1 // Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3 use std::marker::PhantomData;
5 use crate::ffi::cairo_user_data_key_t;
7 pub struct UserDataKey<T> {
8     pub(crate) ffi: cairo_user_data_key_t,
9     marker: PhantomData<*const T>,
10 }
12 unsafe impl<T> Sync for UserDataKey<T> {}
14 impl<T> UserDataKey<T> {
new() -> Self15     pub const fn new() -> Self {
16         Self {
17             ffi: cairo_user_data_key_t { unused: 0 },
18             marker: PhantomData,
19         }
20     }
21 }
23 // In a safe API for user data we can’t make `get_user_data`
24 // transfer full ownership of the value to the caller (e.g. by returning `Box<T>`)
25 // because `self` still has a pointer to that value
26 // and `get_user_data` could be called again with the same key.
27 //
28 // We also can’t return a `&T` reference that borrows from `self`
29 // because the value could be removed with `remove_user_data` or replaced with `set_user_data`
30 // while the borrow still needs to be valid.
31 // (Borrowing with `&mut self` would not help as `Self` can be itself reference-counted.)
32 //
33 // Therefore, the value must be reference-counted.
34 //
35 // We use `Rc` over `Arc` because the types implementing these methods are `!Send` and `!Sync`.
36 // See <https://github.com/gtk-rs/cairo/issues/256>
38 macro_rules! user_data_methods {
39     ($ffi_get_user_data: path, $ffi_set_user_data: path,) => {
40         /// Attach user data to `self` for the given `key`.
41         pub fn set_user_data<T: 'static>(
42             &self,
43             key: &'static crate::UserDataKey<T>,
44             value: std::rc::Rc<T>,
45         ) -> Result<(), crate::Error> {
46             unsafe extern "C" fn destructor<T>(ptr: *mut libc::c_void) {
47                 let ptr: *const T = ptr as _;
48                 drop(std::rc::Rc::from_raw(ptr))
49             }
50             // Safety:
51             //
52             // The destructor’s cast and `from_raw` are symmetric
53             // with the `into_raw` and cast below.
54             // They both transfer ownership of one strong reference:
55             // neither of them touches the reference count.
56             let ptr: *const T = std::rc::Rc::into_raw(value);
57             let ptr = ptr as *mut T as *mut libc::c_void;
58             let status = unsafe {
59                 $ffi_set_user_data(self.to_raw_none(), &key.ffi, ptr, Some(destructor::<T>))
60             };
61             crate::utils::status_to_result(status)
62         }
64         /// Return the user data previously attached to `self` with the given `key`, if any.
65         pub fn user_data<T: 'static>(
66             &self,
67             key: &'static crate::UserDataKey<T>,
68         ) -> Option<std::rc::Rc<T>> {
69             let ptr = self.user_data_ptr(key)?.as_ptr();
71             // Safety:
72             //
73             // `Rc::from_raw` would normally take ownership of a strong reference for this pointer.
74             // But `self` still has a copy of that pointer and `get_user_data` can be called again
75             // with the same key.
76             // We use `ManuallyDrop` to avoid running the destructor of that first `Rc`,
77             // and return a cloned one (which increments the reference count).
78             unsafe {
79                 let rc = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(std::rc::Rc::from_raw(ptr));
80                 Some(std::rc::Rc::clone(&rc))
81             }
82         }
84         /// Return the user data previously attached to `self` with the given `key`, if any,
85         /// without incrementing the reference count.
86         ///
87         /// The pointer is valid when it is returned from this method,
88         /// until the cairo object that `self` represents is destroyed
89         /// or `remove_user_data` or `set_user_data` is called with the same key.
90         pub fn user_data_ptr<T: 'static>(
91             &self,
92             key: &'static crate::UserDataKey<T>,
93         ) -> Option<std::ptr::NonNull<T>> {
94             // Safety:
95             //
96             // If `ffi_get_user_data` returns a non-null pointer,
97             // there was a previous call to `ffi_set_user_data` with a key with the same address.
98             // Either:
99             //
100             // * This was a call to a Rust `Self::set_user_data` method.
101             //   Because that method takes a `&'static` reference,
102             //   the key used then must live at that address until the end of the process.
103             //   Because `UserDataKey<T>` has a non-zero size regardless of `T`,
104             //   no other `UserDataKey<U>` value can have the same address.
105             //   Therefore, the `T` type was the same then at it is now and `cast` is type-safe.
106             //
107             // * Or, it is technically possible that the `set` call was to the C function directly,
108             //   with a `cairo_user_data_key_t` in heap-allocated memory that was then freed,
109             //   then `Box::new(UserDataKey::new()).leak()` was used to create a `&'static`
110             //   that happens to have the same address because the allocator for `Box`
111             //   reused that memory region.
112             //   Since this involves a C (or FFI) call *and* is so far out of “typical” use
113             //   of the user data functionality, we consider this a misuse of an unsafe API.
114             unsafe {
115                 let ptr = $ffi_get_user_data(self.to_raw_none(), &key.ffi);
116                 Some(std::ptr::NonNull::new(ptr)?.cast())
117             }
118         }
120         /// Unattached from `self` the user data associated with `key`, if any.
121         /// If there is no other `Rc` strong reference, the data is destroyed.
122         pub fn remove_user_data<T: 'static>(
123             &self,
124             key: &'static crate::UserDataKey<T>,
125         ) -> Result<(), crate::Error> {
126             let status = unsafe {
127                 $ffi_set_user_data(self.to_raw_none(), &key.ffi, std::ptr::null_mut(), None)
128             };
129             crate::utils::status_to_result(status)
130         }
131     };
132 }