
218    @classmethod
219    def close(cls):
220        """Remove the IERS table from the class.
222        This allows the table to be re-read from disk during one's session
223        (e.g., if one finds it is out of date and has updated the file).
224        """
225        cls.iers_table = None
227    def mjd_utc(self, jd1, jd2=0.):
228        """Turn a time to MJD, returning integer and fractional parts.
230        Parameters
231        ----------
232        jd1 : float, array, or `~astropy.time.Time`
233            first part of two-part JD, or Time object
234        jd2 : float or array, optional
235            second part of two-part JD.
236            Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`.
238        Returns
239        -------
240        mjd : float or array
241            integer part of MJD
242        utc : float or array
243            fractional part of MJD
244        """
245        try:  # see if this is a Time object
246            jd1, jd2 = jd1.utc.jd1, jd1.utc.jd2
247        except Exception:
248            pass
250        mjd = np.floor(jd1 - MJD_ZERO + jd2)
251        utc = jd1 - (MJD_ZERO+mjd) + jd2
252        return mjd, utc
254    def ut1_utc(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False):
255        """Interpolate UT1-UTC corrections in IERS Table for given dates.
257        Parameters
258        ----------
259        jd1 : float, array of float, or `~astropy.time.Time` object
260            first part of two-part JD, or Time object
261        jd2 : float or float array, optional
262            second part of two-part JD.
263            Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`.
264        return_status : bool
265            Whether to return status values.  If False (default),
266            raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered
267            by the IERS table.
269        Returns
270        -------
271        ut1_utc : float or float array
272            UT1-UTC, interpolated in IERS Table
273        status : int or int array
274            Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``)::
275            ``iers.FROM_IERS_B``
276            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A``
277            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION``
278            ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE``
279            ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE``
280        """
281        return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['UT1_UTC'],
282                                 self.ut1_utc_source if return_status else None)
284    def dcip_xy(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False):
285        """Interpolate CIP corrections in IERS Table for given dates.
287        Parameters
288        ----------
289        jd1 : float, array of float, or `~astropy.time.Time` object
290            first part of two-part JD, or Time object
291        jd2 : float or float array, optional
292            second part of two-part JD (default 0., ignored if jd1 is Time)
293        return_status : bool
294            Whether to return status values.  If False (default),
295            raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered
296            by the IERS table.
298        Returns
299        -------
300        D_x : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
301            x component of CIP correction for the requested times.
302        D_y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
303            y component of CIP correction for the requested times
304        status : int or int array
305            Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``)::
306            ``iers.FROM_IERS_B``
307            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A``
308            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION``
309            ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE``
310            ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE``
311        """
312        return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['dX_2000A', 'dY_2000A'],
313                                 self.dcip_source if return_status else None)
315    def pm_xy(self, jd1, jd2=0., return_status=False):
316        """Interpolate polar motions from IERS Table for given dates.
318        Parameters
319        ----------
320        jd1 : float, array of float, or `~astropy.time.Time` object
321            first part of two-part JD, or Time object
322        jd2 : float or float array, optional
323            second part of two-part JD.
324            Default is 0., ignored if jd1 is `~astropy.time.Time`.
325        return_status : bool
326            Whether to return status values.  If False (default),
327            raise ``IERSRangeError`` if any time is out of the range covered
328            by the IERS table.
330        Returns
331        -------
332        PM_x : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
333            x component of polar motion for the requested times.
334        PM_y : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
335            y component of polar motion for the requested times.
336        status : int or int array
337            Status values (if ``return_status``=``True``)::
338            ``iers.FROM_IERS_B``
339            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A``
340            ``iers.FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION``
341            ``iers.TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE``
342            ``iers.TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE``
343        """
344        return self._interpolate(jd1, jd2, ['PM_x', 'PM_y'],
345                                 self.pm_source if return_status else None)
347    def _check_interpolate_indices(self, indices_orig, indices_clipped, max_input_mjd):
348        """
349        Check that the indices from interpolation match those after clipping
350        to the valid table range.  This method gets overridden in the IERS_Auto
351        class because it has different requirements.
352        """
353        if np.any(indices_orig != indices_clipped):
354            raise IERSRangeError('(some) times are outside of range covered '
355                                 'by IERS table.')
