1 /**********************************************************************
3 Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
5 @file MIDIPlay.cpp
6 @brief Inject added MIDI playback capability into Audacity's audio engine
8 Paul Licameli split from AudioIO.cpp and AudioIOBase.cpp
10 *//*****************************************************************//**
12 \class MIDIPlay
13 \brief Callbacks that AudioIO uses, to synchronize audio and MIDI playback
16   If EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT is defined, this class manages
17   MIDI playback. It is decoupled from AudioIO by the abstract interface
18   AudioIOExt. Some of its methods execute on the main thread and some on the
19   low-latency PortAudio thread.
21   \par MIDI With Audio
22   When Audio and MIDI play simultaneously, MIDI synchronizes to Audio.
23   This is necessary because the Audio sample clock is not the same
24   hardware as the system time used to schedule MIDI messages. MIDI
25   is synchronized to Audio because it is simple to pause or rush
26   the dispatch of MIDI messages, but generally impossible to pause
27   or rush synchronous audio samples (without distortion).
29   \par
30   MIDI output is driven by the low latency thread (PortAudio's callback)
31   that also sends samples to the output device.  The relatively low
32   latency to the output device allows Audacity to stop audio output
33   quickly. We want the same behavior for MIDI, but there is not
34   periodic callback from PortMidi (because MIDI is asynchronous).
36   \par
37   When Audio is running, MIDI is synchronized to Audio. Globals are set
38   in the Audio callback (audacityAudioCallback) for use by a time
39   function that reports milliseconds to PortMidi. (Details below.)
41   \par MIDI Without Audio
42   When Audio is not running, PortMidi uses its own millisecond timer
43   since there is no audio to synchronize to. (Details below.)
45   \par Implementation Notes and Details for MIDI
46   When opening devices, successAudio and successMidi indicate errors
47   if false, so normally both are true. Use playbackChannels,
48   captureChannels and mMidiPlaybackTracks.empty() to determine if
49   Audio or MIDI is actually in use.
51   \par Audio Time
52   Normally, the current time during playback is given by the variable
53   mTime. mTime normally advances by frames / samplerate each time an
54   audio buffer is output by the audio callback. However, Audacity has
55   a speed control that can perform continuously variable time stretching
56   on audio. This is achieved in two places: the playback "mixer" that
57   generates the samples for output processes the audio according to
58   the speed control. In a separate algorithm, the audio callback updates
59   mTime by (frames / samplerate) * factor, where factor reflects the
60   speed at mTime. This effectively integrates speed to get position.
61   Negative speeds are allowed too, for instance in scrubbing.
63   \par The Big Picture
64 @verbatim
66 Sample
67 Time (in seconds, = total_sample_count / sample_rate)
68   ^
69   |                                             /         /
70   |             y=x-mSystemTimeMinusAudioTime /         /
71   |                                         /     #   /
72   |                                       /         /
73   |                                     /   # <- callbacks (#) showing
74   |                                   /#        /   lots of timing jitter.
75   |       top line is "full buffer" /         /     Some are later,
76   |                     condition /         /       indicating buffer is
77   |                             /         /         getting low. Plot
78   |                           /     #   /           shows sample time
79   |                         /    #    /             (based on how many
80   |                       /    #    /               samples previously
81   |                     /         /                 *written*) vs. real
82   |                   / #       /                   time.
83   |                 /<------->/ audio latency
84   |               /#       v/
85   |             /         / bottom line is "empty buffer"
86   |           /   #     /      condition = DAC output time =
87   |         /         /
88   |       /      # <-- rapid callbacks as buffer is filled
89   |     /         /
90 0 +...+---------#---------------------------------------------------->
91   0 ^ |         |                                            real time
92     | |         first callback time
93     | mSystemMinusAudioTime
94     |
95     Probably the actual real times shown in this graph are very large
96     in practice (> 350,000 sec.), so the X "origin" might be when
97     the computer was booted or 1970 or something.
100 @endverbatim
102   To estimate the true DAC time (needed to synchronize MIDI), we need
103   a mapping from track time to DAC time. The estimate is the theoretical
104   time of the full buffer (top diagonal line) + audio latency. To
105   estimate the top diagonal line, we "draw" the line to be at least
106   as high as any sample time corresponding to a callback (#), and we
107   slowly lower the line in case the sample clock is slow or the system
108   clock is fast, preventing the estimated line from drifting too far
109   from the actual callback observations. The line is occasionally
110   "bumped" up by new callback observations, but continuously
111   "lowered" at a very low rate.  All adjustment is accomplished
112   by changing mSystemMinusAudioTime, shown here as the X-intercept.\n
113     theoreticalFullBufferTime = realTime - mSystemMinusAudioTime\n
114   To estimate audio latency, notice that the first callback happens on
115   an empty buffer, but the buffer soon fills up. This will cause a rapid
116   re-estimation of mSystemMinusAudioTime. (The first estimate of
117   mSystemMinusAudioTime will simply be the real time of the first
118   callback time.) By watching these changes, which happen within ms of
119   starting, we can estimate the buffer size and thus audio latency.
120   So, to map from track time to real time, we compute:\n
121     DACoutputTime = trackTime + mSystemMinusAudioTime\n
122   There are some additional details to avoid counting samples while
123   paused or while waiting for initialization, MIDI latency, etc.
124   Also, in the code, track time is measured with respect to the track
125   origin, so there's an extra term to add (mT0) if you start somewhere
126   in the middle of the track.
127   Finally, when a callback occurs, you might expect there is room in
128   the output buffer for the requested frames, so maybe the "full buffer"
129   sample time should be based not on the first sample of the callback, but
130   the last sample time + 1 sample. I suspect, at least on Linux, that the
131   callback occurs as soon as the last callback completes, so the buffer is
132   really full, and the callback thread is going to block waiting for space
133   in the output buffer.
135   \par Midi Time
136   MIDI is not warped according to the speed control. This might be
137   something that should be changed. (Editorial note: Wouldn't it
138   make more sense to display audio at the correct time and allow
139   users to stretch audio the way they can stretch MIDI?) For now,
140   MIDI plays at 1 second per second, so it requires an unwarped clock.
141   In fact, MIDI time synchronization requires a millisecond clock that
142   does not pause. Note that mTime will stop progress when the Pause
143   button is pressed, even though audio samples (zeros) continue to
144   be output.
