1 /*
2  * Stellarium
3  * Copyright (C) 2002 Fabien Chereau
4  * Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Reaves
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA  02110-1335, USA.
19  */
24 #include "StelObjectType.hpp"
25 #include "StelObjectModule.hpp"
26 #include "StelProjectorType.hpp"
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <QString>
30 #include <QStringList>
31 #include <QFont>
33 class StelToneReproducer;
34 class StarMgr;
35 class Constellation;
36 class StelProjector;
37 class StelPainter;
39 //! @class ConstellationMgr
40 //! Display and manage the constellations.
41 //! It can display constellations lines, names, art textures and boundaries.
42 //! It also supports several different sky cultures.
43 class ConstellationMgr : public StelObjectModule
44 {
46 	Q_PROPERTY(bool artDisplayed
47 		   READ getFlagArt
48 		   WRITE setFlagArt
49 		   NOTIFY artDisplayedChanged)
50 	Q_PROPERTY(float artFadeDuration
51 		   READ getArtFadeDuration
52 		   WRITE setArtFadeDuration
53 		   NOTIFY artFadeDurationChanged)
54 	Q_PROPERTY(float artIntensity
55 		   READ getArtIntensity
56 		   WRITE setArtIntensity
57 		   NOTIFY artIntensityChanged)
58 	Q_PROPERTY(Vec3f boundariesColor
59 		   READ getBoundariesColor
60 		   WRITE setBoundariesColor
61 		   NOTIFY boundariesColorChanged)
62 	Q_PROPERTY(bool boundariesDisplayed
63 		   READ getFlagBoundaries
64 		   WRITE setFlagBoundaries
65 		   NOTIFY boundariesDisplayedChanged)
66 	Q_PROPERTY(float fontSize
67 		   READ getFontSize
68 		   WRITE setFontSize
69 		   NOTIFY fontSizeChanged)
70 	Q_PROPERTY(bool isolateSelected
71 		   READ getFlagIsolateSelected
72 		   WRITE setFlagIsolateSelected
73 		   NOTIFY isolateSelectedChanged)
74 	Q_PROPERTY(Vec3f linesColor
75 		   READ getLinesColor
76 		   WRITE setLinesColor
77 		   NOTIFY linesColorChanged)
78 	Q_PROPERTY(bool linesDisplayed
79 		   READ getFlagLines
80 		   WRITE setFlagLines
81 		   NOTIFY linesDisplayedChanged)
82 	Q_PROPERTY(Vec3f namesColor
83 		   READ getLabelsColor
84 		   WRITE setLabelsColor
85 		   NOTIFY namesColorChanged)
86 	Q_PROPERTY(bool namesDisplayed
87 		   READ getFlagLabels
88 		   WRITE setFlagLabels
89 		   NOTIFY namesDisplayedChanged)
90 	Q_PROPERTY(ConstellationDisplayStyle constellationDisplayStyle
91 		   READ getConstellationDisplayStyle
92 		   WRITE setConstellationDisplayStyle
93 		   NOTIFY constellationsDisplayStyleChanged)
94 	Q_PROPERTY(int constellationLineThickness
95 		   READ getConstellationLineThickness
96 		   WRITE setConstellationLineThickness
97 		   NOTIFY constellationLineThicknessChanged)
98 	Q_PROPERTY(int constellationBoundariesThickness
99 		   READ getConstellationBoundariesThickness
100 		   WRITE setConstellationBoundariesThickness
101 		   NOTIFY constellationBoundariesThicknessChanged)
103 public:
104 	//! Constructor
105 	ConstellationMgr(StarMgr *stars);
106 	//! Destructor
107 	virtual ~ConstellationMgr();
109 	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110 	// Methods defined in the StelModule class
111 	//! Initialize the ConstellationMgr.
112 	//! Reads from the configuration parser object and updates the loading bar
113 	//! as constellation objects are loaded for the required sky culture.
