1 /*
2   Simple DirectMedia Layer
3   Copyright (C) 1997-2021 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org>
5   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6   warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7   arising from the use of this software.
9   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11   freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13   1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14      claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15      in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16      appreciated but is not required.
17   2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18      misrepresented as being the original software.
19   3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
20 */
22 /**
23  *  \file SDL_events.h
24  *
25  *  Include file for SDL event handling.
26  */
28 #ifndef SDL_events_h_
29 #define SDL_events_h_
31 #include "SDL_stdinc.h"
32 #include "SDL_error.h"
33 #include "SDL_video.h"
34 #include "SDL_keyboard.h"
35 #include "SDL_mouse.h"
36 #include "SDL_joystick.h"
37 #include "SDL_gamecontroller.h"
38 #include "SDL_quit.h"
39 #include "SDL_gesture.h"
40 #include "SDL_touch.h"
42 #include "begin_code.h"
43 /* Set up for C function definitions, even when using C++ */
44 #ifdef __cplusplus
45 extern "C" {
46 #endif
48 /* General keyboard/mouse state definitions */
49 #define SDL_RELEASED    0
50 #define SDL_PRESSED 1
52 /**
53  * The types of events that can be delivered.
54  */
55 typedef enum
56 {
57     SDL_FIRSTEVENT     = 0,     /**< Unused (do not remove) */
59     /* Application events */
60     SDL_QUIT           = 0x100, /**< User-requested quit */
62     /* These application events have special meaning on iOS, see README-ios.md for details */
63     SDL_APP_TERMINATING,        /**< The application is being terminated by the OS
64                                      Called on iOS in applicationWillTerminate()
65                                      Called on Android in onDestroy()
66                                 */
67     SDL_APP_LOWMEMORY,          /**< The application is low on memory, free memory if possible.
68                                      Called on iOS in applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()
69                                      Called on Android in onLowMemory()
70                                 */
71     SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND, /**< The application is about to enter the background
72                                      Called on iOS in applicationWillResignActive()
73                                      Called on Android in onPause()
74                                 */
75     SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND, /**< The application did enter the background and may not get CPU for some time
76                                      Called on iOS in applicationDidEnterBackground()
77                                      Called on Android in onPause()
78                                 */
79     SDL_APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND, /**< The application is about to enter the foreground
80                                      Called on iOS in applicationWillEnterForeground()
81                                      Called on Android in onResume()
82                                 */
83     SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND, /**< The application is now interactive
84                                      Called on iOS in applicationDidBecomeActive()
85                                      Called on Android in onResume()
86                                 */
88     SDL_LOCALECHANGED,  /**< The user's locale preferences have changed. */
90     /* Display events */
91     SDL_DISPLAYEVENT   = 0x150,  /**< Display state change */
93     /* Window events */
94     SDL_WINDOWEVENT    = 0x200, /**< Window state change */
95     SDL_SYSWMEVENT,             /**< System specific event */
97     /* Keyboard events */
98     SDL_KEYDOWN        = 0x300, /**< Key pressed */
99     SDL_KEYUP,                  /**< Key released */
100     SDL_TEXTEDITING,            /**< Keyboard text editing (composition) */
101     SDL_TEXTINPUT,              /**< Keyboard text input */
102     SDL_KEYMAPCHANGED,          /**< Keymap changed due to a system event such as an
103                                      input language or keyboard layout change.
104                                 */
106     /* Mouse events */
107     SDL_MOUSEMOTION    = 0x400, /**< Mouse moved */
108     SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,        /**< Mouse button pressed */
109     SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP,          /**< Mouse button released */
110     SDL_MOUSEWHEEL,             /**< Mouse wheel motion */
112     /* Joystick events */
113     SDL_JOYAXISMOTION  = 0x600, /**< Joystick axis motion */
114     SDL_JOYBALLMOTION,          /**< Joystick trackball motion */
115     SDL_JOYHATMOTION,           /**< Joystick hat position change */
116     SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN,          /**< Joystick button pressed */
117     SDL_JOYBUTTONUP,            /**< Joystick button released */
118     SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED,         /**< A new joystick has been inserted into the system */
119     SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED,       /**< An opened joystick has been removed */
121     /* Game controller events */
122     SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION  = 0x650, /**< Game controller axis motion */
123     SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN,          /**< Game controller button pressed */
124     SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP,            /**< Game controller button released */
125     SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED,         /**< A new Game controller has been inserted into the system */
126     SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED,       /**< An opened Game controller has been removed */
127     SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED,      /**< The controller mapping was updated */
128     SDL_CONTROLLERTOUCHPADDOWN,        /**< Game controller touchpad was touched */
129     SDL_CONTROLLERTOUCHPADMOTION,      /**< Game controller touchpad finger was moved */