146   \par
147   Therefore, we define the following interface for MIDI timing:
148   \li \c AudioTime() is the time based on all samples written so far, including zeros output during pauses. AudioTime() is based on the start location mT0, not zero.
149   \li \c PauseTime() is the amount of time spent paused, based on a count of zero-padding samples output.
150   \li \c MidiTime() is an estimate in milliseconds of the current audio output time + 1s. In other words, what audacity track time corresponds to the audio (plus pause insertions) at the DAC output?
152   \par AudioTime() and PauseTime() computation
153   AudioTime() is simply mT0 + mNumFrames / mRate.
154   mNumFrames is incremented in each audio callback. Similarly, PauseTime()
155   is pauseFrames / rate. pauseFrames is also incremented in
156   each audio callback when a pause is in effect or audio output is ready to start.
158   \par MidiTime() computation
159   MidiTime() is computed based on information from PortAudio's callback,
160   which estimates the system time at which the current audio buffer will
161   be output. Consider the (unimplemented) function RealToTrack() that
162   maps real audio write time to track time. If writeTime is the system
163   time for the first sample of the current output buffer, and
164   if we are in the callback, so AudioTime() also refers to the first sample
165   of the buffer, then \n
166   RealToTrack(writeTime) = AudioTime() - PauseTime()\n
167   We want to know RealToTrack of the current time (when we are not in the
168   callback, so we use this approximation for small d: \n
169   RealToTrack(t + d) = RealToTrack(t) + d, or \n
170   Letting t = writeTime and d = (systemTime - writeTime), we can
171   substitute to get:\n
172   RealToTrack(systemTime)
173      = RealToTrack(writeTime) + systemTime - writeTime\n
174      = AudioTime() - PauseTime() + (systemTime - writeTime) \n
175   MidiTime() should include pause time, so that it increases smoothly,
176   and audioLatency so that MidiTime() corresponds to the time of audio
177   output rather than audio write times.  Also MidiTime() is offset by 1
178   second to avoid negative time at startup, so add 1: \n
179   MidiTime(systemTime) in seconds\n
180      = RealToTrack(systemTime) + PauseTime() - audioLatency + 1 \n
181      = AudioTime() + (systemTime - writeTime) - audioLatency + 1 \n
182   (Note that audioLatency is called mAudioOutLatency in the code.)
183   When we schedule a MIDI event with track time TT, we need
184   to map TT to a PortMidi timestamp. The PortMidi timestamp is exactly
185   MidiTime(systemTime) in ms units, and \n
186      MidiTime(x) = RealToTrack(x) + PauseTime() + 1, so \n
187      timestamp = TT + PauseTime() + 1 - midiLatency \n
188   Note 1: The timestamp is incremented by the PortMidi stream latency
189   (midiLatency) so we subtract midiLatency here for the timestamp
190   passed to PortMidi. \n
191   Note 2: Here, we're setting x to the time at which RealToTrack(x) = TT,
192   so then MidiTime(x) is the desired timestamp. To be completely
193   correct, we should assume that MidiTime(x + d) = MidiTime(x) + d,
194   and consider that we compute MidiTime(systemTime) based on the
195   *current* system time, but we really want the MidiTime(x) for some
196   future time corresponding when MidiTime(x) = TT.)
198   \par
199   Also, we should assume PortMidi was opened with mMidiLatency, and that
200   MIDI messages become sound with a delay of mSynthLatency. Therefore,
201   the final timestamp calculation is: \n
202      timestamp = TT + PauseTime() + 1 - (mMidiLatency + mSynthLatency) \n
203   (All units here are seconds; some conversion is needed in the code.)
205   \par
206   The difference AudioTime() - PauseTime() is the time "cursor" for
207   MIDI. When the speed control is used, MIDI and Audio will become
208   unsynchronized. In particular, MIDI will not be synchronized with
209   the visual cursor, which moves with scaled time reported in mTime.
211   \par Timing in Linux
212   It seems we cannot get much info from Linux. We can read the time
213   when we get a callback, and we get a variable frame count (it changes
214   from one callback to the next). Returning to the RealToTrack()
215   equations above: \n
216   RealToTrack(outputTime) = AudioTime() - PauseTime() - bufferDuration \n
217   where outputTime should be PortAudio's estimate for the most recent output
218   buffer, but at least on my Dell Latitude E7450, PortAudio is getting zero
219   from ALSA, so we need to find a proxy for this.
221   \par Estimating outputTime (Plan A, assuming double-buffered, fixed-size buffers, please skip to Plan B)
222   One can expect the audio callback to happen as soon as there is room in
223   the output for another block of samples, so we could just measure system
224   time at the top of the callback. Then we could add the maximum delay
225   buffered in the system. E.g. if there is simple double buffering and the
226   callback is computing one of the buffers, the callback happens just as
227   one of the buffers empties, meaning the other buffer is full, so we have
228   exactly one buffer delay before the next computed sample is output.
230   If computation falls behind a bit, the callback will be later, so the
231   delay to play the next computed sample will be less. I think a reasonable
232   way to estimate the actual output time is to assume that the computer is
233   mostly keeping up and that *most* callbacks will occur immediately when
234   there is space. Note that the most likely reason for the high-priority
235   audio thread to fall behind is the callback itself, but the start of the
236   callback should be pretty consistently keeping up.
238   Also, we do not have to have a perfect estimate of the time. Suppose we
239   estimate a linear mapping from sample count to system time by saying
240   that the sample count maps to the system time at the most recent callback,
241   and set the slope to 1% slower than real time (as if the sample clock is
242   slow). Now, at each callback, if the callback seems to occur earlier than
243   expected, we can adjust the mapping to be earlier. The earlier the
244   callback, the more accurate it must be. On the other hand, if the callback
245   is later than predicted, it must be a delayed callback (or else the
246   sample clock is more than 1% slow, which is really a hardware problem.)
