1import pykep as pk
2import numpy as np
3import math
5mpcorbline = "K14Y00D 24.3   0.15 K1794 105.44160   34.12337  117.64264    1.73560  0.0865962  0.88781021   1.0721510  2 MPO369254   104   1  194 days 0.24 M-v 3Eh MPCALB     2803          2014 YD            20150618"
8class lt_margo:
9    """
10    This class can be used as a User Defined Problem (UDP) in the pygmo2 software and if successfully solved,
11    represents a low-thrust interplanetary trajectory from the Earth (or from the
12    Sun-Earth L1 or L2 Lagrangian point) to a target NEO. The trajectory is modeled using the Sims-Flanagan model,
13    extended to include the Earth's gravity (assumed constant along each segment).
14    The propulsion model can be both nuclear (NEP) or solar (SEP).
16    This problem was developed and used during the European Space Agency interplanetary cubesat M-ARGO study.
18    The decision vector (chromosome) is::
20      [t0, tof, mf] + [throttles1] + [throttles2] + ...
21    """
23    def __init__(self,
24                 target=pk.planet.mpcorb(mpcorbline),
25                 n_seg=30,
26                 grid_type="uniform",
27                 t0=[pk.epoch(8000), pk.epoch(9000)],
28                 tof=[200, 365.25 * 3],
29                 m0=20.0,
30                 Tmax=0.0017,
31                 Isp=3000.0,
32                 earth_gravity=False,
33                 sep=False,
34                 start="earth"):
35        """
36        prob = lt_margo(target = pk.planet.mpcorb(mpcorbline), n_seg = 30, grid_type = "uniform", t0 = [epoch(8000), epoch(9000)], tof = [200, 365.25*3], m0 = 20.0, Tmax = 0.0017, Isp = 3000.0, earth_gravity = False, sep = False, start = "earth")
38        Args:
39            - target (``pykep.planet``): target planet
40            - n_seg (``int``): number of segments to use in the problem transcription (time grid)
41            - grid_type (``string``): "uniform" for uniform segments, "nonuniform" toi use a denser grid in the first part of the trajectory
42            - t0 (``list``): list of two pykep.epoch defining the bounds on the launch epoch
43            - tof (``list``): list of two floats defining the bounds on the time of flight (days)
44            - m0 (``float``): initial mass of the spacecraft (kg)
45            - Tmax (``float``): maximum thrust at 1 AU (N)
46            - Isp (``float``): engine specific impulse (s)
47            - earth_gravity (``bool``): activates the Earth gravity effect in the dynamics
48            - sep (``bool``): Activates a Solar Electric Propulsion model for the thrust - distance dependency.
49            - start(``string``): Starting point ("earth", "l1", or "l2").
51        .. note::
53           L1 and L2 are approximated as the points on the line connecting the Sun and the Earth at a distance of, respectively, 0.99 and 1.01 AU from the Sun.
