1 /*
2  * This file is part of Siril, an astronomy image processor.
3  * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Francois Meyer (dulle at free.fr)
4  * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 team free-astro (see more in AUTHORS file)
5  * Reference site is https://free-astro.org/index.php/Siril
6  *
7  * Siril is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * Siril is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with Siril. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 /* Management of Siril's internal image format: unsigned 16-bit FITS */
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <math.h>
25 #include <ctype.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <float.h>
28 #include <gsl/gsl_statistics.h>
29 #ifdef _WIN32
30 #include <windows.h>
31 #endif
33 #include "core/siril.h"
34 #include "core/proto.h"
35 #include "core/siril_date.h"
36 #include "core/OS_utils.h"
37 #include "io/sequence.h"
38 #include "io/fits_sequence.h"
39 #include "gui/utils.h"
40 #include "gui/progress_and_log.h"
41 #include "algos/statistics.h"
42 #include "io/sequence.h"
43 #include "io/single_image.h"
44 #include "image_format_fits.h"
45 #include "algos/siril_wcs.h"
47 const char *fit_extension[] = {
48 		".fit",
49 		".fits",
50 		".fts",
51 		".fits.fz"
52 };
54 static char *MIPSHI[] = {"MIPS-HI", "CWHITE", "DATAMAX", NULL };
55 static char *MIPSLO[] = {"MIPS-LO", "CBLACK", "DATAMIN", NULL };
56 static char *PixSizeX[] = { "XPIXSZ", "XPIXELSZ", "PIXSIZE1", "PIXSIZEX", NULL };
57 static char *PixSizeY[] = { "YPIXSZ", "YPIXELSZ", "PIXSIZE2", "PIXSIZEY", NULL };
58 static char *BinX[] = { "XBINNING", "BINX", NULL };
59 static char *BinY[] = { "YBINNING", "BINY", NULL };
60 static char *Focal[] = { "FOCAL", "FOCALLEN", NULL };
61 static char *CCD_TEMP[] = { "CCD-TEMP", "CCD_TEMP", "CCDTEMP", "TEMPERAT", NULL };
62 static char *Exposure[] = { "EXPTIME", "EXPOSURE", NULL };
63 static char *Cvf[] = { "CVF", "EGAIN", NULL };
64 static char *OffsetLevel[] = { "OFFSET", "BLKLEVEL", NULL };  //Used for synthetic offset
65 static int CompressionMethods[] = { RICE_1, GZIP_1, GZIP_2, HCOMPRESS_1};
67 #define __tryToFindKeywords(fptr, type, keywords, value) \
68 { \
69 	int __iter__ = 0; \
70 	int __status__; \
71 	do { \
72 		__status__ = 0; \
73 		fits_read_key(fptr, type, keywords[__iter__], value, NULL, &__status__); \
74 		__iter__++; \
75 	} while ((keywords[__iter__]) && (__status__ > 0)); \
76 }
read_fits_date_obs_header(fits * fit)78 static void read_fits_date_obs_header(fits *fit) {
79 	int status = 0;
80 	char ut_start[FLEN_VALUE] = { 0 };
81 	char date_obs[FLEN_VALUE] = { 0 };
83 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", &date_obs, NULL, &status);
85 	/** Case seen in some FITS files. Needed to get date back in SER conversion **/
86 	status = 0;
87 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "UT-START", &ut_start, NULL, &status);
88 	if (status == 0 && ut_start[0] != '\0' && date_obs[2] == '/') {
89 		int year, month, day;
90 		if (sscanf(date_obs, "%02d/%02d/%04d", &day, &month, &year) == 3) {
91 			g_snprintf(date_obs, sizeof(date_obs), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%s", year, month, day, ut_start);
92 		}
93 	}
94 	fit->date_obs = FITS_date_to_date_time(date_obs);
95 }
fit_get_photometry_data(fits * fit)97 void fit_get_photometry_data(fits *fit) {
98 	read_fits_date_obs_header(fit);
99 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, Exposure, &fit->exposure);
100 }
fit_stats(fits * fit,float * mini,float * maxi)102 static int fit_stats(fits *fit, float *mini, float *maxi) {
103 	int status = 0;
104 	int ii;
105 	long npixels = 1L;
106 	long anaxes[3] = { 1L, 1L, 1L }, firstpix[3] = { 1L, 1L, 1L };
107 	float *pix, sum = 0.f;
108 	float meanval = 0.f, minval = 1.E33, maxval = -1.E33;
110 	/* initialize value in case where it does not work */
111 	*mini = 0;
112 	*maxi = 0;
114 	fits_get_img_size(fit->fptr, 3, anaxes, &status);
116 	if (status) {
117 		report_fits_error(status); /* print error message */
118 		return(status);
119 	}
121 	npixels = anaxes[0];  /* no. of pixels to read in each row */
122 	pix = malloc(npixels * sizeof(float)); /* memory for 1 row */
123 	if (pix == NULL) {
125 		return (1);
126 	}
128 	/* loop over all planes of the cube (2D images have 1 plane) */
129 	for (firstpix[2] = 1; firstpix[2] <= anaxes[2]; firstpix[2]++) {
130 		/* loop over all rows of the plane */
131 		for (firstpix[1] = 1; firstpix[1] <= anaxes[1]; firstpix[1]++) {
132 			/* give starting pixel coordinate and number of pixels to read */
133 			if (fits_read_pix(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, firstpix, npixels, NULL, pix,
134 						NULL, &status))
135 				break; /* jump out of loop on error */
137 			for (ii = 0; ii < npixels; ii++) {
138 				sum += pix[ii]; /* accumulate sum */
139 				if (pix[ii] < minval)
140 					minval = pix[ii]; /* find min and  */
141 				if (pix[ii] > maxval)
142 					maxval = pix[ii]; /* max values    */
143 			}
144 		}
145 	}    /* end of loop over planes */
146 	free(pix);
148 	if (status) {
149 		report_fits_error(status); /* print any error message */
150 	} else {
151 		if (npixels > 0)
152 			meanval = sum / npixels;
153 		siril_debug_print("  sum of pixels = %f\n", sum);
154 		siril_debug_print("  mean value    = %f\n", meanval);
155 		siril_debug_print("  minimum value = %f\n", minval);
156 		siril_debug_print("  maximum value = %f\n", maxval);
157 		*maxi = maxval;
158 		*mini = minval;
159 	}
160 	return status;
161 }
read_history_in_hdu(fitsfile * fptr,GSList ** list)163 static void read_history_in_hdu(fitsfile *fptr, GSList **list) {
164 	int nkeys, status = 0;
165 	char card[FLEN_CARD];
166 	fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status);
167 	for (int i = 1; i <= nkeys; i++) {
168 		if (fits_read_record(fptr, i, card, &status))
169 			break;
170 		if (!strncmp(card, "HISTORY", 7)) {
171 			*list = g_slist_prepend(*list, g_strdup(card + 8));
172 		}
173 	}
174 }
176 /* copy the header into a list of strings
177  * header is read from current HDU and the following HDU as long as they don't contain an image.
178  * Original active HDU is restored */
fits_read_history(fitsfile * fptr,GSList ** history)179 static void fits_read_history(fitsfile *fptr, GSList **history) {
180 	GSList *list = NULL;
181 	read_history_in_hdu(fptr, &list); // read from current HDU
183 	// browse following HDU
184 	int orig_hdu, type, status;
185 	gboolean hdu_changed = FALSE;
186 	fits_get_hdu_num(fptr, &orig_hdu);
187 	do {
188 		status = 0;
189 		fits_movrel_hdu(fptr, 1, &type, &status);
190 		if (status)
191 			break;
192 		hdu_changed = TRUE;
193 		if (type == IMAGE_HDU)
194 			break;
195 		siril_debug_print("history read from another HDU (CHDU changed)\n");
196 		read_history_in_hdu(fptr, &list);
197 	} while (1);
199 	// restore
200 	if (hdu_changed) {
201 		status = 0;
202 		fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, orig_hdu, NULL, &status);
203 	}
205 	if (*history)
206 		g_slist_free_full(*history, free);
207 	list = g_slist_reverse(list);
208 	*history = list;
209 }
try_read_float_lo_hi(fitsfile * fptr,WORD * lo,WORD * hi)211 static int try_read_float_lo_hi(fitsfile *fptr, WORD *lo, WORD *hi) {
212 	float fhi, flo;
213 	int status = 0;
214 	fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "MIPS-FHI", &fhi, NULL, &status);
215 	if (!status) {
216 		*hi = float_to_ushort_range(fhi);
217 		status = 0;
218 		fits_read_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "MIPS-FLO", &flo, NULL, &status);
219 		if (!status) {
220 			*lo = float_to_ushort_range(flo);
221 		}
222 	}
223 	return status;
224 }
227 /* reading the FITS header to get useful information
228  * stored in the fit, requires an opened file descriptor */
read_fits_header(fits * fit)229 void read_fits_header(fits *fit) {
230 	/* about the status argument: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/c/c_user/node28.html */
231 	int status = 0;
232 	double scale, zero;
233 	char str[FLEN_VALUE] = { 0 };
235 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, MIPSLO, &fit->lo);
236 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, MIPSHI, &fit->hi);
237 	if (fit->orig_bitpix == FLOAT_IMG || fit->orig_bitpix == DOUBLE_IMG) {
238 		try_read_float_lo_hi(fit->fptr, &fit->lo, &fit->hi);
239 	}
241 	if (fit->orig_bitpix == SHORT_IMG) {
242 		if (fit->lo)
243 			fit->lo += 32768;
244 		if (fit->hi)
245 			fit->hi += 32768;
246 	}
248 	status = 0;
249 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BSCALE", &scale, NULL, &status);
250 	if (!status && 1.0 != scale) {
251 		siril_log_message(_("Loaded FITS file has "
252 				"a BSCALE different than 1 (%f)\n"), scale);
253 		status = 0;
254 		/* We reset the scaling factors as we don't use it */
255 		fits_set_bscale(fit->fptr, 1.0, 0.0, &status);
256 	}
258 	status = 0;
259 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BZERO", &zero, NULL, &status);
260 	if (!status && 0.0 != zero && fit->bitpix == FLOAT_IMG) {
261 		fprintf(stdout, "ignoring BZERO\n");
262 		fits_set_bscale(fit->fptr, 1.0, 0.0, &status);
263 	}
265 	/* check if file is created by Siril. If so, and if the file is FLOAT_IMG
266 	 * Then we are confident enough that the range is [0, 1]. So, no need to
267 	 * compute fit_stats
268 	 */
269 	status = 0;
270 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "PROGRAM", &str, NULL, &status);
271 	gboolean not_from_siril = g_ascii_strncasecmp(str, PACKAGE, strlen(PACKAGE));
273 	if ((fit->bitpix == FLOAT_IMG && not_from_siril) || (fit->bitpix == DOUBLE_IMG)) {
274 		status = 0;
275 		fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DATAMAX", &(fit->data_max), NULL, &status);
276 		if (status == KEY_NO_EXIST) {
277 			float mini, maxi;
278 			fit_stats(fit, &mini, &maxi);
279 			fit->data_max = (double) maxi;
280 		}
281 	}
283 	status = 0;
284 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "ROWORDER", &(fit->row_order), NULL,
285 			&status);
287 	/*******************************************************************
288 	 * ************* CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT KEYWORDS ********************
289 	 * ****************************************************************/
291 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, PixSizeX, &fit->pixel_size_x);
292 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, PixSizeY, &fit->pixel_size_y);
293 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TUINT, BinX, &fit->binning_x);
294 	if (fit->binning_x <= 0) fit->binning_x = 1;
295 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TUINT, BinY, &fit->binning_y);
296 	if (fit->binning_y <= 0) fit->binning_y = 1;
298 	status = 0;
299 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "INSTRUME", &(fit->instrume), NULL,
300 			&status);
302 	status = 0;
303 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", &(fit->telescop), NULL,
304 			&status);
306 	status = 0;
307 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBSERVER", &(fit->observer), NULL,
308 			&status);
310 	status = 0;
311 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "BAYERPAT", &(fit->bayer_pattern), NULL,
312 			&status);
314 	status = 0;
315 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "XBAYROFF", &(fit->bayer_xoffset), NULL,
316 			&status);
318 	status = 0;
319 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "YBAYROFF", &(fit->bayer_yoffset), NULL,
320 			&status);
322 	read_fits_date_obs_header(fit);
324 	status = 0;
325 	char date[FLEN_VALUE];
326 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE", &date, NULL, &status);
327 	fit->date = FITS_date_to_date_time(date);
329 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, Focal, &fit->focal_length);
330 	if (fit->focal_length <= 0.0) {
331 		/* this keyword is seen in some professional images, FLENGTH is in m. */
332 		double flength;
333 		status = 0;
334 		fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FLENGTH", &flength, NULL, &status);
335 		if (!status) {
336 			fit->focal_length = flength * 1000.0; // convert m to mm
337 		}
338 	}
340 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, CCD_TEMP, &fit->ccd_temp);
341 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, Exposure, &fit->exposure);
343 	status = 0;
344 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "APERTURE", &(fit->aperture), NULL, &status);
346 	status = 0;
347 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ISOSPEED", &(fit->iso_speed), NULL, &status);	// Non-standard keywords used in MaxIm DL
349 	__tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, Cvf, &fit->cvf); // conversion gain in e-/ADU
351 	status = 0;
352 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, "GAIN", &(fit->key_gain), NULL, &status);  // Gain setting from camera
354     __tryToFindKeywords(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, OffsetLevel, &fit->key_offset); // Offset setting from camera
355 	/*******************************************************************
356 	 * ******************* PLATE SOLVING KEYWORDS **********************
357 	 * ****************************************************************/