357    def _interpolate(self, jd1, jd2, columns, source=None):
358        mjd, utc = self.mjd_utc(jd1, jd2)
359        # enforce array
360        is_scalar = not hasattr(mjd, '__array__') or mjd.ndim == 0
361        if is_scalar:
362            mjd = np.array([mjd])
363            utc = np.array([utc])
364        elif mjd.size == 0:
365            # Short-cut empty input.
366            return np.array([])
368        self._refresh_table_as_needed(mjd)
370        # For typical format, will always find a match (since MJD are integer)
371        # hence, important to define which side we will be; this ensures
372        # self['MJD'][i-1]<=mjd<self['MJD'][i]
373        i = np.searchsorted(self['MJD'].value, mjd, side='right')
375        # Get index to MJD at or just below given mjd, clipping to ensure we
376        # stay in range of table (status will be set below for those outside)
377        i1 = np.clip(i, 1, len(self) - 1)
378        i0 = i1 - 1
379        mjd_0, mjd_1 = self['MJD'][i0].value, self['MJD'][i1].value
380        results = []
381        for column in columns:
382            val_0, val_1 = self[column][i0], self[column][i1]
383            d_val = val_1 - val_0
384            if column == 'UT1_UTC':
385                # Check & correct for possible leap second (correcting diff.,
386                # not 1st point, since jump can only happen right at 2nd point)
387                d_val -= d_val.round()
388            # Linearly interpolate (which is what TEMPO does for UT1-UTC, but
389            # may want to follow IERS gazette #13 for more precise
390            # interpolation and correction for tidal effects;
391            # https://maia.usno.navy.mil/iers-gaz13)
392            val = val_0 + (mjd - mjd_0 + utc) / (mjd_1 - mjd_0) * d_val
394            # Do not extrapolate outside range, instead just propagate last values.
395            val[i == 0] = self[column][0]
396            val[i == len(self)] = self[column][-1]
398            if is_scalar:
399                val = val[0]
401            results.append(val)
403        if source:
404            # Set status to source, using the routine passed in.
405            status = source(i1)
406            # Check for out of range
407            status[i == 0] = TIME_BEFORE_IERS_RANGE
408            status[i == len(self)] = TIME_BEYOND_IERS_RANGE
409            if is_scalar:
410                status = status[0]
411            results.append(status)
412            return results
413        else:
414            self._check_interpolate_indices(i1, i, np.max(mjd))
415            return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
417    def _refresh_table_as_needed(self, mjd):
418        """
419        Potentially update the IERS table in place depending on the requested
420        time values in ``mdj`` and the time span of the table.  The base behavior
421        is not to update the table.  ``IERS_Auto`` overrides this method.
422        """
423        pass
425    def ut1_utc_source(self, i):
426        """Source for UT1-UTC.  To be overridden by subclass."""
427        return np.zeros_like(i)
429    def dcip_source(self, i):
430        """Source for CIP correction.  To be overridden by subclass."""
431        return np.zeros_like(i)
433    def pm_source(self, i):
434        """Source for polar motion.  To be overridden by subclass."""
435        return np.zeros_like(i)
437    @property
438    def time_now(self):
439        """
440        Property to provide the current time, but also allow for explicitly setting
441        the _time_now attribute for testing purposes.
442        """
443        try:
444            return self._time_now
445        except Exception:
446            return Time.now()
448    def _convert_col_for_table(self, col):
449        # Fill masked columns with units to avoid dropped-mask warnings
450        # when converting to Quantity.
451        # TODO: Once we support masked quantities, we can drop this and
452        # in the code below replace b_bad with table['UT1_UTC_B'].mask, etc.
453        if (getattr(col, 'unit', None) is not None and
454                isinstance(col, MaskedColumn)):
455            col = col.filled(np.nan)
457        return super()._convert_col_for_table(col)
460class IERS_A(IERS):
461    """IERS Table class targeted to IERS A, provided by USNO.
463    These include rapid turnaround and predicted times.
464    See https://datacenter.iers.org/eop.php
466    Notes
467    -----
468    The IERS A file is not part of astropy.  It can be downloaded from
469    ``iers.IERS_A_URL`` or ``iers.IERS_A_URL_MIRROR``. See ``iers.__doc__``
470    for instructions on use in ``Time``, etc.
471    """
473    iers_table = None
475    @classmethod
476    def _combine_a_b_columns(cls, iers_a):
477        """
478        Return a new table with appropriate combination of IERS_A and B columns.
479        """
480        # IERS A has some rows at the end that hold nothing but dates & MJD
481        # presumably to be filled later.  Exclude those a priori -- there
482        # should at least be a predicted UT1-UTC and PM!