114 	virtual void init();
116 	//! Draw constellation lines, art, names and boundaries.
117 	virtual void draw(StelCore* core);
119 	//! Updates time-varying state for each Constellation.
120 	virtual void update(double deltaTime);
122 	//! Return the value defining the order of call for the given action
123 	//! @param actionName the name of the action for which we want the call order
124 	//! @return the value defining the order. The closer to 0 the earlier the module's action will be called
125 	virtual double getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const;
127 	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
128 	// Methods defined in StelObjectModule class
129 	virtual QList<StelObjectP> searchAround(const Vec3d& v, double limitFov, const StelCore* core) const;
131 	//! @return the matching constellation object's pointer if exists or Q_NULLPTR
132 	//! @param nameI18n The case in-sensitive constellation name
133 	virtual StelObjectP searchByNameI18n(const QString& nameI18n) const;
135 	//! @return the matching constellation if exists or Q_NULLPTR
136 	//! @param name The case in-sensitive standard program name (three letter abbreviation)
137 	virtual StelObjectP searchByName(const QString& name) const;
139 	virtual StelObjectP searchByID(const QString &id) const;
141 	virtual QStringList listAllObjects(bool inEnglish) const;
getName() const142 	virtual QString getName() const { return "Constellations"; }
143 	virtual QString getStelObjectType() const;
144 	//! Describes how to display constellation labels. The viewDialog GUI has a combobox which corresponds to these values.
145 	enum ConstellationDisplayStyle
146 	{
147 		constellationsAbbreviated	= 0,
148 		constellationsNative		= 1,
149 		constellationsTranslated	= 2,
150 		constellationsEnglish		= 3 // Maybe this is not useful?
151 	};
152 	Q_ENUM(ConstellationDisplayStyle)
154 	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 	// Properties setters and getters
156 public slots:
157 	//! Set whether constellation art will be displayed
158 	void setFlagArt(const bool displayed);
159 	//! Get whether constellation art is displayed
160 	bool getFlagArt(void) const;
162 	//! Set constellation art fade duration in second
163 	void setArtFadeDuration(const float duration);
164 	//! Get constellation art fade duration in second
165 	float getArtFadeDuration() const;
167 	//! Set constellation maximum art intensity (between 0 and 1)
168 	//! Note that the art intensity is linearly faded out if the FOV is in a specific interval,
169 	//! which can be adjusted using setArtIntensityMinimumFov() and setArtIntensityMaximumFov()
170 	void setArtIntensity(const float intensity);
171 	//! Return constellation maximum art intensity (between 0 and 1)
172 	//! Note that the art intensity is linearly faded out if the FOV is in a specific interval,
173 	//! which can be adjusted using setArtIntensityMinimumFov() and setArtIntensityMaximumFov()
174 	float getArtIntensity() const;
176 	//! Sets the lower bound on the FOV at which the art intensity fades to zero.
177 	//!  See LP:#1294483. The default is 1.0.
178 	void setArtIntensityMinimumFov(const double fov);
179 	//! Returns the lower bound on the FOV at which the art intensity fades to zero.
180 	//! See LP:#1294483. The default is 1.0.
181 	double getArtIntensityMinimumFov() const;
183 	//! Sets the upper bound on the FOV at which the art intensity becomes the maximum
184 	//! set by setArtIntensity()
185 	//!  See LP:#1294483. The default is 2.0.
186 	void setArtIntensityMaximumFov(const double fov);
187 	//! Returns the upper bound on the FOV at which the art intensity becomes the maximum
188 	//! set by setArtIntensity()
189 	//!  See LP:#1294483. The default is 2.0.