358 	status = 0;
359 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EQUINOX", &(fit->wcsdata.equinox), NULL, &status);
361 	status = 0;
362 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTRA", &(fit->wcsdata.objctra), NULL, &status);
364 	status = 0;
365 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTDEC", &(fit->wcsdata.objctdec), NULL, &status);
367 	status = 0;
368 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX1", &(fit->wcsdata.crpix[0]), NULL, &status);
370 	status = 0;
371 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX2", &(fit->wcsdata.crpix[1]), NULL, &status);
373 	status = 0;
374 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL1", &(fit->wcsdata.crval[0]), NULL, &status);
376 	status = 0;
377 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL2", &(fit->wcsdata.crval[1]), NULL, &status);
379 	status = 0;
380 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_1", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[0][0]), NULL, &status);
382 	status = 0;
383 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_2", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[0][1]), NULL, &status);
385 	status = 0;
386 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_1", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[1][0]), NULL, &status);
388 	status = 0;
389 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_2", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[1][1]), NULL, &status);
391 	status = 0;
392 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CDELT1", &(fit->wcsdata.cdelt[0]), NULL, &status);
394 	status = 0;
395 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CDELT2", &(fit->wcsdata.cdelt[1]), NULL, &status);
397 	status = 0;
398 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CROTA1", &(fit->wcsdata.crota[0]), NULL, &status);
400 	status = 0;
401 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CROTA2", &(fit->wcsdata.crota[1]), NULL, &status);
403 	load_WCS_from_file(fit);
405 	/*******************************************************************
406 	 * ************************* DFT KEYWORDS **************************
407 	 * ****************************************************************/
409 	status = 0;
410 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DFTNORM0", &(fit->dft.norm[0]), NULL, &status);
411 	status = 0;
412 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DFTNORM1", &(fit->dft.norm[1]), NULL, &status);
413 	status = 0;
414 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DFTNORM2", &(fit->dft.norm[2]), NULL, &status);
415 	status = 0;
416 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DFTORD", &(fit->dft.ord), NULL, &status);
417 	status = 0;
418 	fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DFTTYPE", &(fit->dft.type), NULL, &status);
420 	fits_read_history(fit->fptr, &(fit->history));
421 }
423 /* copy the header for the current HDU in a heap-allocated string */
copy_header_from_hdu(fitsfile * fptr,char ** header,int * strsize,int * strlength)424 static int copy_header_from_hdu(fitsfile *fptr, char **header, int *strsize, int *strlength) {
425 	int nkeys, status = 0;
426 	fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status);
427 	if (status || nkeys < 0) {
428 		free(*header);
429 		return 1;
430 	}
431 	for (int i = 1; i <= nkeys; i++) {
432 		int cardlen;
433 		char *newstr;
434 		char card[FLEN_CARD];
435 		if (fits_read_record(fptr, i, card, &status))
436 			break;
437 		cardlen = strlen(card);
438 		if (*strlength + cardlen + 1 >= *strsize) {
439 			*strsize += 567;
440 			newstr = realloc(*header, *strsize);
441 			if (!newstr) {
443 				free(*header);
444 				return 1;
445 			}
446 			*header = newstr;
447 		}
448 		strcpy(*header + *strlength, card);
449 		(*strlength) += cardlen;
450 		strcpy(*header + *strlength, "\n");
451 		(*strlength)++;
452 	}
453 	return 0;
454 }
456 /* copy the complete header in a heap-allocated string */
copy_header(fits * fit)457 char *copy_header(fits *fit) {
458 	int strsize, strlength;
459 	char *header;
461 	/* each line in the FITS header is 80 character wide
462 	 * in our string, we also keep new lines, so that's 81.
463 	 * initial allocation is 20 times 81 = 1620
464 	 * reallocations are 7 lines, 567 */
465 	strsize = 1620;
466 	if (!(header = malloc(strsize))) {
468 		return NULL;
469 	}
470 	header[0] = '\0';
471 	strlength = 0;
472 	if (copy_header_from_hdu(fit->fptr, &header, &strsize, &strlength))
473 		return NULL;
475 	int orig_hdu, type, status;
476 	gboolean hdu_changed = FALSE;
477 	fits_get_hdu_num(fit->fptr, &orig_hdu);
478 	do {
479 		status = 0;
480 		fits_movrel_hdu(fit->fptr, 1, &type, &status);
481 		if (status)
482 			break;
483 		hdu_changed = TRUE;
484 		if (type == IMAGE_HDU)
485 			break;
486 		siril_debug_print("header read from another HDU (CHDU changed)\n");
487 		if (copy_header_from_hdu(fit->fptr, &header, &strsize, &strlength))
488 			break;
489 	} while (1);
491 	// restore
492 	if (hdu_changed) {
493 		status = 0;
494 		fits_movabs_hdu(fit->fptr, orig_hdu, NULL, &status);
495 	}
497 	if (header[0] == '\0') {
498 		free(header);
499 		header = NULL;
500 	}
501 	if (!header)
502 		return NULL;
504 	/* we need to test if text is ut8
505 	 * indeed some header are not */
506 	if (!g_utf8_validate(header, -1, NULL)) {
507 		gchar *str = g_utf8_make_valid(header, -1);
508 		free(header);
509 		header = strdup(str);
510 		g_free(str);
511 	}
513 	return header;
514 }
516 /***** data reading and transformation ******/
get_data_type(int bitpix)518 data_type get_data_type(int bitpix) {
519 	if (bitpix == BYTE_IMG || bitpix == SHORT_IMG || bitpix == USHORT_IMG)
520 		return DATA_USHORT;
521 	if (bitpix == LONGLONG_IMG)
522 		return DATA_UNSUPPORTED;
523 	return DATA_FLOAT;
524 }
report_fits_error(int status)527 void report_fits_error(int status) {
528 	if (status) {
529 		char errmsg[FLEN_ERRMSG];
530 		while (fits_read_errmsg(errmsg)) {
531 			siril_log_message(_("FITS error: %s\n"),
532 					errmsg[0] != '\0' ? errmsg : "unknown" );
533 		}
534 	}
535 }
conv_8_to_16(WORD * data,size_t nbdata)537 static void conv_8_to_16(WORD *data, size_t nbdata) {
538 	for (size_t i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
539 		double tmp = (double) data[i] / UCHAR_MAX_DOUBLE * USHRT_MAX_DOUBLE;
540 		data[i] = round_to_WORD(tmp);
541 	}
542 }
conv_16_to_32(WORD * udata,float * fdata,size_t nbdata)544 static void conv_16_to_32(WORD *udata, float *fdata, size_t nbdata) {
545 	for (size_t i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
546 		fdata[i] = (double) udata[i] / USHRT_MAX_DOUBLE;
547 	}
548 }
550 /* convert FITS data formats to siril native.
551  * nbdata is the number of pixels, w * h.
552  * from is not freed, to must be allocated and can be the same as from */
convert_data_ushort(int bitpix,const void * from,WORD * to,size_t nbdata,gboolean values_above_1)553 static void convert_data_ushort(int bitpix, const void *from, WORD *to, size_t nbdata, gboolean values_above_1) {
554 	BYTE *data8;
555 	int16_t *data16;
556 	size_t i;
558 	switch (bitpix) {
559 		case BYTE_IMG:
560 			data8 = (BYTE *)from;
561 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
562 				to[i] = (WORD)data8[i];
563 			break;
564 		case USHORT_IMG:	// siril 0.9 native
565 			// nothing to do
566 			break;
567 		case SHORT_IMG:
568 			// add 2^15 to the read data to obtain unsigned
569 			data16 = (int16_t *)from;
570 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
571 				int sum = 32768 + (int)data16[i];
572 				to[i] = (WORD)sum;
573 			}
574 			break;
575 		case LONGLONG_IMG:	// 64-bit integer pixels
576 		default:
577 			siril_log_message(_("Unknown FITS data format in internal conversion\n"));
578 	}
579 }
581 /* convert FITS data formats to siril native.
582  * nbdata is the number of pixels, w * h.
583  * from is not freed, to must be allocated and can be the same as from */
convert_data_float(int bitpix,const void * from,float * to,size_t nbdata)584 static void convert_data_float(int bitpix, const void *from, float *to, size_t nbdata) {
585 	size_t i;
586 	BYTE *data8;
587 	WORD *ushort;
588 	int16_t *data16;
589 	double *pixels_double;
590 	long *sdata32;	// TO BE TESTED on 32-bit arch, seems to be a cfitsio bug
591 	long mini = LONG_MAX;
592 	long maxi = -LONG_MAX;
593 	unsigned long *data32;
594 	float *data32f;
596 	switch (bitpix) {
597 		case BYTE_IMG:
598 			data8 = (BYTE *)from;
599 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
600 				to[i] = (float)data8[i] * INV_UCHAR_MAX_SINGLE;
601 			break;
602 		case USHORT_IMG:	// siril 0.9 native
603 			ushort = (WORD *)from;
604 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
605 				to[i] = (float)ushort[i] * INV_USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
606 			}
607 			break;
608 		case SHORT_IMG:
609 			// add 2^15 to the read data to obtain unsigned
610 			data16 = (int16_t *)from;
611 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
612 				int sum = 32768 + (int)data16[i];
613 				to[i] = (float)sum * INV_USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
614 			}
615 			break;
616 		case ULONG_IMG:		// 32-bit unsigned integer pixels
617 			data32 = (unsigned long *)from;
618 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
619 				mini = min(data32[i], mini);
620 				maxi = max(data32[i], maxi);
621 			}
622 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
623 				to[i] = (float)((data32[i] - mini)) / (maxi - mini);
624 			break;
625 		case LONG_IMG:		// 32-bit signed integer pixels
626 			sdata32 = (long *)from;
627 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
628 				mini = min(sdata32[i], mini);
629 				maxi = max(sdata32[i], maxi);
630 			}
631 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
632 				to[i] = (float)((sdata32[i] - mini)) / (maxi - mini);
633 			break;
634 		case FLOAT_IMG:		// 32-bit floating point pixels, we use it only if float is not in the [0, 1] range
635 			data32f = (float *)from;
636 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
637 				to[i] = (data32f[i] / USHRT_MAX_SINGLE);
638 			break;
639 		case DOUBLE_IMG:	// 64-bit floating point pixels
640 			pixels_double = (double *)from;
641 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
642 				to[i] = (float)pixels_double[i];
643 			}
644 			break;
645 		case LONGLONG_IMG:	// 64-bit integer pixels
646 		default:
647 			siril_log_message(_("Unknown FITS data format in internal conversion\n"));
648 	}
649 }
convert_floats(int bitpix,float * data,size_t nbdata)651 static void convert_floats(int bitpix, float *data, size_t nbdata) {
652 	size_t i;
653 	switch (bitpix) {
654 		case BYTE_IMG:
655 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
656 				data[i] = data[i] * INV_UCHAR_MAX_SINGLE;
657 			break;
658 		default:
659 		case USHORT_IMG:	// siril 0.9 native
660 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
661 				data[i] = data[i] * INV_USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
662 			break;
663 		case SHORT_IMG:
664 			// add 2^15 to the read data to obtain unsigned
665 			for (i = 0; i < nbdata; i++) {
666 				data[i] = (32768.f + data[i]) * INV_USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
667 			}
668 			break;
669 	}
670 }
get_compression_type(int siril_compression_fits_method)672 static int get_compression_type(int siril_compression_fits_method) {
673 	if (siril_compression_fits_method < 0
674 			|| siril_compression_fits_method > G_N_ELEMENTS(CompressionMethods)) {
675 		return -1;
676 	} else {
677 		return CompressionMethods[siril_compression_fits_method];
678 	}
679 }
681 /* Move to the first HDU of an opened FIT file
682  * with IMAGE type and with dimension > 0
683  */
siril_fits_move_first_image(fitsfile * fp)684 static int siril_fits_move_first_image(fitsfile* fp) {
685 	int status = 0;
686 	int naxis = 0;
688 	/* Move to the first HDU of type image */
689 	fits_movabs_hdu(fp, 1, IMAGE_HDU, &status);
690 	if (status) {
691 		siril_log_message(_("Cannot move to first image in FITS file\n"));
692 		report_fits_error(status); /* print error message */
693 		return status;
694 	}
696 	/* Find the first HDU of type image with dimension > 0 */
697 	do {
698 		//Check naxis for current image HDU
699 		fits_get_img_dim(fp, &naxis, &status);
700 		if (status) {
701 			siril_log_message(_("Cannot get dimension of FITS file\n"));
702 			report_fits_error(status); /* print error message */
703 			return status;
704 		}
705 		if (naxis > 0) {
706 			break;
707 		}
708 		//Check next image HDU
709 		fits_movrel_hdu(fp, 1, IMAGE_HDU, &status);
710 		if (status) {
711 			siril_log_message(_("Cannot move to next image in FITS file\n"));
712 			report_fits_error(status); /* print error message */
713 			return status;
714 		}
715 	} while (!status);
717 	siril_debug_print("Found image HDU (changed CHDU) with naxis %d (status %d)\n", naxis, status);
718 	return status;
719 }
721 /* read buffer from an already open FITS file, fit should have all metadata
722  * correct, and convert the buffer to fit->data with the given type, which
723  * currently should be TBYTE or TUSHORT because fit doesn't contain other data.