483        table = iers_a[np.isfinite(iers_a['UT1_UTC_A']) &
484                       (iers_a['PolPMFlag_A'] != '')]
486        # This does nothing for IERS_A, but allows IERS_Auto to ensure the
487        # IERS B values in the table are consistent with the true ones.
488        table = cls._substitute_iers_b(table)
490        # Combine A and B columns, using B where possible.
491        b_bad = np.isnan(table['UT1_UTC_B'])
492        table['UT1_UTC'] = np.where(b_bad, table['UT1_UTC_A'], table['UT1_UTC_B'])
493        table['UT1Flag'] = np.where(b_bad, table['UT1Flag_A'], 'B')
494        # Repeat for polar motions.
495        b_bad = np.isnan(table['PM_X_B']) | np.isnan(table['PM_Y_B'])
496        table['PM_x'] = np.where(b_bad, table['PM_x_A'], table['PM_X_B'])
497        table['PM_y'] = np.where(b_bad, table['PM_y_A'], table['PM_Y_B'])
498        table['PolPMFlag'] = np.where(b_bad, table['PolPMFlag_A'], 'B')
500        b_bad = np.isnan(table['dX_2000A_B']) | np.isnan(table['dY_2000A_B'])
501        table['dX_2000A'] = np.where(b_bad, table['dX_2000A_A'], table['dX_2000A_B'])
502        table['dY_2000A'] = np.where(b_bad, table['dY_2000A_A'], table['dY_2000A_B'])
503        table['NutFlag'] = np.where(b_bad, table['NutFlag_A'], 'B')
505        # Get the table index for the first row that has predictive values
506        # PolPMFlag_A  IERS (I) or Prediction (P) flag for
507        #              Bull. A polar motion values
508        # UT1Flag_A    IERS (I) or Prediction (P) flag for
509        #              Bull. A UT1-UTC values
510        # Since only 'P' and 'I' are possible and 'P' is guaranteed to come
511        # after 'I', we can use searchsorted for 100 times speed up over
512        # finding the first index where the flag equals 'P'.
513        p_index = min(np.searchsorted(table['UT1Flag_A'], 'P'),
514                      np.searchsorted(table['PolPMFlag_A'], 'P'))
515        table.meta['predictive_index'] = p_index
516        table.meta['predictive_mjd'] = table['MJD'][p_index].value
518        return table
520    @classmethod
521    def _substitute_iers_b(cls, table):
522        # See documentation in IERS_Auto.
523        return table
525    @classmethod
526    def read(cls, file=None, readme=None):
527        """Read IERS-A table from a finals2000a.* file provided by USNO.
529        Parameters
530        ----------
531        file : str
532            full path to ascii file holding IERS-A data.
533            Defaults to ``iers.IERS_A_FILE``.
534        readme : str
535            full path to ascii file holding CDS-style readme.
536            Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_A_README``.
538        Returns
539        -------
540        ``IERS_A`` class instance
541        """
542        if file is None:
543            file = IERS_A_FILE
544        if readme is None:
545            readme = IERS_A_README
547        iers_a = super().read(file, format='cds', readme=readme)
549        # Combine the A and B data for UT1-UTC and PM columns
550        table = cls._combine_a_b_columns(iers_a)
551        table.meta['data_path'] = file
552        table.meta['readme_path'] = readme
554        return table
556    def ut1_utc_source(self, i):
557        """Set UT1-UTC source flag for entries in IERS table"""
558        ut1flag = self['UT1Flag'][i]
559        source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
560        source[ut1flag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A
561        source[ut1flag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION
562        return source
564    def dcip_source(self, i):
565        """Set CIP correction source flag for entries in IERS table"""
566        nutflag = self['NutFlag'][i]
567        source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
568        source[nutflag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A
569        source[nutflag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION
570        return source
572    def pm_source(self, i):
573        """Set polar motion source flag for entries in IERS table"""
574        pmflag = self['PolPMFlag'][i]
575        source = np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
576        source[pmflag == 'I'] = FROM_IERS_A
577        source[pmflag == 'P'] = FROM_IERS_A_PREDICTION
578        return source
581class IERS_B(IERS):
582    """IERS Table class targeted to IERS B, provided by IERS itself.
584    These are final values; see https://www.iers.org/IERS/EN/Home/home_node.html
586    Notes
587    -----
588    If the package IERS B file (```iers.IERS_B_FILE``) is out of date, a new
589    version can be downloaded from ``iers.IERS_B_URL``.