247   How bad can this be? Assuming callbacks every 30ms (this seems to be what
248   I'm observing in a default setup), you'll be a maximum of 1ms off even if
249   2 out of 3 callbacks are late. This is pretty reasonable given that
250   PortMIDI clock precision is 1ms. If buffers are larger and callback timing
251   is more erratic, errors will be larger, but even a few ms error is
252   probably OK.
254   \par Estimating outputTime (Plan B, variable framesPerBuffer in callback, please skip to Plan C)
255   ALSA is complicated because we get varying values of
256   framesPerBuffer from callback to callback. Assume you get more frames
257   when the callback is later (because there is more accumulated input to
258   deliver and more more accumulated room in the output buffers). So take
259   the current time and subtract the duration of the frame count in the
260   current callback. This should be a time position that is relatively
261   jitter free (because we estimated the lateness by frame count and
262   subtracted that out). This time position intuitively represents the
263   current ADC time, or if no input, the time of the tail of the output
264   buffer. If we wanted DAC time, we'd have to add the total output
265   buffer duration, which should be reported by PortAudio. (If PortAudio
266   is wrong, we'll be systematically shifted in time by the error.)
268   Since there is still bound to be jitter, we can smooth these estimates.
269   First, we will assume a linear mapping from system time to audio time
270   with slope = 1, so really it's just the offset we need.
272   To improve the estimate, we get a new offset every callback, so we can
273   create a "smooth" offset by using a simple regression model (also
274   this could be seen as a first order filter). The following formula
275   updates smooth_offset with a new offset estimate in the callback:
276       smooth_offset = smooth_offset * 0.9 + new_offset_estimate * 0.1
277   Since this is smooth, we'll have to be careful to give it a good initial
278   value to avoid a long convergence.
280   \par Estimating outputTime (Plan C)
281   ALSA is complicated because we get varying values of
282   framesPerBuffer from callback to callback. It seems there is a lot
283   of variation in callback times and buffer space. One solution would
284   be to go to fixed size double buffer, but Audacity seems to work
285   better as is, so Plan C is to rely on one invariant which is that
286   the output buffer cannot overflow, so there's a limit to how far
287   ahead of the DAC time we can be writing samples into the
288   buffer. Therefore, we'll assume that the audio clock runs slow by
289   about 0.2% and we'll assume we're computing at that rate. If the
290   actual output position is ever ahead of the computed position, we'll
291   increase the computed position to the actual position. Thus whenever
292   the buffer is less than near full, we'll stay ahead of DAC time,
293   falling back at a rate of about 0.2% until eventually there's
294   another near-full buffer callback that will push the time back ahead.
296   \par Interaction between MIDI, Audio, and Pause
297   When Pause is used, PauseTime() will increase at the same rate as
298   AudioTime(), and no more events will be output. Because of the
299   time advance of mAudioOutputLatency + latency and the
300   fact that
301   AudioTime() advances stepwise by mAudioBufferDuration, some extra MIDI
302   might be output, but the same is true of audio: something like
303   mAudioOutputLatency audio samples will be in the output buffer
304   (with up to mAudioBufferDuration additional samples, depending on
305   when the Pause takes effect). When playback is resumed, there will
306   be a slight delay corresponding to the extra data previously sent.
307   Again, the same is true of audio. Audio and MIDI will not pause and
308   resume at exactly the same times, but their pause and resume times
309   will be within the low tens of milliseconds, and the streams will
310   be synchronized in any case. I.e. if audio pauses 10ms earlier than
311   MIDI, it will resume 10ms earlier as well.
313   \par PortMidi Latency Parameter
314   PortMidi has a "latency" parameter that is added to all timestamps.
315   This value must be greater than zero to enable timestamp-based timing,
316   but serves no other function, so we will set it to 1. All timestamps
317   must then be adjusted down by 1 before messages are sent. This
318   adjustment is on top of all the calculations described above. It just
319   seem too complicated to describe everything in complete detail in one
320   place.
322   \par Midi with a time track
323   When a variable-speed time track is present, MIDI events are output
324   with the times used by the time track (rather than the raw times).
325   This ensures MIDI is synchronized with audio.
327   \par Midi While Recording Only or Without Audio Playback
328   To reduce duplicate code and to ensure recording is synchronised with
329   MIDI, a portaudio stream will always be used, even when there is no
330   actual audio output.  For recording, this ensures that the recorded
331   audio will by synchronized with the MIDI (otherwise, it gets out-of-
332   sync if played back with correct timing).
334   \par NoteTrack PlayLooped
335   When mPlayLooped is true, output is supposed to loop from mT0 to mT1.
336   For NoteTracks, we interpret this to mean that any note-on or control
337   change in the range mT0 <= t < mT1 is sent (notes that start before
338   mT0 are not played even if they extend beyond mT0). Then, all notes
339   are turned off. Events in the range mT0 <= t < mT1 are then repeated,
340   offset by (mT1 - mT0), etc.  We do NOT go back to the beginning and
341   play all control changes (update events) up to mT0, nor do we "undo"
342   any state changes between mT0 and mT1.
344   \par NoteTrack PlayLooped Implementation
345   The mIterator object (an Alg_iterator) returns NULL when there are
346   no more events scheduled before mT1. At mT1, we want to output
347   all notes off messages, but the FillOtherBuffers() loop will exit
348   if mNextEvent is NULL, so we create a "fake" mNextEvent for this
349   special "event" of sending all notes off. After that, we destroy
350   the iterator and use PrepareMidiIterator() to set up a NEW one.
351   At each iteration, time must advance by (mT1 - mT0), so the
352   accumulated complete loop time (in "unwarped," track time) is computed
353   by MidiLoopOffset().