724  * filename is for error reporting
725  */
read_fits_with_convert(fits * fit,const char * filename,gboolean force_float)726 int read_fits_with_convert(fits* fit, const char* filename, gboolean force_float) {
727 	int status = 0, zero = 0, datatype;
728 	BYTE *data8;
729 	unsigned long *pixels_long;
730 	// orig ^ gives the coordinate in each dimension of the first pixel to be read
731 	size_t nbpix = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
732 	size_t nbdata = nbpix * fit->naxes[2];
733 	// with force_float, image is read as float data, type is stored as DATA_FLOAT
734 	int fake_bitpix = force_float ? FLOAT_IMG : fit->bitpix;
736 	switch (fake_bitpix) {
737 		case BYTE_IMG:
738 		case SHORT_IMG:
739 		case USHORT_IMG:
740 			/* we store these types as unsigned short */
741 			if ((fit->data = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(WORD))) == NULL) {
743 				return -1;
744 			}
745 			fit->pdata[RLAYER] = fit->data;
746 			if (fit->naxis == 3) {
747 				fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data + nbpix;
748 				fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data + nbpix * 2;
749 			} else {
750 				fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data;
751 				fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data;
752 			}
753 			fit->type = DATA_USHORT;
754 			break;
756 		case ULONG_IMG:		// 32-bit unsigned integer pixels
757 		case LONG_IMG:		// 32-bit signed integer pixels
758 		case DOUBLE_IMG:	// 64-bit floating point pixels
759 		case FLOAT_IMG:		// 32-bit floating point pixels
760 			/* we store these types as float */
761 			if ((fit->fdata = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
763 				return -1;
764 			}
765 			fit->fpdata[RLAYER] = fit->fdata;
766 			if (fit->naxis == 3) {
767 				fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbpix;
768 				fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbpix * 2;
769 			} else {
770 				fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata;
771 				fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata;
772 			}
773 			fit->type = DATA_FLOAT;
774 			break;
776 		case LONGLONG_IMG:	// 64-bit integer pixels
777 		default:
778 			siril_log_message(_("FITS image format %d is not supported by Siril.\n"), fit->bitpix);
779 			return -1;
780 	}
782 	status = 0;
783 	switch (fake_bitpix) {
784 	case BYTE_IMG:
785 		data8 = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(BYTE));
786 		datatype = fit->bitpix == BYTE_IMG ? TBYTE : TSBYTE;
787 		fits_read_img(fit->fptr, datatype, 1, nbdata, &zero, data8, &zero, &status);
788 		if (status) break;
789 		convert_data_ushort(fit->bitpix, data8, fit->data, nbdata, FALSE);
790 		free(data8);
791 		break;
792 	case SHORT_IMG:
793 		fits_read_img(fit->fptr, TSHORT, 1, nbdata, &zero, fit->data, &zero, &status);
794 		if (status) break;
795 		convert_data_ushort(fit->bitpix, fit->data, fit->data, nbdata, FALSE);
796 		fit->bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
797 		break;
798 	case USHORT_IMG:
799 		// siril 0.9 native, no conversion required
800 		fits_read_img(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, 1, nbdata, &zero, fit->data, &zero, &status);
801 		if (status == NUM_OVERFLOW) {
802 			// in case there are errors, we try short data
803 			status = 0;
804 			fits_read_img(fit->fptr, TSHORT, 1, nbdata, &zero, fit->data,
805 					&zero, &status);
806 			if (status)
807 				break;
808 			convert_data_ushort(SHORT_IMG, fit->data, fit->data, nbdata, FALSE);
809 			if (fit->lo)
810 				fit->lo += 32768;
811 			if (fit->hi)
812 				fit->hi += 32768;
813 			fit->bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
814 		}
815 		break;
817 	case ULONG_IMG:		// 32-bit unsigned integer pixels
818 	case LONG_IMG:		// 32-bit signed integer pixels
819 		pixels_long = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(unsigned long));
820 		datatype = fit->bitpix == LONG_IMG ? TLONG : TULONG;
821 		fits_read_img(fit->fptr, datatype, 1, nbdata, &zero, pixels_long, &zero, &status);
822 		if (status) break;
823 		convert_data_float(fit->bitpix, pixels_long, fit->fdata, nbdata);
824 		free(pixels_long);
825 		fit->bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
826 		break;
827 	case FLOAT_IMG:		// 32-bit floating point pixels
828 		// siril 1.0 native, no conversion required
829 	case DOUBLE_IMG:	// 64-bit floating point pixels
830 		// let cfitsio do the conversion
831 		/* we assume we are in the range [0, 1]. But, for some images
832 		 * some values can be negative
833 		 */
834 		fits_read_img(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, 1, nbdata, &zero, fit->fdata, &zero,
835 				&status);
836 		if ((fit->bitpix == USHORT_IMG || fit->bitpix == SHORT_IMG
837 				|| fit->bitpix == BYTE_IMG) || fit->data_max > 2.0) { // needed for some FLOAT_IMG
838 			convert_floats(fit->bitpix, fit->fdata, nbdata);
839 		}
840 		fit->bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
841 		fit->orig_bitpix = FLOAT_IMG; // force this, to avoid problems saving the FITS if needed
842 		break;
843 	}
845 	if (status) {
846 		siril_log_message(_("Fitsio error reading data, file: %s.\n"), filename);
847 		report_fits_error(status);
848 		return -1;
849 	}
851 	return 0;
852 }
854 /* This function reads partial data on one layer from the opened FITS and
855  * convert it to siril's format (USHORT) */
internal_read_partial_fits(fitsfile * fptr,unsigned int ry,int bitpix,void * dest,int layer,const rectangle * area)856 int internal_read_partial_fits(fitsfile *fptr, unsigned int ry,
857 		int bitpix, void *dest, int layer, const rectangle *area) {
858 	int datatype;
859 	BYTE *data8;
860 	long *pixels_long;
861 	long fpixel[3], lpixel[3], inc[3] = { 1L, 1L, 1L };
862 	int zero = 0, status = 0;
864 	/* fpixel is first pixel, lpixel is last pixel, starts with value 1 */
865 	fpixel[0] = area->x + 1;        // in siril, it starts with 0
866 	fpixel[1] = ry - area->y - area->h + 1;
867 	fpixel[2] = layer + 1;
868 	lpixel[0] = area->x + area->w;  // with w and h at least 1, we're ok
869 	lpixel[1] = ry - area->y;
870 	lpixel[2] = layer + 1;
872 	size_t nbdata = area->w * area->h;
874 	switch (bitpix) {
875 		case BYTE_IMG:
876 			data8 = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(BYTE));
877 			datatype = bitpix == BYTE_IMG ? TBYTE : TSBYTE;
878 			fits_read_subset(fptr, datatype, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &zero, data8,
879 					&zero, &status);
880 			if (status) break;
881 			convert_data_ushort(bitpix, data8, dest, nbdata, FALSE);
882 			free(data8);
883 			break;
884 		case SHORT_IMG:
885 			fits_read_subset(fptr, TSHORT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &zero, dest,
886 					&zero, &status);
887 			convert_data_ushort(bitpix, dest, dest, nbdata, FALSE);
888 			break;
889 		case USHORT_IMG:
890 			fits_read_subset(fptr, TUSHORT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &zero, dest,
891 					&zero, &status);
892 			break;
894 		/* types below are read as a 32-bit float image: this breaks compatibility
895 		 * with functions working only with 16-bit int data */
896 		case ULONG_IMG:		// 32-bit unsigned integer pixels
897 		case LONG_IMG:		// 32-bit signed integer pixels
898 			pixels_long = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(long));
899 			status = 0;
900 			datatype = bitpix == LONG_IMG ? TLONG : TULONG;
901 			fits_read_subset(fptr, datatype, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &zero,
902 					pixels_long, &zero, &status);
903 			if (status) break;
904 			convert_data_float(bitpix, pixels_long, dest, nbdata);
905 			free(pixels_long);
906 			break;
907 		case DOUBLE_IMG:	// 64-bit floating point pixels
908 		case FLOAT_IMG:		// 32-bit floating point pixels
909 			fits_read_subset(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &zero, dest,
910 					&zero, &status);
911 			break;
912 		case LONGLONG_IMG:	// 64-bit integer pixels
913 		default:
914 			siril_log_message(_("FITS image format %d is not supported by Siril.\n"), bitpix);
915 			return -1;
916 	}
917 	return status;
918 }
siril_fits_create_diskfile(fitsfile ** fptr,const char * filename,int * status)920 int siril_fits_create_diskfile(fitsfile **fptr, const char *filename, int *status) {
921 	gchar *localefilename = get_locale_filename(filename);
922 	fits_create_diskfile(fptr, localefilename, status);
923 	g_free(localefilename);
924 	return *status;
925 }
save_wcs_keywords(fits * fit)927 static void save_wcs_keywords(fits *fit) {
928 	int status = 0;
930 	if (fit->wcsdata.equinox > 0.0) {
931 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "CTYPE1", "RA---TAN", "Coordinate type for the first axis", &status);
932 		status = 0;
933 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN", "Coordinate type for the second axis", &status);
934 		status = 0;
935 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EQUINOX", &(fit->wcsdata.equinox),	"Equatorial equinox", &status);
936 	}
937 	status = 0;
939 	/* Needed for Aladin compatibility */
940 	if (fit->naxes[2] == 3 && com.pref.rgb_aladin) {
941 		status = 0;
942 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "CTYPE3", "RGB", "RGB image", &status);
943 	}
945 	if (fit->wcsdata.objctra[0] != '\0') {
946 		status = 0;
947 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTRA", &(fit->wcsdata.objctra),	"Image center R.A. (hms)", &status);
948 		status = 0;
949 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBJCTDEC", &(fit->wcsdata.objctdec), "Image center declination (dms)", &status);
950 	}
951 	if (fit->wcsdata.crpix[0] != '\0') {
952 		status = 0;
953 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX1", &(fit->wcsdata.crpix[0]), "Axis1 reference pixel", &status);
954 		status = 0;
955 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRPIX2", &(fit->wcsdata.crpix[1]), "Axis2 reference pixel", &status);
956 	}
957 	if (fit->wcsdata.crval[0] != '\0') {
958 		status = 0;
959 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL1", &(fit->wcsdata.crval[0]), "Axis1 reference value", &status);
960 		status = 0;
961 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CRVAL2", &(fit->wcsdata.crval[1]), "Axis2 reference value", &status);
962 	}
963 	if ((fit->wcsdata.cd[0][0] != 0.0) && (fit->wcsdata.cd[0][1] != 0.0) && (fit->wcsdata.cd[1][0] != 0.0) && (fit->wcsdata.cd[1][1] != 0.0)) {
964 		status = 0;
965 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_1", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[0][0]), "Scale matrix (1, 1)", &status);
966 		status = 0;
967 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_2", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[0][1]), "Scale matrix (1, 2)", &status);
968 		status = 0;
969 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_1", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[1][0]), "Scale matrix (2, 1)", &status);
970 		status = 0;
971 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_2", &(fit->wcsdata.cd[1][1]), "Scale matrix (2, 2)", &status);
972 		status = 0;
973 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "IMAGEW", &(fit->rx), "Image width, in pixels.", &status);
974 		status = 0;
975 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "IMAGEH", &(fit->ry), "Image height, in pixels.", &status);
976 	}
977 }
save_fits_header(fits * fit)979 void save_fits_header(fits *fit) {
980 	int i, status = 0;
981 	double zero, scale;
982 	char comment[FLEN_COMMENT];
984 	if (fit->hi) { /* may not be initialized */
985 		if (fit->type == DATA_USHORT) {
986 			fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, "MIPS-HI", &(fit->hi),
987 					"Upper visualization cutoff", &status);
988 			fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, "MIPS-LO", &(fit->lo),
989 					"Lower visualization cutoff", &status);
990 		}
991 		else if (fit->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
992 			float fhi = ushort_to_float_range(fit->hi);
993 			fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, "MIPS-FHI", &(fhi),
994 					"Upper visualization cutoff", &status);
995 			float flo = ushort_to_float_range(fit->lo);
996 			fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, "MIPS-FLO", &(flo),
997 					"Lower visualization cutoff", &status);
998 		}
999 	}
1000 	// physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * array_value
1001 	// https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/c/c_user/node26.html
1002 	switch (fit->bitpix) {
1003 	case BYTE_IMG:
1004 	case SHORT_IMG:
1005 		zero = 0.0;
1006 		scale = 1.0;
1007 		break;
1008 	case FLOAT_IMG:
1009 		zero = 0.0;
1010 		scale = 1.0;
1011 		break;
1012 	default:
1013 	case USHORT_IMG:
1014 		zero = 32768.0;
1015 		scale = 1.0;
1016 		break;
1017 	}
1018 	status = 0;
1019 	fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BZERO", &zero,
1020 			"offset data range to that of unsigned short", &status);
1022 	status = 0;
1023 	fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "BSCALE", &scale, "default scaling factor",
1024 			&status);
1026 	status = 0;
1027 	if (!g_strcmp0(fit->row_order, "BOTTOM-UP") || !g_strcmp0(fit->row_order, "TOP-DOWN")) {
1028 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "ROWORDER", &fit->row_order,
1029 				"Order of the rows in image array", &status);
1030 	}
1032 	/*******************************************************************
1033 	 * ************* CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT KEYWORDS ********************
1034 	 * ******************** AND DATES **********************************
1035 	 * ****************************************************************/
1037 	status = 0;
1038 	if (fit->instrume[0] != '\0')
1039 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "INSTRUME", &(fit->instrume),
1040 				"instrument name", &status);
1041 	status = 0;
1042 	if (fit->telescop[0] != '\0')
1043 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", &(fit->telescop),
1044 				"telescope used to acquire this image", &status);
1045 	status = 0;
1046 	if (fit->observer[0] != '\0')
1047 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "OBSERVER", &(fit->observer),
1048 				"observer name", &status);
1049 	status = 0;
1050 	int itmp;
1051 	char fit_date[40];
1052 	fits_get_system_time(fit_date, &itmp, &status);
1053 	fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE", fit_date,
1054 			"UTC date that FITS file was created", &status);
1056 	status = 0;
1057 	if (fit->date_obs) {
1058 		gchar *formatted_date = date_time_to_FITS_date(fit->date_obs);
1059 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", formatted_date,
1060 				"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss observation start, UT", &status);
1062 		g_free(formatted_date);
1063 	}
1065 	status = 0;
1066 	if (fit->exposure > 0.)