190 	double getArtIntensityMaximumFov() const;
192 	//! Define boundary color
193 	//! @param color The color of boundaries
194 	//! @code
195 	//! // example of usage in scripts
196 	//! ConstellationMgr.setBoundariesColor(Vec3f(1.0,0.0,0.0));
197 	//! @endcode
198 	void setBoundariesColor(const Vec3f& color);
199 	//! Get current boundary color
200 	Vec3f getBoundariesColor() const;
202 	//! Set whether constellation boundaries lines will be displayed
203 	void setFlagBoundaries(const bool displayed);
204 	//! Get whether constellation boundaries lines are displayed
205 	bool getFlagBoundaries(void) const;
207 	//! Set whether selected constellation must be displayed alone
208 	void setFlagIsolateSelected(const bool isolate);
209 	//! Get whether selected constellation is displayed alone
210 	bool getFlagIsolateSelected(void) const;
212 	//! Set whether only one selected constellation must be displayed
213 	void setFlagConstellationPick(const bool mode);
214 	//! Get whether only one selected constellation is displayed
215 	bool getFlagConstellationPick(void) const;
217 	//! Define line color
218 	//! @param color The color of lines
219 	//! @code
220 	//! // example of usage in scripts
221 	//! ConstellationMgr.setLinesColor(Vec3f(1.0,0.0,0.0));
222 	//! @endcode
223 	void setLinesColor(const Vec3f& color);
224 	//! Get line color
225 	Vec3f getLinesColor() const;
227 	//! Set whether constellation lines will be displayed
228 	void setFlagLines(const bool displayed);
229 	//! Get whether constellation lines are displayed
230 	bool getFlagLines(void) const;
232 	//! Set label color for names
233 	//! @param color The color of labels
234 	//! @code
235 	//! // example of usage in scripts
236 	//! ConstellationMgr.setLabelsColor(Vec3f(1.0,0.0,0.0));
237 	//! @endcode
238 	void setLabelsColor(const Vec3f& color);
239 	//! Get label color for names
240 	Vec3f getLabelsColor() const;
242 	//! Set whether constellation names will be displayed
243 	void setFlagLabels(const bool displayed);
244 	//! Set whether constellation names are displayed
245 	bool getFlagLabels(void) const;
247 	//! Set the font size used for constellation names display
248 	void setFontSize(const float newFontSize);
249 	//! Get the font size used for constellation names display
250 	float getFontSize() const;
252 	//! Set the way how constellation names are displayed: abbreviated/as-given/translated
253 	//! @param style the new display style
254 	void setConstellationDisplayStyle(ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style);
255 	//! get the way how constellation names are displayed: abbreviated/as-given/translated
256 	ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle getConstellationDisplayStyle();
257 	//! Returns the currently set constellation display style as string, instead of enum
258 	//! @see getConstellationDisplayStyle()
259 	static QString getConstellationDisplayStyleString(ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style);
261 	//! Set the thickness of lines of the constellations
262 	//! @param thickness of line in pixels
263 	void setConstellationLineThickness(const int thickness);
264 	//! Get the thickness of lines of the constellations
getConstellationLineThickness() const265 	int getConstellationLineThickness() const { return constellationLineThickness; }
267 	//! Set the thickness of boundaries of the constellations
268 	//! @param thickness of line in pixels
269 	void setConstellationBoundariesThickness(const int thickness);
270 	//! Get the thickness of boundaries of the constellations
getConstellationBoundariesThickness() const271 	int getConstellationBoundariesThickness() const { return constellationBoundariesThickness; }
273 	//! Remove constellations from selected objects
274 	void deselectConstellations(void);
276 	//! Select all constellations
277 	void selectAllConstellations(void);
279 	//! Select the constellation by his English name. Calling this method will enable
280 	//! isolated selection for the constellations if it is not enabled yet.
281 	//! @param englishName the English name of the constellation
282 	//! @code
283 	//! // example of usage in scripts: select the Orion constellation
284 	//! ConstellationMgr.selectConstellation("Orion");
285 	//! @endcode
286 	void selectConstellation(const QString& englishName);
287 	//! Select the constellation where celestial body with English name is located.
288 	//! Calling this method will enable isolated selection for the constellations if it is
289 	//! not enabled yet.