130     SDL_CONTROLLERTOUCHPADUP,          /**< Game controller touchpad finger was lifted */
131     SDL_CONTROLLERSENSORUPDATE,        /**< Game controller sensor was updated */
133     /* Touch events */
134     SDL_FINGERDOWN      = 0x700,
138     /* Gesture events */
139     SDL_DOLLARGESTURE   = 0x800,
143     /* Clipboard events */
144     SDL_CLIPBOARDUPDATE = 0x900, /**< The clipboard changed */
146     /* Drag and drop events */
147     SDL_DROPFILE        = 0x1000, /**< The system requests a file open */
148     SDL_DROPTEXT,                 /**< text/plain drag-and-drop event */
149     SDL_DROPBEGIN,                /**< A new set of drops is beginning (NULL filename) */
150     SDL_DROPCOMPLETE,             /**< Current set of drops is now complete (NULL filename) */
152     /* Audio hotplug events */
153     SDL_AUDIODEVICEADDED = 0x1100, /**< A new audio device is available */
154     SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED,        /**< An audio device has been removed. */
156     /* Sensor events */
157     SDL_SENSORUPDATE = 0x1200,     /**< A sensor was updated */
159     /* Render events */
160     SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET = 0x2000, /**< The render targets have been reset and their contents need to be updated */
161     SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET, /**< The device has been reset and all textures need to be recreated */
163     /** Events ::SDL_USEREVENT through ::SDL_LASTEVENT are for your use,
164      *  and should be allocated with SDL_RegisterEvents()
165      */
166     SDL_USEREVENT    = 0x8000,
168     /**
169      *  This last event is only for bounding internal arrays
170      */
171     SDL_LASTEVENT    = 0xFFFF
172 } SDL_EventType;
174 /**
175  *  \brief Fields shared by every event
176  */
177 typedef struct SDL_CommonEvent
178 {
179     Uint32 type;
180     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
181 } SDL_CommonEvent;
183 /**
184  *  \brief Display state change event data (event.display.*)
185  */
186 typedef struct SDL_DisplayEvent
187 {
188     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_DISPLAYEVENT */
189     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
190     Uint32 display;     /**< The associated display index */
191     Uint8 event;        /**< ::SDL_DisplayEventID */
192     Uint8 padding1;
193     Uint8 padding2;
194     Uint8 padding3;
195     Sint32 data1;       /**< event dependent data */
196 } SDL_DisplayEvent;
198 /**
199  *  \brief Window state change event data (event.window.*)
200  */
201 typedef struct SDL_WindowEvent
202 {
203     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_WINDOWEVENT */
204     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
205     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The associated window */
206     Uint8 event;        /**< ::SDL_WindowEventID */
207     Uint8 padding1;
208     Uint8 padding2;
209     Uint8 padding3;
210     Sint32 data1;       /**< event dependent data */
211     Sint32 data2;       /**< event dependent data */
212 } SDL_WindowEvent;
214 /**
215  *  \brief Keyboard button event structure (event.key.*)
216  */
217 typedef struct SDL_KeyboardEvent
218 {
219     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_KEYDOWN or ::SDL_KEYUP */
220     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
221     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window with keyboard focus, if any */
222     Uint8 state;        /**< ::SDL_PRESSED or ::SDL_RELEASED */
223     Uint8 repeat;       /**< Non-zero if this is a key repeat */
224     Uint8 padding2;
225     Uint8 padding3;
226     SDL_Keysym keysym;  /**< The key that was pressed or released */
227 } SDL_KeyboardEvent;
230 /**
231  *  \brief Keyboard text editing event structure (event.edit.*)
232  */
233 typedef struct SDL_TextEditingEvent
234 {
235     Uint32 type;                                /**< ::SDL_TEXTEDITING */
236     Uint32 timestamp;                           /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
237     Uint32 windowID;                            /**< The window with keyboard focus, if any */
238     char text[SDL_TEXTEDITINGEVENT_TEXT_SIZE];  /**< The editing text */
239     Sint32 start;                               /**< The start cursor of selected editing text */
240     Sint32 length;                              /**< The length of selected editing text */
241 } SDL_TextEditingEvent;
245 /**
246  *  \brief Keyboard text input event structure (event.text.*)
247  */
248 typedef struct SDL_TextInputEvent
249 {
250     Uint32 type;                              /**< ::SDL_TEXTINPUT */
251     Uint32 timestamp;                         /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
252     Uint32 windowID;                          /**< The window with keyboard focus, if any */
253     char text[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE];  /**< The input text */
254 } SDL_TextInputEvent;
256 /**
257  *  \brief Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*)
258  */
259 typedef struct SDL_MouseMotionEvent
260 {
261     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_MOUSEMOTION */
262     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
263     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window with mouse focus, if any */
264     Uint32 which;       /**< The mouse instance id, or SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID */
265     Uint32 state;       /**< The current button state */
266     Sint32 x;           /**< X coordinate, relative to window */
267     Sint32 y;           /**< Y coordinate, relative to window */
268     Sint32 xrel;        /**< The relative motion in the X direction */
269     Sint32 yrel;        /**< The relative motion in the Y direction */
270 } SDL_MouseMotionEvent;
272 /**
273  *  \brief Mouse button event structure (event.button.*)
274  */
275 typedef struct SDL_MouseButtonEvent
276 {
277     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or ::SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP */
278     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
279     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window with mouse focus, if any */
280     Uint32 which;       /**< The mouse instance id, or SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID */
281     Uint8 button;       /**< The mouse button index */
282     Uint8 state;        /**< ::SDL_PRESSED or ::SDL_RELEASED */
283     Uint8 clicks;       /**< 1 for single-click, 2 for double-click, etc. */
284     Uint8 padding1;
285     Sint32 x;           /**< X coordinate, relative to window */
286     Sint32 y;           /**< Y coordinate, relative to window */
287 } SDL_MouseButtonEvent;
289 /**
290  *  \brief Mouse wheel event structure (event.wheel.*)
291  */
292 typedef struct SDL_MouseWheelEvent
293 {
294     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_MOUSEWHEEL */
295     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
296     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window with mouse focus, if any */
297     Uint32 which;       /**< The mouse instance id, or SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID */
298     Sint32 x;           /**< The amount scrolled horizontally, positive to the right and negative to the left */
299     Sint32 y;           /**< The amount scrolled vertically, positive away from the user and negative toward the user */
300     Uint32 direction;   /**< Set to one of the SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_* defines. When FLIPPED the values in X and Y will be opposite. Multiply by -1 to change them back */
301 } SDL_MouseWheelEvent;
303 /**
304  *  \brief Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*)
305  */
306 typedef struct SDL_JoyAxisEvent
307 {
308     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_JOYAXISMOTION */
309     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
310     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
311     Uint8 axis;         /**< The joystick axis index */
312     Uint8 padding1;
313     Uint8 padding2;
314     Uint8 padding3;
315     Sint16 value;       /**< The axis value (range: -32768 to 32767) */
316     Uint16 padding4;
317 } SDL_JoyAxisEvent;
319 /**
320  *  \brief Joystick trackball motion event structure (event.jball.*)
321  */
322 typedef struct SDL_JoyBallEvent
323 {
324     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_JOYBALLMOTION */
325     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
326     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
327     Uint8 ball;         /**< The joystick trackball index */
328     Uint8 padding1;
329     Uint8 padding2;
330     Uint8 padding3;
331     Sint16 xrel;        /**< The relative motion in the X direction */
332     Sint16 yrel;        /**< The relative motion in the Y direction */
333 } SDL_JoyBallEvent;
335 /**
336  *  \brief Joystick hat position change event structure (event.jhat.*)
337  */
338 typedef struct SDL_JoyHatEvent
339 {
340     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_JOYHATMOTION */
341     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
342     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
343     Uint8 hat;          /**< The joystick hat index */
344     Uint8 value;        /**< The hat position value.
345                          *   \sa ::SDL_HAT_LEFTUP ::SDL_HAT_UP ::SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP
346                          *   \sa ::SDL_HAT_LEFT ::SDL_HAT_CENTERED ::SDL_HAT_RIGHT
347                          *   \sa ::SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN ::SDL_HAT_DOWN ::SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN
348                          *
349                          *   Note that zero means the POV is centered.
350                          */
351     Uint8 padding1;
352     Uint8 padding2;
353 } SDL_JoyHatEvent;
355 /**
356  *  \brief Joystick button event structure (event.jbutton.*)
357  */
358 typedef struct SDL_JoyButtonEvent
359 {
360     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN or ::SDL_JOYBUTTONUP */
361     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
362     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
363     Uint8 button;       /**< The joystick button index */
364     Uint8 state;        /**< ::SDL_PRESSED or ::SDL_RELEASED */
365     Uint8 padding1;
366     Uint8 padding2;
367 } SDL_JoyButtonEvent;
369 /**
370  *  \brief Joystick device event structure (event.jdevice.*)
371  */
372 typedef struct SDL_JoyDeviceEvent
373 {
374     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED or ::SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED */
375     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
376     Sint32 which;       /**< The joystick device index for the ADDED event, instance id for the REMOVED event */
377 } SDL_JoyDeviceEvent;
380 /**
381  *  \brief Game controller axis motion event structure (event.caxis.*)
382  */
383 typedef struct SDL_ControllerAxisEvent
384 {
385     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION */
386     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
387     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
388     Uint8 axis;         /**< The controller axis (SDL_GameControllerAxis) */
389     Uint8 padding1;
390     Uint8 padding2;
391     Uint8 padding3;
392     Sint16 value;       /**< The axis value (range: -32768 to 32767) */
393     Uint16 padding4;
394 } SDL_ControllerAxisEvent;
397 /**
398  *  \brief Game controller button event structure (event.cbutton.*)
399  */
400 typedef struct SDL_ControllerButtonEvent
401 {
402     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN or ::SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP */
403     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
404     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
405     Uint8 button;       /**< The controller button (SDL_GameControllerButton) */
406     Uint8 state;        /**< ::SDL_PRESSED or ::SDL_RELEASED */
407     Uint8 padding1;
408     Uint8 padding2;
409 } SDL_ControllerButtonEvent;
412 /**
413  *  \brief Controller device event structure (event.cdevice.*)
414  */
415 typedef struct SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent
416 {
418     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
419     Sint32 which;       /**< The joystick device index for the ADDED event, instance id for the REMOVED or REMAPPED event */
420 } SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent;
422 /**
423  *  \brief Game controller touchpad event structure (event.ctouchpad.*)
424  */
425 typedef struct SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent
426 {
428     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
429     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
430     Sint32 touchpad;    /**< The index of the touchpad */
431     Sint32 finger;      /**< The index of the finger on the touchpad */
432     float x;            /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 with 0 being on the left */
433     float y;            /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 with 0 being at the top */
434     float pressure;     /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 */
435 } SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent;
437 /**
438  *  \brief Game controller sensor event structure (event.csensor.*)
439  */
440 typedef struct SDL_ControllerSensorEvent
441 {
442     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_CONTROLLERSENSORUPDATE */
443     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
444     SDL_JoystickID which; /**< The joystick instance id */
445     Sint32 sensor;      /**< The type of the sensor, one of the values of ::SDL_SensorType */
446     float data[3];      /**< Up to 3 values from the sensor, as defined in SDL_sensor.h */
447 } SDL_ControllerSensorEvent;
449 /**
450  *  \brief Audio device event structure (event.adevice.*)
451  */
452 typedef struct SDL_AudioDeviceEvent
453 {
454     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_AUDIODEVICEADDED, or ::SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED */
455     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
456     Uint32 which;       /**< The audio device index for the ADDED event (valid until next SDL_GetNumAudioDevices() call), SDL_AudioDeviceID for the REMOVED event */
457     Uint8 iscapture;    /**< zero if an output device, non-zero if a capture device. */
458     Uint8 padding1;
459     Uint8 padding2;
460     Uint8 padding3;
461 } SDL_AudioDeviceEvent;
464 /**
465  *  \brief Touch finger event structure (event.tfinger.*)
466  */
467 typedef struct SDL_TouchFingerEvent
468 {
469     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_FINGERMOTION or ::SDL_FINGERDOWN or ::SDL_FINGERUP */
470     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
471     SDL_TouchID touchId; /**< The touch device id */
472     SDL_FingerID fingerId;
473     float x;            /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 */
474     float y;            /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 */
475     float dx;           /**< Normalized in the range -1...1 */
476     float dy;           /**< Normalized in the range -1...1 */
477     float pressure;     /**< Normalized in the range 0...1 */
478     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window underneath the finger, if any */
479 } SDL_TouchFingerEvent;
482 /**
483  *  \brief Multiple Finger Gesture Event (event.mgesture.*)
484  */
485 typedef struct SDL_MultiGestureEvent
486 {
487     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_MULTIGESTURE */
488     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
489     SDL_TouchID touchId; /**< The touch device id */
490     float dTheta;
491     float dDist;
492     float x;
493     float y;
494     Uint16 numFingers;
495     Uint16 padding;
496 } SDL_MultiGestureEvent;
499 /**
500  * \brief Dollar Gesture Event (event.dgesture.*)
501  */
502 typedef struct SDL_DollarGestureEvent
503 {
504     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_DOLLARGESTURE or ::SDL_DOLLARRECORD */
505     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
506     SDL_TouchID touchId; /**< The touch device id */
507     SDL_GestureID gestureId;
508     Uint32 numFingers;
509     float error;
510     float x;            /**< Normalized center of gesture */
511     float y;            /**< Normalized center of gesture */
512 } SDL_DollarGestureEvent;
515 /**
516  *  \brief An event used to request a file open by the system (event.drop.*)
517  *         This event is enabled by default, you can disable it with SDL_EventState().
518  *  \note If this event is enabled, you must free the filename in the event.
519  */
520 typedef struct SDL_DropEvent
521 {
522     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_DROPBEGIN or ::SDL_DROPFILE or ::SDL_DROPTEXT or ::SDL_DROPCOMPLETE */
523     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
524     char *file;         /**< The file name, which should be freed with SDL_free(), is NULL on begin/complete */
525     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The window that was dropped on, if any */
526 } SDL_DropEvent;
529 /**
530  *  \brief Sensor event structure (event.sensor.*)
531  */
532 typedef struct SDL_SensorEvent
533 {
534     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_SENSORUPDATE */
535     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
536     Sint32 which;       /**< The instance ID of the sensor */
537     float data[6];      /**< Up to 6 values from the sensor - additional values can be queried using SDL_SensorGetData() */
538 } SDL_SensorEvent;
540 /**
541  *  \brief The "quit requested" event
542  */
543 typedef struct SDL_QuitEvent
544 {
545     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_QUIT */
546     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
547 } SDL_QuitEvent;
549 /**
550  *  \brief OS Specific event
551  */
552 typedef struct SDL_OSEvent
553 {
554     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_QUIT */
555     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
556 } SDL_OSEvent;
558 /**
559  *  \brief A user-defined event type (event.user.*)
560  */
561 typedef struct SDL_UserEvent
562 {
563     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_USEREVENT through ::SDL_LASTEVENT-1 */
564     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
565     Uint32 windowID;    /**< The associated window if any */
566     Sint32 code;        /**< User defined event code */
567     void *data1;        /**< User defined data pointer */
568     void *data2;        /**< User defined data pointer */
569 } SDL_UserEvent;
572 struct SDL_SysWMmsg;
573 typedef struct SDL_SysWMmsg SDL_SysWMmsg;
575 /**
576  *  \brief A video driver dependent system event (event.syswm.*)
577  *         This event is disabled by default, you can enable it with SDL_EventState()
578  *
579  *  \note If you want to use this event, you should include SDL_syswm.h.