355 **********************************************************************/
357 #include "MIDIPlay.h"
358 #include "AudioIO.h"
360 #include "BasicUI.h"
361 #include "Prefs.h"
362 #include "portaudio.h"
363 #include <portmidi.h>
364 #include <porttime.h>
365 #include <thread>
367 #define ROUND(x) (int) ((x)+0.5)
369 class NoteTrack;
370 using NoteTrackConstArray = std::vector < std::shared_ptr< const NoteTrack > >;
372 namespace {
374 /*
375  Adapt and rename the implementation of PaUtil_GetTime from commit
376  c5d2c51bd6fe354d0ee1119ba932bfebd3ebfacc of portaudio
377  */
378 #if defined( __APPLE__ )
380 #include <mach/mach_time.h>
382 /* Scaler to convert the result of mach_absolute_time to seconds */
383 static double machSecondsConversionScaler_ = 0.0;
385 /* Initialize it */
InitializeTime__anonbba6ffd30111::InitializeTime386 static struct InitializeTime { InitializeTime() {
387    mach_timebase_info_data_t info;
388    kern_return_t err = mach_timebase_info( &info );
389    if( err == 0  )
390        machSecondsConversionScaler_ = 1e-9 * (double) info.numer / (double) info.denom;
391 } } initializeTime;
util_GetTime(void)393 static PaTime util_GetTime( void )
394 {
395    return mach_absolute_time() * machSecondsConversionScaler_;
396 }
398 #elif defined( __WXMSW__ )
400 #include "profileapi.h"
401 #include "sysinfoapi.h"
402 #include "timeapi.h"
404 static int usePerformanceCounter_;
405 static double secondsPerTick_;
407 static struct InitializeTime { InitializeTime() {
408     LARGE_INTEGER ticksPerSecond;
410     if( QueryPerformanceFrequency( &ticksPerSecond ) != 0 )
411     {
412         usePerformanceCounter_ = 1;
413         secondsPerTick_ = 1.0 / (double)ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
414     }
415     else
416     {
417         usePerformanceCounter_ = 0;
418     }
419 } } initializeTime;
421 static double util_GetTime( void )
422 {
423     LARGE_INTEGER time;
425     if( usePerformanceCounter_ )
426     {
427         /*
428             Note: QueryPerformanceCounter has a known issue where it can skip forward
429             by a few seconds (!) due to a hardware bug on some PCI-ISA bridge hardware.
430             This is documented here:
431             http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q274323&
433             The work-arounds are not very paletable and involve querying GetTickCount
434             at every time step.
436             Using rdtsc is not a good option on multi-core systems.
438             For now we just use QueryPerformanceCounter(). It's good, most of the time.
439         */
440         QueryPerformanceCounter( &time );
441         return time.QuadPart * secondsPerTick_;
442     }
443     else
444     {
446         return GetTickCount64() * .001;
447 	#else
448         return timeGetTime() * .001;
449 	#endif
450     }
451 }
453 #elif defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
455 #include <time.h>
457 static PaTime util_GetTime( void )
458 {
459     struct timespec tp;
460     clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp);
461     return (PaTime)(tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_nsec * 1e-9);
462 }
464 #else
466 #include <sys/time.h>
468 static PaTime util_GetTime( void )
469 {
470     struct timeval tv;
471     gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
472     return (PaTime) tv.tv_usec * 1e-6 + tv.tv_sec;
473 }
475 #endif
477 enum {
478    // This is the least positive latency we can
479    // specify to Pm_OpenOutput, 1 ms, which prevents immediate
480    // scheduling of events:
482 };
484 // return the system time as a double
485 static double streamStartTime = 0; // bias system time to small number
SystemTime(bool usingAlsa)487 static double SystemTime(bool usingAlsa)
488 {
489 #ifdef __WXGTK__
490    if (usingAlsa) {
491       struct timespec now;
492       // CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW is unaffected by NTP or adj-time
493       clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
494       //return now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec * 0.000000001;
495       return (now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec * 0.000000001) - streamStartTime;
496    }
497 #else
498    static_cast<void>(usingAlsa);//compiler food.
499 #endif
501    return util_GetTime() - streamStartTime;
502 }
504 bool MIDIPlay::mMidiStreamActive = false;
505 bool MIDIPlay::mMidiOutputComplete = true;
507 AudioIOExt::RegisteredFactory sMIDIPlayFactory{
__anonbba6ffd30302()508    [](const auto &playbackSchedule){
509       return std::make_unique<MIDIPlay>(playbackSchedule);
510    }
511 };
MIDIPlay(const PlaybackSchedule & schedule)513 MIDIPlay::MIDIPlay(const PlaybackSchedule &schedule)
514    : mPlaybackSchedule{ schedule }
515 {
517    // Pre-allocate with a likely sufficient size, exceeding probable number of
518    // channels
519    mPendingNotesOff.reserve(64);
520 #endif
522    PmError pmErr = Pm_Initialize();
524    if (pmErr != pmNoError) {
525       auto errStr =
526               XO("There was an error initializing the midi i/o layer.\n");
527       errStr += XO("You will not be able to play midi.\n\n");
528       wxString pmErrStr = LAT1CTOWX(Pm_GetErrorText(pmErr));
529       if (!pmErrStr.empty())
530          errStr += XO("Error: %s").Format( pmErrStr );
531       // XXX: we are in libaudacity, popping up dialogs not allowed!  A
532       // long-term solution will probably involve exceptions
533       using namespace BasicUI;
534       ShowMessageBox(
535          errStr,
536          MessageBoxOptions{}
537             .Caption(XO("Error Initializing Midi"))
538             .ButtonStyle(Button::Ok)
539             .IconStyle(Icon::Error));
541       // Same logic for PortMidi as described above for PortAudio
542    }
543 }
~MIDIPlay()545 MIDIPlay::~MIDIPlay()
546 {
547    Pm_Terminate();
548 }
StartOtherStream(const TransportTracks & tracks,const PaStreamInfo * info,double,double rate)550 bool MIDIPlay::StartOtherStream(const TransportTracks &tracks,
551    const PaStreamInfo* info, double, double rate)
552 {
553    mMidiPlaybackTracks.clear();
554    for (const auto &pTrack : tracks.otherPlayableTracks) {
555       pTrack->TypeSwitch( [&](const NoteTrack *pNoteTrack){
556          mMidiPlaybackTracks.push_back(
557             pNoteTrack->SharedPointer<const NoteTrack>());
558       } );
559    }
561    streamStartTime = 0;
562    streamStartTime = SystemTime(mUsingAlsa);
564    mNumFrames = 0;
565    // we want this initial value to be way high. It should be
566    // sufficient to assume AudioTime is zero and therefore
567    // mSystemMinusAudioTime is SystemTime(), but we'll add 1000s
568    // for good measure. On the first callback, this should be
569    // reduced to SystemTime() - mT0, and note that mT0 is always
570    // positive.