1067 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EXPTIME", &(fit->exposure),
1068 				"Exposure time [s]", &status);
1070 	status = 0;
1071 	if (fit->expstart > 0.)
1072 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EXPSTART", &(fit->expstart),
1073 				"Exposure start time (standard Julian date)", &status);
1075 	status = 0;
1076 	if (fit->expend > 0.)
1077 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "EXPEND", &(fit->expend),
1078 				"Exposure end time (standard Julian date)", &status);
1080 	/* all keywords below are non-standard */
1081 	status = 0;
1082 	if (fit->pixel_size_x > 0.)
1083 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, "XPIXSZ", &(fit->pixel_size_x),
1084 				"X pixel size microns", &status);
1085 	if (fit->pixel_size_y > 0.)
1086 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TFLOAT, "YPIXSZ", &(fit->pixel_size_y),
1087 				"Y pixel size microns", &status);
1089 	status = 0;
1090 	if (fit->binning_x)
1091 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUINT, "XBINNING", &(fit->binning_x),
1092 				"Camera binning mode", &status);
1093 	if (fit->binning_y)
1094 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUINT, "YBINNING", &(fit->binning_y),
1095 				"Camera binning mode", &status);
1097 	status = 0;
1098 	if (fit->focal_length > 0.)
1099 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "FOCALLEN", &(fit->focal_length),
1100 				"Camera focal length", &status);
1102 	status = 0;
1103 	if (fit->ccd_temp)
1104 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CCD-TEMP", &(fit->ccd_temp),
1105 				"CCD temp in C", &status);
1107 	status = 0;
1108 	if (fit->aperture > 0.)
1109 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "APERTURE", &(fit->aperture),
1110 				"Aperture of the instrument", &status);
1112 	status = 0;
1113 	if (fit->iso_speed > 0.)
1114 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "ISOSPEED", &(fit->iso_speed),
1115 				"ISO camera setting", &status);
1117 	status = 0;
1118 	if (fit->bayer_pattern[0] != '\0') {
1119 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "BAYERPAT", &(fit->bayer_pattern),
1120 				"Bayer color pattern", &status);
1122 		status = 0;
1123 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "XBAYROFF", &(fit->bayer_xoffset),
1124 				"X offset of Bayer array", &status);
1126 		status = 0;
1127 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TINT, "YBAYROFF", &(fit->bayer_yoffset),
1128 				"Y offset of Bayer array", &status);
1130 	}
1132 	status = 0;
1133 	if (fit->key_gain > 0.)
1134 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, "GAIN", &(fit->key_gain),
1135 				"Camera gain", &status);
1137 	status = 0;
1138 	if (fit->key_offset > 0.)
1139 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TUSHORT, "OFFSET", &(fit->key_offset),
1140 				"Camera offset", &status);
1142 	status = 0;
1143 	if (fit->cvf > 0.)
1144 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "CVF", &(fit->cvf),
1145 				"Conversion factor (e-/adu)", &status);
1147 	/*******************************************************************
1148 	 * ******************* PLATE SOLVING KEYWORDS **********************
1149 	 * ****************************************************************/
1151 	save_wcs_keywords(fit);
1153 	/*******************************************************************
1154 	 * ******************** PROGRAMM KEYWORDS **************************
1155 	 * ****************************************************************/
1157 	status = 0;
1158 	char programm[32];
1159 	sprintf(programm, "%s v%s", PACKAGE, VERSION);
1160 	programm[0] = toupper(programm[0]);			// convert siril to Siril
1161 	fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "PROGRAM", programm,
1162 			"Software that created this HDU", &status);
1164 	/*******************************************************************
1165 	 * ********************* HISTORY KEYWORDS **************************
1166 	 * ****************************************************************/
1168 	status = 0;
1169 	if (fit->history) {
1170 		GSList *list;
1171 		for (list = fit->history; list; list = list->next) {
1172 			fits_write_history(fit->fptr, (char *)list->data, &status);
1173 		}
1174 	}
1176 	status = 0;
1177 	if (com.history) {
1178 		for (i = 0; i < com.hist_display; i++) {
1179 			if (com.history[i].history[0] != '\0')
1180 				fits_write_history(fit->fptr, com.history[i].history, &status);
1181 		}
1182 	}
1184 	/*******************************************************************
1185 	 * ************************* DFT KEYWORDS **************************
1186 	 * ****************************************************************/
1188 	status = 0;
1189 	if (fit->dft.type[0] != '\0') {
1190 		if (fit->dft.type[0] == 'S')
1191 			strcpy(comment, "Module of a Discrete Fourier Transform");
1192 		else if (fit->dft.type[0] == 'P')
1193 			strcpy(comment, "Phase of a Discrete Fourier Transform");
1194 		else
1195 			status = 1;			// should not happen
1196 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DFTTYPE", &(fit->dft.type),
1197 				comment, &status);
1198 	}
1200 	status = 0;
1201 	if (fit->dft.ord[0] != '\0') {
1202 		if (fit->dft.ord[0] == 'C')
1203 			strcpy(comment, "Low spatial freq. are located at image center");
1204 		else if (fit->dft.ord[0] == 'R')
1205 			strcpy(comment, "High spatial freq. are located at image center");
1206 		else
1207 			status = 1;			// should not happen
1208 		fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TSTRING, "DFTORD", &(fit->dft.ord), comment,
1209 				&status);
1210 	}
1212 	for (i = 0; i < fit->naxes[2]; i++) {
1213 		if (fit->dft.norm[i] > 0.) {
1214 			const char *str1 = "DFTNORM";
1215 			const char *str2 = "Normalisation value for channel #";
1216 			char key_str[FLEN_KEYWORD], comment_str[FLEN_VALUE];
1217 			g_sprintf(key_str, "%s%d", str1, i);
1218 			g_sprintf(comment_str, "%s%d", str2, i);
1219 			status = 0;
1220 			fits_update_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, key_str, &(fit->dft.norm[i]),
1221 					comment_str, &status);
1222 		}
1223 	}
1224 }
1226 /********************** public functions ************************************/
get_date_data_from_fitsfile(fitsfile * fptr,GDateTime ** dt,double * exposure)1228 void get_date_data_from_fitsfile(fitsfile *fptr, GDateTime **dt, double *exposure) {
1229 	char date_obs[FLEN_VALUE];
1231 	__tryToFindKeywords(fptr, TDOUBLE, Exposure, exposure);
1232 	int status = 0;
1233 	fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", &date_obs, NULL, &status);
1234 	if (!status) {
1235 		*dt = FITS_date_to_date_time(date_obs);
1236 	}
1237 }
import_metadata_from_fitsfile(fitsfile * fptr,fits * to)1239 int import_metadata_from_fitsfile(fitsfile *fptr, fits *to) {
1240 	fits from = { 0 };
1241 	from.fptr = fptr;
1242 	read_fits_header(&from);
1243 	copy_fits_metadata(&from, to);
1244 	return 0;
1245 }
1247 /* from bitpix, depending on BZERO, bitpix and orig_bitpix are set.
1248  *
1249  * since USHORT_IMG is a cfitsio trick and doesn't really exist in the
1250  * file, when we read it, the bitpix is given as SHORT_IMG. If BZERO is
1251  * 2^15, it means that it is USHORT data and we force the bitpix to it
1252  * in order to read it properly. Same thing for LONG and ULONG.
1253  * https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/c/c_user/node23.html
1254  */
manage_bitpix(fitsfile * fptr,int * bitpix,int * orig_bitpix)1255 void manage_bitpix(fitsfile *fptr, int *bitpix, int *orig_bitpix) {
1256 	double offset;
1257 	int status = 0;
1258 	fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "BZERO", &offset, NULL, &status);
1259 	if (!status) {
1260 		if (*bitpix == SHORT_IMG && offset != 0.0) {
1261 			*bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
1262 		}
1263 		else if (*bitpix == LONG_IMG && offset != 0.0)
1264 			*bitpix = ULONG_IMG;
1265 	} else {
1266 		/* but some software just put unsigned 16-bit data in the file
1267 		 * and don't set the BZERO keyword... */
1268 		if (status == KEY_NO_EXIST && *bitpix == SHORT_IMG)
1269 			*bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
1270 	}
1271 	// and we store the original bitpix to reuse it during later partial
1272 	// reads when we have no access to the header or a fits * struct.
1273 	*orig_bitpix = *bitpix;
1274 }
1276 // return 0 on success, fills realname if not NULL with the opened file's name
readfits(const char * filename,fits * fit,char * realname,gboolean force_float)1277 int readfits(const char *filename, fits *fit, char *realname, gboolean force_float) {
1278 	int status, retval = 1;
1279 	char *name = NULL;
1280 	gchar *basename;
1281 	image_type imagetype;
1283 	if (stat_file(filename, &imagetype, &name)) {
1284 		siril_log_message(_("%s.[any_allowed_extension] not found.\n"),
1285 				filename);
1286 		free(name);
1287 		return 1;
1288 	}
1289 	if (imagetype != TYPEFITS) {
1290 		siril_log_message(
1291 				_("The file %s is not a FITS file or doesn't exists with FITS extensions.\n"),
1292 						filename);
1293 		free(name);
1294 		return 1;
1295 	}
1297 	if (realname)
1298 		strcpy(realname, name);
1300 	status = 0;
1301 	siril_fits_open_diskfile(&(fit->fptr), name, READONLY, &status);
1302 	if (status) {
1303 		report_fits_error(status);
1304 		free(name);
1305 		return status;
1306 	}
1307 	free(name);
1309 	if (siril_fits_move_first_image(fit->fptr)) {
1310 		siril_log_message(_("Selecting the primary header failed, is the FITS file '%s' malformed?\n"), filename);
1311 		goto close_readfits;
1312 	}
1314 	status = read_fits_metadata(fit);
1315 	if (status)
1316 		goto close_readfits;
1318 	retval = read_fits_with_convert(fit, filename, force_float);
1319 	fit->top_down = FALSE;
1321 	if (!retval) {
1322 		// copy the entire header in memory
1323 		if (fit->header)
1324 			free(fit->header);
1325 		fit->header = copy_header(fit);
1327 		basename = g_path_get_basename(filename);
1328 		siril_log_message(_("Reading FITS: file %s, %ld layer(s), %ux%u pixels\n"),
1329 				basename, fit->naxes[2], fit->rx, fit->ry) ;
1330 		g_free(basename);
1331 	}
1333 close_readfits:
1334 	status = 0;
1335 	fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1336 	return retval;
1337 }
siril_fits_open_diskfile(fitsfile ** fptr,const char * filename,int iomode,int * status)1339 int siril_fits_open_diskfile(fitsfile **fptr, const char *filename, int iomode, int *status) {
1340 	gchar *localefilename = get_locale_filename(filename);
1341 	fits_open_diskfile(fptr, localefilename, iomode, status);
1342 	if (!(*status)) {
1343 		siril_fits_move_first_image(*fptr);
1344 	}
1345 	g_free(localefilename);
1346 	return *status;
1347 }
1349 // reset a fit data structure, deallocates everything in it and zero the data
clearfits(fits * fit)1350 void clearfits(fits *fit) {
1351 	if (fit == NULL)
1352 		return;
1353 	if (fit->data)
1354 		free(fit->data);
1355 	if (fit->fdata)
1356 		free(fit->fdata);
1357 	if (fit->header)
1358 		free(fit->header);
1359 	if (fit->history)
1360 		g_slist_free_full(fit->history, free);
1361 	if (fit->date_obs)
1362 		g_date_time_unref(fit->date_obs);
1363 	if (fit->date)
1364 		g_date_time_unref(fit->date);
1365 	if (fit->stats) {
1366 		for (int i = 0; i < fit->naxes[2]; i++)
1367 			free_stats(fit->stats[i]);
1368 		free(fit->stats);
1369 	}
1370 	free_wcs(fit);
1372 	memset(fit, 0, sizeof(fits));
1373 }
1375 /* Read a rectangular section of a FITS image in Siril's format, pointed by its
1376  * exact filename. Only layer layer is read.
