1 //=============================================================================
2 //  MuseScore
3 //  Music Composition & Notation
4 //
5 //  Copyright (C) 2020 MuseScore BVBA
6 //
7 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
9 //  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
10 //  the file LICENCE.GPL
11 //=============================================================================
13 #ifndef __EASEINOUT_H__
14 #define __EASEINOUT_H__
16 namespace Ms {
18 //---------------------------------------------------------
19 //   @@ EaseInOut
20 ///   \brief Specialized transfer curve using an underlying Bezier curve.
21 ///
22 ///   The second and third control points of the Bezier curve are moveable
23 ///   along the x axis according to two parameters 'EaseIn' and 'EaseOut',
24 ///   which results in a transfer curve that goes from a straight line to an S
25 ///   shaped curve.
26 //---------------------------------------------------------
28 class EaseInOut final {
29       qreal       _easeIn;
30       qreal       _easeOut;
32 public:
EaseInOut()33       EaseInOut() : _easeIn(0.0), _easeOut(1.0) {}
EaseInOut(qreal easeIn,qreal easeOut)34       EaseInOut(qreal easeIn, qreal easeOut) : _easeIn(easeIn), _easeOut(easeOut) {}
SetEases(qreal easeIn,qreal easeOut)36       void SetEases(qreal easeIn, qreal easeOut) { _easeIn = easeIn; _easeOut = easeOut; }
EvalX(const qreal t)37       qreal EvalX(const qreal t) const          { qreal tCompl = 1.0 - t;  return (3.0 * _easeIn * tCompl * tCompl + (3.0 - 3.0 * _easeOut * tCompl - 2.0 * t) * t) * t; }
EvalY(const qreal t)38       qreal EvalY(const qreal t) const          { return -(t * t) * (2.0 * t - 3.0); }
Eval(const qreal t)39       QPointF Eval(const qreal t) const         { return {EvalX(t), EvalY(t)}; }
40       qreal tFromX(const qreal x) const;
41       qreal tFromY(const qreal y) const;
YfromX(const qreal x)42       qreal YfromX(const qreal x) const         { return EvalY(tFromX(x)); }
XfromY(const qreal y)43       qreal XfromY(const qreal y) const         { return EvalX(tFromY(y)); }
44       void timeList(const int nbNotes, const int duration, QList<int>* times) const;
45 };
47 }     // namespace Ms
48 #endif