590    """
592    iers_table = None
594    @classmethod
595    def read(cls, file=None, readme=None, data_start=14):
596        """Read IERS-B table from a eopc04_iau2000.* file provided by IERS.
598        Parameters
599        ----------
600        file : str
601            full path to ascii file holding IERS-B data.
602            Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_B_FILE``.
603        readme : str
604            full path to ascii file holding CDS-style readme.
605            Defaults to package version, ``iers.IERS_B_README``.
606        data_start : int
607            starting row. Default is 14, appropriate for standard IERS files.
609        Returns
610        -------
611        ``IERS_B`` class instance
612        """
613        if file is None:
614            file = IERS_B_FILE
615        if readme is None:
616            readme = IERS_B_README
618        table = super().read(file, format='cds', readme=readme,
619                             data_start=data_start)
621        table.meta['data_path'] = file
622        table.meta['readme_path'] = readme
623        return table
625    def ut1_utc_source(self, i):
626        """Set UT1-UTC source flag for entries in IERS table"""
627        return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
629    def dcip_source(self, i):
630        """Set CIP correction source flag for entries in IERS table"""
631        return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
633    def pm_source(self, i):
634        """Set PM source flag for entries in IERS table"""
635        return np.ones_like(i) * FROM_IERS_B
638class IERS_Auto(IERS_A):
639    """
640    Provide most-recent IERS data and automatically handle downloading
641    of updated values as necessary.
642    """
643    iers_table = None
645    @classmethod
646    def open(cls):
647        """If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download``
648        is set to True (default), then open a recent version of the IERS-A
649        table with predictions for UT1-UTC and polar motion out to
650        approximately one year from now.  If the available version of this file
651        is older than ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_max_age`` days old
652        (or non-existent) then it will be downloaded over the network and cached.
654        If the configuration setting ``astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download``
655        is set to False then ``astropy.utils.iers.IERS()`` is returned.  This
656        is normally the IERS-B table that is supplied with astropy.
658        On the first call in a session, the table will be memoized (in the
659        ``iers_table`` class attribute), and further calls to ``open`` will
660        return this stored table.
662        Returns
663        -------
664        `~astropy.table.QTable` instance
665            With IERS (Earth rotation) data columns
667        """
668        if not conf.auto_download:
669            cls.iers_table = IERS_B.open()
670            return cls.iers_table
672        all_urls = (conf.iers_auto_url, conf.iers_auto_url_mirror)
674        if cls.iers_table is not None:
676            # If the URL has changed, we need to redownload the file, so we
677            # should ignore the internally cached version.
679            if cls.iers_table.meta.get('data_url') in all_urls:
680                return cls.iers_table
682        try:
683            filename = download_file(all_urls[0], sources=all_urls, cache=True)
684        except Exception as err:
685            # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline.  An exception
686            # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate
687            # predictive values.
688            warn(AstropyWarning(
689                f'failed to download {" and ".join(all_urls)}, '
690                f'using local IERS-B: {err}'))
691            cls.iers_table = IERS_B.open()
692            return cls.iers_table
694        cls.iers_table = cls.read(file=filename)
695        cls.iers_table.meta['data_url'] = all_urls[0]
697        return cls.iers_table
699    def _check_interpolate_indices(self, indices_orig, indices_clipped, max_input_mjd):
700        """Check that the indices from interpolation match those after clipping to the
701        valid table range.  The IERS_Auto class is exempted as long as it has
702        sufficiently recent available data so the clipped interpolation is
703        always within the confidence bounds of current Earth rotation
704        knowledge.
705        """
706        predictive_mjd = self.meta['predictive_mjd']
708        # See explanation in _refresh_table_as_needed for these conditions
709        auto_max_age = _none_to_float(conf.auto_max_age)
710        if (max_input_mjd > predictive_mjd and
711                self.time_now.mjd - predictive_mjd > auto_max_age):
712            raise ValueError(INTERPOLATE_ERROR.format(auto_max_age))
714    def _refresh_table_as_needed(self, mjd):
715        """Potentially update the IERS table in place depending on the requested
716        time values in ``mjd`` and the time span of the table.
718        For IERS_Auto the behavior is that the table is refreshed from the IERS
719        server if both the following apply:
721        - Any of the requested IERS values are predictive.  The IERS-A table
722          contains predictive data out for a year after the available
723          definitive values.