580  */
581 typedef struct SDL_SysWMEvent
582 {
583     Uint32 type;        /**< ::SDL_SYSWMEVENT */
584     Uint32 timestamp;   /**< In milliseconds, populated using SDL_GetTicks() */
585     SDL_SysWMmsg *msg;  /**< driver dependent data, defined in SDL_syswm.h */
586 } SDL_SysWMEvent;
588 /**
589  *  \brief General event structure
590  */
591 typedef union SDL_Event
592 {
593     Uint32 type;                            /**< Event type, shared with all events */
594     SDL_CommonEvent common;                 /**< Common event data */
595     SDL_DisplayEvent display;               /**< Display event data */
596     SDL_WindowEvent window;                 /**< Window event data */
597     SDL_KeyboardEvent key;                  /**< Keyboard event data */
598     SDL_TextEditingEvent edit;              /**< Text editing event data */
599     SDL_TextInputEvent text;                /**< Text input event data */
600     SDL_MouseMotionEvent motion;            /**< Mouse motion event data */
601     SDL_MouseButtonEvent button;            /**< Mouse button event data */
602     SDL_MouseWheelEvent wheel;              /**< Mouse wheel event data */
603     SDL_JoyAxisEvent jaxis;                 /**< Joystick axis event data */
604     SDL_JoyBallEvent jball;                 /**< Joystick ball event data */
605     SDL_JoyHatEvent jhat;                   /**< Joystick hat event data */
606     SDL_JoyButtonEvent jbutton;             /**< Joystick button event data */
607     SDL_JoyDeviceEvent jdevice;             /**< Joystick device change event data */
608     SDL_ControllerAxisEvent caxis;          /**< Game Controller axis event data */
609     SDL_ControllerButtonEvent cbutton;      /**< Game Controller button event data */
610     SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent cdevice;      /**< Game Controller device event data */
611     SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent ctouchpad;  /**< Game Controller touchpad event data */
612     SDL_ControllerSensorEvent csensor;      /**< Game Controller sensor event data */
613     SDL_AudioDeviceEvent adevice;           /**< Audio device event data */
614     SDL_SensorEvent sensor;                 /**< Sensor event data */
615     SDL_QuitEvent quit;                     /**< Quit request event data */
616     SDL_UserEvent user;                     /**< Custom event data */
617     SDL_SysWMEvent syswm;                   /**< System dependent window event data */
618     SDL_TouchFingerEvent tfinger;           /**< Touch finger event data */
619     SDL_MultiGestureEvent mgesture;         /**< Gesture event data */
620     SDL_DollarGestureEvent dgesture;        /**< Gesture event data */
621     SDL_DropEvent drop;                     /**< Drag and drop event data */
623     /* This is necessary for ABI compatibility between Visual C++ and GCC.
624        Visual C++ will respect the push pack pragma and use 52 bytes (size of
625        SDL_TextEditingEvent, the largest structure for 32-bit and 64-bit
626        architectures) for this union, and GCC will use the alignment of the
627        largest datatype within the union, which is 8 bytes on 64-bit
628        architectures.
630        So... we'll add padding to force the size to be 56 bytes for both.
632        On architectures where pointers are 16 bytes, this needs rounding up to
633        the next multiple of 16, 64, and on architectures where pointers are
634        even larger the size of SDL_UserEvent will dominate as being 3 pointers.
635     */
636     Uint8 padding[sizeof(void *) <= 8 ? 56 : sizeof(void *) == 16 ? 64 : 3 * sizeof(void *)];
637 } SDL_Event;
639 /* Make sure we haven't broken binary compatibility */
640 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(SDL_Event, sizeof(SDL_Event) == sizeof(((SDL_Event *)NULL)->padding));
643 /* Function prototypes */
645 /**
646  * Pump the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
647  *
648  * This function updates the event queue and internal input device state.
649  *
650  * **WARNING**: This should only be run in the thread that initialized the
651  * video subsystem, and for extra safety, you should consider only doing those
652  * things on the main thread in any case.
653  *
654  * SDL_PumpEvents() gathers all the pending input information from devices and
655  * places it in the event queue. Without calls to SDL_PumpEvents() no events
656  * would ever be placed on the queue. Often the need for calls to
657  * SDL_PumpEvents() is hidden from the user since SDL_PollEvent() and
658  * SDL_WaitEvent() implicitly call SDL_PumpEvents(). However, if you are not
659  * polling or waiting for events (e.g. you are filtering them), then you must
660  * call SDL_PumpEvents() to force an event queue update.
661  *
662  * \sa SDL_PollEvent
663  * \sa SDL_WaitEvent
664  */
665 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_PumpEvents(void);
667 /* @{ */
668 typedef enum
669 {
673 } SDL_eventaction;
675 /**
676  * Check the event queue for messages and optionally return them.
677  *
678  * `action` may be any of the following:
679  *
680  * - `SDL_ADDEVENT`: up to `numevents` events will be added to the back of the
681  *   event queue.
682  * - `SDL_PEEKEVENT`: `numevents` events at the front of the event queue,
683  *   within the specified minimum and maximum type, will be returned to the
684  *   caller and will _not_ be removed from the queue.
685  * - `SDL_GETEVENT`: up to `numevents` events at the front of the event queue,
686  *   within the specified minimum and maximum type, will be returned to the
687  *   caller and will be removed from the queue.
688  *
689  * You may have to call SDL_PumpEvents() before calling this function.
690  * Otherwise, the events may not be ready to be filtered when you call
691  * SDL_PeepEvents().