55        .. note::
57           If the Earth's gravity is enabled, the starting point cannot be the Earth
58        """
60        # 1) Various checks
61        if start not in ["earth", "l1", "l2"]:
62            raise ValueError("start must be either 'earth', 'l1' or 'l2'")
63        if grid_type not in ["uniform", "nonuniform"]:
64            raise ValueError(
65                "grid_type must be either 'uniform' or 'nonuniform'")
66        if earth_gravity and start == "earth":
67            raise ValueError(
68                "If Earth gravity is enabled the starting point cannot be the Earth")
70        # 2) Class data members
71        # public:
72        self.target = target
73        # private:
74        self.__n_seg = n_seg
75        self.__grid_type = grid_type
76        self.__sc = pk.sims_flanagan.spacecraft(m0, Tmax, Isp)
77        self.__earth = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
78        self.__earth_gravity = earth_gravity
79        self.__sep = sep
80        self.__start = start
81        # grid construction
82        if grid_type == "uniform":
83            grid = np.array([i / n_seg for i in range(n_seg + 1)])
84        elif grid_type == "nonuniform":
85            grid_f = lambda x: x**2 if x < 0.5 else 0.25 + 1.5 * \
86                (x - 0.5)  # quadratic in [0,0.5], linear in [0.5,1]
87            grid = np.array([grid_f(i / n_seg) for i in range(n_seg + 1)])
88        # index corresponding to the middle of the transfer
89        fwd_seg = int(np.searchsorted(grid, 0.5, side='right'))
90        bwd_seg = n_seg - fwd_seg
91        fwd_grid = grid[:fwd_seg + 1]
92        bwd_grid = grid[fwd_seg:]
93        self.__fwd_seg = fwd_seg
94        self.__fwd_grid = fwd_grid
95        self.__fwd_dt = np.array([(fwd_grid[i + 1] - fwd_grid[i])
96                                  for i in range(fwd_seg)]) * pk.DAY2SEC
97        self.__bwd_seg = bwd_seg
98        self.__bwd_grid = bwd_grid
99        self.__bwd_dt = np.array([(bwd_grid[i + 1] - bwd_grid[i])
100                                  for i in range(bwd_seg)]) * pk.DAY2SEC
102        # 3) Bounds
103        lb = [t0[0].mjd2000] + [tof[0]] + [0] + [-1, -1, -1] * n_seg
104        ub = [t0[1].mjd2000] + [tof[1]] + [m0] + [1, 1, 1] * n_seg
105        self.__lb = lb
106        self.__ub = ub
108    # Fitness function
109    def fitness(self, x):
110        obj = -x[2]
112        ceq = list()
113        cineq = list()
114        throttles_constraints = []
115        mismatch_constraints = []
117        throttles = [x[3 + 3 * i: 6 + 3 * i] for i in range(self.__n_seg)]
118        for t in throttles:
119            throttles_constraints.append(t[0]**2 + t[1]**2 + t[2]**2 - 1.)
120        cineq.extend(throttles_constraints)
122        rfwd, rbwd, vfwd, vbwd, mfwd, mbwd, _, _, _, _, dfwd, dbwd = self._propagate(
123            x)
125        if self.__earth_gravity:
126            flyby_constraints = []
127            for d in dfwd + dbwd:
128                d2 = d[0]**2 + d[1]**2 + d[2]**2
129                l22 = (0.01 * pk.AU)**2
130                flyby_constraints.append(1. - d2 / l22)
131            cineq.extend(flyby_constraints)
133        mismatch_constraints.extend([a - b for a, b in zip(rfwd[-1], rbwd[0])])
134        mismatch_constraints.extend([a - b for a, b in zip(vfwd[-1], vbwd[0])])
135        mismatch_constraints.append(mfwd[-1] - mbwd[0])
136        ceq.extend(mismatch_constraints)
138        # Making the mismatches non dimensional
139        ceq[0] /= pk.AU
140        ceq[1] /= pk.AU
141        ceq[2] /= pk.AU
142        ceq[3] /= pk.EARTH_VELOCITY
143        ceq[4] /= pk.EARTH_VELOCITY
144        ceq[5] /= pk.EARTH_VELOCITY
145        ceq[6] /= self.__sc.mass
147        # We assemble the constraint vector
148        retval = [obj]
149        retval.extend(ceq)
150        retval.extend(cineq)
152        return retval
154    # Get bounds
155    def get_bounds(self):
156        return (self.__lb, self.__ub)
158    # Get number of inequality contraints
159    def get_nic(self):
160        if self.__earth_gravity:
161            return 2 * self.__n_seg