290 	//! @param englishName the English name of the celestial body
291 	//! @code
292 	//! // example of usage in scripts: select constellation where Venus is located
293 	//! ConstellationMgr.selectConstellationByObjectName("Venus");
294 	//! @endcode
295 	//! @note the method will be correct work for sky cultures with boundaries
296 	//! otherwise you may use star names from constellation lines as celestial body
297 	void selectConstellationByObjectName(const QString& englishName);
298 	//! Remove the constellation from list of selected constellations by his English
299 	//! name. Calling this method will enable isolated selection for the constellations
300 	//! if it is not enabled yet.
301 	//! @param englishName the English name of the constellation
302 	//! @code
303 	//! // example of usage in scripts: remove selection from the Orion constellation
304 	//! ConstellationMgr.deselectConstellation("Orion");
305 	//! @endcode
306 	//! @note all constellations will be hided when list of selected constellations will be empty
307 	void deselectConstellation(const QString& englishName);
309 	//! Get the list of English names of all constellations for loaded sky culture
310 	QStringList getConstellationsEnglishNames();
312 signals:
313 	void artDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) const;
314 	void artFadeDurationChanged(const float duration) const;
315 	void artIntensityChanged(const double intensity) const;
316 	void boundariesColorChanged(const Vec3f & color) const;
317 	void boundariesDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) const;
318 	void fontSizeChanged(const float newSize) const;
319 	void isolateSelectedChanged(const bool isolate) const;
320 	void linesColorChanged(const Vec3f & color) const;
321 	void linesDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) const;
322 	void namesColorChanged(const Vec3f & color) const;
323 	void namesDisplayedChanged(const bool displayed) const;
324 	void constellationsDisplayStyleChanged(const ConstellationMgr::ConstellationDisplayStyle style) const;
325 	void constellationLineThicknessChanged(int thickness) const;
326 	void constellationBoundariesThicknessChanged(int thickness) const;
328 private slots:
329 	//! Limit the number of constellations to draw based on selected stars.
330 	//! The selected objects changed, check if some stars are selected and display the
331 	//! matching constellations if isolateSelected mode is activated.
332 	//! @param action define whether to add to, replace, or remove from the existing selection
333 	void selectedObjectChange(StelModule::StelModuleSelectAction action);
335 	//! Loads new constellation data and art if the SkyCulture has changed.
336 	//! @param skyCultureDir the name of the directory containing the sky culture to use.
337 	void updateSkyCulture(const QString& skyCultureDir);
339 	//! Update i18n names from English names according to current
340 	//! locale, and update font for locale.
341 	//! The translation is done using gettext with translated strings defined
342 	//! in translations.h
343 	void updateI18n();
345 	void reloadSkyCulture(void);
setFlagCheckLoadingData(const bool flag)347 	void setFlagCheckLoadingData(const bool flag) { checkLoadingData = flag; }
getFlagCheckLoadingData(void) const348 	bool getFlagCheckLoadingData(void) const { return checkLoadingData; }
350 private:
351 	//! Read constellation names from the given file.
352 	//! @param namesFile Name of the file containing the constellation names
353 	//!        in a format consisting of abbreviation, native name and translatable english name.
354 	//! @note The abbreviation must occur in the lines file loaded first in @name loadLinesAndArt()!
355 	void loadNames(const QString& namesFile);
357 	//! Load constellation line shapes, art textures and boundaries shapes from data files.
358 	//! @param fileName The name of the constellation data file
359 	//! @param artFileName The name of the constellation art data file
360 	//! @param cultureName A string ID of the current skyculture
361 	//! @note The abbreviation used in @param filename is required for cross-identifying translatable names in @name loadNames():
362 	void loadLinesAndArt(const QString& fileName, const QString& artfileName, const QString& cultureName);
364 	//! Load the constellation boundary file.