692  *
693  * This function is thread-safe.
694  *
695  * \param events destination buffer for the retrieved events
696  * \param numevents if action is SDL_ADDEVENT, the number of events to add
697  *                  back to the event queue; if action is SDL_PEEKEVENT or
698  *                  SDL_GETEVENT, the maximum number of events to retrieve
699  * \param action action to take; see [[#action|Remarks]] for details
700  * \param minType minimum value of the event type to be considered;
701  *                SDL_FIRSTEVENT is a safe choice
702  * \param maxType maximum value of the event type to be considered;
703  *                SDL_LASTEVENT is a safe choice
704  * \returns the number of events actually stored or a negative error code on
705  *          failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.
706  *
707  * \sa SDL_PollEvent
708  * \sa SDL_PumpEvents
709  * \sa SDL_PushEvent
710  */
711 extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_PeepEvents(SDL_Event * events, int numevents,
712                                            SDL_eventaction action,
713                                            Uint32 minType, Uint32 maxType);
714 /* @} */
716 /**
717  * Check for the existence of a certain event type in the event queue.
718  *
719  * If you need to check for a range of event types, use SDL_HasEvents()
720  * instead.
721  *
722  * \param type the type of event to be queried; see SDL_EventType for details
723  * \returns SDL_TRUE if events matching `type` are present, or SDL_FALSE if
724  *          events matching `type` are not present.
725  *
726  * \sa SDL_HasEvents
727  */
728 extern DECLSPEC SDL_bool SDLCALL SDL_HasEvent(Uint32 type);
731 /**
732  * Check for the existence of certain event types in the event queue.
733  *
734  * If you need to check for a single event type, use SDL_HasEvent() instead.
735  *
736  * \param minType the low end of event type to be queried, inclusive; see
737  *                SDL_EventType for details
738  * \param maxType the high end of event type to be queried, inclusive; see
739  *                SDL_EventType for details
740  * \returns SDL_TRUE if events with type >= `minType` and <= `maxType` are
741  *          present, or SDL_FALSE if not.
742  *
743  * \sa SDL_HasEvents
744  */
745 extern DECLSPEC SDL_bool SDLCALL SDL_HasEvents(Uint32 minType, Uint32 maxType);
747 /**
748  * Clear events of a specific type from the event queue.
749  *
750  * This will unconditionally remove any events from the queue that match
751  * `type`. If you need to remove a range of event types, use SDL_FlushEvents()
752  * instead.
753  *
754  * It's also normal to just ignore events you don't care about in your event
755  * loop without calling this function.
756  *
757  * This function only affects currently queued events. If you want to make
758  * sure that all pending OS events are flushed, you can call SDL_PumpEvents()
759  * on the main thread immediately before the flush call.
760  *
761  * \param type the type of event to be cleared; see SDL_EventType for details
762  *
763  * \sa SDL_FlushEvents
764  */
765 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_FlushEvent(Uint32 type);
767 /**
768  * Clear events of a range of types from the event queue.
769  *
770  * This will unconditionally remove any events from the queue that are in the
771  * range of `minType` to `maxType`, inclusive. If you need to remove a single
772  * event type, use SDL_FlushEvent() instead.
773  *
774  * It's also normal to just ignore events you don't care about in your event
775  * loop without calling this function.
776  *
777  * This function only affects currently queued events. If you want to make
778  * sure that all pending OS events are flushed, you can call SDL_PumpEvents()
779  * on the main thread immediately before the flush call.
780  *
781  * \param minType the low end of event type to be cleared, inclusive; see
782  *                SDL_EventType for details
783  * \param maxType the high end of event type to be cleared, inclusive; see
784  *                SDL_EventType for details
785  *
786  * \sa SDL_FlushEvent
787  */
788 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_FlushEvents(Uint32 minType, Uint32 maxType);
790 /**
791  * Poll for currently pending events.
792  *
793  * If `event` is not NULL, the next event is removed from the queue and stored
794  * in the SDL_Event structure pointed to by `event`. The 1 returned refers to
795  * this event, immediately stored in the SDL Event structure -- not an event
796  * to follow.
797  *
798  * If `event` is NULL, it simply returns 1 if there is an event in the queue,
799  * but will not remove it from the queue.
800  *
801  * As this function implicitly calls SDL_PumpEvents(), you can only call this
802  * function in the thread that set the video mode.
803  *
804  * SDL_PollEvent() is the favored way of receiving system events since it can
805  * be done from the main loop and does not suspend the main loop while waiting
806  * on an event to be posted.
807  *
808  * The common practice is to fully process the event queue once every frame,
809  * usually as a first step before updating the game's state:
810  *
811  * ```c
812  * while (game_is_still_running) {
813  *     SDL_Event event;
814  *     while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {  // poll until all events are handled!
815  *         // decide what to do with this event.
816  *     }
817  *
818  *     // update game state, draw the current frame
819  * }
820  * ```
821  *
822  * \param event the SDL_Event structure to be filled with the next event from
823  *              the queue, or NULL
824  * \returns 1 if there is a pending event or 0 if there are none available.