571    mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency =
572       mSystemMinusAudioTime = SystemTime(mUsingAlsa) + 1000;
573    mAudioOutLatency = 0.0; // set when stream is opened
574    mCallbackCount = 0;
575    mAudioFramesPerBuffer = 0;
577    // We use audio latency to estimate how far ahead of DACS we are writing
578    if (info) {
579       // this is an initial guess, but for PA/Linux/ALSA it's wrong and will be
580       // updated with a better value:
581       mAudioOutLatency = info->outputLatency;
582       mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency += mAudioOutLatency;
583    }
585    // TODO: it may be that midi out will not work unless audio in or out is
586    // active -- this would be a bug and may require a change in the
587    // logic here.
589    bool successMidi = true;
591    if(!mMidiPlaybackTracks.empty()){
592       successMidi = StartPortMidiStream(rate);
593    }
595    // On the other hand, if MIDI cannot be opened, we will not complain
596    // return successMidi;
597    return true;
598 }
AbortOtherStream()600 void MIDIPlay::AbortOtherStream()
601 {
602    mMidiPlaybackTracks.clear();
603 }
MidiTime(void * pInfo)605 PmTimestamp MidiTime(void *pInfo)
606 {
607    return static_cast<MIDIPlay*>(pInfo)->MidiTime();
608 }
610 // Set up state to iterate NoteTrack events in sequence.
611 // Sends MIDI control changes up to the starting point mT0
612 // if send is true. Output is delayed by offset to facilitate
613 // looping (each iteration is delayed more).
PrepareMidiIterator(bool send,double offset)614 void MIDIPlay::PrepareMidiIterator(bool send, double offset)
615 {
616    int i;
617    int nTracks = mMidiPlaybackTracks.size();
618    // instead of initializing with an Alg_seq, we use begin_seq()
619    // below to add ALL Alg_seq's.
620    mIterator.emplace(nullptr, false);
621    // Iterator not yet initialized, must add each track...
622    for (i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
623       const auto t = mMidiPlaybackTracks[i].get();
624       Alg_seq_ptr seq = &t->GetSeq();
625       // mark sequence tracks as "in use" since we're handing this
626       // off to another thread and want to make sure nothing happens
627       // to the data until playback finishes. This is just a sanity check.
628       seq->set_in_use(true);
629       mIterator->begin_seq(seq,
630          // casting away const, but allegro just uses the pointer as an opaque "cookie"
631          const_cast<NoteTrack*>(t),
632          t->GetOffset() + offset);
633    }
634    GetNextEvent(); // prime the pump for FillOtherBuffers
636    // Start MIDI from current cursor position
637    mSendMidiState = true;
638    while (mNextEvent &&
639           mNextEventTime < mPlaybackSchedule.mT0 + offset) {
640       if (send) OutputEvent(0);
641       GetNextEvent();
642    }
643    mSendMidiState = false;
644 }
StartPortMidiStream(double rate)646 bool MIDIPlay::StartPortMidiStream(double rate)
647 {
648 #ifdef __WXGTK__
649    // Duplicating a bit of AudioIO::StartStream
650    // Detect whether ALSA is the chosen host, and do the various involved MIDI
651    // timing compensations only then.
652    mUsingAlsa = (AudioIOHost.Read() == L"ALSA");
653 #endif
655    int i;
656    int nTracks = mMidiPlaybackTracks.size();
657    // Only start MIDI stream if there is an open track
658    if (nTracks == 0)
659       return false;
661    //wxPrintf("StartPortMidiStream: mT0 %g mTime %g\n",
662    //       mT0, mTime);
664    /* get midi playback device */
665    PmDeviceID playbackDevice = Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();
666    auto playbackDeviceName = MIDIPlaybackDevice.Read();
667    mSynthLatency = MIDISynthLatency_ms.Read();
668    if (wxStrcmp(playbackDeviceName, wxT("")) != 0) {
669       for (i = 0; i < Pm_CountDevices(); i++) {
670          const PmDeviceInfo *info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
671          if (!info) continue;
672          if (!info->output) continue;
673          wxString interf = wxSafeConvertMB2WX(info->interf);
674          wxString name = wxSafeConvertMB2WX(info->name);
675          interf.Append(wxT(": ")).Append(name);
676          if (wxStrcmp(interf, playbackDeviceName) == 0) {
677             playbackDevice = i;
678          }
679       }
680    } // (else playback device has Pm_GetDefaultOuputDeviceID())
682    if (playbackDevice < 0)
683       return false;
685    /* open output device */
686    mLastPmError = Pm_OpenOutput(&mMidiStream,
687                                 playbackDevice,
688                                 NULL,
689                                 0,
690                                 &::MidiTime,
691                                 this, // supplies pInfo argument to MidiTime
692                                 MIDI_MINIMAL_LATENCY_MS);
693    if (mLastPmError == pmNoError) {
694       mMidiStreamActive = true;
695       mMidiPaused = false;
696       mMidiLoopPasses = 0;
697       mMidiOutputComplete = false;
698       mMaxMidiTimestamp = 0;
699       PrepareMidiIterator(true, 0);
701       // It is ok to call this now, but do not send timestamped midi
702       // until after the first audio callback, which provides necessary
703       // data for MidiTime().
704       Pm_Synchronize(mMidiStream); // start using timestamps
705    }
706    return (mLastPmError == pmNoError);
707 }
StopOtherStream()709 void MIDIPlay::StopOtherStream()
710 {
711    if (mMidiStream && mMidiStreamActive) {
712       /* Stop Midi playback */
713       mMidiStreamActive = false;
715       mMidiOutputComplete = true;
717       // now we can assume "ownership" of the mMidiStream
718       // if output in progress, send all off, etc.
719       AllNotesOff();
720       // AllNotesOff() should be sufficient to stop everything, but
721       // in Linux, if you Pm_Close() immediately, it looks like
722       // messages are dropped. ALSA then seems to send All Sound Off
723       // and Reset All Controllers messages, but not all synthesizers
724       // respond to these messages. This is probably a bug in PortMidi
725       // if the All Off messages do not get out, but for security,
726       // delay a bit so that messages can be delivered before closing
727       // the stream. Add 2ms of "padding" to avoid any rounding errors.
