1 /* Gnome Music Player Client (GMPC)
2  * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Qball Cow <qball@gmpclient.org>
3  * Project homepage: http://gmpclient.org/
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
19 #include <glib.h>
21 #ifndef __CONFIG_1_H__
22 #define __CONFIG_1_H__
24 /**
25  * \defgroup Config1 Config
26  * \brief GMPC config system.
27  */
28 /* @{@ */
29 #define CFG_INT_NOT_DEFINED -65536
32 typedef struct _config_obj config_obj;
35 typedef struct conf_mult_obj
36 {
37     char *key;
38     char *value;
39     struct conf_mult_obj *next;
40     struct conf_mult_obj *prev;
41 } conf_mult_obj;
43 /**
44  * @param url The path to the config file to open.
45  *
46  * Open the config file.
47  *
48  * @returns A #config_obj if opened succesful #NULL on failure.
49  */
50 config_obj *cfg_open(const gchar * url);
52 /**
53  * @param cfgo The #config_obj to close
54  *
55  * Free's the #config_obj and if needed saves it.
56  */
57 void cfg_close(config_obj * cfgo);
60 /**
61  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
62  * @param class The config subclass.
63  * @param key The key to get.
64  *
65  * Get a single config value as a string.
66  *
67  * F.e. #cfg_get_single_value_as_string(cfg, "aap", "mies");
68  * Will get the value of key mies in class aap.
69  *
70  *
71  * @returns NULL when the value is not availible, an allocated string if
72  * found. (needs to be free'ed)
73  */
74 char *cfg_get_single_value_as_string(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
75                                      const char *key);
76 /**
77  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
78  * @param class The config subclass.
79  * @param key The key to get.
80  * @param value The new value for class:key.
81  *
82  * Set single value.
83  */
84 void cfg_set_single_value_as_string(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
85                                     const char *key, const char *value);
86 /**
87  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
88  * @param class The config subclass.
89  * @param key The key to get.
90  * @param def The value to return if class:key is not found.
91  *
92  * Get single string value.
93  *
94  * @returns The value off class:key converted to a string or def is not found.
95  */
96 char *cfg_get_single_value_as_string_with_default(config_obj * cfg,
97                                                   const char *class,
98                                                   const char *key,
99                                                   const char *def);
100 /**
101  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
102  * @param class The config subclass.
103  * @param key The key to get.
104  *
105  * Get a single config value as a int.
106  *
107  *
108  * @returns CFG_INT_NOT_DEFINED when the value is not availible.
109  */
110 int cfg_get_single_value_as_int(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
111                                 const char *key);
112 /**
113  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
114  * @param class The config subclass.
115  * @param key The key to get.
116  * @param value The new value for class:key.
117  *
118  * Set single value.
119  */
120 void cfg_set_single_value_as_int(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
121                                  const char *key, int value);
122 /**
123  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
124  * @param class The config subclass.
125  * @param key The key to get.
126  * @param def The value to return if class:key is not found.
127  *
128  * Get single int value.
129  * @returns The value off class:key converted to a int or def is not found.
130  */
131 int cfg_get_single_value_as_int_with_default(config_obj * cfg,
132                                              const char *class, const char *key,
133                                              int def);
135 /**
136  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
137  * @param class The config subclass.
138  * @param key The key to get.
139  *
140  * Get a single config value as a float.
141  *
142  *
143  * @returns CFG_INT_NOT_DEFINED when the value is not availible.
144  */
145 float cfg_get_single_value_as_float(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
146                                     const char *key);
147 /**
148  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
149  * @param class The config subclass.
150  * @param key The key to get.
151  * @param value The new value for class:key.
152  *
153  * Set single value.
154  */
155 void cfg_set_single_value_as_float(config_obj * cfg, const char *class,
156                                    const char *key, float value);
157 /**
158  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
159  * @param class The config subclass.
160  * @param key The key to get.
161  * @param def The value to return if class:key is not found.
162  *
163  * Get single float value.
164  * @returns The value off class:key converted to a float or def is not found.
165  */
166 float cfg_get_single_value_as_float_with_default(config_obj * cfg,
167                                                  const char *class,
168                                                  const char *key, float def);
170 /**
171  * @param cfg The #config_obj.
172  * @param class The config subclass.
173  * @param key The key to remove.
174  *
175  * Removes a single value.
176  */
177 void cfg_del_single_value(config_obj * cfg, const char *class, const char *key);
179 /**
180  * @param cfg The #config_obj
181  *
182  * Get a list of all the classes.
183  *
184  * @returns a linked list (type #conf_mult_obj) of all the classes.
185  */
186 conf_mult_obj *cfg_get_class_list(config_obj * data);
188 /**
189  * @param cfg The #config_obj
190  * @param class The class to get the keys from.
191  *
192  * Get a list of all the keys in class class.
193  *
194  * @returns a linked list (type #conf_mult_obj) of all the keys.
195  */
196 conf_mult_obj *cfg_get_key_list(config_obj * data, const char *class);
198 /**
199  * @param data The #conf_mult_obj to free
200  *
201  * Free's the #conf_mult_obj.
202  */
203 void cfg_free_multiple(conf_mult_obj * data);
205 /**
206  * @param cfg the #config_obj.
207  *
208  * Remove class from the config file, including all sub-items.
209  */
210 void cfg_remove_class(config_obj * cfg, const char *class);
212 #define cfg_free_string(a)  g_free(a);a=NULL;
213 /* @{@ */
214 #endif