724        - The first predictive values are at least ``conf.auto_max_age days`` old.
725          In other words the IERS-A table was created by IERS long enough
726          ago that it can be considered stale for predictions.
727        """
728        max_input_mjd = np.max(mjd)
729        now_mjd = self.time_now.mjd
731        # IERS-A table contains predictive data out for a year after
732        # the available definitive values.
733        fpi = self.meta['predictive_index']
734        predictive_mjd = self.meta['predictive_mjd']
736        # Update table in place if necessary
737        auto_max_age = _none_to_float(conf.auto_max_age)
739        # If auto_max_age is smaller than IERS update time then repeated downloads may
740        # occur without getting updated values (giving a IERSStaleWarning).
741        if auto_max_age < 10:
742            raise ValueError('IERS auto_max_age configuration value must be larger than 10 days')
744        if (max_input_mjd > predictive_mjd and
745                (now_mjd - predictive_mjd) > auto_max_age):
747            all_urls = (conf.iers_auto_url, conf.iers_auto_url_mirror)
749            # Get the latest version
750            try:
751                filename = download_file(
752                    all_urls[0], sources=all_urls, cache="update")
753            except Exception as err:
754                # Issue a warning here, perhaps user is offline.  An exception
755                # will be raised downstream when actually trying to interpolate
756                # predictive values.
757                warn(AstropyWarning(
758                    f'failed to download {" and ".join(all_urls)}: {err}.\n'
759                    'A coordinate or time-related '
760                    'calculation might be compromised or fail because the dates are '
761                    'not covered by the available IERS file.  See the '
762                    '"IERS data access" section of the astropy documentation '
763                    'for additional information on working offline.'))
764                return
766            new_table = self.__class__.read(file=filename)
767            new_table.meta['data_url'] = str(all_urls[0])
769            # New table has new values?
770            if new_table['MJD'][-1] > self['MJD'][-1]:
771                # Replace *replace* current values from the first predictive index through
772                # the end of the current table.  This replacement is much faster than just
773                # deleting all rows and then using add_row for the whole duration.
774                new_fpi = np.searchsorted(new_table['MJD'].value, predictive_mjd, side='right')
775                n_replace = len(self) - fpi
776                self[fpi:] = new_table[new_fpi:new_fpi + n_replace]
778                # Sanity check for continuity
779                if new_table['MJD'][new_fpi + n_replace] - self['MJD'][-1] != 1.0 * u.d:
780                    raise ValueError('unexpected gap in MJD when refreshing IERS table')
782                # Now add new rows in place
783                for row in new_table[new_fpi + n_replace:]:
784                    self.add_row(row)
786                self.meta.update(new_table.meta)
787            else:
788                warn(IERSStaleWarning(
789                    'IERS_Auto predictive values are older than {} days but downloading '
790                    'the latest table did not find newer values'.format(conf.auto_max_age)))
792    @classmethod
793    def _substitute_iers_b(cls, table):
794        """Substitute IERS B values with those from a real IERS B table.
796        IERS-A has IERS-B values included, but for reasons unknown these
797        do not match the latest IERS-B values (see comments in #4436).
798        Here, we use the bundled astropy IERS-B table to overwrite the values
799        in the downloaded IERS-A table.
800        """
801        iers_b = IERS_B.open()
802        # Substitute IERS-B values for existing B values in IERS-A table
803        mjd_b = table['MJD'][np.isfinite(table['UT1_UTC_B'])]
804        i0 = np.searchsorted(iers_b['MJD'], mjd_b[0], side='left')
805        i1 = np.searchsorted(iers_b['MJD'], mjd_b[-1], side='right')
806        iers_b = iers_b[i0:i1]
807        n_iers_b = len(iers_b)
808        # If there is overlap then replace IERS-A values from available IERS-B
809        if n_iers_b > 0:
810            # Sanity check that we are overwriting the correct values
811            if not u.allclose(table['MJD'][:n_iers_b], iers_b['MJD']):
812                raise ValueError('unexpected mismatch when copying '
813                                 'IERS-B values into IERS-A table.')
814            # Finally do the overwrite
815            table['UT1_UTC_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['UT1_UTC']
816            table['PM_X_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['PM_x']
817            table['PM_Y_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['PM_y']
818            table['dX_2000A_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['dX_2000A']
819            table['dY_2000A_B'][:n_iers_b] = iers_b['dY_2000A']
821        return table
824class earth_orientation_table(ScienceState):
825    """Default IERS table for Earth rotation and reference systems service.