728       while (mMaxMidiTimestamp + 2 > MidiTime()) {
729          using namespace std::chrono;
730          std::this_thread::sleep_for(1ms); // deliver the all-off messages
731       }
732       Pm_Close(mMidiStream);
733       mMidiStream = NULL;
734       mIterator->end();
736       // set in_use flags to false
737       int nTracks = mMidiPlaybackTracks.size();
738       for (int i = 0; i < nTracks; i++) {
739          const auto t = mMidiPlaybackTracks[i].get();
740          Alg_seq_ptr seq = &t->GetSeq();
741          seq->set_in_use(false);
742       }
744       mIterator.reset(); // just in case someone tries to reference it
745    }
747    mMidiPlaybackTracks.clear();
748 }
750 static Alg_update gAllNotesOff; // special event for loop ending
751 // the fields of this event are never used, only the address is important
UncorrectedMidiEventTime(double pauseTime)753 double MIDIPlay::UncorrectedMidiEventTime(double pauseTime)
754 {
755    double time;
756    if (mPlaybackSchedule.mEnvelope)
757       time =
758          mPlaybackSchedule.RealDuration(mNextEventTime - MidiLoopOffset())
759          + mPlaybackSchedule.mT0 + (mMidiLoopPasses *
760                                     mPlaybackSchedule.mWarpedLength);
761    else
762       time = mNextEventTime;
764    return time + pauseTime;
765 }
OutputEvent(double pauseTime)767 void MIDIPlay::OutputEvent(double pauseTime)
768 {
769    int channel = (mNextEvent->chan) & 0xF; // must be in [0..15]
770    int command = -1;
771    int data1 = -1;
772    int data2 = -1;
774    double eventTime = UncorrectedMidiEventTime(pauseTime);
776    // 0.0005 is for rounding
777    double time = eventTime + 0.0005 -
778                  (mSynthLatency * 0.001);
780    time += 1; // MidiTime() has a 1s offset
781    // state changes have to go out without delay because the
782    // midi stream time gets reset when playback starts, and
783    // we don't want to leave any control changes scheduled for later
784    if (time < 0 || mSendMidiState) time = 0;
785    PmTimestamp timestamp = (PmTimestamp) (time * 1000); /* s to ms */
787    // The special event gAllNotesOff means "end of playback, send
788    // all notes off on all channels"
789    if (mNextEvent == &gAllNotesOff) {
790       bool looping = mPlaybackSchedule.GetPolicy().Looping(mPlaybackSchedule);
791       AllNotesOff(looping);
792       if (looping) {
793          // jump back to beginning of loop
794          ++mMidiLoopPasses;
795          PrepareMidiIterator(false, MidiLoopOffset());
796       } else {
797          mNextEvent = nullptr;
798       }
799       return;
800    }
802    // if mNextEvent's channel is visible, play it, visibility can
803    // be updated while playing. Be careful: if we have a note-off,
804    // then we must not pay attention to the channel selection
805    // or mute/solo buttons because we must turn the note off
806    // even if the user changed something after the note began
807    // Note that because multiple tracks can output to the same
808    // MIDI channels, it is not a good idea to send "All Notes Off"
809    // when the user presses the mute button. We have no easy way
810    // to know what notes are sounding on any given muted track, so
811    // we'll just wait for the note-off events to happen.
812    // Also note that note-offs are only sent when we call
813    // mIterator->request_note_off(), so notes that are not played
814    // will not generate random note-offs. There is the interesting
815    // case that if the playback is paused, all-notes-off WILL be sent
816    // and if playback resumes, the pending note-off events WILL also
817    // be sent (but if that is a problem, there would also be a problem
818    // in the non-pause case.
819    if (((mNextEventTrack->IsVisibleChan(channel)) &&
820         // only play if note is not muted:
821         !((mHasSolo || mNextEventTrack->GetMute()) &&
822           !mNextEventTrack->GetSolo())) ||
823        (mNextEvent->is_note() && !mNextIsNoteOn)) {
824       // Note event
825       if (mNextEvent->is_note() && !mSendMidiState) {
826          // Pitch and velocity
827          data1 = mNextEvent->get_pitch();
828          if (mNextIsNoteOn) {
829             data2 = mNextEvent->get_loud(); // get velocity
830             int offset = mNextEventTrack->GetVelocity();
831             data2 += offset; // offset comes from per-track slider
832             // clip velocity to insure a legal note-on value
833             data2 = (data2 < 1 ? 1 : (data2 > 127 ? 127 : data2));
834             // since we are going to play this note, we need to get a note_off
835             mIterator->request_note_off();
838             mPendingNotesOff.push_back(std::make_pair(channel, data1));
839 #endif
840          }
841          else {
842             data2 = 0; // 0 velocity means "note off"
844             auto end = mPendingNotesOff.end();
845             auto iter = std::find(
846                mPendingNotesOff.begin(), end, std::make_pair(channel, data1) );
847             if (iter != end)
848                mPendingNotesOff.erase(iter);
849 #endif
850          }
851          command = 0x90; // MIDI NOTE ON (or OFF when velocity == 0)
852       // Update event
853       } else if (mNextEvent->is_update()) {
854          // this code is based on allegrosmfwr.cpp -- it could be improved
855          // by comparing attribute pointers instead of string compares
856          Alg_update_ptr update = static_cast<Alg_update_ptr>(mNextEvent);
857          const char *name = update->get_attribute();
859          if (!strcmp(name, "programi")) {
860             // Instrument change
861             data1 = update->parameter.i;
862             data2 = 0;
863             command = 0xC0; // MIDI PROGRAM CHANGE
864          } else if (!strncmp(name, "control", 7)) {
865             // Controller change
867             // The number of the controller being changed is embedded
868             // in the parameter name.