1377  * Returned fit->data is upside-down. */
readfits_partial(const char * filename,int layer,fits * fit,const rectangle * area,gboolean do_photometry)1378 int readfits_partial(const char *filename, int layer, fits *fit,
1379 		const rectangle *area, gboolean do_photometry) {
1380 	int status;
1381 	size_t nbdata;
1382 	double data_max = 0.0;
1384 	status = 0;
1385 	if (siril_fits_open_diskfile(&(fit->fptr), filename, READONLY, &status)) {
1386 		report_fits_error(status);
1387 		return status;
1388 	}
1390 	if (siril_fits_move_first_image(fit->fptr)) {
1391 		siril_log_message(_("Selecting the primary header failed, is the FITS file '%s' malformed?\n"), filename);
1392 		return -1;
1393 	}
1395 	status = 0;
1396 	fits_get_img_param(fit->fptr, 3, &(fit->bitpix), &(fit->naxis), fit->naxes,
1397 			&status);
1398 	if (status) {
1399 		report_fits_error(status);
1400 		status = 0;
1401 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1402 		return status;
1403 	}
1405 	manage_bitpix(fit->fptr, &(fit->bitpix), &(fit->orig_bitpix));
1407 	if (do_photometry)
1408 		fit_get_photometry_data(fit);
1410 	if (fit->naxis == 2 && fit->naxes[2] == 0)
1411 		fit->naxes[2] = 1;	// see readfits for the explanation
1412 	if (layer > fit->naxes[2] - 1) {
1413 		siril_log_message(_("FITS read partial: there is no layer %d in the image %s\n"),
1414 				layer + 1, filename);
1415 		status = 0;
1416 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1417 		return -1;
1418 	}
1420 	if (fit->naxis == 3 && fit->naxes[2] != 3) {
1421 		siril_log_message(_("Unsupported FITS image format (%ld axes).\n"),
1422 				fit->naxes[2]);
1423 		status = 0;
1424 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1425 		return -1;
1426 	}
1428 	nbdata = area->w * area->h;
1429 	fit->type = get_data_type(fit->bitpix);
1430 	if (fit->type == DATA_UNSUPPORTED) {
1431 		siril_log_message(_("Unknown FITS data format in internal conversion\n"));
1432 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1433 		return -1;
1434 	}
1436 	if (fit->type == DATA_USHORT) {
1437 		/* realloc fit->data to the image size */
1438 		WORD *olddata = fit->data;
1439 		if ((fit->data = realloc(fit->data, nbdata * sizeof(WORD))) == NULL) {
1441 			status = 0;
1442 			fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1443 			if (olddata)
1444 				free(olddata);
1445 			return -1;
1446 		}
1447 		fit->pdata[RLAYER] = fit->data;
1448 		fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data;
1449 		fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data;
1451 		status = internal_read_partial_fits(fit->fptr, fit->naxes[1],
1452 				fit->bitpix, fit->data, layer, area);
1453 	} else {
1454 		if (fit->bitpix == FLOAT_IMG) {
1455 			status = 0;
1456 			fits_read_key(fit->fptr, TDOUBLE, "DATAMAX", &data_max, NULL, &status);
1457 			if (status == KEY_NO_EXIST) {
1458 				float mini, maxi;
1459 				fit_stats(fit, &mini, &maxi);
1460 				fit->data_max = (double) maxi;
1461 			}
1462 		}
1464 		/* realloc fit->fdata to the image size */
1465 		float *olddata = fit->fdata;
1466 		if ((fit->fdata = realloc(fit->fdata, nbdata * sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
1468 			status = 0;
1469 			fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1470 			if (olddata)
1471 				free(olddata);
1472 			return -1;
1473 		}
1474 		fit->fpdata[RLAYER] = fit->fdata;
1475 		fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata;
1476 		fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata;
1478 		status = internal_read_partial_fits(fit->fptr, fit->naxes[1],
1479 				fit->bitpix, fit->fdata, layer, area);
1480 	}
1482 	if (status) {
1483 		report_fits_error(status);
1484 		status = 0;
1485 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1486 		return -1;
1487 	}
1489 	fit->naxes[0] = area->w;
1490 	fit->naxes[1] = area->h;
1491 	fit->rx = fit->naxes[0];
1492 	fit->ry = fit->naxes[1];
1493 	fit->naxes[2] = 1;
1494 	fit->naxis = 2;
1496 	status = 0;
1497 	fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1498 	fprintf(stdout, _("Loaded partial FITS file %s\n"), filename);
1499 	return 0;
1500 }
read_fits_metadata(fits * fit)1502 int read_fits_metadata(fits *fit) {
1503 	int status = 0;
1504 	fit->naxes[2] = 1;
1505 	fits_get_img_param(fit->fptr, 3, &(fit->bitpix), &(fit->naxis), fit->naxes, &status);
1506 	if (status) {
1507 		siril_log_message(_("FITSIO error getting image parameters.\n"));
1508 		report_fits_error(status);
1509 		status = 0;
1510 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1511 		return 1;
1512 	}
1514 	manage_bitpix(fit->fptr, &(fit->bitpix), &(fit->orig_bitpix));
1516 	fit->rx = fit->naxes[0];
1517 	fit->ry = fit->naxes[1];
1519 	if (fit->naxis == 3 && fit->naxes[2] != 3) {
1520 		siril_log_color_message(_("The FITS image contains more than 3 channels (%ld). Opening only the three first.\n"), "salmon", fit->naxes[2]);
1521 		if (fit->naxis == 3) fit->naxes[2] = 3;
1522 	}
1524 	if (fit->naxis == 2 && fit->naxes[2] == 0) {
1525 		fit->naxes[2] = 1;
1526 		/* naxes[2] is set to 1 because:
1527 		 * - it doesn't matter, since naxis is 2, it's not used
1528 		 * - it's very convenient to use it in multiplications as the number of layers
1529 		 */
1530 	}
1531 	if (fit->bitpix == LONGLONG_IMG) {
1532 		siril_log_message(
1533 				_("FITS images with 64 bits signed integer per pixel.channel are not supported.\n"));
1534 		status = 0;
1535 		fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1536 		return -1;
1537 	}
1539 	read_fits_header(fit);	// stores useful header data in fit
1540 	return 0;
1541 }
read_fits_metadata_from_path(const char * filename,fits * fit)1543 int read_fits_metadata_from_path(const char *filename, fits *fit) {
1544 	int status = 0;
1545 	siril_fits_open_diskfile(&(fit->fptr), filename, READONLY, &status);
1546 	if (status) {
1547 		report_fits_error(status);
1548 		return status;
1549 	}
1551 	if (siril_fits_move_first_image(fit->fptr)) {
1552 		siril_log_message(_("Selecting the primary header failed, is the FITS file '%s' malformed?\n"), filename);
1553 		return -1;
1554 	}
1556 	read_fits_metadata(fit);
1558 	status = 0;
1559 	fits_close_file(fit->fptr, &status);
1560 	return status;
1561 }
flip_buffer(int bitpix,void * buffer,const rectangle * area)1563 void flip_buffer(int bitpix, void *buffer, const rectangle *area) {
1564 	/* reverse the read data, because it's stored upside-down */
1565 	if (get_data_type(bitpix) == DATA_FLOAT) {
1566 		int line_size = area->w * sizeof(float);
1567 		void *swap = malloc(line_size);
1568 		float *buf = (float *)buffer;
1569 		int i;
1570 		for (i = 0; i < area->h/2 ; i++) {
1571 			memcpy(swap, buf + i*area->w, line_size);
1572 			memcpy(buf + i*area->w, buf + (area->h - i - 1)*area->w, line_size);
1573 			memcpy(buf + (area->h - i - 1)*area->w, swap, line_size);
1574 		}
1575 		free(swap);
1576 	} else {
1577 		int line_size = area->w * sizeof(WORD);
1578 		void *swap = malloc(line_size);
1579 		WORD *buf = (WORD *)buffer;
1580 		int i;
1581 		for (i = 0; i < area->h/2 ; i++) {
1582 			memcpy(swap, buf + i*area->w, line_size);
1583 			memcpy(buf + i*area->w, buf + (area->h - i - 1)*area->w, line_size);
1584 			memcpy(buf + (area->h - i - 1)*area->w, swap, line_size);
1585 		}
1586 		free(swap);
1587 	}
1588 }
1591 /* read subset of an opened fits file.
1592  * The rectangle's coordinates x,y start at 0,0 for first pixel in the image.
1593  * layer and index also start at 0.
1594  * buffer has to be allocated with enough space to store the area.
1595  */
read_opened_fits_partial(sequence * seq,int layer,int index,void * buffer,const rectangle * area)1596 int read_opened_fits_partial(sequence *seq, int layer, int index, void *buffer,
1597 		const rectangle *area) {
1598 	int status;
1600 	if (!seq || !seq->fptr || !seq->fptr[index]) {
1601 		printf("data initialization error in read fits partial\n");
1602 		return 1;
1603 	}
1604 	if (area->x < 0 || area->y < 0 || area->x >= seq->rx || area->y >= seq->ry
1605 			|| area->w <= 0 || area->h <= 0 || area->x + area->w > seq->rx
1606 			|| area->y + area->h > seq->ry) {
1607 		fprintf(stderr, "partial read from FITS file has been requested outside image bounds or with invalid size\n");
1608 		return 1;
1609 	}
1611 #ifdef _OPENMP
1612 	g_assert(seq->fd_lock);
1613 	omp_set_lock(&seq->fd_lock[index]);
1614 #endif
1616 	status = internal_read_partial_fits(seq->fptr[index], seq->ry, seq->bitpix, buffer, layer, area);
1618 #ifdef _OPENMP
1619 	omp_unset_lock(&seq->fd_lock[index]);
1620 #endif
1621 	if (status)
1622 		return 1;
1624 	flip_buffer(seq->bitpix, buffer, area);
1625 	return 0;
1626 }
siril_fits_compress(fits * f)1628 int siril_fits_compress(fits *f) {
1629 	int status = 0;
1630 	int comp_type = -1;
1631 	siril_debug_print("Compressing FIT file with method %d and quantization %f\n",
1632 				com.pref.comp.fits_method,
1633 				com.pref.comp.fits_quantization);
1634 	comp_type = get_compression_type(com.pref.comp.fits_method);
1635 	siril_debug_print("cfitsio compression type %d\n",
1636 				comp_type);
1637 	if (comp_type < 0) {
1638 		siril_log_message(_("Unknown FITS compression method in internal conversion\n"));
1639 		return 1;
1640 	}
1642 	/** In the doc: The default algorithm is called ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1''.
1643 	 * A second variation called ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2'' is also available,
1644 	 * which does the same thing except that any pixels with a value of 0.0 are not
1645 	 * dithered and instead the zero values are exactly preserved in the compressed image
1646 	 *
1647 	 * Here we need to use SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER in order to not have border artifacts at the
1648 	 * end of sracking with compressed images.