827    These tables are used to calculate the offsets between ``UT1`` and ``UTC``
828    and for conversion to Earth-based coordinate systems.
830    The state itself is an IERS table, as an instance of one of the
831    `~astropy.utils.iers.IERS` classes.  The default, the auto-updating
832    `~astropy.utils.iers.IERS_Auto` class, should suffice for most
833    purposes.
835    Examples
836    --------
837    To temporarily use the IERS-B file packaged with astropy::
839      >>> from astropy.utils import iers
840      >>> from astropy.time import Time
841      >>> iers_b = iers.IERS_B.open(iers.IERS_B_FILE)
842      >>> with iers.earth_orientation_table.set(iers_b):
843      ...     print(Time('2000-01-01').ut1.isot)
844      2000-01-01T00:00:00.355
846    To use the most recent IERS-A file for the whole session::
848      >>> iers_a = iers.IERS_A.open(iers.IERS_A_URL)  # doctest: +SKIP
849      >>> iers.earth_orientation_table.set(iers_a)  # doctest: +SKIP
850      <ScienceState earth_orientation_table: <IERS_A length=17463>...>
852    To go back to the default (of `~astropy.utils.iers.IERS_Auto`)::
854      >>> iers.earth_orientation_table.set(None)  # doctest: +SKIP
855      <ScienceState earth_orientation_table: <IERS_Auto length=17428>...>
856    """
857    _value = None
859    @classmethod
860    def validate(cls, value):
861        if value is None:
862            value = IERS_Auto.open()
863        if not isinstance(value, IERS):
864            raise ValueError("earth_orientation_table requires an IERS Table.")
865        return value
868class LeapSeconds(QTable):
869    """Leap seconds class, holding TAI-UTC differences.
871    The table should hold columns 'year', 'month', 'tai_utc'.
873    Methods are provided to initialize the table from IERS ``Leap_Second.dat``,
874    IETF/ntp ``leap-seconds.list``, or built-in ERFA/SOFA, and to update the
875    list used by ERFA.
877    Notes
878    -----
879    Astropy has a built-in ``iers.IERS_LEAP_SECONDS_FILE``. Up to date versions
880    can be downloaded from ``iers.IERS_LEAP_SECONDS_URL`` or
881    ``iers.LEAP_SECONDS_LIST_URL``.  Many systems also store a version
882    of ``leap-seconds.list`` for use with ``ntp`` (e.g., on Debian/Ubuntu
883    systems, ``/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list``).
885    To prevent querying internet resources if the available local leap second
886    file(s) are out of date, set ``iers.conf.auto_download = False``. This
887    must be done prior to performing any ``Time`` scale transformations related
888    to UTC (e.g. converting from UTC to TAI).
889    """
890    # Note: Time instances in this class should use scale='tai' to avoid
891    # needing leap seconds in their creation or interpretation.
893    _re_expires = re.compile(r'^#.*File expires on[:\s]+(\d+\s\w+\s\d+)\s*$')
894    _expires = None
895    _auto_open_files = ['erfa',
896                        IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE,
897                        'system_leap_second_file',
898                        'iers_leap_second_auto_url',
899                        'ietf_leap_second_auto_url']
900    """Files or conf attributes to try in auto_open."""
902    @classmethod
903    def open(cls, file=None, cache=False):
904        """Open a leap-second list.
906        Parameters
907        ----------
908        file : path-like or None
909            Full local or network path to the file holding leap-second data,
910            for passing on to the various ``from_`` class methods.
911            If 'erfa', return the data used by the ERFA library.
912            If `None`, use default locations from file and configuration to
913            find a table that is not expired.
914        cache : bool
915            Whether to use cache. Defaults to False, since leap-second files
916            are regularly updated.
918        Returns
919        -------
920        leap_seconds : `~astropy.utils.iers.LeapSeconds`
921            Table with 'year', 'month', and 'tai_utc' columns, plus possibly
922            others.
924        Notes
925        -----
926        Bulletin C is released about 10 days after a possible leap second is
927        introduced, i.e., mid-January or mid-July.  Expiration days are thus
928        generally at least 150 days after the present.  For the auto-loading,
929        a list comprised of the table shipped with astropy, and files and
930        URLs in `~astropy.utils.iers.Conf` are tried, returning the first
931        that is sufficiently new, or the newest among them all.