162        else:
163            return self.__n_seg
165    # Get number of equality contraints
166    def get_nec(self):
167        return 7
169    # Gradient sparsity
170    def gradient_sparsity(self):
171        # Objective
172        retval = [[0, 2]]
173        # Mismatches
174        retval += [[i, j] for i in range(1, 7)
175                   for j in range(3 * (1 + self.__n_seg))]
176        retval += [[7, j] for j in range(1, 3 * (1 + self.__n_seg))]
177        # Throttles
178        retval += [[8 + i, 3 + 3 * i + j]
179                   for i in range(self.__n_seg) for j in range(3)]
180        # Prevent flyby
181        if self.__earth_gravity:
182            retval += [[8 + self.__n_seg + i, j]
183                       for i in range(self.__fwd_seg) for j in [0, 1] + list(range(3, 6 + 3 * i))]
184            retval += [[8 + self.__n_seg + self.__fwd_seg + i, j] for i in range(self.__bwd_seg) for j in [
185                0, 1, 2] + list(range(3 + 3 * (self.__n_seg - self.__bwd_seg + i), 3 + 3 * self.__n_seg))]
186        return retval
188    def get_name(self):
189        return "MARGO cubesat transfer to " + self.target.name
191    def get_extra_info(self):
192        retval = "\tTarget planet: " + self.target.name
193        retval += "\n\tEarth gravity: " + str(self.__earth_gravity)
194        retval += "\n\tSolar Electric Propulsion: " + str(self.__sep)
195        retval += "\n\tStart mass: " + str(self.__sc.mass) + " kg"
196        retval += "\n\tMaximum thrust as 1AU: " + str(self.__sc.thrust) + " N"
197        retval += "\n\tSpecific impulse: " + str(self.__sc.isp) + " s"
198        retval += "\n\n\tLaunch window: [" + \
199            str(self.__lb[0]) + ", " + str(self.__ub[0]) + "] - MJD2000"
200        retval += "\n\tBounds on time of flight: [" + str(
201            self.__lb[1]) + ", " + str(self.__ub[1]) + "] - days"
202        retval += "\n\n\tNumber of segments: " + str(self.__n_seg)
203        retval += "\n\tGrid type: " + self.__grid_type
205        return retval
207    # SEP model
208    def _sep_model(self, r):
209        SAA = 0
210        Psupply = 13.75
211        eff = 0.92
213        Pbmp = (-40.558 * r**3 + 173.49 * r**2 -
214                259.19 * r + 141.86) * math.cos(SAA)
215        P = -146.26 * r**3 + 658.52 * r**2 - 1059.2 * r + 648.24  # 6 panels
216        # P = -195.02 * r**3 + 878.03 * r**2 - 1412.3 * r + 864.32 # 8 panels
217        if Pbmp < Psupply:
218            P -= (Psupply - Pbmp)
219        Pin = eff * P
220        if Pin > 120:
221            Pin = 120  # thermal max 120W
223        Tmax = (26.27127 * Pin - 708.973) / 1000000
224        if Tmax < 0:
225            Tmax = 0
227        Isp = -0.0011 * Pin**3 + 0.175971 * Pin**2 + 4.193797 * Pin + 2037.213
229        return Tmax, Isp
231    # Propagates the trajectory
232    def _propagate(self, x):
233        # 1 - We decode the chromosome
234        t0 = x[0]
235        T = x[1]
236        m_f = x[2]
237        # We extract the number of segments for forward and backward
238        # propagation
239        n_seg = self.__n_seg
240        fwd_seg = self.__fwd_seg
241        bwd_seg = self.__bwd_seg
242        # We extract information on the spacecraft
243        m_i = self.__sc.mass
244        max_thrust = self.__sc.thrust
245        isp = self.__sc.isp
246        veff = isp * pk.G0
247        # And on the leg
248        throttles = [x[3 + 3 * i: 6 + 3 * i] for i in range(n_seg)]
249        # Return lists
250        n_points_fwd = fwd_seg + 1
251        n_points_bwd = bwd_seg + 1
252        rfwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (n_points_fwd)
253        vfwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (n_points_fwd)
254        mfwd = [0.0] * (n_points_fwd)
255        ufwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (fwd_seg)
256        dfwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (fwd_seg)  # distances E/S
257        rbwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (n_points_bwd)
258        vbwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (n_points_bwd)