1649 	 */
1650 	if (fits_set_quantize_dither(f->fptr, SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2, &status)) {
1651 		report_fits_error(status);
1652 		return 1;
1653 	}
1654 	status = 0;
1656 	if (fits_set_compression_type(f->fptr, comp_type, &status)) {
1657 		report_fits_error(status);
1658 		return 1;
1659 	}
1660 	status = 0;
1662 	if (fits_set_quantize_level(f->fptr, com.pref.comp.fits_quantization, &status)) {
1663 		report_fits_error(status);
1664 		return 1;
1665 	}
1667 	status = 0;
1669 	/* Set the Hcompress scale factor if relevant */
1670 	if (comp_type == HCOMPRESS_1) {
1671 		if (fits_set_hcomp_scale(f->fptr, com.pref.comp.fits_hcompress_scale, &status)) {
1672 			report_fits_error(status);
1673 			return 1;
1674 		}
1675 		siril_debug_print("FITS HCompress scale factor %f\n",
1676 				com.pref.comp.fits_hcompress_scale);
1677 		status = 0;
1678 	}
1679 	return status;
1680 }
1682 /* creates, saves and closes the file associated to f, overwriting previous  */
savefits(const char * name,fits * f)1683 int savefits(const char *name, fits *f) {
1684 	int status;
1685 	char filename[256];
1687 	f->naxes[0] = f->rx;
1688 	f->naxes[1] = f->ry;
1690 	if (f->naxis == 3 && f->naxes[2] != 3) {
1691 		printf("Trying to save a FITS color file with more than 3 channels?");
1692 		return 1;
1693 	}
1695 	gboolean right_extension = FALSE;
1696 	for (int i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(fit_extension); i++) {
1697 		if (g_str_has_suffix(name, fit_extension[i])) {
1698 			right_extension = TRUE;
1699 			break;
1700 		}
1701 	}
1703 	if (!right_extension) {
1704 		snprintf(filename, 255, "%s%s", name, com.pref.ext);
1705 	} else {
1706 		snprintf(filename, 255, "%s", name);
1707 	}
1709 	g_unlink(filename); /* Delete old file if it already exists */
1711 	status = 0;
1712 	if (siril_fits_create_diskfile(&(f->fptr), filename, &status)) { /* create new FITS file */
1713 		report_fits_error(status);
1714 		return 1;
1715 	}
1717 	if (com.pref.comp.fits_enabled) {
1718 		status = siril_fits_compress(f);
1719 		if (status) {
1720 			report_fits_error(status);
1721 			return 1;
1722 		}
1723 	}
1725 	if (fits_create_img(f->fptr, f->bitpix, f->naxis, f->naxes, &status)) {
1726 		report_fits_error(status);
1727 		return 1;
1728 	}
1730 	save_opened_fits(f);
1732 	status = 0;
1733 	fits_close_file(f->fptr, &status);
1734 	if (!status) {
1735 		siril_log_message(_("Saving FITS: file %s, %ld layer(s), %ux%u pixels\n"),
1736 				filename, f->naxes[2], f->rx, f->ry);
1737 	}
1738 	return 0;
1739 }
save_opened_fits(fits * f)1741 int save_opened_fits(fits *f) {
1742 	BYTE *data8;
1743 	long orig[3] = { 1L, 1L, 1L };
1744 	size_t i, pixel_count;
1745 	int type, status = 0;
1747 	save_fits_header(f);
1748 	pixel_count = f->naxes[0] * f->naxes[1] * f->naxes[2];
1750 	status = 0;
1751 	switch (f->bitpix) {
1752 	case BYTE_IMG:
1753 		data8 = malloc(pixel_count * sizeof(BYTE));
1754 		if (f->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
1755 			for (i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++) {
1756 				data8[i] = float_to_uchar_range(f->fdata[i]);
1757 			}
1758 		} else {
1759 			double norm = get_normalized_value(f);
1760 			for (i = 0; i < pixel_count; i++) {
1761 				if (norm == USHRT_MAX_DOUBLE)
1762 					data8[i] = conv_to_BYTE((double)f->data[i]);
1763 				else
1764 					data8[i] = round_to_BYTE(f->data[i]);
1765 			}
1766 		}
1767 		if (fits_write_pix(f->fptr, TBYTE, orig, pixel_count, data8, &status)) {
1768 			report_fits_error(status);
1769 			free(data8);
1770 			return 1;
1771 		}
1772 		f->lo >>= 8;
1773 		f->hi >>= 8;
1774 		free(data8);
1775 		break;
1776 	case SHORT_IMG:
1777 	case USHORT_IMG:
1778 		type = f->bitpix == SHORT_IMG ? TSHORT : TUSHORT;
1779 		if (f->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
1780 			WORD *data = float_buffer_to_ushort(f->fdata, f->naxes[0] * f->naxes[1] * f->naxes[2]);
1781 			if (fits_write_pix(f->fptr, type, orig, pixel_count, data, &status)) {
1782 				report_fits_error(status);
1783 				free(data);
1784 				return 1;
1785 			}
1786 			free(data);
1787 		} else {
1788 			if (f->orig_bitpix == BYTE_IMG) {
1789 				conv_8_to_16(f->data, pixel_count);
1790 			}
1791 			if (fits_write_pix(f->fptr, type, orig, pixel_count, f->data,
1792 					&status)) {
1793 				report_fits_error(status);
1794 				return 1;
1795 			}
1796 		}
1797 		break;
1798 	case FLOAT_IMG:
1799 		if (f->type == DATA_USHORT) {
1800 			if (f->orig_bitpix == BYTE_IMG) {
1801 				conv_8_to_16(f->data, pixel_count);
1802 			}
1803 			f->fdata = malloc(pixel_count * sizeof(float));
1804 			conv_16_to_32(f->data, f->fdata, pixel_count);
1805 			fit_replace_buffer(f, f->fdata, DATA_FLOAT);
1806 		}
1807 		if (fits_write_pix(f->fptr, TFLOAT, orig, pixel_count, f->fdata, &status)) {
1808 			report_fits_error(status);
1809 			return 1;
1810 		}
1811 		break;
1812 	case LONG_IMG:
1813 	case LONGLONG_IMG:
1814 	case DOUBLE_IMG:
1815 	default:
1816 		siril_log_message(_("ERROR: trying to save a FITS image "
1817 				"with an unsupported format (%d).\n"), f->bitpix);
1818 		fits_close_file(f->fptr, &status);
1819 		return 1;
1820 	}
1822 	if (!status) {
1823 		// copy the entire header in memory
1824 		if (f->header)
1825 			free(f->header);
1826 		f->header = copy_header(f);
1827 	}
1829 	return 0;
1830 }
1832 /* Duplicates some of a fits data into another, with various options; the third
1833  * parameter, oper, indicates with bits what operations will be done:
1834  *
1835  * - CP_ALLOC: allocates the to->data pointer to the size of from->data and
1836  *   sets to->pdata; required if data is not already allocated with the
1837  *   correct size or at all. No data is copied
1838  * - CP_INIT: initialize to->data with zeros, same size of the image in from,
1839  *   but no other data is modified. Ignored if not used with CP_ALLOC.
1840  * - CP_COPYA: copies the actual data, from->data to to->data on all layers,
1841  *   but no other information from the source. Should not be used with CP_INIT
1842  * - CP_FORMAT: copy all metadata and leaves data to null
1843  * - CP_EXPAND: forces the destination number of layers to be taken as 3, but
1844  *   the other operations have no modifications, meaning that if the source
1845  *   image has one layer, the output image will have only one actual layer
1846  *   filled, and two filled with random data unless CP_INIT is used to fill it
1847  *   with zeros.
1848  *
1849  * Example: to duplicate a fits from one to an unknown-allocated other, those
1850  * flags should be used:	CP_ALLOC | CP_COPYA | CP_FORMAT
1851  *
1852  */
copyfits(fits * from,fits * to,unsigned char oper,int layer)1853 int copyfits(fits *from, fits *to, unsigned char oper, int layer) {
1854 	int depth, i;
1855 	size_t nbdata = from->naxes[0] * from->naxes[1];
1857 	if ((oper & CP_EXPAND))
1858 		depth = 3;
1859 	else depth = from->naxes[2];
1861 	if ((oper & CP_FORMAT)) {
1862 		// copying metadata, not data or stats which are kept null
1863 		memcpy(to, from, sizeof(fits));
1864 		to->naxis = depth == 3 ? 3 : from->naxis;
1865 		to->naxes[2] = depth;
1866 		if (depth != from->naxes[2]) {
1867 			to->maxi = -1.0;
1868 		}
1869 		to->stats = NULL;
1870 		to->fptr = NULL;
1871 		to->data = NULL;
1872 		to->pdata[0] = NULL;
1873 		to->pdata[1] = NULL;
1874 		to->pdata[2] = NULL;
1875 		to->fdata = NULL;
1876 		to->fpdata[0] = NULL;
1877 		to->fpdata[1] = NULL;
1878 		to->fpdata[2] = NULL;
1879 		to->header = NULL;
1880 		to->history = NULL;
1881 		to->date = NULL;
1882 		to->date_obs = NULL;
1883 #ifdef HAVE_WCSLIB
1884 		to->wcslib = NULL;
1885 #endif
1886 	}
1888 	if ((oper & CP_ALLOC)) {
1889 		// allocating to->data and assigning to->pdata
1890 		if (from->type == DATA_USHORT) {
1891 			WORD *olddata = to->data;
1892 			if (!(to->data = realloc(to->data, nbdata * depth * sizeof(WORD)))) {
1894 				if (olddata)
1895 					free(olddata);
1896 				return -1;
1897 			}
1898 			to->type = DATA_USHORT;
1899 			to->pdata[RLAYER] = to->data;
1900 			if (depth == 3) {
1901 				to->pdata[GLAYER] = to->data + nbdata;
1902 				to->pdata[BLAYER] = to->data + 2 * nbdata;
1903 			} else {
1904 				to->pdata[GLAYER] = to->data;
1905 				to->pdata[BLAYER] = to->data;
1906 			}
1908 			if ((oper & CP_INIT)) {
1909 				// clearing to->data allocated above
1910 				memset(to->data, 0, nbdata * depth * sizeof(WORD));
1911 			}
1912 		}
1913 		else if (from->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
1914 			float *olddata = to->fdata;
1915 			if (!(to->fdata = realloc(to->fdata, nbdata * depth * sizeof(float)))) {
1917 				if (olddata)
1918 					free(olddata);
1919 				return -1;
1920 			}
1921 			to->type = DATA_FLOAT;
1922 			to->fpdata[RLAYER] = to->fdata;
1923 			if (depth == 3) {
1924 				to->fpdata[GLAYER] = to->fdata + nbdata;
1925 				to->fpdata[BLAYER] = to->fdata + 2 * nbdata;
1926 			} else {
1927 				to->fpdata[GLAYER] = to->fdata;
1928 				to->fpdata[BLAYER] = to->fdata;
1929 			}
1931 			if ((oper & CP_INIT)) {
1932 				// clearing to->fdata allocated above
1933 				memset(to->fdata, 0, nbdata * depth * sizeof(WORD));
1934 			}
1935 		}
1936 		else {
1937 			fprintf(stderr, "unsupported copy\n");
1938 			return -1;
1939 		}
1940 	}
1942 	if ((oper & CP_COPYA)) {
1943 		// copying data
1944 		if (to->type == DATA_USHORT)
1945 			memcpy(to->data, from->data, nbdata * depth * sizeof(WORD));
1946 		else if (to->type == DATA_FLOAT)
1947 			memcpy(to->fdata, from->fdata, nbdata * depth * sizeof(float));
1948 		else {
1949 			fprintf(stderr, "unsupported copy\n");
1950 			return -1;
1951 		}
1953 		// copying stats
1954 		if (from->stats) {
1955 			for (i = 0; i < from->naxes[2]; i++) {
1956 				if (from->stats[i])
1957 					add_stats_to_fit(to, i, from->stats[i]);
1958 			}
1959 		} else {
1960 			invalidate_stats_from_fit(to);
1961 		}
1962 	}
1964 	return 0;
1965 }
extract_fits(fits * from,fits * to,int channel,gboolean to_float)1967 int extract_fits(fits *from, fits *to, int channel, gboolean to_float) {
1968 	size_t nbdata = from->naxes[0] * from->naxes[1];
1969 	// copying metadata, not data or stats which are kept null
1970 	memcpy(to, from, sizeof(fits));
1971 	to->naxis = 2;
1972 	to->naxes[2] = 1L;
1973 	to->maxi = -1.0;
1974 	to->stats = NULL;
1975 	to->fptr = NULL;
1976 	to->header = NULL;
1977 	to->history = NULL;
1978 	to->date = NULL;
1979 	to->date_obs = NULL;
1980 #ifdef HAVE_WCSLIB
1981 	to->wcslib = NULL;
1982 #endif
1984 	if (from->type == DATA_USHORT)
1985 		if (to_float) {
1986 			/*if (from->bitpix == BYTE_IMG)
1987 				to->fdata = ushort8_buffer_to_float(from->pdata[channel], nbdata);
1988 			else to->fdata = ushort_buffer_to_float(from->pdata[channel], nbdata); */
1989 			to->fdata = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(float));
1990 			if (!to->fdata) {
1992 				return -1;
1993 			}
1994 			for (int i = 0; i < nbdata; i++)
1995 				to->fdata[i] = (float)from->pdata[channel][i];
1996 			to->type = DATA_FLOAT;
1997 			to->bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
1998 			to->data = NULL;
1999 			to->pdata[0] = NULL;
2000 			to->pdata[1] = NULL;
2001 			to->pdata[2] = NULL;
2002 			to->fpdata[0] = to->fdata;
2003 			to->fpdata[1] = to->fdata;
2004 			to->fpdata[2] = to->fdata;
2005 		}
2006 		else {
2007 			to->data = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(WORD));
2008 			if (!to->data) {
2010 				return -1;
2011 			}
2012 			memcpy(to->data, from->pdata[channel], nbdata * sizeof(WORD));
2013 			to->pdata[0] = to->data;
2014 			to->pdata[1] = to->data;
2015 			to->pdata[2] = to->data;
2016 		}
2017 	else if (from->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
2018 		to->fdata = malloc(nbdata * sizeof(float));
2019 		if (!to->fdata) {
2021 			return -1;
2022 		}
2023 		memcpy(to->fdata, from->fpdata[channel], nbdata * sizeof(float));
2024 		to->fpdata[0] = to->fdata;
2025 		to->fpdata[1] = to->fdata;
2026 		to->fpdata[2] = to->fdata;
2027 	}
2028 	return 0;
2029 }
2031 /* copy non-mandatory keywords from 'from' to 'to' */
copy_fits_metadata(fits * from,fits * to)2032 int copy_fits_metadata(fits *from, fits *to) {
2033 	to->pixel_size_x = from->pixel_size_x;
2034 	to->pixel_size_y = from->pixel_size_y;
2035 	to->binning_x = from->binning_x;
2036 	to->binning_y = from->binning_y;
2038 	if (from->date)
2039 		to->date = g_date_time_ref(from->date);
2040 	if (from->date_obs)
2041 		to->date_obs = g_date_time_ref(from->date_obs);
2042 	strncpy(to->instrume, from->instrume, FLEN_VALUE);
2043 	strncpy(to->telescop, from->telescop, FLEN_VALUE);
2044 	strncpy(to->observer, from->observer, FLEN_VALUE);
2045 	strncpy(to->dft.type, from->dft.type, FLEN_VALUE);
2046 	strncpy(to->dft.ord, from->dft.ord, FLEN_VALUE);
2047 	strncpy(to->bayer_pattern, from->bayer_pattern, FLEN_VALUE);
2048 	strncpy(to->row_order, from->row_order, FLEN_VALUE);
2050 	to->bayer_xoffset = from->bayer_xoffset;
2051 	to->bayer_yoffset = from->bayer_yoffset;
2052 	to->focal_length = from->focal_length;
2053 	to->iso_speed = from->iso_speed;
2054 	to->exposure = from->exposure;
2055 	to->aperture = from->aperture;
2056 	to->ccd_temp = from->ccd_temp;
2057 	to->cvf = from->cvf;
2058 	to->key_gain = from->key_gain;
2059 	to->key_offset = from->key_offset;
2060 	to->dft.norm[0] = from->dft.norm[0];
2061 	to->dft.norm[1] = from->dft.norm[1];
2062 	to->dft.norm[2] = from->dft.norm[2];
2064 	memcpy(&to->wcsdata, &from->wcsdata, sizeof(wcs_info));
2066 	return 0;
2067 }
copy_fits_from_file(char * source,char * destination)2069 int copy_fits_from_file(char *source, char *destination) {
2070 	fitsfile *infptr, *outfptr; /* FITS file pointers defined in fitsio.h */
2071 	int status = 0; /* status must always be initialized = 0  */
2073 	/* Open the input file */
2074 	if (!siril_fits_open_diskfile(&infptr, source, READONLY, &status)) {
2075 		/* Create the output file */
2076 		if (!siril_fits_create_diskfile(&outfptr, destination, &status)) {
2078 			/* copy the previous, current, and following HDUs */
2079 			fits_copy_file(infptr, outfptr, 1, 1, 1, &status);
2081 			fits_close_file(outfptr, &status);
2082 		}
2083 		fits_close_file(infptr, &status);
2084 	}
2086 	/* if error occured, print out error message */
2087 	if (status)
2088 		report_fits_error(status);
2089 	return (status);
2090 }
save1fits16(const char * filename,fits * fit,int layer)2092 int save1fits16(const char *filename, fits *fit, int layer) {
2093 	if (layer != RLAYER) {
2094 		size_t nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2095 		memcpy(fit->data, fit->data + layer * nbdata, nbdata * sizeof(WORD));
2096 	}
2097 	fit->naxis = 2;
2098 	fit->naxes[2] = 1;
2099 	return savefits(filename, fit);
2100 }
save1fits32(const char * filename,fits * fit,int layer)2102 int save1fits32(const char *filename, fits *fit, int layer) {
2103 	if (layer != RLAYER) {
2104 		size_t nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2105 		memcpy(fit->fdata, fit->fdata + layer * nbdata, nbdata * sizeof(float));
2106 	}
2107 	fit->naxis = 2;
2108 	fit->naxes[2] = 1;
2109 	return savefits(filename, fit);
2110 }
2112 /* this method converts 24-bit RGB or BGR data (no padding) to 48-bit FITS data.
