1@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
2@prefix fomp: <http://drobilla.net/plugins/fomp/> .
3@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
4@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
5@prefix units: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units#> .
8	a lv2:Plugin ,
9		lv2:LowpassPlugin ;
10	doap:name "Moog Low-Pass Filter 2" ;
11	lv2:microVersion 0 ;
12	lv2:minorVersion 2 ;
13	lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ;
14	lv2:project fomp: ;
15	lv2:port [
16		a lv2:AudioPort ,
17			lv2:InputPort ;
18		lv2:index 0 ;
19		lv2:name "Input" ;
20		lv2:symbol "in"
21	] , [
22		a lv2:AudioPort ,
23			lv2:OutputPort ;
24		lv2:index 1 ;
25		lv2:name "Output" ;
26		lv2:symbol "out"
27	] , [
28		a lv2:CVPort ,
29			lv2:InputPort ;
30		lv2:default 0.0 ;
31		lv2:index 2 ;
32		lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
33		lv2:minimum -1.0 ;
34		lv2:name "FM" ;
35		lv2:symbol "fm" ;
36		units:unit units:oct
37	] , [
38		a lv2:CVPort ,
39			lv2:InputPort ;
40		lv2:default 0.0 ;
41		lv2:index 3 ;
42		lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
43		lv2:minimum -1.0 ;
44		lv2:name "Exp FM" ;
45		lv2:symbol "exp_fm" ;
46		units:unit units:oct
47	] , [
48		a lv2:CVPort ,
49			lv2:InputPort ;
50		lv2:default 0.0 ;
51		lv2:index 4 ;
52		lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
53		lv2:minimum -1.0 ;
54		lv2:name "Resonance Mod" ;
55		lv2:symbol "res_mod"
56	] , [
57		a lv2:ControlPort ,
58			lv2:InputPort ;
59		lv2:default 0.0 ;
60		lv2:index 5 ;
61		lv2:maximum 10.0 ;
62		lv2:minimum -60.0 ;
63		lv2:name "Input gain" ;
64		lv2:symbol "in_gain" ;
65		units:unit units:db
66	] , [
67		a lv2:ControlPort ,
68			lv2:InputPort ;
69		lv2:default 440.0 ;
70		lv2:index 6 ;
71		lv2:maximum 0.5 ;
72		lv2:minimum 0.000030517578 ;
73		lv2:name "Frequency" ;
74		lv2:portProperty <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props#logarithmic> ,
75			lv2:sampleRate ;
76		lv2:symbol "freq" ;
77		units:unit units:hz
78	] , [
79		a lv2:ControlPort ,
80			lv2:InputPort ;
81		lv2:default 1.0 ;
82		lv2:index 7 ;
83		lv2:maximum 10.0 ;
84		lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
85		lv2:name "Exp FM gain" ;
86		lv2:symbol "exp_fm_gain"
87	] , [
88		a lv2:ControlPort ,
89			lv2:InputPort ;
90		lv2:default 0.25 ;
91		lv2:index 8 ;
92		lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
93		lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
94		lv2:name "Resonance" ;
95		lv2:symbol "res"
96	] , [
97		a lv2:ControlPort ,
98			lv2:InputPort ;
99		lv2:default 1.0 ;
100		lv2:index 9 ;
101		lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
102		lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
103		lv2:name "Resonance gain" ;
104		lv2:symbol "res_gain"
105	] , [
106		a lv2:ControlPort ,
107			lv2:InputPort ;
108		lv2:default 0.0 ;
109		lv2:index 10 ;
110		lv2:maximum 15.0 ;
111		lv2:minimum -15.0 ;
112		lv2:name "Output gain" ;
113		lv2:symbol "out_gain" ;
114		units:unit units:db
115	] ;
116	rdfs:comment "Uses five non-linear elements, in the input and in all four filter sections.  It works by using the derivative of the nonlinearity (for which 1 / (1 + x * x) is reasonable approximation).  The main advantage of this is that only one evaluation of the non-linear function is required for each section.  The four variables that contain the filter state (c1...c4) represent not the voltage on the capacitors (as in the first filter) but the current flowing in the resistive part." .