259        mbwd = [0.0] * (n_points_bwd)
260        ubwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (bwd_seg)
261        dbwd = [[0.0] * 3] * (bwd_seg)
263        # 2 - We compute the initial and final epochs and ephemerides
264        t_i = pk.epoch(t0)
265        r_i, v_i = self.__earth.eph(t_i)
266        if self.__start == 'l1':
267            r_i = [r * 0.99 for r in r_i]
268            v_i = [v * 0.99 for v in v_i]
269        elif self.__start == 'l2':
270            r_i = [r * 1.01 for r in r_i]
271            v_i = [v * 1.01 for v in v_i]
272        t_f = pk.epoch(t0 + T)
273        r_f, v_f = self.target.eph(t_f)
275        # 3 - Forward propagation
276        fwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__fwd_grid  # days
277        fwd_dt = T * self.__fwd_dt  # seconds
278        # Initial conditions
279        rfwd[0] = r_i
280        vfwd[0] = v_i
281        mfwd[0] = m_i
282        # Propagate
283        for i, t in enumerate(throttles[:fwd_seg]):
284            if self.__sep:
285                r = math.sqrt(rfwd[i][0]**2 + rfwd[i][1]
286                              ** 2 + rfwd[i][2]**2) / pk.AU
287                max_thrust, isp = self._sep_model(r)
288                veff = isp * pk.G0
289            ufwd[i] = [max_thrust * thr for thr in t]
290            if self.__earth_gravity:
291                r_E, v_E = self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(fwd_grid[i]))
292                dfwd[i] = [a - b for a, b in zip(r_E, rfwd[i])]
293                r3 = sum([r**2 for r in dfwd[i]])**(3 / 2)
294                disturbance = [mfwd[i] * pk.MU_EARTH /
295                               r3 * ri for ri in dfwd[i]]
296                rfwd[i + 1], vfwd[i + 1], mfwd[i + 1] = pk.propagate_taylor_disturbance(
297                    rfwd[i], vfwd[i], mfwd[i], ufwd[i], disturbance, fwd_dt[i], pk.MU_SUN, veff, -10, -10)
298            else:
299                rfwd[i + 1], vfwd[i + 1], mfwd[i + 1] = pk.propagate_taylor(
300                    rfwd[i], vfwd[i], mfwd[i], ufwd[i], fwd_dt[i], pk.MU_SUN, veff, -10, -10)
302        # 4 - Backward propagation
303        bwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__bwd_grid  # days
304        bwd_dt = T * self.__bwd_dt  # seconds
305        # Final conditions
306        rbwd[-1] = r_f
307        vbwd[-1] = v_f
308        mbwd[-1] = m_f
309        # Propagate
310        for i, t in enumerate(throttles[-1:-bwd_seg - 1:-1]):
311            if self.__sep:
312                r = math.sqrt(rbwd[-i - 1][0]**2 + rbwd[-i - 1]
313                              [1]**2 + rbwd[-i - 1][2]**2) / pk.AU
314                max_thrust, isp = self._sep_model(r)
315                veff = isp * pk.G0
316            ubwd[-i - 1] = [max_thrust * thr for thr in t]
317            if self.__earth_gravity:
318                r_E, v_E = self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(bwd_grid[-i - 1]))
319                dbwd[-i - 1] = [a - b for a, b in zip(r_E, rbwd[-i - 1])]
320                r3 = sum([r**2 for r in dbwd[-i - 1]])**(3 / 2)
321                disturbance = [mfwd[i] * pk.MU_EARTH /
322                               r3 * ri for ri in dbwd[-i - 1]]
323                rbwd[-i - 2], vbwd[-i - 2], mbwd[-i - 2] = pk.propagate_taylor_disturbance(
324                    rbwd[-i - 1], vbwd[-i - 1], mbwd[-i - 1], ubwd[-i - 1], disturbance, -bwd_dt[-i - 1], pk.MU_SUN, veff, -10, -10)
325            else:
326                rbwd[-i - 2], vbwd[-i - 2], mbwd[-i - 2] = pk.propagate_taylor(
327                    rbwd[-i - 1], vbwd[-i - 1], mbwd[-i - 1], ubwd[-i - 1], -bwd_dt[-i - 1], pk.MU_SUN, veff, -10, -10)
329        return rfwd, rbwd, vfwd, vbwd, mfwd, mbwd, ufwd, ubwd, fwd_dt, bwd_dt, dfwd, dbwd
331    # Visualizes the trajectory
332    def plot_traj(self, x, units=pk.AU, plot_segments=True, plot_thrusts=False, axes=None):
333        """
334        ax = prob.plot_traj(self, x, units=AU, plot_segments=True, plot_thrusts=False, axes=None)
336        Args:
337            - x (``list``, ``tuple``, ``numpy.ndarray``): Decision chromosome, e.g. (``pygmo.population.champion_x``).