932        """
933        if file is None:
934            return cls.auto_open()
936        if file.lower() == 'erfa':
937            return cls.from_erfa()
939        if urlparse(file).netloc:
940            file = download_file(file, cache=cache)
942        # Just try both reading methods.
943        try:
944            return cls.from_iers_leap_seconds(file)
945        except Exception:
946            return cls.from_leap_seconds_list(file)
948    @staticmethod
949    def _today():
950        # Get current day in scale='tai' without going through a scale change
951        # (so we do not need leap seconds).
952        s = '{0.year:04d}-{0.month:02d}-{0.day:02d}'.format(datetime.utcnow())
953        return Time(s, scale='tai', format='iso', out_subfmt='date')
955    @classmethod
956    def auto_open(cls, files=None):
957        """Attempt to get an up-to-date leap-second list.
959        The routine will try the files in sequence until it finds one
960        whose expiration date is "good enough" (see below).  If none
961        are good enough, it returns the one with the most recent expiration
962        date, warning if that file is expired.
964        For remote files that are cached already, the cached file is tried
965        first before attempting to retrieve it again.
967        Parameters
968        ----------
969        files : list of path-like, optional
970            List of files/URLs to attempt to open.  By default, uses
971            ``cls._auto_open_files``.
973        Returns
974        -------
975        leap_seconds : `~astropy.utils.iers.LeapSeconds`
976            Up to date leap-second table
978        Notes
979        -----
980        Bulletin C is released about 10 days after a possible leap second is
981        introduced, i.e., mid-January or mid-July.  Expiration days are thus
982        generally at least 150 days after the present.  We look for a file
983        that expires more than 180 - `~astropy.utils.iers.Conf.auto_max_age`
984        after the present.
985        """
986        good_enough = cls._today() + TimeDelta(180-_none_to_float(conf.auto_max_age),
987                                               format='jd')
989        if files is None:
990            # Basic files to go over (entries in _auto_open_files can be
991            # configuration items, which we want to be sure are up to date).
992            files = [getattr(conf, f, f) for f in cls._auto_open_files]
994        # Remove empty entries.
995        files = [f for f in files if f]
997        # Our trials start with normal files and remote ones that are
998        # already in cache.  The bools here indicate that the cache
999        # should be used.
1000        trials = [(f, True) for f in files
1001                  if not urlparse(f).netloc or is_url_in_cache(f)]
1002        # If we are allowed to download, we try downloading new versions
1003        # if none of the above worked.
1004        if conf.auto_download:
1005            trials += [(f, False) for f in files if urlparse(f).netloc]
1007        self = None
1008        err_list = []
1009        # Go through all entries, and return the first one that
1010        # is not expired, or the most up to date one.
1011        for f, allow_cache in trials:
1012            if not allow_cache:
1013                clear_download_cache(f)
1015            try:
1016                trial = cls.open(f, cache=True)
1017            except Exception as exc:
1018                err_list.append(exc)
1019                continue
1021            if self is None or trial.expires > self.expires:
1022                self = trial
1023                self.meta['data_url'] = str(f)
1024                if self.expires > good_enough:
1025                    break
1027        if self is None:
1028            raise ValueError('none of the files could be read. The '
1029                             'following errors were raised:\n' + str(err_list))
1031        if self.expires < self._today():
1032            warn('leap-second file is expired.', IERSStaleWarning)
1034        return self
1036    @property
1037    def expires(self):
1038        """The limit of validity of the table."""
1039        return self._expires
1041    @classmethod
1042    def _read_leap_seconds(cls, file, **kwargs):
1043        """Read a file, identifying expiration by matching 'File expires'"""
1044        expires = None
1045        # Find expiration date.
1046        with get_readable_fileobj(file) as fh:
1047            lines = fh.readlines()
1048            for line in lines:
1049                match = cls._re_expires.match(line)
1050                if match:
1051                    day, month, year = match.groups()[0].split()
1052                    month_nb = MONTH_ABBR.index(month[:3]) + 1
1053                    expires = Time(f'{year}-{month_nb:02d}-{day}',
1054                                   scale='tai', out_subfmt='date')
1055                    break
1056            else:
1057                raise ValueError(f'did not find expiration date in {file}')
1059        self = cls.read(lines, format='ascii.no_header', **kwargs)
1060        self._expires = expires
1061        return self
1063    @classmethod
1064    def from_iers_leap_seconds(cls, file=IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE):
1065        """Create a table from a file like the IERS ``Leap_Second.dat``.