869             data1 = atoi(name + 7);
870             // Allegro normalizes controller values
871             data2 = ROUND(update->parameter.r * 127);
872             command = 0xB0;
873          } else if (!strcmp(name, "bendr")) {
874             // Bend change
876             // Reverse Allegro's post-processing of bend values
877             int temp = ROUND(0x2000 * (update->parameter.r + 1));
878             if (temp > 0x3fff) temp = 0x3fff; // 14 bits maximum
879             if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
880             data1 = temp & 0x7f; // low 7 bits
881             data2 = temp >> 7;   // high 7 bits
882             command = 0xE0; // MIDI PITCH BEND
883          } else if (!strcmp(name, "pressurer")) {
884             // Pressure change
885             data1 = (int) (update->parameter.r * 127);
886             if (update->get_identifier() < 0) {
887                // Channel pressure
888                data2 = 0;
889                command = 0xD0; // MIDI CHANNEL PRESSURE
890             } else {
891                // Key pressure
892                data2 = data1;
893                data1 = update->get_identifier();
894                command = 0xA0; // MIDI POLY PRESSURE
895             }
896          }
897       }
898       if (command != -1) {
899          // keep track of greatest timestamp used
900          if (timestamp > mMaxMidiTimestamp) {
901             mMaxMidiTimestamp = timestamp;
902          }
903          Pm_WriteShort(mMidiStream, timestamp,
904                     Pm_Message((int) (command + channel),
905                                   (long) data1, (long) data2));
906          /* wxPrintf("Pm_WriteShort %lx (%p) @ %d, advance %d\n",
907                 Pm_Message((int) (command + channel),
908                            (long) data1, (long) data2),
909                            mNextEvent, timestamp, timestamp - Pt_Time()); */
910       }
911    }
912 }
GetNextEvent()914 void MIDIPlay::GetNextEvent()
915 {
916    mNextEventTrack = nullptr; // clear it just to be safe
917    // now get the next event and the track from which it came
918    double nextOffset;
919    if (!mIterator) {
920         mNextEvent = nullptr;
921         return;
922    }
923    auto midiLoopOffset = MidiLoopOffset();
924    mNextEvent = mIterator->next(&mNextIsNoteOn,
925       // Allegro retrieves the "cookie" for the event, which is a NoteTrack
926       reinterpret_cast<void **>(&mNextEventTrack),
927       &nextOffset, mPlaybackSchedule.mT1 + midiLoopOffset);
929    mNextEventTime  = mPlaybackSchedule.mT1 + midiLoopOffset + 1;
930    if (mNextEvent) {
931       mNextEventTime = (mNextIsNoteOn ? mNextEvent->time :
932                               mNextEvent->get_end_time()) + nextOffset;;
933    }
934    if (mNextEventTime > (mPlaybackSchedule.mT1 + midiLoopOffset)){ // terminate playback at mT1
935       mNextEvent = &gAllNotesOff;
936       mNextEventTime = mPlaybackSchedule.mT1 + midiLoopOffset - ALG_EPS;
937       mNextIsNoteOn = true; // do not look at duration
938       mIterator->end();
939       mIterator.reset(); // debugging aid
940    }
941 }
SetHasSolo(bool hasSolo)944 bool MIDIPlay::SetHasSolo(bool hasSolo)
945 {
946    mHasSolo = hasSolo;
947    return mHasSolo;
948 }
FillOtherBuffers(double rate,unsigned long pauseFrames,bool paused,bool hasSolo)951 void MIDIPlay::FillOtherBuffers(
952    double rate, unsigned long pauseFrames, bool paused, bool hasSolo)
953 {
954    if (!mMidiStream)
955       return;
957    // Keep track of time paused. If not paused, fill buffers.
958    if (paused) {
959       if (!mMidiPaused) {
960          mMidiPaused = true;
961          AllNotesOff(); // to avoid hanging notes during pause
962       }
963       return;
964    }
966    if (mMidiPaused) {
967       mMidiPaused = false;
968    }
970    SetHasSolo(hasSolo);
972    // If we compute until mNextEventTime > current audio time,
973    // we would have a built-in compute-ahead of mAudioOutLatency, and
974    // it's probably good to compute MIDI when we compute audio (so when
975    // we stop, both stop about the same time).
976    double time = AudioTime(rate); // compute to here
977    // But if mAudioOutLatency is very low, we might need some extra
978    // compute-ahead to deal with mSynthLatency or even this thread.
979    double actual_latency  = (MIDI_MINIMAL_LATENCY_MS + mSynthLatency) * 0.001;
980    if (actual_latency > mAudioOutLatency) {
981        time += actual_latency - mAudioOutLatency;
982    }
983    while (mNextEvent &&
984           UncorrectedMidiEventTime(PauseTime(rate, pauseFrames)) < time) {
985       OutputEvent(PauseTime(rate, pauseFrames));
986       GetNextEvent();
987    }
988 }
PauseTime(double rate,unsigned long pauseFrames)990 double MIDIPlay::PauseTime(double rate, unsigned long pauseFrames)
991 {
992    return pauseFrames / rate;
993 }
996 // MidiTime() is an estimate in milliseconds of the current audio
997 // output (DAC) time + 1s. In other words, what audacity track time
998 // corresponds to the audio (including pause insertions) at the output?
999 //
MidiTime()1000 PmTimestamp MIDIPlay::MidiTime()
1001 {
1002    // note: the extra 0.0005 is for rounding. Round down by casting to
1003    // unsigned long, then convert to PmTimeStamp (currently signed)
1005    // PRL: the time correction is really Midi latency achieved by different
1006    // means than specifying it to Pm_OpenStream.  The use of the accumulated
1007    // sample count generated by the audio callback (in AudioTime()) might also
1008    // have the virtue of keeping the Midi output synched with audio.
1010    PmTimestamp ts;
1011    // subtract latency here because mSystemMinusAudioTime gets us
1012    // to the current *write* time, but we're writing ahead by audio output
1013    // latency (mAudioOutLatency).
1014    double now = SystemTime(mUsingAlsa);
1015    ts = (PmTimestamp) ((unsigned long)
1016          (1000 * (now + 1.0005 -
1017                   mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency)));
1018    // wxPrintf("AudioIO::MidiTime() %d time %g sys-aud %g\n",
1019    //        ts, now, mSystemMinusAudioTime);
1020    return ts + MIDI_MINIMAL_LATENCY_MS;
1021 }
AllNotesOff(bool looping)1024 void MIDIPlay::AllNotesOff(bool looping)
1025 {
1026 #ifdef __WXGTK__
1027    bool doDelay = !looping;
1028 #else
1029    bool doDelay = false;
1030    static_cast<void>(looping);// compiler food.