825  *
826  * \sa SDL_GetEventFilter
827  * \sa SDL_PeepEvents
828  * \sa SDL_PushEvent
829  * \sa SDL_SetEventFilter
830  * \sa SDL_WaitEvent
831  * \sa SDL_WaitEventTimeout
832  */
833 extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event * event);
835 /**
836  * Wait indefinitely for the next available event.
837  *
838  * If `event` is not NULL, the next event is removed from the queue and stored
839  * in the SDL_Event structure pointed to by `event`.
840  *
841  * As this function implicitly calls SDL_PumpEvents(), you can only call this
842  * function in the thread that initialized the video subsystem.
843  *
844  * \param event the SDL_Event structure to be filled in with the next event
845  *              from the queue, or NULL
846  * \returns 1 on success or 0 if there was an error while waiting for events;
847  *          call SDL_GetError() for more information.
848  *
849  * \sa SDL_PollEvent
850  * \sa SDL_PumpEvents
851  * \sa SDL_WaitEventTimeout
852  */
853 extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_WaitEvent(SDL_Event * event);
855 /**
856  * Wait until the specified timeout (in milliseconds) for the next available
857  * event.
858  *
859  * If `event` is not NULL, the next event is removed from the queue and stored
860  * in the SDL_Event structure pointed to by `event`.
861  *
862  * As this function implicitly calls SDL_PumpEvents(), you can only call this
863  * function in the thread that initialized the video subsystem.
864  *
865  * \param event the SDL_Event structure to be filled in with the next event
866  *              from the queue, or NULL
867  * \param timeout the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the next
868  *                available event
869  * \returns 1 on success or 0 if there was an error while waiting for events;
870  *          call SDL_GetError() for more information. This also returns 0 if
871  *          the timeout elapsed without an event arriving.
872  *
873  * \sa SDL_PollEvent
874  * \sa SDL_PumpEvents
875  * \sa SDL_WaitEvent
876  */
877 extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_WaitEventTimeout(SDL_Event * event,
878                                                  int timeout);
880 /**
881  * Add an event to the event queue.
882  *
883  * The event queue can actually be used as a two way communication channel.
884  * Not only can events be read from the queue, but the user can also push
885  * their own events onto it. `event` is a pointer to the event structure you
886  * wish to push onto the queue. The event is copied into the queue, and the
887  * caller may dispose of the memory pointed to after SDL_PushEvent() returns.
888  *
889  * Note: Pushing device input events onto the queue doesn't modify the state
890  * of the device within SDL.
891  *
892  * This function is thread-safe, and can be called from other threads safely.
893  *
894  * Note: Events pushed onto the queue with SDL_PushEvent() get passed through
895  * the event filter but events added with SDL_PeepEvents() do not.
896  *
897  * For pushing application-specific events, please use SDL_RegisterEvents() to
898  * get an event type that does not conflict with other code that also wants
899  * its own custom event types.
900  *
901  * \param event the SDL_Event to be added to the queue
902  * \returns 1 on success, 0 if the event was filtered, or a negative error
903  *          code on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information. A
904  *          common reason for error is the event queue being full.
905  *
906  * \sa SDL_PeepEvents
907  * \sa SDL_PollEvent
908  * \sa SDL_RegisterEvents
909  */
910 extern DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_PushEvent(SDL_Event * event);
912 /**
913  * A function pointer used for callbacks that watch the event queue.
914  *
915  * \param userdata what was passed as `userdata` to SDL_SetEventFilter()
916  *        or SDL_AddEventWatch, etc
917  * \param event the event that triggered the callback
918  * \returns 1 to permit event to be added to the queue, and 0 to disallow
919  *          it. When used with SDL_AddEventWatch, the return value is ignored.
920  *
921  * \sa SDL_SetEventFilter
922  * \sa SDL_AddEventWatch
923  */
924 typedef int (SDLCALL * SDL_EventFilter) (void *userdata, SDL_Event * event);
926 /**
927  * Set up a filter to process all events before they change internal state and
928  * are posted to the internal event queue.
929  *
930  * If the filter function returns 1 when called, then the event will be added
931  * to the internal queue. If it returns 0, then the event will be dropped from
932  * the queue, but the internal state will still be updated. This allows
933  * selective filtering of dynamically arriving events.
934  *
935  * **WARNING**: Be very careful of what you do in the event filter function,
936  * as it may run in a different thread!
937  *
938  * On platforms that support it, if the quit event is generated by an
939  * interrupt signal (e.g. pressing Ctrl-C), it will be delivered to the
940  * application at the next event poll.
941  *
942  * There is one caveat when dealing with the ::SDL_QuitEvent event type. The
943  * event filter is only called when the window manager desires to close the
944  * application window. If the event filter returns 1, then the window will be
945  * closed, otherwise the window will remain open if possible.
946  *
947  * Note: Disabled events never make it to the event filter function; see
948  * SDL_EventState().
949  *
950  * Note: If you just want to inspect events without filtering, you should use
951  * SDL_AddEventWatch() instead.
952  *
953  * Note: Events pushed onto the queue with SDL_PushEvent() get passed through
954  * the event filter, but events pushed onto the queue with SDL_PeepEvents() do
955  * not.
