2  "patterns": {
3    "P1": {
4      "expression": "(path):(line)"
5    },
6    "P2": {
7      "expression": "(path)\\s+(line)",
8      "path": "(?:\\/[\\w\\.\\-]+)+"
9    }
10  },
11  "commands": [
12    {
13      "namespace": "faust",
14      "action": "Documentation",
15      "command": "open https://faust.grame.fr/doc/libraries/index.html#{selection}",
16      "arguments": [],
17      "cwd": null,
18      "inputDialogs": [],
19      "env": {},
20      "keystroke": "ctrl-alt-cmd-d",
21      "stream": false,
22      "outputTarget": "panel",
23      "outputBufferSize": 80000,
24      "maxCompleted": 3,
25      "autoShowOutput": true,
26      "autoHideOutput": false,
27      "scrollLockEnabled": false,
28      "singular": false,
29      "promptToSave": true,
30      "saveOption": "none",
31      "patterns": [
32        "default"
33      ],
34      "successOutput": "{stdout}",
35      "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
36      "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
37      "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
38      "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
39      "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}"
40    },
41    {
42      "namespace": "faust",
43      "action": "C++ code",
44      "command": "faust {filePath}",
45      "arguments": [],
46      "cwd": "{fileDirAbsPath}",
47      "inputDialogs": [],
48      "env": {},
49      "keystroke": "ctrl-alt-cmd-c",
50      "stream": true,
51      "outputTarget": "file",
52      "outputBufferSize": 80000,
53      "maxCompleted": 3,
54      "autoShowOutput": true,
55      "autoHideOutput": false,
56      "scrollLockEnabled": false,
57      "singular": true,
58      "promptToSave": true,
59      "saveOption": "none",
60      "patterns": [
61        "default"
62      ],
63      "successOutput": "{stdout}",
64      "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
65      "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
66      "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
67      "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
68      "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}"
69    },
70    {
71      "namespace": "faust",
72      "action": "block-diagram",
73      "command": "faust2firefox {filePath}",
74      "arguments": [],
75      "cwd": "{fileDirAbsPath}",
76      "inputDialogs": [],
77      "env": {},
78      "keystroke": "ctrl-alt-cmd-g",
79      "stream": true,
80      "outputTarget": "panel",
81      "outputBufferSize": 80000,
82      "maxCompleted": 1,
83      "autoShowOutput": false,
84      "autoHideOutput": false,
85      "scrollLockEnabled": false,
86      "singular": true,
87      "promptToSave": false,
88      "saveOption": "all",
89      "patterns": [
90        "default"
91      ],
92      "successOutput": "{stdout}",
93      "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
94      "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
95      "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
96      "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
97      "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}"
98    }
99  ]