2(define-once LilyPondInclude::return #f)
3(let* ((tag "LilyPondInclude")(params LilyPondInclude::params) (includes (d-DirectiveGet-score-data tag)))
4  (define (setinclude) ;;; sets the LilyPond to include all the files listed in Directive-score-data
5    (d-SetSaved #f)
6    (d-DirectivePut-score-display tag (_ "Included LilyPond Files"))
7    (d-DirectivePut-score-override tag (logior DENEMO_OVERRIDE_AFFIX DENEMO_OVERRIDE_DYNAMIC))
8    (let ((prefix ""))
9        (define (do-append str)
10            (set! prefix (string-append prefix "\\include \"" str "\"\n")))
11        (for-each do-append (eval-string (d-DirectiveGet-score-data tag)))
12        (d-DirectivePut-score-prefix tag prefix)))
14     (define (update-data include) ;; if include is not in includes: adds include to the Directive-score-data and updates LilyPond
15        (if (not (member include includes))
16            (begin
17                (set! includes (cons include includes))
18                (d-DirectivePut-score-data tag (string-append "'"  (format #f "~s" includes)))
19                (setinclude))))
21    (define (delete-include name) ;; removes name from the Directive-score-data and updates LilyPond
22        (if (member name includes)
23            (begin
24                (set! includes (delete name includes))
25                (if (null? includes)
26                    (d-DirectiveDelete-score tag)
27                    (begin
28                        (d-DirectivePut-score-data tag (string-append "'"  (format #f "~s" includes)))
29                        (setinclude))))))
31 ;;;;;start of procedure
32    (set! LilyPondInclude::return #f) ;;; "return" value
33    (if includes
34        (set! includes (eval-string includes))
35        (set! includes '()))
37    (cond
38        ((equal? params "edit")
39            (d-DirectiveTextEdit-score tag))
40        ((string? params)
41            (update-data params))
42        ((equal? params 'refresh)
43              (setinclude))
44        ((and (pair? params) (eq? (car params) 'query))
45              (set! LilyPondInclude::return (member (cdr params) includes)))
46        ((and (pair? params) (eq? (car params) 'delete))
47              (delete-include (cdr params)))
49        (else
50              (let ((include (d-ChooseFile (_ "Include LilyPond File") DENEMO_LILYPOND_DIR (list "*.ily" "*.ly"))))
51                    (if include
52                        (begin
53                            (set! include (d-FilenameFromPath include))
54                                    (update-data include))
55                        (d-WarningDialog (_ "LilyPond include files unchanged")))))))