1067        Parameters
1068        ----------
1069        file : path-like, optional
1070            Full local or network path to the file holding leap-second data
1071            in a format consistent with that used by IERS.  By default, uses
1072            ``iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE``.
1074        Notes
1075        -----
1076        The file *must* contain the expiration date in a comment line, like
1077        '#  File expires on 28 June 2020'
1078        """
1079        return cls._read_leap_seconds(
1080            file, names=['mjd', 'day', 'month', 'year', 'tai_utc'])
1082    @classmethod
1083    def from_leap_seconds_list(cls, file):
1084        """Create a table from a file like the IETF ``leap-seconds.list``.
1086        Parameters
1087        ----------
1088        file : path-like, optional
1089            Full local or network path to the file holding leap-second data
1090            in a format consistent with that used by IETF.  Up to date versions
1091            can be retrieved from ``iers.IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL``.
1093        Notes
1094        -----
1095        The file *must* contain the expiration date in a comment line, like
1096        '# File expires on:  28 June 2020'
1097        """
1098        from astropy.io.ascii import convert_numpy  # Here to avoid circular import
1100        names = ['ntp_seconds', 'tai_utc', 'comment', 'day', 'month', 'year']
1101        # Note: ntp_seconds does not fit in 32 bit, so causes problems on
1102        # 32-bit systems without the np.int64 converter.
1103        self = cls._read_leap_seconds(
1104            file, names=names, include_names=names[:2],
1105            converters={'ntp_seconds': [convert_numpy(np.int64)]})
1106        self['mjd'] = (self['ntp_seconds']/86400 + 15020).round()
1107        # Note: cannot use Time.ymdhms, since that might require leap seconds.
1108        isot = Time(self['mjd'], format='mjd', scale='tai').isot
1109        ymd = np.array([[int(part) for part in t.partition('T')[0].split('-')]
1110                        for t in isot])
1111        self['year'], self['month'], self['day'] = ymd.T
1112        return self
1114    @classmethod
1115    def from_erfa(cls, built_in=False):
1116        """Create table from the leap-second list in ERFA.
1118        Parameters
1119        ----------
1120        built_in : bool
1121            If `False` (default), retrieve the list currently used by ERFA,
1122            which may have been updated.  If `True`, retrieve the list shipped
1123            with erfa.
1124        """
1125        current = cls(erfa.leap_seconds.get())
1126        current._expires = Time('{0.year:04d}-{0.month:02d}-{0.day:02d}'
1127                                .format(erfa.leap_seconds.expires),
1128                                scale='tai')
1129        if not built_in:
1130            return current
1132        try:
1133            erfa.leap_seconds.set(None)  # reset to defaults
1134            return cls.from_erfa(built_in=False)
1135        finally:
1136            erfa.leap_seconds.set(current)
1138    def update_erfa_leap_seconds(self, initialize_erfa=False):
1139        """Add any leap seconds not already present to the ERFA table.
1141        This method matches leap seconds with those present in the ERFA table,
1142        and extends the latter as necessary.
1144        Parameters
1145        ----------
1146        initialize_erfa : bool, or 'only', or 'empty'
1147            Initialize the ERFA leap second table to its built-in value before
1148            trying to expand it.  This is generally not needed but can help
1149            in case it somehow got corrupted.  If equal to 'only', the ERFA
1150            table is reinitialized and no attempt it made to update it.
1151            If 'empty', the leap second table is emptied before updating, i.e.,
1152            it is overwritten altogether (note that this may break things in
1153            surprising ways, as most leap second tables do not include pre-1970
1154            pseudo leap-seconds; you were warned).
1156        Returns
1157        -------
1158        n_update : int
1159            Number of items updated.
1161        Raises
1162        ------
1163        ValueError
1164            If the leap seconds in the table are not on 1st of January or July,
1165            or if the matches are inconsistent.  This would normally suggest
1166            a corrupted leap second table, but might also indicate that the
1167            ERFA table was corrupted.  If needed, the ERFA table can be reset
1168            by calling this method with an appropriate value for
1169            ``initialize_erfa``.
1170        """
1171        if initialize_erfa == 'empty':
1172            # Initialize to empty and update is the same as overwrite.
1173            erfa.leap_seconds.set(self)
1174            return len(self)
1176        if initialize_erfa:
1177            erfa.leap_seconds.set()
1178            if initialize_erfa == 'only':
1179                return 0
1181        return erfa.leap_seconds.update(self)