956  *
957  * \param filter An SDL_EventFilter function to call when an event happens
958  * \param userdata a pointer that is passed to `filter`
959  *
960  * \sa SDL_AddEventWatch
961  * \sa SDL_EventState
962  * \sa SDL_GetEventFilter
963  * \sa SDL_PeepEvents
964  * \sa SDL_PushEvent
965  */
966 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_SetEventFilter(SDL_EventFilter filter,
967                                                 void *userdata);
969 /**
970  * Query the current event filter.
971  *
972  * This function can be used to "chain" filters, by saving the existing filter
973  * before replacing it with a function that will call that saved filter.
974  *
975  * \param filter the current callback function will be stored here
976  * \param userdata the pointer that is passed to the current event filter will
977  *                 be stored here
978  * \returns SDL_TRUE on success or SDL_FALSE if there is no event filter set.
979  *
980  * \sa SDL_SetEventFilter
981  */
982 extern DECLSPEC SDL_bool SDLCALL SDL_GetEventFilter(SDL_EventFilter * filter,
983                                                     void **userdata);
985 /**
986  * Add a callback to be triggered when an event is added to the event queue.
987  *
988  * `filter` will be called when an event happens, and its return value is
989  * ignored.
990  *
991  * **WARNING**: Be very careful of what you do in the event filter function,
992  * as it may run in a different thread!
993  *
994  * If the quit event is generated by a signal (e.g. SIGINT), it will bypass
995  * the internal queue and be delivered to the watch callback immediately, and
996  * arrive at the next event poll.
997  *
998  * Note: the callback is called for events posted by the user through
999  * SDL_PushEvent(), but not for disabled events, nor for events by a filter
1000  * callback set with SDL_SetEventFilter(), nor for events posted by the user
1001  * through SDL_PeepEvents().
1002  *
1003  * \param filter an SDL_EventFilter function to call when an event happens.
1004  * \param userdata a pointer that is passed to `filter`
1005  *
1006  * \sa SDL_DelEventWatch
1007  * \sa SDL_SetEventFilter
1008  */
1009 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_AddEventWatch(SDL_EventFilter filter,
1010                                                void *userdata);
1012 /**
1013  * Remove an event watch callback added with SDL_AddEventWatch().
1014  *
1015  * This function takes the same input as SDL_AddEventWatch() to identify and
1016  * delete the corresponding callback.
1017  *
1018  * \param filter the function originally passed to SDL_AddEventWatch()
1019  * \param userdata the pointer originally passed to SDL_AddEventWatch()
1020  *
1021  * \sa SDL_AddEventWatch
1022  */
1023 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_DelEventWatch(SDL_EventFilter filter,
1024                                                void *userdata);
1026 /**
1027  * Run a specific filter function on the current event queue, removing any
1028  * events for which the filter returns 0.
1029  *
1030  * See SDL_SetEventFilter() for more information. Unlike SDL_SetEventFilter(),
1031  * this function does not change the filter permanently, it only uses the
1032  * supplied filter until this function returns.
1033  *
1034  * \param filter the SDL_EventFilter function to call when an event happens
1035  * \param userdata a pointer that is passed to `filter`
1036  *
1037  * \sa SDL_GetEventFilter
1038  * \sa SDL_SetEventFilter
1039  */
1040 extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_FilterEvents(SDL_EventFilter filter,
1041                                               void *userdata);
1043 /* @{ */
1044 #define SDL_QUERY   -1
1045 #define SDL_IGNORE   0
1046 #define SDL_DISABLE  0
1047 #define SDL_ENABLE   1
1049 /**
1050  * Set the state of processing events by type.
1051  *
1052  * `state` may be any of the following:
1053  *
1054  * - `SDL_QUERY`: returns the current processing state of the specified event
1055  * - `SDL_IGNORE` (aka `SDL_DISABLE`): the event will automatically be dropped
1056  *   from the event queue and will not be filtered
1057  * - `SDL_ENABLE`: the event will be processed normally
1058  *
1059  * \param type the type of event; see SDL_EventType for details
1060  * \param state how to process the event
1061  * \returns `SDL_DISABLE` or `SDL_ENABLE`, representing the processing state
1062  *          of the event before this function makes any changes to it.
1063  *
1064  * \sa SDL_GetEventState
1065  */
1066 extern DECLSPEC Uint8 SDLCALL SDL_EventState(Uint32 type, int state);
1067 /* @} */
1068 #define SDL_GetEventState(type) SDL_EventState(type, SDL_QUERY)
1070 /**
1071  * Allocate a set of user-defined events, and return the beginning event
1072  * number for that set of events.
1073  *
1074  * Calling this function with `numevents` <= 0 is an error and will return
1075  * (Uint32)-1.
1076  *
1077  * Note, (Uint32)-1 means the maximum unsigned 32-bit integer value (or
1078  * 0xFFFFFFFF), but is clearer to write.
1079  *
1080  * \param numevents the number of events to be allocated
1081  * \returns the beginning event number, or (Uint32)-1 if there are not enough
1082  *          user-defined events left.
1083  *
1084  * \since This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.
1085  *
1086  * \sa SDL_PushEvent
1087  */
1088 extern DECLSPEC Uint32 SDLCALL SDL_RegisterEvents(int numevents);
1090 /* Ends C function definitions when using C++ */
1091 #ifdef __cplusplus
1092 }
1093 #endif
1094 #include "close_code.h"
1096 #endif /* SDL_events_h_ */
1098 /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */