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README.debianH A D01-Oct-2001271 54

changelogH A D24-Mar-200213.9 KiB328255

controlH A D23-Mar-20021.1 KiB2725

copyrightH A D01-Oct-2001288 85

dirsH A D01-Oct-200169 76

docsH A D13-Oct-200146 76

postinstH A D18-Oct-20011.7 KiB5619

prermH A D01-Oct-2001972 3914

rulesH A D01-Oct-20011.6 KiB7949


1The mpg321 package installs an alternative to mpg123 when it's installing.
2This means that mpg321 will actually be called if you run mpg123,
3even if you have mpg123 installed. If you want to override this default,
4see update-alternatives(8) ('man update-alternatives').