2113  * order is RGB when inverted is FALSE, BGR when inverted is TRUE
2114  * fit->data has to be already allocated and fit->rx and fit->ry must be correct */
rgb24bit_to_fits48bit(unsigned char * rgbbuf,fits * fit,gboolean inverted)2115 void rgb24bit_to_fits48bit(unsigned char *rgbbuf, fits *fit, gboolean inverted) {
2116 	size_t nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2117 	WORD *rdata, *gdata, *bdata;
2118 	rdata = fit->pdata[RLAYER] = fit->data;
2119 	gdata = fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data + nbdata;
2120 	bdata = fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data + 2 * nbdata;
2121 	for (size_t i = 0; i < nbdata; ++i) {
2122 		if (inverted)
2123 			*bdata++ = (WORD) *rgbbuf++;
2124 		else
2125 			*rdata++ = (WORD) *rgbbuf++;
2126 		*gdata++ = (WORD) *rgbbuf++;
2127 		if (inverted)
2128 			*rdata++ = (WORD) *rgbbuf++;
2129 		else
2130 			*bdata++ = (WORD) *rgbbuf++;
2131 	}
2132 }
2134 /* this method converts 8-bit gray data to 16-bit FITS data.
2135  * fit->data has to be already allocated and fit->rx and fit->ry must be correct */
rgb8bit_to_fits16bit(unsigned char * graybuf,fits * fit)2136 void rgb8bit_to_fits16bit(unsigned char *graybuf, fits *fit) {
2137 	WORD *data;
2138 	size_t i, nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2139 	fit->pdata[0] = fit->data;
2140 	fit->pdata[1] = fit->data;
2141 	fit->pdata[2] = fit->data;
2142 	data = fit->data;
2143 	for (i = 0; i < nbdata; ++i) {
2144 		*data++ = *graybuf++;
2145 	}
2146 }
2148 /* this method converts 48-bit RGB or BGR data (no padding) to 48-bit FITS data.
2149  * order is RGB when inverted is FALSE, BGR when inverted is TRUE
2150  * the endianness of the data, since we have two byte per value, may not match the endianness
2151  * of our FITS files, so the change_endian parameter allows to flip the endian.
2152  * fit->data has to be already allocated and fit->rx and fit->ry must be correct */
rgb48bit_to_fits48bit(WORD * rgbbuf,fits * fit,gboolean inverted,gboolean change_endian)2153 void rgb48bit_to_fits48bit(WORD *rgbbuf, fits *fit, gboolean inverted,
2154 		gboolean change_endian) {
2155 	size_t i, nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2156 	WORD *rdata, *gdata, *bdata, curval;
2157 	rdata = fit->pdata[0] = fit->data;
2158 	gdata = fit->pdata[1] = fit->data + nbdata;
2159 	bdata = fit->pdata[2] = fit->data + 2 * nbdata;
2160 	for (i = 0; i < nbdata; ++i) {
2161 		curval = *rgbbuf++;
2162 		if (change_endian)
2163 			curval = change_endianness16(curval);
2164 		if (inverted)
2165 			*bdata++ = curval;
2166 		else
2167 			*rdata++ = curval;
2169 		curval = *rgbbuf++;
2170 		if (change_endian)
2171 			curval = change_endianness16(curval);
2172 		*gdata++ = curval;
2174 		curval = *rgbbuf++;
2175 		if (change_endian)
2176 			curval = change_endianness16(curval);
2177 		if (inverted)
2178 			*rdata++ = curval;
2179 		else
2180 			*bdata++ = curval;
2181 	}
2182 }
2184 /* this method flips top-bottom of fit data.
2185  * fit->rx, fit->ry, fit->naxes[2] and fit->pdata[*] are required to be assigned correctly */
fits_flip_top_to_bottom_ushort(fits * fit)2186 static void fits_flip_top_to_bottom_ushort(fits *fit) {
2187 	int line, axis, line_size;
2188 	WORD *swapline, *src, *dst;
2190 	line_size = fit->rx * sizeof(WORD);
2191 	swapline = malloc(line_size);
2193 	for (axis = 0; axis < fit->naxes[2]; axis++) {
2194 		for (line = 0; line < fit->ry / 2; line++) {
2195 			src = fit->pdata[axis] + line * fit->rx;
2196 			dst = fit->pdata[axis] + (fit->ry - line - 1) * fit->rx;
2198 			memcpy(swapline, src, line_size);
2199 			memcpy(src, dst, line_size);
2200 			memcpy(dst, swapline, line_size);
2201 		}
2202 	}
2203 	free(swapline);
2204 }
fits_flip_top_to_bottom_float(fits * fit)2206 static void fits_flip_top_to_bottom_float(fits *fit) {
2207 	int line, axis, line_size;
2208 	float *swapline, *src, *dst;
2210 	line_size = fit->rx * sizeof(float);
2211 	swapline = malloc(line_size);
2213 	for (axis = 0; axis < fit->naxes[2]; axis++) {
2214 		for (line = 0; line < fit->ry / 2; line++) {
2215 			src = fit->fpdata[axis] + line * fit->rx;
2216 			dst = fit->fpdata[axis] + (fit->ry - line - 1) * fit->rx;
2218 			memcpy(swapline, src, line_size);
2219 			memcpy(src, dst, line_size);
2220 			memcpy(dst, swapline, line_size);
2221 		}
2222 	}
2223 	free(swapline);
2224 }
fits_flip_top_to_bottom(fits * fit)2226 void fits_flip_top_to_bottom(fits *fit) {
2227 	if (fit->type == DATA_USHORT)
2228 		fits_flip_top_to_bottom_ushort(fit);
2229 	else if (fit->type == DATA_FLOAT)
2230 		fits_flip_top_to_bottom_float(fit);
2231 }
2233 /* This function copies an area from the fits 'from' on layer 'layer' into
2234  * another and initializes all relevant data */
2235 /* the crop function does the same but in place and for all channels without
2236  * reallocating */
extract_region_from_fits_ushort(fits * from,int layer,fits * to,const rectangle * area)2237 static void extract_region_from_fits_ushort(fits *from, int layer, fits *to,
2238 		const rectangle *area) {
2239 	int x, y, d, ystart, yend;
2240 	clearfits(to);
2241 	to->data = malloc(area->w * area->h * sizeof(WORD));
2243 	d = 0;
2244 	ystart = from->ry - area->y - area->h;
2245 	yend = from->ry - area->y;
2246 	for (y = ystart; y < yend; y++) {
2247 		for (x = area->x; x < area->x + area->w; x++) {
2248 			to->data[d++] = from->pdata[layer][x + y * from->rx];
2249 		}
2250 	}
2252 	to->rx = area->w;
2253 	to->ry = area->h;
2254 	to->naxes[0] = area->w;
2255 	to->naxes[1] = area->h;
2256 	to->naxes[2] = 1;
2257 	to->naxis = 2;
2258 	to->pdata[0] = to->data;
2259 	to->pdata[1] = to->data;
2260 	to->pdata[2] = to->data;
2261 	to->bitpix = from->bitpix;
2262 	to->type = DATA_USHORT;
2263 }
extract_region_from_fits_float(fits * from,int layer,fits * to,const rectangle * area)2265 static void extract_region_from_fits_float(fits *from, int layer, fits *to,
2266 		const rectangle *area) {
2267 	int x, y, d, ystart, yend;
2268 	clearfits(to);
2269 	to->fdata = malloc(area->w * area->h * sizeof(float));
2271 	d = 0;
2272 	ystart = from->ry - area->y - area->h;
2273 	yend = from->ry - area->y;
2274 	for (y = ystart; y < yend; y++) {
2275 		for (x = area->x; x < area->x + area->w; x++) {
2276 			to->fdata[d++] = from->fpdata[layer][x + y * from->rx];
2277 		}
2278 	}
2280 	to->rx = area->w;
2281 	to->ry = area->h;
2282 	to->naxes[0] = area->w;
2283 	to->naxes[1] = area->h;
2284 	to->naxes[2] = 1;
2285 	to->naxis = 2;
2286 	to->fpdata[0] = to->fdata;
2287 	to->fpdata[1] = to->fdata;
2288 	to->fpdata[2] = to->fdata;
2289 	to->bitpix = from->bitpix;
2290 	to->type = DATA_FLOAT;
2291 }
extract_region_from_fits(fits * from,int layer,fits * to,const rectangle * area)2293 void extract_region_from_fits(fits *from, int layer, fits *to,
2294 		const rectangle *area) {
2295 	if (from->type == DATA_USHORT)
2296 		extract_region_from_fits_ushort(from, layer, to, area);
2297 	else if (from->type == DATA_FLOAT)
2298 		extract_region_from_fits_float(from, layer, to, area);
2299 }
new_fit_image(fits ** fit,int width,int height,int nblayer,data_type type)2301 int new_fit_image(fits **fit, int width, int height, int nblayer, data_type type) {
2302 	return new_fit_image_with_data(fit, width, height, nblayer, type, NULL);
2303 }
2305 /* creates a new fit image from scratch (NULL fit) or into a fits * previously
2306  * allocated, with provided or non-cleared (random) data. */
new_fit_image_with_data(fits ** fit,int width,int height,int nblayer,data_type type,void * data)2307 int new_fit_image_with_data(fits **fit, int width, int height, int nblayer, data_type type, void *data) {
2308 	size_t npixels, data_size;
2309 	gboolean data_is_local = FALSE;
2310 	g_assert(width > 0);
2311 	g_assert(height > 0);
2312 	g_assert(nblayer == 1 || nblayer == 3);
2314 	npixels = width * height;
2315 	data_size = type == DATA_USHORT ? sizeof(WORD) : sizeof(float);
2317 	if (!data) {
2318 		data = malloc(npixels * nblayer * data_size);
2319 		if (!data) {
2321 			return -1;
2322 		}
2323 		data_is_local = TRUE;
2324 	}
2326 	if (*fit)
2327 		clearfits(*fit);
2328 	else {
2329 		*fit = calloc(1, sizeof(fits));
2330 		if (!*fit) {
2332 			if (data_is_local)
2333 				free(data);
2334 			return -1;
2335 		}
2336 	}
2338 	if (nblayer > 1)
2339 		(*fit)->naxis = 3;
2340 	else (*fit)->naxis = 2;
2341 	(*fit)->rx = width;
2342 	(*fit)->ry = height;
2343 	(*fit)->naxes[0] = width;
2344 	(*fit)->naxes[1] = height;
2345 	(*fit)->naxes[2] = nblayer;
2346 	(*fit)->type = type;
2348 	if (type == DATA_USHORT) {
2349 		(*fit)->bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
2350 		(*fit)->orig_bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
2351 		(*fit)->data = (WORD *)data;
2352 		(*fit)->pdata[RLAYER] = (*fit)->data;
2353 		if ((*fit)->naxis == 3) {
2354 			(*fit)->pdata[GLAYER] = (*fit)->data + npixels;
2355 			(*fit)->pdata[BLAYER] = (*fit)->data + npixels* 2;
2356 		} else {
2357 			(*fit)->pdata[GLAYER] = (*fit)->data;
2358 			(*fit)->pdata[BLAYER] = (*fit)->data;
2359 		}
2360 	} else if (type == DATA_FLOAT) {
2361 		(*fit)->bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
2362 		(*fit)->orig_bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
2363 		(*fit)->fdata = (float *)data;
2364 		(*fit)->fpdata[RLAYER] = (*fit)->fdata;
2365 		if ((*fit)->naxis == 3) {
2366 			(*fit)->fpdata[GLAYER] = (*fit)->fdata + npixels;