338            - units (``float``): the length unit to be used in the plot
339            - plot_segments (``bool``): when True plots also the segments boundaries
340            - plot_thrusts (``bool``): when True plots also the thrust vectors
342        Returns:
343            matplotlib.axes: axes where to plot
345        Visualizes the the trajectory in a 3D plot
346        """
348        if not len(x) == len(self.get_bounds()[0]):
349            raise ValueError("Invalid length of the decision vector x")
351        import matplotlib as mpl
352        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
353        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
355        # Creating the axes if necessary
356        if axes is None:
357            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
358            fig = plt.figure()
359            axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
361        n_seg = self.__n_seg
362        fwd_seg = self.__fwd_seg
363        bwd_seg = self.__bwd_seg
364        t0 = x[0]
365        T = x[1]
366        isp = self.__sc.isp
367        veff = isp * pk.G0
368        fwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__fwd_grid  # days
369        bwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__bwd_grid  # days
371        throttles = [x[3 + 3 * i: 6 + 3 * i] for i in range(n_seg)]
372        alphas = [min(1., np.linalg.norm(t)) for t in throttles]
374        times = np.concatenate((fwd_grid, bwd_grid))
376        rfwd, rbwd, vfwd, vbwd, mfwd, mbwd, ufwd, ubwd, fwd_dt, bwd_dt, dfwd, dbwd = self._propagate(
377            x)
379        # Plotting the Sun, the Earth and the target
380        axes.scatter([0], [0], [0], color='y')
381        pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(self.__earth, pk.epoch(
382            t0), units=units, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), axes=axes)
383        pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(self.target, pk.epoch(
384            t0 + T), units=units, legend=True, color=(0.7, 0.7, 1), axes=axes)
386        # Forward propagation
387        xfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
388        yfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
389        zfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
390        xfwd[0] = rfwd[0][0] / units
391        yfwd[0] = rfwd[0][1] / units
392        zfwd[0] = rfwd[0][2] / units
394        for i in range(fwd_seg):
395            if self.__sep:
396                r = math.sqrt(rfwd[i][0]**2 + rfwd[i][1]
397                              ** 2 + rfwd[i][2]**2) / pk.AU
398                _, isp = self._sep_model(r)
399                veff = isp * pk.G0
400            if self.__earth_gravity:
401                r3 = sum([r**2 for r in dfwd[i]])**(3 / 2)
402                disturbance = [mfwd[i] * pk.MU_EARTH /
403                               r3 * ri for ri in dfwd[i]]
404                pk.orbit_plots.plot_taylor_disturbance(rfwd[i], vfwd[i], mfwd[i], ufwd[i], disturbance, fwd_dt[
405                                                       i], pk.MU_SUN, veff, N=10, units=units, color=(alphas[i], 0, 1 - alphas[i]), axes=axes)
406            else:
407                pk.orbit_plots.plot_taylor(rfwd[i], vfwd[i], mfwd[i], ufwd[i], fwd_dt[
408                                           i], pk.MU_SUN, veff, N=10, units=units, color=(alphas[i], 0, 1 - alphas[i]), axes=axes)
409            xfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][0] / units
410            yfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][1] / units
411            zfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][2] / units
412        if plot_segments:
413            axes.scatter(xfwd[:-1], yfwd[:-1], zfwd[:-1],
414                         label='nodes', marker='o', s=5, c='k')
416        # Backward propagation
417        xbwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
418        ybwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
419        zbwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
420        xbwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][0] / units
421        ybwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][1] / units
422        zbwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][2] / units
424        for i in range(bwd_seg):
425            if self.__sep:
426                r = math.sqrt(rbwd[-i - 1][0]**2 + rbwd[-i - 1]
427                              [1]**2 + rbwd[-i - 1][2]**2) / pk.AU
428                _, isp = self._sep_model(r)
429                veff = isp * pk.G0
430            if self.__earth_gravity:
431                r3 = sum([r**2 for r in dbwd[-i - 1]])**(3 / 2)
432                disturbance = [mfwd[i] * pk.MU_EARTH /
433                               r3 * ri for ri in dbwd[-i - 1]]
434                pk.orbit_plots.plot_taylor_disturbance(rbwd[-i - 1], vbwd[-i - 1], mbwd[-i - 1], ubwd[-i - 1], disturbance, -bwd_dt[
435                                                       -i - 1], pk.MU_SUN, veff, N=10, units=units, color=(alphas[-i - 1], 0, 1 - alphas[-i - 1]), axes=axes)
436            else:
437                pk.orbit_plots.plot_taylor(rbwd[-i - 1], vbwd[-i - 1], mbwd[-i - 1], ubwd[-i - 1], -bwd_dt[-i - 1],
438                                           pk.MU_SUN, veff, N=10, units=units, color=(alphas[-i - 1], 0, 1 - alphas[-i - 1]), axes=axes)
439            xbwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][0] / units
440            ybwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][1] / units
441            zbwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][2] / units
442        if plot_segments:
443            axes.scatter(xbwd[1:], ybwd[1:], zbwd[1:], marker='o', s=5, c='k')
445        # Plotting the thrust vectors
446        if plot_thrusts:
447            throttles = np.array(throttles)
448            xlim = axes.get_xlim()
449            xrange = xlim[1] - xlim[0]
450            ylim = axes.get_ylim()
451            yrange = ylim[1] - ylim[0]
452            zlim = axes.get_zlim()
453            zrange = zlim[1] - zlim[0]
455            scale = 0.1
457            throttles[:, 0] *= xrange
458            throttles[:, 1] *= yrange
459            throttles[:, 2] *= zrange
461            throttles *= scale
463            for (x, y, z, t) in zip(xfwd[:-1] + xbwd[:-1], yfwd[:-1] + ybwd[:-1], zfwd[:-1] + zbwd[:-1], throttles):
464                axes.plot([x, x + t[0]], [y, y + t[1]], [z, z + t[2]], c='g')
466        return axes
468    def plot_dists_thrust(self, x, axes=None):
469        """
470        axes = prob.plot_dists_thrust(self, x, axes=None)
472        Args:
473            - x (``list``, ``tuple``, ``numpy.ndarray``): Decision chromosome, e.g. (``pygmo.population.champion_x``).
475        Returns:
476            matplotlib.axes: axes where to plot
478        Plots the distance of the spacecraft from the Earth/Sun and the thrust profile
479        """
481        if not len(x) == len(self.get_bounds()[0]):
482            raise ValueError("Invalid length of the decision vector x")
484        import matplotlib as mpl
485        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
487        # Creating the axes if necessary
488        if axes is None:
489            mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
490            fig = plt.figure()
491            axes = fig.add_subplot(111)
493        n_seg = self.__n_seg
494        fwd_seg = self.__fwd_seg
495        bwd_seg = self.__bwd_seg
496        t0 = x[0]
497        T = x[1]
498        fwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__fwd_grid  # days
499        bwd_grid = t0 + T * self.__bwd_grid  # days
501        throttles = [np.linalg.norm(x[3 + 3 * i: 6 + 3 * i])
502                     for i in range(n_seg)]
504        dist_earth = [0.0] * (n_seg + 2)  # distances spacecraft - Earth
505        dist_sun = [0.0] * (n_seg + 2)  # distances spacecraft - Sun
506        times = np.concatenate((fwd_grid, bwd_grid))
508        rfwd, rbwd, vfwd, vbwd, mfwd, mbwd, ufwd, ubwd, fwd_dt, bwd_dt, _, _ = self._propagate(
509            x)
511        # Forward propagation
512        xfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
513        yfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
514        zfwd = [0.0] * (fwd_seg + 1)
515        xfwd[0] = rfwd[0][0] / pk.AU
516        yfwd[0] = rfwd[0][1] / pk.AU
517        zfwd[0] = rfwd[0][2] / pk.AU
518        r_E = [ri / pk.AU for ri in self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(fwd_grid[0]))[0]]
519        dist_earth[0] = np.linalg.norm(
520            [r_E[0] - xfwd[0], r_E[1] - yfwd[0], r_E[2] - zfwd[0]])
521        dist_sun[0] = np.linalg.norm([xfwd[0], yfwd[0], zfwd[0]])
523        for i in range(fwd_seg):
524            xfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][0] / pk.AU
525            yfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][1] / pk.AU
526            zfwd[i + 1] = rfwd[i + 1][2] / pk.AU
527            r_E = [
528                ri / pk.AU for ri in self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(fwd_grid[i + 1]))[0]]
529            dist_earth[
530                i + 1] = np.linalg.norm([r_E[0] - xfwd[i + 1], r_E[1] - yfwd[i + 1], r_E[2] - zfwd[i + 1]])
531            dist_sun[
532                i + 1] = np.linalg.norm([xfwd[i + 1], yfwd[i + 1], zfwd[i + 1]])
534        # Backward propagation
535        xbwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
536        ybwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
537        zbwd = [0.0] * (bwd_seg + 1)
538        xbwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][0] / pk.AU
539        ybwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][1] / pk.AU
540        zbwd[-1] = rbwd[-1][2] / pk.AU
541        r_E = [
542            ri / pk.AU for ri in self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(bwd_grid[-1]))[0]]
543        dist_earth[-1] = np.linalg.norm([r_E[0] - xbwd[-1],
544                                         r_E[1] - ybwd[-1], r_E[2] - zbwd[-1]])
545        dist_sun[-1] = np.linalg.norm([xbwd[-1], ybwd[-1], zbwd[-1]])
547        for i in range(bwd_seg):
548            xbwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][0] / pk.AU
549            ybwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][1] / pk.AU
550            zbwd[-i - 2] = rbwd[-i - 2][2] / pk.AU
551            r_E = [
552                ri / pk.AU for ri in self.__earth.eph(pk.epoch(bwd_grid[-i - 2]))[0]]
553            dist_earth[-i - 2] = np.linalg.norm(
554                [r_E[0] - xbwd[-i - 2], r_E[1] - ybwd[-i - 2], r_E[2] - zbwd[-i - 2]])
555            dist_sun[-i -
556                     2] = np.linalg.norm([xbwd[-i - 2], ybwd[-i - 2], zbwd[-i - 2]])
558        axes.set_xlabel("t [mjd2000]")
559        # Plot Earth distance
560        axes.plot(times, dist_earth, c='b', label="sc-Earth")
561        # Plot Sun distance
562        axes.plot(times, dist_sun, c='y', label="sc-Sun")
563        axes.set_ylabel("distance [AU]", color='k')
564        axes.set_ylim(bottom=0.)
565        axes.tick_params('y', colors='k')
566        axes.legend(loc=2)
567        # draw threshold where Earth gravity equals 0.1*Tmax
568        if self.__earth_gravity:
569            axes.axhline(y=np.sqrt(pk.MU_EARTH * self.__sc.mass / (self.__sc.thrust * 0.1)
570                                   ) / pk.AU, c='g', ls=":", lw=1, label="earth_g = 0.1*Tmax")
571        # Plot thrust profile
572        axes = axes.twinx()
573        if self.__sep:
574            max_thrust = self.__sc.thrust
575            thrusts = np.linalg.norm(
576                np.array(ufwd + ubwd), axis=1) / max_thrust
577            # plot maximum thrust achievable at that distance from the Sun
578            distsSun = dist_sun[:fwd_seg] + \
579                dist_sun[-bwd_seg:] + [dist_sun[-1]]
580            Tmaxs = [self._sep_model(d)[0] / max_thrust for d in distsSun]
581            axes.step(np.concatenate(
582                (fwd_grid, bwd_grid[1:])), Tmaxs, where="post", c='lightgray', linestyle=':')
583        else:
584            thrusts = throttles.copy()
585        # duplicate the last for plotting
586        thrusts = np.append(thrusts, thrusts[-1])
587        axes.step(np.concatenate(
588            (fwd_grid, bwd_grid[1:])), thrusts, where="post", c='r', linestyle='--')
589        axes.set_ylabel("T/Tmax$_{1AU}$", color='r')
590        axes.tick_params('y', colors='r')
591        axes.set_xlim([times[0], times[-1]])
592        axes.set_ylim([0, max(thrusts) + 0.2])
594        return axes
596    def double_segments(self, x):
597        """
598        new_prob, new_x = prob.double_segments(self,x)
600        Args:
601            - x (``list``, ``tuple``, ``numpy.ndarray``): Decision chromosome, e.g. (``pygmo.population.champion_x``).
603        Returns:
604            - the new udp having twice the segments
605            - list: the new chromosome to be used as initial guess
607        Returns the decision vector encoding a low trust trajectory having double the number of segments with respect to x
608        and a 'similar' throttle history. In case high fidelity is True, and x is a feasible trajectory, the returned decision vector
609        also encodes a feasible trajectory that can be further optimized
610        Returns the problem and the decision vector encoding a low-thrust trajectory having double the number of
611        segments with respect to x and the same throttle history. If x is a feasible trajectory, the new chromosome is "slightly
612        unfeasible", due to the new refined Earth's gravity and/or SEP thrust that are now computed in the 2 halves of each segment.
613        """
615        if not len(x) == len(self.get_bounds()[0]):
616            raise ValueError("Invalid length of the decision vector x")
618        new_x = np.append(x[:3], np.repeat(x[3:].reshape((-1, 3)), 2, axis=0))
620        new_prob = lt_margo(
621            target=self.target,
622            n_seg=2 * self.__n_seg,
623            grid_type=self.__grid_type,
624            t0=[pk.epoch(self.__lb[0]), pk.epoch(self.__ub[0])],
625            tof=[self.__lb[1], self.__ub[1]],
626            m0=self.__sc.mass,
627            Tmax=self.__sc.thrust,
628            Isp=self.__sc.isp,
629            earth_gravity=self.__earth_gravity,
630            sep=self.__sep,
631            start=self.__start
632        )
634        return new_prob, new_x
636    def pretty(self, x):
637        """
638        prob.pretty(x)
640        Args:
641            - x (``list``, ``tuple``, ``numpy.ndarray``): Decision chromosome, e.g. (``pygmo.population.champion_x``).
643        Prints human readable information on the trajectory represented by the decision vector x
644        """
646        if not len(x) == len(self.get_bounds()[0]):
647            raise ValueError("Invalid length of the decision vector x")
649        n_seg = self.__n_seg
650        m_i = self.__sc.mass
651        t0 = x[0]
652        T = x[1]
653        m_f = x[2]
654        thrusts = [np.linalg.norm(x[3 + 3 * i: 6 + 3 * i])
655                   for i in range(n_seg)]
657        tf = t0 + T
658        mP = m_i - m_f
659        deltaV = self.__sc.isp * pk.G0 * np.log(m_i / m_f)
661        dt = np.append(self.__fwd_dt, self.__bwd_dt) * T / pk.DAY2SEC
662        time_thrusts_on = sum(dt[i] for i in range(
663            len(thrusts)) if thrusts[i] > 0.1)
665        print("Departure:", pk.epoch(t0), "(", t0, "mjd2000 )")
666        print("Time of flight:", T, "days")
667        print("Arrival:", pk.epoch(tf), "(", tf, "mjd2000 )")
668        print("Delta-v:", deltaV, "m/s")
669        print("Propellant consumption:", mP, "kg")
670        print("Thrust-on time:", time_thrusts_on, "days")