1 #![warn(missing_docs)]
2 #![warn(unused_results)]
3 #![doc(html_root_url="https://docs.rs/maplit/1/")]
5 //! Macros for container literals with specific type.
6 //!
7 //! ```
8 //! #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
9 //!
10 //! # fn main() {
11 //! let map = hashmap!{
12 //!     "a" => 1,
13 //!     "b" => 2,
14 //! };
15 //! # }
16 //! ```
17 //!
18 //! The **maplit** crate uses `=>` syntax to separate the key and value for the
19 //! mapping macros. (It was not possible to use `:` as separator due to syntactic
20 //! restrictions in regular `macro_rules!` macros.)
21 //!
22 //! Note that rust macros are flexible in which brackets you use for the invocation.
23 //! You can use them as `hashmap!{}` or `hashmap![]` or `hashmap!()`.
24 //!
25 //! Generic container macros already exist elsewhere, so those are not provided
26 //! here at the moment.
28 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
29 /// Create a **HashMap** from a list of key-value pairs
30 ///
31 /// ## Example
32 ///
33 /// ```
34 /// #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
35 /// # fn main() {
36 ///
37 /// let map = hashmap!{
38 ///     "a" => 1,
39 ///     "b" => 2,
40 /// };
41 /// assert_eq!(map["a"], 1);
42 /// assert_eq!(map["b"], 2);
43 /// assert_eq!(map.get("c"), None);
44 /// # }
45 /// ```
46 macro_rules! hashmap {
47     (@single $($x:tt)*) => (());
48     (@count $($rest:expr),*) => (<[()]>::len(&[$(hashmap!(@single $rest)),*]));
50     ($($key:expr => $value:expr,)+) => { hashmap!($($key => $value),+) };
51     ($($key:expr => $value:expr),*) => {
52         {
53             let _cap = hashmap!(@count $($key),*);
54             let mut _map = ::std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity(_cap);
55             $(
56                 let _ = _map.insert($key, $value);
57             )*
58             _map
59         }
60     };
61 }
63 /// Create a **HashSet** from a list of elements.
64 ///
65 /// ## Example
66 ///
67 /// ```
68 /// #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
69 /// # fn main() {
70 ///
71 /// let set = hashset!{"a", "b"};
72 /// assert!(set.contains("a"));
73 /// assert!(set.contains("b"));
74 /// assert!(!set.contains("c"));
75 /// # }
76 /// ```
77 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
78 macro_rules! hashset {
79     (@single $($x:tt)*) => (());
80     (@count $($rest:expr),*) => (<[()]>::len(&[$(hashset!(@single $rest)),*]));
82     ($($key:expr,)+) => { hashset!($($key),+) };
83     ($($key:expr),*) => {
84         {
85             let _cap = hashset!(@count $($key),*);
86             let mut _set = ::std::collections::HashSet::with_capacity(_cap);
87             $(
88                 let _ = _set.insert($key);
89             )*
90             _set
91         }
92     };
93 }
95 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
96 /// Create a **BTreeMap** from a list of key-value pairs
97 ///
98 /// ## Example
99 ///
100 /// ```
101 /// #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
102 /// # fn main() {
103 ///
104 /// let map = btreemap!{
105 ///     "a" => 1,
106 ///     "b" => 2,
107 /// };
108 /// assert_eq!(map["a"], 1);
109 /// assert_eq!(map["b"], 2);
110 /// assert_eq!(map.get("c"), None);
111 /// # }
112 /// ```
113 macro_rules! btreemap {
114     // trailing comma case
115     ($($key:expr => $value:expr,)+) => (btreemap!($($key => $value),+));
117     ( $($key:expr => $value:expr),* ) => {
118         {
119             let mut _map = ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
120             $(
121                 let _ = _map.insert($key, $value);
122             )*
123             _map
124         }
125     };
126 }
128 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
129 /// Create a **BTreeSet** from a list of elements.
130 ///
131 /// ## Example
132 ///
133 /// ```
134 /// #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
135 /// # fn main() {
136 ///
137 /// let set = btreeset!{"a", "b"};
138 /// assert!(set.contains("a"));
139 /// assert!(set.contains("b"));
140 /// assert!(!set.contains("c"));
141 /// # }
142 /// ```
143 macro_rules! btreeset {
144     ($($key:expr,)+) => (btreeset!($($key),+));
146     ( $($key:expr),* ) => {
147         {
148             let mut _set = ::std::collections::BTreeSet::new();
149             $(
150                 _set.insert($key);
151             )*
152             _set
153         }
154     };
155 }
157 /// Identity function. Used as the fallback for conversion.
158 #[doc(hidden)]
__id<T>(t: T) -> T159 pub fn __id<T>(t: T) -> T { t }
161 /// Macro that converts the keys or key-value pairs passed to another maplit
162 /// macro. The default conversion is to use the [`Into`] trait, if no
163 /// custom conversion is passed.
164 ///
165 /// The syntax is:
166 ///
167 /// `convert_args!(` `keys=` *function* `,` `values=` *function* `,`
168 ///     *macro_name* `!(` [ *key* => *value* [, *key* => *value* ... ] ] `))`
169 ///
170 /// Here *macro_name* is any other maplit macro and either or both of the
171 /// explicit `keys=` and `values=` parameters can be omitted.
