1 /*============================================================================
2   WCSLIB 7.7 - an implementation of the FITS WCS standard.
3   Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Mark Calabretta
5   This file is part of WCSLIB.
7   WCSLIB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8   terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
9   Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10   any later version.
12   WCSLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
14   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
15   more details.
17   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18   along with WCSLIB.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
20   Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO.
21   http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Mark.Calabretta
22   $Id: tab.h,v 7.7 2021/07/12 06:36:49 mcalabre Exp $
23 *=============================================================================
24 *
25 * WCSLIB 7.7 - C routines that implement the FITS World Coordinate System
26 * (WCS) standard.  Refer to the README file provided with WCSLIB for an
27 * overview of the library.
28 *
29 *
30 * Summary of the tab routines
31 * ---------------------------
32 * Routines in this suite implement the part of the FITS World Coordinate
33 * System (WCS) standard that deals with tabular coordinates, i.e. coordinates
34 * that are defined via a lookup table, as described in
35 *
36 =   "Representations of world coordinates in FITS",
37 =   Greisen, E.W., & Calabretta, M.R. 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 (WCS Paper I)
38 =
39 =   "Representations of spectral coordinates in FITS",
40 =   Greisen, E.W., Calabretta, M.R., Valdes, F.G., & Allen, S.L.
41 =   2006, A&A, 446, 747 (WCS Paper III)
42 *
43 * These routines define methods to be used for computing tabular world
44 * coordinates from intermediate world coordinates (a linear transformation
45 * of image pixel coordinates), and vice versa.  They are based on the tabprm
46 * struct which contains all information needed for the computations.  The
47 * struct contains some members that must be set by the user, and others that
48 * are maintained by these routines, somewhat like a C++ class but with no
49 * encapsulation.
50 *
51 * tabini(), tabmem(), tabcpy(), and tabfree() are provided to manage the
52 * tabprm struct, tabsize() computes its total size including allocated memory,
53 * and tabprt() prints its contents.
54 *
55 * tabperr() prints the error message(s) (if any) stored in a tabprm struct.
56 *
57 * A setup routine, tabset(), computes intermediate values in the tabprm struct
58 * from parameters in it that were supplied by the user.  The struct always
59 * needs to be set up by tabset() but it need not be called explicitly - refer
60 * to the explanation of tabprm::flag.
61 *
62 * tabx2s() and tabs2x() implement the WCS tabular coordinate transformations.
63 *
64 * Accuracy:
65 * ---------
66 * No warranty is given for the accuracy of these routines (refer to the
67 * copyright notice); intending users must satisfy for themselves their
68 * adequacy for the intended purpose.  However, closure effectively to within
69 * double precision rounding error was demonstrated by test routine ttab.c
70 * which accompanies this software.
71 *
72 *
73 * tabini() - Default constructor for the tabprm struct
74 * ----------------------------------------------------
75 * tabini() allocates memory for arrays in a tabprm struct and sets all members
76 * of the struct to default values.
77 *
78 * PLEASE NOTE: every tabprm struct should be initialized by tabini(), possibly
79 * repeatedly.  On the first invokation, and only the first invokation, the
80 * flag member of the tabprm struct must be set to -1 to initialize memory
81 * management, regardless of whether tabini() will actually be used to allocate
82 * memory.
83 *
84 * Given:
85 *   alloc     int       If true, allocate memory unconditionally for arrays in
86 *                       the tabprm struct.
87 *
88 *                       If false, it is assumed that pointers to these arrays
89 *                       have been set by the user except if they are null
90 *                       pointers in which case memory will be allocated for
91 *                       them regardless.  (In other words, setting alloc true
92 *                       saves having to initalize these pointers to zero.)
93 *
94 *   M         int       The number of tabular coordinate axes.
95 *
96 *   K         const int[]
97 *                       Vector of length M whose elements (K_1, K_2,... K_M)
98 *                       record the lengths of the axes of the coordinate array
99 *                       and of each indexing vector.  M and K[] are used to
100 *                       determine the length of the various tabprm arrays and
101 *                       therefore the amount of memory to allocate for them.
102 *                       Their values are copied into the tabprm struct.
103 *
104 *                       It is permissible to set K (i.e. the address of the
105 *                       array) to zero which has the same effect as setting
106 *                       each element of K[] to zero.  In this case no memory
107 *                       will be allocated for the index vectors or coordinate
108 *                       array in the tabprm struct.  These together with the
109 *                       K vector must be set separately before calling
110 *                       tabset().
111 *
112 * Given and returned:
113 *   tab       struct tabprm*
114 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.  Note that, in
115 *                       order to initialize memory management tabprm::flag
116 *                       should be set to -1 when tab is initialized for the
117 *                       first time (memory leaks may result if it had already
118 *                       been initialized).
119 *
120 * Function return value:
121 *             int       Status return value:
122 *                         0: Success.
123 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
124 *                         2: Memory allocation failed.
125 *                         3: Invalid tabular parameters.
126 *
127 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
128 *                       tabprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable().
129 *
130 *
131 * tabmem() - Acquire tabular memory
132 * ---------------------------------
133 * tabmem() takes control of memory allocated by the user for arrays in the
134 * tabprm struct.
135 *
136 * Given and returned:
137 *   tab       struct tabprm*
138 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
139 *
140 * Function return value:
141 *             int       Status return value:
142 *                         0: Success.
143 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
144 *                         2: Memory allocation failed.
145 *
146 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
147 *                       tabprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable().
148 *
149 *
150 * tabcpy() - Copy routine for the tabprm struct
151 * ---------------------------------------------
152 * tabcpy() does a deep copy of one tabprm struct to another, using tabini() to
153 * allocate memory for its arrays if required.  Only the "information to be
154 * provided" part of the struct is copied; a call to tabset() is required to
155 * set up the remainder.
156 *
157 * Given:
158 *   alloc     int       If true, allocate memory unconditionally for arrays in
159 *                       the tabprm struct.
160 *
161 *                       If false, it is assumed that pointers to these arrays
162 *                       have been set by the user except if they are null
163 *                       pointers in which case memory will be allocated for
164 *                       them regardless.  (In other words, setting alloc true
165 *                       saves having to initalize these pointers to zero.)
166 *
167 *   tabsrc    const struct tabprm*
168 *                       Struct to copy from.
169 *
170 * Given and returned:
171 *   tabdst    struct tabprm*
172 *                       Struct to copy to.  tabprm::flag should be set to -1
173 *                       if tabdst was not previously initialized (memory leaks
174 *                       may result if it was previously initialized).
175 *
176 * Function return value:
177 *             int       Status return value:
178 *                         0: Success.
179 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
180 *                         2: Memory allocation failed.
181 *
182 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
183 *                       tabprm::err (associated with tabdst) if enabled, see
184 *                       wcserr_enable().
185 *
186 *
187 * tabcmp() - Compare two tabprm structs for equality
188 * --------------------------------------------------
189 * tabcmp() compares two tabprm structs for equality.
190 *
191 * Given:
192 *   cmp       int       A bit field controlling the strictness of the
193 *                       comparison.  At present, this value must always be 0,
194 *                       indicating a strict comparison.  In the future, other
195 *                       options may be added.
196 *
197 *   tol       double    Tolerance for comparison of floating-point values.
198 *                       For example, for tol == 1e-6, all floating-point
199 *                       values in the structs must be equal to the first 6
200 *                       decimal places.  A value of 0 implies exact equality.
201 *
202 *   tab1      const struct tabprm*
203 *                       The first tabprm struct to compare.
204 *
205 *   tab2      const struct tabprm*
206 *                       The second tabprm struct to compare.
207 *
208 * Returned:
209 *   equal     int*      Non-zero when the given structs are equal.
210 *
211 * Function return value:
212 *             int       Status return value:
213 *                         0: Success.
214 *                         1: Null pointer passed.
