1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2<ui version="4.0"> 3 <class>DlgBeatsDlg</class> 4 <widget class="QWidget" name="DlgBeatsDlg"> 5 <property name="geometry"> 6 <rect> 7 <x>0</x> 8 <y>0</y> 9 <width>576</width> 10 <height>400</height> 11 </rect> 12 </property> 13 <property name="windowTitle"> 14 <string>Beat Detection Preferences</string> 15 </property> 16 <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout"> 17 <item row="0" column="0"> 18 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxAnalyzerEnabled"> 19 <property name="toolTip"> 20 <string>When beat detection is enabled, Mixxx detects the beats per minute and beats of your tracks, 21automatically shows a beat-grid for them, and allows you to synchronize tracks using their beat information.</string> 22 </property> 23 <property name="text"> 24 <string>Enable BPM and Beat Detection</string> 25 </property> 26 </widget> 27 </item> 28 <item row="5" column="0"> 29 <spacer name="verticalSpacer"> 30 <property name="orientation"> 31 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum> 32 </property> 33 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0"> 34 <size> 35 <width>20</width> 36 <height>40</height> 37 </size> 38 </property> 39 </spacer> 40 </item> 41 <item row="3" column="0"> 42 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2"> 43 <property name="title"> 44 <string>Analyzer Settings</string> 45 </property> 46 <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout"> 47 <item> 48 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxFixedTempo"> 49 <property name="toolTip"> 50 <string>Converts beats detected by the analyzer into a fixed-tempo beatgrid. 51Use this setting if your tracks have a constant tempo (e.g. most electronic music). 52Often results in higher quality beatgrids, but will not do well on tracks that have tempo shifts.</string> 53 </property> 54 <property name="text"> 55 <string>Assume constant tempo (Recommended)</string> 56 </property> 57 </widget> 58 </item> 59 <item> 60 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxFastAnalysis"> 61 <property name="toolTip"> 62 <string>Enable fast beat detection. 63If activated Mixxx only analyzes the first minute of a track for beat information. 64This can speed up beat detection on slower computers but may result in lower quality beatgrids.</string> 65 </property> 66 <property name="text"> 67 <string>Enable Fast Analysis (For slow computers, may be less accurate)</string> 68 </property> 69 </widget> 70 </item> 71 <item> 72 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxReanalyze"> 73 <property name="toolTip"> 74 <string>e.g. from 3rd-party programs or Mixxx versions before 1.11. 75(Not checked: Analyze only, if no beats exist.)</string> 76 </property> 77 <property name="text"> 78 <string>Re-analyze beats when settings change or beat detection data is outdated</string> 79 </property> 80 </widget> 81 </item> 82 <item> 83 <widget class="QCheckBox" name="checkBoxReanalyzeImported"> 84 <property name="text"> 85 <string>Re-analyze beatgrids imported from other DJ software</string> 86 </property> 87 </widget> 88 </item> 89 </layout> 90 </widget> 91 </item> 92 <item row="2" column="0"> 93 <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox"> 94 <property name="title"> 95 <string>Choose Analyzer</string> 96 </property> 97 <property name="alignment"> 98 <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop</set> 99 </property> 100 <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout"> 101 <item> 102 <widget class="QComboBox" name="comboBoxBeatPlugin"> 103 <property name="minimumSize"> 104 <size> 105 <width>200</width> 106 <height>0</height> 107 </size> 108 </property> 109 <property name="maximumSize"> 110 <size> 111 <width>2600</width> 112 <height>26</height> 113 </size> 114 </property> 115 <property name="toolTip"> 116 <string>Choose between different algorithms to detect beats.</string> 117 </property> 118 <property name="layoutDirection"> 119 <enum>Qt::LeftToRight</enum> 120 </property> 121 </widget> 122 </item> 123 </layout> 124 </widget> 125 </item> 126 </layout> 127 </widget> 128 <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/> 129 <tabstops> 130 <tabstop>checkBoxAnalyzerEnabled</tabstop> 131 <tabstop>comboBoxBeatPlugin</tabstop> 132 <tabstop>checkBoxFixedTempo</tabstop> 133 <tabstop>checkBoxReanalyze</tabstop> 134 <tabstop>checkBoxReanalyzeImported</tabstop> 135 </tabstops> 136 <resources/> 137 <connections/> 138</ui> 139