172 ///
173 /// [`Into`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/convert/trait.Into.html
174 ///
175 /// **Note** To use `convert_args`, the macro that is being wrapped
176 /// must itself be brought into the current scope with `#[macro_use]` or `use`.
177 ///
178 /// # Examples
179 ///
180 /// ```
181 /// #[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
182 /// # fn main() {
183 ///
184 /// use std::collections::HashMap;
185 /// use std::collections::BTreeSet;
186 ///
187 /// // a. Use the default conversion with the Into trait.
188 /// // Here this converts both the key and value string literals to `String`,
189 /// // but we need to specify the map type exactly!
190 ///
191 /// let map1: HashMap<String, String> = convert_args!(hashmap!(
192 ///     "a" => "b",
193 ///     "c" => "d",
194 /// ));
195 ///
196 /// // b. Specify an explicit custom conversion for the keys. If we don't specify
197 /// // a conversion for the values, they are not converted at all.
198 ///
199 /// let map2 = convert_args!(keys=String::from, hashmap!(
200 ///     "a" => 1,
201 ///     "c" => 2,
202 /// ));
203 ///
204 /// // Note: map2 is a HashMap<String, i32>, but we didn't need to specify the type
205 /// let _: HashMap<String, i32> = map2;
206 ///
207 /// // c. convert_args! works with all the maplit macros -- and macros from other
208 /// // crates that have the same "signature".
209 /// // For example, btreeset and conversion from &str to Vec<u8>.
210 ///
211 /// let set: BTreeSet<Vec<u8>> = convert_args!(btreeset!(
212 ///     "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "e", "f",
213 /// ));
214 /// assert_eq!(set.len(), 6);
215 ///
216 ///
217 /// # }
218 /// ```
219 #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]
220 macro_rules! convert_args {
221     (keys=$kf:expr, $macro_name:ident !($($k:expr),* $(,)*)) => {
222         $macro_name! { $(($kf)($k)),* }
223     };
224     (keys=$kf:expr, values=$vf:expr, $macro_name:ident !($($k:expr),* $(,)*)) => {
225         $macro_name! { $(($kf)($k)),* }
226     };
227     (keys=$kf:expr, values=$vf:expr, $macro_name:ident !( $($k:expr => $v:expr),* $(,)*)) => {
228         $macro_name! { $(($kf)($k) => ($vf)($v)),* }
229     };
230     (keys=$kf:expr, $macro_name:ident !($($rest:tt)*)) => {
231         convert_args! {
232             keys=$kf, values=$crate::__id,
233             $macro_name !(
234                 $($rest)*
235             )
236         }
237     };
238     (values=$vf:expr, $macro_name:ident !($($rest:tt)*)) => {
239         convert_args! {
240             keys=$crate::__id, values=$vf,
241             $macro_name !(
242                 $($rest)*
243             )
244         }
245     };
246     ($macro_name:ident ! $($rest:tt)*) => {
247         convert_args! {
248             keys=::std::convert::Into::into, values=::std::convert::Into::into,
249             $macro_name !
250             $($rest)*
251         }
252     };
253 }
255 #[test]
test_hashmap()256 fn test_hashmap() {
257     use std::collections::HashMap;
258     use std::collections::HashSet;
259     let names = hashmap!{
260         1 => "one",
261         2 => "two",
262     };
263     assert_eq!(names.len(), 2);
264     assert_eq!(names[&1], "one");
265     assert_eq!(names[&2], "two");
266     assert_eq!(names.get(&3), None);
268     let empty: HashMap<i32, i32> = hashmap!{};
269     assert_eq!(empty.len(), 0);
271     let _nested_compiles = hashmap!{
272         1 => hashmap!{0 => 1 + 2,},
273         2 => hashmap!{1 => 1,},
274     };
276     let _: HashMap<String, i32> = convert_args!(keys=String::from, hashmap!(
277         "one" => 1,
278         "two" => 2,
279     ));
281     let _: HashMap<String, i32> = convert_args!(keys=String::from, values=__id, hashmap!(
282         "one" => 1,
283         "two" => 2,
284     ));
286     let names: HashSet<String> = convert_args!(hashset!(
287         "one",
288         "two",
289     ));
290     assert!(names.contains("one"));
291     assert!(names.contains("two"));
293     let lengths: HashSet<usize> = convert_args!(keys=str::len, hashset!(
294         "one",
295         "two",
296     ));
297     assert_eq!(lengths.len(), 1);
299     let _no_trailing: HashSet<usize> = convert_args!(keys=str::len, hashset!(
300         "one",
301         "two"
302     ));
303 }
305 #[test]
test_btreemap()306 fn test_btreemap() {
307     use std::collections::BTreeMap;
308     let names = btreemap!{
309         1 => "one",
310         2 => "two",
311     };
312     assert_eq!(names.len(), 2);
313     assert_eq!(names[&1], "one");
314     assert_eq!(names[&2], "two");
315     assert_eq!(names.get(&3), None);
317     let empty: BTreeMap<i32, i32> = btreemap!{};
318     assert_eq!(empty.len(), 0);
320     let _nested_compiles = btreemap!{
321         1 => btreemap!{0 => 1 + 2,},
322         2 => btreemap!{1 => 1,},
323     };
324 }