365 	//! This function deletes any currently loaded constellation boundaries
366 	//! and loads a new set from the file passed as the parameter.  The boundary
367 	//! data file consists of whitespace separated values (space, tab or newline).
368 	//! Each boundary may span multiple lines, and consists of the following ordered
369 	//! data items:
370 	//!  - The number of vertices which make up in the boundary (integer).
371 	//!  - For each vertex, two floating point numbers describing the ra and dec
372 	//!    of the vertex.
373 	//!  - The number of constellations which this boundary separates (always 2).
374 	//!  - Two constellation abbreviations representing the constellations which
375 	//!    the boundary separates.
376 	//! @param conCatFile the path to the file which contains the constellation boundary data.
377 	bool loadBoundaries(const QString& conCatFile);
379 	//! Read seasonal rules for displaying constellations from the given file.
380 	//! @param rulesFile Name of the file containing the seasonal rules
381 	void loadSeasonalRules(const QString& rulesFile);
383 	//! Draw the constellation lines at the epoch given by the StelCore.
384 	void drawLines(StelPainter& sPainter, const StelCore* core) const;
385 	//! Draw the constellation art. obsVelocity required for aberration
386 	void drawArt(StelPainter& sPainter, const Vec3d &obsVelocity) const;
387 	//! Draw the constellation name labels.
388 	void drawNames(StelPainter& sPainter, const Vec3d &obsVelocity) const;
389 	//! Draw the constellation boundaries.
390 	//! @param obsVelocity is the speed vector of the observer planet to distort boundaries by aberration.
391 	void drawBoundaries(StelPainter& sPainter, const Vec3d &obsVelocity) const;
392 	//! Handle single and multi-constellation selections.
393 	void setSelectedConst(Constellation* c);
394 	//! Handle unselecting a single constellation.
395 	void unsetSelectedConst(Constellation* c);
396 	//! Define which constellation is selected from its abbreviation.
397 	void setSelected(const QString& abbreviation);
398 	//! Define which constellation is selected and return brightest star.
399 	StelObjectP setSelectedStar(const QString& abbreviation);
400 	//! Define which constellation is selected from a star number.
401 	void setSelected(const StelObject* s);
402 	//! Remove all selected constellations.
deselect()403 	void deselect() { setSelected(Q_NULLPTR); }
404 	//! Get the first selected constellation.
405 	//! NOTE: this function should return a list of all, or may be deleted. Please
406 	//! do not use until it exhibits the proper behavior.
407 	StelObject* getSelected(void) const;
409 	std::vector<Constellation*> selected; // More than one can be selected at a time
411 	Constellation* isStarIn(const StelObject *s) const;
412 	Constellation* isObjectIn(const StelObject *s) const;
413 	Constellation* findFromAbbreviation(const QString& abbreviation) const;
414 	std::vector<Constellation*> constellations;
415 	QFont asterFont;
416 	StarMgr* hipStarMgr;
418 	bool isolateSelected; // true to pick individual constellations.
419 	bool constellationPickEnabled;
420 	std::vector<std::vector<Vec3d> *> allBoundarySegments;
422 	QString lastLoadedSkyCulture;	// Store the last loaded sky culture directory name
424 	QStringList constellationsEnglishNames;
426 	//! this controls how constellations (and also star names) are printed: Abbreviated/as-given/translated
427 	ConstellationDisplayStyle constellationDisplayStyle;
429 	// These are THE master settings - individual constellation settings can vary based on selection status
430 	float artFadeDuration;
431 	float artIntensity;
432 	double artIntensityMinimumFov;
433 	double artIntensityMaximumFov;
434 	bool artDisplayed;
435 	bool boundariesDisplayed;
436 	bool linesDisplayed;
437 	bool namesDisplayed;
438 	bool checkLoadingData;
440 	// Store the thickness of lines of the constellations
441 	int constellationLineThickness;
443 	// Store the thickness of boundaries of the constellations
444 	int constellationBoundariesThickness;
445 };