2367 			(*fit)->fpdata[BLAYER] = (*fit)->fdata + npixels * 2;
2368 		} else {
2369 			(*fit)->fpdata[GLAYER] = (*fit)->fdata;
2370 			(*fit)->fpdata[BLAYER] = (*fit)->fdata;
2371 		}
2372 	}
2373 	return 0;
2374 }
fit_replace_buffer(fits * fit,void * newbuf,data_type newtype)2376 void fit_replace_buffer(fits *fit, void *newbuf, data_type newtype) {
2377 	fit->type = newtype;
2378 	invalidate_stats_from_fit(fit);
2380 	size_t nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2381 	if (newtype == DATA_USHORT) {
2382 		fit->bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
2383 		fit->orig_bitpix = USHORT_IMG;
2384 		fit->data = (WORD *)newbuf;
2385 		fit->pdata[RLAYER] = fit->data;
2386 		if (fit->naxis == 3) {
2387 			fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data + nbdata;
2388 			fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data + nbdata * 2;
2389 		} else {
2390 			fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data;
2391 			fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data;
2392 		}
2393 		if (fit->fdata) {
2394 			free(fit->fdata);
2395 			fit->fdata = NULL;
2396 		}
2397 		fit->fpdata[0] = NULL;
2398 		fit->fpdata[1] = NULL;
2399 		fit->fpdata[2] = NULL;
2400 		siril_debug_print("Changed a fit data (WORD)\n");
2401 	} else if (newtype == DATA_FLOAT) {
2402 		fit->bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
2403 		fit->orig_bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
2404 		fit->fdata = (float *)newbuf;
2405 		fit->fpdata[RLAYER] = fit->fdata;
2406 		if (fit->naxis == 3) {
2407 			fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbdata;
2408 			fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbdata * 2;
2409 		} else {
2410 			fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata;
2411 			fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata;
2412 		}
2413 		if (fit->data) {
2414 			free(fit->data);
2415 			fit->data = NULL;
2416 		}
2417 		fit->pdata[0] = NULL;
2418 		fit->pdata[1] = NULL;
2419 		fit->pdata[2] = NULL;
2420 		siril_debug_print("Changed a fit data (FLOAT)\n");
2421 	}
2422 }
fit_debayer_buffer(fits * fit,void * newbuf)2424 void fit_debayer_buffer(fits *fit, void *newbuf) {
2425 	size_t nbdata = fit->naxes[0] * fit->naxes[1];
2427 	/* before changing naxis, we clear fit->stats that was allocated for
2428 	 * one channel */
2429 	full_stats_invalidation_from_fit(fit);
2431 	fit->naxis = 3;
2432 	fit->naxes[2] = 3;
2433 	if (fit->type == DATA_USHORT) {
2434 		if (fit->data)
2435 			free(fit->data);
2436 		fit->data = (WORD *)newbuf;
2437 		fit->pdata[RLAYER] = fit->data;
2438 		fit->pdata[GLAYER] = fit->data + nbdata;
2439 		fit->pdata[BLAYER] = fit->data + nbdata * 2;
2440 	}
2441 	else if (fit->type == DATA_FLOAT) {
2442 		if (fit->fdata)
2443 			free(fit->fdata);
2444 		fit->fdata = (float *)newbuf;
2445 		fit->fpdata[RLAYER] = fit->fdata;
2446 		fit->fpdata[GLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbdata;
2447 		fit->fpdata[BLAYER] = fit->fdata + nbdata * 2;
2448 	}
2449 }
gray2rgb(float gray,guchar * rgb)2451 static void gray2rgb(float gray, guchar *rgb) {
2452 	*rgb++ = (guchar) round_to_BYTE(255. * gray);
2453 	*rgb++ = (guchar) round_to_BYTE(255. * gray);
2454 	*rgb++ = (guchar) round_to_BYTE(255. * gray);
2455 }
free_preview_data(guchar * pixels,gpointer data)2457 static GdkPixbufDestroyNotify free_preview_data(guchar *pixels, gpointer data) {
2458 	free(pixels);
2459 	free(data);
2460 	return FALSE;
2461 }
logviz(double arg)2463 static double logviz(double arg) {
2464 	return log1p(arg);
2465 } // for PREVIEW_LOG
2467 #define TRYFITS(f, ...) \
2468 	do{ \
2469 		status = FALSE; \
2470 		f(__VA_ARGS__, &status); \
2471 		if(status){ \
2472 			free(ima_data); \
2473 			fits_close_file(fp, &status); \
2474 			return NULL; \
2475 		} \
2476 	} while(0)
2478 /**
2479  * Create a monochrome preview of a FITS file in a GdkPixbuf
2480  * @param filename
2481  * @return a GdkPixbuf containing the preview or NULL
2482  */
get_thumbnail_from_fits(char * filename,gchar ** descr)2483 GdkPixbuf* get_thumbnail_from_fits(char *filename, gchar **descr) {
2484 	fitsfile *fp;
2485 	gchar *description;
2486 	const int MAX_SIZE = com.pref.thumbnail_size;
2487 	float nullval = 0.;
2488 	int naxis, dtype, stat, status, frames;
2490 	long naxes[4];
2491 	float *ima_data = NULL;
2493 	TRYFITS(fits_open_diskfile, &fp, filename, READONLY);
2495 	if (siril_fits_move_first_image(fp)) {
2496 		siril_log_message(_("Selecting the primary header failed, is the FITS file '%s' malformed?\n"), filename);
2497 		return NULL;
2498 	}
2500 	TRYFITS(fits_get_img_param, fp, 4, &dtype, &naxis, naxes);
2502 	const int w = naxes[0];
2503 	const int h = naxes[1];
2504 	size_t sz = w * h;
2505 	ima_data = malloc(sz * sizeof(float));
2507 	TRYFITS(fits_read_img, fp, TFLOAT, 1, sz, &nullval, ima_data, &stat);
2509 	const int x = (int) ceil((float) w / MAX_SIZE);
2510 	const int y = (int) ceil((float) h / MAX_SIZE);
2511 	const int pixScale = (x > y) ? x : y;	// picture scale factor
2512 	const int Ws = w / pixScale; 			// picture width in pixScale blocks
2513 	const int Hs = h / pixScale; 			// -//- height pixScale
2515 	const int n_channels = naxis == 3 ? naxis : 1;
2517 	if (fitseq_is_fitseq(filename, &frames)) { // FIXME: we reopen the file in this function
2518 		description = g_strdup_printf("%d x %d %s\n%d %s (%d bits)\n%d %s\n%s", w,
2519 				h, ngettext("pixel", "pixels", h), n_channels,
2520 				ngettext("channel", "channels", n_channels), abs(dtype), frames,
2521 				ngettext("frame", "frames", frames), _("(Monochrome Preview)"));
2522 	} else {
2523 		description = g_strdup_printf("%d x %d %s\n%d %s (%d bits)\n%s", w,
2524 				h, ngettext("pixel", "pixels", h), n_channels,
2525 				ngettext("channel", "channels", n_channels), abs(dtype),
2526 				_("(Monochrome Preview)"));
2527 	}
2529 #ifdef _OPENMP
2530 #pragma omp parallel
2531 #endif
2532 	{
2533 		// array for preview picture line
2534 		float pix[MAX_SIZE];
2535 #ifdef _OPENMP
2536 #pragma omp for
2537 #endif
2538 		for (int i = 0; i < Hs; i++) { // cycle through a blocks by lines
2539 			int M = i * pixScale;
2540 			for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SIZE; j++) { // zero line buffer
2541 				pix[j] = 0;
2542 			}
2543 			unsigned int m = 0; // amount of strings read in block
2544 			for (int l = 0; l < pixScale; l++, m++) { // cycle through a block lines
2545 				float *ptr = &ima_data[M * w];
2546 				int N = 0; // number of column
2547 				for (int j = 0; j < Ws; j++) { // cycle through a blocks by columns
2548 					unsigned int n = 0;	// amount of columns read in block
2549 					float sum = 0.f; // average intensity in block
2550 					for (int k = 0; k < pixScale; k++, n++) { // cycle through block pixels
2551 						if (N++ < w) // row didn't end
2552 							sum += *ptr++; // sum[(pix-min)/wd]/n = [sum(pix)/n-min]/wd
2553 						else
2554 							break;
2555 					}
2556 					pix[j] += sum / n; //(byte / n - min)/wd;
2557 				}
2558 				if (++M >= h)
2559 					break;
2560 			}
2561 			// fill unused picture pixels
2562 			float *ptr = &ima_data[i * Ws];
2563 			for (int l = 0; l < Ws; l++)
2564 				*ptr++ = pix[l] / m;
2565 		}
2566 	}
2568 	float *ptr = ima_data;
2569 	sz = Ws * Hs;
2570 	float max = *ptr;
2571 	float min = max;
2572 	float avr = 0.f;
2573 	for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++, ptr++) {
2574 		const float val = *ptr;
2575 		max = max(max, val);
2576 		min = min(min, val);
2577 		avr += val;
2578 	}
2579 	avr /= (float) sz;
2581 	/* use FITS keyword if available for a better visualization */
2582 	float lo = 0.f;
2583 	float hi = 0.f;
2584 	__tryToFindKeywords(fp, TFLOAT, MIPSLO, &lo);
2585 	__tryToFindKeywords(fp, TFLOAT, MIPSHI, &hi);
2587 	if (hi != lo && hi != 0.f && abs(dtype) <= USHORT_IMG) {
2588 		min = lo;
2589 		max = hi;
2590 	} else if (dtype <= FLOAT_IMG) {	// means float or double image
2591 		WORD wlo, whi;
2592 		if (!try_read_float_lo_hi(fp, &wlo, &whi)) {
2593 			min = (float) wlo / USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
2594 			max = (float) whi / USHRT_MAX_SINGLE;
2595 		}
2596 	}
2598 	float wd = max - min;
2599 	avr = (avr - min) / wd;	// normal average by preview
2600 	avr = -logf(avr);		// scale factor
2601 	if (avr > 1.) {
2602 		wd /= avr;
2603 	}
2605 	guchar *pixbuf_data = malloc(3 * MAX_SIZE * MAX_SIZE * sizeof(guchar));
2607 #ifdef _OPENMP
2608 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(com.max_thread)
2609 #endif
2610 	for (int i = Hs - 1; i > -1; i--) {	// fill pixbuf mirroring image by vertical
2611 		guchar *pptr = &pixbuf_data[Ws * i * 3];
2612 		float *p = &ima_data[(Hs - i - 1) * Ws];
2613 		for (int j = 0; j < Ws; j++) {
2614 			gray2rgb(logviz((*p++ - min) / wd), pptr);
2615 			pptr += 3;
2616 		}
2617 	}
2618 	fits_close_file(fp, &status);
2619 	free(ima_data);
2620 	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(pixbuf_data,	// guchar* data
2621 			GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,	// only this supported
2622 			FALSE,				// no alpha
2623 			8,				// number of bits
2624 			Ws, Hs,				// size
2625 			Ws * 3,				// line length in bytes
2626 			(GdkPixbufDestroyNotify) free_preview_data, // function (*GdkPixbufDestroyNotify) (guchar *pixels, gpointer data);
2627 			NULL);
2628 	*descr = description;
2629 	return pixbuf;
2630 }