1 /**
2    @file
3    @ingroup processing
4 */
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <bpm/bpm_units.h>
7 #include <bpm/bpm_messages.h>
8 #include <bpm/bpm_process.h>
9 #include <bpm/bpm_dsp.h>
process_waveform(doublewf_t * signal,bpmconf_t * bpm,bpmproc_t * proc,bpmproc_t * trig,unsigned int mode)12 int process_waveform( doublewf_t *signal, bpmconf_t *bpm, bpmproc_t *proc, bpmproc_t *trig,
13 		      unsigned int mode ) {
15   int have_fft_pars = FALSE;
16   int have_fit_pars = FALSE;
17   double frequency, tdecay, amp, phase;
18   char msg[128];
19   double t0, tSample;
21   if ( ! bpm || ! signal || ! proc ) {
22     bpm_error( "Invalid pointer arguments in process_waveform(...)",
23 	       __FILE__, __LINE__ );
24     return BPM_FAILURE;
25   }
27   // reset the success values for this pulse...
28   proc->fft_success = FALSE;
29   proc->fit_success = FALSE;
30   proc->ddc_success = FALSE;
32   // do we have a signal ?
33   if ( ! signal ) {
34     sprintf( msg, "No signal present for BPM %s in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
35     bpm_error( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
36     return BPM_FAILURE;
37   }
39   /* ------------------------------- check for saturation ------------------------------------ */
40   proc->saturated = check_saturation( signal, bpm->digi_nbits, &(proc->iunsat) );
43   /* ------------------------------- subtract the pedestal ----------------------------------- */
44   // determing voltage offset and amplitude noise in adc channels (pedestal)
45   if ( get_pedestal( signal, 20, &(proc->voltageoffset) ,&(proc->ampnoise) ) == BPM_FAILURE ) {
46     sprintf( msg, "Error getting pedestal of BPM %s in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
47     bpm_error( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
48     return BPM_FAILURE;
49   }
51   // subtract the pedestal
52   doublewf_bias( -proc->voltageoffset, signal );
55   /* ----------------------------------- set the t0 ------------------------------------------ */
56   if ( trig ) {
57     // internal clock, we have a trigger
58     proc->t0 = trig->t0;
59   } else {
60     // external clock, no trigger specified, assume t0 is set in configuration
61     proc->t0 = bpm->t0;
62   }
64   /* ------------------------------ check whether to do FFT ? -------------------------------- */
65   if ( mode & PROC_DO_FFT ) {
67     // compute the ft
68     if ( fft_waveform( signal, proc->ft ) == BPM_FAILURE ) {
69       sprintf( msg, "Could not perform fft for BPM %s in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
70       bpm_warning( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
72     } else {
73       proc->fft_success = TRUE;
75       if ( mode & PROC_FIT_FFT ) {
76 	// fft done, fit for frequency and tdecay
77 	if( fit_fft( proc->ft, &(proc->fft_freq), &(proc->fft_tdecay), NULL, NULL )
78 	    == BPM_FAILURE ) {
79 	  sprintf( msg, "Could not fit the FFT for BPM %s in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
80 	  bpm_warning( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
81 	} else {
82 	  have_fft_pars     = TRUE;
83 	}
85       }
87     }
89   } /* if ( mode & PROC_DO_FFT ) */
92   /* ------------------------------ check whether to do FIT ? -------------------------------- */
93   if ( mode & PROC_DO_FIT ) {
95     /*
96       This stuff is a bit shaky... need to clean & test in more detail if needed,
97       rely on ROOT/Minuit based fitting for this !!!
98     */
99     bpm_warning( "Libbpm waveform fitting is highly EXPERIMENTAL and contains bugs!",
100 		 __FILE__, __LINE__ );
102     // initial parameters
103     frequency = tdecay = amp = phase = 0.;
105     // Initial parameter for the frequency ::
106     if ( proc->fit_freq <= 0.* _MHz__ || proc->fit_freq > ( bpm->digi_freq/2.) ) {
107       // BM. 11.02.2008
108       // cut this out, don't want it to depend on the rf_LOfreq just yet...
109       /*
110 	if ( ( bpm->rf_LOfreq > 0. ) && ( bpm->cav_freq > 0. ) ) {
111 	freq = ABS( bpm->cav_freq - bpm->rf_LOfreq );
112 	} else
113       */
114       frequency = 20.0 * _MHz__;
115     } else frequency = proc->fit_freq; // use last fitted value
117     // Initial parameter for the decay constant
118     if ( proc->fit_tdecay <= 10.* _nsec__ || proc->fit_tdecay > 1.0 * _sec__ ) {
119       if ( bpm->cav_decaytime > 0. ) tdecay = bpm->cav_decaytime;
120       else tdecay = 0.2 * _sec__;
121     } else tdecay = proc->fit_tdecay; // use last fitted value
123     // probably can think of something more clever here...
124     if( ABS( proc->fit_amp ) < 100000. ) amp = proc->fit_amp; else amp = 3000.;
125     phase  = proc->fit_phase;
127     // if we have down the FFT and got the frequency from there, use that as an inital parameter
128     // so overwrite the previous
129     if( have_fft_pars ) {
130       frequency   = proc->fft_freq;
131       tdecay      = proc->fft_tdecay;
132     }
134     // Slight hack to sort out saturation and trigger offsets
135     // Change t0, fit, then extrapolate back in both amplitude and phase
136     sample_to_time( bpm->digi_freq, bpm->digi_nsamples, proc->iunsat, &t0 );
137     t0 = ( t0 > ( proc->t0 + bpm->fit_tOffset ) ? t0 : proc->t0 + bpm->fit_tOffset);
139     if ( fit_waveform( signal, t0, frequency, tdecay, amp, phase,
140 		       &(proc->fit_freq), &(proc->fit_tdecay), &(proc->fit_amp) ,
141 		       &(proc->fit_phase) ) == BPM_FAILURE ) {
142 	sprintf( msg, "Could not fit for BPM %s in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
143 	bpm_warning( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
144     } else {
145       have_fit_pars = TRUE;
146       proc->fit_success = TRUE;
148       // Extrapolate back to the real t0 (proc->t0) !!
149       proc->fit_amp   *= exp( ( t0 - proc->t0 ) / proc->fit_tdecay );
150       proc->fit_phase -= (t0 - proc->t0) * proc->fit_freq * 2. * PI;
151       norm_phase( &(proc->fit_phase) );
152     }
154   } /* if ( mode & PROC_DO_FIT ) */
157   /* ------------------------------ check whether to do DDC ? -------------------------------- */
158   if ( mode & PROC_DO_DDC ) {
160     // initial parameters
161     frequency = tdecay = 0.;
163     // where does the ddc get its freq and tdecay parameters from ?
164     if ( mode & PROC_DDC_FITFREQ ) {
165       if ( have_fit_pars ) frequency = proc->fit_freq;
166       else frequency = bpm->ddc_freq; // asked for fit but it failed :(
167     } else if ( mode & PROC_DDC_FFTFREQ ) {
168       if ( have_fft_pars ) frequency = proc->fft_freq;
169       else frequency = bpm->ddc_freq; // asked for fft but it failed :(
170     } else {
171       // use default
172       frequency = bpm->ddc_freq;
173     }
175     // same for tdecay
176     if ( mode & PROC_DDC_FITTDECAY ) {
177       if ( have_fit_pars ) tdecay = proc->fit_tdecay;
178       else tdecay = bpm->ddc_tdecay; // asked for fit but it failed :(
179     } else if ( mode & PROC_DDC_FFTTDECAY ) {
180       if ( have_fft_pars ) tdecay = proc->fft_tdecay;
181       else tdecay = bpm->ddc_tdecay; // asked for fft but it failed :(
182     } else {
183       // use default
184       tdecay = bpm->ddc_tdecay;
185     }
187     // determine the sample time, handle saturation here...
188     if ( proc->saturated == 1 ) {
189       // We have saturation, get the index of the last unsaturated sample
190       sample_to_time( bpm->digi_freq, bpm->digi_nsamples, proc->iunsat, &(proc->ddc_tSample) );
191       // normally we should add here something which takes into account the bandwidth
192       // of the filter since we shift the filter window, let's just take
193     } else {
194       // The normall case, the t0 (trigger or fixed + the offset)
195       proc->ddc_tSample = proc->t0 + bpm->ddc_tOffset;
196     }
198     // convert to sample index !
199     time_to_sample( bpm->digi_freq, bpm->digi_nsamples, proc->ddc_tSample, &(proc->ddc_iSample) );
201     if ( mode & PROC_DDC_FULL ) {
202       // if we must to the full DDC, do it and sample afterwards
203       if ( ddc_waveform( signal, frequency, bpm->ddc_filter, proc->dc,
204 			 bpm->ddc_buffer_re, bpm->ddc_buffer_im ) == BPM_FAILURE ) {
205 	sprintf( msg, "Could not ddc BPM %s waveform in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
206 	bpm_warning( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
207 	proc->ddc_amp   = 0.;
208 	proc->ddc_phase = 0.;
210       } else {
211 	proc->ddc_success = TRUE;
213 	// Now sample the ddc waveform at the iSample requested, extrapolate amplitude
214 	proc->ddc_amp   = exp( ( proc->ddc_tSample - proc->t0 ) / tdecay ) *
215 	  c_abs( proc->dc->wf[ proc->ddc_iSample ] );
216 	proc->ddc_phase = c_arg( proc->dc->wf[ proc->ddc_iSample ] );
217 	norm_phase( &(proc->ddc_phase) );
218       }
220     } else {
221       // Execute the "short" ddc algorithm to save cpu cycles
222       if ( ddc_sample_waveform( signal, frequency, bpm->ddc_filter, proc->ddc_iSample,
223 				proc->t0, tdecay, &(proc->ddc_amp), &(proc->ddc_phase),
224 				bpm->ddc_buffer_re, bpm->ddc_buffer_im )  == BPM_FAILURE ) {
225 	sprintf( msg, "Could not ddc_sample BPM %s waveform in process_waveform(...)", bpm->name );
226 	bpm_warning( msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
227       } else {
228 	proc->ddc_success = TRUE;
229 	norm_phase( &(proc->ddc_phase) );
230       }
231     }
233   } /* if ( mode & PROC_DO_DDC ) */
235   return BPM_SUCCESS;
236 }