215 *
216 *
217 * tabfree() - Destructor for the tabprm struct
218 * --------------------------------------------
219 * tabfree() frees memory allocated for the tabprm arrays by tabini().
220 * tabini() records the memory it allocates and tabfree() will only attempt to
221 * free this.
222 *
223 * PLEASE NOTE: tabfree() must not be invoked on a tabprm struct that was not
224 * initialized by tabini().
225 *
226 * Returned:
227 *   tab       struct tabprm*
228 *                       Coordinate transformation parameters.
229 *
230 * Function return value:
231 *             int       Status return value:
232 *                         0: Success.
233 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
234 *
235 *
236 * tabsize() - Compute the size of a tabprm struct
237 * -----------------------------------------------
238 * tabsize() computes the full size of a tabprm struct, including allocated
239 * memory.
240 *
241 * Given:
242 *   tab       const struct tabprm*
243 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
244 *
245 *                       If NULL, the base size of the struct and the allocated
246 *                       size are both set to zero.
247 *
248 * Returned:
249 *   sizes     int[2]    The first element is the base size of the struct as
250 *                       returned by sizeof(struct tabprm).  The second element
251 *                       is the total allocated size, in bytes, assuming that
252 *                       the allocation was done by tabini().  This figure
253 *                       includes memory allocated for the constituent struct,
254 *                       tabprm::err.
255 *
256 *                       It is not an error for the struct not to have been set
257 *                       up via tabset(), which normally results in additional
258 *                       memory allocation.
259 *
260 * Function return value:
261 *             int       Status return value:
262 *                         0: Success.
263 *
264 *
265 * tabprt() - Print routine for the tabprm struct
266 * ----------------------------------------------
267 * tabprt() prints the contents of a tabprm struct using wcsprintf().  Mainly
268 * intended for diagnostic purposes.
269 *
270 * Given:
271 *   tab       const struct tabprm*
272 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
273 *
274 * Function return value:
275 *             int       Status return value:
276 *                         0: Success.
277 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
278 *
279 *
280 * tabperr() - Print error messages from a tabprm struct
281 * -----------------------------------------------------
282 * tabperr() prints the error message(s) (if any) stored in a tabprm struct.
283 * If there are no errors then nothing is printed.  It uses wcserr_prt(), q.v.
284 *
285 * Given:
286 *   tab       const struct tabprm*
287 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
288 *
289 *   prefix    const char *
290 *                       If non-NULL, each output line will be prefixed with
291 *                       this string.
292 *
293 * Function return value:
294 *             int       Status return value:
295 *                         0: Success.
296 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
297 *
298 *
299 * tabset() - Setup routine for the tabprm struct
300 * -----------------------------------------------
301 * tabset() allocates memory for work arrays in the tabprm struct and sets up
302 * the struct according to information supplied within it.
303 *
304 * Note that this routine need not be called directly; it will be invoked by
305 * tabx2s() and tabs2x() if tabprm::flag is anything other than a predefined
306 * magic value.
307 *
308 * Given and returned:
309 *   tab       struct tabprm*
310 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
311 *
312 * Function return value:
313 *             int       Status return value:
314 *                         0: Success.
315 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
316 *                         3: Invalid tabular parameters.
317 *
318 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
319 *                       tabprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable().
320 *
321 *
322 * tabx2s() - Pixel-to-world transformation
323 * ----------------------------------------
324 * tabx2s() transforms intermediate world coordinates to world coordinates
325 * using coordinate lookup.
326 *
327 * Given and returned:
328 *   tab       struct tabprm*
329 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
330 *
331 * Given:
332 *   ncoord,
333 *   nelem     int       The number of coordinates, each of vector length
334 *                       nelem.
335 *
336 *   x         const double[ncoord][nelem]
337 *                       Array of intermediate world coordinates, SI units.
338 *
339 * Returned:
340 *   world     double[ncoord][nelem]
341 *                       Array of world coordinates, in SI units.
342 *
343 *   stat      int[ncoord]
344 *                       Status return value status for each coordinate:
345 *                         0: Success.
346 *                         1: Invalid intermediate world coordinate.
347 *
348 * Function return value:
349 *             int       Status return value:
350 *                         0: Success.
351 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
352 *                         3: Invalid tabular parameters.
353 *                         4: One or more of the x coordinates were invalid,
354 *                            as indicated by the stat vector.
355 *
356 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
357 *                       tabprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable().
358 *
359 *
360 * tabs2x() - World-to-pixel transformation
361 * ----------------------------------------
362 * tabs2x() transforms world coordinates to intermediate world coordinates.
363 *
364 * Given and returned:
365 *   tab       struct tabprm*
366 *                       Tabular transformation parameters.
367 *
368 * Given:
369 *   ncoord,
370 *   nelem     int       The number of coordinates, each of vector length
371 *                       nelem.
372 *   world     const double[ncoord][nelem]
373 *                       Array of world coordinates, in SI units.
374 *
375 * Returned:
376 *   x         double[ncoord][nelem]
377 *                       Array of intermediate world coordinates, SI units.
378 *   stat      int[ncoord]
379 *                       Status return value status for each vector element:
380 *                         0: Success.
381 *                         1: Invalid world coordinate.
382 *
383 * Function return value:
384 *             int       Status return value:
385 *                         0: Success.
386 *                         1: Null tabprm pointer passed.
387 *                         3: Invalid tabular parameters.
388 *                         5: One or more of the world coordinates were
389 *                            invalid, as indicated by the stat vector.
390 *
391 *                       For returns > 1, a detailed error message is set in
392 *                       tabprm::err if enabled, see wcserr_enable().
393 *
394 *
395 * tabprm struct - Tabular transformation parameters
396 * -------------------------------------------------
397 * The tabprm struct contains information required to transform tabular
398 * coordinates.  It consists of certain members that must be set by the user
399 * ("given") and others that are set by the WCSLIB routines ("returned").  Some
400 * of the latter are supplied for informational purposes while others are for
401 * internal use only.
402 *
403 *   int flag
404 *     (Given and returned) This flag must be set to zero whenever any of the
405 *     following tabprm structure members are set or changed:
406 *
407 *       - tabprm::M (q.v., not normally set by the user),
408 *       - tabprm::K (q.v., not normally set by the user),
409 *       - tabprm::map,
410 *       - tabprm::crval,
411 *       - tabprm::index,
412 *       - tabprm::coord.
413 *
414 *     This signals the initialization routine, tabset(), to recompute the
415 *     returned members of the tabprm struct.  tabset() will reset flag to
416 *     indicate that this has been done.
417 *
418 *     PLEASE NOTE: flag should be set to -1 when tabini() is called for the
419 *     first time for a particular tabprm struct in order to initialize memory
420 *     management.  It must ONLY be used on the first initialization otherwise
421 *     memory leaks may result.
422 *
423 *   int M
424 *     (Given or returned) Number of tabular coordinate axes.
425 *
426 *     If tabini() is used to initialize the tabprm struct (as would normally
427 *     be the case) then it will set M from the value passed to it as a
428 *     function argument.  The user should not subsequently modify it.
429 *
430 *   int *K
431 *     (Given or returned) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length
432 *     tabprm::M whose elements (K_1, K_2,... K_M) record the lengths of the
433 *     axes of the coordinate array and of each indexing vector.
434 *
435 *     If tabini() is used to initialize the tabprm struct (as would normally
436 *     be the case) then it will set K from the array passed to it as a
437 *     function argument.  The user should not subsequently modify it.
438 *
439 *   int *map
440 *     (Given) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M
441 *     that defines the association between axis m in the M-dimensional
442 *     coordinate array (1 <= m <= M) and the indices of the intermediate world
443 *     coordinate and world coordinate arrays, x[] and world[], in the argument
444 *     lists for tabx2s() and tabs2x().
445 *
446 *     When x[] and world[] contain the full complement of coordinate elements
447 *     in image-order, as will usually be the case, then map[m-1] == i-1 for
448 *     axis i in the N-dimensional image (1 <= i <= N).  In terms of the FITS
449 *     keywords
450 *
451 *       map[PVi_3a - 1] == i - 1.
452 *
453 *     However, a different association may result if x[], for example, only
454 *     contains a (relevant) subset of intermediate world coordinate elements.
455 *     For example, if M == 1 for an image with N > 1, it is possible to fill
456 *     x[] with the relevant coordinate element with nelem set to 1.  In this
457 *     case map[0] = 0 regardless of the value of i.
458 *
459 *   double *crval
460 *     (Given) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M
461 *     whose elements contain the index value for the reference pixel for each
462 *     of the tabular coordinate axes.
463 *
464 *   double **index
465 *     (Given) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M of
466 *     pointers to vectors of lengths (K_1, K_2,... K_M) of 0-relative indexes
467 *     (see tabprm::K).
468 *
469 *     The address of any or all of these index vectors may be set to zero,
470 *     i.e.
471 *
472 =       index[m] == 0;
473 *
474 *     this is interpreted as default indexing, i.e.
475 *
476 =       index[m][k] = k;
477 *
478 *   double *coord
479 *     (Given) Pointer to the first element of the tabular coordinate array,
480 *     treated as though it were defined as
481 *
482 =       double coord[K_M]...[K_2][K_1][M];
483 *
484 *     (see tabprm::K) i.e. with the M dimension varying fastest so that the
485 *     M elements of a coordinate vector are stored contiguously in memory.
486 *
487 *   int nc
488 *     (Returned) Total number of coordinate vectors in the coordinate array
489 *     being the product K_1 * K_2 * ... * K_M (see tabprm::K).
490 *
491 *   int padding
492 *     (An unused variable inserted for alignment purposes only.)
493 *
494 *   int *sense
495 *     (Returned) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M
496 *     whose elements indicate whether the corresponding indexing vector is
497 *     monotonic increasing (+1), or decreasing (-1).
498 *
499 *   int *p0
500 *     (Returned) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M
501 *     of interpolated indices into the coordinate array such that Upsilon_m,
502 *     as defined in Paper III, is equal to (p0[m] + 1) + tabprm::delta[m].
503 *
504 *   double *delta
505 *     (Returned) Pointer to the first element of a vector of length tabprm::M
506 *     of interpolated indices into the coordinate array such that Upsilon_m,
507 *     as defined in Paper III, is equal to (tabprm::p0[m] + 1) + delta[m].
508 *
509 *   double *extrema
510 *     (Returned) Pointer to the first element of an array that records the
511 *     minimum and maximum value of each element of the coordinate vector in
512 *     each row of the coordinate array, treated as though it were defined as
513 *
514 =       double extrema[K_M]...[K_2][2][M]
515 *
516 *     (see tabprm::K).  The minimum is recorded in the first element of the
517 *     compressed K_1 dimension, then the maximum.  This array is used by the
518 *     inverse table lookup function, tabs2x(), to speed up table searches.
519 *
520 *   struct wcserr *err
521 *     (Returned) If enabled, when an error status is returned, this struct
522 *     contains detailed information about the error, see wcserr_enable().
523 *
524 *   int m_flag
525 *     (For internal use only.)
526 *   int m_M
527 *     (For internal use only.)
528 *   int m_N
529 *     (For internal use only.)
530 *   int set_M
531 *     (For internal use only.)
532 *   int m_K
533 *     (For internal use only.)
534 *   int m_map
535 *     (For internal use only.)
536 *   int m_crval
537 *     (For internal use only.)
538 *   int m_index
539 *     (For internal use only.)
540 *   int m_indxs
541 *     (For internal use only.)
542 *   int m_coord
543 *     (For internal use only.)
544 *
545 *
546 * Global variable: const char *tab_errmsg[] - Status return messages
547 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
548 * Error messages to match the status value returned from each function.
549 *
550 *===========================================================================*/
552 #ifndef WCSLIB_TAB
553 #define WCSLIB_TAB
555 #ifdef __cplusplus
556 extern "C" {
557 #endif
560 extern const char *tab_errmsg[];
562 enum tab_errmsg_enum {
563   TABERR_SUCCESS      = 0,	// Success.
564   TABERR_NULL_POINTER = 1,	// Null tabprm pointer passed.
565   TABERR_MEMORY       = 2,	// Memory allocation failed.
566   TABERR_BAD_PARAMS   = 3,	// Invalid tabular parameters.
567   TABERR_BAD_X        = 4,	// One or more of the x coordinates were
568 				// invalid.
569   TABERR_BAD_WORLD    = 5	// One or more of the world coordinates were
570 				// invalid.
571 };
573 struct tabprm {
574   // Initialization flag (see the prologue above).
575   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
576   int    flag;			// Set to zero to force initialization.
578   // Parameters to be provided (see the prologue above).
579   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
580   int    M;			// Number of tabular coordinate axes.
581   int    *K;			// Vector of length M whose elements
582 				// (K_1, K_2,... K_M) record the lengths of
583 				// the axes of the coordinate array and of
584 				// each indexing vector.
585   int    *map;			// Vector of length M usually such that
586 				// map[m-1] == i-1 for coordinate array
587 				// axis m and image axis i (see above).
588   double *crval;		// Vector of length M containing the index
589 				// value for the reference pixel for each
590 				// of the tabular coordinate axes.
591   double **index;		// Vector of pointers to M indexing vectors
592 				// of lengths (K_1, K_2,... K_M).
593   double *coord;		// (1+M)-dimensional tabular coordinate
594 				// array (see above).
596   // Information derived from the parameters supplied.
597   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
598   int    nc;			// Number of coordinate vectors (of length
599 				// M) in the coordinate array.
600   int    padding;		// (Dummy inserted for alignment purposes.)
601   int    *sense;		// Vector of M flags that indicate whether
602 				// the Mth indexing vector is monotonic
603 				// increasing, or else decreasing.
604   int    *p0;			// Vector of M indices.
605   double *delta;		// Vector of M increments.
606   double *extrema;		// (1+M)-dimensional array of coordinate
607 				// extrema.
609   // Error handling
610   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
611   struct wcserr *err;
613   // Private - the remainder are for memory management.
614   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
615   int    m_flag, m_M, m_N;
616   int    set_M;
617   int    *m_K, *m_map;
618   double *m_crval, **m_index, **m_indxs, *m_coord;
619 };
621 // Size of the tabprm struct in int units, used by the Fortran wrappers.
622 #define TABLEN (sizeof(struct tabprm)/sizeof(int))
625 int tabini(int alloc, int M, const int K[], struct tabprm *tab);
627 int tabmem(struct tabprm *tab);
629 int tabcpy(int alloc, const struct tabprm *tabsrc, struct tabprm *tabdst);
631 int tabcmp(int cmp, double tol, const struct tabprm *tab1,
632            const struct tabprm *tab2, int *equal);
634 int tabfree(struct tabprm *tab);
636 int tabsize(const struct tabprm *tab, int size[2]);
638 int tabprt(const struct tabprm *tab);
640 int tabperr(const struct tabprm *tab, const char *prefix);
642 int tabset(struct tabprm *tab);
644 int tabx2s(struct tabprm *tab, int ncoord, int nelem, const double x[],
645            double world[], int stat[]);
647 int tabs2x(struct tabprm *tab, int ncoord, int nelem, const double world[],
648            double x[], int stat[]);
651 // Deprecated.
652 #define tabini_errmsg tab_errmsg
653 #define tabcpy_errmsg tab_errmsg
654 #define tabfree_errmsg tab_errmsg
655 #define tabprt_errmsg tab_errmsg
656 #define tabset_errmsg tab_errmsg
657 #define tabx2s_errmsg tab_errmsg
658 #define tabs2x_errmsg tab_errmsg
660 #ifdef __cplusplus
661 }
662 #endif
664 #endif // WCSLIB_TAB