1031 #endif
1033    // to keep track of when MIDI should all be delivered,
1034    // update mMaxMidiTimestamp to now:
1035    PmTimestamp now = MidiTime();
1036    if (mMaxMidiTimestamp < now) {
1037        mMaxMidiTimestamp = now;
1038    }
1040    // PRL:
1041    // Send individual note-off messages for each note-on not yet paired.
1043    // RBD:
1044    // Even this did not work as planned. My guess is ALSA does not use
1045    // a "stable sort" for timed messages, so that when a note-off is
1046    // added later at the same time as a future note-on, the order is
1047    // not respected, and the note-off can go first, leaving a stuck note.
1048    // The workaround here is to use mMaxMidiTimestamp to ensure that
1049    // note-offs come at least 1ms later than any previous message
1051    // PRL:
1052    // I think we should do that only when stopping or pausing, not when looping
1053    // Note that on Linux, MIDI always uses ALSA, no matter whether portaudio
1054    // uses some other host api.
1056    mMaxMidiTimestamp += 1;
1057    for (const auto &pair : mPendingNotesOff) {
1058       Pm_WriteShort(mMidiStream,
1059                     (doDelay ? mMaxMidiTimestamp : 0),
1060                     Pm_Message(
1061          0x90 + pair.first, pair.second, 0));
1062       mMaxMidiTimestamp++; // allow 1ms per note-off
1063    }
1064    mPendingNotesOff.clear();
1066    // Proceed to do the usual messages too.
1067 #endif
1069    for (int chan = 0; chan < 16; chan++) {
1070       Pm_WriteShort(mMidiStream,
1071                     (doDelay ? mMaxMidiTimestamp : 0),
1072                     Pm_Message(0xB0 + chan, 0x7B, 0));
1073       mMaxMidiTimestamp++; // allow 1ms per all-notes-off
1074    }
1075 }
ComputeOtherTimings(double rate,const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * timeInfo,unsigned long framesPerBuffer)1077 void MIDIPlay::ComputeOtherTimings(double rate,
1078    const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo,
1079    unsigned long framesPerBuffer
1080    )
1081 {
1082    if (mCallbackCount++ == 0) {
1083        // This is effectively mSystemMinusAudioTime when the buffer is empty:
1084        mStartTime = SystemTime(mUsingAlsa) - mPlaybackSchedule.mT0;
1085        // later, mStartTime - mSystemMinusAudioTime will tell us latency
1086    }
1088    /* for Linux, estimate a smooth audio time as a slowly-changing
1089       offset from system time */
1090    // rnow is system time as a double to simplify math
1091    double rnow = SystemTime(mUsingAlsa);
1092    // anow is next-sample-to-be-computed audio time as a double
1093    double anow = AudioTime(rate);
1095    if (mUsingAlsa) {
1096       // timeInfo's fields are not all reliable.
1098       // enow is audio time estimated from our clock synchronization protocol,
1099       //   which produces mSystemMinusAudioTime. But we want the estimate
1100       //   to drift low, so we steadily increase mSystemMinusAudioTime to
1101       //   simulate a fast system clock or a slow audio clock. If anow > enow,
1102       //   we'll update mSystemMinusAudioTime to keep in sync. (You might think
1103       //   we could just use anow as the "truth", but it has a lot of jitter,
1104       //   so we are using enow to smooth out this jitter, in fact to < 1ms.)
1105       // Add worst-case clock drift using previous framesPerBuffer:
1106       const auto increase =
1107          mAudioFramesPerBuffer * 0.0002 / rate;
1108       mSystemMinusAudioTime += increase;
1109       mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency += increase;
1110       double enow = rnow - mSystemMinusAudioTime;
1113       // now, use anow instead if it is ahead of enow
1114       if (anow > enow) {
1115          mSystemMinusAudioTime = rnow - anow;
1116          // Update our mAudioOutLatency estimate during the first 20 callbacks.
1117          // During this period, the buffer should fill. Once we have a good
1118          // estimate of mSystemMinusAudioTime (expected in fewer than 20 callbacks)
1119          // we want to stop the updating in case there is clock drift, which would
1120          // cause the mAudioOutLatency estimation to drift as well. The clock drift
1121          // in the first 20 callbacks should be negligible, however.
1122          if (mCallbackCount < 20) {
1123             mAudioOutLatency = mStartTime -
1124                mSystemMinusAudioTime;
1125          }
1126          mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency =
1127             mSystemMinusAudioTime + mAudioOutLatency;
1128       }
1129    }
1130    else {
1131       // If not using Alsa, rely on timeInfo to have meaningful values that are
1132       // more precise than the output latency value reported at stream start.
1133       mSystemMinusAudioTime = rnow - anow;
1134       mSystemMinusAudioTimePlusLatency =
1135          mSystemMinusAudioTime +
1136             (timeInfo->outputBufferDacTime - timeInfo->currentTime);
1137    }
1139    mAudioFramesPerBuffer = framesPerBuffer;
1140    mNumFrames += framesPerBuffer;
1141 }
CountOtherSoloTracks() const1143 unsigned MIDIPlay::CountOtherSoloTracks() const
1144 {
1145    return std::count_if(
1146       mMidiPlaybackTracks.begin(), mMidiPlaybackTracks.end(),
1147       [](const auto &pTrack){ return pTrack->GetSolo(); } );
1148 }
SignalOtherCompletion()1150 void MIDIPlay::SignalOtherCompletion()
1151 {
1152    mMidiOutputComplete = true;
1153 }
1154 }
IsActive()1156 bool MIDIPlay::IsActive()
1157 {
1158    return ( mMidiStreamActive && !mMidiOutputComplete );
1159 }
IsOtherStreamActive() const1161 bool MIDIPlay::IsOtherStreamActive() const
1162 {
1163    return IsActive();
1164 }
Dump() const1166 AudioIODiagnostics MIDIPlay::Dump() const
1167 {
1168    return {
1169       wxT("mididev.txt"),
1170       GetMIDIDeviceInfo(),
1171       wxT("MIDI Device Info")
1172    };
1173 }